Shadee Elmasry – Tafsir of Surah ArRahman NBF 301
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The conversation covers the topic of Sol, a social media platform that has potential for profitability. The speakers discuss the creation of the human body, its history, and its use in various settings, including the origin of its brand, language and culture, and fulfilling dues. They also touch on the importance of protecting one's Islam and avoiding divisive behavior, as well as the negative impact of religion on society and individual health. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a tour of a facility.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala
Rasulillah who are early he will be here woman wala welcome
everybody to the Safina society nothing but facts live stream
coming to you from the great state of New Jersey on a January day,
which is gray outside pretty cold. We're going to be having snow
inshallah Tada, not maybe not this weekend, but next week after that,
in delay. So we're here streaming from the studio in the third floor
of La Cosina, which is our soup kitchen teaching, always pitch in,
send us $1 a month, $2 a month to help us do these food runs and
cook these dinners. Our goal by 2030 in the lights out of seven
days a week. Every single day rain or shine. We want to have a dinner
for the football that we want never ever to be that anybody who
lived around here had to be hungry at night. If you lived in New
Brunswick, and you could get a ride to blocks or you can walk one
should never be an excuse. Nobody will have an excuse. You are
hungry. Oh why did you walk over? Our building stands out like no
other building. That's why everybody all they have to do is
say oh the Spanish building the the white building the building
with the orange roof. Okay.
Seven days a week. That's the goal. So take a lot of resource.
Not even going to take a lot of resources. What are you going to
take? Not even a lot of resources to be honest with you. We feed
about 100 people a day in the good weather about 50 people in bad
Let's get to Sunita Rahman
Holika in Santa mon Sol, * CalHFA car.
This Ara here is the colon first, the absolute end discussion of any
concept of parentage for the Prophet Annamalai Sonam go, if
somebody wants to merge between evolutionary thought and Islam,
that, to me is the most foolish idea if you're if you're an
atheist, and you're evolutionist that's your thing. That's your own
set of beliefs. Of course, you you have pieces of evidence which you
have sewn together into your doctrine, right? You don't know
for certain what you're saying it's theoretical, you may have 100
pieces of evidence, but you're sewing them into that a theist
would have sewn the same piece of evidence into another set of
ideas. So you have to understand the difference between scientific
And actual the actual pieces of evidence, piece of scientific
evidence known to people disagrees on it's right in front of our
face, right? Right in front of our own eyes. But what you sow
together as a story
as a justice as a as as what happened. That's your theory.
That's your idea, and it's going to remain speculative, right? So
nobody has to accept it. Okay, so here, what we have here is the
description of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Adam himself. That's the
bone or the what do they call it? The the boat or what do they call
it the
thorn in the throat, or a thorn in the side of the most so called
Muslim evolutionists
who are trying to merge between the Quran, the Quranic narrative,
and between evolution, so it's saying that the human being kala
Collinson. And he's describing now the form in which this human being
was, and he says so solid and CalHFA which is having an echo,
like a pot, in other words, a statue. Okay? That's what it was
like, just like you meet you. You make a statue out of clay.
Okay, so somebody who denies that the atom is a synonym was in the
form of a statue. We have this allergy to statues because of
idolatry. But when a law that that does that's
irrelevant to the beginning of the human creation.
When the human being was created, he was Sol Sol in California, and
that's where we're gonna read here
Goloka insert lemma dakara subhanho We're reading from
LML Kabir Mina sama. He will odds and Allah created this massive
world heavens and the earth will mafia min Adela Allah to Allah
Danny Yeti will karate and how many evidences and signs of His
Oneness and his
is power that this this earth is one one of the most amazing things
to look at to signify the oneness of the Creator. The sameness of
the Creator is looking at very big things and very small things
recently universes when zoomed out, okay? When you look at
universes and galaxies,
they had the same exact structure of these nodes and webs as the
human brain. Very amazing, right? Likewise, lungs and trees,
lungs and trees are amazing, and how they they similarly look,
okay, but they're in reverse.
Right trees, when you look at tree branches and you look at lungs,
alright? They just do like identical and trees emit, what we
breathe in.
Okay, got entries intake, what we exhale, you can't make this stuff
as good now go and try to sell that as a coincidence.
All right, or an accident of nature, as as we've been to
assault by the evolutionists, so, he then continues
vichara Kolak Allah Allah Asahi, after Allah mentioned the the vast
creation He now zooms in on the small creation. Color Collinson,
the human being all right,
and beautiful human development erlaubt wheelie Yanni Adam,
meaning it is the profit family set up min Sol Sol in California
what is El Sol Sol it is at Thien Alia this a levy Yost, you smell
low Sol Salah to who sort of Salatin right, which a boy who
built for her a lady Toby. So a theme is Sol Sol is mud, clean,
that it has dried. Alright, so you have soil and you have water, or
you have dirt and water, mix it together, you have mud,
you keep mixing it and mixing it until you make a form. Now you let
it dry. Once you let it dry, what happens? Well, it becomes hard,
hard enough that you could hit it. Now if there's a hollowness to it,
then you can hit it. And it produces a sound. That's the
point. Now the question is, in the world of mammals, when is a mammal
ever in this form?
Never. So if you're telling me that Adam, as they Muslim
evolution has tried to say, Adam Ali salaam, He's the first man not
because of his body, but because of his soul.
So he's the first one in whom Allah blew a special gift of
intelligence. In other words, they're gonna say, he evolved.
Alright, the creation evolved. And finally the intellect grew to a
level that boom, he now has consciousness.
Okay, or that is just by God's will that he chose this creation
and blew in him from his spirit, meaning this created spirit.
That's what they say. We say no, it's not like that. The body was
the first. homosapien whatever you scientifically call it, okay? Is
the first body that stood upright that looked like a human body.
Because if According to your theory, Adam was born
according to the Muslim evolutionist theories, Adam was
Muslim revolutions by the way week is not even a Muslim discovered
yet if you negate that Adam was hard
like this, I'm hitting on a piece of wood but it was this as clay
but you could hit on it and hear an echo
if you negate that you're negating in the Quran
its own he says Allah likes it cut it Faqad to what you know here we
are human beings we know how to make we see pots being made all
the time. Right.
It's a hollow
item that you can knock on made of clay
what do you know what do you know 120 Min salami, Min Sol Sol.
A lot more Assad either and then woke up mother Phil hedge in
certain hedger. There's more mention of
That's because that's there's multiple references to sell siding
and for her
and he expand that on it insulates and hedges so he's not going to
expand on it again
and Sol Sol is the word that's used and it's described in
different ways so here it says citing CalHFA Claude in an
El higit It's Min Sol Sol in Manhattan Miss noon
and in another sutra right, we have in a soft fat
millenia lesson.
Also, mud mud? When is any Orton human being that we see walking on
ever in the form of mud?
Never. And if it was like a human previous to that something that we
would in evolutionary they're not call a human. We'd call it
something else. And then previously it was a different
something else. It's never mud. Okay, mammals are never mud you
never see a mammal and you see mud. Okay, so you created from
something you don't stay that thing. Same gin, you see a gin
you're not gonna see fire walking around. You're gonna see another
creation right a different type of creation that is not fire at all.
So it was created from fire. Minh Mehta Jimena. But doesn't mean he
remains fire. That's the difference does not remain to be
that way. All right. Likewise, you see what is what is the ingredient
of the human being as we know today starts off as * right?
The sperm is in * * is the fluid sperms are inside of it.
Then it goes into an egg. You never see anyone walking around
and you say Oh, looks like was just seemed like two months ago.
You're never gonna see that. So just because something starts as
something doesn't mean it ends is that right
fasade Athena and Thurman Takala fissara kal hammer illness noon
that hammer illness noon is the second phase then Sol Sol and CAD
for her
so the phases of the of Adam that a synapse creation are very
And he cannot possibly try to to bring in a
the evolutionary theory and match that at some point, there was Saul
Saul. Okay.
We might either Hamilton Miss known or otherwise. Right.
We'll call a call journeyman marriage seminar. And the origin
of the gin. Was management not?
Now is Iblees the first gin such that he is like Adam to the gym?
Or is he?
