Al-Hajj 25-37 Word Analysis and Tafsir 35-37
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 17 – L169F
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The speakers discuss the characteristics of the "roof" and the "monster woman" in Islam, emphasizing the importance of belief in big animals and offering small animals as payment for slaughter. They also discuss the use of words like "branded milk" and "branded milk" in commerce, as well as the history of slavery and the importance of offering good news to those who do not want to give up their animals. The speakers stress the need for individuals to offer their animals as a form of payment for slaughter and emphasize the importance of not giving blood to animals before slaughtering them.
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Who are the most meetin Who are those who are humble before Allah? There are unreadiness those people who either locate Allah who when Allah is mentioned, would you that guru boom their hearts tremble, their hearts are afraid they become fearful. What do you let from the roof address while Jim lamb and what it is to feel fear in the heart.
So, whether kulu
was Sabina and also they are ones who are patient, over what Allah masaba over whatever reaches them, whatever difficulty they experience, they are patient, one more team is smaller and those who establish the solar woman merasakan alchemy and feel cone and from what We have provided them they spend
over here we see that the characteristics of the Mk Widener mentioned. First of all, a movement is
the one whose heart trembles at the mention of Allah.
That he becomes afraid he becomes fearful when Allah is mentioned.
And because he feels fear, this is why whatever command is given he will not say why and why me and why like this and why like that. What will his reaction be? of obedience of submission, we have learned earlier as well in total and file number two that enamal Moon alladhina eradicate Allahu wa Judith kulu were either Julia de la Nehemiah two that will either be him that
insert Zuma is 23. We learn Dr. Sharon Roman who julu the Levine I have shown a bone some mottolino Judo to whom Baku eradicate Allah, that the skins shiver there from meaning when Allah is mentioned, of those people who fear their Lord, and then their skins and their hearts, they relax at the remembrance of Allah.
So what do we see that it's a sign of a man it's a sign of humility and submission that a person feels fear when allies mentioned
and such fear that leads to obedience. The second quality of move within that as mentioned over here is wasabi Rena, Adana asaba, those who are patient over the difficulties that reach them.
And this also only a motivated person can do. Only a mock with a humble a submissive person can be patient, because he knows that this difficulty has come to me from all from Allah, He will not begin to show his anger to other people, that Why are you doing this? He will not begin to argue with them, why are you doing this? But what will he realize that if I am experiencing this difficulty, it has come from Allah.
So what's the point of taking on my frustration and people, there is no benefit. So who can be patient? The one who is humble? Well, more famous Lila and those who established the solar again, only the humble person can be confirmed on solar warming models economic recon, again, only a humble person he can spend in the wave. Because he knows that when he is giving in the wave on that, in fact, he is benefiting himself.
It is said about a remodel the Learn home that he was once talking to someone and that person, he blamed him for something that remodeling our new had not done. Obviously, if you are blamed for something that you haven't done, aren't you going to get distressed? Aren't you going to get upset? Of course. Sir, I'm going to learn who when he was blamed, he became very distressed. He became very angry. And it was very close that he was going to call that person to account like he was going to deal with him very seriously. But someone else was reciting the Quran. Someone else was reciting the Quran. And when he heard the recitation of the client immediately calmed down immediately
that his anger was gone. his frustration was gone. Why? Because he they're looking at a law. What do you do when allies mentioned when the Quran is recited, their heart inclines immediately to
the dimension of
the forget about what's going on. They focus on the
There's a hadith as well, the gist of which is that the believer is like plants which are like grass almost, that as the wind blows What happened to them? They bend very easily. They're not like Duff strong trees, which you know when the wind blows, they don't even move not even slightly they don't bend. They don't accommodate. No. A believer is who work with one who bends one who is soft one who accommodates one who listens, one who will sacrifice some of his time some of his share for the greater benefit. So this is something that is extremely important. In a believer and this is something that Hajj teaches us. The experience of Hajj teaches us this lesson that when you have to
go and live within so many people, you are going perfectly fine. Here comes a person pushes you out onto the side, you fall, you lose your bag, you lose your mother, and you have to suffer the consequences of someone who is pushing you. You want to go and grab them and give it to them at that point. But humidity at that time means doesn't matter. That can be It's okay.
