Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 032B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 234

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the length of waiting periods for divorce and the importance of waiting before getting married. They stress the need for women to not get married until they have passed away and avoid physical altercations and social friendships. The speakers also emphasize the importance of dressing up in public and avoiding physical altercations and social friendships.

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			Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim.
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			In these verses, we will learn about the reader the waiting period of the widow.
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			First of all, we learned about Nica. And then we learned about the different ways in which a
marriage can finish it can come to an end, Paula holer
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			and now we're learning about the death of the husband.
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			So in that case, again, the marriage has finished because the husband's gone, the wife is left on
her own she's a widow now. So, we will learn about their Aida off the widow.
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			Along with that, Inshallah, in these verses, we will also learn about the
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			compensation that is to be given to the divorced woman. I heard in the groups today a lot of people
were discussing about how you know when the woman is divorced and she gets to keep whatever the
husband gave her, a lot of people do they like that concept, right. So Inshallah, we will learn
about the different cases of divorce, and in which case, how much Muhammad does the woman keep
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			Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, well, Latina Utah what phone am income and those people meaning those men
who die amongst you, Utah a PHONER. You though a PHONER is from the root letter as welfare Yeah. And
warfare is to fulfill something to reach the end of something. It is also used for fulfilling a
promise for keeping a promise to reach the end of a term that was agreed upon.
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			So, the word fee is also used for death.
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			It is also used for death, why do you think it is used for death? Because when a person dies, he has
reached the end of his term, correct. The promise of life that Allah subhanaw taala had made with
him for however long he was meant to live. That term is over and then he is Wofford meaning he is
fully taken. Okay, he is fully taken. How is he fully taken meaning the soul is taken the rule is
taken no trace of rule remains in the body.
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			Which is why the body is completely lifeless. So those people who are Yuto have phoned them in
meaning who are given death among you. Those men who die and when they die, were the Runa and they
leave behind as worden wives Yeah, the Runa from well, the raw whether to leave something as it is.
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			So they leave behind as virgin as well deplore, luff, zilch and zilch is used for Spouse over here
refers to wife. So if a man dies, and he leaves behind him a wife, but notice the word as virgin,
who is owed someone to whom a person is married to, right someone to whom a person is made to there
is an HCA.
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			And this shows that what is mentioned over here with regards to their,
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			their Ada, which widow has to sit for every kind of widow, meaning no matter what kind of marriage
she was in with the husband, she will sit for the ADA. In other words, whether she was young or old.
Okay, whether the marriage was consummated, or it was not consummated. What does he mean by that?
That only the Nikka took place? That's what not consumated and what is consummated marriage that
both the husband and wife are actually living together? Okay.
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			So in either case, whether the marriage was consummated or not, whether the woman is young or old,
whether she got married just a week ago or has been married for 30 years, whatever situation she is
in, if she was married to the man, the Nikka had been done, then she has to sit for them.
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			Then she has to sit for them.
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			So for example, even if a man and woman got married, okay, they just had their Nica, the woman was
living in another country and he was living in another country they were supposed to live together
within a year, but before that, the man died. So in that case, again, the girl she has to sit for
there it
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			she has to wait until the end of the waiting period before she can consider marrying someone else.
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			So well, Lydia, your telephone and income were the Runa as virgin,
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			but remember, that engagement is not Nikka Okay, engagement is not Nikka so over here Zote. This
cannot apply to a fiance meaning a man and a woman if they were just engaged and the man died. The
woman does not have to sit for them either because they will
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			is only engagement but if the Nica took place, whether or not they were living together, then there
is the the woman has to sit for
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			yet or Bosna be unfussy when he Ethel Bosma La Bella Suad. We have done this word earlier to rob
bus, right to where to line wait for something. And the noon at the end is for feminine plural. So
those women, the widows they have to wait be unfussy no with themselves, meaning they have to hold
themselves back, they have to wait with themselves, meaning they cannot be hasty in doing Nikka they
have to wait until the waiting period is over. And only then they can consider marrying someone
else. But why is the set yet or busmap be unforeseen, they have to sit with themselves is being said
they have to keep themselves they have to stop themselves. They have to stop themselves from what?
