Taimiyyah Zubair – Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is The Best of Mankind

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of physical appearance, character, personality, and bravery in life is essential for success. The three principles of beauty, generosity, bravery, and bravery are essential for succeeding in life. Regular engagement with people, giving time and attention to people, and avoiding physical or emotionally damaged people are essential for success. Delayed gifts and hesitation are essential, and avoiding danger and bravery are essential for avoiding anxiety and sadness. A clear communication and sharing of good things with others is essential, and avoiding bluster and being scared of speaking on the mic are important.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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How are y'all doing?

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a handle on Mashallah, I have to say this you all are sitting so properly Mashallah. It's truly impressive. It's very rare that I walk into a class or into a hallway there's lots of youth present and Mashallah the discipline that I see over here is unique. Mashallah. So, good job. Mashallah. How's your summer going? Did you just start your summer break?

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Yeah. When I found out that the session was on a Monday, evening afternoon, I was like, who comes on Monday afternoon?

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And then I realized that it's your summer break so humbler? Okay. So inshallah, we'll talk a little bit about something very special. inshallah, and I want this to be an open session. All right. So I want you to participate. I'm going to ask you questions, and these questions are not going to be rhetorical. These questions are going to be real and I expect you to answer inshallah, and feel free to answer just raise your hand and inshallah I'll ask you, is that clear? Yeah. And if something doesn't make sense to you, all right, then feel free to ask, inshallah. Okay, our will the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, WA Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Hill Karim

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Baba schlafly sorry were Sidley MD, Dr. Tom melissani. of Kahoot Kohli, along with Matthew Colby was suddenly Sani was sold schemata Colby amin, Amin.

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Okay, so my question to you is, what is it that makes a person good?

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What is it that makes a person good? Like when you think about a good person? What qualities do you think they have? Go ahead? Okay, good kindness. What else? Yeah. Okay, very good. There's internal satisfaction. Great. Honesty. Very good. What else? Go ahead.

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Yeah, go ahead.

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Humanity Alright, what did you say?

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honesty All right. Very good.

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humility, Mashallah, that's good. One more? Yes, good.

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Excellent. A smiling person or a person who makes good facial expression so that people don't feel averse to them rather they feel welcome. All right, we have some more here.

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selflessness good. What else?

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Good manners. All right. Patience. Mashallah, good.

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Good character very good. Yes. Loyalty, Mashallah. Very good. Mashallah. So, who do you think is really the best person ever? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? Isn't that what we have heard? That's something that we have been told again and again. Even in the Quran, we are told that the Prophet salallahu organism's character is the best right what in Nicola hooligan Aleem that you are upon the great meaning the best character, right? And a last printout also tells us that if you love Allah, then follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when you will follow Him, then what's going to happen? Allah will love you. Right? So a person only becomes loveable by Allah

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subhanaw taala when they follow whose example? Whose example the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam All right. Now if we were to describe the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam how would we describe him?

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How would we describe him? Like if somebody were to ask you who is the Prophet sallallahu produsen What would you say about him? Good.

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Okay, very good. He was like The Walking quote on meaning. If you wanted to know what the Quran says what the Quran teaches, then you would look at the example of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam. All right, go ahead.

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He never gave up. That's so true. Yes, he loved people, you know, very good.

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a role model for everybody. Yeah.

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Okay, honest and trustworthy. Excellent. Now, you see, there were people who were very, very close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. By For example, we learned about unecessarily Allahu anhu. Okay, Anasazi Longhorn, who was only 10 years old, when he was taken to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he was taken to him Why so that unnecessarily a Longhorn who would serve the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, okay? Not because this was child labor. Not at all. This was because his

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mother wanted him to spend time with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Anyway, and that's what the Longhorn who stayed with the Prophet sallallahu artesyn for 10 years, very close to him, he would serve him food, he would go places with him, he would also travel with him. So, and that's what the Longhorn, who described the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in three terms. And inshallah, our focus today is going to be on these three descriptions. So if you have pen and paper, you might want to write these down for yourself. So the first description that he gave about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was that he was centeredness, centeredness, meaning he was the

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best of all people.

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There was no one better than him.

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Secondly, he said that he was edgewear, the NES as well, the NES, meaning he was the most generous of all people. So there was no one more generous and more giving than him.

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And thirdly, that he was ash john NES, meaning the bravest, and the most courageous of all people. So there was no one that was more bold and more courageous than him. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So these are the three things that we're going to be talking about today. The first thing is going to be beauty. All right, the second thing is going to be generosity. And the third thing is going to be bravery.

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All right, what are the three things somebody raise their hand? And tell me from the side? Go ahead.

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Okay, now, these three descriptions actually have been described as the principles of good character.

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Meaning, if you really want to see whether a person is good or not, actually forget about other people, let's look at ourselves, right? If somebody you know, were to describe you, you would hope that they describe you as a good person, right? So if we want to know whether we are really good or not, what are the three things that we need to check? These are the three things that we need to check. Okay, so the first thing is that he was SNS the best of people. Now remember that? A son, meaning the most excellent, or the best. This is both in physical appearance, and also in one's personality, in one's character. So this is in Surah. And in Sierra, if you think about it, we put a

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lot of emphasis on just looking good.

