Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P08 090D Tafsir Al-Araf 51-53

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of having fun and having a passionate life is discussed in this conversation. The negative impact of missing out on family and receiving the wrong information is also highlighted. The importance of balance and the need for everyone to have fun is emphasized. The negative impact of Facebook's "by the way" message encourages action but reminds people that they will not forget anything. The speaker emphasizes the importance of remembering one's Lord and loving others for one's lives, as well as the fulfillment of Islam's realization and fulfillment. The speaker also mentions a woman who wants to give back to her children and her family but hesitantly gives up until the end of the day.

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			Alladhina Taha, who goes people who took Dena home their religion, law, one, law, one, distraction,
will learn even, and play, meaning their religion was all about play and amusement, having fun,
amusing themselves, this was their religion. If you think about it religion, what role does it play
in a person's life? If a person takes the religion seriously, they have adopted a particular
religion, they live by it. So what role does the religion plays in their lives? Does it affect their
lives at all? Or no, it does, to an extent, to every extent, think about it, you as a Muslim, your
life is dictated by what by the religion of Islam, how much in the way that you dress, in what you
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			eat, in how you eat, right? Everything, you're waking up, you're sleeping, your marriage, you're
having children, everything is dictated by what, by the laws of the religion, you eat only that
which the religion permits you to eat, you work in a way you earn money in a way that the religion
permits you to do so. All right. When you eat food, you say, Bismillah. When you're done with your
food, you say Alhamdulillah. All right, when you begin something important, Bismillah five times a
day, your routine is disturbed. Why? Because of your prayers in the sense that whatever you're doing
has to stop no matter how important it is. You could be really into your assignment, but when it is
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			most of the time, then you have to stop you could be in the middle of an exam even isn't it's all so
your entire life is governed by what your religion over here, what do we see that the people of *
are who those whose lives are governed by what play and amusement, meaning their whole life is about
having fun. Their goal in life, their purpose in life, everything that they're concerned about in
everything that they do is what fun play amusement, they want fun in everything. So those are the
people who are following what their desires are Lavina dako, Dena home, Laurie urban, wala one,
their religion is what play and amusement having fun. And if you think about it, these days, this is
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			something that is encouraged so much you work. If you study anything, it should be something that
you enjoy. If you work somewhere, it should be something that you love you enjoy. Don't just say
Follow your heart. Do everything that you like, do you want to study something study you don't
study, leave it, because you should only do something that you're very passionate about. Okay,
that's good, because it will be easier for you. However, there are many things in life that you may
not be passionate about doesn't mean that you leave them. Just because you don't enjoy them. Just
because you don't find them to be fun doesn't mean that you leave them. No, because they're still
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			important. Right? Yes.
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			My son, he was telling me yesterday in a school, the teacher told him while you're doing the
computer work, I will tell you which music is good listen to this music. And he tell him I have
better idea. And I will listen to Raja ramen. I really feel happy, you know? Because they're the
they feel like, you know, the dunya it's just about music about fun, but it's not. Yes. And it's
amazing. That many times it happens that when children when they're picked up by their parents after
school, what's one of the first questions that parents ask their children? Did you have fun? Did you
have fun? And what happens? From a very little age children think that school should be fun. And if
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			it's not fun, and they have to sit down and write for half an hour, that's no fun. And if they get
homework in which they have to do some readings, that's no fun. If they're made to come something
that's no fun, it's boring. So then what happens naturally, they get averse to anything that is
serious, and they are inclined to everything that is fun. So they want to watch television. They
want to spend time with the computer. They want to watch movies, they want to play games, they want
to go out to the park, whatever age doesn't matter, from very little children to big adults even
what are they concerned about? Fun, fun, fun. It doesn't mean that having fun is wrong? No. We see
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			that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also had fun with his family. He raised once with his young wife,
right? And he let his wife watch a show. All right, this was something that the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam also did, because it's a natural need of human beings. They need time to just relax and take
it easy and just you know enjoy themselves. However,
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			For, it doesn't mean that this is something that a person does all the time or every day for
multiple hours. Like, for instance, some people, they think it's almost an obligation that they have
to watch television. And if they don't get to watch television, it says other days in complete.