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			From getting married. Because the thing is that human beings naturally they desire to have partners,
they desire to have partners is a natural feeling that is amongst human beings. So a woman when her
husband dies, she can't think about marrying somebody else immediately. No, she has to wait for some
time. For how long does she have to wait a bottle ashore for months assured plural of shower for
months, and wash straw and 10 meaning for months and 10 days.
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			So the waiting period of a widow is how long? Four months and 10 days, the waiting period for the
divorced woman. How much is that? Three menstrual cycles? And if she doesn't have her period, then
how much three lunar months? But over here we see that for the widow? It doesn't mean for menstrual
cycles? No. What is it four months and 10 days?
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			Four months and 10 days? Now okay. You understand the concept of four months. But why the addition
of 10 days? Why? Why is it four months and 10 days? What's the Hikmah behind that?
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			scholars have suggested many reasons as to why it is four months and 10 days.
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			One of the reasons that they have mentioned is to completely establish pregnancy meaning if she is
pregnant, she will be sure that she was pregnant within the spirit of time for months and vendors
because sometimes women they don't even know what they're expecting until a very long time and later
on it is discovered. But other scholars they have disagreed with this. Because if it was necessary
to have the pregnancy established within four months and 10 days, then there is there for the
divorced woman would not be less than that. You understand it would not be three months it would be
more than all right. So some scholars have disagreed with that reason. Other scholars have said that
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			it is four months and 10 days because before this command came amongst the Arabs, the JAYLEE Arabs,
their practice was that a widow, she would have her a dog for an entire year.
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			When her husband passed away, she had to wait for an entire year before she could get married.
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			And that year was not spent in the way that normal people live their lives. No, that woman was kept
in seclusion away from everyone. In a closed space, she was not allowed to come out of the house or
anything at all. She would use the washroom there, she would menstruate there, she would eat there,
she would drink there, she would not be allowed to even touch water. They had a lot of restrictions
upon her. And when she would come out of her that after a year, then she will be brought out and
imagine she's filthy, because she hasn't even touched water for an entire year can't even imagine
the state that she would be in.
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			And then they would bring a donkey or a sheep or a bird or something and it would be got slashed and
it would lead to death. It was like basically symbolic that look, I am in no state of getting
married. If somebody gets married to me, then look at how filthy I am. And look at this animal. You
know it's dying in front of me. This bird is dying in front of me. So if you even think about
touching me expect ill fate.
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			I'm a bad omen in other words.
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			So this was the belief of the Joe Healy Arabs.
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			And you know what such kind of belief similar exists today as well. That if a woman if her husband
has passed away, don't let her come to a wedding. She has to wear all white clothes or all black
clothes, she's in mourning for the rest of her life. She can't be present at happy occasions because
if she comes you know, she might bring with her bad luck. People have such kind of beliefs
concerning widows.
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			And in some cultures, a widow would be burned alive with the dead body of her
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			yes, she will be burned to live with the dead body of her husband that such a person cannot live
anymore. She will only bring bad luck to the rest of the society. She doesn't deserve to live, the
purpose of her life has finished.
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			So there is of the JD Arabs, it was how much an entire year.
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			Allah subhanaw taala, He abolished this practice,
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			He abolished his practice completely how that a woman would not sit for an entire year in her, but
how much a third of a year, which is how many months? Four months and a third of a month, which is
how much dandies you understand.
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			So it was reduced by how much two thirds, so she would sit for a third of a year, four months, and a
third of a month, 10 days. So some scholars, this is what they have said. And yes, the practices,
the beliefs that they had concerning the widow, all of them were finished, there were only a few
such as the woman does not get remarried. Yes, she will stay within her house most of the time,
because she needs time to heal. She needs time to adjust to her new life as a single person again,
she needs time to manage to deal with all of the things that her husband has left behind all the
responsibilities, all of the Amanat everything that has to be done, so she needs time to herself. So
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			that's why the waiting period is there.
