Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 021B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 153

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speaker discusses the history and challenges faced by Muslim individuals during difficult situations, including loss of property, challenges in life, and struggles with pursuing Islam. They emphasize the importance of learning of one's religion and finding one's way to life, avoiding loss, and patient mental health. The speaker also emphasizes the need for self-control and faith in oneself, as it helps individuals overcome their struggles and build confidence to overcome them.

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			Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim
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			what are we studying?
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			What's the name of the Surah Surah Al Baqarah.
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			When was it revealed? After the Ujjwala or before the hijra, after the Hijrah
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			after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam migrated from Mecca to Medina,
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			are you familiar with the seed of the Prophet sallallahu sallam? What happened in his life? A little
bit about you all studied in Islamic school somewhere the other 100 Allah.
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			So you must be familiar with the fact that when the Prophet sallallahu taala, migrated to Medina,
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			things were very difficult.
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			Because many people had just migrated from one city to another, and they had come empty handed.
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			And the new place where they were now living in, they were not familiar with the kind of work that
could be done over there.
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			Imagine if somebody is a farmer, let's say, in India, they migrate to Canada.
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			And they don't live in a place where there's a lot of fields or they don't have enough money that
they can buy it out of property and, you know, start farming here. They ended up in Toronto
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			Where can they apply for a job?
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			Where can they apply for a job? Tell me?
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			If they do apply, do you think you'll be accepted? What will they be told? You don't have Canadian
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			Even if somebody's a doctor, a dentist from their home country, when they come to another place?
What do they have to do? Get more certifications, get more degrees to be able to work over there.
Because every place is different.
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			People in Makkah, they weren't farmers, they didn't have any agriculture. You know what they used to
do? Business.
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			That's what they did. Because Morocco was a place where so many visitors came.
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			And the McCanns themselves would also travel. So that's what they did in order to make money.
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			They weren't architects, they weren't farmers. They weren't anything like that. They were just pure
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			Now, in Medina, people were farmers.
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			Imagine if somebody has no idea about how to farm about how to work in the fields. Don't you think
life is going to become very difficult for them?
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			It's going to become difficult.
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			Imagine somebody coming from a hot country to a cold country. Imagine somebody coming from India and
living in the winters of Canada
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			would then not fall sick. Yes, they will. Likewise, when the Muslims migrate from Mecca to Medina,
the weather was very different Medina is an oasis and Makkah barren desert, in mountains, sand. And
Medina is an oasis, completely different whether the food was different, you know, these days, if
you go from, you know, a Western country to somewhere in, for example, India, Pakistan, and you go
there for a few weeks, they warn you don't have water, only have bottled water, don't eat out,
otherwise you'll get sick, and you want other people were living there, they don't get sick, why
will I get sick? Why? Because you're not used to eating those bacteria. Your body is not immune to
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			it. So you will get sick, even if it's normal food, you will get sick. Likewise, when the Muslims
migrated from Mecca to Medina, many of them got sick.
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			They lost their money, they lost their jobs, they've lost their family, they lost their property,
they lost their health. Life was pretty tough.
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			And this is the reason why the Prophet saw a lot of sudden made that relationship between the Tsar
and the mohajir in the relationship of Jehovah of brotherhood, that each person was made a brother
of the others of the Saudi brother would take in his muhajir brother, the person from Makkah, and he
would live with him in his house, he would share in the income. So this is why this relationship of
Hua was established between the believers. Now the Muslims weren't just facing challenges in this
way. You know what happened? The Michigan of Makkah, they came to attack the Muslims. Every now and
then somebody would come to harm the Muslims. And those of them were families back home in Makkah,
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			every now and then they would hear news of something bad that had happened.
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			So life was very difficult for Muslims. All of a sudden, there was a battle of birth, there was a
battle of
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			so many battles and small skirmishes as well. You know, they would come and attack the Muslims take
away their property.
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			Kill them.
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			If you think about it, a person would think I am going out in the way of Allah. I am doing something
for Allah. And Allah should take care of me. Isn't that what we think? I'm going to study the Quran.