More like Noah to the gym? We don't know that. We I don't I have
never seen an I don't know if he's gonna mention here. Who was the
who was the first gin ever to be created? We don't I've never seen
that. I've never heard that. Okay. Now we do know that it bliss is
now known as Elgin. Yes, because he
like in the same way as profit, no holiday Salam
profit and all of us are sons of Noah from the lineage of Nora and
Edie. So at some point, all of the jinn were wiped out except for
Iblees. So that's either either one or the other. He is the
likeness of Adam at a cinema or the likeness of
they do say that he is able Elgin
well Janu IBLEES
were horrible gin.
So there you go. We do have an answer. So he's sea level gin is
known, but that will gin as in whatever region after the war or
before the war
right so he says here before the war
Okay, well Keela
know some said no, he's one of them.
Why not best call up Allah will Jana min Hollis enough. He created
the gin from fire. One who I have done mainly sannyasa Allah de
Hakuna people raffia ilta hubba okay.
We'll call it a lathe l marriage as Sharla a CELTA that ILAHA
Shaheed who
I need now best and I know a lovey yeah Lou another fair Talia tuba
Adobo Baba.
Mara what else for?
Okay, well we're not who we are Mujahid, we're Kulu Miuccia Prada
vindman And they're saying like which part of the the gin which
part of the fire and they just discussing different parts of the
fire and essentially saying the meaning is one it's from fire.
Which part of the fire they differed upon.
motorcar Birdman all the meanings are close well Kayla and marriage
Kulu Ambreen Morrison via mum newer
when a hui
at marriage a knot and more Salah allottee let them now
learn what they're basically saying and Madej here refers to
the part of the fire that's sort of out of control as opposed to a
controlled flame
and maybe that indicates that tells us something about the
nature of the jinn.
Marriage a horrible marriage is when things are out of control and
horrible marriage so marriage him and not an out of control piece of
the fire like a raging fire as opposed to like a nice little
candle that's controlled
and some say here that bliss was the father of the jinn. Some say
he was one of them and he he's after the Great War of the jinn.
Then he became their father like in the same way that Nurhaliza
then became the father of all people before or after the flood.
Push ad says and marriage for lover or motorcycle I will tell up
whoa affair I will be Manama vote. Goalie Matt Matt in
now to now lead dokkan Allah so it's a type of fire that has no
smoke to it
and I bought my silica innumerable memory by next section here any
questions on the gin? Let's see which so people
let's see.
Any questions on on this section here before we move on?
Is it like volcano?
I think volcanic rock it's like it. There's no necessarily you
don't see a fire you just see. heated up rock
where there Estrada says Were there any no other believers in
the ark of Prophet No. Besides those of his progeny there were
and they intermarried.
they intermarried and as a result of that, the sons of newer became
all the fathers or that
they didn't intermarry, but their lineages died off, the male sides
died off. And the female sides married into the sons of Noah. So
that's the explanation of that
the jinn have like Allah and same *, you know, we have fuqaha and
musicali mean yeah, it's just like, it's reported that the jinn
they follow the humans, the the religions of humans, they don't
get profits. So they have to, if they follow any religion, they
follow the religion of humans, so they don't have like scholars and
Yeah, they have scholars of the gym, and they have Sahaba and they
have schools and everything
all right, let's go to the next section.
Rubble machinery, clean Euro balm, every vein. What is that muscular
pain? Well, Mabry vein.
The ultimate say?
Many, many meanings for this. So if you're in Japan, if you're on
the east side of the Earth, and then you look out
the East is going to be what?
The West is going to be like Europe, right. Now what's the West
gonna be? Africa to the west, right? If you're in Japan, and
You look west What are you gonna see? You're gonna see China like
you're gonna see China South Asia all that you look right What are
you gonna see? Yeah Canada so if you're on the opposite what if
you're on the opposite side no good you're gonna see the exact
for West for you will be Canada east side will be Europe right so
that's one meaning here's another meaning if I'm
missing a plane or whatever let's see what he says here and he says
muddled KLM fidelity says we spoke about this before
Mr Clean Where did he speak about this is why reading a tough see it
from the from the end
he always talks about it somewhere else he talks about in soft fat so
let's pull up soft fats here
the one before this let's pull up stuff and by the way Oz is
downstairs cooking with the new coffee machine he is cooking
he came running
okay soft fats
boom right to it.
Okay, it's a number five
Okay, let's see what he says about Mr. Cleaner
and also we can talk about the other subject of metadata
listeners just gotta wait.
Enjoy the silence.
Allah says here,
the Lord of the
East's at Masada
and AdMob.
Now, this one says mesh mesh. Okay, anyone? Remember debate and
this one says the East's multiple East's what does that mean?
Okay. matale Oh, shrimps he says, The Lord of the East's the Masada
pier does not mean East's. It means the sunrises so the sunrise
is different areas all the time. It doesn't just rise in one area.
Also the sunrise is literally everywhere, based upon like your
location in your perspective. You see, that's where the sun rises.
Alright, so that's one meaning of admission attic What am Avada
does not mean east and west. It means sunrises and sunsets. Where
does the sunrise where does the sunset
it shut up is something that pops out, comes out? Well Hooroo is
something that disappears. So we now call them east and west, but
he's saying here it is not Eastern West it's sunrises and sunsets.
Okay, let's Shamsi Coolio, Masha Komaba every day the sun has its
place of rising and ascending so even back in the old days, let's
say you had a mountain and a lake
and you sit there and you observe the sunrise
every single day okay, or the sunset you're gonna notice that
it's not setting in the same location every single time
some days is setting out the mountain two months later you
notice it's setting on the lake right? So that so they're early
peoples they recognize this but says by pure observation.
Okay, with that he can Allah Tala kala kala Shamcey fella through
meter what comes with it Deena Cova FEMA playa. So what did they
observe that the sun has 365 locations of it's rising and it's
setting Okay.
Well, maybe you have FEMA could it be? Allah Adam II am it's either
the am is Santa shumsa. So they knew that the solar years 365 days
and that if you monitor where the sun is rising and setting,
it's going to go through 365 distinct locations until it gets
back to the first one.
Thought Lo Fi Cooley Omen,
Fi Co Op minute. It comes everyday rise in a different one. What's
available Fico. Latok Lo Fi telkwa il fi vertical yo Minute, I'm in
Mocksville. So never goes back to where it started until 365 days
Okay, so this has meaning, a boon Mushara the Lord. It's not Lord of
the East's. It's
Lord of the sunrises, all the locations of the sun. So why is
Allah saying that he's the Lord of these things? It means pay
attention to those things for their special. Pay attention for
these things, you will benefit greatly if you study these things,
you see, which is what it means here. When Allah says he's the
Lord of something, it means Oh human pay close attention you will
benefit greatly
you will benefit greatly
if you pay attention to this and how much have we benefited just by
astronomy the study of astronomy every great civilized nation one
of its hallmarks are two sciences astronomy and law. Okay.
That's what it means.
That whenever you see a rub the lord of this you notice that that
thing will benefit you greatly.
All right. Laptop lofi tickle Quwata illa fie daddy, Callie Amin
and I'm in rockville Walla tuck law Illa here carry her feta
kohlrabi LA to La Niala a Baddeck of an era homie also Naka Alright
what do we have here? The moment of truth we have the coffee the
first what is it a cup of tea or coffee? The first latte has been
made. Let's see what you got here. Now you brought or not to do these
things. You do it? Here come and do it in front of
right here
hold on.
Let me get my wife out of the way. Here come over a little bit on the
table. You know I
gotta use your hand
so there's a little bit of coffee in there now that comes in milk.
Oh look at this mixing together or what am I gonna get a flower?
United design arc? That's a boat
Wow, look at that. All right, here we go. What does it look like to
Masha Allah
lily pad lily pad maybe yeah, a little lily. She might take in the
first step yeah, there's no sugar
it's really good without sugar. Yeah.
What's what's How is that sweet? So like it's hard to I don't want
to pour it closer. I don't want to port spill it but
I mean, we can't Oh close. There you go. It's a lily pad
Masha Allah, they got all my wounds coming. No one for armor as
well. Oh.