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			Okay, so four months and 10 days.
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			The other a bus gonna be unforeseen Obata asuran. What are short, but if the woman is pregnant at
the time when her husband passes away, then how much is there until when, until she gives birth
instead of the prologue is number four, Allah says we're allowed to acknowledge a DeLuna. And you're
born Hamlin, that those women who are pregnant there, that is how much until they give birth.
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			Now we see that this is something that has to be observed by every single widow, regardless of her
age. Okay, regardless of whether the marriage was consummated or not, it doesn't matter.
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			She's not allowed to get married before this waiting period comes to an end, she has to observe the
rules, the regulations have their what are the rules and regulations of the ADA?
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			First of all, we see that she is not allowed to get married. Why? Why do you think she's not allowed
to get married before there is over? She was living with her husband.
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			She was emotionally attached to him. She was mentally you know, with him. She was focused on him
completely. And if she gets married to somebody else, after a month, after two months, you think she
will be able to adjust? She wouldn't be her heart is still hurting. You know, her mind is still
there. She can't get over the memories of her last husband. How is it fair for a woman that she is
married to somebody else immediately after the death of her husband? It's not fair.
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			Oh, her mind and heart would be somewhere else attached to something else. So the first thing is
that the woman is not allowed to get married.
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			Now, even if the marriage was not consummated, okay, the man was living in one country, the woman
was living in another country, the Nikka had taken place, even though they were not living together.
Still, she could not get married before there is over. Why? Because she was ready to move in with
her husband. She was talking to him. She knew him. You know, she was in a different mindset. She had
different feelings towards him, and she needs time to get over those feelings to get over that state
in order to start a fresh relationship. Right. So this is why a woman is not allowed to get married
in her ADA. And she is not going to be proposed to either meeting Muslim men are not even allowed to
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			propose to her directly. Okay.
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			Secondly, the woman, the widow, she is not allowed to adorn and beautify herself.
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			She is not allowed to adorn and beautify herself. What does it mean by this? She can't touch water.
She can't take a shower. She can't wear nice decent clothes. No, this is not what it means. We know
that as believers we have to observe Bahara Okay, the Hara is something very, very important in our
religion. Without it, you can't pray your Salah will be invalid. Okay? What it means by this is that
she's not going to adorn herself like she would do for her husband.
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			Such as wearing nice dressy clothes, wearing jewelry, wearing makeup, wearing fragrance. This is
what women typically do for who for their husbands, which is why we see at least before it was like
this that women who were married and women who
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			were unmarried. There was a clear distinction between them. But these days you can't even tell
because even the most youngest of girls are dressed up as if they're supermodels. right all the
time. So anyway, the primary reason for a woman to dress up herself is for who? For her husband and
when her husband is not there, she's not going to. Okay? It doesn't mean that women are not allowed
to dress up. This is not what it means. But when a woman is not dressed up, then it shows that she
is not interested in marriage. Okay, it shows that she is in mourning. Okay, she is mourning, she is
sad. This is what it means. Right? Which is why we know if somebody's not dressed up properly, you
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			wonder Is everything okay? Is everything okay? Like for example, if a woman has the habit of doing
her hair every day or wearing nice clothes every day, and one day she doesn't, you know, people are
like everything, okay?
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			And there are some people who will always wear eye makeup who will always wear makeup and if that
one day, they don't relate to everything, okay?
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			Right. So it shows that that woman is not in a normal state right now she is in mourning.
