Al-Baqarah 63-73 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 63-71
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 01 – L012B
![Taimiyyah Zubair](
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The speakers stress the importance of understanding the meaning of "IT" and "IT" in actions, using "verbal" and "imensive" guidance. They stress the importance of clear and complete understanding of these words and avoiding excessive questioning and slaughtering cow behavior. The speakers also emphasize the use of "immediate" to stir or stir, avoiding excessive questioning and not wanting to slaughter a cow.
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I'm going to be living in a shitload of a jean Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim.
The verses that we are reading are about the Bani Israel, about their history, the budding Israel present at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and also those that came after them, are being reminded of their best of their history
of the blessings that are lost or penalty bestowed upon them, and what they must do, in response, how they must offer gratitude for the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala had bestowed upon their forefathers.
And part of expressing that gratitude was by believing in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
In the verses that we will read now, they also mentioned about some incidents that occurred in the history of Lebanese Israel.
And the present day Bani Israel were being reminded that look, this is what we did with your forefathers. This is what happened with your ancestors. take a lesson from this, don't repeat the same mistake.
And there is a lesson in that for the Muslims as well. Because when the Quran was being revealed, it was not just addressed to the Bani Israel or the machine. But it was also a message for In fact, it is a message for the believers. They are to take a lesson from what our last panel data has stated in the Quran.
So over here, Allah says, What is 100 namita Kaku and remember when we took your covenant,
remember the time or Bani Israel you have Kuru all of you remember. Recall the time recall this incident as well. When we took your covenant
the word 100 nan is from a herder, Hamza, ha, then and a herder is to take something it is to receive something from another. So we took we received from who? from you or Bani Israel.
So in other words, Allah subhanaw taala took from the Bani Israel Mita. covenant,
the word meter is from the roof letters. Well, sir, off?
Well, sir, off
the word what's up with that we just from the same route is used for a row with which a prisoner is died.
What is without
a row with which a prisoner is died.
So we see that in the meaning of the word wahaca, there is the element of time of binding.
And the word worth that is used for a covenant, a promise, a contract and agreement. Why? What happens in a contract? What happens in effect? Both the parties they enjoy upon each other, they bind each other to do certain things, isn't it?
It's mandatory upon both the parties that they have to do what was agreed upon.
It is said that the word mythique is used for a covenant or a contract that is formal.
What kind of a contract is it?
It is formal.
So you can say for example, if you tell your sister, can you please bring such and such thing for me tomorrow? That becomes a contract. No, it's not a contract. It's just that she's telling you something. And she promised that she will bring it it's not necessarily a formal contract.
A formal contract is for example, between business partners, between businesses, between employers and employees, this is what a formal contract
It is also said that a mythique is a covenant that lays responsibility
upon who upon the one who is making the contract.
For example, an employer makes a contract with the employee what
that you have to do such and such and then as a result, I will give you such and such wage.
So it lays responsibility on both the parties, one has to do something and the other has to provide a wage.
So first of all, it is formal. Secondly, it puts responsibility it lays risk.
sponsibility on those who are involved in the contract,
and thirdly, it is also a covenant, which is made firm how, by an oath that is sworn upon it
by an oath that is sworn upon it. So, for example, the agreement is made, and at the end, what do you do?
I hereby declare that all of this is true, and I will fulfill it, and this is my sign, and this is a sign of the witness, this is a sign of the lawyer, so on and so forth.
So, it is made firm how, by swearing an oath upon it.
So, remember the three points about the word mythique? What kind of a covenant is it? It's formal. Secondly, it lays responsibility. And thirdly, it is made firm by an oath that is sworn upon it.
So, what is 100 meter when we took your covenant?
Now, what was this covenant? What was a SPECT? What was this agreement that was taken from the Bani Israel.
It was the agreement that the money Australian made with a loss of final data to implement that,
to follow that over to abide by the law,
this was the contract. This was the promise they made with a loss.
It was a formal promise, it laid responsibility on them. And it was also made firm by an oath that is sworn upon the promise.
So, what is a hardened me tactical?
The question is, when was this covenant taken?
We understand what this covenant was what this means that was that it was that they were to follow the Torah.
One was mistaken.
It is said that when the Bani Israel, they became weak in their actions, meaning they did not follow the teachings of our last panel diner.
Similarly, when they became negligent towards the commands of Allah,
they began to forget and ignore the commands of Allah, then this covenant was taken,
then this covenant was taken from them.
Is there any benefit in that?
For example, if a person is told about the rules and regulations of a particular place, on the first day, they're told you're allowed to do this not allowed to do this. These are the rules. These are the do's and the don'ts. One is that they're told after some time, what's gonna happen.
Obviously, they're human beings are going to forget, isn't it? They're going to forget. But if they are given a written document with the do's and the don'ts, and they're made to review them, and they're made to sign on it,
what happens?
They will not forget it, and also, they will take it more seriously.
Because sometimes when we're just told, we don't pay that much attention and later on we forget, but when we have a written document with us, that reminds us and when we have signed upon it, when we have agreed that we will do it when we have sworn an oath upon it, that means that inshallah we will do it.
So this was taken from them, when they became negligent towards the financing of law.
Now, how was this covenant taken from the Bani Israel?
Allah says, what a foreigner folk vocal booth
and we raised the amount to above your heads above you. The word of a foreigner is from the roof letters are all fair I refer
and refer is to raise something, to lift something.
And the word refer is used both in the tangible sense as well as the intangible sense. What does it mean by that?
It is used for lifting something up physically.
For example, there is a tissue box on the floor, but afar is to pick it up and put it on the table.
So what does that mean? That you've lifted something up? How in the physical sense
and the word is also used in the intangible sense.
For example, a person is promoted,
a person is promoted at their work.
So what happens,
their status their rank is elevated.
Doesn't mean that their office is at a higher level.
Doesn't mean that they always stand at a higher ground compared to other people know, they may be even shorter than other people. Their office may be at the ground floor. That's not what it means. What it means is that in
their position in their rank in the intangible sense, they are taken above the level of the others. So the word refer is used in both ways.
For whom is from the real fetters fair well off this is folk above income you folk means above, and it's the opposite of that, that remain tactical and what does that mean below? Focus above.
So we raised above you, meaning we raised above your heads on top of you.
What did we raise above your head up to the to the mountain, the word to is understood in two ways. First of all, the word to in Syriac language, it means Java. It means mountain.
So poor means mountain. But what kind of a mountain is
it isn't that the word tool in Syriac is used for a mountain that has very dense and lush green trees.
What kind of a mountain is it?
That has very dense and lush green trees.
So it's not a rocky mountain. But it's a mountain with vegetation with trees.
So this is the meaning of the word food in Syriac language.
Others say that the word tool does not just mean mountain but rather it is the proper name. It is the proper name of a particular mountain. And which mountain is that Mount Sinai.
So to is the proper name of Mount Sinai.
Over here, Allah says, what a foreigner folk Akuma. And we lifted the mount to or the Mount Sinai, or just the mountain above your heads. We lifted it above your head. Notice the word on refer over here, refer gives the meaning of that we physically uprooted the mountain, we yanked it out of the ground, and we lifted it. So it was suspended over your heads. It was right above your heads.
Just imagine you're in an open field and a mountain that you see. That is a way in the distance it is picked up. And it is above your head. How would you feel?
That's it, you're gone, you're finished.
So this is exactly what happened with the bunnies right?
Now the question is why was the mountain lifted up on top of their heads? Why was it suspended over their heads?
There are several opinions about the context of this ayah or when exactly this incident took place. Some say that it was when they were given a thought and they forgot, then this promise was taken from them.
And others say that when mozzarella Sam, he came from the mountains, and he brought the Scripture with him, the tablets with him that are with him. And he told the people to believe and to follow. What did they do? They said we're never going to believe in you until and unless we see Allah openly. We've read about that already.
So what happened? They were struck by lightning.
And then what happened? Allah subhanaw taala gave them life again. Right. And then they were told, acceptable, follow the book, live by the book. And they refused again.
When they refused to accept the book, then what happened? A loss of panel data, uprooted the mountain from the earth and lifted it above their heads. And it was as if they were made to accept the book at gunpoint,
that you accept it and follow it or else you're finished.
They were saved from the people of the film, the entire sea was parted for them. And now they're being blessed with manansala.
So that they would follow the commands of Allah, they would live by the book of Allah, they would benefit the creation around them. They would spread the message of Allah, and what are they doing? No, we don't want it.
They're struck dead. They're brought back to life again. And they say still, no, we don't want to accept it.