It's really like you feel like you're one of these
coffee shops to be honest.
It's got that it's got the real feel.
The beans. Now can you tell us about these beans? Are they
fruity? Are they light? or dark? These are medium roast. medium
roast. Roast. Wow.
Can you guys hear me it's medium roast from Rojas roasters in
Princeton through a famous roastery amazing in in the middle
of Princeton, NASA Park Boulevard or Nassau Street sorry. They've
been there for a long time. It's a blend it's an espresso blend. So
it's right in the middle right between it's not too dark and it's
not too late. Perfect. Yep. Perfect. It does taste like one of
does taste like one of these coffee shop feels to it like it's
light and has a slight fruitiness
all right here we go
some say here
the sun says oh Allah don't make me go out on these people again
and sign light on them because they're all cynic that Allah says
you have to
you know it's just one of those stories
maybe they got it read it in a in a book from the time of the juice.
Hey Kadima says I said to even our best our item Agia and in the visa
Allahu alayhi wa salam fee or may have been a salad of Nevis salt.
Did you hear what
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about omega of NaVi
salt and mana Shah who were covered are called boo his hair
and submitted but his
His heart did not
Allah who will have confirmer and Khartoum in Delic
okay. He says okay the Prophet said this so what does this mean
meaning sorry sorry.
silly mistake here am Anna shouto his poetry
submitted to Allah but his heart rejected
was someone who taught law theory lay Latin hombre used to be a holo
new her yet our Raju the sun rises and comes out at the end of every
night red and it comes out the color of roses lace at Bali, in LA
home fee recently in more than a button what to do. Okay, the sun
doesn't come out
on its own it comes by force. And if not, it's going to get lashed.
Basically he's saying here. Now they're saying the question says
My bed was samsu toilet. So why is this son
getting whipped? In other words, why is it being forced to come up?
We're letting fcbd hematology I'm Sue cotton had Yun Castle has sub
own URL for Malik the sun doesn't want to come out until 70,000
Angels yank it out and say to it come out come out. And it says La
outlaw la Coleman. Yagoona
min Duni min doonas I cannot rise over people and shine over people
worship me instead of Allah. Fat to medical and fast pill lowly of
the YB any Fayette de shaytaan UD to an Yasuda. tuloy photographer
all Dana Coronae he got Federico hula who to Allah Tata her for the
Erica ko Lola Sula. mottaret Illa bein a Carnegie shaytaan Walla
Walla Illa Bina Carnegie shaytaan Okay, and he says devil comes out
all right, trying to block the sun from coming out.
Yeah, so Tula, but it comes out over the two horns of this devil.
Right and, and then that devil is burned by the sun. And that's why
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the Sun never comes
out except through two horns of devil of a devil.
Get and it never sets except for two horns of a dove.
And it never sets except in sudo to its Lord.
And a devil tries to stop it. Go for debatable but it
nonetheless, it sets and Allah burns that devil
is not very interesting
doesn't mention the nature the nature of this hadith by the way,
as in the Sahaba of the Hadith
call it a crema call Tula live nobis Yamo like to do some same
narration similar narration
next set of eyes let's see there stop there if there are any
see if there's any questions here
someone says reminds me of an ode to coffee by shad the guru. That's
that famous guru who Indian guru who's
He's full of it isn't he
is full of it. Just because he has a big beard. And he has he can
quote you some Hindu Hindu philosophy, ancient Indian
in as a Jana sama dunya Buzina. telco welcome wherever them
equally shaytaan embedded. Now let's go now to assuta to surf at
core to be again we're on coding to be let's go back and read
in an element Lena lezen we are created from Thien Leser let's go
to that area here.
NACA Lacanau humulene Allah zip a last last What is it cleaner Leser
It's when the mud is sticky
when the mud is sticky, so there was a time when the human being
Adam on a Salaam in his formation the mud was sticky.
very simple
thought Darla, my friend Allah has the capacity at 10 o'clock O'Hara
cola cola Zeb Carl, aka the organization less less sticky.
Okay and my water the welfare Kobane Allah Sacco Lezak and Allah
Sup, who Alethea cut Lucia about the Hubei Bardwell * lady. He
alters it could be my Asaba hope. Okay, so what is the difference
between the word less sick with Assad and Lazar with Zane last up
is amongst itself. It's stuck together. Right? So for example,
you know, this, this this fad that children had and then make slime
and stuff, it stuck together. But it doesn't necessarily stick to
your hand, you could pull your hand off, but let's zip is that
which does stick to your hand? Okay, and it sticks. It stays like
almost like glue to your head. That's a difference a less and
less with Assad versus Zane.
Question go ahead and do the narrations you mentioned not
pointed geocentrism Yeah, but they're not geocentric in the
sense that it is. Do we hold geocentrism in our experience?
In our experience, it is geocentric in our experience.
Not INRIA does that mean it's in reality? Yeah, so the speech is
geocentric as come sit and talk.
You're gonna have a guest speaker as well. I take a breather
I can't see the questions
actually can see this.
Oh, okay. You're telling me that I can't see these at all.
I have to like
Yeah, I can see the Instagram
like zoom in a little bit
what's going on guys? How's everyone go? Everyone doing
Yeah, like that
where can I get a shadowy coffee mug? Toronto probably
Dark Shadows 5050 vision Yeah.
Pop it out and then hit Control Plus, it's still can't see you
bro. Are you still no
zoom in more?
yeah, that's good.
Am I Hanafi or Maliki? I'm Hanafi. I teach the ArcView basics one of
the RP basics Maliki course
I left for 10 minutes and duck Shetty changed his identity a kid
What's this
Yes, I was talking about the roundtable format mean actually
means actually spoke about this. We want to get like one shot from
different different methods. Yeah, it's different. And they just like
discuss the Messiah. Yeah, like if the evidences and go into deep
discussion. But what exactly is the point of that? Because at the
end of the day, you're going to reach an impasse where everyone is
going to go back to their awesome to their soul. And it's just going
to end up being a discussion on soul. Anyways, that's the point
though, like so it's really for the other people to see like
people are new to this. Yeah, really? See how like a selkie
thinks Yeah, how they work. It's not like they're just really you
know, thinking yeah, so I think that'd be good especially if we do
it after the method series that we just did. Yeah, I think it'd be
beneficial would be it could be done. So somebody has mentioned
what is it
and eclipses scary?
This sun didn't set for you shall be noon.
Yeah, I mean, even now, despite the fact that we know what an
eclipse is still, like
It's still scary, because it still points to the withdrawal of Allah
Despite the fact that we know exactly what causes it, we know
that we can predict it and we can calculate it. But it's still a
reminder at the end of the day, that
the power
is always in the hands of Allah data, no matter what. And Allah
Tada. It's even scarier knowing that Allah to Allah, He knows when
it's going to happen. And he appointed certain times on when
this is going to occur.
Can I buy meat at a Middle Eastern owned meat and grocery store where
they say they have certified meat? Or should I?
Or should I see if they are certified by certain certification
boards like HMS? No, it's not necessary, at least for the Maliki
method. You don't have to go to that level unless you have one. Or
you have a level of suspicion for a reason that the meat is haram.
But if you have no reason like that, then the word of the
believer, one of the principles of the method is that the word of the
believer is taken without question.
So it's not like the Hanafi is where the meat is guilty until
proven innocent. So it's actually it works the opposite way in the
Maliki school.
What methodology should I use to study al Qaeda, the the series of
email Miss Senussi, and books that came after him Emerson was the
And Ashati cram. That's what you should be using.
Because once the medicine was he came, everything before that it
became irrelevant, not irrelevant from irrelevant in terms of how
good the medicine was, his paradigm was the schema that
medicine was used. Other people had used it, but no one had done
it in such a comprehensive and simplistic way. Like he had this
cobra, which has meant for scholars, then he that's, that's
his highest level book, then you have the Woodstock, which is one
level below that. Then you have the Saqqara also known as uma
Ibrahim, and that's for the for the pilot by.
