Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P05 061D Tafsir Al-Nisa 92-93
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The speakers discuss the concept of killing a believer by mistake and the consequence of it, including accidental murder, accidental murder, and accidental murder. They stress the importance of avoiding mistakes and setting up free-flowing water, avoiding blood shed, and avoiding mistakes and forgiveness. The speakers also emphasize the need for collaboration and helping individuals to cover expenses, and the importance of being careful with their words and actions. They stress the need for forgiveness and caution against killing people randomly.
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A woman can only move meaning a Yucca Tula move Minun Illa hopper and never is it for a believer to kill a believer except by mistake. Womack Cana what does it mean by Makana it is not allowed for a believer to kill another believer. It's not possible it doesn't befit a believing individual to kill another Muslim. It doesn't behoove him, it doesn't benefit him. It's not correct for him. It's not allowed for him to do what a year kotula Minun that he kills a believer Illa except Hopper, um, as a mistake, as an accident, unintentionally caught on from the root letters ha ha Hamza.
In the previous verses, we learned about the confusion that the Muslims were in that if there is a Muslim who comes fighting against us, what are we supposed to do? If we kill him, then we are killing a Muslim. And if we don't kill him, then we are sparing an enemy. So what are we supposed to do? So after explaining their situation, Allah subhanaw taala emphasizes makes it very clear that this doesn't mean that you consider the life of a Muslim to be ordinary, that you consider Muslim blood to be very cheap. So just because you have a dispute with another individual, or you fear threat from him, or you feel that he is insincere to you that you go and kill him, No, it's not
allowed for a Muslim to kill another Muslim. The only situation where it is acceptable is where it was an accident Illa hazzan. Remember, there's two types of murder.
And by the way, we're not talking about legal punishments over here, that's a different case. Okay? This is murder, that when a person is not authorized, is not allowed to take the life of the other individual. And the only situation where he's authorized is when the other is guilty of a crime and is punishable according to the judgment, according to the ruling of the court. That's a different story. So over here, when a person is not allowed to take the life of the other individual, but he does it, but he takes it, he kills him anyway. And there are two kinds of capital. The first kind of capital is that which is deliberate Butler Ahmed, that cuttle that murder, which is deliberate
meaning a person intentionally, deliberately goes and kills another,
What's the punishment for that we learned about it in total baccara sauce, which is that, that the person who killed deliberately should be killed as punishment. Because if he took the life of another individual, then his life should be taken away as well. If you keep him behind bars for 20 years, eventually you'll be out. And behind the bars, he's still watching television, he's still, you know, making friends or eating food or whatever. Is that fair, he deprived another individual of his life, he took his life away.
Putting the murderer behind bars is not justice. So anyway, the one who killed another deliberately intentionally because it's not a small crime. This is why the punishment is also not small. It's very severe. That's the sauce. The other kind of cuttle is an intentional meaning accidental murder. And that is known as Patil Hatha accidental murder. That where a person had no intention to kill the other individual, but he killed him. Musa alayhis salam, he was helping a man fight and other men. So what happened Musa Islam he just punched him and was artisanal sponge was not ordinary. So when he punched him, the other men felt that
he felt that it was accidental murder. And we hear about so many stories where a person just, you know, was in a fight or something, hit the other punched him or pushed him and he didn't realize the other person will be pushed. He fell over the building or the window or whatever, and he died as a result, or at friends were playing and one pushed the other in the water and the other drowned.
It's a little hotter. If you think about it. His death was caused by the mistake of his friend. All right, it was accidental. He didn't intend to kill him. It was an accidental murder. But just because it was an accident doesn't mean that killer will be excused.
You understand? If you think about it, when you have a car accident
Okay, an accident is called an accident for a reason. You don't deliberately go and hit somebody else's car, but still don't have to suffer the consequences,
don't you? Yeah, sometimes it means that you have to pay for their car, or you have to pay for whatever they have suffered. Or you have to lose some demerit points or whatever, you have to pay a fine, you get a ticket? Isn't that what happens?
