Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 005C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 17-18

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The concept of hypocrisy is a behavior that occurs when a person falls into a group of people and has certain qualities that make them unavailable. The use of words like "monetical" and " metal" in English can lead to great trouble on Earth Day. The Holy Spirit is a guidance for individuals to achieve their goals, and the Holy Spirit is important in helping individuals achieve their goals.

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			With bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. In these verses we will learn
about two examples that Allah subhanaw taala gives about the hypocrites. Examples are being given,
so that we can understand the matter of hypocrisy even more clearly, as I mentioned to you earlier,
that only five verses were revealed about the Magdalene two verses about caffeine and so many verses
about when I 15. And then on top of that, examples are also given about the winner 15. Why? Because
a matter of hypocrisy is complicated, in the sense that when a person has hypocrisy, or when he
falls into hypocrisy, when he has the qualities of a hypocrite, sometimes he doesn't even realize,
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			for instance, right now, we went over so many qualities of the hypocrites. How many times do we ever
think that this is hypocrisy? How many times we don't even realize we don't even think that it's a
big deal. But it is a very, very big deal, which is why Allah subhanaw taala has revealed so many
verses and on top of that two examples as well, because hypocrisy is a behavior. It's something that
is intangible, something that is abstract. And in order to understand it, Allah subhanaw taala
explains it with something that is concrete, something that we can see something that we can
visualize, because why is an example given to make you understand the concept easily, and to make
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			you understand something quickly and in a much better way. For example, if you have to explain to
someone the color red, what would be the best way of explaining to them what the color red is, you
just show them something that is red, isn't it's something that is abstract in tangible, something
that's not physical, like a behavior, if you want to explain it to someone, if you explain it to
them with the help of an example, something tangible, something concrete something physical, then
they can understand it in a much better way. This is the reason why Allah subhanaw taala presents
two examples over here. So what are these examples? Allah subhanaw taala says Metha newhome their
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			example example of who of the hypocrites is like what came up early like example. Kamata like
example, and the word method is from the root letters, meme says lamb and method is used for an
example, a description, and from the same root is the word mythical and metal is something that is
similar to the other. If you think about it, and example is always similar to what you are
explaining. If it's not similar, if it does not resemble then there's no point of giving that
example. So my thought is example. Their example is like who allottee of the one who meaning a
person who is so other neuron who kindled a fire is still Kedah is from the root letter as well
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			cough dal, were called is fuel and is the card is still called. What do you see in this word? What
letters do you see in this word? Besides the root letter as well cough the scene and the ear canal
Buddha yakka Ness Therrien Ness 13 Do you see scene antha over there as well? Yes. Scene antha. When
they come in a word they give many meanings of them is seeking something asking for something so
necessary. We ask for help we seek help. Over here is still Kedah. He asked for he wanted he
desired. What did he ask for now on a fire? So it's still called an hour. He requested that a fire
be lit. Meaning he asked someone to light fire for him. Or he asked for material through which he
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			could light fire. Do you understand what's going on? He's in darkness. He wants light. So what does
he do? He asked someone can you please light a fire for me? Or he asked someone can you please give
me the material through which I can light fire is through other neuron phenomena. Then when the fire
was lit for him when he requested it? Allah earth it illuminated about it is from the root letters
abroad. Well Hamza Bo, Bo is used for light, but it's such light that also has heat with it. For
example, the word Bo is used for the burning rays of the sun. Because the sun, what does it give
you? Light as well as warmth as well as heat. This is the kind of light that bow is. So Allah it
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			illuminated what illuminated the fire. So the fire illuminated what did it illuminate? Maha Willa
who? What was around him? What was around who? Around this person? So he was in darkness. He
requested the fire be lit. When the fire was lit. There was light and there was all
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			So, a little bit of heating remember the meaning of our Earth, but that light and heat was limited
to who? My Howler who just around this person, meaning the light was not that strong, it was not
that big, it was dim, it was weak, which is why it only illuminated his surroundings. How will is
from the root letters how Lola and the White House is used for the surroundings, the vicinity of a
person or thing. So my house, the light was just limited to him. So when this happened, Allah
subhanaw taala says, They have Allah who Allah took away the hubba from the root letters then her
back and the Hammerhead, who is to go away from the same root is a word that which is used for gold.