And then even below that, though, you have the story of Surah Surah,
which was that there was a student of the medicine who sees whose
father would come with him to the doodles and accompany Him and the
Father. He once he got so old that he couldn't come he sent a letter
to medicine was he saying that I can't study anymore. And so,
remember Senussi he took his silver out, which was already the
condensed form of the two books that were before that, and he
condensed it even further into Surah Surah, which was meant to
almost like a self study option meant for the elders of society
and the people who are not students of knowledge. Then he
took even that and he has, he has the feeder, which is like it
literally means the granddaughter meaning for kids, and the entire
schema of the memesan OC is exactly the same.
So the like at every level you if you look at the schema of mms
Sanusi, it's the same thing. The habido, which is meant for five
year olds and six year olds, is referring to the same subject
matter as
what the Cobra which is meant for scholars at the highest level is
referring to.
So no matter what, like that's the schema you enter at whatever point
whatever level you are, and then after that, you continue just
climbing the ranks of the ladder until you reach the Cobra and then
once you reach that, then you can read the books of Imam Ghazali you
can read the books of
Dumisani, you can read the books of Imam Razi, but the Senussi as
they give you the keys for everything else. Likewise, the
books that came after the Sunnah CIAT like Imam dears herida or
Tjahaja, Tito hate. Those are basically the summaries of MMS,
MMS, anuzis works in new presentations, but the schema is
exactly the same.
When other questions are there?
Is hedge still paid? Is HUD still accepted? Or for person has debt
still to be paid? Yes, it's still accepted?
Is milk and coffee acceptable? According to the hunter fees? Yes.
No, the plural for the lab or Taalib is to lab or to lab or
Which specific book
you would read the ones that are not his books of Qalam per se.
You would read the ones that none of them really come to the top but
you know, off the top of my head, I can't think of any. It depends
on who you're looking for, or what you're trying to get out of the
books of the moment. Is it
because remember lasagna, he's from the Medaka demeanor of the
scholars of Kalam. So a lot of times the translations that are
written, they treat you remember the finale more
Like a subject of anthropology, like, like a historical
perspective, rather than looking at him from the perspective of a
theologian. So, like in Kalam in theology and all the other Islamic
sciences, the terminology that's used is very precise, it's very,
very lucky.
And the problem with a lot of translations of emammal Kasady is
that they take these precise terminologies and they just
translate them to be their linguistic form. For example,
simple example the word Kalam itself, it could be translated the
linguistic meaning is speech, right. But in the words of the
scholars of optina, Kalam has a specific meaning, for example, it
could be referring to the kalam roughly which is a created speech,
or that could MFC, which is the uncreated speech. So there's a big
problem that we have in translations, which is that they
take the terminological definition, and they just
translate it linguistically, because they don't have subject
matter expertise. What you really need is someone who is a
multicolumn, to actually translate memory because daddy's works on
the way of the mythical limit so that they can understand and it's
even harder for someone like your mom and his daddy, who came before
the terminologies really stabilized, which is why it worked
like mama Senussi, Johanna Tauheed, all of these later books,
they're a lot easier to translate because the terminology is pretty
standardized across the board
last Saturday, coffee in
Toronto, that's where you go toronto, toronto
city thing
but if the person doesn't follow any specific method, maybe due to
no knowledge follows the way the magic ease and buying halal meat,
is that okay for them to eat it? Well, they if they're a student of
knowledge, they follow a method if they're a Ami. A common layperson,
then they wouldn't necessarily have to do that they would go to
the person who's most knowledgeable.
Like me Lama tabula who, the person you know, a common person,
he doesn't have a method, his method is his mom's method or his
country's method.
What is the medical ruling on those who disrupt disrespect the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, it's,
they're killed. They're given the death penalty.
What time is also by the way, I haven't prayed officer
the correct
code of the Sahibi
we're gonna have to go
I think it's 240.
Yeah, 2246
Okay. There are no steady right here.
What is this German translations of mammals? Is that it? Yeah,
that's the problem. The Turkish ones are probably better.
Yeah, the German ones are. I mean, if you're looking for emotion, in
the words of Imam Al Ghazali, you're not necessarily going to
find that the purpose of his books are not emotion.
But yeah, the terminology. I mean, the German terminology will still
most likely be better than the American terminology. Because the
Germans they, they're actually pretty good when it comes to
philosophy and stuff like that. And they have a lot of experience
with Orientalism and Oriental Studies, but it's still not going
to be good.
hit Control Plus.
What's the difference between our feeder to how we're and athlete,
athlete that adversity? That's been 10 minutes, right. Yeah. So,
the how we are is the truth, and Lumosity is not the truth. What is
yeah, what is the cellphone is not
what is
to go to night prayers. How can they do well in them?
What would be your advice to someone who has a big exam coming
up between now and then Ramadan is around the corner and they intend
to go tonight prayers. How can they do well in both and how can
they do well in them? I'm in Ramadan, it opens up.
First of all the the ruling on the tarawih is that it can be done at
home as well. What's important is the amount of time that you're
praying for so does not have to be in the masjid. And in fact, it's
recommended for it not to be in the masjid. If you know that the
So don't be fooled without you.
So the taraweeh can be done at home as long as you're praying for
that amount of time one hour or two hours for a long amount of
time at nighttime but you don't have to necessarily go to the
masjid for someone who it's not.
It's not tenable or it's not feasible for them
is execution an acceptable Dotty punishment within Islamic law?
Yes, I believe so.
It depends on what the Hakim says
what's the easiest way to explain to a regular Muslim who was trying
to learn the problem with Kitab Dahveed displace Kitab Bhutto head
with a book from the seller like al Qaeda to how
so this instead of saying that this is a bad book suggest for
them to read a better book because you know, if you tell someone
don't think of a red balloon, all they're gonna think of it's a red
balloon. So you got to replace it and say that why why go with that
when you can read the actual works of the self like him I'm at the
hallway himself
and also give people time I have family members who they used to be
Salafi and very you know, and now they're they're the complete
opposite of that and all it took was time no amount of arguing
worked with them would just work with them was them just learning
by themselves?
Just give them a moment to read. Yeah, yeah, this is the day Yeah.
Okay, he's asking
his favorite
what is it Saturday coffee?
Do you enhance if you fail if a person finds difficulty in the
following and one matter and finds too easy
mixing methods? No, you can't mix mishaps I mean, the shirt the
Sharia? Like what is the McHale if it's example Murphy Khalifa or
example mafia machaca. It's being obligated to do things that have
difficulty in them. The Shetty inherently you are if you're
legally accountable, you're going to be tasked with things that are
uncomfortable for you to do or difficult for you to do. If the
difficulty is so much that you can't sustain it, that you're
you're not capable of handling it. Then you can go to a Mufti and he
can give you a meth head can give you a ruling. Maybe that is weak
within the meth lab or a ruling outside of your meta depending on
your circumstances. But just because one is easier than the
other doesn't mean that you can just go towards life, you know, in
the dunya and being a McAuliffe you're it's not meant to be easy.
So why expect easiness Islam is easy when people say that what it
really means what it goes back to is that it's easy in the point
that you're never going to be tasked with something that's
impossible, but that doesn't mean so the ease is built into even the
rulings that you have you know that you're uncomfortable in doing
that you have difficulty in doing
how much time until awesome
yeah, well can you get me
that I have to fear?
All right, so let's continue on.
Good answers there by us. Maybe you should have a day for himself.
How did you get so young and what an awesome beard Hey, us get
married doing this? Good.
It's true.
He's gonna get himself married.
I don't even know if I was married. I mean, he puts in like
24 hours a day of Philip
gets married Are you gonna give me like six hours a day
Lazar lesson we see here means it's stuck. It's sticky. Okay, I
mean, what are we talking about here? We're talking about the
ideas and sort of the ramen and sort of the soft fats that
describe the creation of Adam i They said I'm in such a way that
no mammal
would ever be in.
That clearly shows direct creation from God. As opposed to evolution.
Now you want to be an evolutionist? I'm not going
argue that you go be an evolutionist but don't come and
tell me
that it's compatible with the Quran. The evolution that is it
that is compatible with Islamic theology, I can just say
not compatible tolerated by Islamic theology
is the evolution of anything other than the human being. So if the
creation of animals is not part of the field, some of theology
you could essentially believe whatever you wish to believe on
the creation of animals doesn't make a difference. Now, I may
agree or disagree, but it's irrelevant. Okay.