So when I come home, the food should be ready.
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			But you get home and you're like, I'm hungry. The kids are hungry. I haven't cooked anything. And I
couldn't go for grocery yesterday. What am I cooking? I don't know. Am I cooking? I don't know, when
we'll live will be ready. I don't know. So you start to feel discouraged. You're like, why is this
so tough? Why is it so hard?
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			The thing is that difficulties are a part of life. Whether you go out in the way of Allah or you
don't go out to the way of Allah, every person in this life faces challenges. Nobody gets life easy.
Every person finds difficulties and challenges. Those who are Muslim, those who are not worse than
those who are very biased on those who are not that bias at all. So what's the solution? What should
a person do?
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			Allah guides us that in difficult situations, when life is getting tough, when one thing after the
other is coming very hard on you. When you feel as if you're overburdened with challenges with
difficulties in every aspect of your life. That what to do where should you turn to?
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			Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you have Lavina Amma know all you who have faith or you people who
have Eman or you believers. Is there enough as somebody was salah, seek help. Don't just sit there
crying the way No, seek help how the saga was Salah with patients and with prayer.
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			Look at the address. Yeah, are you Alladhina Amman what is yeah, you have mean? Oh, and we discussed
this earlier, when you call out to someone by saying hey, oh, you want their attention. What you're
telling them is very important to you. What you're telling them is something that is very necessary
for them to know.
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			And Allah subhanaw taala says yet you have who Alladhina amanu all you who have EMA In other words,
if you have Iman, you better do what you're being told.
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			This is something that will complete that will perfect that will improve your EMA and if you don't
do it, that means there's a problem with your EMA. So what is it that Allah tells us? Is there a new
seek help is there no. I mean well known our own our own is help we recite in Surah Fatiha a year
cannot do what yakka necessary You alone we seek help from
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			so Allah told us over here is there you know, seek help, you should seek help. But how should you
seek help? In two ways BISAZZA with patients was salah and prayer.
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			Sabra what the summer mean?
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			Someone is basically help so naps To control oneself.
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			And it's done in three ways are in three situations.
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			First of all, soccer is in difficult situations.
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			For example, at the loss of something that is very important to you.
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			So summer in a difficult situation is what? That a person accepts the decree of Allah. He stays
calm. He says, Oh Allah, this was your decree. I accept it. You feel sad. However, you don't say
anything negative. You don't react negatively.
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			And secondly, solid is patience is also on good deeds.
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			What does that mean? That if you're doing something good, you find it challenging, just like we
discussed right now. The Muslims migrated to Medina, so many difficulties one after the other. A
person would think forget about it. Just go back home.
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			Leave all of this Islam is too difficult. Leave the courts do difficult. I failed the first test,
forget about it. No. Stay firm on doing good deeds.
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			For that, also, you have to control yourself. You can't let yourself slack off. You can't let
yourself just give up. No, you force yourself that no stay firm, you have to do it.
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			The third situation in which you do sub is on staying away from sins, staying away from wrong
things. So for example, you're walking somewhere and you find somebody who's not dressed
appropriately. You want to look at them. Like no, stop it. Don't. Again, you want to look like no
turn away. Look down. Look away. Close your eyes.
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			So you're controlling yourself, aren't you? So sober, in other words is self control. Some of it is
self control.
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			When you think about solver, don't think about being passive towards the difficulties that come your
way. Many people think be passive, you know, don't care about the difficulties that you're
suffering. How good
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			You don't care, you're hurting, of course you're gonna care. You're in a problem you are going to
care your mind is going to go there. Someone does not mean being passive but rather it means self
control. Inshallah we'll discuss more about.
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			The second thing that Allah told us to do over here is what salah, meeting pray, pray to Allah
perform the salah. So when you're in difficulty, seek help of Allah through Saba through being
patient, and secondly, through praying salah, why, because in Allah indeed Allah, He is Mara Sabreen
he is with those people who are patient or Sabrina's Florida saw that.
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			What does the word Mara mean? What's the translation? With?