So then Allah subhanaw taala lifted up the mountain above their heads, so that they would accept
and this is also mentioned elsewhere in the Quran. So two out of number 171 where Allah says, What is nattokinase algebra for whom? Unknown. Well, one knew and know who wealthier and became and mentioned when we raised the mountain above them, as if it was a dark cloud, as if it was a canyon.
As if it was a dark cloud above them. And they were certain that it would fall upon them.
They were certain at that point that this mountain is going to fall upon us anytime. Just imagine something very heavy, suspended in the air, what are you going to think it's going to find any second there's gravity, right? So there were certain that it was going to follow up on their heads. And at that time, they were told acceptable, follow the book.
What were they told Hulu, morality Nakhon be coverting. Take what we have given you with full strength with full force accepted.
The word Hulu is a command. It is an instruction it is fairly
and it's where the root letters are higher than hamzeh that are harder.
And that the word ohana when it's changed into the imperative, it turns do who do the Hamza the Elif is part of the Hebrew for Allah what happens to it? It disappears sometimes.
So who do all of you take you receive? You accept it. You accept what you receive what? Marina, what we have given you,
I think is from the veterans Hamza the Yeah. The word Dana comb it they gave now we so we give we give to you. It's from Hamza Talia.
So huduma it nachum take what we have given you, what is it that they were being given
that Allah what wasn't the Torah,
the commandments, the laws.
So take what we are giving you meaning the commands the laws, how should you take them, how should you receive them? How should you abide by them be cool working with full strength.
The word kua is from the roof address of Well, yeah,
it is from the roof letters of well yet CUDA
and CUDA means strength.
But the question is what kind of strength is
basically the word CUDA is used for two types of strength.
It is used for two types of strength.
First of all, it is used for strength that is physical, tangible strength.
So the power that a person has a physical power, the physical force that one possesses.
So what is it? physical force, physical power, physical strength?
Then the word for what is also used for intangible strength,
intangible strength, and what does it mean by that?
What does it mean by that?
spiritual strength? What else?
Do you say a person is very strong headed. What does it mean?
They're very determined, when it comes to doing something, once they make up their decision, they're very strong, they don't change, they don't budge, right? So the second type of strength is the intangible strength, which includes firm resolution, determination, firmly adhering to something that no matter what happens, this is what I'm going to do.
No matter what challenges I face, no matter what difficulties I face, I don't care. This is what I have to do. And I am going to do it.
Sometimes a person is suffering from a fever, suffering from a headache.
But what takes them to their work, what forces them to come out of their bed and go and work in the kitchen? Or persona.
It's the firmness that is in the heart.
It is the strength of the heart, it is a resolution in the heart, it is the determination that a person has it's not some physical strength, physically, they may be very weak. But what's driving them is their intangible strength.
So over here, Allah says, Take what we're giving you with strength.
So take the book with strength,
does it mean that you should hold on to the book with strength like physically? Is this what the ayah means?
This is not the only meaning you can say.
Because holding on to the book firmly in the physical sense is also important.
Because if you hold on to the Quran, or the must have very likely, and you swing it around like this, what's going to happen?
First of all, it's disrespect. And secondly, you could easily drop it.
And now because you're formally studying the Quran, and everyday you have to lift up your bag, you're just so many times it happens with people
Just as when we're working with anything else, we drop things. So be very careful when you're holding the Quran. Hold it with strength, don't let it drop, be conscious and careful when you're holding it.
Just as a newborn is held, you know how you're so careful, your sole conscious that you don't want the child to get hurt in any way and you're protected from all sides.
So, first of all, in the physical sense, but more importantly in the context, what this means is that hold on to it firmly meaning adhere to the work with firmness
adhered to the book from
carry out the commands that are in the book with determination.
So, over here, strength or Chua refers to proper implementation of the book.
It refers to proper implementation of the book
determination in observing the book in abiding by the book.
Because if you think about it, opposite of Cova is weakness, right? Opposite of always weakness, when a person's attitude towards a particular action is weak.
What does it mean by that?
But they will do it sometimes. And they will not do it other times.
And it also means that they will do it once, and then they will forget. Right? They will not take it seriously. They will do it. And if a challenge comes up, if something becomes difficult, what are they going to do, they're going to stop doing it.
So over here, holding on to the book with firmness means adhere to the book, with determination. Remember the book, don't leave the book.
Follow all of its commands, whatever that is in the book, take it completely.
Do not be lazy with the book. Do not forget the book. Do not put the book aside.
Don't just put it up on the shelf and then forget it. Take it hold on to it firmly.
Don't just make it as a decoration piece. Something just to beautify your bookshelf. Wow, what a beautiful must have read with golden color on it. And I have a blue one as well. Now a green one as well. What a beautiful collection. No, don't just consider it to be a decoration piece. Holding on to the book means living by the book
being determined when it comes to following the book
being determined when it comes to following the book.
Not being casual, not being careless, with the commands of the book.
Taking it with seriousness huduma it Nakhon? Because
what else are they going to do? One kuruma fee? And you all remember what is in it?
What is the word what Kuru. Kuru is a command. And it's from the roof veterus. Then Caf RA, Vic. What is the mean?
Do you remember that which is forgotten, and also do mention something.
And remember, the vicar is done through the heart, the tongue, as well as the limbs, the heart, the tongue, as well as the drums? What does it mean by that?
that a person doesn't forget in his memory, that a person mentioned something, he talks about it. So he doesn't forget it. He reminds others about it.
And also through actions, that a person proves through his actions that he remembers what he learned what he heard.
For example, if a person is told, bring a glass of water from
and they don't bring it, what does that show?
What does that show
that they have forgotten the command?
Similarly, if a person is told, you have to read this book every day, and if they don't read it every day, what does that show?
What does that show? If they're not doing the action? What does that show they have forgotten it? doing the action means that you will remember the command.
So what guru Murphy doesn't just mean that remember in your mind in your memory, but it also means recite it with the tongue. Read with the tongue and prove through your actions that you remember the book.
So in other words, abide by the book.
Live by the book.
Prove that you remember what
In the book by acting according to
workqueue Murphy,
it has also been said that what Kuru Murphy remember what is in the book, that first one, it means that act in accordance with a book, act in accordance with the book.
Secondly, that it means reflect on the book,
reflect on the book, recite the book, read the book,
what guru Murphy
and others the word mouseover. You, man, it gives the meaning of all of that which is in it,
all of that which is in it.
When it comes to reading the Quran, or thinking about the Quran, reciting the Quran, what do we generally recite,
for example, in our Salah?
Only a few soldiers that we know of, isn't it. And we generally neglect the other students that are in the middle. Right? For example, sort of devout, how many of us read it? So that Ibrahim to the Islamic
turtle camp? Yes, we read every Friday. But what about the rest of the book? isn't that important?
Of course it is. Which is why Allah says what guru Murphy, all that which is in it, the entire book is worth your attention, the entire book should be followed, the entire book should be remembered and recited what guru Murphy?
And also if I think about it, how can something be remembered and not forgotten?
How can you keep something fresh in your memory? And not forget it?
When you're doing it when you're reading it again? And again, I'm not just talking about the Quran talking about generally, how can you make sure that you don't freak out about something?
By reading it again and again, isn't?
For example, if there's something that you have to do, what do you do? You make a note of it in your calendar, you put a reminder on your phone, you put a reminder in your computer, we put a note on your fridge, isn't it? Why? So that you don't forget it? each time that you read about that action? What does it tell you? You have to do it? Don't forget about it.
So similarly, what Google Murphy you remember the entire book? How? By reading it over and over again.
So tell me something. is studying the Quran once enough?
Is it
just going through the Quran once? Is that enough?
No. reading the Quran over and over again is very important. Because if we don't read it over and over again, what's going to happen? we'll forget about it.
So many times I asked you What's the root of this word? It is as if you've never studied it before.
I asked you about the definition of somewhere. It is as if you've never even heard of it before. Whereas it's only been a month or something.
So we're human beings, human beings are unece insane, because they forget. And to counter this forgetfulness, what are we supposed to do?
read, revise again and again, what guru Murphy Remember, all that is in it.
So in other words, your life should be spent with this book.
This book should be your companion throughout your life.
Who Duma Athena can be coverting what guru Murthy? Don't forget it. Why?
Because it should be your companion throughout your life.
Why is that important?
Allah says Allah Allah contact the Khun saw that you adopt taqwa?
What is the word Lana? It gives the meaning of reason. Why is this command been given, so that you may adopt a chord
and remember the word that the horn is from well past,
fear of Allah and literally that the whole means, you may save yourselves.
