Al-Isra 66-77 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 71-72
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 15 – L147D
![Taimiyyah Zubair](
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The transcript discusses the meaning of "naught" in Arabic language, including its meaning for a day or a time, and how it is used to indicate lack of trust or confidence. The title includes a discussion on "naught" for a day or a time, and how it can be used to indicate a lack of trust or confidence. The speakers emphasize the importance of following the Sun Royality and not just knowing the person that one love, and stress the need for people to recognize the loss of vision and knowledge. They also mention the potential embarrassment caused by blindness and the importance of understanding the "naught" in one's deeds to avoid causing embarrassment.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim
lesson number 147 soldiers of Islam
Yeoman either on the day that we will call meaning mentioned the day on which we will call cola on acid, every people.
Nunez is people and the word that we generally read an NES is actually a land bonus.
So mentioned the day when we will call every people meaning every nation How will they be called be mommy him by their Imam.
Imam is from the real tetrads Hamza Mimi and it has various meanings in the Arabic language.
First of all Eman means a leader meaning someone who is followed
in the majority emammal
email is made so that he is followed so email is one who is followed.
Secondly, the word email also means a book or record any I interpolant where you can remember the word email has been used for record for book email me moving into writing to a scene wakulla Shay in our Selena who fee mm and movie and everything we have recorded it were in a clear record.
And thirdly the word email also means highway a road a bat away in total is 79 we learned what in the Homer levy Miami movie.
So Eman has various meanings in the Arabic language.
So over here las panatela says yo ma another con la una semana de Miami him What's the meaning of Imam in the context inshallah I will explain that to you at the end of the year. So the day that every nation will be called by their email from an EU to Akita who be Yemeni, then whoever will be given his Record in his right foot hula ecosa, those Yoko Ono they will read their book. Why?
Because being given the book in the right hand is a sign of success. And when a person is granted success, then he has a confidence to look at what he did. He has a confidence to examine his efforts, his actions, his accomplishments. And if he is not granted success, then he doesn't even want to look back. He does not even want to see what he did before he does not even want to think about it, he does not want to talk about it.
So for Ola, aka co owner kita home, they will read their kita mean they will read their has an ad their good deeds that are recorded in their book of deeds. Well, I use them on and they will not be wronged Fatimah as a threat on a date.
14 as you know is used for a week, it's basically the thread that is on a date stone. And it's figuratively used for a very tiny amount of something a little bit of something. So while I use lamona for Tina, they will not be wronged in the least meaning every good deed that they will have done, they will find its reward, they will find it recorded in their record in their book. Now you'll
see over here last panel data tells us that on the Day of Resurrection, you will call each people to account by who by its email
and email over here has been understood in various ways. First of all, EMA means leader meaning a people will be called by the name of their leader by the one whom they followed,
whether it is a man of Huda or a man of planada
whether it was someone whom they followed and as a result of that, they increased in their guidance
or it was someone whom they followed and as a result of that, they increased in their misguidance
whosoever the people followed, they will be called by their name. So for example, their prophet or their leader, whether political leader or otherwise, or it is their parents. So for example, it will be said, Yeah, at
all followers of so and so. Oh followers off, so and so. So similarly, the oma of each prophet will be called by who?
by the name of their messenger. So for example, yeah, will Mata Musa
Yama tiberi Musa Yama tiberi Isa? Yeah, Mata Berry, Mohammed sallallahu sallam.
But obviously, only those people will be called by the name of their prophets who truly followed, who believed in them, and who followed them.
And those people would neither believed in their profits, nor did they follow them.
Obviously, they will not be called by them.
They will be called by who? by those people whom they followed.
Like, for example, at the time of Musa Addison and there were some people who followed him, and there were other people who followed him.
And what do we learn about fitting into the truth is 98 Yakumo como yo malkia Mati for over the hobo. Now, what it said with Dharma route, he will proceed his people on the Day of Resurrection, and he will lead them to hellfire.
So any person who an individual follows, he will be called by his name.
And to be called by the name of your leader is either a cause of honor, or it is a cause of extreme shame and embarrassment.
Because it's possible that we like someone in our heart, we love someone, and we follow them as well, in the way that they speak, in the way that they dress, in the way that they carry themselves, we try to imitate them in every way, because we want to be like them.
And perhaps we haven't even told the people around us. So imagine on the Day of Judgment we're being called, or fans of so and so. Or followers of so and so. This will either be a cause of honor or it will be a cause of great embarrassment for people.
