Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 15 – L142C

Taimiyyah Zubair

Al-Isra 11-22 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 13-15

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AI: Summary ©

The fruit of luck is attached to a woman's neck and is written for every person who has been attached to her. The fruit is the result of every action and is the result of it. The loss of a good deed is wiped out throughout history, and the importance of continuous improvement and feedback is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to strive for their daily deeds and avoid mistakes, and to take action to avoid mistakes.

AI: Summary ©

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			Lesson number 142. So little israa will begin from number 13
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			wakulla insane in and for every person for every human being,
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			as of now who we have imposed on him by era who his fate where fear no fee upon his neck
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			meaning it is bound to him he cannot avoid it.
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			Why not radiallahu and we will produce for him yo multi Amity on the Day of Resurrection kita been a
record yelapa human Shula which he will encounter spread open
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			wirkkala insane in every single human being, every person, no matter how righteous he is, or how
evil he is, no matter how young or how old whenever he came to this world,
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			every single person
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			also now who we have imposed on him, Ultima lambs, I need to make something claim to the other to
make something stick to the other, to attach it to the other. So alum now who we have attached to
him, we have imposed on him.
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			It is made to cling on him what thought you know who has faked?
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			The workplace isn't very veterus. But yeah.
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			And they were played, but it literally is a bird one that flies? Well, I'll put it in here to be
gentle. Hey, so far, it is literally one who flies.
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			But the word for it is also used for a bad omen.
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			Why? Because the Arabs whenever they wanted to decide something whenever they wanted to see if
something brought Good luck to them, or bad luck to them, what would they do? They would make a bird
fly. And if the bird flew to the right What did that mean? This is good for us. This will bring good
luck, and if it flew to the left, then what did that mean? This will be a source of bad luck.
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			So from this old thought, it is also used for fate or Omen, bad omen.
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			So, for every person we have attached, his thought it were fear only in his neck.
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			Now in his arenak it is attached to his neck, just imagine something is attached to the neck have a
person just like a necklace, can he avoid it?
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			No, it is always with him. Always constantly, unless a person takes it up unless a person removes
it. But this law is constantly attached to the neck of a person, meaning he can never avoid it,
whatever is meant to happen will definitely happen.
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			Now, the word thought it over here has been understood in two ways. First of all, as I mentioned to
you, it refers to his fate that whatever is written for him, whatever is recorded for him, it will
definitely happen. He cannot avoid what Allah has destined for him.
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			Like the Hadees tells us that na savoca lamea can do whatever hit you was never meant to miss you,
whatever has reached you, whether it is good or evil, it was never meant to miss you. And whatever
has missed you it was never meant to reach you.
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			So, this is what it means by by that every person's fate is attached to him whatever Allah has
decreed for him will definitely happen he cannot avoid it, it is bound to happen.
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			Therefore, anything that happens in life What should a person think?
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			This was moku if a person suffers from a financial loss, he should think this is McTell. This is
written Allah decreed it
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			if a person wanted to get married to a particular person and it never happened, what should a person
No, this was meant to happen, alone ever wrote this person for me. Similarly, if a person wants to
have children, they cannot have children, what should they realize? This is the fate that Allah
wrote for me. This is what Allah decided for me.
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			Similarly, if a person suffers from something from an illness from a sickness from a loss from death
of a family member, then again, this is the thought that is bound to him that he cannot miss that he
can never ever avoid no matter what he tries to do.
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			Secondly, the word thought It has also been understood as Ahmed
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			deeds, that for every person, his deeds whether good or evil, they are dyed to his neck.
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			What does it mean by that?
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			That whenever a person performs an action, it is eternally die to him,
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			bound to him, Do you understand? Meaning it is recorded,
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			it is written, he will be questioned. So, his deeds are like a thought that is bound to his neck.
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			Now, why are deeds called Five?
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			And he has explained that actions that a person performs are words that a person says they are like
a bird that a person has caused to fly. Now, when you make a bird fly away from you, can you ever
retrieve it? Can you ever get it back? Hardly ever rarely. So, once an action has been done, it's
gone from your hands, you don't have any control over it. Now, it's written.
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			Similarly, when a person utter some words, it is written, it's recorded. So, for every person his
thought, meaning his fate or secondly, his deeds, they are bound to him bound to his neck meaning he
cannot avoid it.
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			Whenever they do Lahu and we will produce for him yo will be MIT on the Day of Resurrection keytab
and a record what record is this a record in which are written all of his deeds, el Cabo, that he
will find it meaning this book, this record, you will find it Matura spread open before him, when
shoot from the root letters, known sheen raw and natural is to spread something, whether it is to
spread a piece of garment or it is to spread open a book, or it is to spread rain everywhere, or it
is to spread one statements, words, national is to spread,
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			to lie open to publish.