So that the code is understood in two ways. First of all, that you adopt the code, you develop fear of Allah and secondly, you may save yourselves.
As for the meaning of you adopt the code, what does it mean? That you develop more fear of Allah,
you become conscious of your deeds of what you do.
And remember, this cannot happen unless and until a person continues to read the Quran continues to remind himself through the Quran.
The more Koran you read, the more Book of Allah you read what happens? You increase in your consciousness, you increase in your awareness, you increase in your fear of Allah
under contract.
Secondly, it means there are no competitors, that you may save yourselves. Save yourself from what? First in dystonia. Save yourself from what?
From disobeying.
Save yourselves from disobeying Allah.
Also, save yourselves from difficulties in this dunya.
Save yourselves from difficulties and problems in this linear, the Quran is a guide, it tells us what to do.
If we did not have this guide, we would be in problems in difficulties.
The Quran is the answer. If you don't read that answer, if you don't implement that answer, it's not going to benefit you know.
So now look at the cons that you may save yourselves from difficulties in this dunya and you may save yourself from punishment in the hereafter.
Because the Quran, it tells us what we're supposed to do and what we're not supposed to do.
And if out of ignorance a person does that which is wrong, and a person need lacks that which is important. What is that going to be in the hereafter?
There's going to be difficulty in the year after. So in order to save yourself from difficulty in dunia, and, Sarah, remember the book, don't leave the book.
Now we see over here, that the reason for remembering the book is what's the benefit of remembering the book, that I love, that you adopt the quote,
we read earlier, that Allah invited the entire mankind to worship Allah subhanaw taala. Why?
We read early instead of bacala the entire mankind was invited to worship Allah Why?
So that they adopt Aqua?
Allah says yeah, are you a nurse or Buddha documentary holla cocoon? Well larina macabre comme la Lacan, the tahune.
So, a bother leads to the core.
This is a principle that we have learned rabada leads to the question
Where do you learn about
the Quran? The book that Allah has revealed.
So huduma, Athena can be converting what kuruma Fie. Why not unknown, that taco?
taco taco.
So rabada leads to taqwa and Riba cannot be done unless and until a person is aware of what is in the Scripture.
Unless and until a person observes the scripture
when he does that, then it leads him to the color
then Allah says some other NATO, then you Alternatively,
the word Thelma indicates delay in time. So my means then, after a while, after some time, what happened? You alter anyway.
So at that time, they made the promise, they said, Okay, fine, we will accept the book, we will adhere by the book. But soon after, so matter were later you turned away.
They were late is from the fetters wild lamb. Yeah.
It is from the root letters. Wild lamb. Yeah.
And the one left means to turn away.
What does it mean, to turn away to refrain from something
and the work the one that in particular, is used for turning away physically from something
what is the one left
to turn away physically from something
so thoughts that are later embody that vanik you turned away after that after what? After making the promise after making the pact with a loss of penalty
after this incident, after the mountain was lifted on top of your head, still after some time you turned away?
So this turning away the word the word later has been used, which is used for physically turning away from something Why?
When you physically turn away from something, what happens? What happens? Can you see it anymore?
Can you see it anymore? No. So it is as if, when they turn away from the commands, they couldn't see the comments anymore.
And especially the book,
a person only forgets it when he physically turns away from it. When he doesn't see it, when he doesn't read it when he doesn't study it.
So film at a later member daedalic
fanola Fabiola here and then had it not been for the favor of Allah upon you. Lola had it not been for the fuddle of Allah
upon you. The word father is from the new fetters fair board lamb
fair Wagner
and father is used for something that is extra.
What his father
And it is that that Father is to give something extra to someone
to give something that is extra to someone what they don't necessarily deserve.
What they don't necessarily deserve,
for example, a wage for some work, does a person deserve it? Yes. And if he's given a bonus, what is that bonus? It's an extra favor.
He doesn't necessarily deserve it. But it's an extra favor.
So it's a favor.
So follow the formula here and econ. Had it not been for the grace bounty favor of Allah upon you.
What does this father refer to?
It refers to the Bani Israel not being punished immediately.
The Bani Israel not being punished immediately.
The mountain was lifted on top of them, and they were made to accept the contract they were made to accept the promise, they turn away after that. So Allah subhanaw taala, the one who lifted the mountain on top of them once could not lift it again on top of that, for their having turned away from the contract, of course he could have, but he did not punish them immediately.
What are my two and his mercy, meaning His mercy continued upon you. So had it not been for the favor of Allah upon you and his mercy? Lacan terminal ha, serene? Surely you would have been among the losers,
they would have seen as a third of horses from newsletters have seen
and what this has found me
loss when a person does not gain any profit,
when a person does not obtain any benefit from something.
So now continental has seen surely you would have been of the losers? How? What loss would they have suffered?
loss of donia and
loss of lunia? And
had it not been for the favor of a law upon you? And his special mercy? You would have been of the losers? How? If he had been punished immediately, that's it they would have been finished? and in the Hereafter, would they get any benefit? No. Would they get any profit? No.
So what can we learn from these two items that we have studied so far?
What is the beneficiary of being reminded of?
What is a hardener? mytho? What are they being reminded of,
of the covenant of the promise that was taken from their forefathers,
and by extension, their children, their descendants, they were also to live by the contract. They were also to follow the book.
What was the promise that they are to follow the book so now the bunny inside of the time of the prophets are a lot of them they're being reminded?
your forefathers made a covenant. And you should have also observed the covenant?
How? By following the Torah,
and part of following the Torah is believing in the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
And we learned from the cya that the mountain was lifted on top of them.
That if they don't accept it, Allah Subhana, Allah is able to punish them. But don't you think that's a little harsh? It's like, as if they're being forced to accept?
should somebody ever be forced to accept something?
If they don't want to accept it, let them not accept it?
Basically, sometimes people don't realize what is good for them. And what is not good for them?
Isn't it?
Like children?
Yes, we have to force our children sometimes.
So when people don't realize what is good for them, what is bad for them? They have to be treated with harshness, sometimes.
And sometimes they have to be forced to do something. Because if they don't do it, they're going to harm themselves.
For example, children, you tell them to do something, for example, you tell them to study for their exam, and they say no, I don't want to study. What are you going to do? Say find, don't study, go watch TV. You don't want to accept my command. Go ahead, do whatever you want. No, you're not going to do that. As a parent. What are you going to do? You're going to give them a look. Right? Maybe you're going to say you'll be grounded. If you don't study. Maybe you'll say that if you don't study, the TV will be turned off. Your games will be taken away from you. So there is harshness.
And this is done out of love out of well wishes, not out of hate, not out of contempt.
So sometimes people accept the words that are said to them. Sometimes people don't accept the words that are set to them, and thus they have to be treated with harshness for their own good.
And if you think about it, the child, why is he not accepting because of his immaturity,
isn't it?
So similarly, the bunny is trial at this point, they were also like immature children,
who did not realize what was beneficial for them, and what was not beneficial for them.
Now, they were chosen people, they were saved from the people of their own, the entire sea was parted for them, they were bestowed with money. And so when everything why, just so that they could enjoy the dounia know, so that they could do something, they were chosen for a specific purpose. And if they don't accept that purpose, then they have to be dealt with harshness.
And whenever a loss of panel data sends a messenger to particular people, they are to believe in Him and follow Him. They are to accept the scripture or the commands that are sent to them.
And if they don't, they are punished.
Just as the people have are the people of the mood. inshallah, we will read about their stories, and several other nations, the messengers were sent to them, the commands were given to them, but when they didn't accept what happened,
they were punished. So similarly, when the bunny Australia when they refuse to accept the commands of Allah, what happened? They were threatened with punishment, accepted, or else such and such will happen.
And in fact, they're lucky that they were given a chance. They're lucky that they were given a chance.
What else do we learn from these verses?
at many times, you will find that children when they grow up, they're grateful to their parents for having been strict with them.
When they're still young, they think life is very unfair. And their parents are very harsh, and their parents don't know what they're doing. But when they grow up, and when they face the real world, they're grateful to their parents for having been strict with them,
isn't it?
So basically, we learned that the blessings that Allah Subhana Allah has bestowed upon us we should benefit from them. How? By obeying Allah spent Allah the commands that Allah has given to us, we should follow them.
Also, we learn from this is about the strength of a law,
about the power of Allah, about the ability of Allah,
that he caused an entire mountain to be uprooted and suspended in the air,
suspended in the air and entire mountain.
To ensure shows the power of
the Bani Israel, were they ignorant or were they totally indifferent?
inshallah, we'll study about what ignorance is,
there is different levels of ignorance. One is that a person does not know what to do.
