Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 071B Tafsir Al-Maidah 27-30
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Hey Michel Jean Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim
lesson number 71 Salah to either I in number 27 to 14.
So what about ADA?
Is it one of the earliest suitors to be revealed or one of the last solos to be revealed, one of the last sutras to be revealed? And why is that a relevance? Why is that necessary to know? What benefit does this give us? What does it teach us
that whatever commandments are found in sort of either they are final,
meaning they're not abrogated. So, they are final they have to be taken as it is. Now, since it is one of the last rules to be revealed, there are many legal matters that are mentioned in this surah
which means that lots of punishments are mentioned for various crimes, they will be found in the Surah because at the beginning, the emphasis was on what Riba and towards the end, punishments were prescribed. Because the purpose of very bad is that a person develops fear of Allah because of which automatically you will stay away from many sins.
But yet there are people there are times when people become weak, they become friends of shaitan, and they commit serious crimes. So if a person commits serious crimes, and there are serious consequences, which we learn off in the Surah,
but remember that our deen is not just a system of Crimes and Punishments, legal rulings, laws and legal penalties. No, there's a lot of emphasis on Islam on reformation, because you cannot just reform a society by penalizing by punishing the criminals, you have to get to the root of the problem as well that why are people committing certain crimes, what is the reason? So solve that eliminate the reason because of which the crimes are not committed in the first place. So over here, we see in this incident that inshallah we will learn today, we learned many lessons about what is it that drives people to committing sin, committing crimes, and how a person needs to stop himself, he
should not allow himself to commit crime. So the problem is eliminated from the root.
And in the story, inshallah which we will learn which is about the two sons of Adam and his sunnah. There is an example, example of what of how the first act of violence took place in human history, the first act of violence in human history.
And we see that despite the passage of time, the human nature is still the same. So what led the first man to commit a serious crime? We see that the same thing leads people today to commit crimes. The root cause is the same.
What do I lay him never been a IrDA mobilehelp What do I lay him and recite upon them? Who is being addressed over here, the prophets all along cinemas being commanded that oh messenger, recite to them, meaning recite to the people, inform them, tell them teach them from where from the book of Allah because tilava is done of what of the Kitab so recite to them.
Never the news of the story of and the word number is from noon via Hamza, which is used for news which is important which is relevant, which brings about a change in a person because it is relevant to him. So, tell them the news of m&a, m&a, dual off even even one m&a two sons. So, the two sons of who Adam, Adam and Eve Sena, tell them the story how Bill helped in truth, meaning accurately exactly as it was.
Now the prophets of Allah Salam was commanded to convey the entire Quran anyway, every single verse that was revealed to him, what was he to do? He was to convey it to the people. So when Allah tells him that recite to the people the story of the two sons of Adam, what does it show the emphasis that has been laid on the story that he's being told, conveyed to them, tell them recite to them? So why is the story so important? Because there are many lessons to be learned from it.
So the two sons of Adam, what is their story? Allah tells us, it's called Robert O'Bannon, when both of them offered a sacrifice called robber Corbyn and from the root letters off that core. What does good mean? Cory? What does it mean?
Close near. So Alaba you can reboot the creep is to do something in order to come close to someone in order to draw near to them from the same route is the word cool ban and what is Kanban?
What is Kanban? Sacrifice an offering? So for example, at reads not either fiddle either up Ha, what do we do we offer a Oban we slaughter an animal why, in order to draw closer to Allah, we are performing a good deed something that Allah wants us to do ye in order to come closer to Allah. And this is the benefit of sacrificing something for the sake of Allah. You know, for example, you may have a favorite TV show. But you feel that every time I watch it once a week for an hour, you know, I just get worried about what's going to happen by in the next episode for the entire week. And it distracts me in my prayers, it distracts me from everything, you know, I'm concerned about it. And
when that TV show has to come, I'm so excited. You know, even if my mockup Salah is getting affected doesn't matter, because I want to watch that TV show. So you say you know what, this is distracting me too much. I'm going to leave it for the sake of Allah, I'm going to sacrifice and I'm going to slaughter it. And let me get rid of it from my life. Why? So that I can come closer to Allah, because it is not letting me pray properly. It is not letting me recite my evening of God. It is not letting me remember Allah through the day and the night. Instead of remembering Allah, I'm remembering what's happening, or what's going to happen or what happened or what might happen in
that TV show. Right? So you say, I'm going to sacrifice it, I'm going to give it up. I'm going to cut it, I'm going to slaughter it. Okay, why so you can come closer to Allah. This is what equal burn is that you give up something, a part of your wealth. Maybe a desire may be something that you are really attracted to? Why in order to come closer to Allah, like we learn that your Cobra listener is ill we learned about him in the Quran, that he loved a certain kind of meat, camel meat, and he left it here how Rama Allah Nuptse he made it haram upon himself. Why? Because he loved it too much, right? So when there's something that you love too much, sometimes you need to give it up
for the sake of Allah. So anyway, these two brothers, they offered a sacrifice for the sake of Allah.