I have always found it difficult to accept. But why? I mean, nobody goes and hits the other person's car deliberately. Why is such a person charge? I mean, put yourself in the situation of that individual, that he wouldn't go and deliberately hit somebody's car. It was an accident. But still, why does he have to suffer consequences? Why? Because the other suffered because of him. And when the other individual suffered because of him, he has to pay back. Remember that when someone suffers because of you, or when you take advantage of someone else, then you have to pay them back. You have to suffer the consequences. This is just like when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam He sent two
companions of his to find water once when they were traveling. And those two companions, they went looking for water. They couldn't find anything until they met a woman who was coming on her camel and she had two water bags hanging from the either side of her camel. And they asked her, where's the water? How far is it she's at 24 hours away. I started yesterday at this time. 24 hours journey from here. So those companions I said to that woman then come with us to the prophets of Allah is and so she went she didn't have an option. She went with those two men. And when she got there, the prophets of Allah, some ask that woman to come down from her camel. And then he asked for a
container. And you put some water from those water bags into the container. And then he closed the water bags from one side and you open them from the other. And when he opened them from the other, he told the people come and drink and also give to drink to your animals. So everyone drank the feather animals from only two water bags. Okay, only to offer bags, everyone drink. And there was a man who needed to take a bath the prophets of Allah Islam gave him a container full of water, go for it on yourself, go take a bath as well. And that woman was standing there in shock what's happening? They're going to finish my water. There are so many people and entire army is drinking and feeding
their animals. So everything happened and in the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he returned the bags to the woman. And the Sahaba said that when they saw the bags, it seemed that they were fuller than before. This was a miracle. They were fuller than before. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said to the woman, you know that we have not reduced your water at all.
And then he said to the Companions, gather something for her. You have used her water, so gather something for her.
So what did they do? They brought our Java Artois, dates the best dates, flour, as well as cereal, everything they collected, put it in a cloth tied up that cloth, and they help that woman mount her camel. And they put that bag full of food in front of her.
And they thanked her. So in the story, what do we see that when you benefit from someone, even if you don't reduce what they have slight bit, still you have to benefit them in return. Likewise, if someone suffers because of us, our mistake, our mistake, it was our wrongdoing. But still they suffered. Yes, you didn't do it deliberately. But the other individual suffered and you cannot ignore their suffering. So then you have to pay them back for it.
All right. This is just like other listener. He made a mistake in listening to Chef on but he had to suffer the consequences, right? So just like that, if a Muslim kills another individual, another believer, even by accident, then there is punishment for it. What is that punishment? It is mentioned in this verse. The prophets of Allah sent him said, it is unlawful for you to shed the blood of one another. It is not allowed for you to shed the blood of one another. The lives of one of you are sacred. And he said this at the time of had to deal with are the property of one another there as unlawful as shedding blood on such a day as today. And in such a month as this haram month
and in such a sanctified city as the sacred city. It was Makkah at hedge that the prophets of Allah Islam said the statements just says you respect this place you respect this time you respect this day. Likewise, you have to respect the life of another believer as well. So it's not allowed for
believer to kill another believer, woman Katana movement and Hassan and whoever kills a believer accidentally. He intended to shoot, you know the target, but accidentally he shot his friend. He was reversing the car. That's what was in his mind. That's what he intended to do. But in reality, he was accelerating. He thought he was going backwards, but he was going forwards. And as he went forwards, what happened? There was a person who was crossing before him, and he hit him.
Right. And he thought he was hitting the brakes, but in fact, he was hitting gas. And instead of stopping the car, he ended up running over the other individual killing him. Doesn't it happen? It happens, accidental, accidental murder, but it is wrong. Yes, you didn't do it deliberately, but someone has suffered. So for that, what do you have to do? First of all, for the Hedy Lacava, teamwork minute in the hurried, setting, free from the reflectors, how to how to remember the word hope, and her little bit hurry. What does it mean a free person. So free to make free to set free, you have to set free rocker button, a neck that is a minute in believing, meaning a believing neck,
the neck of a believing individual that is tied up that is locked up, you have to set it free. In other words, you have to free a Muslim slave. Why Muslim slave because a Muslim man was killed. So you have to free a Muslim life.