Another is that a person knows, but he does not follow. He realizes, but he does not do
so over here to the bunny Israel not realize the blessings of Allah. Did they? Of course they did. They saw the mountains coming upon them. They saw the entire sea part, they cross the sea. Their enemy was drowned what uncomfortably rune and you were looking.
So it's not as if they didn't have intellect. They had intellect but they didn't use it properly.
And it also shows their disobedience to Allah soprano.
So we have to be careful about what we do.
When we learn these verses, we think of the Bani Israel the mountain was lifted on them. And they were told accepted, take it.
And similarly, we are sitting over here and we're told listen and write.
So it's up to us, what kind of cover we use to hold on to the book. Everybody has been given.
What level of cover Am I using, that Allah has given me to benefit from this book we all need to ask ourselves
so we learn from this I also that we should take the Quran seriously as well. We should take the Quran seriously as well.
Basically what we learn is that because huduma Athena can be coworking part of taking something with strength is that a person continues to hold on to it and he does not let go of it.
that a person continues to
Hold onto something and he does not let go of it.
So what we learned from this is that we should be constant with our relationship with the Quran.
It shouldn't mean that we read it only during the weekdays and completely forget it on the weekends.
It shouldn't be that we study it only for homework sake, and we don't study it. Otherwise. It shouldn't be that we study it only because it's a course that we're taking and not study it. afterwards.
We should have a constant relationship with the Quran.
Also, we learned from this ayah that holding on firmly to the book of Allah brings the
holding on firmly to the book of Allah. develops taqwa in a person.
one over the island, toma la Vina todo min confess savety
and suddenly, you had already known about those who transgressed among you concerning the Sabbath, for cornella, whom kuno kiloton horsin and we said to them be a who are despised
in this ayah Allah subhanaw taala is reminding the Bani Israel of another incident in their history. And what was that what occurred, identity certainly union. Now the word laqad is a combination of land meaning shortly, and cod meaning in fact, so lacquered Surely, in fact, together laqad gives meaning up certainly
in the word Lockard lamb is being used for emphasis, odd is also being used for emphasis. So we see that there are two words that are being used for emphasis, but they're not just two, they're actually three. Because whenever laqad is used, there is an implied OT, that is not pronounced, that is not said that is not written, but it is implied. So laqad actually means one law he nukkad By Allah, surely, in fact, by Allah, certainly.
So laqad lm to uniquely identify Islam in an enormous knowledge. So you knew, what does he mean by this that certainly you knew, who does you refer to?
You refers to the Bani Israel of the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and also those who came after them.
That you knew you had certain knowledge you are very well aware of this incident. It's not something that you're unaware of, you know very well about this incident. It really happened. What this incident about who
and levina todo, those who cross limits men come among you.
And levina tado men compared to those 100 fighters are in them well, and era today, here it is to cross the limits.
What does it mean to cross the limits and it is also to not care about the limits that have been set that have been prescribed.
So Allah Vina todo, those who cross the limits, those who completely disregard the limits that were set, which limits visibility concerning the Sabbath.
A Sabbath is from the root letters seen back the scene back.
And what sabetta literally means to cut something. What does it mean? To cut something to sever something?
It has said some other info, his nose got cut. It's an expression not literally, but that he was humiliated, he was embarrassed sebata and fossa sebata literally means to God.
And the word Sabbath is used for Saturday. It is used for Saturday and Sunday or Saturday was a holy day for the root for the Bani Israel.
The Sabbath or the Sabbath was a holy day for the Bani Israel.
Why is this word used for that?
Because on that day, they would cut themselves off from all types of work from all different types of worldly engagements. And they would only focus on doing a better
Well, according to Medina, income for 70.
We see that the day of worship for the hood was Saturday for the Christians, which they do they use for worship Sunday and the Muslims Friday
Now, Friday is a religious day for us, which means that there is a special webinar that we do which is the Jew masala in congregation with the photograph. Right? But for the hood for the Bani Israel along with the worship, they were not allowed to do any work. For example hunting, working business, all types of worldly engagements were completely forbidden so that they could only do it
on Friday, do you still go to her?
Yes, you do. But at the time of Juma men are required to leave their work and then come and perform Juma. But for them the entire day. They were not allowed to do anything else except for worshiping
for that entire day. But this was very difficult for the ministry.
There were so involved in their dunya that they found it very difficult to close their businesses for one day, did not go to work just one day. They wanted to work seven days a week. They wanted to work and gain profit every single day of the week.
They do not want to suffer any loss.
In this ayah the references to a Jewish community that lived by the seashore.
And their profession was fishing. Their occupation was fishing. They were fishermen. So obviously on the Sabbath day on Saturday, they were not allowed to do fishing. But what happened was that on every Saturday, the fish would come up by the seashore, and it is that they would literally raise up their heads from the water.
And that would tempt the Bani Israel to fish. And it is said that this would only happen on Saturdays. Not on Sunday, not on Friday, or on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, only on Saturdays. And this was a test for them.
Allah says and sorted out off number 163 was an animal created. It cannot have a lot of beheading ad or doing a facility is that Demian kitanomine Yama Sabatini inshallah. Well, Malaya has written a letter to him karateka bloom be McCann we have so called
and asked them about the town that was by the sea, when they transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath, when their fish came to them openly on their Sabbath day, and the day they had no Sabbath, they did not come to them. Thus did we give them trial, because they were defiantly disobedient.
So why would this happen because of their own disobedience that on Saturday, when they were not allowed to fish, the fish would come up to the surface by the shore. So since they did not want to lose any of those fish, what they did was that they put a net in the sea on Friday.
On Friday, they would put a net in the sea. And on Saturday as the fish would come, they will get caught in it. And technically, they weren't fishing, right? Technically, they weren't fishing. So Friday, they will put the next Saturday, the fish would get caught. And on Sunday, they will take money out and all the fish would be trapped in it. Saying that we didn't disobey. We did not violate the Sabbath. But this is deceit.
This is deceit. This is deceiving someone that No, no, I'm not doing this. But you're actually doing it.
They were forbidden from working on Saturday. Yes, that didn't technically work. But they were still getting the advantage. They were playing around. They were manipulating the command of Allah. They were manipulating the commands of Allah.
Now we think about it today. What do people do?
What do we do?
Something very similar.
Can you think of an example?
For example, when it comes to banking, they say, No, no, this is not Riba. This is not interest that we're earning. This is only profit. You know, just as you invest money in your business cemetery, we're investing our money in the bank. Just as we would get profit by business, we're getting profit from the bank. But they are completely different. Allah has forbidden river, Allah has forbidden interest. And he has made business Hello. by equating the two same, they're both the same. This is playing around with the commands of a law.
For example, sometimes when we want to talk bad about someone, we dislike someone on you want to talk bad about them. We talk all that we want. And we say, I'm just telling you to warn you, I'm just telling you, because I want some help, whereas the reality is that you're talking about it just to vent just to tell the other person the negative qualities than another house.
This was the command of Allah, that they were to only worship on Saturday and this was more difficult upon them compared to others.
Almost why we McCann we have so often as we learned from the idea that it was because of their own acts of disobedience that allow made things more difficult for them. As we will read from the incident of the cow as well, that the commands that they were given were simple and clear. But because of their own disobedience, the commands were made more difficult upon them.
So many people say today that you know, hijab is not something that you have to wear in your head, hijab should be in the heart. May Allah protect us from the hijab of the heart, really? May Allah protect us from the hijab of the heart that the heart is veiled. May Allah protect us from what people say, no hijab should be in the heart, not on your head. But Allah said, on the head,
so, manipulating the commands of Allah, playing around with the commands of Allah, this is deceit and this is something that is forbidden. This is something that is forbidden. So what happened as a result of this, Allah says for cornella home, so we said to them, to the people of the Sabbath, Qunu Have you become clear on that and horses in apes who are despised
grandmother is a plural of the word killed
off raw data
and killed is used for a monkey or an ape.
So they're returned into apes. And Allah says turn into a set of horses in horses, as a plural of horses. And horse it is from the reflectors have seen Hamza Hassan is to chase someone away, is to drive someone away.
Just like a dog is chased away or something that is coming towards you. You don't like it? It's very reprehensible. It's a very little value in like this Sure, we should just go away. This is what Casa is so hostile in are those who are shooed away those who are kicked out those who are utterly humiliated kuno, Teradata hostage in turn into herbs that are rejected, that are despised that are hated that are humiliated.