Now, what was that offering? What was it that they had done for the sake of Allah? What is it that they had done in order to come closer to Allah? Was it an object that they gave? Allahu Arlon we do not know the details on it. It's not mentioned in the Quran, it is not mentioned in the Hadith. Now, scholars have said that one of them he offered an animal, the other one he offered some produce of the land. And what's the reason behind that? That reason? Also, we don't know.
Why is it that they offer that sacrifice, there are stories that you will find in various, the fuzzier but remember that they're not mentioned in the Quran, they're not mentioned in the Hadith. And the thing is, that when Allah has remained silent concerning certain details, then we also remain silent concerning them. Because remember, if they were of benefit to us, meaning if it was necessary for us to know those details, then for sure, Allah would have mentioned it.
If it was necessary for us to know those details, to understand the story to learn from the story. Again, Allah would have certainly mentioned those details.
But the thing is, the fact is that we don't need those details to learn a lesson. These verses are sufficient.
So anyway, they both offered some kind of sacrifice, but what happened for to cook Billa. So it was accepted from Qubool of Balamb. It was accepted. I mean, I had the HEMA from one of them. While I'm you Taco Bell, and it was not accepted middle hot from the other. One son, his sacrifice was accepted. The other son his sacrifice was not accepted. And this is something that we need to reflect over.
It's quite possible that two people are performing the same deed. On the apparent they're doing the exact same thing. But they are different as the sky and the earth are different.
When it comes to the reward for that deed when it comes to the acceptance or rejection of
that deed, one person, his deed brings so much reward that it could reach up to the sky and the other person for that same deed he gets nothing, nothing at all. He remains exactly where he is one person by performing that deed come so close to Allah and the other person by performing that deed experience is nothing but toil and fatigue.
So, we should not just be concerned about performing good deeds, we should be concerned about their acceptance as well.
We should not just be concerned about getting over them, marking them on the checklist, you know, done, done, done. And over with it know, like the 30 fast of Ramadan a person should not just be concerned with okay, one down one down to the countdown and then finally, 30 are done. No, we should be worried about their acceptance as well. But Did Allah accept it? Because if he didn't accept it, that what use was all this effort of mine, it was of no benefit at all.
You know, it's like you write the best answer, the most detailed answer to a question in an assignment. And you submit it to your teacher, your professor, and they're like, No, I don't want this I was looking for something else. The question required a different kind of an answer. You prepare some food and bring it to someone and they don't like it. They don't want it to say no thank you.
When you do something, what do you want that it should be accepted for to cook bilum In a hottie Hema wala mu Taco Bell, Mina, aha, this is why some of the some of they would say that if I were to know that Allah has accepted even one deed of mine, even one deed of mine, then I would be so happy. And I would rejoice that Allah has accepted one good deed of mine even. Because in reality, we don't know if our good deeds have been accepted.
But the people in the early times, they found out if their deeds were accepted or not how that we learned that, at that time, what would happen is that if, for example, a person would offer a sacrifice, then a fire from the sky would fall down and consume it, that was an indication that the offering the deed had been accepted by Allah. And if it was left untouched, that meant that that deed was rejected, it was not accepted by Allah. So whether it was through that means or through some other means, but both of them, they found out that one person whose deed was accepted, and the other person has proven was not accepted.
And even today, even though we don't have obvious signs to tell us, that sometimes your heart will tell you,
or the response of the people around you, sometimes that indicates to you, or how things turn out, sometimes they indicate to you whether your deeds are being accepted, or they're rejected. You know, sometimes you do something small. And there's so much Baraka in that you know, the work it grows, or the deed, you do it once and then you develop a habit, you're constantly doing it, or you help someone in need, you give them something and then what happens? You see the fruit you see the word growing, you see them benefiting. So that is an indication in sha Allah, that the deeds have been accepted. And sometimes you do so much hard work and you feel as if it's producing nothing. Perhaps
that is an indication that the deeds are not accepted.