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And when it comes to our behavior, we sort of neglect that, when it comes to looking good, we want to make sure our hairstyle is great, right, we want to make sure that we're even our glasses are perfect. If we are, you know, matching our, you know, shirt with our pants, or whatever it is, we're so conscious. And the older we get, the more conscious we become, isn't it? Have you ever seen your baby pictures or pictures from when you were little? Have you ever been embarrassed about what you were wearing? So if you see any picture like that you like Please, mom, just hide that away. I don't want to ever see that. Right? Because you're so embarrassed about the color combination, or the

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nature of you know, or the style of the clothes that you're wearing. So as we grow older, we become so conscious about how we look before others, we become so conscious about our physical appearance. But then we also go to another extreme, which is that when we start focusing on improving our character and our religiosity, you know, we completely neglect our physical appearance. So we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was good and beautiful, physically, and also in his character in his manner. Now, a person might say, well, maybe the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, you know, really beautiful in his in his physical features, right? And you say, Well,

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when I look at myself, I don't think God made me beautiful.

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People say these kinds of things. We think these kinds of things, right? Now the thing is, we don't have any control over the shape of our lips, or the size of our nose, or maybe our height or the way our eyebrows are and things like that. We don't have any control over that. But what we do have control over is what? When it comes to our physical appearance, what control do we have?

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over what? Yes,

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I'm not talking about behavior. I'm talking about our physical appearance. What control do we have?

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Go ahead.

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Okay, good. Our clothing what we choose to wear and for that, think about this. You know, sometimes

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Something looks really good. And that's why we love to wear it. Or because it's really expensive. It's a fake supreme shirt maybe, right? Or a hat or something. So we just want to wear it again and again and again. And we know that once it goes into the wash, it's going to get destroyed. So we are more focused on the appearance rather than the cleanliness, you understand. So remember, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not just beautiful in his physical features. He also made himself presentable and clean and neat, meaning his body was not a source of annoyance for the people around him. His body was actually a source of delight and comfort for the people around him.

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Now think about this. How frequently did the Prophet sallallahu wasallam clean his mouth?

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How frequently? Yes, yes, before every Salah, right, and he wanted to emphasize that before every Salah people should clean their mouth.

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So now we need to think about this. How often do we clean our mouths? And then sometimes we've had this, you know, consumers salad, right? With the raw onion. Right? And then we have onion breath. And then we're talking to people and people are getting annoyed by that onion breath. The Prophet sallallahu where it is, and it was not like that. You know what happened with him once.

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Somebody sent him a dish of vegetables. And when the Prophet sallallaahu Ellison received that, he returned it. He sent it back. So the people asked him that What's wrong? And he said, there's garlic in it. And I cannot eat it. Because I speak to the one that you don't speak to. You know, we he was talking about

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gibreel, right.

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So think about it, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't just have beautiful features. He also took care of his appearance, he ensured that his breath was not bad. He enjoyed even that his clothes did not smell. You know, I shuttle de la Juan Hmm. She says that once there was this black shawl, okay, that she got for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And when he wore it, it actually looked really beautiful on him. And he also liked it. But what happened is that after a few days, that shawl began to smell.

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So you know, what the profits of the Lockwood Is that him did, he got rid of it.

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Why? Because it was such material that could not be washed. So he could not wear it again, basically. But he could choose to continue to wear it because it looked good.

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But he didn't do that. He didn't want the smell.

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So when we look at the physical appearance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was indeed very beautiful. And he took care of his physical appearance.

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And then, when it comes to his character, how was this character, his personality? That was also beautiful.

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That people felt safe around him.

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People felt safe around him.

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Do you know any people that you know, the moment you sit with them and you start talking to them, you know you're going to be attacked?

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Or you know that you're going to be picked on you know that you're going to be made fun off or you're going to be judged? Or you're going to be criticized or you're going to be yelled at. Do you feel that fear anytime? Yeah. So the Prophet sallallahu, Ellison was such that people felt safe around him. And understood EULA Horne who remember that 10 year old companion, he said that I stayed with the prophets of Allah horridus and him for 10 years and he never scolded me.

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He never scolded me.

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So now that we have discussed a little bit about the physical, you know, appearance of the Prophet sallallahu. And instead of that, how it was beautiful, he made himself presentable. And he also emphasized on his personality, what do you think we need to do to ensure that we also become a centeredness? What are some things that you can take for yourself?

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What are some changes that we can bring in ourselves to make sure that we also become from the best of the people?

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What are some things that we need to do? Go ahead? Okay, good. being polite. All right. Being careful about our cleanliness, that is very important. You know, the thing is that when, you know, of course, it's hard. Of course, we sweat, of course, you know, we're out of the house all day and things like that, but we cannot neglect our body, and it's doable. And the thing is that

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Any person from whom you get, you know, hurt, whether physically or emotionally you want to stay away from them. So the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and the reason why people loved him so much people wanted to be around him is because he smelled good.

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He smelled good, he was fresh and his words were also a source of comfort for people, not words that would that were harsh to turn people away, annoy them and bother them. One more thing, what else can we do?

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Very important that we should not be harsh with the people who work with us. Right? Very good. All right. The next thing is the second principle of good character is generosity.

