Suhaib Webb – The Most Important Dua You Can Say Theses Nights

Suhaib Webb
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The speaker discusses the meaning of the title "naigh" in the book "naighs of the stars" and how it relates to the personality of Jesus Christ. The title is used to show the passion of the speaker in a situation where they are called by their name and their attributes. The speaker also talks about the importance of forgiveness and apologizing for mistakes made by the speaker.

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			Assalamu alaykum Rahmatullah. A quick overview of the
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			dua that we're all going to be saying
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			these last 10 nights that touches really the
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			depths of our soul taught to us from
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			our mother's Sayyidah,
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			from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that says
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			o Allah in nakkah indeed
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			We're gonna talk about them in a second.
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			You love to pardon
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			then pardon us. Let's say it a few
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			times so we can lock it in, inshallah,
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			especially for those of us who are learning
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			this beautiful dua.
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			does it mean? It's so amazing.
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			as mentioned by many scholars is different than
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			you Allah. Although sometimes it's translated like as
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			oh Allah, but the meme at the end
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			of Allahumma is often used to show plurality
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			like, and
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			for example. So the meme tends to mean
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			something which is plural. So when you say
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			you're not only calling on Allah Subhanahu Wa
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			Ta'ala by his name Allah Azzawajal,
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			but you're calling him by all of his
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			names and attributes, man. Those that you know
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			and those that you don't know. SubhanAllah. So
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			when you say, allahumma,
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			that's powerful.
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			That's powerful because Allah's names and attributes are
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			infinite. So not only are you calling him
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			on the 99 names and attributes that we
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			know, but all of his attributes.
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			So when you say it, you should feel
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			like Allah
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			like you're pleading with Allah about everything that
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			you know and that you don't know.
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			The word is used in Arabic to emphasize
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			and it's meant to show the the passion
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			of the speaker in this situation. So indeed
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			you. So it's like you you.
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			You know? It's so beautiful.
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			It is such a beautiful thing, man, because
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			the one that has Af is the one
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			who not only forgives,
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			but forgives when he or she has the
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			right to punish.
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			So when we say,
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			we should be thinking about things that we
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			did deliberately, man. Sins that we did on
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			And now we come back to Allah and
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			these nights, we say by all of your
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			names, by all of your attributes, you only
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			you, you are the one who can pardon
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			me, you are the one who can forgive
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			me, you are the one who can allow
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			these things to be removed.
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			And before you say that,
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			you love to pardon.
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			You love to emancipate.
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			You love to let things go.
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			So pardon us. And notice how you say
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			for the whole Ummah
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			because there's barakah in jama'ah. There's so many
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			amazing things from this dua, but quickly, Allah
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			is invoking Allah
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			by all of his names and attributes.
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			Indeed, only you are
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			the one who can truly forgive when he
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			has the right to punish.
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			You love to pardon.
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			So pardon us. We ask Allah
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			Wa Ta'ala,
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			and to bless us inshallah, and to forgive
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			and to partner our mistakes.