Again, it's not their fault. They have made arrangements for your security and safety, they have set the rules. But if you did not follow the rules properly, you got a little too hyper and excited and you went deep into the water where you weren't supposed to go and you drown because of that. It's not their fault. It was your fault. Okay. So when a contract has been signed, that they are not going to take any responsibility, it's at your own risk that you're going, then you are responsible, they're not responsible. Okay, unless there is some evidence to show that yes, it was their fault. So, for example, a team of investigators, they come and they find out that no, they said that there
was, you know, a railing or a bar or whatever, but it wasn't really in place. So, they are at fault, that's a different situation. Okay. So, the first thing that has to be done is that the Hirakata movement secondly, what they are done, and blood money, the ITN Blood Money is from the root letter as well Yeah. What are you ready What do you mean is the flowing of water. So, when you cause the blood of someone to flow meaning someone has been killed and there is a fine for that, there is a fine for that. So DHEA is the compensation that will be given to the family of the person who has been killed. So what they have done blood money that is Musa limited what does mean by masala Matan
Muslim who is Muslim one who submits samosa LaMotta one that is surrendered one that is submitted meaning completely handed over to who Illa li to his family, the family of who the one who has been killed in that except on your Sudoku, they give it up as charity, your Sudoku forms are the cup that they give it up as charity, they say it's okay. So for example, two friends best friends, they went together somewhere and one accidentally killed the other. Now he comes with the blood money to the family apologizing to them and also gives a blood money. And they say that you are also like our son, and we know that you would never do this deliberately. It's okay Illa as Sudoku, and they can
forgive all of it, they can forgive part of it. It's up to them. And they can also take 100% of it. All right, they have the option. And Musa lemma done. One meaning is completely handed over. The other meaning is that it should be sound. So for example, if the blood money is being given in the form of let's say livestock, so for example, camels, all those camels should not be sick and aged that they're useless. No sound.
Likewise money. It's not counterfeit. Okay, but it's actually correct the blood money what is it? What is it now remember that there are different opinions concerning the blood money, but basically what has to be seen is that what is a convention? What is my rule? So for example, these days, it is said that the blood money is around 100 camels. Okay. 100 candles, one candle is approximately $5,000. Okay, could be less could be more depending on the kind of the candle. So imagine 100 times that now
Who has to pay the blood money? The murderer? The murderer, not just him. But his family, his clan, his immediate relatives, especially from the Father side, because they all take the responsibility. All right, because like we learned earlier that we are muslims are like what? Like one body. So if someone makes a mistake, you know, there is an accident, then we don't just abandon him over there, we help him come out of that situation as well. He harmed someone unintentionally, he didn't want to do that deliberately. So you have to help your brother as well. This is just like, if the son gets into an accident, he doesn't have the money to pay than who will pay for him. His father, right, his
uncle, his brother, his older brother, whoever can they will gather up money together in order to help their son. So likewise, the entire family is going to help the relative of theirs who has committed this scuttle Hutto.
Now, we see over here that two things have to be done.
Two things have to be done, freeing the slave as well as offering the blood money, Blood Money understandable that you have to do it. Why because you cause the other harm you cause the family harm, you cause a family great loss. Why for your slave
because when a person has murdered someone, they haven't just harmed people, they have also disobeyed Allah, they have also accumulated sin, they have also gained sin. So they have to erase that they have to please Allah as well. So to make up for the harm caused to the other give the blood money, but for the disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala even though it was unintentional, but it was still disobedience, the sin that the person has accumulated to remove that the slave will be freed for in Ghana. Now there is a situation which is that if this person was men come in from a people who is I do will become an enemy to you. Well, who am Oldman and he's a believer who is a
believer. There are two ways to understand this. The first way is that the murder person, the Maktoum, the one who has been killed, he is from an enemy. And obviously when he's from the enemy, he's not a Muslim. But who's the Muslim? Well, who am oh man on the cartel is a believer. You understand the cartel is a believer, then this happens so many times that, you know, a Muslim man accidentally killed, someone shaking. All right, we have heard so many stories in this era, where Muslim man accidentally killed and which sick person accidents happen. So in this case, what will be done, Allah says for the hero recovered Mina, then only the freeing of what a believing slave, then
the blood money will not be given. Why? Because if you give the blood money, then what's going to happen?