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generosity, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Edward anass the most generous and the most giving off people meaning no one gave more than him

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all right. Now when it comes to giving, what is it that we can give?

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What is it that we can give? Go ahead, okay, that means that giving is not always in the form of money

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or even in the form of material things. Right? Or in the form of tangible physical things. Giving can also be in the form of

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immaterial or intangible things. Right. So giving our time All right, Masha, Allah, giving our smiles. All right. Okay, very good. giving our knowledge. Excellent. What else can we give? Okay, how is it that we give our time to people?

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spending our time with them? What does that look like? How do you spend time with people?

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How do you spend time with people? Okay.

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Very good. listening to them. Alright, what else?

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What else? Is it just about being in the same space? Spending time with people? Like, for example, your sister's sitting at the table at the dinner table? And you also sit at the dinner table? Alright, but you are on your phone and your sister's on her phone? Is that spending time with one another?

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Is it? No. Or let's say you you've got your air pods on? Alright. And she's got her headphones on also. So you're both of you are in your own worlds? Is that spending time together? What does it mean by spending time together? you interact with them? Now? What does that mean to interact with people? What does that look like? Go ahead.

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Okay, all right, getting to know each other. But does it stop there? talking to them? Now, if you think about it, sometimes when we're talking with people, they ask questions, isn't it? What kind of questions Do they ask? Sometimes personal questions, but when it comes to family, for example, like let's say your mom, or your dad, they ask you questions, questions like what?

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questions like what?

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Okay, how was school? Do they ever ask you? What app is that?

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Do they ever ask you? Can you see what's wrong with my phone? Did they ask you questions? Like there's something wrong with the television, I cannot change the channels. So then, what does it mean? Over here? That, you know, we're trying to give them time? What does that look like? helping them out? So remember, giving time does not mean Mom, I was sitting with you for the past half an hour.

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But I was using my phone.

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That's not really giving time. So the Prophet sallallahu artizan was the most generous of people. So he gave material financial help and he also gave in material, the non tangible things. Like for example, like our brother mentioned, he gave smiles smiling at people is a form of giving. What about forgiveness? forgiving people is that a form of giving? Yeah, it is a form of giving. Remember that you know the word that's used in the Hadith that he was a Jordan as the most generous of people Jude. Jude is to give but it is to give without being asked. Understand, dude is to give without being asked. Because when someone's asking you for help, they really have to, you know, it's it's

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not really dignified right? To ask for help. It's almost embarrassing to ask someone for help. So dude, is that you wreck

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Nice someone's need, and you give them what they need. Before even they ask you. Why do you do that? Because you want to preserve their dignity. You don't want them to feel embarrassed. You understand? Now, Jude, remember, it's also to give out of goodwill, not as compensation. Because sometimes what happens is that we give to others only when we expect something from them, or only to return a favor. If, for example, somebody gave you a gift, so you give them a gift. Your mom got two really good pizza. So you're like, fine, I'll download this app for you. No, that's not dude. Dude, is that you give someone something before even they ask you, and not as compensation but out of pure

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goodwill. And remember that Jude is also to give a lot, right to give abundantly. Like for example, the word Jude is used to describe rain. When there's heavy rain, I learned that it hasn't rained properly here in two years. Is that so? soprano LA. So, dude, when it's used for rain, it's rain that is abundant. So you know, sometimes we give people help, but we're sort of rushed. Help you very quickly. Yeah, just download the app like this model, I'll tell you later, you get it, you don't feel satisfied.

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So when you give someone liberally when you give someone generously, so they feel satisfied, this is Jude. Now when we look at the manner of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was truly someone who gave a lot. Remember that? There's three types of people. Okay, there are people who are givers. They're focused on giving, whether someone gives them or not, they're just concerned about giving. And then there are people who are takers, who are takers. What's their focus on? What can I take from here? And what can I take from there? What can I take from this person and that person, they're not concerned about giving only concerned about taking, and then they're also matters, or

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I'll give you only as much as you give me.

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And I'll give you only when you give me

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and a lot of people are mentors. But when it comes to these three types of people, who do you think is successful? It's actually the givers. You know, they actually did a study on students that were studying medicine. And what happened is that they observed that in the first year, the students that appeared to be givers, were performing the best or the worst. Okay. In terms of their studies, they were either at the top or they're at the bottom students who identified as givers. But then what happened is that by their final here, givers were all at the top.

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Why because when you start giving, when you focus on giving, what happens is that you you know, suffer some kind of loss, but when you give you create a culture of giving, as you create a culture of giving, what happens is that ultimately you benefit. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a giver. All right, and when it comes to the giving nature of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how exactly did he give?

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How giving was he? If you were to describe how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave people, what would you say? How generous was he?

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Okay, let me give you an example. He never said no.