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			And this is to such an extent that we learned from a hadith Salam and she said that a woman she came
to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and asked that O Messenger of Allah. My daughter's husband died. My
daughter's husband died. And she is complaining about you know, her eyes that her eyes hurting or
something and it's only natural her husband passed away perhaps she was crying a lot saw her I was
hurting. So she was asking that can we please put some girl in her eye? Like, you know, this black
eyeliner kind of thing that you put but it's inside the eye. Okay. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam
said, no, they wanted to put it for treatment. But still, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said no.
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			Why? Because even if a woman wears it for treatment, it is going to beautify her, it is going to
make her more beautiful. So he said that no.
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			And the woman asked repeatedly, again and again. But still, the Prophet saw a lot Islam said no, she
cannot put it on. So this means that when a woman when her husband dies, if she was used to wearing
gold jewelry, bangles, earrings, going to like wearing makeup on a regular basis, then she should
discontinue that she should discontinue that why? Because she is in that state of mourning, she has
to be in that state of being single again, okay, where you don't bother dressing up where you don't
bother wearing makeup, so that if she does get married later, then she can actually have a fresh
start. You understand?
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			If the you have highlighted your hair, you can't do anything about that. It's going to stay as it
is. But don't go on covering the white hair with more highlights or covering the gray hair with you
know, color. No, don't go on doing that. Likewise, if a woman puts Hannah in her hair or on her toe
on her fingernails, then she should discontinue that practice. Okay? Because she is in that state of
mourning, she has to become plain and simple for some time, at least.
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			And the thing is that this is something very deep.
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			When a married woman when she dresses up, you know when she thinks about her husband, even if she's
putting something simple, like nice bracelet, or earrings, you will think about her husband because
you know he's gonna look at it. He's gonna see it, he's gonna appreciate it. So when the woman is
going to wear that same jewelry, that same makeup, what do you think is going to happen to her,
she's going to be so sad. It's going to be so difficult for her. So she needs to get over the loss
of her husband, physically, emotionally, mentally, she needs time to detach herself from him
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			so that she can live a normal life. Because many times it happens that when a woman's husband passes
away, yes, it's a great loss. But that woman cannot get over that loss for the rest of her life.
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			And you know, who gets affected her children get affected, she does not even consider marrying again
afterwards, in which there is absolutely no harm. But she doesn't even consider doing that. So this
is the second rule that a woman cannot adorn herself. But this teaches us something very
interesting, which is that when a woman is interested in getting married, then she should adorn
herself. Okay, inshallah we'll discuss more about that afterwards. Thirdly, the third rule is that
the widow, she has to stay in the house of her husband for there.
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			She will not go to her parents house she will not go to her brother's house but she will stay in the
house of her husband meaning the house that she was living in with her husband.
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			Okay, this is who the widow the husband passed away. She was living there for 20 years for 15 years
that is her house. So she has to spend there either over there.
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			So for example, this will not be done. For instance, in that property that house the parents of the
man they have a share as well. Okay because shares of inheritance they
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			Go to different different relatives. So, yes, the wife has a share children have a share, but the
parents also get to share okay. So, it will not be done the parents say that okay, we have a right
to this house too. So please, you go and spend it somewhere else we have to sell the house so that
we can get our money, no, it will be delayed until there is over. Likewise, the children cannot say
that we want to sell this house, because we want our share. So please, you make your own
arrangements, because we want the money. No, she will spend there in the in the house of her
husband, that you know, nothing will be done. She will not be sent away from there until her it
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			there is over. She has the right to stay there for four months and 10 days. Why do you think she has
the right to stay there for months and 10 days after the death of her husband?
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			Why her belongings are there. She's attached to that place. She was living with her husband over
there, she needs to manage her things, back them up, you know, backup her husband stuff, deal with
all of those Amanat sell whatever, you know, give away whatever she needs time. Good question, that
in the case where the marriage was not consummated, the girl was in a different country. She's
waiting for her visa. And she's living in the house of her parents and now her husband died in
another country. Marriage was not consummated where she going to spend her either wherever she was.