What's going to happen? You're at war with them, what's going to happen, they're going to become more strong against you. The second way of understanding this is and this is a stronger way, this is a more conventional, more. This is the majority opinion that the murder person is living was from the enemy. He didn't do hijra, okay. And he was a believer. He is a Muslim, he is a believer. Well, who am I let me know. So in this case, yes, the Muslim slave will be freed. And again the blood money will not be given why because of the blood money is given to his non Muslim relatives and what will happen that money will be used against the Muslims
were in Cana and if he was meaning, the murdered person, mill Coleman from a people buying a home or buying a home missa code between you and between them is a treaty, what treaty a treaty of peace that you're not going to war against each other. For the attorney then in that case, yes, the the blood money will be Musa LaMotta will be handed over it will be given Illa Allah he to his family. Why? Because they're not at war with you, what the real rock about me nothing and also the freeing of a believing slave. The question was asked that if a person cannot find a slave to free to for example, these days, then what is he going to do?
Okay, he can pay the blood money, but what about the sin that he has gained? He has earned What about that? Allah says from Allah Majid so whoever cannot find, cannot find who a slave to free whether he cannot find a slave or he cannot find the means to free a slave because free in the slave means buying and setting free. That's a lot of money. The if someone cannot afford that or someone cannot find a slave the
Then what should he do? Firstly yeah more than fasting How long shall rainy two months two months do we'll have shadow how what kind of fasting of two months Mutata Baron consecutively without a break in the middle with a tabby rain dual off Matata bear from the burn turbine turbine, Dubai is to follow the dabbler is to follow one after the other without a gap in the middle. So, two months consecutively, that person has to fast why to remove the sin that he has burned, as though button. Min Allah doba from Allah, meaning in seeking acceptance of repentance from Allah, He will do this so that Allah will accept his repentance. What can Allah who are leaving Hakima and Allah is ever
knowing and wise, what does this mean? That if he has given this ruling, then in that case,
if Allah has given this ruling, then what does it mean that it's the best ruling? It's the best law, it's the best decision. And if you think about it, Blood Money is really something that is best in the case of murder.
Think about the person who has committed the murder accidentally. You know, if you hit somebody scar, if you break someone's dish, how do you feel horrible, isn't it? You feel horrible. Why? Because you destroyed someone's dish, you destroyed someone's car, you feel horrible. You say you apologize to them. You say that I'll fix it. I'll do something to fix it. I'll make up for it somehow. You know, if you have destroyed their China, you will try to find something that's very similar, you will try to make up for it. Why? Because you have a heavy heart.
Allah subhanaw taala knows where people go through. This is why he has given them a way out of that awful feeling as well. That give the blood money and also free his slave. Remove the burden from your heart. Yes, it was a mistake. And sorry is just a word. But Allah has given us ways through which we can make up for the loss that we have caused to others.
Well, may octyl movement and Mata Ramadan, and whoever kills a believer deliberately with Amidon remember the word Ahmed what does that means that llama this deliberate murder? If someone kills another believer deliberately takes up you know, a gun or a knife or a dagger or whatever, and he deliberately kills him deliberately shoots him, wants to kill him. And this person Alyssa Jezza, who Janome his recompenses hellfire, his recommends his hellfire.
What about his declaration of faith? And what about his salon? What about his hedge? And what about so many good deeds that he's done? Nothing is going to benefit him for dessert. Oh Gernon everything is washed off his recompenses el fire hall the then fee her abiding there and eternally, this crime has erased all of his good deeds, he will be abiding there and eternally will hold the biller Who are they he and Allah is angry with him. Allah will be very upset with him. And when Allah is angry with the person, then there's no refuge for him. No mercy for him. No way out for him. Well learner who and Allah has cursed him, distanced him from his mercy. What are the who are them and are Lima
and has prepared for him a great punishment? This is the punishment for what? But I'm a deliberate murder. Look at the punishment that's mentioned this is what is it? First of all, first of all, in this ayah What do we see? Jahannam for dessert, oh, Johanna. How long have a stay in hellfire forever Holly than fee her? Secondly, we'll leave Allah Who are they Allah's Anger? And thirdly, liner who, alas, cursed him. Fourthly, are there even are Lima, a great punishment? What does it show to us? That killing someone deliberately, is not a minor sin. It's a major sin. It's off the greatest of sins, it's of the major of sins.
And according to some scholars, if a person killed another deliberately there is no doba for him, even if in our bustle, the lowering who was of the opinion that such a person is forever in hellfire never coming out.