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			So he will find this book right before him open, wide open, clearly, right before him.
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			What do we see in this ayah
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			we see that whatever Allah subhanaw taala has decreed for a person, he cannot avoid it.
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			And the word thought it has been used. The Arabs, they thought that their luck was determined by
what by a bird.
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			Similarly, people today also have many false beliefs with regards to their fate, that if something
has happened to them, it's because of the star that they have. It's because of another reason.
However, we see that a person's fate is directly linked to what his deeds, his actions, whatever he
does, that becomes his destiny.
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			Whatever he does, that becomes his fate. Because whatever actions a person is performing in this
dunya, eventually he's going to get the consequence of that in the hereafter.
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			It's not that a person behaves a particular way, and he gets his recompense completely opposite on
the Day of Judgment. No, whatever you do, that is what you will get in the hereafter.
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			And the fate of every person is bound to him, wherever he goes.
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			Whether he is traveling, whether he is sleeping, it is bound to him, he can never avoid it. He can
never detach it from himself.
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			And whatever a person doesn't dystonia, it has been recorded and on the Day of Judgment, he will
find it right before him.
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			We don't insult the piano I number 13 as well. You have both in San uyama even been a adema.
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			Man will be informed on that day of what he sent ahead and what he kept back.
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			Similarly, intro to delta is number seven to eight we learned for me Yeah, my name is Karla, the
Latin higher on Yahoo. Woman yarmulkes honor the Latin chalan Yahoo.
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			Similarly, in sort of AI number 16, we learn in a method rizona macoun to tamiu. You are being
recompense for what you used to do. You are being punished for what for what you used to do. It's
not that you did something completely different. And now you're getting a result that you don't
deserve. No. Whatever you have done, that has become your destiny. And that will be proven through
what through the record of deeds that has been displayed right before you.
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			And when the record of deeds is displayed, what will be said it called kita burger, it will be said
read your book.
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			read your book, meaning read your record yourself.
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			Read it yourself.
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			hustle bustle he said that every person will read his record whether he is an only one
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			They're unlettered or he's lettered whether he is able to read or he is unable to read, every person
will be able to read them. If current ketomac
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			guthaben fck. Sufficient is yourself and yo ma today I like against you has Seba, as an accountant,
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			meaning you alone are enough to decide what you deserve.
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			Upon seeing your record, no one has to tell you that you deserve reward or you deserve punishment,
you are the best judge today, on seeing your record, you yourself can decide where you're supposed
to go.
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			This does not mean that the choice will be left to people, what does it mean? That the end result
will be very obvious to every single person
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			when he sees his record,
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			just as if a person is given his report card, his results sheet, and in it is the result of every
single subject, every single course that he has taken.
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			If he sees all his, then what does that mean? He knows he has passed. And if he sees D's and F's,
and maybe use ungraded, and half of the record is in red, then he knows that he's doomed.
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			Even if he's not old, you have failed, unfortunately, you will not be given your diploma, he knows
that he has failed, he doesn't need to be told,
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			isn't at all.
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			So similarly, on the day of judgment, as every person will see his record, he will know what exactly
he deserves. No one will have to tell him,
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			it will be obvious by the result itself by the book itself.
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			But unfortunately, in this dunya, what happens with us, we do an action, we do something and we
forget about it.
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			Or we do certain good deeds, and we think they're so big. There's so many, they're so important. We
do certain actions, we think they're so insignificant, they don't carry any weight. But the fact is
that when all of the deeds are going to be displayed together, then we will see the reality.
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			So what do we need to do now?
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			take account of ourselves today, before we are called to action.
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			We need to check our actions. Now, before we are made to check
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			because many times what happens, we missed one seller after the other, we delay one seller after the
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			Similarly, we don't perform Salah with Russia at all.
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			Just select if you look at it, which is the first thing that will be questioned about.
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			Now imagine the result of all of the pairs is shown to you. Think about it. Think about every single
turnout that you've read. What Mark would you gave it? Would you give it 100%? Or would you give it
a 20% or 0%
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			honestly grade your actions now before you were shown their grades.
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			In Sorrento, piano I have 14 and 15 we learn ballet in San Juan Island FC vasila wello elcom ideal,
rather, man against himself will be a witness, even if he presents his excuses.
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			Today, what do we do? We have a long list of excuses for everything.