It's irrelevant.
Shiro we'll get to you. Shiro are you arguing against Qadiani? Is
Is that why? Because nobody needs to ever really wonder what the
word to WIFIA means? Unless you're Shiro if you spam I think you are
a Qadiani leave them leaving leaving Lou.
Okay, he's said no spammy. So you got a warning. From mama, you
know, on what cracks the whip in the chat section. Okay. Yeah,
arguing with a Qadiani or a Qadiani.
Let's see, what does he mean? Because I said two things. I said,
Are you arguing with GoDaddy? That is it. Are you a Qadiani? So I
think he is arguing with a Qadiani. Alright, so sure. We're
gonna get to your questions. Just have sub. Okay. Yeah, you got my
attention. Step sub. We're gonna get to your question. I guarantee
you that.
But we're saying that these I have inserted men
and men so seldom get caught. And here,
right Millena lezen.
So it's sticky. At one point.
Do you ever see a human being that sticky? Right?
No, you ever see a human being that has an echo? There's a reason
Allah say in these things. Like these are the distinct features.
This is distinct features of Adam Addison, as he went through this
been led to be mannerism, we're learning a fair bit, go letter by
yell taboo, let's bend. Alright, here's another meaning of it is
that it's the mud when it starts to take a fixed form the beginning
of the fixed form of mud as mud is swimming around, it's not fixed.
But once you put it in a form, and air comes upon it
starts to take it big goes from a sticky form to a fixed form to a
hard form.
And that's the end of of that mentioned in sort of a soft fat.
Okay, so Sudha Romain had
these mentions that sent us over to sort of a soft fat. Now let's
go to Shirou and his debates with the Qadiani there's not even a
debate by the way, debate is only on speculative matters. No debate
cultural matters, right. Which are we looking at? Yeah.
So Richard Bucher, what does it say
in what's our FICO in the Moto a FICO or fair okay layer right
that just means they will get the reward or not, but tell me about
in the Moto a fee. That's really what he wants to know. Yeah. In
the Moto a FICO fair. Okay, Ilya. So let's type that in here.
And read it stuff seemed very easy.
Which I think we just did
but I don't know why they're like
pesky pestering us like knots and weasels on the subject every day
on Twitter nonstop. It's like you can't
they're almost as bad as customers dreams. Like you can't block
enough of them.
God Allah Who Yeah, he's named with the Wi Fi co Rafi okay, you
like yeah, I am taking you and raising you up to myself. Okay.
Whatever fika I will fulfill for you. The end the totality of your
worldly life. Good.
Alright, let's read tough season quarter to be
From Allah Imran
Khan Allahu wa isa in the mucho a fika
means here
in the raffia Oka la wa motohiro Kameena Alladhina Cafaro warm
water kefir what mucha theaker Pika bad antenne Zilla Mina sama.
And then I will take your life give you bring you to the end of
And Wolfer you have to understand that it has a double meaning.
It means
to loyally or to rightfully fulfill one's dues.
To fulfill one's dues to somebody
its loyalty, its fulfillment of rights, its fulfillment of dues.
Good. So whatever means you've been given the life that you were
that you that you was allotted to you a lot of T was 26 years you
got 26 years. So what that means
the it comes to me in depth but it also means the fulfillment of
rights so Allah subhana wa Tada in saying in the motto of fika what
I'll say Oka Illa meaning you will Oh he's so you will get your full
expanse of life but first I'm raising you up
you understand
that's what it means.
That's that's essentially the meaning of it
and call it to be says
corollary to this is well Hola, Kenny Mattoon Saba Katana Rebecca
Kennedy's mo added Musa
What's up dear loca lol well hola Carrie moto Saba cut Mala Beco
agile Musa Mala cannibalism. So it means here that if it was not for
a promise that Allah has made, this would have been necessary.
Meaning here.
Mana Mottola fika kabhi Dukkha I am taking you Kaabil Dukkha what
Rafi Oka and raising you to the heavens without death. Miss Allah
to a Fae to Mellie min Falange a kebab to who I took my wealth
rightfully mine, okay.
I took it back to a fatal mare Lehman fallen I took my money back
a cupboard to I claimed it to myself. What have you been when
I've been to a phala? Who a Sally Syntha sat me in a hurry Manhattan
filmora I hosted a summit
where the fee he bought so he says saying that he's rejected for in
nosa about an interview Salalah where he was said of new Zulu who
were kutlu at the journal Alhama by Jana houfy kitab Kira
you didn't claim that no
Carbon is a motor we're fika carbidopa I'm taking you to
myself. What do I figure here does not mean you reaching the end of
life. So the first half see it is oh Issa, I will get you to the end
of your life. But first I will raise you up. The second meaning
is moto a fika means I'm taking you to Myself kabhi Luka
cubs cubs means to hold on to something it or it means to take
possession of something. Because for example, if I have a grain of
corn that's due to me and I drive my
me and my worker to the to the farm and my worker goes out takes
the basket and puts it in the car. So I have cubs over that corn
without physically having held on to it. Okay, so I've
taken possession of it that's what the meaning of it is. The other
meaning of cubs is not just to hold physically on to something is
to take possession of something
all right.
Well, colonization whatever figure kabhi Luca Moto, fika raffia Oka
were hidden
moto a fika and raffia Oka is the same moment of the Rising before
his death
does not have the meaning of death in every single sentence why we
have to understand there are equivocal and unequivocal
equivocal has multiple meanings.
has only one meaning
in our best man mo to a fika moumita
Okay, now even our best says
that here went to a fika it means I will give you death.
So the death and the rising they're just not an order because
the Whoa does not indicate order. So that's the third under Tafseer
of the verse. The very fact that you have multiple tough series of
the verse indicates that is not cuts a to mean death.
And if and when he doesn't mean death, he says, but it's not an
You will die like a normal person. But first we will raise you
Robbie, Nana's. Wolfert no.
Whoa Olivia to affect come belaid Robbia bananas gives a fourth
tafsir what's our fika I will make you have a deep sleep. In other
words, you will work how will how will Allah raise him up while he's
awake now while you're asleep, sleep and Allah will raise you up.
You see, that's the second meaning sleep, have a deep sleep and Allah
will raise you up into deep sleep. So now we covered four meanings
what is the first meaning that it means I will make you reach your
end in other words all the years of your life that have been
destined to you for this life? I will make you reach that end
meaning of whatever the higher ticket
good I'm gonna give you with her for your life.
All right.
But first, I'm raising you the second meaning mucho a fika kabhi
Luca, same meaning as Raphael I'm possessing you I'm claiming you to
myself and raising you up third meaning death but out of order. In
other words, you will die like any other human being but first I will
raise you up. Fourth meaning gut I will put you in a deep sleep and
raise you up in the Motorola fika I will make you have a deep sleep
then you will raise raise up because you will not be raised up
how awake
okay, that will be like a marriage. It's not a marriage.
It's a welfare deep sleep and then refer so that's for meeting so
A uni mohkum
Rihanna gnome a whole mouth he and he cites the Quran here.
Robbie Abney Ibanez wa levy yet our fedcom belaid WIAA Allah MUMA
Gerardo Bihar he's the one who makes you sleep at night while and
that while knowing what you did in the day, so
Hawala yet our furcal has come in the Quran Surah Al Anon with the
meaning of sleeping He is the one who makes you sleep at night Oh,
Lydia to effect can be late. You understand here all right.
He's saying that the plugins bring up the processor. Use the same
word for himself how? Meaning what?
And then they use that as like an analysis.
All right, let's see. We'll get to that after we finish this. Camera
Karla sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Lama su Illa FL Jannetty gnome the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said is there sleeping
call Allah and no remote sleep is a little brother of death while
Jana to lamb out of here sleep is the brother of death and Paradise
has no death in a Colorado data putting the will say you and Allah
Tala Rafa who Ellis men of ad were fed and well known chemical Al
Hasan weaponization quarter to be prefers another opinion. He says
that Allah raised him up.
Okay, and Tabari chose that to and Ben Ibis chose that too. So they
have difference of opinion even a house a nice it was raised up.