Okay, wherever she was, because, I mean, obviously her legal papers are not there. And she's not
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			going to travel from one country to the other just to spend there the over there. No, basically,
wherever the woman was, she's going to stay there. And generally, typically, a woman is where in the
house of her husband, okay, yes.
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			No, she has to stay there for four months and 10 days before that she cannot leave unless there is
something that cannot be avoided.
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			Okay, like, for example, she was, let's say she just came in to the house of her husband to a
different country. But she came on a visit visa, for example, and her visa ends within a month, she
has to go back to her home country so that you can actually come with her immigration papers, you
know, what happens with some people. So she's there only for a month, so she will stay there for a
month. But when she goes to her parents house, for example, in the other country, then she will stay
there for the rest of the time and not travel around the whole world. Okay, or the whole town.
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			Then, another rule is that she has to stay at home and not leave the house to go anywhere.
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			Okay, the widow in her Aida, where will she stay in the house? She's not, you know, going around
shopping in the wall, going to her friend's house for a party going to another place, you know, a
wedding party? No, there is a lecture in the masjid. There's a conference coming up. There are
throwaway in the masjid in the month of Ramadan. No, she's not going to go around everywhere.
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			The only case when she's going to leave the house is when out of extreme necessity, that when she
has to go, it cannot be avoided. So for example, she has to go to court, okay. For example, She has
nobody, she has to go buy groceries herself. Okay? She has to pick up her children from school,
there is nobody to pick them up. Okay? Likewise, she is a student, she has to complete her degree.
She is, let's say, working and she can't discontinue her work. Because if she does, then where would
she get money from her husband is not even there anymore. Or she has to start working because she
doesn't have any other source of income. She wasn't working before. But now when her husband died,
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			she has to start working. So yes, you will go to the workplace, you will go to school, she will go
to the court, she will go to the bank, she will go to the grocery store. But she will limit her
outings to only what is necessary.
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			Yes, of course, other people can come visit her. Definitely. In fact, this is something good because
she needs company as well. She shouldn't be left in the house by herself, all alone, because it's
quite possible she might go into into depression. It's the responsibility of the community of the
family to support her in this time, but she will not go out too much. Why? Because she needs time to
heal. She needs time to heal. Now sometimes people say that, the more you worry about your problem,
then the more difficult it is to accept it. Or if you are free, you're doing nothing you don't keep
yourself busy, then it gets more difficult for you to heal. You know what, there are some things
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			that you have to accept. You have to accept them and you can't avoid them. So if the woman in there,
she says I can't stay at home because if I stay at home, I think about my husband, I get depressed I
get sad I have to go around. I have to go outside after party. I have to do this after that. Okay,
she goes outside. But you know what, on the outside, she'll have a smile but on the inside, she'll
be hurting, she'll never get over that loss.
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			There are some bitter things in life that you have to face. You have to accept you cannot avoid
them. And this is one of them. The death of the husband is one of them.
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			So in order to heal, in order to attach herself with her Lord more, she needs to spend time in
privacy in seclusion, you know, in the sense that she's not going out all the time.
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			And also remember that when she goes out of the house for whatever work, whatever that is necessary,
she will still spend the night in her own house.
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			So, for example, she has to go work, she has to go do something important that cannot be avoided,
she has to go to the doctor's whatever. But in the night, she is going to stay in her own house. We
learned that once of some men, some Muslim men, they were martyred in the Battle of health. And
their wives. Obviously, there were many Muslims who died in the vegetable herd, you know, how many
there were? How many Muslims died in the battle of
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			what 17? Right. So imagine their wives there, all of a sudden, so many widows in Medina, okay? They
were afraid of being alone at home. And this is very normal, very natural. I mean, you're alone at
home, you will be scared. You know, one day, you can ask your mother to come your sister to come
your brother to come. But for four months and 10 days, who do you think is gonna come and stay with
you every single night? It's gonna be very difficult.