Now there is a question. Many times people follow many individuals, many leaders, isn't it? If you ask them, who is the personality whom you admire the most? They will say in what way? In what way or from which time, presently or from history, they will wonder because many times people admire many and they follow Me.
So who is that person going to be called by?
It is going to be according to the one who we followed and admired the most. Whom he looked up to the most, whom he loved the most, because as Mara Mara men have, a person will be with those whom he loves. So over here, we need to question ourselves, that who is it that we follow? Who is it that we admire? Yes, we are of Omaha Mozart, Allahu alayhi wa sallam, but we need to analyze ourselves.
In my actions is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam reflected at all.
Do I try to follow the Sunnah? Do I love them? Do I know about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam? I claim to love him. I claim to believe in him but how well do I know him?
If somebody asks me about him, how much can I describe him? How much can I praise Him? We need to ask ourselves because only the one whom we love and we admire and we follow is the one whom we're going to be called by on the Day of Judgment.
Now, another thing those people who do not follow any leader at all, for example, it's possible that a person does not have sound intellect, he does not have the ability to distinguish between what is right what is wrong. So obviously he does not follow any leader isn't it's similar to young children who die when they're very small, who are they going to be called by
they are going to be called by the name of their father
that Oh son of so and so or child of so and so.
So, we see that people will not just be called as you know, with their first name that come for your hyssop Orisha omarion come for your his have know what will be said. Oh, Maria, the follower off so and so. Oh, Ayesha, the fan of so and so.
Just imagine if we're called like that.
How do we want to be called whose name do we want to be mentioned along with our need
to be publicized.
You know, sometimes when people are being introduced in public, and they're introduced as this person is a professor in so until University, or this person works at this company, just the name of the company, or the name of the university, therefore, it's a source of honor or shame. If a person works in a big company they want that company's name should be mentioned. If they work in a no name company, it's a cause of embarrassment almost because people wonder what is it? What do you guys do? What do you guys make? What kind of work do you do people wonder? So it's a cause of embarrassment. So what name do you want to be attached with your name? So people who do not have any leader who did
not follow anyone who will they be called by by the name of their father, in the case where a person is of illegitimate birth,
Then we know that lineage is not taken from his father. It's taken from her from the mother.
Secondly, Eman over here also means book. But which focuses the people will be called by their divine book, meaning the book of Allah that was sent to them
so they'll be called to account by saying that all people have the Quran for example Yeah.
Yeah Allah tala, yellow kita, avocado, avocado.
So, people will be called by who, by the book that was sent to them.
And in this is also either a source of honor or embarrassment because if a person has given the half of the book, then it will be a source of pride for him. And if a person has not given the half of the book, then it will be a source of great embarrassment for him, isn't it
Thirdly, the meaning of Imam over here his book again but this book refers to the book of deeds the book of record.
So, they'll be called according to their
meaning a person will not come alone by himself, but he will come with his book of deeds. So, for example, a person will be called also I will hire a person who has done many good deeds come forward or also have a shelf or person who has done such and such evil deed or a person who was on such and such good deed. For example, if a person has done Hajj, what do they like to be called? * right Hajj, they like to be given such a title, why? Because they have done that big good deed.
Similarly, if a person is very learned, and he imparts knowledge, he teaches knowledge, how is he called? Share? Right? So these titles they become a source of honor or shame for the person. Similarly, on the day of judgment as well, a person will be called by the deeds that he has performed.
And as he will come for his app, what will come with him, his record will come with him.
And when he will come for his app, what will happen the record will be given to him from an EU to whatever will be emini, either the record will be given the right or it will be given where to the left on the left hand. For those people who are given the record in their right, what will happen is
they'll be so happy immediately, they will open up the record and they will begin to flip through it. Okay, what did I do? Where's my HUD? Where's my disco? d? Where's my that could be how much of it did I really do?
Like a person has called all sides?
So he will flip through his book looking Okay, how many said could I speak how many truths were statements that I speak he will flip through them Why? Because he's so happy. He'll be so excited.
We learned as when the Quran as well for a moment, OT Akita bahuvida Mini for your co worker ottavia he will say, Here read my record. So he will not only read his record himself, but he will also give it to others to read.
Just as if you get 100% on your assignment, what are you gonna do? You're gonna easily casually pass it on to other people. Yes, go ahead, flip through it compared with yours, if you wish to.
Similarly, the same thing is going to happen on the Day of Judgment.
But as for those who are given the record in their left, what are they going to say?