Some idiot hedge the they're very frustrated. You bought a package in which you were supposed to be given LUNCH, DINNER breakfast on time. But there you are hungry, starving, because the organizers they have not still brought the lunch or the dinner and you only had breakfast which was strange food which you could not eat. Now, at this time you want to show your anger. But what do you need at that time? Patience, tolerance, humility. So suburb and humidity are two big lessons. Big lessons that Hutch teaches us
while we're dinner, and the camels and cattle jalna we have made it look on for you minchah in a lab of the symbols of Allah albertan is from the root fetters, Vidal known and it's a plural word whose singular is banana
and banana is used for a sacrificial camel or a sacrificial cow in particular it is used for camels and cattle. Why? Because it does not include goats and sheep. Okay, why because this word is from burden and burden is What buddy? Right? And but then is to have a big body to have a big button. And it's also used for an animal a camel or cattle that is big, that is fat that is healthy.
So while Boudin, the camels and the cows jalna holla, calm insha Allah, we have made them as shy the love for you. And the comfy hieron for you and it is quite meaning many benefits of dunya especially camels, you ride on them. You travel on them, you use their milk. Finally you slaughter them you eat of their meat as well.
First Guru smola here on a a so mentioned the name of Allah upon it. So as ones that are lined up, what does that mean by this so f So f is a Florida of software.
And software is one who is standing in a soft one who is standing in a row.
But remember that this word is not just used for that which is standing in a row. But in commerce, which is a dictionary it is mentioned that Slava is a camel whose left front foot, the left front foot is dyed.
It is tied up. And so it is standing on both hind feet and the front right foot. So basically, it's the camel that is standing on its three legs, and one leg is tied upwards.
died in a way that it cannot stand on it. Okay, died in a way that it cannot stand it so it's lifted up somehow, the left front foot is lifted up somehow, and it's tied with the rope so that the camel cannot rest on it. So so we have our animals that are standing in rows or there are standing on their three's. And in particular, this is talking about camels, not capital, but in particular camels.
And because camels are huge
Huge animals, it's not easy to slaughter them
a sheep, what do you do? Even one person can easily slaughter it. But when it comes to a cow, it's not easy to slaughter it. Several people have to hold it down, and then only they can sell it. I remember somebody was mentioning what how they had seen as a child, that a cow was being slaughtered. And the people were not holding it properly, or they weren't enough people to hold it properly. And as the person who started to pass the knife over, the cow somehow escaped,
and the neck was half got. So you can imagine how difficult it must have been to control that cow. And because they had seen that cow running about like that, but because of that they weren't able to eat meat for a very long time or witness animals being slaughtered for a very long time. So we see that because these animals are huge. There's a particular way of slaughtering them. And you can imagine a camel is much bigger than a cow. So how do you slaughter camels, you have to make them stand on their three legs. Why? So that they lose their balance slightly,
and they're tied, so that they cannot escape. And as the animal as the camera standing, the knife or the sword or whatever is being used, it is used to injure the neck,
particularly where the jugular vein is, so that the animal begins to bleed. And as soon as it's got up at the jugular vein, what happens but either way, but then as soon as it falls down, denuvo had its side.
So what happens when the animal loses balance, it's easier to control it. So immediately you put it on its side and then you slaughter it, you complete the slaughter.
And if you were to slaughter it while putting it down on the ground, it would be impossible several people will be injured before that animal will be slaughtered.
So this is the correct way of slaughtering a camel. And you might say this is very strange. The animal is standing and you injured on the neck and then it's bleeding and then you put it down and then you slaughter it. There is no easier way. And if the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did it, he was Rahmatullah I mean he was very merciful towards creatures. So if he approved of it this is the correct way and it's mentioned in the Quran as well. So far either Baba Jr. will have where'd you get this from the fetters? Well, Jean bear and worship is to whatever means when something becomes mandatory, and it also is used for when something falls down. When something falls to the ground. It
is said watchable has it meaning the wall it fell down.
So what about Juno boo, her job is a clone of gem, they fall on the earth on their sides. This indicates complete slaughter, meaning when the slaughter is complete when the animal has been fully slaughtered, when there is no trace of life left in the animal.
Okay, when there is no trace of life left in the animal, when it's not moving anymore, when the blood has fully drained out, it's not warm anymore, fuck alumina, then you may eater it, meaning then you may cut up into pieces, and then you can eat it. This is a very important ruling, which is that the animal cannot be consumed, it cannot be cut up into pieces. Unless and until life has fully left the body meaning there is no trace of life. Because sometimes people slaughter the animal and immediately they start chopping it into pieces. And sometimes people have witnessed big pieces of meat or piece of meat which are literally moving sometimes Why? Because the animal was cut up into
pieces very quickly, very soon.