So we see that Allah subhanaw taala, disfigured their appearance, a lot disfigured their faces, they disfigured or they manipulated the command of law.
They changed the command of Allah, and Allah changed their appearances.
Then Allah says about the punishment, that federal law so we made it, meaning we made the punishment, McLelland and exemplary punishment for who? Lima, Albania, Degas, for those who were before women are hard for her and those who came after, were most reluctant in with the pain and it was also a lesson for those who fear Allah.
The word jalna is from the roof veterus Jean, I love Jana.
And jerilyn literally means to make something.
What does it mean, to make something
it also means to put something it has several meanings. So jalna We made it. But the question is, what does hair refer to? What does it refer to
it over here how it has been understood in two ways.
First of all, it has been understood as the cornea,
the cornea, meaning the people of that particular city, the people of that particular can which people which community who violate the Sabbath,
who violated the Sabbath, who went against the commander of the Sabbath.
So further on how we made the people of that city as an occasional and exemplary punishment, meaning a lesson for who, for those who came after.
Secondly, it has been said that how over here refers to the repeal by itself the punishment itself,
which punishment was given to them. They were turned into it. So this punishment was in a can.
Mecca is used for a punishment. What kind of a punishment is this? It is from the root fetters noon calf learn
noon calf none. knuckle knuckle is used for neck collars at the neck collar or a handcuff. What's the point of that? What's the point of handcuffs
to bind the prisoner? Right? He's not able to move he's not able to go anywhere. So basically the purpose is to restrain
so NECA nacala or Nick al is an exemplary punishment. It is a warning example, that is given to a person so he does not return to that crime again.
It is a punishment that is given to a person for the wrong that he has done. Why? So that he does not return to the punishment again, he is restrained from repeating the action. So what kind of punishment? Would this be?
A big punishment, a very serious punishment.
For example, when people if they're caught speeding, and they're given a very huge ticket, and they lose their points as well, are they going to go speed again, they become very conscious, they become very careful, and then eventually they forget.
So first of all, it is a punishment that is so severe that a person does not go back to repeating that crime again. But when this punishment is given, it becomes an example of warning for others as well. Not just that person, but for others as well. Because others are deterred from doing that action.
If you find out that your brother was caught speeding, and he got a ticket for $500, what are you going to do?
What are you going to do? You're going to become careful in your driving as well, isn't it?
So the punishment becomes a deterrent for the criminal as well as for others. Over here, the word like it has been used. Why? Because this punishment became a deterrent for whom, for other people. It was a lesson that dissuaded others from doing what they did. It wasn't exemplary punishment for all that people learn. Never ever play around with the commands of Allah. Never change never manipulate the commands of Allah, take them as they are, and follow them properly.
So it wasn't accounted for who Lima beignet they have one alpha baignade a vein means between what is a mean, between
and yeah, they is the dual of the word yet. It is the destinia of the word yet remember the word destiny do it is used for to remember, singers used for one, Destiny is used for two and gender is used for more than two. So yeah, they is the dual of yet.
Okay. Now beignet means between two hands? This is the literal meaning of the words between two hands. That something that is between your two hands? Is it in front of you? Or is it behind you?
It's in front of you? Can you see it? Yes, it's visible to you. It's right before you so beignet a day. Whenever this has used it's not to be understood in its literal sense. It is understood as that which is before so Lima beignet adega? What does it mean by this? Those who were before it,
this is understood in two ways. First of all, my rainy day here refers to the people of those cities that were close to this particular city.
So basically refers to the people who lived in the surrounding areas, the people of that time, who lived in the surrounding areas,
the people who lived at that time in the surrounding areas.
For example, if you hear about something that happened in a city in in another country, or for example, in the same province, or in a different province, what happens? You think about it, right? And if it's a punishment that is given, you become scared, you become worried. Right. So similarly, Lima, beignet here refers to the people of that particular time who lived in the surrounding areas. There's also been said that Lima, Albania, they had those before, in presence, it refers to the rest of the people of that city who are not turned into apes.
Because it is said as we will learn in the Quran, that one group of them changed or played around with the commands of Allah, another group of the people, they stopped them from doing so.
So it became a lesson for them. That look at what these people did. Don't do what they did.
So lima bean, a.
And it also became a lesson for who won my hug for her and that which is behind it. Conference from the roof address Harlem fair. And Holly literally is used for behind halifa is one who comes after. So now Holly for her refers to the later generations, those who come afterwards, up until the day of judgment.
So the punishment that was given to these people, it served as a lesson for those living at that time.
It also served as a lesson for those who came afterwards. It was an exemplary punishment, a deterrent,
a punishment, a warning that would stop people from doing what these people did.
And also a must has were more relevant and it became an admonition for who lil moussaka and for those who don't know, the word Marilla is from the root letters. Well, wha, wha? Well as the
word is used for an advice, but what kind of advice is this? It is that there is such an advice that softens the heart of the person who is given the advice. What does it do?
It softens the heart of the one who is given the advice. It is also used for an advice that arouses fear in the heart of the listener.
And it inclines his heart to change. It inclines his heart to change, it moves that person towards change.
When you listen to such an example, that is given what happens, you become scared.
Right? And you tell yourself, I'm not doing this. So this is what wireless and advice that softens the heart that arouses fear, and it also motivates a person to change.
So basically, a Motorola is an effective and heart melting reminder, it is an effective reminder.
It is an effective reminder.
But over here law says that we made this a Motorola a reminder for who? for everybody. No limita clean. For those who adopt Docker. What does it mean? That only those people who would have done they take a lesson from this.
It becomes a deterrent for everybody. But it is only the people of taqwa who really benefit from this, who really change.
You know, the example of that ticket that I gave you? What happens after some time people forget? Isn't? And they go back to their old ways? What does that show that they haven't really learned a lesson? Because the person who has really learned a lesson, what will they do? They will forever live by that lesson. So it is an account for everybody but a Motorola in particular for who? For those who fear a lot because they're the ones who benefit from this reminder.
So what do we learn from these verses? What do we learn from these verses?
First of all, the Bani Israel is being approached, the binding Israel has been reproached
which, by the Israeli, those present at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, Salah, they're being reproached, why? for not having believed in the profits or
for not having believed in the profits.
And Allah brings to their attention, what happened in the past with their ancestors, because they did not obey the commands of Allah.
If you don't obey the commands of Allah, if you manipulate the commands of Allah, what do you expect them?
What do you expect them?
we learned earlier about the Bani Israel they were taught lateral missile hackable. batholith do not mix the truth with the falsehood with optimal healthcare and do not conceal the truth either will enter the moon while you know, what was the truth that they were mixing with the falsehood? The truth of the prophets are alive isn't
the truth of the Prophet sort of autism, so they were manipulating the commands even at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. They were not believing in the prophets that along the sudden by saying, Yes, he may be a messenger, but not for us, we're not going to follow him.
So Allah reminds them of what happened in the past with their predecessors. Look what happened to your ancestors for having changed for having playing around with the commands of Allah? Don't you hear?
And it's not just a reproach for them. But it is also for us, for Muslims. That if we don't accept the command of Allah as it is, and if we try to change it, if we try to play around with it, but the consequences are very severe.
Also, we learn from this ayah that trickery is forbidden.
trickery is forbidden.
deceit is forbidden. The prophets are allowed a seven star plus from this there is a hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said laughter Taki boo Marta Cava Talia who do fantastic Hello my hairy Mama. be adamant here. Do not do what the Jews did that they made.
Things that Allah made her on halaal upon themselves, how, through trickery, through deceit, what Allah made forbidden upon them, they made it permissible on themselves how? By deceit.
Also, we learned from this ayah that the love of this dunya is very dangerous. Why did they manipulate the commands of Allah? Why did they put a net on Friday and take it out on Sunday? Why? Because they still wanted the fish. They wanted to get benefit every single day of the week, they could not sacrifice one day for a loss penalty like Why? Because of the love of the dunya. So it becomes very dangerous. What do you learn from these verses?
If we think that we're very smart, and we can outsmart Allah subhanaw taala by playing around by changing the commands of Allah, we're not that smart. The intelligent person is not the one who changes the law. The intelligent person is the one who accepts it.
And hungered in law, that the oma of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is lucky. We are lucky because we have not been given such difficult commands. We have not been given such difficult commands. We are allowed to still cook and clean on Friday, as long as we do what we're required to do.
And this is not something that was unfair with the Bani Israel. What did we learn from the idea that this was made difficult for them? Why? Because of their own sin. So what does that teach us? That when we disobey Allah, things become difficult. life becomes difficult. disobedience to Allah leads to difficulty. So sometimes the punishment comes right away. And sometimes it is delayed till the Day of Judgment.