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He never said no. So if someone asked him for something he never refused. Can you think of an incident his story from his life or somebody asked him for something and he didn't refuse. Remember that story where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, once a Bedouin man approached him, and pulled his shawl, and his shawl was around his neck. And when he pulled it, it scraped against his neck, and it actually, you know, have you ever gotten a burn like that? So imagine he got hurt as well. And what did the man do? He said, that give me something out of what Allah has given you. And the Prophet salallahu already said, I'm just smiled at him. And he told his

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companions to give that man something. He didn't say no. There's another beautiful story, in which we learned that a lady once came to the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, and she brought a shawl and she said, that oh messenger of Allah, I have made this myself

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For you to wear,

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okay, so she made it herself, or she wove it herself. And she said, I've made it for you to wear. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam accepted that gift. And he actually put that shawl on immediately. Why? Because he needed it. And what happened, he put it on and the Sahaba described, you know how nice it looked on him. And a man came, and when he saw the Prophet salallahu already said, I'm wearing this new shawl. He said, That looks so nice. Please give it to me.

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Can you imagine somebody saying that to you? I love your shirt. I love your hat. Can I have it?

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I love your phone. Can I have it? Can you imagine? So this man said, Please give it to me. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he actually gave him that shawl. He went home, changed incentives to that man. Now what happened is that man got in a lot of trouble. People said, Why did you ask the prophets of Allah? Who are you send them because you know that He never says no, he never refuses.

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And he said that I only asked for it because I wanted it to be my coffin. You know, my shroud when I'm buried.

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And it actually became his shroud when he died and he was buried. So but the story illustrates how generous the prophets that Allahu Edison was that even when he liked something, he needed something, he was using something and somebody asked for it. Still, he did not say, No, he did not refuse. What happens with us is that if we have spare things, old things, like for example, a five year old cell phone that's been sitting in our house with buttons on it, maybe maybe 10 years old, right? And somebody says, I need a phone, we're like, okay, fine, take that.

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But when it comes to things that we like for ourselves, things that we want to use ourselves, then we give preference to ourselves over other people.

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In the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says that when you remove a farmer or hobby he

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miskeen and were teeming with a Syrah that the people have gentlemen, one of their descriptions is that they give food to others, in spite of love for it, that even though they love that food for themselves, they'd rather eat it themselves, they still give it to others. And who do they give it to?

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A person in need miskeen, an orphan child and a prisoner.

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Now, think about it. Imagine if you just got you know that burger that you were thinking off thinking off for like an entire week you really wanted it. Finally, you get to go Finally, you got the burger and looks good. And now somebody's staring at it.

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Somebody's staring at it happens a lot over here, right? But you go to eat somewhere, you're just about to open your food and people start staring at you. Or they're looking at you because they want it. And we just like to focus on what we're doing. Ignore the whole world. Now, imagine if in that situation, you choose to give that burger to someone else. That was the nature of the prophets of Allah fournissons generosity.

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And that is what we're encouraged to do in the Quran also, that what we like for ourselves,

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we also like for others, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was also generous in a way that he gave without delay. Without delay, do we delay giving? Who thinks that inshallah next, when I get lots of money, then maybe I'll give something in charity? I've already run out of my eat collection when I

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eat fund. So we keep delaying, isn't it? Or we think that, you know, when I'm older, when I'm making a lot of money, and I have my career and you know, every month I'm getting this much money and lots of money, then I'm going to give something in charity. The Prophet sallallahu Addison did not delay giving. You know, there's a hadith in which we learn that once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was leading the people in prayer, and what happened is that right after the Salah,

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he got up and he went home, right after Salah, and this was very unusual, because typically after Salah he would sit, he would turn around, he would face people, he would talk to them, but this time, he immediately got up and went home. And then he returned and the people were like, looking at him, does everything okay? And the Prophet salallahu already said, I'm sad that I remembered that there was a piece of gold in my house that I had intended to give in charity. So I didn't want to delay giving it

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think about it now. How quick he was. Now if we are ever asked for help, do we immediately help

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you know, I do this also, I'm guilty of the same thing that, you know, there's some things which are really hard for us to do. So we keep delaying can inshallah later, later, later and what happens to later? What happens to later never comes? right because the thing is that when we keep delaying, then a time comes where, you know, when we forget, or you know, a point comes when it's no longer relevant, it's no longer needed. You know, for example, if you're sitting, let's say in the car at a traffic light, and somebody comes and asks you for something and you're like, should I should I not maybe, should I, you keep debating you have food with you. But by the time you decide to give, it

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might be too late to roll down your window and give it to them.

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So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam gave without delay, and the Prophet salallahu already sent him did not spare anybody, meaning he gave everybody when we give, are we selective?

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Yeah. How are we selective when it comes to giving? Who do we prefer to give to? Who do you like to give gifts to or give anything to? Which kind of people?

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Okay, people that we love, and the people that we don't exactly get along with what happens to them? Like No, this person never, absolutely not.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not spare anybody he gave to everyone. And, you know, the companions described his generosity as the fast blowing wind. Okay, think about this when the wind blows. Alright, and it's fast. What does it hit? What does it touch everything, so much so that you can even feel it inside your ears, isn't it? So this is how the Prophet salallahu organism's generosity was that everybody benefited from him, whether they knew him personally or not, whether they were related to him, or not, whether they were his friends, or his neighbors, or not, everybody benefited from him. And the Prophet sallallahu, or you send them generosity was also such that he

00:32:27 --> 00:32:41

gave people without even people asking him. And this is something really, really important. Because generally, what happens is that, you know, when we find out that somebody needed something from us, we like, but they never asked me.