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			What does it mean by this, that Allah is with those people who are patient?
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			Remember, Maria, to be with someone, Allah subhanaw taala, to be with someone is of two types.
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			First, in the general sense, and secondly, in the specific sense,
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			in the general sense, we say Allah is with everybody. Allah feeds all people, whether they believe
or not, a look into their bodies to grow, he causes their bodies to become healthy, Allah is with
them in the general sense.
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			However, there is a specific sense as well, which is that when Allah is with someone in the sense
that he helps them, specially them, and not others.
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			He provides for them especially.
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			So in Allaha, ma Savini, Allah is with those who are patient, meaning a person who is patient, then
he gets the help of ALLAH, he gets the support of Allah, Allah will enable him to be patient, Allah
will give him the reward.
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			In other words, a person who is patient is not alone. He's not suffering in silence. Rather, the
help of Allah is with him, his Lord is with him in the Lahoma solve it in.
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			What do we see in this verse?
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			We see in this verse, that prayer and patience, they have a very big impact on our lives.
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			They have a very big effect on our lives. You know, sometimes we're praying for Allah. We're praying
for God to hurt us, and we'll leave Russia and we're like, you know, why? What's the big deal? I
don't even know what I'm saying. I can't concentrate in every salah. You know, I concentrate in the
first Rakhine, and the second, I don't know where I am. And I don't think my salah is perfect. So we
start doubting our prayers. should I even bother? It's too hard. Why is it so hard?
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			The thing is that your prayers affect your life. Your Salah affects you.
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			What do we see here, that seek help through patience and prayer. In other words, when you pray,
you're dealing with your challenges will become easier. When you pray, Allah's help with gum, when
you pray, then you will get out of difficulties faster.
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			When you pray, you will stay calm in difficult situations.
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			We see this, that you know a person, they lose somebody, for example, their child, their reaction is
so much that you wonder if they'll ever become normal again. And another person this suffered loss
of two children, three children, and they're still calm. They're not depressed. What's the
difference? One prays the other doesn't. One has trust in Allah and the other doesn't. The one hopes
for reward and the other doesn't. Your Salah has a big impact on you, on how you behave on how you
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			It is what affects you staying calm in difficult situations.
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			There was a woman, her name was handset. And before the Prophet said a lot of them received
prophethood. In other words, she was not a Muslim at that time, her son died.
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			Arabs were very proud of their sons. It was a big deal for them. And the loss of your son was a big
deal. Which is why when the Prophet SAW with autism son died into the people, they made fun of him.
They said he's out of meaning he's cut off, nobody's gonna remember him. He's gonna be forgotten
soon. So the loss of a son was something big that this woman concept when her son died, she couldn't
handle it. She could not take it.
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			She said verses of poetry, you know, in remembering him about the sadness that she was experiencing
about the great loss that she was suffering from. And she would go out in the streets and you know,
scream and wail and you know, she would dare clothes and pull her hair and she could not get over
the loss of her son. It was a big tragedy for her a great loss for her.
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			Now eventually, this woman
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			She became Muslim.
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			And then Allah gave her four sons. And then there was a battle that the Muslims had to go to the
fight the enemy. And all four of her sons were participating in that battle. And as it were going,
she said to them, my son's either you go and get victory, or don't come back.
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			In other words, either go in win. And if you can't win that fight until your last breath, die over
there, but don't come back empty handed, I want you to either be successful or be martyrs.
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			And you know what she was told very soon.
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			All four of her sons had died, one after the other. And you know what she said? And hamdulillah
Allah has made me the mother of four Shuhada.
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			Do you see the difference?
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			Loss of one son
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			affected her so much that she was traumatized. She could not get over that loss. She could never
become normal. And the same woman when she accepted Islam when she prayed salah, look at her
courage, look at her calmness. Look at her confidence, look at her trust in Allah.
