Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 08 – L086A

Taimiyyah Zubair

Al-Anam 141-150 Translation 141-150

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The transcript describes a conversation between two speakers discussing various topics, including a bill of war, a coworker's statement about a woman, a coworker's statement about a woman, and a coworker's statement about a woman. The speakers mention various topics such as war, food, and COVID-19.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:02 --> 00:00:04
			Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
00:00:07 --> 00:00:23
			sundiata Sudha Hill Karim Amar for the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem of
the SRA Ashley surgery where Sidley Emory, Washington melissani of coho coli openers in
00:00:25 --> 00:00:31
			Lesson number 86 suitable anom is number 141 to 150.
00:00:32 --> 00:00:33
00:00:35 --> 00:01:27
			or whoever and he alizee is the one who unsure he created Jonathan gardens Marcia Tim, one
strategist who available and other than model shirting, one stylist, one nakhla. And the date bomb
was the era and the crops more fairly firm, different varying equally who its fruit was a tuna and
the olives were women and the pomegranate, with a shell behind one similar resembling were viral and
other than with the share base, when similar one resembling kulu you all eat main from summary he
eats fruit is there when I Smirnoff it bears fruit
00:01:28 --> 00:02:30
			will add to and you all give hepco who its do yolmer en de hacer de it's harvest Warner and do not
to suffer you will exceed bounds you will be extravagant in there who indeed he left not your hibou
he loves almost refund those who are extravagant women and from Al anon the grazing livestock her mu
Latin one Zoo carry weight. Were forscher and ones who are close to ground corner you will eat
midmar from what browser or chrome he provided you. Allahu Allah Werner and do not dare to be rude
you all follow the footsteps of the shaitaan in the who indeed he locum for you are the one an enemy
will be one open so many other eight as virgin pears men from abroad need the sheep is naini to
00:02:31 --> 00:03:35
			women and from Alma Rosie the goats is mainly to say as the corradini did the two males had warmer
he made unlawful or an insane the two females allow or what is it comprised? It consisted or lay
upon it or how move wombs insane of the two females. There be only you all informed me bear in mind
with knowledge in a quantum you were saw the clean ones who are truthful women and firm eligibile
the camels, his name to women and from Albacore the cows his name to old say the corradini did the
two males have warmer he made unlawful or an insane the two females a male or what is the mela It
consisted? Or no he upon it or how warm and insane of the two females and or condone you were
00:03:35 --> 00:04:12
			shuhada witnesses is when was soccom he ordered you all he enjoined you all Allahu Allah they have
their with this Furman sir Who is more unjust man than who if there are he fabricated either against
Allah He Allah Gibbon li li Avila so that he leads astray and nurser the people variety without him
in any knowledge in the Indeed Allah Allah lair not yet the guides and karma the people of Wally
mean those who do long
00:04:13 --> 00:04:48
			old say less not edgy do I find fi in my wallet. Now here it was revealed in a year to me, we'll
have Roman one made unlawful one prohibited I now upon to remain one who eats your time although he
eats it Illa except on that Yokozuna, it is Mater then that bow or Berman blood must for one, one
port force or less animal flesh twinsies of swine. So in the role so indeed it will disown
00:04:50 --> 00:04:59
			our spawn a sin disobedience, or when it was invoked, it was called upon the variety for other than
Allahu Allah
00:05:00 --> 00:05:56
			He with it for a month so whoever October he was forced he was compelled later other than Berlin one
rebelling when desiring or craving water and nor are they in one transgressing for English So
indeed, Rob Becker, yo Rob for food on always all forgiving for a shaman all resolved merciful.
While Allah and upon and Medina those who have to do they became Jews, however now we made unlawful
criminal every the possessor referred in our fingernails, women and firm alberca the cows while on
him and the goats However, now we made unlawful I lay him upon them sure Huma Huma sets of them to
Illa except Melwood, Hamlet it carried Loomer their backs or backs of them do I owe a hair wire the
00:05:56 --> 00:06:15
			intestines or ma what is tolerable? It was mixed it was mingled there are who were born there later
that designer who we recompense them the probably him because of their rebellion we're in there and
indeed we lasagna grown surely ones who are truthful
00:06:16 --> 00:07:10
			for insert a skirt the bocce table ideal for cool then you say about bukom Europe do possessor rush
mutton Have mercy, whereas there are 10 one infinitely vast. Weller and not euro do. It was turned
back, but through His power, His punishment I'm from Elko, the people allegedly mean those who are
criminals Serato loose soon he will say and Medina dazu ashinoko, the chick lo is Sherif. He will
Allahu Allah man, not a short cleaner way to check whether and nor are the owner, our forefathers
were there and nor how we'll know we made unlawful men from Shay in anything COVID Nika likewise,
gazyva he beleid and levina those who made from probably him before then, Hector until they approve,
00:07:10 --> 00:07:38
			they tested but center our punishment, our force. Don't say * is in the comb with you. Men from
arraignment, any knowledge. So two, three julu beniwal take it out Lennar for us in large that to be
earner you all follow in there except a one the supposition we're in and not until you all in there
except the who soon you will speculate you all guess for your lie.
00:07:39 --> 00:07:52
			And say, for Larry, so for Allah, Allah shojiro to the argument of valuable the one far reaching
fellow so if Sherif he will luchador comb surely he guided you a Jew marine altogether?
00:07:54 --> 00:08:39
			Old say Halima ubering. She had a chromium witnesses and levinas Ozu Yeshua Dona VEDA witness under
that Indeed, Allah Allah how Roma he made unlawful hair that is for insert if shahidul de Boer
witness testified Fela so do not fish hurt you bear witness Mara home with them. Whether and do not
that the very you follow our desires and Medina of those who get the boot they denied the dinner
with our verses. When levena and those who lead not you know that they believe they are here with
the hereafter or home and they do not behave with their year or disease. They equate behold equal
00:08:58 --> 00:08:59
			to now have
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			to have
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			in a
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			Mr. Mallika Lee
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			is on
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			you should
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