Taha Karaan – Condolences from Muft Taqi Usmani

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The speaker discusses their experience with a bariatric caboodle and mentions a plastic cover they created from scratch. They also mention a past experience with a bariatric baby seat and a past experience with a bariatric baby seat on Amazon.
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As Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
everyone was at Monash
but of course not over soon I have monitor utterance after that
by how to set the my wife and
daughter Jasmine on for my own trip on prep for my multiple after bariatric caboodle for my
So, major potenial Rebekah to my peak up none of mine govern I don't
or get mad
or get them on Amazon. It was a pleasure for me. I
was able to do a plastic cover from scratch on it.
That was
to that