All right, you see all this talk. It's an it's an equivocal verse is
a verse that has speculative that can be interpreted in many ways.
So when you have that, you have to interpret it according to the
other verses that have no disagreement. So, and with a Cheb,
whatever fee, you will first settle the mahkum
that which is disputed, is understood in light of the of the
mahkum. That which is not disputed, not the other way round.
You don't twist an unequivocal verse to mean what an equivocal
interpretation of unequivocal verse, you understand, you don't
twist around the cut a verse to fit Ulundi verse. The meaning of
Alinea perennial is did this to all the time they took a far off
interpretation of incidents at Bacara. The Jews and the
Christians in the Sabians don't know fear for them. Right? And
they set out there it is no fear for Jews and Christians. That
means they're they're accepted their value inside of God and then
they take the other verses.
upon the belief of the prophets of Allah when he was setting them,
and they played around with those verses, the obligation of leaving
the prophets of Allah what He said and comes in many verses in other
words that are absolutely godly. There's no interpretation on them.
So they took an interpretive verse and use that to wrestle down a cut
a verse contains explicit has one possible meaning.
Here's the story
Canadel kissa says at the hawk lemma Urdu Kotla isa HTML however
you feel horrified with whom ethna Asha radula when the desire to
kill a seven Madame the disciples who were 12 in number got together
in a room for duckula Human Misia Elisa
min Muscats algorfa. So, Prophet ASA entered upon them
for Bara Iblees who gem Alia hood for Rocky by men who are about to
Allah for agile
IBLEES then whispered and went to the Jews in the maybe in the form
of a man maybe not, and whispered, and that 4000 Jews came and
surrounded the room. The small little apartment that they were in
Faqad I did Mercia Hello how are you? Will Howard again say nicer
said to his disciples, a Yocum, Yahoo where you were Kunal knife
and John, who of you will go out but he will be killed but he will
be with Me in Paradise. One man says I will
for Alka la he made the rotten
gut and it's a it's a garment Adara he gave him a garment to
wear and it was made out of wool and a turban. Also made out of
Okay, and he gave him a stick. Okay.
And Allah subhana wa Tada placed upon him the look of a sudden let
him the appearance of Asa and Madame for her Raja Allah Leah
hood for kata Lu for masala boo.
They took him or ISA that man came out. He appeared as if he was a
seven madame. They killed him then they put them on the cross.
That's what Prophet ASA means. We will be with Me in Paradise.
What a messy fat kessa hula hula Risha. Besa who Noura Wakata on
who led the Talmud Tommy will Mishra be football Mr. Malaika as
far as admin Maria, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
covered him in light. Okay.
And he soared into the sky with the angels.
This is one story where did he get the story? He just he's not citing
a Senate. Did he get it from the stories of any of the Christians?
Did he get it from other Muslims? So far? I didn't mention any
was aka Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shaybah had death in Abu muawiya had
definite Amish I didn't mean * and say he didn't do it. The great
Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shaybah teacher of Imam Muslim gives a chain from
Ibn I Bess, who tell who narrates the story lemma Arada lo Tabata
Kota Allah and Jatropha isa LS sama when Allah was to take ASA to
the heavens, caught Ajah Allah us hobby he will homebirth now Asha
radula he came out to his companions and they were 12 people
12 minutes.
Midnight and Phil Beatty we're suhu yuck to Roma and Faqad Allah
home and his head was dripping of water and he said to them, Emma in
the main comment, say UK food will be if Natalia Asha Raja Mara Bader
and mnb
there is one of you who will make Cofer of me reject me 12 times
after he believed in me.
Then he said uh you communica la he Shabbat he failed.
Okay, who of you will take on my appearance and be killed and then
weigh a Kunal may feed that a jetty and you will be with me in
the afterlife exactly where I am. You are at my rank in the
afterlife and imagine that you'll be given the reward of a profit.
fuck all Masha, Boone Min. Min. Desi him, the youngest one of
The youngest youth of them. Carla Anna, he said I will do it. He
says ageless. Sit down.
So I lay him then he said it again. Facom a Cheb. He made the
offer again. Who of you will take on my appearance Allah will give
you my appearance. They
We'll think it's you kill you and you'll be with me in paradise.
Some dolly him He repeated it again. The same young man said me
his butt say he's a young man it's a nice I wants him to live his
life so he says Sit down
for Carla for karma Cheb So Danny him he said it a third time the
same youth said FIP call it Nam and avec Anna I'm the person who
wants that.
Then I used to says not now he accepted enter Dec so when you're
young, when you're inexperienced, your decision shouldn't be
accepted right away. So say nice to rejected him once rejected him
a second time now a third time the young man has had his chance now
to think it over to get out of it. Okay, maybe he was being polite in
the beginning or pious said nice to give him multiple chances. Now
he wants and we see the Prophet did this and we see this happened
to David and Goliath to Satan the Devil said I'll go fight Goliath
and he was told sit down you're too young. He said I'll go go
fight Goliath he was told sit down third time he was accepted. Say
now do you want he wanted to fight that?
The greatest warrior of the Arabs prophets I sent him said who will
will fight him
Oh you just TV gesture the same night he said I will Prophet said
no hottie that's
okay. And I'll say now do with all his strength. He was short. Ahmed
was tall and big. So the Prophet said sit does he have an advantage
over he has got bigger arms etc
second time third time he accepted so here we have the same example
here second first time rejected second time rejected third time
Carla what a follow to Allah isa
Can it's filled. He
He resurrected ace of Imodium. After that he raised him up. Okay.
In another narration before that a great light came upon him and he
raised up flew up
like an angel.
All right.
Well, a tolerable mineralia hood for aka do shabby for Cthulhu. So
masala boo. Okay. Now what else says this? What else did he say?
He said then then the Jews bang down the door. Right in the first
narration. He went out this time they came to the door came to the
door he went out you can probably you could say the other way they
came and they took him. They came he came out whatever it was. They
killed him first.
Then they they put them on the cross so everyone to see. So not
all the time. Were you alive on the cross? Okay, usually in the
old days crucifying someone meant you kill him first, then you hang
him on the cross for everyone to see and learn a lesson. That's
what the old ancient times they used to do.
Next, what about this person who said that you will make Cofer of
me 12 times what CalHFA be he bought the home one of them made
Cofer of a seven Meriam 12 times meaning he believed then makeover
then believe then make Kouvola then believe then makeover. How
why? Because essentially, there'll be a lot of pressure. So you
believe in Him, then your family pressures you so you're saying
okay, fine. You believe again, then another person in your family
pressures you and then another group pressures you then your wife
pressures you then society pressures in the rabbi. So every
time he gets pressure, he makes Cofer and he believes then makes
Cofer then he believes okay.
Then after that, to follow Raku, Thalassa, Philip, the disciples
divided into three, one group said
Can Fein Allah Masha femicide in Assam he's one of them said, Allah
was amongst us. This was ALLAH then he rose up to the heavens.
Well, Hala, Alia cobija, these are known as the aku the Jacob bytes,
Jacobi we'll call it Federica can afina ignore Allah?
They said amongst us this was the son of Allah
SON OF GOD wow all up a nice story user this storage I think he means
here, the not the disciples, but later on the Christians divided
into three groups. We'll call it
Abdullah Hua soo
Mohammed Muslim moon, okay, and these are the true believers and
the two submitters and the true believers at that time. They said
no, he's a slave of Allah. And Allah took him up. This is why
it's so important to believe, to reject the belief of Hadith.
Hello, I mean
If you disbelieve that, if you know that you disbelieve that
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tzadik the essence of God never enters into a
creative being, you will never fall for the job or any of these
other ideas. Okay? And the essence of God never will splinter off and
have lineage.
So never volunteer these things, Fatah how to tell care if your
attorney or a Muslim for Cthulhu.
So then, the two groups one group said his God, one group said Son
of God, they fought and they conquered and defeated the one
group that said no, he's a slave of Allah.
And as a result of that,
phelim Yes Allah islam al Huck, the truth remain bomb is
the truth remained unknown and covered up until
Allah sent the messenger Muhammad Sallallahu It was Sunday for em
Anna thought if I'm in Benny Salah in Waka Flocka If so, from the the
children of Israel, they split on ice of the first time
on whether he's a messenger or not those who did believe in Him then
split. Some said he's got some he's his son of God. Some said
he's a true messenger. And in each case, then, in that case, those
who had a false belief ended up defeating them.
