Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 05 – L065C

Taimiyyah Zubair

An-Nisa 135-147 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 135-b

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			Well, Intel Whoo. And if you twist if you distort
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			that whoo isn't the roof letters lamb? Well, yeah, from the word lay. And what does leg mean?
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			They'll will yell boon, to twist, to bend, to distort. We read earlier what in them in whom level
you can? Yell Woon sen homebuilt kita. They twist their tongues when reciting the book.
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			So what Intel wore, and remember that may is to turn to bend the tongue or the neck while at a
warner I hadn't. Remember when the Muslims were fleeing from the battlefield, and the profits or
losses, and I was calling them and they would not look back later when you wouldn't turn back.
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			So what internal outward you do or you turn away? What does it mean by this that if you twist this
has been understood in a number of ways as well.
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			That first of all, if the witness if he twists system, meaning he distorts the testimony, he
distorts the testimony. So what does it mean by twisting the tongue, meaning he distorts the
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			or he is ambiguous in his words, so that the meaning is understood differently, especially in court.
Sometimes people they word their sentences in such a way that you think that you know what they
said, but they actually meant something completely different. It's all a game of words.
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			So Intel will meaning if you twist your tongue in the sense that you distort the testimony, you
misrepresent the case, you give a testimony that is incorrect, you lie about it, or you are
ambiguous about it so that it is not understood clearly, then, for in Allaha, cannot be met that
Luna phobia, Allah is fully aware of what you're doing, you may be able to deceive some people, you
may be able to deceive the judge. However, you cannot deceive a loss.
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			Secondly, it has been said that Intel will this address is to the judge the addresses to who the
judge meaning the one who is making the decision.
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			That if you turn if you bend, meaning if you bend and turn your neck towards one party and not
towards the other party, then what is it is that other it's not remember we learned earlier, that
part of other is that the judge, he should be equal in his way of talking way of addressing his
looking at the two parties as well that he shouldn't just pay attention to one and ignore the other.
So even this isn't justice that he's only looking to one party and he's not even looking at the
other party.
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			So in turn would meaning if you are judges, when you're next door, it's just one side and ignore the
other side, don't pay any attention to them. Then remember that Allah is watching you what you're
doing is injustice.
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			Otherwise, I said that what this means is intelligible again, the addresses to the judge, that if he
twists and distorts the case, and hence, because of that he makes a bias judgment. Then, in that
case, remember that our last panel data is watching you.
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			Others have said that Intel will this is a general address that if a person turns his neck, meaning
he bends his neck, he turns away from all of these commands that Allah subhanaw taala has given over
here, out of arrogance. If you look at it from the beginning of the ayah, many commands have been
given Guna kawaman, a bit pressed Shahada and in a while or other unforeseen or your family. If the
person is rich or poor, Allah is more deserving. So if a person turns away out of arrogance and says
no, I don't care, I'm going to support my family, even if they're wrong. I'm never going to admit my
mistake, even if I'm wrong. So in this case, a lot of times it is saying that if you turn away
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			remember that allies watching you, at the end of the day, you're going to be brought to the court of
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			Intel Whoo. Oh 32 or you turn away. What does it mean by this that you turn away?
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			Meaning you refuse to give the Shahada. You withhold the testimony, you hide the testimony. You have
the Shahada, you saw what happened, and the witnesses are being called, but you don't stand up for
justice. You don't go to support the truth. Don't really lose you are turning away from giving the
Shahada then for in the law cannot be met or Medina hubiera than Indeed Allah is Knowing of
everything that you do. Meaning every single action of yours every single statement of yours, Allah
is fully aware of it, of what you say what you have inside. Because COVID is one who is knowing of
the law.
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			Hit as well as the battling. So at the end of the day, remember to fear of loss or penalty.
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			What do we learn from this is? First of all, Allah Subhana Allah says Qunu comida Gilchrist are
believers, what should you be? Kanaka wamena bit best. So we learned about the obligation of a comma
to shed
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			off, giving testimony, giving testimony, standing up for justice, that if there is a dispute between
two people, if there's an argument between two people, what should you do? Just be a silent
observer. No, stand up for justice, you have to stand up for justice. Because many times what
happens people say it's their dispute. It's their argument. It's their problem. I don't want to
interfere. I don't want to interfere and clearly to people, for example, husband, wife, two siblings
are arguing they're fighting? Shouldn't you come in the middle and try to fix the problem between
them? Of course, you should. If you just watch them passively, you ignore them, you laugh at their
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			arguments, you have a good time listening to their fights. Is that appropriate? No. Because if there
is someone or if there is something that is incorrect, something that is wrong, what is your
responsibility, that you have to stop it?