Because it has been said that my canary Lehi, Bucky or whatever is done for Allah than that remains Imam Malik, when he conducted the first collection of Hadith, which was named more more thought of Imam Malik. When he compiled that book. There were so many people who started combining similar books. In a say one person does something and then other people start imitating. So there are so many more thoughts, all of a sudden, so many collections of our Hadees which were named Martha. So, you know, people they asked him on Malick that, don't you worry like your book is going to be lost. But what did he say my candidate Lehi, Berkeley, what is for Allah who will remain and today when we
hear the word moolah? which book do we think of? Are we my Malik? Not some other book? Not any other more.
So anyway, it cornerback O'Bannon, photocopied I'm in a hottie Hema wala muta Kabul minute.
Now the question is, what is it that causes good deeds to be accepted? And what is it that causes good deeds to be rejected?
pure intention is loss. What is done for Allah, Allah accepts it and what is done for other than the Allah that Allah has no need of it. He has no interest in it. He does No need of it. He is not needy for your good deeds. That is
If you do something for the sake of impressing people, just because it is Salah, or just because it is recite ation of the Quran, he will accept it. No, he is by YouTube and he accepts only that which is the YouTube by YouTube, which is pure meaning pure intention as well. So first of all sincerity of intention is a cause of acceptance of good deeds, what else is a reason for acceptance of good deeds or sin? Okay, good that, for example, a person does something in a good way with their son, you know, one is that a person performs Salah just to get it over with.
So he has no idea what he's saying Allah was trying to go on here.
And if you were to interrupt that person, or somebody were to say something, all of a sudden, they would not know what they're saying they would be lost in their salah.
Right, which is why sometimes people get so offended if somebody is having a conversation nearby, even if it's an in a low voice. Why? Because they You distracted me. Why? Because I recite my salah like a train, I have no idea what I'm saying. And if you were to interrupt me, if I were to lose track for even a second, I wouldn't know what I'm reciting or where I am.
And the other is that a person is reciting, with understanding with meaning with his heart involved. Is there a difference? Yes, definitely there is. Tell me if somebody is talking to you.
If somebody gives you a card, they write something to you in the card and one is a very cliche statement. And another is like really well thought out. Which one? Do you like more? The one that is? Well thought out? What else is the reason for acceptance of deeds? Besides if loss your son, what else is?
That the deed has to be in accordance with the Sunnah, according to how Allah wants it, you know, like, it cannot be a very good answer a great answer to the wrong question. It has to be the right answer to the right question.
What else causes good deeds to be accepted? That for example, a person is giving sadaqa
a person is spending for the sake of Allah, he's, let's say slaughtering an animal buys it slaughter as it distributes the meat, for instance, then in that case, the money with which he obtained that animal the money that he's giving in the way of Allah, that has to be halal money as well. You can't take money from your dad's wallet without telling him and go put it in the donation box. No, such a good deed is not accepted.
Likewise, a wife cannot take all of her husband's money because they have a joint account. And then she goes and sponsors a very big Islamic project. No, doesn't work like that. If she does, so she's not getting any reward for it, because she took her husband's money, it doesn't belong to her.
If a person has a lot of money that he has invested in it accumulates interest on it. So what does he do? He takes that interest and he gives it to the poor and needy he sponsors. And if thought at the masjid, or you know, something like that, that's not appropriate, it's not going to be accepted at all.
So this is what causes good deeds to be accepted. And what is it that causes good deeds to be rejected? The opposite of that when it's done with react when it's without if loss when a person is performing good deeds, but at the same time, he's doing such sins that are preventing his good deeds from being accepted. Which sins for example, a person is earning harm. So his body is haram, his clothing is haram. And then he lifts up his hands in order to pray to Allah, His prayer will not be accepted. His good deeds are not going to be accepted because how can it be his body is made of Halal nourished with haram, his clothing is haram.
The question is that we've discussed this earlier, that if you are accumulating interest on something, first of all, you should stop that, go to your bank and tell them I don't want this interest. If you don't, I'm gonna switch and they'll do anything to keep you there. So they will comply. So do that. First of all, if it doesn't work out at all, or it has happened in the past, and now you have that interest money sitting there, then you don't want to keep it you want to get rid of it because young Hakala who Reba? Allah destroys rivers if that river money is sitting with your Halal money, your Halal money is also going to be destroyed. So in that case, what should you do?