The punishment is also similar to the crime that was committed. They changed the command of Allah. Allah changed their forms. What else do we learn?
It shows us the importance of the day that has been declared holy for us in which we are to worship Allah.
Also, we learned from this ayah about a quarter of Allah, the power of Allah. He just said kulu rather than fasting, he said, Be become, be apes, and they became.
Also we learned from these verses, that the punishments or loss of planetary gives people they serve two purposes. One is punishment for the criminal and secondly, warning for the other people.
Warning for the other people, Allah says in the Quran, Allah katakana few kasasa him. Certainly in their stories, there is a lesson
one more very important lesson that we learn
right at the end of the verse,
in order to gain benefit from the advice that Allah subhanaw taala gives from the commands from the examples that are not present in the Quran, what is important, what should we have
So we learned that it is only those people who have Docker who benefit from the examples that are mentioned in the Quran.
Now also panels Allah mentions another incident
and inshallah we'll study that, but let's listen to the recitation of these verses before.
to move
to the 10 horses.
In the following verses, that inshallah we will study now,
the story of the cow is mentioned and Surat Al Baqarah. gets its name from this story that is mentioned in the surah
where it Allah Moosa, and when Musashi Salaam said
Meaning Oh Bani Israel. Also remember the incident when Mossad is Salam said to who likoma he to his people. Notice how our last panel data says, he said to his people, who are his people,
the Bani Israel. And they have been called his people to show that musar Islam was one of them, and also to show that he was very sincere to them.
And anything that he would command them with, anything that he would tell them of, would be that which was best for them. Because a person wishes well for his people, for his nation.
And especially him, being their Prophet, being their leader, whatever that he commanded them off, was indeed that which was best for them.
So what is Karla Moosa? He called me he when Masada Salaam said to his people, what did he say to his people? In the La Jolla, Morocco? Indeed, Allah orders you. Yet Moodle is from Hamza membre. And Mr. M is to give a command to give an instruction. So he commands you He instructs you what, and that Berto Baqarah, that all of you should slaughter a cow,
the word that virtue is from their bare hands, that the
which means to slaughter, we did the word you there be hoonah earlier.
So that Bahu that you should slaughter, what should you slaughter Baccarat, a cow you may have heard of the word of the behind?
What is it the behind
the animal that has been slaughtered according to the way that we have been taught and which is why it is allowed to eat. So under the hood, because that you slaughter a cow, the word Bukhara is from bear farfara
and Baqarah literally means to cut something open.
What does it mean to cut something open to split something open?
It is said Bukhara Al
Baqarah and ilma What does it mean by that?
It means that he researched and he thoroughly studied such and such knowledge or such and such science. Because bacara is what to dig, to scratch open to widen to open something up to split something open. So Baccarat ilma is when a person researches and he thoroughly studies and goes through a particular science Why? Because in that process, he opens up many books.
He opens up many things in order to do his research.
And the word Baqarah is used for a cow. Why? Because primarily cows, they're used for one of the things that they're used for his farming.
Now they have replaced with machinery. But it's still in many parts of the world. Today. They're used for farming for agriculture, and they are used for plowing the earth, which includes the process of opening up widening the soil in order to sow the seed in it. The word Baccarat that you see over here, with a timer booth at the end. This is a singular word. And it applies to the cow as well as the ox meaning it is used for male and female. Some say that the word Baccarat is only used for female, but others say the word bahala can be used for a female cow as well as the male one. So over here, they're commanded slaughter a cow.
And notice the word bacara. It can be used for any type of account, male or female. They were told to slaughter any cow, the cow was not specified. And so if they had slaughtered any cow, it would have been okay. It would have been acceptable.
But they asked one question after the other about the cow. Which type of account is it? And they only made the situation more and more difficult for themselves? Now the question is, why were the bunny Australian commanded to slaughter a cow? Why? Two reasons are given. First of all, it has been said that bunny Israel they consider the cow to be very sacred.
They have developed such love for the cow that they consider the cow to be sacred.
Where did they develop this love from? How we learned that earlier? The bunny Australian had even made a golden calf and they worship the cows.
So they had love in their hearts for the cow. Where did they get this love from?
They were slaves of the people of Rome.
The people of Iran as we learned, were positive, meaning they worship a multitude of gods.
It is also said that they used to worship the cow as well. And the bunny Australia being their slaves, they looked up to them. Just as the bunny Australian previously, they said we don't want manansala we want such and such food, just as the people of their own enjoyed. Similarly, the bunny Israel, they had developed love and adoration and admiration for the cow such love, that is not appropriate. We are allowed to love things. But if there is any love that exceeds the love of Allah,
that is given preference over the love of Allah, that is considered sacred when it's not actually sacred. Then this kind of love is not permissible. And this is why the Bani Israel were told to slaughter the cow so that the love of that cow would be taken out of their heart so that they would know that the cow is only an animal It is not something that is sacred. It is a creature of Allah. We are not to worship it. We're not to serve it, the cow is to serve us. And ledee janela comb Murphy of the gymea He is the one who made everything in the earth for you, not you for everything. So these things are here to serve us and if their love supersedes the love of Allah, then there is a
And this was the problem that the bunny Australian were also suffering from. So this is one reason that is given.
Another reason hasn't been given as to why they were commanded to slaughter a cow. One person from among the Bani Israel, he was killed.
A person from among the Bani Israel was killed, and the murder was unknown, meaning people couldn't figure out who actually murdered that person. And just as any other situation where people are unaware as to who committed the crime, people begin to blame each other. Similarly, people began blaming each other as to who had killed that particular person. And there was a great facade within the Bani Israel. So in order to resolve this issue, they went up to Masada, salah and asked him to pray to Allah subhanaw taala to show to them as to who was the person who killed that men. And then Allah subhanaw taala said that they should slaughter a cow. Why should they slaughter a cow? As
later on we will study in the eyes that a part of the cow was struck onto the dead man the dead man came alive and then he spoke out the name of the person who had killed him inshallah we will read that later on.
So these are the two reasons that are given as to why the bunny Australia were told to slaughter the cow. What happened? What was the reaction of the bunnies?
They were told to slaughter any cow. Did they just go pick any cow and slaughter it? That's it simple. No. They complicated the situation for themselves. And before even that, they took this command very lightly. They did not take this command seriously. Which is why Allah says that they said corlew they said at the Toledo zoo. Do you make us a mockery? Are you joking with us? Are you kidding? But they do know whose work
that is honor is from a herder as well Hamza Ha. And a father is to take something it is to firmly take or to adopt something so adept does he do now? Are you making us Hosea mockery. The word who's the one is from the roof address has a Hamza. It is from the roof veterus hair. They Hamza has a
you see her over here. You see that over here? The only data that you don't see is a Hamza. And that Hamza has been changed into a well. We have done the word Yes. Does he own Mr. Xie own earlier? One sumach.
Allah who yesterday? He mocks.
So Heather, is to mock, to ridicule to make fun of someone.
So they said, Are you taking us in ridiculous meaning? Are you joking with us? What does it mean by Etta Hayden who's Well, this is understood in two ways. First of all, what they mean by the statement is that Are you making fun of us? When you answer us like this? We're asking you about who killed the dead men, and you're telling us to slaughter a cow.
They're saying are you joking with us?
Are you taking us in ridicule? Are you making fun of us when you're saying such a thing to us when you're giving us such an answer?
Secondly, it has been said at a coffee dinner who's aware that are you taking us
As those people who mock
Are you considering us as those people who mock meaning Do you think that we are joking with you?
So what's the second meaning?
That Are you taking us as those people who mock meaning Do you think that we're joking with you when we're asking us to kill the dead person? But that definitely do not Hosea? Are you joking with us? Are you mocking us? By the he said, who said masayoshi son and responded to them? That would have been the I seek refuge with ALLAH rudo is from rain well, that or they are euro do is to seek the protection of someone why in order to be safe from something.
So he said, I seek protection beliee with a law from what I seek a loss protection from and that akuna I become myalgia hellene of those who are ignorant. I seek a loss protection from being of those who are ignorant. The word Yeah, herein is a Florida Jehan. And Johannes from what do you think the root letters are? Jim hair gel.
gel is ignorance. And ignorance is of several types. First of all, ignorance is lack of knowledge. When a person just does not know, when a person is unaware, he does not know the reality, he's unaware of the reality. Another type of ignorance is that when a person does not have correct knowledge, he has incorrect knowledge or assumption about something. And he thinks that what he knows is true. That is also ignorance, that a person has incorrect knowledge about something. He is misinformed. He has the wrong assumption about something and he thinks he's true. He thinks he's right. This is also ignorance. Because in this case, also he is unaware of the reality, isn't it?