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			Whether that monkey is in your house, or it is outside in the society? So first of all, we learn
about accommodation.
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			And there's so many times in which, you know, for example, someone who is for someone who is not
that guilty, I mean, someone who has committed only a small crime, a very innocent thing. But yet he
is beaten up in public. He is harmed in public, he is injured in public, literally, sometimes a
child is killed, he is beaten to death. And there are people who are just watching people who are
just watching as if there's an animal who is being slaughtered. This is against the shadow of Los
Angeles as ponoka wamena. Because whenever you see something in which you know, that justice must be
established, Justice must be given truth must be shown, then stand up for it. Because if you don't,
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			then you are disobeying almost penalty, then your Eman is deficient. There's something wrong with
your email. Because it's not possible that a person has a man in his heart. And there are people who
are doing something wrong, oppressing others, and you don't feel anything. How is it possible? You
see someone shouting at someone unjustly treating the other person very harshly, and you don't feel
anything. A believers heart is soft. A believers heart is soft. And when he sees something that is
wrong, he cannot bear it. He cannot take it. So he will definitely stand up for truth.
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			So first of all, we learned about the obligation of karma to shed. Secondly, we learn from this IoT
obligation of being just in Shahada being just in China meaning standing up for justice, not
standing up for falsehood for injustice, but standing up for justice, because it has been set for
wamena. Bill passed. This is a condition.
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			So the believers, they should speak the truth, they should give just testimony, even if it goes
against you against a person's own interests, even if it goes against a person's own parents own
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			We also learn from this idea that a person must stand up for justice even if it goes against
himself, his interests, his family, his relatives, his friends, no person may question that we've
learned so many patients that will be valid in Arizona do assign towards parents and due to the
close relatives. Now is this against your son is this but you are proving them guilty? This is not
loyalty. How is it excellent.
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			You are concerned about the accident. This is why it does not contradict your son rather it is part
of your son.
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			Now remember, that your son is not in supporting someone in the wrong that they're doing. Your son
is not in supporting someone in the round that they're doing. Rather, it is correcting them in order
to save their alpha.
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			For example, if there is inheritance being distributed between siblings now, they see that one of
the relatives or one of the siblings is being deprived of his share. What is their sign at that time
that you support the older brother despite the fact that he is being unjust? No, that is not your
son, your son is that you stop them from what they're doing and you make sure that each and every
person gets their
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			Similarly, in your own house, it's possible that your sister in law is being treated unjustly by
your parents. It happens, people see that all the time in their own house to see that, for example,
the mother in law does not tell the daughter to do the work, but rather she has a daughter in law to
do the work. Despite the fact that she has children she has to cook she has to clean she has been to
look after. And the daughter she's just enjoying at home, she doesn't do anything. So is this
justice? No. Now you as the daughter, you're just watching, and you won't stand up for justice. If
you do stand up for justice, what does that mean? It will be against you, that you will get some
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			work, you will get to do some chores.
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			Now, what should you do? Your son towards your mother, No, son towards yourself, no, this is not
your son, your son is in correcting them in order to save there.
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			We also learn from this ayah that the Shahada, the testimony, it should be given with a class
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			it should be given sincerely for the pleasure of almost apprentice
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			in order to gain corba closeness nearness to Allah.
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			Because many times when we're standing up for justice, we could have this pride inside of us that
look, I'm so just I'm so fair, that even if it means I have to admit my mistake, even if it means
that I am shown as a bad guy, still, I will do it. So sometimes it gives a person this sense of
pride sense of arrogance. But over your loss, apparent artifice, you had that and in there, you must
do it for the sake of Allah, not for fame, not for any worldly benefit. But you should do it only
for the sake of a nice printer.
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			We also know from this eye about the obligation not supporting the one who is on truth, supporting
the one who is unhappy, whether he is your relative or not. Whether he is rich or poor, you're not
going to look at their status, you're not going to look at their good state or at their miserable
state. pity for them or love for them is not going to overcome you. What are you going to do? You
must stand up for the one who is untruth.
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			And remember that sometimes, you know, we feel that this person they try so hard, but still, they're
not able to do what they should. So it's okay. It's okay. When we do support them. No big deal.