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			So some of them, they went to the Prophet salallahu Salam, and they asked that, can we at least, you
know, spend the night in the houses of each other? You know, we're afraid so maybe we can go to the
house of one another and spend the night over there. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that you
should get together in the houses have one of you meaning get together and the houses have one of
you spend the night over there as much as possible. But when you're going to sleep, then go to sleep
in your own houses. So for example, after mocking him, you get scared, you know, it's dark, and at
that time, no lighting, right? So you get scared, okay, all of you gather together in the houses of
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			one of you, and you chat, whatever you pray Russia. And then when it comes time to sleep, then you
go to your own houses. Why do you think so? Because what happens is that when a woman is a widow,
when she becomes a single after being married, whether she's divorced, or she's a widow,
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			many times people, they start thinking negatively about them. Oh, look, she's talking to that man.
Her husband died just a week ago. And already she's, you know, going out. Already. She's showing
interest in other men.
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			Already, she's staying in the house of somebody else. Allahu Arlin what she's doing, she might be
having a secret relationship. You know, people come up with such things, right?
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			So this is why in the night, it has been disliked for the protection of the woman, that she does not
spend the night anywhere else, but that she spends the night in her own house, but during the day,
yes, she can go around do whatever she has to that cannot be avoided. And another Hadees tells us
that once Javid Alito or no he said that my maternal aunt, she was divorced, thrice meaning her
follow up was but it was irrevocable. So now she left the house of her husband, and she was spending
there somewhere else, basically, how much is there?
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			Three months, right? So she was spending her in there. But she went out to harvest her palm trees,
she had an orchard and she had to take care of the boundaries herself. So she would go to do that,
during her into a man met her. And he told her not to do that. He said that you're in, you're in the
How can you be outside and working in your fields. So she went to the Prophet salallahu Salam, and
he said, go out and harvest your palm trees. Continue doing that, perhaps you will give some of it
in charity or do some good. I mean, there's no harm if you go and take care of your trees. You can't
neglect them for three months, if you neglect them by the time you come, everything finished. So
00:28:50 --> 00:29:21
			that's your work. You have to continue with that work. Go ahead, do it no harm. Okay. So likewise,
if there is a woman who is a widow, she has to work. She can't do without it. It is something that
she has to do, or she has to start work. It doesn't matter. She can do it. But she will limit her
social interaction with others. That not that she's spending hours in the cafeteria, you know, after
school or in break and just chatting away talking away? No, she should limit that because she is in
the state of mourning.
00:29:23 --> 00:29:43
			And remember that necessity, it does not include going to weddings, parties, social gatherings, or
lectures or conferences and so on and so forth. So yet or Basma be unfussy Hina or Bertha asuran
worshop for months and 10 days. These are the rules of what off the reader for a widow.
00:29:45 --> 00:29:59
			Then Allah says for either Bulaga agita, Hoonah then when they have reached their agenda, meaning
the end of their waiting period, there is over the four months the 10 days are over, then full
agenda or they come there is no blame
00:30:00 --> 00:30:52
			upon you upon who you refers to the guardians of those women, the closest male relatives of the
widows. So who are they, for example, the Father, the brother, the uncle, the closest male relatives
who are supposed to be her Wali, her Olia. So Allah says to them that there is no blame upon you, or
guardians, femur concerning that which far I know those women do fee unfussy when concerning
themselves. Vilma roof in the manner that is appropriate. Meaning you all Guardians are not
responsible as to what the women do concerning themselves in the manner that is appropriate. What is
this referred to that if the women after they're either want to get married again. So for example,
00:30:52 --> 00:31:20
			they start socializing a little bit more with others, or they're dressing up more, they're showing
some interest in getting married again, let's say they put up there, you know, on those websites,
you have their portfolio or whatever, on those websites in which you can find prospective spouses,
right. So if they make a file over there, if they submit their resume, or whatever you call it over
there, obviously, in a manner that is approved by Mr. Wolf, there is no harm in that.