You beautiful stories here about sad, nice and muddy him.
What does he want? What is going on? Calm yourself down number one.
Number two, what do you need? What is the question? He's like
You think I think that didn't gotten me an exorcism stop at this
He's basically asking another verse of the Quran and big issue
for me that the Quran says that Allah enjoy enjoined Zeca and
righteousness to his mother whilst he was alive. He says what? I
don't get what the problem is. But yes say Nisa was good to his
mother while he was alive. And that's the negation of a verse in
the Bible that says
that said nobody um he had get the Prophet ASA had guests
and then say to Miriam brought them water. And he said, go get us
some wine woman.
And so the Quran is saying he's good to his mother. In other
words, it's a negation of a verse in the Bible, where Prophet ASA
says to his mother woman
How can I used to do that if he's in the heavens because he was on
earth first?
He was on earth first.
All right, couple questions for we got to run in almost got to go to
my teacher,
your teacher,
God, as we'll wrap up the future
Okay, should we avoid an innovator or deviant the same way we avoid a
facet? If someone isn't, is, is an innovator in the religion, meaning
their beliefs.
You have an innovative and you have a profligate? What is What
are the definition of these terms? And why do we care and we sound
divisive when we talk about this. It's not divisive. You're
protecting your religion. If somebody
holds a belief about Islam, and they reject an explicit verse of
Islam, that's what we call an innovator. An explicit verse or
Hadith, it has arrived reached us with certainty.
And its meaning is one, and you still reject it, then we call that
person someone who puts his whims over his intellect. Okay. And his
belief and sound belief. So you stay away from that person. That
person is probably is, although their position with Allah is less
dangerous. Their position is more dangerous with you, to position
with you, to us is more dangerous than someone who's not a believer
at all. If you raise your kids around, let's say, all Christians,
it's very easy to say they're Christians or Muslims. But when
you raise your kids around people, what's that say?
That's another sect in Islam.
And they do 90% of the stuff that you do, but they 10% But their
belief is different. That's more confusing for a child.
And for a regular person, it's more confusing. It's very easy to
say, oh, it's no big deal. 90% Allah doesn't just look at the
action. You look at the belief too. So that's number one. That's
what the definition of a festival
idea the festival
is the is the prophet meaning he's shamelessly open sinner means he
does not have any respect for Allah subhanaw taala. He didn't he
respect the laws of God, and he openly and publicly do those in
both cases. So we say one is worse, the matter of belief. You
intend a belief for eternity. But since you only do them
temporarily, so a fornicator, a young man whose girl sleeping with
women, and he's like, open about it, he's not going to do this one.
He's like, 70, I lost like he, you can't even do it. Right? You won't
be accepted by any women. But he's only doing it when he desires to
do it. He's not intending this for eternity, good deeds cannot be
done for eternity. So the sinner of his body is less bad than the
one who has a false belief who's very pious. Okay? In both cases,
though, you stay away from this, like somebody with a sickness of
sneezing without a tissue, you quarantine yourself from them, and
you quarantine them away from you is the same thing. Someone's
walking around with COVID. And he's like coughing everywhere.
Right? You're not keeping your cough to yourself. So we're gonna
stay away from you. All right.
John foreigner Yes, they are considered innovators. All of the
verses that praise the the the companions. On top of that, the
their belief in the infallible Imams, those two are the issues.
So it's not just that you reject a belief it's taking on and making
mandatory a belief that has no basis. Okay? So that's, that's
that's what a sect is. What's the difference between school of
thought and a sect? sects
deviate from explicit texts,
schools of thought or interpretations of speculative
texts, you have no problem with schools of thought. We just had a
verse of Tafseer here. And I said, you know, there's four different
interpretations. And at the end of it, after citing all these
interpretations from these major scholars, the author called it to
be he says, No, I don't, some of these are completely wrong. Right?
So interpretation has right and wrong,
explicit text, how you submit to it, or you're a heretic.
You see the difference? Right? So that's why it's very important.
When you look at the book.
You look at the text of Quran and Hadith, you ask yourself, is it an
explicit text or as an interpretive text is one that we
must submit to? Or is one that can have discussion and many texts?
You submit to Part and Part of it is discussion. Like what we will
see Allah on the Day of Judgment.
The believers will see God in paradise, that is explicit text,
no discussion?
How will we see him?
That's up for discussion. Right? And you better not make a mistake
on that. So don't discuss it better off. That's chef a said,
get involved in matters where someone can say you're right or
wrong. In other words, interpretation of the law. Don't
get involved in matters that if you make a mistake, someone says
you're a Catholic, you're a heretic, you're an innovator.
That was a different scene in a heretic. And an apostate or, or
the difference is that amongst the explicit text, there is the
explicit that is widespread. Muslims pray five times a day that
Muhammad is the last prophet God is one, no discussion on that you
reject one of those, you're out of Islam. I don't care if you call
yourself a Muslim, doesn't make a difference. You're out of Islam.
okay, the explicit text that is not
is not widespread. That's orthodoxy. You have to believe in
it. If you know it, once you know it, you must believe and if you
don't know it, you're excused.
But once you know it, once you learn of it, and you're
responsible to believe,
and if you reject it, then you become considered and avoids the
difference between an innovator and an apostate that's out of
Islam. The innovator is still a Muslim will get the rights of a
Muslim can enter Mecca can go to Medina will be buried with a
Muslim his marriage to a Muslim is sit valid, it's sinful for them to
marry them, but it's valid. nonetheless. You pray behind them,
you're sinful, but it wouldn't be valid.
If there would it was valid and they're so law is valid, but in
terms of the belief, they're innovators by belief, let's say
they make will do and taharah and Salah just like us fun, is valid
by your sinful for doing it. So you have to stay away from them
but they're Muslims. We believe that their spiritual punishment of
this is their good deeds are not accepted in front of Allah. They
will be go on the way to heaven and the Prophet peace be upon him
will say it will be told by an angel these people altered the
religion after you. The Prophet will say Go away, go away. Go
We're gonna be punished and hellfire, purified and then go to
Paradise after that. Okay.
Somebody said, Are you serious? Are you saying that we can fight
with the Shia against the Zionists?
Do you have a choice when you're invaded who you're fighting next
Right? The answer is yes. If your city is invaded, your country is
invaded. And your country consists of all colors of people, all sorts
of different theologies and beliefs and sects and what have
you. If we're in a country right now, they were in New Brunswick,
and we have all sorts of everybody's and the city is
Okay. Everyone has to go out and fight and you will fight side by
side, in cooperation with your fellow citizens regardless who
they are. Someone comes in wages war on the OMA of Islam,
Everyone who attributes themselves to this OMA, you will fight side
by side. What does he mean side by side meaning, Okay, listen, what
are you going to do? I'm going to get the front door, I'll get the
back door. So we could save ourselves. So you said, oh, wait a
second, you're heretic. Okay. No, no, no, I'm not going to fight a
fight with you. Well, let's coordinate so we can stop the
enemy. No, we're not coordinating. So we let's be destroyed, because
you're hurting. That's not how it works. No, you are obligated to
together, meaning with coordination, because that's the
only way to save your life. The first thing that should he has
come to preserve is life, even though Amen. Faith religion is, is
is almost more important. But you cannot have religion without being
alive. So life comes first, then comes religion. So when our life
is at stake, then if five different Islamic sects come out,
but we have here, the Zinus are about to destroy us and make our
kids starve and be killed. We're gonna say, All right, listen,
let's work together and figure this out to fight back this enemy.
in palace in Gaza, there's they don't have that I'm just saying
hypothetically, is hypothetical. But
the question now is,
do we call up a heretical group next door, and ask for their help?
That is up for those leaders of that country to decide that.
Right? They're the ones dying, not you and me here in New Jersey and
Michigan and other places, okay. For us to decide that, that's for
them to decide.
And we will support whatever they decide. So if they decide that our
situation is so dire, that we will call our most hated rival and
enemy who did so much damage to our neighbors and our friends.