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			Do you think there's any connection between gold and going away? When a person has gold? what fear
does he have? It's gonna go away, somebody's gonna steal it, somebody's going to take it away from
me, I might lose it. People have this fear. So the hub he took away he went, Allahu Allah, meaning
Allah took away what venuti him with their light, the word of the hubba means he went, and when it
comes with the word be like over here to help Allahu venuti him It gives meaning of taking away, so
he took away their light.
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			Allah took away their light.
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			Node is from the root letters known well, and the word now is also from root letters known well,
both are from the same root, what does not mean? Light and nor is such light that does not have any
heat associated with it, though, has light and heat nor has only light, right. So they have Allah
who be new to him. Allah took away the light but what remained, the heat remained. The light was
taken away, but the heat remained when the light was gone. What happened? What Tharaka home and he
left them, Taka from the roof hatches, the rock after dark, dark is to leave to abandon. So he left
them, Allah left them left to the people who were benefiting from that light field. Although Merton
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			in darknesses have automatic as a plaintiff was Alma from their letters, la Lam Meem worm is
injustice. Have you heard of the word fun? Rollin, but literally the word means darkness. What does
it mean? Darkness. Because injustice will lead to darkness is when on the Day of Judgment. It leads
to great trouble on the Day of Judgment. So what Taraka homefield Luna math, he left them in many
darknesses. Notice the word is plural. Darkness is how are they in many darkness is where the
darkness is referring to. First of all, this is the darkness of the night. How do we know that there
is a darkness of the night? Because when would you ask for fire? When would you ask for light when
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			you are in darkness, right? So when the fire is extinguished, that obviously a person has left were
in the darkness of the night. Secondly, this darkness is you can say darkness after light. Has it
ever happened with you that you're sitting in the room the light is on and all of a sudden somebody
comes in turns off the light. When light is turned off? Immediately you are in complete darkness you
cannot see anything. But then after a few moments, what happens? You can see things you can't see
them as clearly, but still you can see. So little map, these are darkness of the night, as well as
the darkness that a person falls into when the light is taken away when the light is extinguished.
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			This is why Allah says Allah you will see rune they do not see you will sit on basada Basara to see
Salah you will see rune they do not see why do they not see because they are in darkness, the light
has been taken away from them lay you beside on their field automatic. Now if you look at this idea,
I want you to look at the pronouns. What are pronouns, words that are he she they I want you to
notice them and this is my third home is chloro karma fallin levy Allah de is
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			singular Estacada singular now on a fire fella Allah atma how Allah Who singular the hub Allah will
be naughty him plural. Ouattara can home field automat in law you will see rune plural. So we see
that this is talking about the hypocrites because this is the example of the hypocrites but
sometimes Allah subhanaw taala refers them in the singular form and other times in the plural form.
Is this a contradiction? Because there are people who will say that look, there are grammatical
errors in the Quran. And it's not possible that there could be grammatical errors in the Quran. Why?
Because this book is the most eloquent book
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			It's the word of Allah subhanaw taala there can be no grammatical errors. So why is it that at one
point, singular is used and another point plural is used, because remember that this word allah V,
it can be used for singular and it can also be used for plural. Yes, the word Olivia also has the
plural form a Lavina. However, Olivia is also used for plural sometimes. And because the singular
form has been used over here, this is why all the pronouns afterwards is still cada hola who they
are singular, in order to keep the pronouns the same. Secondly, it has been said that this person
who asked for fire to be lit is not alone. He is with his companions. So he is the one who asked for
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			the fire to be lit. But there are his companions with him. He requested for the light to be turned
on, when the light was turned on, he benefited from it. There are other people who also benefited
from it. But when the light was taken away, everyone was in darkness. This is just like all of us
are in this room. I asked someone, can you please turn on the lights? I asked only one person. But
then if the lights are turned off, am I the only person who will be in darkness? No, everyone will
be in darkness. So you understand this now. And the reason why I'm telling you about this is because
this is the way that this example has been understood by many, many scholars, that it refers to the
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			hypocrite who accepts Islam. He believes. But then very soon, his Eman leaves him. He does not
remain a believer. And when he believed when he accepted Islam, what happened? Many other people
also followed him why because he was a leader figure. But then when he left other people left along
with him. For example, we learned that Abdullah bin obey. He was the leader of the hypocrites in
Medina. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came to Medina, he accepted Islam. He became a Muslim.