Every weekend, they have to watch a movie every day, they have to go out somewhere at least once a
week, they have to go out somewhere with their friends, or they have to go to the mall. It's like,
fob on them. They've made it wardrobe on themselves. And if one day, they're not able to do
something that they like, that whole day is what a write off that whole day is what no fun that
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			whole day is boring. The people of hellfire are those who spend their lives, fulfilling their
desires. The people of Jannah are those who hold off on fulfilling their desires. Why? Because time
is short. Life is very short. And every moment is important. So they differ, enjoyment and
fulfillment of desires. Until when the hereafter there is a balance. They do what is necessary at
the same time they also have fun, but in moderation. The people have held their characteristic is
what Alladhina de Hado Dina home law one will or even they took their religion as low and let Him
will hurt him and it deceived them I'll hire to the life a duniya of this world, the life of this
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			world, deceive them, because they thought this is everything I have to fulfill this desire of mine,
I have to have fun. I cannot miss this. I cannot miss that. The life of this world deceived them
because they thought this life was very important. And as a result, they forgot the acapella and
when they forgot the acapella what will happen in the hellfire, when they will ask Can we please
have some water? Can we please have some food? They will be forgotten, they will not be responded.
Allah says polyoma So today meaning in the hereafter on the Day of Judgment none sir home we shall
forget them noon seen yet Miss Yan to forget. We shall forget them today. Comma just as Nestle they
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			forgot liquor meeting yo me him their day had that this just as they forgot this meeting, meeting
with Allah meeting with their final result. They forgot about it in the life of the world. Today, we
will forget them. This doesn't mean that Allah will literally forget them because Allah doesn't
forget anything. liability. Robbie? Well, I answer my Lord does not make an error. Nor does he
forget. What it means is that he will abandon them. Because once you've abandoned something, it's as
though you have forgotten it. Once you've left something, you don't attend to it, you don't respond
to it. You don't take care of it, then what does it mean that you forgotten it? So just like that,
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			they will cry, they will scream they will beg for help, they will beg to be taken out. But not even
one plea. Not even one request will be answered in this dunya what happens when a person calls upon
Allah, even if he's very sinful, even if he's consumed haram what happens? Allah does respond to the
call in some way or the other. You know the Hadith in which we learned about the man whose clothing
is haram whose food is haram body is haram. And he calls upon Allah the Prophet sallallahu sallam
said, Then How can his prayer be answered? He didn't say that his prayer shall not be answered.
Because there is a possibility that Allah will show mercy to him. There is a possibility it's up to
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			Allah, but Allah can show mercy to him if he wants. But we see that in the hereafter. No matter how
much people beg Allah, they will not be responded fully yo man and Sir home camera nasally call a yo
me him whether you shall be dealt with in the way that you responded to Allah. These people they
didn't respond to Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala will deal with them in the same way. Allah will not
respond to them either. You know in this world in this life, five times a day we are called call to
speak to Allah subhana wa Tada. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said that one one of you is praying
slower than he is unary G or a boy who he is talking privately with his Lord you nadji Munna Jett is
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			a secret private conversation that no third person hears salah is a meeting with Allah, a
conversation with Allah because when you ask for something Allah answers when you say something.
Allah responds when you recite Surah Fatiha and you say Alhamdulillah blasphemy. Allah responds to
that by saying Hamidah
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			ne RBD My servant praised me.
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			Hola response to you. It's a private conversation. And mumble hottie. He mentioned this in the
chapter off Manuel Kaito Salah in his collection, he mentioned this hadith in the timings of
prayers, because when the time of prayer has come in, then what it means is that you are being
called to talk to Allah. Allah is calling you to talk to him. And if a person does not respond to
that invitation, he doesn't go for his appointment with his Lord, then he is like a person who has
forgotten his Lord. He doesn't care about the fact that Allah is calling him. So on the Day of
Judgment, what will happen when this person will call Allah 100,000 times a day? More than that, a
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			million times a day he will call upon Allah, Allah one respond to him, because Allah will abandon
them, just as they abandoned remembering Allah, just as they forgot Allah, Allah will forget them
that day. So think about it. How much is it that we remember Allah today?
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			Allah says women, and that which Ken who they used to be at now with our verses, he had your how
don't they reject your tribunals from Jehovah Jim had done and Jehovah's to reject something. After
recognizing it. They recognize the truth, they knew it, they understood it, yet they didn't accept
it. So what will happen on the Day of Judgment, Allah will ignore them. In a hadith which is in
Makati. We learn that on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will say to a servant, olam Oza
witchcraft. Did I not get you married? Did I not give you a spouse? And I'm okra Inca, did I not
grant you honor in your life? Did I not make horses and camels subservient for you? Meaning so many
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			things of this world working for you, they listen to you. You get into the car, you put the key and
you start and it starts, you drive it and it drives? Did I not allow you to become a leader and a
master did not give you so many things as your own your possessions your things? Did I not do all
this for you? He will say yes. Allah will say, Did you think that you will meet me? Did you ever
think that you will meet me one day? And that person will say No, I never thought about my meeting
with you. I never paid attention to that. I never worked for that I never prepared for that. Allah
will say, then this day, I will forget you just as you had forgotten me. You forgot me. Despite the
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			fact that I gave you so much everything you have. I gave it to you, but you forgotten me. So today,
no matter how much you call upon me, I will forget you. Your prayers, your requests will not be
responded to at all.