00:32:43 --> 00:32:54

Right? Like, for example, you realize that your mom is really upset. Why is she upset because there was so much work to do, and nobody helped her? She never asked me Has this ever happened? Yeah.

00:32:55 --> 00:33:20

So, you know, we're very quick to say but nobody asked me, the prophets of Allah who doesn't recognize the needs of other people. You know, for example, we learned that I shall Dylan wine has said that at home, can a few minutes he uh, he, he used to serve his family. At home, the Prophet sallallahu Hardison would serve his family. But when it comes to us, we like to be served at home.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:58

Right? Like, for example, we want that food should be brought to us and we want that water should be brought to us and we should not even have to put the dishes away. And the prophets of Allah who are listening would serve his family. So when you serve your family, even if it is by bringing them a glass of water, this is actually following the sunlight if you have that intention. It's a form of generosity. And, you know, a Buddha animal de longwearing, whom we learned that three years of his life he spent in Medina, following the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, around learning from his example, and learning his teachings, and he sacrificed everything in order to do that. And so often

00:33:58 --> 00:34:06

a boy who didn't have the Longhorn, who would have nothing to eat, nothing to eat. And when the Prophet sallallaahu, Ellison would see him he would recognize his hunger.

00:34:07 --> 00:34:49

Right, he would recognize his hunger. And we see that once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was going somewhere with his companions, and some people came. And these people when they came, they looked visibly poor. They looked weak, malnourished, you know, they looked for their clothing, their belongings, everything was so meager that, you know, their poverty was very, very visible. And the Prophet sallallahu recently began encouraging the companions that whoever has an extra, you know, this item, then he should give it and whoever has an extra such and such item than he should give that. So he didn't wait for people to beg.

00:34:51 --> 00:34:58

You understand? He didn't wait for people to ask him. He saw the need and he gave it

00:35:00 --> 00:35:41

You know, a lot of times people don't feel comfortable asking for help, right? But you see them struggling. So, you know, save them the embarrassment of asking and offer help. Anyway, I remember once we were traveling, and as we were just boarding the plane, we saw this lady, she had a baby in her hand, she had a huge backpack, you know, with all the baby stuff. And then she had a car seat and a stroller. Okay, and the baby was such that she couldn't really put the baby down. The baby was not old enough to stand or walk. And she had to fold the stroller, she had to put the car seat away. And she had all of this stuff. And she was struggling and holding the baby in one hand and trying to

00:35:41 --> 00:36:25

fold the stroller with the other. She was struggling. So you know, my husband, he saw her we were together. And he's like, Do you need help? And she's like, it's okay. And my husband just took the stroller and he folded it, and he put the car seat away. So the thing is that sometimes you can ask people, can I help you? And they're like, No, it's okay. Don't ask. You know, don't ask because again, if you're asking people, they might feel embarrassed to say yes. If there's something that you can give, if any form of help, you can give, take the initiative. Then we also see that the Prophet sallallaahu word incident didn't just give money or food to people when they needed it. He

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also gave advice, good advice when people needed that. Now, there's a very interesting story that we learned about there was this woman, but you know, she was a slave woman and she was married, her husband was also a slave. And now the thing is that when, you know, a slave woman would be set free. The rules amongst the Arabs, it was such that, you know, she could leave her husband if she wanted to see what happened with budhia is that when she was free, she decided to leave her husband. She's like, you know what, I want to completely leave this life of slavery behind me, I want to move on. But what happened was that Molly's her husband, he loved her a lot. And he didn't want to lose her.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:55

And what happened is that but you know, decided, that's it. I'm done. So she was leaving, and mu Heath was begging her, that please stay with me. And there's a hadith in which we learned that he used to follow her in the streets of Medina, crying, okay, crying, that please stay with me. And it was such a pitiful state, you know that this man was desperate, like he loved her and he was not loved in return. It was very hard. And when the Prophet sallallahu Ortiz and him saw that he intervened, he asked but Iran that you know, perhaps you should stay with him. And burrito asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, is that a command or request? And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

00:37:55 --> 00:38:14

said, it's a request. So but he said, I don't need him. Meaning if you command me, I'll stay with him. But if you're just requesting me then No. But you see, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam understood, he recognized the pain that this poor guy was going through. And he intervened.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:58

And what happens many times is that we see people, you know, going through different, you know, types of emotional trauma, emotional pain, you know, someone is being hurt by another, someone is being treated unfairly by another, someone who's being bullied by another and we stay quiet over there. So giving is not just in the form of giving money, it's also in the form of giving good advice. Then we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, some words to a smart little deal on how a smart been to remain for the long run. Hmm. She lived a very difficult life. She was an amazing woman. What happened is that she went to a senior with her husband, Dr. foto de

00:38:58 --> 00:39:22

la hora and who, and when they came to Medina after many, many years, Jeff little de la Horne who passed away in one of the battles. And now a smart while dealing Warren Hill was a widow, she had three little children. And you can imagine the pain that she was going through. And the prophets of Allah who already said and taught her, he said, shall I not teach you words that you can say? When you're feeling anxious? Do you feel anxious?

00:39:24 --> 00:39:30

Yeah, are there any times when you feel anxious? Maybe before an exam? Yeah.

00:39:31 --> 00:39:38

So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam taught her words to say in anxiety Would you like to know what those words are?