Them outta kitabi wish I had not been given my book, when I'm editing Serbia and I have no idea as to what Microsoft would be.
woman can have he had he Arma and whoever was in this life, meaning in this dunya he was Arma he was blind. He lived a life of blindness. What is the life of blindness that a person is blind to? Allah soprano. He does not even recognize his creator. He is blind to the truth. He is blind to the favours of Allah, the blessings of Allah. He is blind to the guidance that Allah has provided. He is blind to his hereafter the account that he will be brought to on the Day of Judgment. Therefore he is completely negligent about it. He does not even look, he does not even consider the fact that he will be questioned about his deeds. For who so he will be filling it in the hereafter he will be
he will again be blind.
He was blind in the dunya he will be blind in the hereafter.
Notice the word Arma. Some have said that karma over here the second Arma is on the structure of artist of lead. Meeting more blind.
He'll be more blind compared to the blindness that he suffered from in the dunia a shed to armor
Sabina and more astray in way, meaning, he will not find a way to salvation, he will not find a way of escape, he will not find a way to paradise to reward he will not find any way at all he will be blind. And he will also not find any way
we see that blindness is of two types. One blindness is that off the eyes, where the eyes do not see.
And this blindness is not an array, it is not a fault. Why? Because a person has been created like that, by who by Allah soprano.
And if this person, he is unable to see with his eyes, but he has a heart that fields that comprehends that is sensitive, then this person is much better.
The other type of blindness is the blindness of the heart,
which is when a person comes across certain things, but he does not take a lesson. He does not feel anything in his heart, he does not feel any fear, he does not feel any gratitude.
He does not feel the fear of consequences, he doesn't have any fear in his heart, any consciousness of a loss.
And this blindness is worse even if a person's eyes are functioning perfectly fine.
So, over here, which kind of blindness has mentioned, the blindness of the heart, because of the heart is blind and a person cannot benefit from any of his faculties.
Even if he has eyes that function properly, you cannot see properly even if he has ears that are functioning properly he cannot take lesson from what he is listening to.
So over here what is meant is the blindness of the heart because that is the real blindness. A las pantallas has in total hedge eye number 46 for in her left arm and episodul when I can determine globality
For indeed it is not eyes that become blind but blinded are the hearts which are within *. When they are blind, then a person is blind.
So what do we say in this ayah?
that a person who lives a life of blindness than in the hereafter he will be blind as well? How will he be blind in the hereafter?
That he will not be able to see Allah
He will not be allowed to look at Allah.
He will be arrma in the hereafter.
He will not be allowed to see any bliss any pleasure any comfort. any part of Jenna even he will not be able to see it.
Without insulting autofeed I number 15 can in Houma Rob beam, yo ma even llama jus boon, that indeed from their Lord that day, they will be partitioned, there will be a screen between them and they will be unable to see.
Blind completely. We're about to do sebelah and more Australian way.
First Edition,
Yeoman, cola owner
udia, kita.
if you look at it, if a person is unable to see, isn't it a cause of embarrassment?
Just imagine if you were told that you will not be able to see tomorrow. And after that your eyes will not function properly. But will you think it's a cause of great embarrassment?
Especially if the ability to see has been taken away from a person after he was able to see
this recently somebody was mentioning to me about how their child is perfectly fine. Everything is normal. Just whenever they speak to him, there's a delay in response. And so they've been very concerned. And the thought of taking him and getting him jacked up if there was something wrong, and he's going to be tested for autism. And the mother was so worried. She's like, I'm so afraid because I don't want to be labeled as a mother of an autistic child.
Unfortunately, how people look at such children, it's a cause of great shame. Especially because my child is so intelligent. He's so smart. Just because he delays in giving a response. I don't want to be known as a mother of an autistic child.
And I was thinking it's such a great embarrassment or
Personal he has something and it's taken away from him. Just imagine a person is able to physically see in the dunya but in the hereafter he will not even be able to see.
We learned in the Quran that a woman out of there and decree for in Allahu marisha on Blanca, when Ashura who Yokoyama armor. A person who turns away from the color of Allah he becomes blind to it. On the Day of Judgment he will be raised as someone who is blind
or be Lima harsh often Yama, he will say why did you raise me as blind? What are the controversy? Well, I was seeing in the dunya, I could see. So what the responses are more we'll get
to that. A tactical Ayah tuna fantasy.
Our Ayat came to you, but you forgot that you saw my blessings. You forgot them. You thought you learned my book, but you forgot it.
What are their local Yama tones and today, you will be forgotten as well.
So imagine if a person does not recognize the blessings of Allah today, he does not take a lesson today. He does not reflect on the book today. Then he will be blind in the hereafter blind which is going to be a source of shame. Utter embarrassment