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			I couldn't pray on time because I woke up late.
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			I couldn't pray with her sure, because I was very occupied with that work of mine. We have a long
list of excuses. But what does Allah say eventually every person knows he is guilty.
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			Berlin in Santa infc Wasilla every single person against himself is a witness. Even if he presents
many excuses about America, he reported that the prophets are allowed to set himself man's record of
deeds will be spread open before Him and He will read it and he will say I did such and such good
deed, but it is not written over here.
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			We understand a person will be given his Record
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			and he will look through it thinking where did this good deed of mine goal
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			and he will say I did such and such it is not written over here of loss of penalty will say because
you used to backbite I have erased that good deed of yours.
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			katha been upcycle yo Malika has Eva.
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			You are sufficient as an accountant against yourself.
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			We see that some good deeds. They're wiped away because of our own wrong actions.
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			Because of our injustice, because of the wrong use of our tongue, because of our ingratitude because
of showing off because of
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			such deeds, they become inactive, they will not carry any weight, they will not bring any benefit to
a person on the Day of Judgment.
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			Like for example, if a person is putting in so much effort every single day to recite the Quran, but
if he's not doing it for the sake of Allah, he's doing it to please people. He's doing it just to
get a diploma, then under their judgment, if he will not see it over there, this is what he will be
told that you never did it for the sake of Allah.
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			Therefore, that good deed has been wiped off with diarrhea every single day, it was wiped off
because of the year that you did.
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			Similarly, if a person gives soda, but he shows off or he follows it up with man and then again what
will happen?
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			What will happen? It will be wiped off it will be erased legible to sakata Campbell manual other
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			we learn in social in Chicago, I am number seven to 12 for a moment Odia koterba who will be emini
for sale for your house over a seven year zero way and caribou Illa Lima surah then as for he who
has given his Record in his right hand, he will be judged with an easy account,
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			he will be questioned,
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			he will be given an exam that is going to be easy. And he will return to his people in happiness.
What a moment Oto kitahara avahi for self another sabula where slessor ila, but as for he who is
given his Record behind his back, he will cry out for destruction, and he will enter to blaze in the
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			Similarly, in sort of healthcare 1920 we learn for a moment udia kitabi emini fire kulu * ottavia
in New Zealand to unimarc in his area. So as for the person who is given his Record in his right
hand, he will say here, read my record.
00:17:14 --> 00:17:29
			If a person has given his results, if a person has given his test paper back, and if he's gotten
100%, if he's gotten really good marks, what is he going to do? Here? Go ahead, look, look at my
result. I did so well in this subject I did so well in this course.
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			I got 100% on the attendance, on performance, etc, etc, he will happily go around showing to every
person not feeling shy at all.
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			This is only possible when the record itself is good.
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			He will say here read my record. Indeed, I was certain that I would be meeting my account,
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			I was certain that I was going to receive my result.
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			This is why I was so careful. This is why I was so cautious.
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			So a person who remembers the end in mind, who remembers the day of result in mind. He will perform
his actions properly. He will be careful throughout his life.
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			But on the other hand, what a moment Odia kitabi Chemin de Fer de la Neelam ootheca tabea Well, I'm
a dreamer, he Serbia. But as for he who has given his Record in his left hand, What will he say? Oh,
I wish I had not been given my record. I wish I was never made to see this sheet.
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			When I'm editing or has Avia and I would not know what my facade is what my account is. Meaning I
would never be given my hisab I wish this would happen with me.
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			So what's the lesson in this for us?
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			Take account before you are shown the result.
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			dislike when some students when they're doing their course, they're very particular about each and
every subject. Each and every single test each and every assignment, they are careful, they will go
up to the group in charge, they will ask the course in charge. You know, I could not take this test
of mine, can you please give me the opportunity to take it as soon as possible? I missed this
assignment. I missed this homework, can I please do it? This person is careful. He's very conscious.
And at the end of the course they'll be very happy. But for the person who doesn't care about his
results, that instead of him being concerned about the tests that he has missed, other people are
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			following him that you have missed this you have missed this please complete your result, then
obviously the two are going to be completely different on the day of result. One is going to be
happy showing the result and other is going to be hiding the result because it has empty boxes
because it has zeros because it has C's and DS
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			Everything that we do, we must make sure that we rectify the intention, we renew the intention, we
do it sincerely exclusively for the sake of wellness.
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			Because if a person does it to please people, if a person does it to obtain the Nia, then that
action is useless. It's going to remain in this dunya, it's not going to benefit him at all in the
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			Never think that the good that you have done is enough. Because you never know where you're falling
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			What might not be given any weight on the Day of Judgment.