And thirdly, another type of ignorance is when a person does not act on the knowledge
when a person does not act on what he knows,
because true are in his armor.
True Knowledge is action.
True Knowledge is action. So over here, he says, I seek a loss protection from being of those who are ignorant. What does it mean by ignorance over here in the context, it means foolishness. It means foolishness.
And this is a third type of knowledge when a person has knowledge but he doesn't act upon that knowledge. Why? Sometimes because of foolishness, other times because of negligence? There could be several reasons. So why is he saying that I seek Allah's protection from those who are ignorant, who are the ignorant people,
those who market others, those who make fun of others. That is ignorance. Making fun of others is ignorance. And we see so much beauty the responsible citizen, he doesn't say, How dare you say that? That I'm joking with you? I'm not joking with you. I'm telling you at the command of Allah. He says I seek a lot of protection from being of those who are ignorant. Even in his response, he is teaching the bunnies rider lesson. It's not good to market others.
Even in his response, he is teaching the bunnies right about something. So over here we see to the bunnies, right? What are they doing? They're not taking the command of Allah. Seriously. They're not taking the Messenger of Allah seriously.
The Messenger of Allah is telling them that Allah is ordering you, Allah is telling you to slaughter a cow. What do they say? Are you joking? Do you think we're joking? What does that show?
That they're not considering? The command of Allah to be something that is serious? They're not taking it seriously. And when they realized that he was serious, that he wasn't joking with them. What did they do? Instead of accepting the command? They said aloo uilleann Arabic They said, Pray for us to your Lord. Again, their way does not change.
They continue to disassociate themselves from Allah soprano. don't pray to your Lord for us as if they've completely disowned Allah. And notice the way they address some other Roadrunner is that they're instructing you, they're commending you as if he's their servant. Go ask this. Go find this out. You know, generally if there's something that is unclear, you send your servant to go and find out about what the situation is about.
And look at how they keep sending him back. Go pray, go pray, go ask go ask. Look at the way that the treatment center center.
So they say pray to your Lord for us. You by healing
Now, he should make clear to us now here what she is what it is, you buy in is from the newsletters better yet known by noon. And the word by Anne is used for that which is clear. You buy you know is from the bean, which is to make something clear to clarify something.
What does it mean to clarify something? So they say, ask him that he should clarify to us man here what it is. Now the word here, this is the feminine equivalent of who? What does a woman he, and here means she, the word here over here is being used for the cow. The word here over here is being used for the cow. So, he should make clear to us, what is it? Meaning what type of a cow is it? Now, there is a question, was there really any need of clarification?
They were told slaughter a cow. Any cow? was a command clear? Yes, they could just go and slaughter a cow. They weren't all slaughter an animal. Then Okay, people might ask you what type of animal do you want us to slaughter? a goat, a cow, a lamb, but sheep what? They were told slaughter a cow. And there was no need for any clarification. As the words are very clear. The Baccarat is well known.
And this shows how they did not want to obey the command.
Because when a person does not want to do something, then what does he do?
He begins to ask more and more questions. For example, you tell someone, can you bring my book from me?
And they say, which book? Where is it? Is it on the shelf on the right side on the shelf on the left side?
And you tell them it's the Quran? Which one the one with the translation, the one without the translation?
We all do this when we don't want to do it. We say Okay, which one? somebody asks us for water, you want to call her hot? Just bring it because through this we delay as if we're trying to show to the other person that what you're asking doesn't make sense, you know, you can do it yourself. So similarly, they began asking questions. What questions did they ask? They said he should clarify to us what it is meaning what type of account is it? Color he said meaning Musashi Sam said in the who indeed he meaning Allah subhanaw taala Yokota, he says. So he made the right to Allah, Allah responded to his door, Allah subhanaw taala said in the avocado indeed it is a cow left alone when
there is not old, nor is too young faryab is from the newsletters fair,
fair word. And the word folder literally means to cut something that is solid and firm. What does it mean? To cut something that is very solid and firm, for example, to cut wood,
you won't use this word for cutting an apple.
It is used for cutting something that is very solid, very firm. This is the literal meaning of the word.
And then the word fold is also used for cutting or reducing meat or flesh.
What is it used for
cutting or reducing the meat or the flesh of something.
For example, have you ever tried, for example D boning or cutting a chicken or something like that isn't that difficult.
It is something that is solid. And you need a lot of effort to do that. So it is also used for cutting or reducing the meat or the flesh of something
valuable. The word that you see over here is used for a cow. It is used for a cow that has crossed its youth that has lived through its youth and now it has become old.
It has got through its age and now it has become old.
And also when it becomes old, what happens the meat or the flesh of this particular kind of cow, it depletes it begins to sag
it reduces just as anything that is fresh, there is more moisture in it isn't and it has more weight and as it becomes stale, the moisture reduces and it becomes light in its weight. So similarly fat is a cow that has lived a long age and now it has become lean it has become thin. The flesh on its body sags it droops. So, this is the kind of cow that sided refers to. So he said that it should not be a cow that is fat. So it should not be a cow that is old.
Will I be clone nor should it be too young.
The situation is becoming difficult for them because it's from the root letters back gaff.
And big is used for
young male or female,
young male or female. It's not just used for cows, it is also used for human beings.
And when the word big is used for a female, it is used for a virgin,
it is used for a virgin, a female, that has not yet given birth, that has not yet given birth.
So, Allah says that it should be a cow that is neither fat nor nor is it because it should not be too old, nor should it be too young, that it has not had a childhood
or why not, it should be middle of age baina dyadic between that between what between that which is mentioned, what are the two things that are mentioned, it should not be too old, it should not be too young. And it should be a no brainer that it should be in the middle, it should be a middle and age. Though What I want is from the newsletters I in well known and well known
and are one is used for that which is in the middle that which is intermediate.
and wonder what r1 is used for a female, it is used for a female that has given birth, but it is not too old.
A female that has given birth, but it is not too old. So they are told neither too old nor too young, just exactly middling between the two. And then they're told Safar Luma. Tomorrow, just do what you have been commanded. So far, Lou, this is a command, just do it. Just do what metamodel whatever that you have been commanded. So over here, most artists and I'm tell them, just do what you're told. Don't make things difficult for yourself. Go ahead and do it already. But what did they do? Then they wanted to know the color of the car. So they said kalu they said oh they're rolling out of duck. Pray for us to your Lord. You by Ilana melona. He should clarify to us as to its color.
The word loan is from the newsletter is lamb well known.
And the word loan is used for the natural color of something. So they say we want to know the color of the cow.
Is it black? Is it white? Is it brown? Is it spotted? What kind of a cow is it?
Color he said we Musashi Sam said that in the who YOLO. Allah subhanaw taala says that in the herbal cartoon indeed it is a cow that is suffering that is yellow in its color.
Yellow cow. The word Safra is from the root letters solid fat bra. And sutra is the feminine of a spa. It is a feminine of a spa.
and elsewhere is used for yellow thoughts of raw feminine form has been used. Why? Because it is being used for the cow.
And so for us what is used for, you can say yellowish brown color. It's not really yellow, it's not really Brown, something in the middle, font,
yellowish brown color.
So Allah said that it should be a cow that is yellow in its color. But this color, when you think of something between yellow and brown, you think of a color that's very dull, isn't it, but they're at all fair clear on low new hair, its color should be bright, it should be pure.
The word factor is from the root letters fair offering. And for core is when something bursts when something explodes. And the word factor is used to describe the brightness of the yellow and green color.
You don't use the word factor to describe red
or to describe blue or black. You only use it to describe the brightness of the color yellow or the color green. Just as when you say that something is very black or do you say jet black? You want a jet orange? You want say pitch orange? No, you say pitch black, right? So similarly, Felker is used to describe the brightness of yellow or green. So over here less so for 30 or lower its color should be bright. So in other words, it should be a golden cow, bright in its color, very intense yellow, pure, bright, yellow, golden cow.
And this color, one more condition. So two conditions we have read so far. One is that it should be yellow. The second is that it should be nice and brighten its color. And the third is that it should the silver lead in it should please those who look at the car.
Towards the third row is from seeing Aurora. Seen Aurora
and Solo is to be happy.
Happiness, the so it should please, it should make happy it should gladden who analogy nataline is a Florida Nallet from the ruthlessness noon law, who is now live. One who sees one who never have one who looks. So it should please those people who look at it. And this is something very difficult
because sometimes there may be something that is very beautiful. One person finds it beautiful. And other person says, No, it's not.