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			That she suffered even a greater loss, but her reaction was completely different. Never think that
your Salah does not affect your life. It has a big effect on your life. This is why we see that the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam whenever he was in a difficult situation, what would he do? He would go
and pray. He would go and pray instantly seeking the help of Allah. So Allah told us over here,
yeah, you will Latina Ramadan is 13 over somebody will Salah seek help through patients and through
prayer. Make these your help your assistance in difficult situations.
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			Then we also learned in this verse about the benefit of sub we learned about the benefit of Salah,
but we also learned about the benefit of sub. And what is that that sub helps you in difficult
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			It helps you in difficult situations.
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			Now, I want you to think about it clearly to visualize it.
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			Suppose you stepped on something very sharp, and your foot got caught.
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			Imagined and your foot is bleeding. And every time you put your foot down, you can't even walk you
wonder when you will be able to walk again properly. Your foot is cut, it's hurting, it's bleeding.
You're immobile, you're not able to do what you're supposed to do you're normally doing so it
affects you. So what would be the reaction of a person who is being patient over there?
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			But what will his reaction be? Think about it,
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			he will cry, maybe he will suffer the pain he might say
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			he might tell other people about it. However, he doesn't make it a big deal.
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			That every person he talks to is like oh my god, you know this happened and that happened and oh my
god, I can't get over it. And he's crying as a Ya Allah. Why? Why did this have to happen to me?
What did I do?
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			He will not do this. This is not the person was patient, the one who is patient, he will feel the
pain. But you know what, when he's suffering from the pain as we learned somebody's what to control
yourself. So you will control his tongue.
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			Don't say anything negative, don't complain to Allah don't say negative things. Don't make it a big
deal. He will control his size. Don't go on screaming away. It's only a cut after all on your foot.
People suffer even more than this.
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			So sub of when a person has sub, what does it do?
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			It makes him powerful. It makes him strong.
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			Think about it. The same cut on one person's foot and the same cut on the other person's foot. One
person is patient and the other is not the one was patient. What will happen to him? Will he be able
to get back on his feet sooner? Yes. Because you know what he's gonna say? It's not that bad.
hamdulillah at least I can walk on one foot and maybe slightly bend my other foot. Okay, nevermind.
I'll sit here and do my other work. So what if I can't stand and walk around?
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			And the person who's impatient who like I have to my work, I have to go, I can't do anything. I'm
just getting so frustrated. This is not fair. And what he can do even he will not be able to do.
He's becoming weak. Saab makes you strong.
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			Endurance, patience, self control. It makes you confident person. It makes you more bold person. It
builds resilience in you. You're able to suffer pain.
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			So this is why Allah says Is there enough somebody will Salah when you're in difficult situations.
Don't just sit there and cry, but rather seek
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			How to Pray. And also be patient. Because when you will be patient, it will be easier for you to
deal with your difficulty.
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			Life is full of difficulties, it's full of challenges. Nobody gets it easy. Allah tells us be
patient so that you can tolerate those difficulties.
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			She's sharing a story about how once she was having soup with her friend and her friend, she put a
spoonful in her mouth, and it was extremely hot. And the first thing she said was hamdulillah
hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. And it was okay. But if a person says, ouch, why is it so hot? Oh, my
God, my mouth, I need ice.
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			I can't eat anymore. You know, throw the spoon and get off the table and run to the washroom and
keep rinsing your mouth. I mean, yes, you are feeling pain, we don't say that you're not feeling
pain, you are
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			having a bit of self control. If you have self control, you'll be stronger. And if you don't have
self control, Your pain will overcome you. Your weakness will overcome you, it will defeat you.
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			Any challenge that you face in life, always look at it as a monster. If you believe that the monster
is stronger than you, then you're done. And if you believe that, no, you're strong, Allah is with
you, then that monster will be nothing in front of you. It will become very small for you, you will
be able to deal with it. So it's there, you know, the somebody was salah, seek help through patience
and through prayer. And remember that in the law hamara, Sabine, indeed Allah is with those who are
patient, he doesn't leave them, his help is with them.
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			And the person who is patient, when he is being patient, he's doing two things.
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			First of all, he is hoping that soon this problem will be over.