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			Like a person will say, Oh Allah, I did such and such good deed, I don't see it written
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			while you did liva. So that's why it was erased. So make sure you have done extra good deeds, never
think that what you've done is enough, continue to increase.
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			Exactly. In this dunya. If somebody points our mistake to us, if somebody corrects us makes us
realize what we're doing is wrong, then what should we do?
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			Accept it.
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			Because if we don't, under their judgment, it is going to be shown, and we're going to be recompense
for it. Right now, we can still make amendments. But on that day, we cannot make any changes,
nothing at all.
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			It's such a big deal that we cannot stay put for even a moment, we can never think this is enough. I
don't need to do any more. Just as a person is extremely concerned about a major exam that he has to
take. And he knows there'll be five sections, for example, and he will have a choice of three, that
he has to do at least three out of five, then what will he do?
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			He will fully prepare three, but just to be on the safe side, what is he going to do? Prepare extra
as well prepare the other two as well. That just in case, this is not enough, I should have the
other two ready as well.
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			The matter of the Hereafter is far more serious, it is far more important.
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			It is far more risky. So we can never think what we've done is enough, we need to constantly strive
to increase to improve
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			money. Whoever obtains guidance, meaning whoever improves in his day or whoever improves in his good
deeds. Whoever believes, whoever performs righteousness, for intimate then indeed not but yesterday
Lynette See, he obtained guidance for himself, meaning the reward of his guidance is for him.
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			He is going to benefit by his hidayah
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			when a person performs righteousness, who is the benefiting himself? one on one, and whoever strayed
for in a little earlier than indeed not but he goes astray against itself, meaning the consequence
of his wrongdoing is going to be on who are none but him. What does he do, and it shall not bear was
the rotten bear of burden, wisdom, the burden of another,
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			no bear of burden will bear the burden of another person on that day.
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			Meaning each and every person will be accountable for his own deeds
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			for his own deeds, no person will come and say, let me take the punishment of what you did.
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			Let me take the punishment that you deserve. No one
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			will be punished for the crime of the other.
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			woman cannot and we were not meaning Allah subhanaw taala more of the veena ones who inflict
punishment had never thought Rasulullah until we send a messenger
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			Allah does not inflict punishment on a people until a messenger has been sent to them. What does it
mean by that? Meaning until they're informed of what they're supposed to do, and what they are to
avoid by the messenger
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			no person will be punished
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			unless and until he knew what he was supposed to do and what he was supposed to avoid.
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			So what do we see in this ayah
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			that each person
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			is going to be individually held accountable on the Day of Judgment.
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			A person cannot do something and put the blame on someone else.
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			One may be able to get away with this in this dunya but it will not work in the hereafter. Each
person will be held responsible for the actions that he has done.
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			If a person does something good, he will benefit if a person does something wrong, he
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			suffer from heart.
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			Monitor data in the Maya 30. Enough SQL Mamba in the Maya window
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			without into the room ID number 44. Mancha fall of La Khufu woman Amina sila Han, fully unfussy.
umiam Hadoop,
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			whoever disbelieves upon him is a consequence of his disbelief.
00:25:23 --> 00:25:33
			Whoever does cover, he will suffer the consequences. Whoever does wrong, he will suffer the
consequences and whoever does righteousness, they are for themselves preparing.
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			They are preparing their hereafter for themselves for the unfussy mem. Hayden, what's the connection
of this ayah with the previous one,
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			in the previous is what was mentioned, the recommends on the Day of Judgment, that each person will
see his record, and he will know that this is what I deserve.
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			And in this dunya, when a person does something that is a recompense that he will get in the
hereafter. If it's good, he will get good if it's bad, he will get bad.
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			No one will be punished for a crime that he has not committed.
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			So what's the lesson in this ayah?
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			What do we learn?
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			What's the main theme?
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			Every person for himself on the day of judgment and whatever you have done, that is what you will
get in the hereafter.
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			So the choice is yours. What do you want to do? What do you want to get? And Allah subhanaw taala
says at the end of the ayah, that no person is punished until he knows what he is supposed to do. So
in other words, it's only the guilty, who will be punished.
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			The guilty
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			who are proven guilty.
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			We learned from this is that action is extremely important.
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			Belief alone is not sufficient.
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			Or hope alone is not sufficient. It's action.
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			Good action, avoiding bad that is going to benefit a person on the Day of Judgment.
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			That is believing that if I believe in such and such person, or if I believe in such and such being
that will be sufficient for me. No that is not sufficient. You have to do something