So what do we learn over here for either What about Juniper? When the slaughter is complete, when there is no trace of life left, then you can eat of it.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Whatever is cut from an animal, while it is still alive is maker, it is dead flesh.
Whatever is cut from an animal while it is still alive, the root is still there. It's still moving. The animal is still moving, there comes a person chopping a piece off and immediately goes and cooks it What is it? It's made that it's that it's not permissible for us to eat.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam also said Allah has prescribed proficiency in all things. If you kill, kill well, and if you slaughter slaughter, well let each one of you sharpen his blade and let him spare suffering to the animal he slaughters, meaning when you're slaughtering slaughter property and slaughter with a sharp knife so that it takes less time and so that the root leaves quickly and it's not permissible that the animal is still moving and parts of it are cut up into pieces because if you begin cutting it up into pieces, life is still there and the animal still will feel pain. It's not correct
fuck aluminium then you may eat of it will alter mo and also feed Alcantara
add one more thought and the poor who asks the beggar I'll corner is from the reflectors past noon rain from the word corner and what does Panera mean? contentment. So pioneer is used for the poor person who is content with whatever little that he has. And because of that contentment he doesn't go around asking people he doesn't go around begging people. This is who Alcon is
some have said that O'Connor is a jealous fi baby. He Elmendorf O'Connor is the one who stays in his house.
The one who is very chaste in the sense that he doesn't go about begging people. And he's content with whatever he has, and he doesn't go about asking. So eat of the animals yourself and also feed who the needy who do not ask. And also well, Martha, Martha, something that is in law law, and more of it written law is to address humbly to ask for a favor in a very humble manner, to show one's humility before the other, to show one's need before the other and ask for a favor in that way that I haven't eaten in so many days. I'm so needy, this happened that happened. So please give me something. So Martha is the beggar who asks, Danica, likewise, sir, now how we have subjected it
Luckily for you, there are local dish grown so that you can be grateful. Meaning This is the way that we have subjected the burden for you, that you are able to slaughter them. And if Allah had not enabled you to do this, in order to slaughter them, you would never be able to slaughter them because of their huge size. And Allah has subjected them to you so that you're able to ride these animals that are so big compared to
you know, something that's amazing, a little child is leading a huge camel isn't an amazing, a small child is leading a camel that is so big compared to it. Why? Because Allah has subjected these animals that come to school so that you can be grateful for the blessing that Allah has given to you.
So what do we see in this ayah
First of all, we learned about the method of slavery, that how the big animals, especially camels, they should be slaughtered. And we also learned that upon slaughtering the when the slaughter is complete, only then a person may eat of the animal. And when the animal has been slaughtered, then a person can eat of it himself, and he can also give it to the poor and the needy. He can share it with his friends, he can share it with his relatives, he can give it all to the poor, he can keep it all to himself, it's up to him. But the best way is the way that our last panel has mentioned over here, which is the way of Venice, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, that I used to forbid you to
keep the meat of the sacrifice for more than three days. But now eat from it, and also keep it as you see fit. Before. In the early time, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had forbidden this habit, they should keep the meat of the animal that has been sacrificed for the sake of Allah, especially more than three days. You may wonder how they keep it for more than three days Anyway, there were no refrigerators or freezers, they would dry the meat. So it wasn't permissible for them to keep the meat for more than three days. They were told to give it all in charity. Why? Because at that time, initially, the Muslims were suffering from a lot of poverty. Remember that a lot of the population
of Medina that was based on who? immigrants more hygiene, and the Muslims were suffering from a lot of poverty. So for that time, there's someone who is wealthy and they have so much meat that is lying that is getting dried. And there's someone who hasn't eaten in days. Is that fair? No. So for the public benefit, this had been forbidden, but later on, it was allowed. So he said, you may do whatever you wish you can keep it with you as you see fit. We also learned that the profits are a lot of sudden he was in Medina for 10 years and every year he would offer sacrifice on the day of read. And when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam went to perform hajj, he slaughtered 100 camels
100 camels he slaughtered.
So what do we learn from this, that there is no maximum when it comes to offering something for the sake of Allah? Because typically, people think it should be one animal per family. No, this is not fixed rule. It's whatever you can afford. Every member of the family can give or the family together can give one animal whatever a person wishes to do. Similarly, a person can have one animal slaughtered for the family, and one animal slaughtered for the poor and the needy and one animal slaughtered for the friends and relatives for instance. So it's whatever a person wishes to do. It's whatever a person wants to offer.