One person says I love this color. Another says it's too ugly. It's too dark or it's too bright. A difficult condition has been said that all of them had to agree that the color is also beautiful.
And this was a very difficult condition. But did they go and slaughter the cow then? No. They put forward another question kalu they said oh the Orlando Roebuck pray for us to your Lord you Bay ulama here, he should clarify to us what it is another question of this. And what is this question? That? What type of account is it? What is its occupation? What is its occupation? What does the cow do?
Is it free? Or is it used for labor?
What does a cow do?
Why do they ask this? Because they say indeed Al Baqarah the cows, the Shabbat Elena, they all look alike to us. All cows look the same to us. Now tell me a cow that is neither too old nor too young. A cow have a very specific color. Is that confusing? Is the situation difficult? No. Isn't the cow clear? But they still they ask another question. So they say in Al Baqarah, Tasha berlina Al Baqarah. Notice what Baqarah This is different from bacara. Isn't it bacara the word that we had earlier ends with a time of Buddha. This one does not end with a time with Buddha. So there is a difference in the meaning as well. The word bacara is singular It is used for male or female and
others it is only used for female.
But the word backup that you see over here, this is the essence of jeans, remember isn't jeans, generic now,
which is used for masculine feminine, singular and plural. And over here in the context of backup means cows, it is plural.
So they say that indeed the cows the Shabbat Marlena the Shabbat is from Sheen, the her we did the word with a shabby earlier what we'll do be with a shabbiha the people of gender, they will be given food they will be given fruit that is resembling
so in Alba kurata Chava Elena mean, the cows they all resemble they all look alike to us. Because it is said that there were many of them, many of such cows, and they were not able to find the right one. So they said that we are still in doubt we're confused. But in reality, there was no confusion.
And they're saying we're in and indeed we insha Allah if Allah wills them if they don't Charlie wants to obtain guidance. if Allah wills, we will obtain guidance. Notice the word motor doing it is sort of motor D
and motor D is one who receives guidance. One who is on the right guidance. So if Allah wills, we will obtain guidance. What are they implying then?
What are they implying? In other words, they're saying that we're not finding the right cow because Allah doesn't want us to.
if Allah wills we will be rightly guided if we're not guided to the right cow whose fault is it ours? No, this is what they're saying. Insha Allah who lamotta do
so it is said that they said inshallah, because of this reason that they're implying that Allah doesn't want us to be guided. And it is also said that they said inshallah, because now they realized that it's about time that they thought
you know how you ask one question, you ask another one, you're given the answers for each and eventually you figure out there's no getting out of the situation might as well do it. So similarly here, they're giving up.
The salad used to say that if the Bani Israel had not said, insha Allah, they would never have been guided to the right cow.
If they hadn't said inshallah, they would have never been guided to the right cow.
So they asked about the progression of the car. What's the answer? We'll start as Sam said, Carla, he said in the huya kulu Indeed, he says meaning Indeed Allah says that in the avocado toast indeed it is a cow led the Loon. It is not subdued. It is not deemed. It is not deemed that it to zero or above that it plows the earth. The lol is on the roof letters, then lamb lamb
with the word Villa earlier. What is the human
When someone is lower than the other,
when someone is subjugated and The Loon means, an animal that has been controlled by someone, an animal that has been tamed, that has been trained for work. So, now the condition is that this cow should not be subdued for labor. So, in other words, this cow is a wild cow,
it's not the cow that you find in the city, because a cow in the city is obviously going to be used for some kind of work. So, lather loulan It is not that which is subdued, in particular, it should not be trained for what type of work it should not have been trained for, to the role of the for plowing deer, meaning it should not be such a cow that works in the field.
The word to zero is from the root letters. So, well
sell well sold and sell is to stir something,
what does it mean to stir something
and when this word is used for the earth, for land, it means to dig the earth
it means to dig beer. So, to zero alpha, it should not dig the earth and this word in particular is used for plowing the earth because in that process, the earth the soil is churned it's turned upside down. So, leather loose to zero alpha It is not that which is subdued that it plows the earth while at the spell helps her and another thing that this cow must not do is that it should not have been trained for watering the fields. dusty is from seeing coffea with it the word is stressed out earlier is the sky he saltwater so dusty it waters it should not water and health, the field the word health is from health and health is used for field and it is also a field basically where crops
are grown.
And the word health is also used for the crop, it is used for the field where the crop is grown and it's also used for crop. So that the scale has that it should not water the fields. So, another condition one more condition, masala Matan, it should be sound it should be flawless it should be free from defects. masala is from scene learning from Salama What does cinema mean?
safety, peace, security
and in particular selama is when something is free from any faults when something is safe and sound free from any defects. So, it should be masala it should be free from all faults from all types of deformities, all types of defects. So, in other words, it should not be a cow that is lame, it should not be a cow that suffers from any problem.
one more condition last year to see her there should be no blemish on it, there should be no spot on it. The word she is from well she Yeah.
Well she
what she is used for a mark where she is used for a mark that is contrast in color do the thing that it is on.
For example, you have a white fabric
and you have red spots on it or you have black spots on it. So, the black or red spots are washi they are the mark they are the sign or they are something on another and both things are different in their corner.
Washing of a soap is when a garment is colored with various colors. When a piece of cloth is colored with various colors. And when this word is used for an animal, it is used for the spots that are on an animal.
For example, you will see a cow that is white, but it has black spots on it.
Similarly a cow that is brown and it has white spots on it. So unless she had the fear there should be no blemish on it meaning it should be spotless.
It should be spotless. So in other words, it should be of only one color.
It should be of only one color. There should be nothing that Mars its color. Because for some it reduces the value of the cow is the cow has such color and reduces the value of it. So this cow was a cow that is beautiful and its color. It's not too old, not too young. It doesn't work in the fields. It is free. And what else it should be spotless. The cow that is being described is the perfect cow.
Now, some might say some people they ask questions because they want to do that which is perfect.
Isn't it? Sometimes you ask the other person questions like you asked them about different different details. Why because what you want to do is perfect. You want to meet the needs.
But sometimes when you are told to do something, what should you do? You should offer the best that you have.
This cow that has been described is the perfect cow. And if they really loved the last panel data, without even all of this detail being given they would have brought this cow in either case because you give to a lot that which is best. This is the best cow somebody I know if you ever ask guests in front of them that what would you like Would you like something hot or something cold? They would say don't ask this bring whatever that you don't ask just bring what you have. Bring something warm and also bring something that is cold they will take whatever they want but if you ask them so what would you like Would you like something warm? Would you like something cold would you like water
would you like a drink would you like juice would you like pop? I mean why are asking so many questions just bring whatever you have bring the best that you can offer bring the best that you can offer.
So they were told masala masala Shia toffee have Kuru they said who said the Bani Israel said
that would help now you have come with the truth.
The word ln is from the root letters, Hamza well known
comes out well known
and the word n is used for present the moment that is between past and future. So they say that now that you came the word is from Jamia Hamza, Jamia Hamza,
so now you have come with the truth. They say this to Masada center,
what do they mean by now you have come with the truth.
By truth, what they mean is that now you have come with complete explanation with clear and complete detail. So, in other words, now, you have made the truth clear.
Now, you have made the truth clear.
This is one way of understanding this. Others say that what they mean by an energy they've been healthy is that now we know that you were not joking with us, and that you were really true, insane, that Allah wanted us to slaughter a cow.
Just imagine, they say that now we know that you weren't joking with us, and that you indeed came to us with the truth, meaning with the true command of a law that we have to slaughter the cow.
So it is as if they're showing that we thought you were lying up until now.
This was their way with the messenger
energy. Now you have brought the truth.
Allah says further Bahu her then they finally spotted it then they eventually slaughtered it. One Macedonia for a loan and they were not near doing it. They almost didn't do it.
The word care Do we have done the word cat earlier? Yeah. kettle Burkle. Yes, the herbicidal from calf Wilder.
And this is when something is about to happen. Almost happens when something is at the verge of happening. So Macedonia finally they almost didn't do it. They were almost at the verge of not doing this of not doing what of not slaughtering the cow. Why is this said because of their excessive questioning because of their excessive questioning.
So now when they have slaughtered the cow, what had to be done with that cow? That incident is mentioned
before let's listen to the recitation.
Well, even Paula moves
along Moodle calm
at all
to see
what what's one of the main lessons that we learned from this story?
We should not question too much we should avoid excessive questioning.
This is one of the main lessons that we learned from the story.