00:31:21 --> 00:32:06
			Okay. In other words, after there is over, if the widow shows interest in getting married, then the
Guardians, they're not held responsible. Why? Because remember that the divorced woman, and the
woman who is a widow, she has more authority when it comes to her marriage, she can actually go and
look for a spouse, she can show interest in that she can let other people know that by the way, I'm
looking into getting married, if you find somebody let me know, there is no harm in that. Because
she has more authority to do that compared to someone who has never been made. Okay, females are
Nephi and fusina. But what's the condition? Bill? Maroof. Not that she is, you know, going into
00:32:06 --> 00:32:21
			places where they have speed dating, and you know, she's going on chatting to men and talking to men
more interacting with them even more. No, this is not appropriate. Within the hood of the shittier.
00:32:22 --> 00:32:27
			We learned that a woman, her husband, he passed away while she was pregnant.
00:32:28 --> 00:33:10
			And a few days after his death, she gave birth to her child. And then after that her knee FES her
bleeding when it was over. She took a bath she cleansed herself completely and she actually
beautified herself, right? She wore nice clothes, your makeup or whatever. And when some people
found out, they said to her that why do I see you beautified yourself? Do you wish to get married by
Allah, you will not marry until the four months and 10 nights have passed? Because he was saying
that no, because her NFS was less than four months and 10 days. So somebody gave it to her and she
said that you can't even get married until your Foreman standards are over. So she went to the
00:33:10 --> 00:33:23
			Prophet sallallahu Sallam and she asked him and he said that you're in there is over when you give
birth and he allowed for her to dress up more and you know interact with people more if she was
interested in getting married.
00:33:24 --> 00:34:05
			Okay, so FEMA for all Nephi unforeseen Vilma roof, so the Guardians, they're not held responsible
over here. They're not going to be guilty over here. Okay. So for example, when she was in her
waiting period, if there was an invitation to go to somebody's house, would she go? She would not
go. If it was extreme necessity. Let's say she was going to meet a lawyer over there a family friend
who happens to be a lawyer. Is she going to go yes, because it's an important meeting. As you with
her property, you know, whatever, something that cannot be avoided. Okay. But after that is over,
let's say she's invited to somebody's house for a party. So she goes, Can she dress up?
00:34:07 --> 00:34:50
			Yeah, if she doesn't dress up, what would you think she still said she's still in mourning. But if
she dresses up very nicely the way she used to before what does it show? She's getting back to
normal. Right? So she is showing her interest in having another relationship perhaps in getting
married again, perhaps, okay, but it will be Bill maruf not that she's going to mix gatherings
sitting amongst men, you know, all decked up No, Bill Maroof in a manner that is appropriate. Okay.
Well Allah Who and Allah be matter, MeLuna hobby with whatever you do, he is fully aware. Whatever
you do, Allah knows about it. Allah is watching you. So in the case of the widow, like Allah knows
00:34:50 --> 00:34:59
			when your is going to be overdrawn, start looking for spouses before that. And when you do, prepare
yourself for marriage, then don't cross the limit.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:06
			Because Allah knows about what you're doing, will now be met are my Luna hobby, he is fully aware of
whatever you do.
00:35:07 --> 00:35:31
			And like I mentioned earlier, that a woman who is interested in getting married, then it's obvious
by the way that she dresses up. Okay? So, you know, there are some girls who want to get married,
but when they go to social gatherings, they don't make their hair, they don't dress up nicely. They
don't do anything like that. So people think, okay, she's busy in your studies, she's not interested
in getting married at all. So people don't even consider
00:35:32 --> 00:36:05
			you understand. But if you go to a social gathering, and you dress up moderately, in a nice manner,
then yes, people will think that, okay, you are interested, okay. But if you don't do anything like
that, people will know that you're interested. But don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that go in
front of other men in that manner, that when you're going outside, make sure that your hijab and
your purse and your shoes are all matching, and you're wearing that lip gloss and you're wearing
like, really nice perfume, and you're walking by men, and you're talking to them, and you're really
chatting with them, and you're exchanging phone numbers so that people can actually, you know, they
00:36:05 --> 00:36:19
			think that you're interested, no, don't do anything that is wrong, but with the limits, the limits
that Allah has set within limits that are allowed, then please, otherwise, people will think you're
not interested in getting married.