But remember that it is not permissible to offer the sacrificial animal before they're either those who are not at Hajj. When should the sacrifice the animal when should the slaughter after they're not before
so for example, if you're sending your sacrifice abroad, like for example, in another country your animal is going to be slaughtered. Then make sure that it's to be done after you have prayed.
Because if it happens before you have prayed read, then it's not going to be considered as that ritual slaughter. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said the first thing that we should do on this day of ours we read is to pray. And then we return an offer the sacrifice, and whoever does that will have followed our Sunnah whoever slaughters his animal before the prayer, this is just meat which he has brought for his family, it is not sacrificed at all. It is not sacrifice at all.
So this is why a person should make sure that the animal that is being slaughtered at that time was a ritual. It is done. After he has prayed his
lay and Allah Allah who never will it reach Allah, what will never reach Allah Lu who Moo ha, their flesh? What are the Maha nor their blood?
When a person slaughters an animal for the sake of Allah, what does he think he's doing it for the sake of Allah. But the fact is that when the animal is slaughtered, you're not giving the meat to Allah, you're not giving the blood to Allah. Allah says layan al Allahu Allahu mohalla. Home is the plural of lamb. Its flesh never reaches Allah, meaning the flesh does not rise up to Allah. Well, Adam idema is a Florida, the blood even does not rise up to Allah than what is the price is up to him. we're lacking but he anantha who it reaches him
in the fight differently, the fear of God, the piety that you have the sincerity that you have in your heart, that is what will be considered by Allah. That is what reaches Allah karateka hora Lacan does, Allah has subjected these animals for you, little Kabila so that you may glorify Allah, Allah Hidalgo over what is guided that in these days, what should a person do? He should busy himself in adequate Obama, in these days of read in these days of Hajj, in the month of the hedger, what should a person do busy himself in the career of Allah? Why? Because of so many blessings that Allah has given us? What by shooting, Marcin and give good news to those who do their son, what is that good
news, that for them is reward and who are the mercy? The myrcene are those who do whatever they do with Islam. They do whatever they do with sincerity. And amoxil is also one who brings beauty to his actions, right? The one who does his actions in a very beautiful way. And what is the most beautiful way of doing something,
the way that has been taught to us by Allah and His messenger. So for example, when it comes to slaughtering the animal, when it comes to offering a sacrificial animal, what's the way that we have been taught over here, that when the animal has been slaughtered, and the meat should be shared between you and the poor, and the needy, this is excellent. We think our sign is give everything away, but your sign is what the do what Allah has told you to do, what by sheer His mercy.
And your sign is also that a person does whatever he does in the prescribed method. For example, when it comes to slaughtering the animal, he makes sure that it's done in the most efficient manner, so that the animal does not suffer from pain, as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us. So why shouldn't mercy give good news to those who do so?
Now at the beginning of the year, what do we learn that to Allah? It's not the blood of the animal. It's not the flesh of the animal that reaches but what is it that reaches him? It's your taqwa. And this is very similar to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that Allah does not look at your appearance, nor does he look at you. Well, but what does he look at your hearts and your deeds? So when it comes to this ritual, as well? Yes, you may have slaughtered many animals, you may have solid, a huge animal, you may have spent a lot of wealth, but from that whole activity, what is it that's worth anything? It's your sincerity. It's your love. It's your dedication. It's your fear of
Allah. It's your desire for that deed to be accepted by Allah. Because sometimes people slaughter animals only to gain fame, only to be remembered that so and so person gave these many animals and sacrifice. Yes, this year this person offered a sacrifice and this year they didn't offer a sacrifice many times. This is the reason why people offer sacrificial animals.
But what do we see? That it's not the money that matters? It's not the animal that matters. What is it that matters? It's the duck. Wha it's the sincerity. It's the dedication. It's the humidity.
And if you look at it constantly from the beginning of this lesson, this is a theme that we have been seen that Ibrahim alayhis salam when he was told to announce the hedge, what was it Oh, you do your job. And the Lord will do the rest. Because what is required from us is obedience and sincerity. Allah does not look at the well. He does not look at your appearance. He does not look at how beautifully you have decorated yourself. What is it okay, with what love and sincerity you're doing what you're doing. The more sincerity, the more reward, the more dedication, the more acceptance
and when there is no sincerity, when there is no dedication, that is where we fall short in reward
sapan Nicola home ob handicare Chateau La ilaha illa Anta Roca.
Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.