00:39:39 --> 00:39:47

Yeah, very simple words. Allahu Allahu Allah be. Let wished he could be he she.

00:39:49 --> 00:39:50

Is it long?

00:39:51 --> 00:39:59

Allahu Allah. hora de la Lucia de Cuba. He Shaya. Repeat after me. Allahu Allahu la

00:40:00 --> 00:40:54

be less wish he could be he Shaya. One more time. Allahu Allahu Robbie lair, wish he could be he she, that Allah, Allah, my lord. And remember when you say Allah, it's as if you are calling upon all the names of Allah. Because Allah means the God, meaning the one who is truly actually God. So if he's truly actually God, that means he must be all aware. He knows what's going on with me. He is all powerful. He's able to, you know, fix whatever is broken here. And he is all capable, so I can rely upon him. Right? So when you say Allah, it's as if you're calling upon all of the names of Allah. So Allah who Allah will not be allies, my love. He is my master, he's my Lord. Let wished he

00:40:54 --> 00:41:04

could be shy, I do not associate anything with him, meaning I rely 100% entirely on him and him alone.

00:41:05 --> 00:41:13

So you see the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he empowered her by teaching her what to say, in anxiety.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:32

So the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, we can see how giving he was, he was edgier than as the most generous of people. Before we continue, what are some things that you can take for yourself about generosity, or anything you'd like to share about generosity, I want to hear something from you.

00:41:33 --> 00:42:19

Okay, very good. That there's generosity of the heart as in giving compassion, giving love. Sometimes we're so selfish, that we don't even want to say, you look nice, isn't it? We get so stingy that we don't even want to let someone know that, you know, the clothes that they're wearing are actually looking nice on them. Or that what they've done is good. Sharing good things, giving sadaqa also, very good. What else comes in giving, sympathizing with people is so important, because sometimes, you know, we feel so weird. That, you know, we know somebody's grieving, but we don't want to bring it up because we feel awkward and we might, we're afraid that we might cause them more

00:42:19 --> 00:42:39

pain. But what hurts more is when someone's pain is not acknowledged, giving without any delay, all right, getting knowledge also, Mashallah, that's also very important. sharing something good with people. So maybe you can act on this today, when you go home, share what you've learned, inshallah, I see a hand in the back.

00:42:40 --> 00:43:00

Very good teaching Quran. Excellent. Very good. Go ahead. giving respect. That's also very important, right? Because when you give is when you receive all right, forgiving people also, you know, when it comes to forgiving people, how you forgive is that you give people the benefit of the doubt.

00:43:02 --> 00:43:10

You know, for example, if they did something wrong, well, perhaps it was because of such and such reason. So you're giving them the benefit of the doubt.

00:43:12 --> 00:43:26

Now, the third principle of good character, or when it comes to the character of the Prophet sallallahu, were to send them it was his, who remembers bravery. Good. It was his courage.

00:43:27 --> 00:43:49

It was the fact that he was the most brave and the most courageous of all people. You see the word that's used to describe his bravery, shujaa ushja, right as gentleness, and shujaa. is to be strong hearted. Okay? To be strong hearted, to

00:43:50 --> 00:44:42

not be afraid, or to not quit, basically. You see, sometimes, we are afraid to face something. But we still have to push ourselves to take the necessary step to face our fears. Because it needs to be done. You know, for example, when you're taking your first level or a level exam, how do you feel? mouth dry hands shaking? You know, you're getting the chills? You're so scared, isn't it? So, what does that mean? That you just quit? You're like, Mom, this is too hard. I cannot manage this. I'm gonna go. I'm not gonna take it. No, you still do it. You might have a breakdown, you might start crying. You might completely miss a certain portion of the exam. Right? It might happen. But shujaa

00:44:42 --> 00:44:49

bravery is that you go and do what is right. Whether you find it easy or you find it hard.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:56

That is what courage is. Shuja is also used for a snake.

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

A snake which is small

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

All right, it is small and it is very thin. Okay, very slender.

00:45:08 --> 00:45:30

So think about this if there is a huge snake, you can imagine that snake to be very brave. But if there is a tiny snake, what courage Do you think that snake would have? Sometimes that's how we feel. We feel very small in comparison to the challenges that we're facing. And Shakira, Shakira is used to describe a woman who is not afraid to speak up.

00:45:31 --> 00:45:37

Okay, a woman who is not afraid to speak up. You know, for example, same lady a smart vent or mesa de la hora.

00:45:39 --> 00:46:22

Once Romano de la hora, and who said to her, that, you know, we are ahead of you, basically, that we migrated before you to Medina, you came way after us. And we got to spend so much more time with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So a smile did on one hand got so upset. She said, that you were with the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, and we were all the way in our senior living in fear and poverty. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would teach you and he would feed you. And there was no one to teach us over there and no one to give us food when we were poor. And what you have said is not right, I am going to go and tell the Prophet salallahu Ortiz and I'm exactly what

00:46:22 --> 00:46:26

you said to me. So she was not afraid to speak up before who

00:46:28 --> 00:46:50

which companion is this omoto de la Mourinho. And she went and told the prophets of the Lord isn't and the Prophet sallallahu already said and said to her that Norma does not have more right than you. He made his little ones and you made Hitler two times, you migrated to have a senior, and you also migrated to Medina, and he only migrated to Medina. So shadia is also a person who is not afraid to

00:46:51 --> 00:47:07

speak up, or speak the truth. So the Prophet salallahu it is, and it was also very brave. In fact, he was the bravest of people. Did he speak the truth when the truth was not accepted?