Why? Because there were so many people who accepted Islam. If he didn't accept Islam, he would look
bad. And the reason why he accepted Islam, the reason why he wanted to keep a good image of himself
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			was because he was very you can say hi, in the society before the Prophet settled on Islam, the
people of Medina were divided into two tribes. And these two tribes were constantly fighting with
one another. And there came a point where they said that said we have to forget about all this
fighting, we have to appoint a leader for ourselves so that we can be united and the people of
Medina decided that they were going to appoint Abdullah ibn obey as their leader. And it is said
that they had also prepared a crown for him. But then when all of this was happening, the profits on
a lot of sudden came to Medina and everybody paid attention to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. So
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			Abdullah bin of A, he felt jealous that I was going to become the leader, here comes a prophet of
Allah, and everybody's paying attention to him. I'm being left out, I'm being ignored. So
apparently, he became a Muslim, he accepted Islam. When he accepted Islam, many others followed Him.
Those who looked up to him, they also followed him but very soon they have Allah who be new to him.
Allah took away their light. Allah took away their faith, their Eman, their Islam was gone. And they
were left in darkness so that they could not see. The question is why would Allah take away their
light? What is the light refer to by the way, Iman, why would Allah take away their EMA and their
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			faith? What's the reason? They were not sincere in the first place? They did not accept Islam for
the right reason. Why did they accept Islam for worldly benefits for worldly gain? And this is why
their Eman was very weak. If you notice the light that was kindled above atma Howler who it only
illuminated his surroundings, it was very weak, it was very dim. And when light is dim, when it's
very weak, what happens very soon, it extinguishes, it goes away. The slightest thing will cause the
light to go away. This is why their Iman was taken away. According to many companions of the Prophet
salaallah Sena they said that this ayah is referring to those people who accepted Islam initially,
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			but then they became hypocrites. They were in darkness, darkness of what of Sheikh of ignorance. The
Prophet sallallahu Sallam came, Islam came they knew what was right what was wrong. What was halal,
what was haram, what was good, what was evil. They got know about it, they accepted it, they became
believers but their Eman was very weak. It was not strong. It was not for the right reason. And then
very soon, they left Islam How did they leave Islam on the inside, but on the outward they were
still showing Islam in their heart. They were not believers anymore.
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			Because remember, you had your own Allah when Medina Amanu were either lokala Dena Ave Carlo, Amana
on the outside
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			They were still professing Islam but on the inside their Islam was gone. It was diminished it left
them. What are aka homefield. Lumet in LA you will say, Allah subhanaw taala says in certain one
African Ayah three that rarely could be unknown Amma No, some mecca for that the hypocrites they
believed, and then they disbelieved. They believed but then they left Islam in their hearts. And on
the outward, they showed Islam. Another reason why they had hypocrisy in their hearts or their Eman
left them is because of the crimes that they committed the sins that they committed when a person
becomes a Muslim is required to do certain things. Yes, for example, as Muslims when we make a
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			promise with Allah or with people, are we supposed to fulfill them? Yes. But if a person makes a
promise and he doesn't fulfill it, then he's committing a crime basically. And this crime is going
to have consequences and that consequences that the Eman becomes weak and weak and weak until it
leaves a person does it ever happen with you that you do something wrong and you feel as though your
Eman is very, very low. And when you do something good you feel as if your Eman has become very
strong. And if you do something wrong again it feels weaker and weaker. So this is true if you do
wrong your Eman will only grow weaker and weaker and weaker if you do good your Eman will increase.
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			So the hypocrites because of the wrong things that they do. Because of that their Eman is taken away
from them. It becomes low and low and low to the point that it completely dies out. We learn in the
Quran in surah two Safa five Allah subhanaw taala says Fela Mazza Al Azhar Allahu kuruva when they
deviated and Allah cause their hearts to deviate. Similarly, we learned in sort of the Toba 77 that
there was a person who made a promise that if Allah gives me a lot that I will spend in the way of
Allah, if I have a lot of money, I will give charity and when Allah gave him money, he did not give
any charity. So Allah says for our kaboom NIFA confu Kaluga him Illa Yomi al kono Bhima Allah for
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			Allah humma what I do, who will be my Kanu yak the boon that he penalize them with hypocrisy in
their heart until the day they will meet him because they failed Allah in what they promised him and
because they habitually used to lie. So why is it that Allah took away their light? Why is it that
Eman left their heart? Because of the crimes that they committed because of the lies they uttered?