Get rid of that? Haram money how that if somebody is in a similar problem where they have to pay interest? It was a previous transaction, they're trying to get out of it. They have to pay interest. So give them that interest money to pay interest hubby's for Covey's so anyway.
One of them his Corbyn was accepted the other person has Corbin was rejected.
Now if you were to find out that you and your friend
applied to a particular program in the university
She got accepted, and you didn't?
How would you feel? Sometimes people say I'm so happy for you.
And they're hurt. They're not happy.
What happens? jealousy, anger, all of a sudden that friendship turns into hate. All of a sudden, that same person who used to love become so annoying.
That same person whom you used to do everything with now, you don't want to talk to them. Now you don't want to see them because you're just plain jealous.
Now, this jealousy, sometimes it grows so much that it turns into violence.
Or at least verbal abuse, if not physical abuse, verbal abuse.
So this brother, whose Corbyn was not accepted, he said, Karnala Aktueller. Nick, I'm gonna kill you.
I'm gonna kill you. He was so upset. He was so furious, that he said, I'm going to kill you. I cannot tolerate your existence. Even that Allah rejected my deed, and he accepted yours. I don't want to see you anymore. I don't want to know you anymore. I don't want you to be happy at all.
I don't want you I don't like you. I want to get rid of you got to learn. Like he said, I'm going to kill you. Connor, the other replied, in Nehemiah, Akbar. Allahu Minang Mater clean. Indeed. Allah only accepts from wool from those people who have Taqwa. Why did he say that? He's in a way mourning him. He's encouraging him. He's telling him the reason why his deed was not accepted, is not showing off over here. What he's doing is he's encouraging him to have fear of Allah concerning what he's saying. That look, Allah accepts for a reason. He rejects for a reason. There was lack of Taqwa because of which Allah rejected the deed. So you should be concerned about that not about me.
Because sometimes what happens is that instead of focusing on our shortcoming on our mistake, we blame other people. Something doesn't work out, right. Why? Because of our own lack of effort. So instead of improving ourselves, learning a lesson from our mistake, what do we do? We channelize all the energy against other individuals, when we are jealous. Often we are upset with that we say it's because of them. I don't like them.
And I'm going to get rid of them. I'm going to say this to them. I'm going to say that to them.
Remember that every problem that happens in your life, every failure that you experience, every suffering that you go through in your life, what do we learn in the Quran? It's because of your own mistake, not somebody else's wrongdoing? Yes, somebody else's wrongdoing can affect you, if you allow them to affect you.
If you allow them to affect you, somebody could hurt you. They could try to do a lot of harm to you, but they cannot do it, unless you let them. And what do I mean by that unless you let them. You see, someone can try to make you unhappy. They can say miserable things do they can say hurtful words to you. But at the end of the day, you decide you choose to be happy or unhappy. You choose to either think, and ponder and reflect over what they said, or ignore it and get over it and move on.
So always whenever you fail in your life, don't think it's because of other people. Don't think about how to deal with them and how to respond to them. Think about yourself, why did this not work out? Or why did this happen in this way? So he said in Nehemiah acabado Allah who began with the clean Allah accepts only from the people who have Taqwa.
And he continued, he said, Let him bussaco Surely if you were to extend by SAPA from basato to extend if you were to extend a layup towards me yet, AKA your hand, Lita kotula Nia so that you can kill me. You extend your hand in order to kill me, you reach out to kill me. How, however, doesn't matter to us. So if you reach out to kill me, ma Anna, I am not going to be bear seedling at all one who extends yet here my hand ileka To you lead up to luck so that I kill you.
Meaning that even if you were to reach out in order to kill me
I am not going to reach out to kill you. You can draw your handout to strike me to kill me. But I am not going to draw out my hand in order to strike you to kill you. I'm not going to do anything to kill you. You said you're going to kill me and you can do whatever you want to kill me. But I have no intention to kill you. I'm not going to do anything to kill you. Why? Because in the a half Allah Allah Allah, Allah me indeed, I fear Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
This is why I don't have the intention to kill you even.
The thing is that killing another person is something that is very serious. Which is why we should be very careful. Oh, even saying statements, I'm going to kill you. Don't even say it in a joke. Don't even say it ever. don't mean it. don't intend it. Don't even have that thought in your heart because it's something very serious.