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			How sad.
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			How sad that a person brings us upon himself. Reflect on your own life. When is it that we forget
Allah? If you reflect on this Hadees the first thing that is mentioned is did I not get you married?
Many times it happens with people that when they get married,
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			who do they forget? Allah soprano. How that now the spouse comes first. The spouse comes first for
many couples, what happens we're cuddling, can't be bothered to get up and pray. We're going out to
have dinner. Come on, we can go and disturb our dinner and pray our salah. We're relaxing. We cannot
recite the Quran right now. I have to speak to my husband, I have to speak to my wife. We're having
a good time. I don't have time to recite my morning with God my evening of God. Right after the
salon. I have to sit with my husband. I have to prepare this for him. I have to prepare that for
him. I cannot even say Subhan Allah Alhamdulillah Allah Allahu Akbar 10 times each. I can't even do
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			that. I cannot even recite it to Kirsty because I have to speak to my husband. My husband needs me I
need my husband.
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			Many times it happens that when people get married, they forget Allah subhanaw taala their prayers
are affected. Their commitment with the religion of Allah is affected. They cannot continue to study
the Quran because now I'm married. I cannot continue to wear the hijab because now I am married. I
have to dress up the best that I can with the most Xena with the most amount of makeup and I'm going
outside even though I know that I should cover my beauty. Why? Because I'm married. My husband likes
me to do that. I will pluck my eyebrows I will shave them even though the prophets of Allah Islam
curse such women who do that? Because my husband likes that. I want for my son now because my
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			husband is calling me.
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			Many times people forget Allah
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			Because of their spouses, and what happens after the spouses, children, as the children come, the
women, the little bit of religion that was left in their lives, even that is gone.
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			For weeks, Quran is not recited, for weeks, drawers are not made, Salah is rushed, because my child
is everything to me, my child is very, very important to me, it's very good. You should be concerned
about the well being of your child. However, what's going to happen when you are so attached to your
child, you give them everything that you want, you become so possessive about him. And when he grows
up, and he moves away from you, then what are you left with? Remember that everything of this world,
including the people of this world, they are selfish. They're selfish. Today, they're with you.
Tomorrow, they will leave you
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			today, you think that they're everything to you. And tomorrow, they'll show you that they don't care
for you. Many mothers, they cry, they weep, because their own children, they get married and they
move away. Now their children are busy in their own lives. And they don't have time to even speak to
their moms for five minutes, that same mother who dedicated every second of her life to her child,
now what's happening, her child is busy in his own life.
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			And the mother is left alone. And then she cannot tolerate that it's so difficult for her to accept
it, that somebody else is now important to my son, to my daughter. If she had remained attached to
her Lord, she would not be suffering so much today. I'm not saying that don't care for your children
care for them. But at the same time, realize that you have to remember your Lord. loving other
people doesn't mean that you cut off from Allah subhanaw taala that you don't pray that you lessen
your prayers, you shorten them, you rush through them, you don't have time to remember Allah. No,
we're ladina Armano Ashad do hoobler They're our most intense in their love for Allah through every
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			single stage of life. Whether they have children, or they don't have children, whether they're
single, or married or divorced, no matter what stage of life they're in, no matter what they're
going through their love, the strongest love they have is for who Allah and if a person lives like
this, but in the Hereafter, you will have everything that he wants, then he will be remembered by
Allah, because he remembered Allah today, Allah will never forget him. So even in this world, Allah
subhanaw taala sends us examples of how we will be alone. In the end, you know, when your best
friend moves away, or your you know, your auntie your grandparents, like when you leave people
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			behind, when people leave you, each time you move to a higher level of education, you leave your old
friends behind, because you all move so far away. Even in this world, we're given examples that in
the end, we're only going to have a less time with Yes, because he is there with you always, always,
there will be people in your lives whom you are so close to. But then within a year, you've lost
touch with them completely. You haven't spoken to them for weeks. And while you were friends with
them, you thought that they were everything in your life. So yesterday, I was just talking to
someone and they were saying they need to move out or whatnot. And they have to work really, really
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			more hard like seven days a week to make that kind of money. So I was telling them no you don't need
to you need to consistent on your Salah and ask Allah to give baraka and whatever you're doing. And
then a person was getting really upset that this is the necessities I'm doing this for my children
my wife. So I was telling them that really do you really love your children wife so much that you
are ready to be stuck, or burned and hellfire and be suffered in the grave? You really love those
children and why so much that you're ready for that punishment. So sometimes I think people excused
themselves by saying I'm doing this for my children and this usually, but they're not they're doing
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			for their own desires. And it's possible that a person loves her family so much, but then they
