Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 071A Translation Al-Maidah 27-40

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The men discuss a reward they were supposed to receive for their actions, but they did not. They find their way out of a war and find their way. They express frustration and fear of failure, but find their way. They discuss potential punishment, including a promise of satisfaction, and a return to war. The group is struggling to find their way and is struggling to summarize their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah here. We'll look at rule

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number one a Sunday a lot of Sunni will Karim Allah Barak for a little bit let him in a shape on over Jeem Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Furbish rashly Saudi were Siddeley Emery Washington looked at me listening Coco Lee probenecid in our in

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lesson number 71 Surah Tula either I am number 27 to 14

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what Lu and you recite

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are lay him upon them never news even a of two sons.

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Adam of Adam Bill happy with the truth is when a rubber day to sacrificed for burnin is sacrifice for to cook Billa so it was accepted men from a heavy humor one of them to one and not Utah Corbin it is accepted men from an herb the other

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honor, he said let us go to Lana. Surely I will definitely kill you. Carla, he said in nama indeed not but yet ACOG Balu he accepts Allah who are Allah men from a moutain those who adopted for those who fear Allah

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let in surely if by supper you extended in a year towards me yet occur your hand lithoco toolani so that you kill me ma not an I be bass you clean at all one who stretches at all one who extends year the year my hand inator towards you, the UK to luck so that I kill you.

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In Me indeed a behalf who I fear Allah, Allah, Rob Rob, allow the mean of the world

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in me indeed I really do I want and that there will you return be is me with my sin work. And it's mica your sin. But Hakuna consequently you be men from us hobby companions, a nerdy of the fire,

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weather Lika and that desert Oh is recompense a volley mean of those who do wrong

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for poor work, so it made easy law who for him nappsa Who himself but less killing a fee of his brother supported who so he killed him for us behalf then he became men from Aloha serene those who are losers

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for that, so he sent Allahu Allah Who Robin across Yep, hustle, it scratches it searches fee in an elite the earth Leonia who so that it shows him or so that he shows him

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gave her *? You worry he hides. So other courts

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led of his brother, father, he said here all the way that war to me was, I just do I was incapable. And that Hakuna IV Missler like Heather, this

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rug, the crow

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for worry so that I hide. So the corpse

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of my brother for us behalf so he became men from a nerdy mean, those who are regretful

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men from a jelly because they're Lika that caterpillar we wrote Allah upon Benny children, Israel Isla of Israel, and the WHO that indeed he man who Katella he killed Knutsen a soul. Delaney without lapsing a soul. Oh or for certain to spread mischief fee in LLB the earth sucker Anoma so as if Katella he killed a nurser the people Jamia altogether together.

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Woman and whoever I hear her, he gave life to it. Soccer and Noma. So as if last year he gave like

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and nursery to the people, Jim era all together

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what occurred and certainly Jeff at home it came to them through Soluna Our Messengers bill by unity with the clear proofs. So much then in indeed Cathy won many men home from them bother after their liquor that fill of the in the earth Lusophone surely ones who are extravagant

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in the summer indeed not but just recompense and Medina of those who you hurry buena de wage war Allah her against Allah. What are Sula who and His Messenger

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work and yes our owner they strive fee in a lovely the earth facade and to spread mischief and that you got the do they are killed I will or you say level they are crucified

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Oh or Takata it is cut off at him their hands were Abdullah whom and their feet men from Philippine opposite

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Oh or unifo they are exiled men from an earthly the earth

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vaniqa that the home for them is Yun humiliation disgrace fee in a dunya the world when a home and for them fee in an era the hereafter or they're going a punishment or we would great

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INLA except and Lavina dos Boo. Boo they repented men from probably before that telco do you all overpower or lay him upon them

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furthermore so you all know and know that indeed Allah Allah Allah foreign or forgiving or a haven of his own merciful

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Yeah Are you hurt or you and Edina those who were no they believed it the oh you are fear Allahu Allah. Or and EBITA who you all seek in a towards him and we'll see later the leaves

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were Jae Hee do and you all do utmost struggle fi in Serbia he his way learn the comb so that you do the shown you all are successful

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in the indeed Alladhina DOSEMU Cafaro they disbelieved low if an indeed the home for them ma whatever fee is in an ugly the earth Jamia all together we're Miss La who and like have it ma who with it

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yesterday so that the ransom be with it. Men from our Derby punishment yo de la Gama de the standing

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mad not to be let it was accepted main home from them. When a home and for them or there will be a punishment and Iman one painful.

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You redo Dona they will want they will wish

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that Yahoo do they come out men from a natty the fire warmer and not home they Bihari Gina at all wants to come out minha from it

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with a home and for them either a punishment will be one one lasting remaining

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one and a circle the male t

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was equal to and the female t

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so you all cut idea Houma hand of them to

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Jezza and recompense Bhima because of what Kesava they do earned Mechelen an exemplary punishment. Men from Allah He Allah will Allah Who and Allah are these on always Almighty Hakeem on Always, always.

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Come on so whoever dabra he repented men from bar the after? Won't be he his injustice will offer her and he reformed for in than indeed Allahu Allah, YouTube, he turns in mercy or they hit upon him.

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In Indeed, Allah Allah, Allah phoron always all forgiving for human always all merciful.

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olam did not tell them you know, and that indeed, Allah, Allah La who for him, MOLKO Dominion a similarity of the sky

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As of the heavens

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and the earth, you're unable to keep on issues man whoever your shirt will he will weigh a fiddle and he forgives Lehmann for who? Your shirt oh he wills Allah Who and Allah Allah upon Kali every shaitan thing Khedira always all April

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let's listen to the recitation

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what Lu Ali

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order in

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battle long tilting the self

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Reverse up early clearly are going to like in me

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I mean in me God do boo I believe me why if mica goon I mean

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what are the

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body mean up all wired up so whose

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thoughts really

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there had to be really urea okay very wordy. So it all

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just gonna

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be the word he has a word he also has

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the mean mean edgy

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Bernie is all

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us and Jamie woman here

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me go

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sleep Hoan

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to pop by Edie whom in kala

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told me

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that he got a physio duniya Allah who

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will know the

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body top of him

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walking yeah

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he was he was he dou y j he's who he said he

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took me home

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Larry and

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Jamie want me to

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do God me nada me only looking at the top of beat I mean

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Ernie? You read una ray of Frodo Mina

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home Behati Jean I mean what a home murder I will be was was referred to

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ad a woman does

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mean a law a law was even kind of game

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he also now has in a lot higher to where are they in a lot more Haim.

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Hola. Hola. Hola, Santa.

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You are dealing with me

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while we're

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on the

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