Because what do we learn in the Hadees? That Alcatel Wallmark tool Killa homophily. Now that the murderer and the one who was murdered, both of them are in the fire. When when two people come against each other with their swords, so the people ask that okay, the one who killed makes sense that he ends up in the fire, but why the one who got killed? Why should he end up in the fire? What was the response? Because he intended to kill his brother, he intended to kill the other.
So the thing is, that if someone is trying to kill you, even then you cannot have the intention to kill someone. Because if you have the intention to kill someone, then it as though you have killed them, It's that serious of a crime the intention is so evil even.
Now, does this mean that a person should not even try to defend himself? No, you try to defend yourself. And there are many other ways of defending yourself, run away, get away, hide, prevent the strikes from reaching you, whatever you can, maybe even you know restrain the other person, but do not have the intention to kill them in order to save your life. Do not have the intention to kill them in order to save your life. Why? Because in the Ahafo, Allah Allah, Allah Allah mean, because I fear Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Now you see over here fear of Allah again as mentioned. Earlier, we learned about taqwa, for the acceptance of good deeds, what is required taqwa and in order to
stay away from sin, again, what is required, fear of Allah, how essential fear is the right kind of fear, the fear of Allah. Now, we see over here, that this brother, the one who was Corbyn was accepted. He tells him that I am not going to reach out to kill you. Why is he saying that? What's the point?
Because where his brother is trying to kill him, and he's not doing anything to hurt him back. It might show that he is weak, or he's too afraid.
So he tells him that no, it's not weakness, or your fear that's preventing me it's the fear of Allah because of which I won't do anything to kill you.
In the odd.
He warns him he says, Indeed I want and taboo or be Esmee what is mica that you obtain my sin and your sin? I want that you should incur you should end up with my sin and your sin taboo from the debtors bow Well, Hamza, to end up with to incur. So I want you to end up with my sin. What does it mean by my sin? Being the sin of my murder, the sin of killing me? What is mica and your sin? What does it mean by that being your sins that you have committed before? So I want that you should end up with the sin of my murder, and the other sins that you've committed for the coulomb and US harbor now. And then you will be of the Companions of the Fire with Erica Jezza. Allah largely mean and
that is the recompense of the wrongdoers.
Why is he saying that to his brother,
because you see there are different levels of there are different ways of advising someone.
And you see how He is advising him one step after the other. First of all, he says Allah except only from the people of Taqwa that he says, if you try to kill me, I'm not going to try to kill you at all.
And then he says, that, if you kill me, then you will end up with the sin of my murder, and all of your previous sins, and then you will end up with the people of the fire. And that is the recompense for who the wrongdoers. So he's directly warning him after indirectly warning him he's directly warning him.
So So
Sometimes you tell people indirectly, and when they don't get it, when they don't understand, then what do you do? You directly tell them so that they can stop from the wrong thing that they're doing.
But despite this mower Illa what happened? photowalk law who never sue his soul permitted him the word from thought, Well, I mean, for Allah obedience, right? And tawa is to make to obey, to allow to permit to make do agree, permit. So his soul allowed him. His nerves allowed him. And this is the reality, you cannot do anything until you yourself, allow. Allow who? yourself to do it, isn't it? Because sometimes it happens. You want to write something really nasty. But you're wondering, you're thinking you're debating should I or should I not? And then what happens? Like no, you know what? I'm going to do it. I'm going to write this. Sometimes you write, and then you delete. Why because
your soul doesn't allow you to send that email. But what happens then you write something again, and then you delete, and then you write again, and then you just send
and then you want to undo and you're thinking thinking should I should I not and then eventually the NEF says, Let it go, right? So many times it happens that there is back and forth. But eventually your soul allows you if your soul doesn't allow you, if you yourself, don't allow yourself to do it, you won't do it. So for Tolworth love will never sue Kotler. He, his soul permitted him to kill his brother for Katella who so he killed him for us Bahaman, Aloha, serene, so he became of the losers. He killed his brother, and he became a who the losers. Now, this is a reality that sometimes, you know, you want to get rid of someone.
You don't want to see them again. So you say the most harsh thing to them, you say the most rude thing to them to satisfy the anger and the rage that's in your heart? You say what you have to say? But does it solve the problem?
If they're your relative, they're still your relative.
You're saying harsh things to them doesn't make them a non relative to you. If they're your classmate, if they're your coworker, they still remain your coworker. So at the end, do you win or do you lose? You lose? You didn't solve the problem. You didn't get anything. In fact, you suffered because you have destroyed your relationship with someone.