Because of the promises that they broke? What does this show to us? What's the lesson in this for
us? If we want to secure our iman? Then we better become faithful. If we want to secure our faith,
if we want our Eman to be strong, then we better obey Allah. We better fulfill our promises. We
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			better be truthful because if we are insincere, if we become dishonest with Allah with the people,
then this is a cause of hypocrisy. This is a cause of Eman leaving the heart of a person. They have
Allah Who venuti him what Tharaka homefield little matted lay, you will sleep alone, they do not see
anymore, they have become blind. They are in the darkness. And you see now you will see later on
when a person does not see, will he improve himself? Will he protect himself, he cannot even save
himself if he's blind. They don't even see the wrongs that they're doing. So weakness of faith leads
to hypocrisy. It leads to NEFA. Allah subhanaw taala further says, someone once who are deaf,
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			someone is applauded at the word of some from the letter Assad me, me and someone is deafness. When
a person is not able to hear what is summer deafness, when a person is not able to hear. So someone
they are ones who are deaf. Now, does it mean that a hypocrite is literally deaf? He cannot hear at
all? Is this what the meaning is? No, this is not the meaning. Because we see our delight and obey
in his companions, they would come to the gatherings of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and they
would listen to the Quran. And when they heard the Quran, they even understood its meaning. So what
is the mean by this deafness? Remember that there are two types of hearing two types of listening.
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			One hearing one listening is that which is hissy, which is physical. His see that a person hear
sounds a person hears words he's able to perceive the sound all right. The other type of hearing
listening summer is that which is marinucci, that which is intangible, and that is some or NAFTA
beneficial hearing, meaning a person benefits from what he has heard that if he heard something, he
benefits from it. So they are deaf. What does it mean? That they don't benefit from what they hear?
It's amazing. Then when I feel pain, they're sad in the gatherings of the prophets of Allah and
Islam. They heard him speak, they heard his hotbar and imagine if you were given a chance to listen
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			to the words of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam coming from his mouth
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			out, isn't that amazing, but they sat in those gatherings and they did not benefit at all. They did
not benefit at all from those gatherings. This is why Allah subhanaw taala told us in the Quran
inserted and file i a 21 that will add to Kunal Kalinina, Carlu, Samir Anna will whom lay a smart
goon Don't be like those people who say we have heard, but in reality they have not heard because
they heard but they did not benefit from what they heard. What is the sign of benefiting from what a
person has heard acting upon it, that there's a change in the person that he's doing what he heard.
He's doing what he's required to do. So they hypocrites, they assume they are deaf, they hear, but
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			they don't benefit. They don't do what they're supposed to do. Someone Bachmann Bachman is a floral
off, I become from the letters back F meme, and Africa is one who is unable to speak. And AFRICOM is
used for a person who has never spoken, meaning he has been like this from birth. Now does it mean
that hypocrites are literally dumb, they're literally mute, they cannot talk they cannot speak. Is
that what the meaning is? It means they cannot speak out the truth. What they speak is false. What
they speak is wrong. What they speak is evil. Like we learned earlier that a hypocrite when he
fights what does he do? He is ill mannered, he yells, he screams he uses foul language. When he
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			talks. He actually won't he lies. How are they done? That they don't speak the truth or Omean ones
who are blind or immune as a plural of Arma from their letters. I mean, yeah. And am I is someone
who was blind who is unable to see now doesn't mean that hypocrites cannot see at all. This is not
what the meaning is. What it means is that they do not benefit from what they see. Just as they do
not benefit from what they hear. They do not benefit from what they see. They see the truth. They
see the signs that are very obvious, but they still don't benefit from them. For whom layer do your
own, so they will not return. Yield your own from raw GE mine from the word Roger and Roger is to
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			return to go back. So they will not return. They will not return to what to Iman, because remember,
they were in darkness. They asked for light they had Iman now is referring to what, Eman they had
Eman. But because it wasn't for the right reason what happened that EMA left them. When that Eman
left they became someone Bachman or Amir. So they will never ever go back to Iman. And why is it
that they will never ever go back to Iman? Because all the means to guidance are blocked or closed?