00:36:20 --> 00:36:57
			So for example, if there's a man you think is interested, or who shows his interest in getting
married to a woman, is it allowed for that woman to dress up in front of him, remember that she
can't go out of her way to dress up. But if she is wearing like normal clothes, like normal house
clothes that are decent, I'm not saying that were something that you wear when you go to a party,
but decent house clothes and you wear, you know, a jilbab on top and a little bit of your clothes
are showing. And because in their heads, we've learned that if the man wants to see the hair of the
woman, he can see that so she can show the hair to him. Okay, and if the woman covers her face, and
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			he wants to see her face, she has to show her face. Okay? But it doesn't mean that you're wearing
makeup and you are all decked up in normal clothes, what you would wear decently around the house,
wear that cover yourself up. And if they want to see you then they can, okay, but obviously in a
manner that is appropriate than one roof.
00:37:19 --> 00:38:05
			Now, in this I, like I mentioned to you earlier, the ruling concerning the return of the widow is
mentioned. Remember that the observance of that is a fault. It is what it is obligatory mandatory on
the woman. No woman can say that, Oh, I can't sit further. It does have to bed. No, it is fault,
which means that if a woman does not sit for her, then she is committing a sin. And there it begins
from the day that the husband dies. She can't say that, Oh, since I'm busy right now, there's too
many weddings coming up. I'll wait for two months after two months. And I'll take from the No.
They're either begins from the day that the husband dies for months and 10 days. And she has to
00:38:05 --> 00:38:14
			observe all of these rules and regulations that I mentioned to you. When after that she can show her
interest in getting married in a manner that is appropriate.
00:38:15 --> 00:39:00
			And amongst the daily Arabs, there were many practices that don't make sense at all that were
actually very unjust in the favor of the woman that first of all, like I mentioned you she wasn't
allowed to even come out or clean herself or anything. Likewise, we learned that some women would
actually be inherited by the men of the family, just as the property of the dead men would be
inherited by the men of the family. Yes. So for example, if a man had like three wives and let's say
he had 15 sheep and 10 camels when he died, okay, one brother took 10 camels and other brother took
15 sheep and another brother he gave him took two wives and other uncle came and took the other way.
00:39:00 --> 00:39:01
00:39:02 --> 00:39:44
			Yes. This was a practice amongst the Arabs. So Allah subhanaw taala he completely finished this this
is not fair. A woman is not property. This is why we learned that yeah, you Alladhina amanu lay your
head Lulu calm antonito Nyssa Acaba, it is not permissible for you, oh believers that you inherit
women, women are not property. They are individuals who have their rights, who have their own
identity. And when their husband dies, then afterwards they are free to marry somebody else if they
want to, but it will only be after their healing period. And how much is that for months and 10 days
you can't get her married to somebody else before four months and 10 days because she needs time to
00:39:44 --> 00:39:47
			heal. And like I said, time is the best healer.
00:39:50 --> 00:39:52
			Let's listen to the recitation. Then we'll continue.
00:39:53 --> 00:39:55
			Well, levena will tell us
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			the owner zwaar Jane Doe
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00:40:04 --> 00:40:07
			a shooting watch for either
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00:40:23 --> 00:40:25
			not only
00:40:27 --> 00:40:42
			focus on the lesson, everybody okay? Focus on the lesson on the recitation is being played. Don't
look around here there. This is not just a time to pass. No, you have to focus on the lesson. These
are very important I add that are slightly difficult to understand. So I want you to focus
completely. Okay.