should remember that this family is not going to be there with me forever. My children will never
burn for me. They will never suffer for me. They will never go in the grave for me. I have to go
myself. So I have to remember Allah now. So that Allah will remember me later. So I really go. Um,
there was one self Quran teacher and she implemented a verse from surah Taha, and she always like
she loved the last time more than anybody. So, um, one day was the whole time and her she knew her
husband was coming. So she had regular like, make food for him. But she saw the time was coming and
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			she remembered that I and she said to herself, you know, I should go and pray because I don't know
if I'll be here. So she went, she prayed and her husband came home when he was angry. He kept
calling her name, but when he said that she died in such to what I'll call the Jeep now whom be
keytab and certainly, we brought
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			them a book, we came to them with a book meaning we sent them a book. People weren't left in
ignorance. Allah sent a reminder, a book full of reminders, full of advice and this book for Salah
who we have detailed meaning explained it in detail, or Allah or element or knowledge meaning based
on knowledge, evidence. This Quran is not full of false things or assumptions. No, it's based on
facts. Who then it's a guidance what armor and a mercy Lycoming for a people you may know they
believe. So this means that on the Day of Judgment, a person cannot present any excuses that Oh
Allah, I didn't know. No, because Allah already sent knowledge and it's our duty to find out. One is
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			that a person makes a mistake out of ignorance. And the other is that he makes a mistake, because of
incompetence or ineptitude, that he doesn't put in the required effort where he is able to put the
effort. And because of that, he ends up making a mistake. So when he makes a mistake in this way,
then he is responsible, he is guilty. Allah has sent the Knowledge Center reminders, and if we don't
change our lives, if we don't remember Allah, then it's only our fault. Allah says * are young
balloon are they waiting? Are they waiting in that except Wheeler who it's result? It's
actualization, its fulfillment. That wheel is from the root letters Hamza, while lamb Ol, oldest to
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			return to the origin, a one one first. So the first is the beginning the origin, so onus to return
to the beginning the origin, and that wheel has two meanings, one interpretation meaning the
original intended meaning of something, all right, and secondly, the fulfillment of something, when
something actually comes true, it happens. So it was said that such and such will happen when it
actually happens. That is, it's that will, it's actualization, its fulfillment, because it reminds
you of what was said originally. So what was said originally, it will come to happen. So Allah says,
What are these people waiting for? Are they waiting for its fulfillment? Meaning the fulfillment of
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			what the Quran warns us about? What does the Quran warn us about the Day of Judgment? Hellfire tells
you about Jana. What are we waiting for? Why aren't we changing our actions? Why aren't we
remembering Allah? The way we should remember him? Why are we not giving the heck of Allah? The way
we should give him help? Why not? What are we waiting for? Are we waiting for the day of judgment to
actually happen before our eyes? Holly Aluna Illa taweelah Yoma en de yet D it will come that we
know who it's actualization its interpretation, meaning its fulfillment, in other words will come
true. Your Gulu he will say who a Levine and assume and Pablo, those people who had forgotten it
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			from before nesu they forgot it from this young man other before meeting before in the life of this
world. They had forgotten the Day of Judgment. So when the day of judgment will come, they will say
but the judge, certainly they came loose Sulu, messengers, Rob Bina of Our Lord will help with the
truth. Then they will admit that yes, the messengers of Our Lord certainly brought the truth. The
Quran was true. What the Prophet said a lot of Saddam warned us about was true. But this confession
now, admitting that now isn't going to help them know. So they will say for her, so is Lana for us
Minshew. Farah from intercessors, any intercessors shofar up Laurel of Shaffir, who is Shaffir, one
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			who intercedes on behalf of the other requests on their behalf, that please forgive them, please let
them go. Or please excuse them, please accept, you know what they're offering. So they will say is
there anyone who can request on our behalf, any prophet, any righteous person, any angel who can ask
Allah to please forgive us? Because our requests now they're not being heard? So is there anyone who
will speak for us today? Like in this world, if a person is suffering in silence, and the majority
of the people have forgotten them? Still there is that one person, that one organization, that one
human rights activist, that will continue to advocate for that person for justice to be done to
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			them? Right, there's someone or the other who remembers them. So one or the other? Who will keep
reminding people about them, but the people in Hellfire is there anyone? Anyone at all? Who will
request for them? No one
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			FlashFire Olona so they intercede for us, none at all. In total Madatha we learn from it and for
whom Shiva or the chef or even the intercession of the intercessors, it will not benefit them at
all. They will say, Oh, or if that's not going to happen, then at least not do, we shall be returned
meaning to the life of this world for narmala. So we will do Ira other than ality which can now we
use to normal we do. Meaning if we could be given just one more chance sent back to the world, then
we will do very different actions, we will live very differently. We will leave all our bad habits,
we will leave our children our money, our friends who distracted us, no, we will only be concerned
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			about Allah. They will say one chance, but would it be granted? No. Allah says Allah zero and for sa
home. In fact, they will have lost themselves, they will lose themselves on that day, meaning they
will have no authority to do anything for themselves. If you lose someone, then what does it mean?