Even if he tries to say sorry, it's not going to be accepted. He was so firm based on this idea. But other scholars said no, if he repents if he seeks forgiveness from Allah, if he changes his ways, if he does, though, but then there is
Forgiveness for him because it's sort of twofold can we learn when leadin Elia their own Amara la isla Han Aha, when I have to learn enough seletti Haram Allahu Allah will help that they don't kill another individual. And then Allah says that in them and except for the one who repents, well, I mean, Ramadan Sonya when any performs good deeds as well. So according to some scholars, someone who killed another deliberately no repentance nor forgiveness for him, and according to others, there is forgiveness, if he repents, and it's up to Allah to accept his repentance, or to refuse his repentance. So do not take the crime of murder. Easily. It's not something small. But unfortunately,
we use such word so easily. If you like killing him, I'm going to kill you. Be careful about what you say. Because words lead to action.
Many criminals today, if you look at their history, where they're very violent people, not necessarily many of them were what very reserved, very quiet. And just all of a sudden they turn out to be murderers. Assassins, literally. So be careful about your words about your thoughts. Never let this thought even cross your mind that you're going to take a weapon against another person and kill him. Never even think about that. Be very careful. Watch your thoughts, because they become your beliefs and then they translate into your actions. It's not a small crime. It's something that will lead a person to hellfire. Yes,
yes, because he repented, right? Allah accepted his repentance. Remember the story of that man who had killed 100 People who killed 99 initially wanted to repent went to a man who said you will never be forgiven. So he killed him as well. So he made it 100. And then what happened, he went to somebody else, and he told him leave this place, repent to Allah go somewhere else. And he was on his way when the angel of death came. And then what happened, that two kinds of angels came right, those who come to collect the evil soul, and those who come to collect the righteous soul, both of them came, and there was an argument between them, both claimed the soul of the person. So Allah
subhanaw taala said, measure the distance that he has traveled, if the distance that he has traveled away from that evil place is more, okay, compared to the distance that is left that he has to cross to get to the place where he intends to go, then he should go with the righteous ones. And if that distance is short, he has only taken a few steps away from there, then that the other angels taken. So what happened? Allah cause the earth to expand a lot because the earth to expand that distance would be more so that this person still was accepted?
Yeah, people kill others for the smallest of reasons. Whether it's honor killing, right? That is because a man feels that is the daughter or his niece or his wife is interested in other men that she's looking at him or that she's talking to him, they will go and assassinate that girl. And they will go and kill that man as well. Likewise, men will * a woman and accused her of Zina and will kill her instead of killing the rapists, they will kill the woman who has been raped.
So this is what
she was not guilty. This is one and those who kill others, unjustly without any right. Look at the consequence of such people.
She's mentioning a story about a woman who always threatened her daughter that if you lose this if you lose that I'm gonna kill you.
And then one day, the daughter was afraid to go home. So the teacher asked her why aren't you going to that if I go, my mom's gonna kill me. So the teacher called the police.
She called the cops on her.
So be careful about what you say.
Even if you don't mean it, but be careful because you can come to that stage where you actually follow your words. Your words impact you so much that you end up doing what you say to yourself.
In a hadith we learn of Abba cuddled, Lauren who said that I have heard the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam saying that when two Muslims fight with each other with their swords, do Muslims raise weapons against one another, then both the murderer as well as the murdered will go to the hellfire, the cotton and the MK tool, the one who managed to kill the other and the one who got killed both will go to hellfire. So what could he said? Well, let's messenger it's alright for the murder. Okay, the one who killed the other understandable that he killed someone so he goes to hellfire. But what about the one who was murdered? He was killed What about him? So he ripped
I heard he had the intention to kill his companion. He had the intention to kill his companion. So when he had that resolve to kill the other believer, he's equally responsible. He failed at that attempt, but he is still responsible. So this is something that we have to be very, very careful about. killing Muslims. killing other people is not something small, we don't have the right to take the life of another individual. Even when it comes to non Muslims, you can't just go kill them randomly only when it's at war. That's a different story. Right? We see that in Makkah, the Muslims were not allowed to fight against the machine even though we're sticking with persecuting the
Muslims day in and day out. They were not allowed to raise any arms against the machine. Why? Because they were not at war at that time. Later on when war was declared, when the wishing you were coming army upon army against the Muslims, that's when they would fight them. So be very careful. Guard your thoughts? Guard your words, because the consequences of this crime are very serious recitation
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