00:47:09 --> 00:47:34

Yeah. Did he speak the truth when people did not want to hear it? Yeah, isn't it that, you know, he would go around in the streets of Minar, calling people that c'est la ilaha illAllah. And you will succeed. And right behind him? Was this uncle Abu lahab, saying that he's a liar, he's a liar. Can you imagine how hard it would be to be in that situation and to speak the truth in that situation.

00:47:36 --> 00:48:04

And this was not the only occasion. Right? Over and over again, this is what the Prophet salallahu already sent him face. But he was not afraid to speak the truth. And his bravery was such that he did not quit, despite the fear, and the anxiety that he experienced. And this is very important, because a lot of us when we feel anxious, when we feel sad, we start leaning towards giving up.

00:48:05 --> 00:48:46

right towards giving up, we say this is impossible, this is too hard. I cannot handle this. There's too much stress in my life. Right? And we think about giving up. And you know, that anxiety becomes so extreme that we want to experience something that, you know, that's real, and then a person begins to harm themselves. And sometimes self harm goes to such an extent that it's not just physical, it goes beyond limit, and people also become suicidal. The Prophet sallallahu earlier said, I'm thinking about the anxiety that he faced, you know, he faced he experienced so much anxiety, it's mentioned in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala tells us

00:48:47 --> 00:49:08

that for lack of a better hero, Nup sucker, that perhaps you would kill yourself out of grief because these people are not believing into the faha Allah, Allah says, manzanera, legal analytische we did not reveal this Koran on you, so that you become miserable.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:30

Meaning we have given this Quran to you to convey and because people don't believe you're taking it too hard on yourself. He used to experience a lot of anxiety, a lot of sadness. But you know what, despite all of that, he did not quit. He kept going. He kept going. He kept conveying.

00:49:32 --> 00:49:52

And eventually what happened? He was the most courageous of people. Can you think of an example from his life when he was the most courageous? And the people around him were afraid? I mean, if you think about the life of the Prophet sallallahu Ortiz, and there were so many battles, I mean, we're afraid of even watching a battle scene,

00:49:53 --> 00:50:00

isn't it? And the Prophet salallahu already said and participated in so many battles because people wouldn't believe

00:50:00 --> 00:50:00

Let him be.

00:50:01 --> 00:50:37

Now think about the time before he conquered Morocco when he was leaving Mecca. Right? Remember when he was in the cave, and the enemy was right outside? And Abu Bakar dilla Horton who was so afraid he was so worried he began crying. And what was the response of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam? Let the person in aloha Marina, don't worry, Allah is with us. Right? So how is he the most courageous of people? What brought him courage? What brought him courage? Was it that Oh, I'm the best?

00:50:38 --> 00:50:42

Or was it the realization that I can do everything?

00:50:43 --> 00:50:47

What is it that brought him courage? trust in Allah.

00:50:48 --> 00:51:04

That is what brought him courage. And remember, this is real courage. Because as human beings, we are weak. And no matter you know how much we pretend to be strong, we know who we are inside.

00:51:05 --> 00:51:30

I mean, even if you are excellent at doing something by for example, your level math, I remember doing so many practice papers, and perfectly doing them. But when it came to the actual exam, I was nervous. I'm sure you've experienced the same thing, no matter how, how good you are at something, you are still afraid. Because you know that there is a chance of

00:51:31 --> 00:51:45

there is a chance of failure. So how is it that you let go or you have this, you know, courage despite that fear, at this realization that I am not the best, Allah is the best

00:51:47 --> 00:51:54

that I cannot do everything. But I can do something with Allah subhanaw taala is help.

00:51:55 --> 00:52:04

And with this realization that I am doing my best, and at the end, whatever is best for me, will happen inshallah.

00:52:05 --> 00:52:09

Because I'm giving control and authority to Allah subhanaw taala.

00:52:11 --> 00:52:23

So the Prophet sallallahu already said that it was the most courageous and, and we can see that in his life. What are their story or time of his life? Can you think of that shows us how courageous he was? Can you think of an example of his courage?

00:52:31 --> 00:53:17

Yeah, I mean, so many times people tried to kill him. Right? Not just at one occasion, multiple occasions. And the prophets of Lahore isn't was the most courageous. There's a story in Bahati that we learned that once there was a loud sound in Medina. All right. And when people heard that sound, you know, they went to words it to investigate what it was. But as they went towards it, they saw that somebody else was way ahead of them. And that somebody else was on a horse, way ahead of them. And who was that somebody else? It was the Prophet sallallahu videosolo. And you know, what the prophets of Allah who it is, and it was riding the horse, and the horse had no saddle on it, even

00:53:17 --> 00:53:28

meaning he went so quickly towards the noise. And by the time people got there, the Prophet salallahu already said and told them, everything's good, you're fine. Nothing to worry about.