How does a person accept the truth? Either he sees it or he hears it? Or he understands it? But if a
person does not hear it, he does not see it. He doesn't understand it, then is he going to ever get
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			to the truth? No. If you want to get to a destination, you have to either hear instructions, or you
have to see your way or you have to understand what you're supposed to go. But if you don't
understand don't see don't hear can you get to your destination, you cannot. So for him nailed your
own, they will never ever go back to guidance. So who are these hypocrites? These are the hypocrites
who were believers at one point. They had Imam at one point. But when they did not benefit from
their Eman when they Iman was not for the right reason, they became hypocrites. And when they have
become hypocrites, Allah says for whom lie of God because they are deaf, dumb, and blind. Notice the
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			description of the hypocrites of Eboracum of being dumb, unable to speak. What does it mean by this?
They're unable to speak the truth. You see, the thing is that when you see something, and when you
hear something, if you benefit from it, are you going to speak it? Yes. For example, you hear
something very interesting, a very interesting story. Are you just going to keep it to yourself? Are
you going to share it with someone when you go home? You're going to share it. Somebody you see
something amazing. Are you going to tell other people about it? Yes, you are going to tell other
people about it. So when something has gone in, it will come out. But if the truth has not gone in
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			when it comes out of them? No. What is it true that a hypocrite does not benefit from the truth that
is given to him and he does not benefit others from the truth that He may come across. He is not a
carrier of truth. He doesn't receive it. He doesn't give it. He doesn't benefit from others. Others
don't benefit from him. This is something very scary. Very scary.
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			When a person comes across something good, he should be able to take it in and he should be able to
benefit others with it. If he doesn't benefit others then he's useless. The prophets are a lot of
times said that the example of the guidance that Allah subhanaw taala has sent him with is like rain
that falls on the
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			ground and land is of different different types. One type of land, what does it do? It absorbs the
water it absorbs the rain and it produces a lot of greenery, a lot of plants. So what happens the
land has benefited from the rain. And the creation of Allah also benefits from the plants that the
land has produced. Another type of land, what does it do? It does not absorb the water, but at least
it retains the water. So when it retains the water other people can benefit from it at least, the
land itself does not benefit but people can benefit. But there's another type of land which neither
retains the water, nor does it absorb the water as the waterfalls on it, what happens? It gets
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			washed off. This is the hypocrite. This is the monastic he learns about the truth. There are many
opportunities where he gets to know about what the truth is. He sees it, he hears it, but he doesn't
benefit he doesn't pass it on someone Bookman or Omean millennial journey, so they will never ever
return. They will never ever return to guidance. Let's listen to the recitation of these two verses
method Iluka method
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			no news
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			this is shows to us that if a person accepts Islam or claims to be a believer, and then afterwards
leaves Islam was he actually every believer Eman never truly entered his heart. Because when Eman
enters the heart of a person, truly, then it does not leave. It does not leave. If it leaves, it
means that it never entered the heart. We learned that Abu Sufyan when he was traveling to Iraq, who
was the king of the Romans, he called Abu Sufyan. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam had sent a letter to
helical inviting him to Islam, and it was a piano at that time was on a Muslim and Hidaka asked,
there was a few and many questions about the Prophet salallahu Salam. And one of the questions that
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			he asked was that is there anyone who accepts his religion and then leaves that religion out of
anger out of displeasure? So Luciferian said, No, there is no one who accepts this religion and then
leaves it out of anger out of displeasure, and hit a cold replied that, likewise is true faith. This
is true faith when its delight enters the heart and mixes with it completely. When a man truly
enters the heart of a person that it doesn't leave, if it has left that it means that never really
truly entered. But another very important lesson that we learned from the saya is that Allah
subhanaw taala he only gives a man and guidance to the person who truly wants it. If a person
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			pretends on the outside that I'm going to accept a very soon that light will be taken away from him.
If a person does not have the yearning, the desire from the inside, then no matter how much it is
forced upon no matter how much he pretends it's not going to benefit him, it's not going to stay.
When is it going to stay when a person wants it when a person desires it? Because the deen of Allah
subhanaw taala is not that cheap. It's not something to be played around with. If a person tries to
play around with the deen of Allah, Allah takes as the away from that person because at the end of
Allah is not that cheap.