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			And secondly, he is hoping that Allah will reward him for that.
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			And these two feelings, these two beliefs will make it easier for him to tolerate the pain to
tolerate the difficulty.
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			So the first thing is what that he knows that it will be soon over.
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			Tell me which being which difficulty with challenge in this life is permanent, that it always always
stays the same.
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			There's nothing like that, you know, even if a person has a certain condition.
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			For example, they have a certain illness, because of which they may have been in their body or a
part of their body might hurt constantly, there's no cure to that. Still, there are times when the
pain is more and the pain is less
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			part of your body is swollen, there are times when that part is more swollen, and sometimes it's not
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			So patients means in a difficult situation that you're hoping that inshallah it will be over. Soon
it will be over. And when you have that faith, it will be over, then it makes it easier for you to
bear the pain. The second thing that you're hoping for a ward from Allah subhanaw taala
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			then you get joy in suffering that pain as well.
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			Like, it's okay hamdulillah you're thinking about the reward, inshallah. And that makes it possible
for you to bear the pain. In a hadith we learned that Saba is actually the first strike of the
calamity, meaning when it strikes you first, your reaction at that time that matters.
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			So for example, the moment the mouth was burnt, if you say, ah, Ouch.
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			Oh my God, what's in the soup? What's in this food? What did you give me? First reaction, and then
you're like, It's okay, I'll be patient. That's not patients. First reaction, your mouth gets burned
like stuffing Allah Subhan Allah. This is patience.
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			You may have experienced yourself that no matter what Bay you're suffering from when it's very
strong. And you remember Allah at that time, it says though the pain leaves it as though it becomes
very less.
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			I've experienced myself once it happened with me that immediately had to be taken to the emergency
and they couldn't put any anesthesia on me. And they had to do a procedure within moments without
any anesthesia. And I was just remembering a mosaic of stuff that allow it to be like stuff in a
lava tube relate and the doctor and the nurses and all the people were horrified. I mean, their
faces, or they were shocked that how is this girl even tolerating the pain? And I was like, Is it
really that bad?
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			Honestly, like I think about it now like yeah, it was kind of bad, but not as much as their faces
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			And what brought me comfort at that time was that they could have Allah this is why Allah says
Cooney calm I will remember you. And when Allah remembers you, it's not a small thing. Your pain
will go away. It will become very less you feel strong.
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			It happens that difficulties are not just physical difficulties are also psychological, emotional,
it's quite possible. You're feeling extremely stressed out in your life because all the things that
are happening, all of a sudden you have 20 people coming in your house, all of a sudden, people who
you don't get along with are in your face all the time. You have to work with them. All of a sudden
you feel you have to do one thing after the other and you don't get any free time to yourself.
stressful situations. They also require celibate and the more somebody you have, the more easier it
will become for you to go through that phase of your life. We see all the prophets of Allah they
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			suffered so many difficulties, Ibrahim read his sunnah. His father was going to kill him, he was
thrown in the fire and he had to leave his child and wife, he had to undergo so many difficulties
but didn't Allah reward him? Allah made him the imam.
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			So in Allah hamara Sabreen Allah is with those people who are patient.
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			Allah's help is with them. He gives them the ability to be patient, and he rectifies their situation
for them as well. In a hadith we learn where alum under NASA Maha Sabha
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			that know that victory comes with patience.
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			How does victory come with patience you cannot overcome your difficulty except with patience, we're
Anil Forge, Marle calm that you can only get out of a difficulty when you suffer
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			with a nama or three you straw and indeed with the difficulty comes ease as well.
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			So in Allahumma of Savarin Allah is with those who are patient.
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			So be patient, in stressful situations, in painful situations in difficult situations, and always
remember this verse inshallah
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			let's listen to recitation of these if
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			staring at
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			long amounts for DD odd
00:27:10 --> 00:27:11
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			you're solid you're spot
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			Namaha mouse for the baby
00:27:25 --> 00:27:25
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			stallion or you saw that he was sworn.
00:27:33 --> 00:27:37
			In Allah now saw the ad