00:53:29 --> 00:53:42

So you see, there are some people who run away from danger. And there are other people who run towards it upon Allah, not to harm themselves, no, but to protect other people.

00:53:44 --> 00:54:00

So the Prophet sallallahu sallam, what are the three qualities we've learned about him? He was that centeredness then edge whether ness and then as Janice, let's say that in English, what does centeredness mean?

00:54:02 --> 00:54:16

The best of people both in appearance and character. All right, then, the most generous the most giving off people. All right, giving both material and immaterial. Right. And then

00:54:17 --> 00:54:24

the most courageous of people, right? And remember, courage does not mean absence of fear.

00:54:25 --> 00:54:35

Courage means that you do the right thing. Despite your fear. Anything you'd like to ask any question anything you'd like to say about what we discussed?

00:54:52 --> 00:54:59

Okay, good point. So the question is that, you know, we should not delay giving, alright, but then sometimes people are

00:55:00 --> 00:55:28

scamming us they're not actually in need, they're just pretending to be in need. So should you just give them without thinking without investigating? So the thing is that I mean, of course, you should investigate. But once you have the intention to give, by, for example, a child comes to your window, and you have food in front of you. And you're thinking, should I give, should I not? And you say, No, I should give something, then don't delay.

00:55:30 --> 00:55:41

Once you have the intention to give, then give without delay. All right, and the intention to give comes after your, you know, investigation and decision. What else?

00:55:58 --> 00:56:38

Absolutely, there was a man who wants decided to give some charity and he gave it secretly in the night, he gave it to this random person. And in the morning, people were saying, or somebody gave charity to a thief. So he realized that the the person that he gave the money to was actually a thief. So then he's like, Okay, I gotta try again. So the next day, next night, again, he went out secretly gave charity to this woman. All right. And the next day, it was sad that somebody gave charity to a prostitute. And then he's like, Oh, my God, I got to try one more time. So the next night again, in the night, he went and gave charity, he gave it to some random person. And the next

00:56:38 --> 00:56:55

day, people were like, somebody give charity to a rich person. So this guy was like, really confused, is like, every day I'm trying to give charity secretly, but it's not working out. But somebody told him that look, perhaps your charity to the thief saved him from committing theft again.

00:56:56 --> 00:57:07

Right. And perhaps your charity to the prostitute, stopped her from committing sin again. And perhaps your charity to the rich person encouraged him to give something.

00:57:08 --> 00:57:15

So remember, giving is always good, you might not see the good immediately, but it's always good.

00:57:23 --> 00:58:07

You know, I used to think that 15 years ago, when I used to live in Karachi, that if you give them you're encouraging them, right, so don't give it. But now that I'm here, again, people are still begging, because people are poor people are hungry. So if you don't want to give money, give food, this friend of mine always keeps cookies, you know, packets in her car. And as people bag and here, you know, you have all sorts of people where I live, the only people who beg are drug addicts who are desperate for money so that they can get their next dose. So you know that by the look on their face, the money you're going to give them is going to go in buying their drugs, you know that it's

00:58:07 --> 00:58:16

very obvious. But at the same time when there's a hungry person, a person in need, who is asking, they may be lying.

00:58:17 --> 00:58:26

But you don't return them empty handed if you have the ability to give. And if there's nothing that you can give, at least don't give them a frown.

00:58:27 --> 00:58:32

And don't give them a piece of your mind by yelling at them.

00:58:34 --> 00:58:34


00:58:39 --> 00:58:39


00:58:41 --> 00:58:47

and satisfying, because there has to be equal time.

00:58:51 --> 00:58:56

So how do you feel that peace of mind and be generous?

00:59:02 --> 00:59:48

This is truly something you know, and this is why there's so much reward for patience and so much reward for taking care of those who need help from us. melas pensado rewards such parents abundantly. You see what needs to be done is that we need to have this clear communication with people, right? People in the family that, you know, this person needs this from me, and I need to give them this. And when there's clear communication when even when children know that, you know mom has to do this, then at least they're not just waiting on you all the time. They understand why you are not available at a certain time. So I would say communication. Right? And then secondly, involve

00:59:48 --> 00:59:58

them. Don't take on the burden on yourself entirely. Share that burden, involve them in serving one another. inshallah, one last question.

01:00:03 --> 01:00:14

Yes, you will be scared. And you will try anyway. Were you scared to speak on the mic? No. Mashallah. Is there anybody who's scared of speaking in the mic?

01:00:16 --> 01:00:41

Yeah. Okay. So a lot of people are, but you know what, you're only going to get better if you try. And the first few times you're going to try your voice is going to be shivering, shaking. Right? You might be shaking, and you're scared. You had something else in your mind to say, but you ended up saying something else. You're going to make such blunders. So even when you're afraid, you still try.

01:00:42 --> 01:01:00

All right, you still try and you might mess it up. You might not do it perfectly. To try again. inshallah. All right. This is what we learned from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He did the right thing, even when he was afraid. He did not quit.

01:01:01 --> 01:01:04

Does that cool? Oh, Clayton, thank you so much for your participation.

01:01:05 --> 01:01:13

So panicle long will be Hamburg Chateau La Ilaha. illa Anta, a stuffy Luca to be like a cinema alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakaatuh

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