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			Especially sometimes as teachers when we have to mock test papers, this is something very, very
difficult, because you see a student and you like them because of the fact that they do their
lessons every day, or the fact they're so nice. And you see a student who's not that interested in
class. Now, in this situation, what happens? You want to give more marks to the one who is nice, and
you want to give less marks or the one who is not a good student? Correct? It happens. Similarly,
there are two children, one is more nice. One is more obedient, the other is not that obedient. What
do you want to do? You want to always support the one who is nice and you want to always punish the
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			one who is generally disobedient? What should you remember? That for law Who?
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			Am I more just than Allah? Really? Am I more just than Allah? Because of a person who's saying that
no, no, no, even if they're wrong, I should still support them. Because therefore, they need help,
then a person should remember that is he trying to be more just than Allah?
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			Similarly, if there is a person who needs help out of our mercy, our infection, what do we think?
That we're being very merciful? What should we remember? That Are you more merciful than Allah?
You're not. Allah is more Justin you. Allah is more merciful than you, then who are you to say that
this one deserves more when they don't actually deserve more. And this one deserves less when they
do actually deserve more. You're not more Justin Allah, you're not more merciful than Allah.
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			So give everyone what they deserve. Don't follow your desires in doing that.
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			We also learn from this ayah about the prohibition of following that desire, which leads a person to
be unjust, the prohibition of following that desire which leads a person to being unjust.
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			Remember that all desires are not bad. All desires are not bad. Sometimes, a person has this desire
of the heart or this hole of the heart, in which a person is very zealous, very energetic, he is
very emotional, meaning he really wants to stand up for truth, and he cannot tolerate anything that
is wrong. Is that a good power? Is that a
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			Good desire, yes it is. But there are other desires in which a person is being more pitiful than he
needs to be. Or a person is being more generous than he needs to be. A person is being more angry
than he needs to be. That type of desire is wrong.
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			So over here, when it is said, find out that the viewer, and 32 and 32 is like an explanation, that
don't follow that desire, which is going to lead you away from justice. So don't follow that desire,
which is going to lead you away from justice.
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			And remember that there, do emotions that prevent a person from being just generally, there are two
emotions that prevent a person from being just what are they first of all, love, love, that you love
someone more. You love a student more you love a friend more. You love a relative more you Love A
Child more. As a result, what happens? Sometimes people become biased. And what's the other emotion,
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			that because you hate someone more, no matter what they say, they're always going to be wrong.
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			So, love and hatred. These are mainly two desires that lead a person away from justice, which is why
the one who loves for Allah, the One who hates for Allah, then such a person has perfected his
email. Such a person has completed his email,
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			because his standard of love and hate is according to the standard of a loss apprentice
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			amongst many other desires, love and hate are often but fear is also a big reason. Sometimes it
leads a person away from standing up for justice, that you're afraid that if you say something,
you're going to be shouted out, if you say something, you know, you're going to be deprived of your
health. So yes, fear is also one of the big reasons.
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			We also learn from this either in giving Shahada a person should not follow his desires Rather, he
should stand up for what truths. Rather, he should stand up for justice. We learned in Silicon
Valley that I number eight, a lot of times it says when a big man No Come Shanna and Coleman are
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			to do it, you know who a collaborator
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			and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just that just because you hate
someone, Shannon, it's enmity, it's hatred against some people. Don't let it prevent you from being
just be just Why? Because it is near to the quad. It is near to righteousness.
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			We also have from this ayah about the prohibition of distorting or hiding the testimony, the
prohibition of distorting or hiding the testimony, where do we learn that from? Where do we learn
that from? We're in the world war? Oh, dirty look, what is it show? The prohibition of hiding or
distorting the testimony?
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			We don't have a caller ID number 283. One maniac tune her foot in Who is
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			the one who hates it? Meaning the one who hides the testimony? Surely, he is sinful at heart. He is
committing a sin. Where? Where is he committing a sin in his heart.
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			So many accounted for in the hook as
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			many times we see something that is incorrect. We see people being unjust towards others, but we
don't say anything. We don't say anything like it's not my problem. 30 you're turning away, you're
hiding it. But tomorrow, you could be in the same problem. Because if you allow somebody to do it
tomorrow, you're allowing somebody else to do it on you.
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			And many times what happens is that sometimes if the husband and wife don't get along with one
another, and they provoke their children, against the other parent, and what happens to children,
they start being rude towards let's say the father and the mother. What does she do? She doesn't
stop them. But what happens if she doesn't stop them? Tomorrow, they're going to be rude towards
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			They have lost respect for their father, tomorrow, they will lose respect for you. That's exactly
what is being said well or Allah and for SQL, even if the testimony goes against your favorite, that
you will suffer the harm or against your parents or against the close relatives that somebody is
going to suffer punishment or something like that. If you give that testimony, because what's the
message that you have to stand up for justice no matter what.
