Suzy Ismail – #53 AlWakil

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of"the best of all planners," which is the belief that everyone has a part to play in their daily lives, and that their deeds are deceptive and difficult. They also discuss the importance of trust in Islam, including the trustee and the trustee's
the trustee is the one who gives priority to their actions and is the one who gives priority to their
the trustee is the one who gives priority to their actions and is the one who gives priority to their deeds. They encourage the audience to take action and strive to improve their relationships, and to trust in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica, it's nice to see you again, as we continue to bring the

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divine into the deli, by understanding how we can

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incorporate the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala, to improve our

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relationship with our spouse and with our children. The name that

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we're going to discuss today is El Joaquin.

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We oftentimes talk about the work or having that sense of tobacco,

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in our relationships in our family lives. What does it mean to have

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tobacco and working means the dependable or the trustee. And

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when we talk about our goal is the idea of knowing that Allah

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subhanaw taala is the best of all planners, but also understanding

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that we have a part to play and that in doing our part, and also

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having that reliance in our heart on Allah subhanaw taala then that

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is how Inshallah, we will succeed in this dunya and in the Accra.

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So, what happens in a relationship when that element of Tawakkol may

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change, or maybe shifted to something else, which is known as

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tawakol. Now tawakol is the idea of sitting back and not really

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trying to do anything and just saying, well, Allah subhanaw taala

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is the best of all planners, so I don't need to worry about it. I

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don't have to do any action. But of course, our deen is a dean of

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action. Our Islam is a verb, not a noun. And in that verb, it means

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we have to take steps to actually facilitate change and to

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consistently improve. To work well again, is the idea of not doing

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anything and just saying, Well, I rely on Allah. And there's a

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beautiful Hadith a narration from the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam of a man who had gone gone to the marketplace in order

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to trade some items that he had when he left his camel and began

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to head out in order to trade. And so the Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam asked the man, you know, aren't you going to tie your

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camel? And so the man responded and said Thorkil Tala law, and

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that is Wilson Allahu Allah, send them responded and said, tie your

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camel Fidella colada ALLAH, do your part. Take Action, strive, do

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what you have to do. And this is especially relevant in our

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relationships. When we feel that a relationship is not working, we

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feel that something is broken. It's not enough to just say, Well,

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you know, Allah is the best of all planners. If it's not going to

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work, it's not going to work. If we have a child who is moving in a

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direction that we know is not pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala.

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If we have a situation and our family lives, that is destructive

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and difficult, it's not enough to just say, well, Allah is the best

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of all planners, what can I do? We have to do our part, we have to

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tie our camo we have to take action. If we're experiencing

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difficulty in a relationship, we have to seek out ways to try to

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improve that relationship. If we are having difficulty with a

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child, whether it's a young child, an older child, or a young adult,

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even, we have to do our part. One of my favorite examples of

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Tawakkol comes in the form of the situation of a hedgerow to Laura

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and her. The wife of Ibrahim, the mother of Israel in LA Houma

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salaam, when she was following Satan that you brought him into

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the desert. And she asked him, no, why are you leaving us in the

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desert as she held on to her infant child? And Satan, Ibrahim

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Ali Salam did not answer. And she asked again, why are you leaving

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us in the desert? And again, he didn't answer. And then a third

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time she asked and said, Is this a commandment from your Lord? And

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when Satan Ibrahim Ali Salam answered in the affirmative, she

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said, then surely our Lord will protect us. This is the first step

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of Tawakkol having that sincere belief that Allah subhanaw taala

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will protect you will do what is best because he is the best of all

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planners. But then upon entering the desert, when the infant is my

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family, his Salam began to cry.

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His mother did not just sit beside him and say, well, our Lord will

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protect us no, she went back and forth seven times between Safa and

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Marwa in what is known as a psi, and that word psi means to strive.

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And when we are honored or blessed to complete ombre or hedge, we

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replicate that movement of psi. Why? Because it is a reminder of

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our striving. It is a reminder that on that day to dinner,

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hedger, La Jolla and her went back and forth knowing that Allah would

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protect her and the child knowing that Allah would provide but doing

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her part, looking for water while consistently keeping that anchor,

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that love for Allah subhanaw taala that trust in Allah. So having

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that though our call and our relationships is important, but

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also doing our part and having that trust in Allah subhanaw taala

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but also right

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recognising the importance of our actions. So I pray that Allah

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subhanaw taala always anchors our heart in that sense of telecoil

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knowing that he is a lucky, the trustworthy the trustee, the

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dependent, the one that we can depend upon, does the common law

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here and I look forward to speaking to you again as we

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continue to bring the divine into the daily Santa Monica.

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