And think about it. In the case of murder.
A person is furious, and he killed someone when he killed them. What does he get?
Life Sentence where he's killed in return?
Does he get anything he suffers a great loss for us by having a car sit in. Think about it. You know if you ever read on the news, you see all these murder cases. Just yesterday I was reading about this man who murdered someone years and years ago, ran away changed his identity multiple times even got married to someone deceived his wife for 12 years. And then he was caught because he was abducting his daughter and it was a child custody battle and then for some reason they reviewed the previous murder case and related with him and he was the person whom they found guilty of committing that murder so many many years ago. You could be on the run for 20 years for two decades. But
eventually justice is established right for us Mohammed Al Cassidy
for us Baja middle class Indian who becomes a loser So if ever this thought comes to your heart that I want to get rid of this person I'm going to kill them. They could be your relative could be your sibling could be your parent could be your child could be your spouse and these thoughts shaytaan puts into your heart never ever
think such thoughts eliminate them get rid of them say rubella because remember killing someone is not going to solve any problem.
It's going to make you a loser a greater loser for us we're having a ha city and he became of the losers. Let's listen to the recitation and then
what lauding never been a
healthy in order
to build I mean, a hottie EMA was on mute upon
holding on.
Board on in.
Long Amina
The character Portola name
simply de la Portola
knee for fall
in C already do
owe me mica tell
Wally me felt oh a lot blown up so what the the bottle for us by Hamina Lou horse Ed
so it started from what this bottle was the result of what? Jealousy
jealousy over what? That he is more righteous his deeds were accepted and mine were not. So sometimes has said is also over Dean because of the blessing of the deen like the Bani Israel, the Jews the who did not have hazard for the prophets of Allah Salam because of the deen the blessing of the deen that he was chosen as a prophet and a prophet was not sent from amongst them. So that has said that jealousy led them to committing so many crimes.
Sometimes we think people are only jealous over money or over beauty. But remember that Kulu the near mutton marsuit Every person who has been given a neuroma from Allah, He is marsuit meaning people will have hesed from him.
You will memorize Quran you will get a good mark on your just test. You start wearing the hijab and you think that people should be happy, but they're not always happy. You got to go for Hajj, you got to go for a mala. You got to fast the entire month of Ramadan. And then what happens? People are envious.
So one is that you face jealousy and the other is that you experience jealousy. In your heart, this story tell us about experiencing jealousy in the heart
that such a thought destroy it finish it eliminated from the very beginning.
Because just analyze the whole situation just analyze this jealousy. This jealousy is over what that Allah accepted his good deeds and not mine. That Allah gave him this blessing of deen and didn't give it to me. So basically, this is anger against to Allah, not against the person. It's not his fault. You did it they did it. Allah accepted. There's not yours. It's not that person's fault. You're blaming Allah basically right. This is what has said is being unhappy with Allah's decision.
But the fact is that no matter how angry we are, no matter how unhappy we are, what are we before Allah? What are we we are nothing, so we have no right to be jealous. And remind yourself, Allah subhanaw taala is Zufall Blinn, I'll leave he is the Possessor of Great Bounty. If he can bless one person with a great blessing. He can bless you too. But you have to do something. Inshallah, when we see an AMA with somebody, we have to make dua right away that may Allah give us the same blessing and we see the example of Zachary's Salam. When he saw the fruits with Maria Maria Salam, he made the and he was blessed with a son.
So instead of being jealous, we should ask Allah for his blessing was Allaha Minh fugly?
Okay, what do you do if you feel that somebody is jealous of you? Because of maybe your deen or maybe some blessing that Allah has given you and you try to be nice, but you know, they're jealous and you sense it, you feel it, they make your life miserable for you. So in that situation, what should you do? Follow the example of the son of Adam.
That what did he say?
That the in bussaco ila Jada Caleta Kulani, Matt and unbiasedly idea.
If you say something nasty to me, I'm not going to say to you, you hurt me. I'm not going to try to hurt you. I'm not going to try to take any kind of revenge from you. Because the one who is jealous, the one who is trying to harm you. They cannot harm you. If Allah protects you, so seek Allah's protection against them. And Allah is sufficient for you forsake fika whom Allah Who?
So jealousy led to Koto
Which led to Hassan
it's a way down basically when a person becomes jealous instead of getting better he starts getting worse
because it ends up in Hassan