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			The love of someone the hate of someone, pity for someone, loyalty to someone friendship with
someone should not stop you.
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			And sometimes if you give the Shahada if you give the testimony that
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			The criminal or his supporters, they threaten you that they're going to harm you. So in that case,
again, for low olavinlinna, allies, better protector, well, Allah and basically it goes against
yourself. But remember that if you're standing up for justice, and if you do suffer any harm, then
it is in the way of a loss of penalty because you are giving Shahada lilla for Allah.
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			And if you do something for the sake of a line, if you suffer any harm as a result of that, then
inshallah you are going to be rewarded for it because you did that action for the sake of Allah.
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			And we see that standing up for justice doesn't mean that you support it in your heart only.
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			But you have to be productive, you have to be actively involved in supporting justice in standing up
for justice.
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			Many times the psychology behind not standing up for justice, as somebody else will take care of it.
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			Somebody else will say something.
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			But many times what happens that everybody thinks that somebody else will do it, and nobody does it.
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			And as a result, what happens, people get oppressed, people are not given the rights. So when you
see something, when you hear something, and you know that some action is required, then take that
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			Because justice today will bring justice in the effort of a person.
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			The prophets are about a certain set of Shahada, a lady yet he wishes that he Karbala and use Allah,
the best witness is He who brings a testimony before being asked to do so. Meaning he comes, and he
gives a testimony before he is asked. So we learned that a person should not distort or hide the
testimony and part of hiding testimonies that you know what is correct, but still you don't say it.
So who is the best witness? If he has a testimony, he comes and gives it even before he is asked.
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			We also learn about this I bought the warning against injustice, because falletta, tervuren Hawa and
30 don't follow the desire, lest you may be unjust. What does it show to us that we must not be
unjust, there's warning against being unjust, which is why we see that the seller when they would
guess one child, they would kiss the other child as well. This is how just they were.
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			We also learn from this ayah that about the warning for the one who does not do come with a shadow
who does not stand up for truth, who twists, his testimony, etc, all of these commands that are
mentioned in this ayah who doesn't follow them the way that Allah Subhana Allah has commanded them.
So there is severe warning against such a person. Why? Because Allah Subhana Allah says at the end
that he is copied, he is fully aware of what you're doing, that you saw something, you had the
ability to stand up and stop it. But you didn't. You had a Shahada, but you still didn't go and give
that Shahada. You had the Shahada, but you didn't give it because it was against your interests
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			against your relatives, or out of the pity for the poor, you distorted, you change the testimony. So
remember, that of last panel data is aware.
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			And when a person does not stand up for justice, then what happens? crime and injustice, they
prevail in the society. And it starts from the house, that you see something wrong, you don't stop
it, you see that somebody must be given their health, but you don't give them their health. If you
can tolerate that in your own house, why can you not tolerate that in the society? If it is
something so close to you, but still it doesn't bug you? What about those things that are far from
you? How are they ever going to upset you, they're never going to upset you? So we see that if we
don't stand up for justice, then it leads to injustice, it leads to crime.
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			And this is definitely at a larger scale. But on a one on one level as well. We learned that one
over Allah and physical. What does it mean that even if it goes against yourself, meaning even if it
means that you have to admit your mistake?
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			Many times we clearly see that it is our fault. It's my fault. It's really my mistake. Why I made
that mistake. That's a different thing. I forgot. I didn't know it could be different reasons. But
many times we know clearly that it is our fault. But so what do we do? We don't admit, we present
excuses. We say that no, no, no, I'm not wrong because of this and this reason.
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			So admitting our mistakes is also part of accommodation.
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			Sometimes people think that okay, I admit my mistake, but I'll just do it.
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			But the thing is that a person can do is to find However, if it is something wrong that he did to
another person, then he has to seek forgiveness from them. That is part of though remember that
because there are some sins that are against a loss of penalty for that you took over and there are
other things that are against people. For that you have to apologize, you have to seek their
forgiveness as well. So, part of that would be, how would it begin, that a person first of all
accept his mistake.
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			Many times if you look at the items which are sent towards relatives and parents as mentioned before
that what is mentioned where the law, worship Allah says obedience to a law comes first. Then comes
kindness and generosity towards other relatives.
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			recitation of the eye
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