You can't do anything to help it. You can't do anything to help them you can't do anything with
them. So just like that, their bodies their lives will no longer remain theirs, meaning they won't
be able to come out of hellfire they won't be able to change their situation will learn home and it
will be lost from them. Matt can we have the rune that which they used to invent all the false
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			things that they invented about the AFA those false gods that they believed in last nothing is going
to help them at all? recitation.
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			me You mean
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			Yo, man, we'll
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			been been helped to
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			do fun.
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			men are there for SEO
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			many times it happens that we forget to remember ALLAH, why because we defer we delayed. Like for
example, in the morning we say, I will do my car, maybe in half an hour. Right before breakfast,
I'll do my car. Right after breakfast. I'll do my car on the way to class. But what happens we keep
deferring and deferring. Because of who sometimes our children sometimes our spouses, sometimes
ourselves, sometimes our food. And at the end of the day, we realize we did not remember Allah at
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			So what is it that we need to remember that time when we're deferring that? No, I have to do it now.
I have to make time for it now. Because if I'm not doing it right now, how do I think that later, I
will have more time, because with every passing hour, life only gets busier. You only have more to
do with every passing day your responsibilities increase. If a woman thinks right now, you know I'm
going to have my children and then inshallah afterwards, I'll do something. When you have your
children what's going to happen, you're only going to get busier, you have one child, and then that
will be followed by another another How much ever Allah plans to give you but with each child, your
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			responsibilities are increasing. Many women think I have a baby right now, every two hours I have to
nurse the baby. You know what, right now they're only nursing within six months, they will eat solid
foods as well. And then after that, they will have you know their own taste. So they'll be very
picky about food. And then you won't have one you'll have more to deal with. So life will only get
busier. Remember
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			Allah now in what you're doing,
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			you're just
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			having a great value in the eyes of Allah. Then Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he answered, He said,
praying Salah in the proper time, first of all, then he again he asked then the another deed after
that, and then he said, obeying your parents, and after that he asked again and the third one and he
then Urszula Salah salaam, he replied, He said, struggling hard in the way of Allah. So really, when
we were listening, even my sons were also listening that when I they gave reflection after the
Hadith last, then they said, it means more, we have to go for Salah first, then we're going to obey
you, then you know, that the best deed, how buoyed Allah most beloved to Allah is a Salah to Allah
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			walk the performing the prayer, at its proper time, what is the proper time of prayer, as soon as
the time for a certain prayer comes in, except for to praise Russia, the prophets of Allah doesn't
prefer to pray later. And so that was the whole point it was extremely hard, then you would defer it
a little bit. But other prayers, as soon as the time enters praise for that immediately. When a
person does that, then that is the most beloved de to Allah. Because it's like, think about it. If
you if somebody gives you two hours, between three and five, come and see me for 10 minutes. And if
you come exactly at three o'clock 305 315 330 Is that good? Very good. Why? Because you came
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			quickly. And if you show up at five minutes to 510 minutes to five, they've been waiting for you an
hour, 15 minutes, an hour, 55 minutes. You think it's good to show up like that? No. When you come
early, as soon as the appointment begins, when you show up on time, that's the best thing that you
can do. So the most beloved D to Allah is that a person remembers Allah leaves what he's doing and
responds to the call of Allah to speak to Allah United Europa, who, so that he can have a private
conversation with Allah and appointment with Allah, a meeting with Allah, that's the most beloved to
Allah. And if a person differs, differs differs than what happens he ends up praying in the last
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			five minutes, the last three minutes and then a time comes when he when he misses the prayer
completely. And what is that forgetting Allah preferring other things other people are ourselves
over Allah, again and again and again until a person completely forgets Allah
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			Subhana Allah will be him they can assure to Allah Illa illa Anta Mr. Furukawa to really Assalamu
aleikum wa rahmatullah.