I hold that was makes most sense that what Abu Hanifa said about
these decisions, he said the one suffering is the one who makes the
He was asked what at what degree of sickness, can I break my fast?
The ones suffering of that is the one who makes those decisions.
John Smith says, Why is it sinful to pray behind an innovator any
time it's valid, but sinful, valid but sinful, provided their their
will do and their prayer is performed correctly. any relation
with the innovator or the public sinner is sinful? Why? Because
it's as if it's a silent mark of approval, and you're increasing
their popularity.
You're increasing their popularity and their acceptance. So any kind
of good relations warm relations with the innovator in the public
center, we, the scholars have deemed it sinful and Imam Malik
said you should be harsh and distant from them cold and
distant. What?
You don't want them to go on living comfortably and happily
upon wrong, right. If your kid goes and he's gets all sorts of
bad grades from his report card on his report, do you have a great
day and wonderful day? No, it's got to be a difference so that you
could know that this is bad. I had a bad day the day I got these
grades so let me you know fix
us you in class or what?
With who?
Oh, you're on that gets good.
Be rough man says What should I do if I have a family member that
comes to me for help, but treat us all poorly? They curse us they
don't respect us. Okay, which makes us hate this person. But
then they still come to us for help.
Regularly out of necessity, I want to help but they want to control
me and make me do what they do.
Want without regard for my opinion? Well, the answer to that
is very simple.
You help them
but they do not have any rights over your behavior. What do you
want from me? A ride, okay, I'll give you a ride, but I want money,
or here we give you money, but
you can't. At that point. You don't let them control your
behavior. Why do I say you still help them because say no Buck was
a deal. His own cousin was living off of him. Abubaker used to give
him a stipend every month. And that cousin of his was part of the
group of people.
That that said terrible things about saying our Buckers daughter
Aisha and the wife of the messenger of allah sallallahu
alayhi wa salam. So he cut off the stipend. Allah revealed Quran he
says, Would you not like that Allah forgives you too. And the
Prophet said, keep giving him money. So we should help our
But they don't have a right to control our behavior. Okay.
John foreigner says, that's a bit confusing.
Valid Bas,
are what's confusing, valid but sinful, the concept of valid but
All right.
Here's an example.
Validity does not mean that Allah has accepted your prayer. It just
means that by the outward
that Allah has asked you, your body to do you did it.
Let's say for example,
a man is praying in his prayer, and with his eyes, not with his
talk with his eyes is reading a billboard or watching TV.
Right? You walk into prayer and the TV's on and you're praying so
much there's a TV on and the whole time maybe through a reflection or
something, you're actually watching TV. Okay, valid just does
not mean that Allah loves the act that loves your sincerity and your
action has accepted it, he has not, he may not give you any
reward. But he will not give you the punishment for your body not
doing it. Okay, and you and you are sinful for watching TV while
praying the whole time you're watching TV. So we say that your
body did what it was asked to do. That doesn't mean Allah has
rewarded you for it. That's the meaning of valid but sinful.
Is it like gambling to fund an Islamic school?
Or support or stealing to feed the poor?
It's not exactly like that valid, but sinful has to be in one act in
one action. Okay. Let's take for example, the month of fasting, the
month of fasting.
I fast my month Ramadan, I did not eat, drink or have sexual
Or emit any sexual fluid for the day. So the solid that it's valid,
but the whole day, I spent it watching illicit movies, cursing,
yelling, all that. So my behavior in the fast is sinful. But the
fast overall is valid.
Valid does not mean you'll be rewarded for it just means your
body fulfilled what you were asked. That's the meaning of valid
but sinful.
Add kidney, kidneys to say to Isha, was she involved in any
bloodshed? No, she wasn't involved. And she was not guilty
of anything. By the way, that battle of the cameras called the
Battle of the cameras more like the skirmish over the camera.
Because what happened was that certain people wanted to delay,
Sedna Ali's stability. They did want it to delay the stability of
the caliphate because they were the murderers. Okay, and they knew
they were the killers of Ottoman said Northman they knew that if
Satan Ali, once he stabilizes, he's gonna prosecute us. So what
does he want to do destabilize? So how did they destabilize him? They
were they're present in his camp. When Seda Isha came and tried to
stop him from moving his camp,
moving the capital from Medina to Kufa. In the middle of the night,
these men came and killed some on both sides to try to pit them
against each other. So they all woke up and found dead people on
both sides. They went and they had a fight.
And they fought. And there was death and killing. It was like a
very short battle. I shouldn't say it's more of a skirmish, but it
wasn't like a battle like hundreds of 1000s or 10s of 1000s or even
1000s Dead or even hundreds dead. It wasn't like that. So but we've
said no, she was not guilty of that at all.
niqab in them
Maliki school Bidda?
Shirou says med Doom to higher while I'm Yeah,
I am good to my mother wa as long as I'm alive. Correct. That's the
as long as I'm alive in other words as long as it's possible
there can there be goodness to the mother after death? Of course. So
withdraw. That's your goodness to your mom after death after her
Emerald we answered that it's a bit you know, it's a bit.
niqab is not?
It's considered a little in the medical school extremism. There
are some books, though, that said that if a woman is going to go out
in front of men who are wicked, fess up, they said that's
obligated for her to cover her face. Not because she's covering
her outta because it's not outer, but big to protect yourself from
those men. And Allah knows best. But that is definitely for sure
they did say that.
A woman should do that if the people outside will look at her
and not respect her. But it's not part of our
tambem in the medical school only has the precondition of using
anything that are the obligations use anything that rises from the
earth. Tap once and then rub your hands and your face. That's it.
The other parts of it are some
best Tafseer to read
in English go to me but it's only Bacara am Ron translated?
Film Jen, why is Islam the truth? It's the only preserved religion.
As for the Bible and the Torah you don't it's not preserved in the
way that the Quran is you don't know. Actually we do know they
admitted alteration. Jews and Christians admit to alterations of
their texts. So how can I follow something that's been altered?
That's the first thing so not only is it the true religion is the
only religion that stands up historically, that you know, this
is what the prophet taught.
Secondly, the proofs of Islam, the indicators of its truth come in
many ways. Number one, your own personal and inquiry about it
number and your own perception of the Prophet when you read his
biography, that this is a man of truth, and a prophet. That's to
yourself, it's hard to convince someone else with that, but
that's yourself. Secondly, it nothing none of the doctrines of
Islam require you to believe in a contradiction. In other words, the
mind, reason and Tawheed the description of God, right, there
are no contradictions there.
It can be argued, rationally. Thirdly, the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam and the Quran have given you many prophecies of
the future. So that you should know that the Prophet and the
Quran are true. And you can read about these easily anywhere
online. It's very public information. Okay.
Number four, anecdotally look at the life of muscles and look at
Islam in the world. Despite all of the bad things that have happened
to religion and spirituality in the past century, that has
decimated almost every traditional culture, and religion, Islam is
all these things in the heartland of the
lands of modernity, England and America through this and its
people are continuing. Anecdotally, when you look around,
the modern trends have decimated populations. And we're going to
see the next great problem crisis in the world is probably going to
the decrease the descent of the population, every continent,
except for I think it's what Africa and parts of South America.
So, that's one of the signs because one of the sides of, of
the purposes of religion is to protect the human being. So it's,
these basic laws are what are actually protecting our
population. So anecdotally, this religion works. Its youth who
embrace it, retain piety stay off of intoxicants Mary. Okay,
probably far less suicide and depression. So anecdotally, when
just look at what your eyes seeing
Islam is increasing in England, it's increasing everywhere in the
world. And it's being suppressed.
It wouldn't have be suppressed in other nations. If it wasn't
something that was a force. It's suppressed in Egypt, Syria, all
these plays very hard hype very seriously suppressed.
Good. You don't see European countries trying to suppress
Christians. They're not worried about Christians is not a religion
that has teeth.
That's going to change the world that's going to change the way we
live. I mean, there's this guy. What's his name?
Charlie Kirk.
Right. Charlie Kirk says, Christian nationalism is the way
Didn't you guys rule
and have no competing religion? For 250 300 years in America?
200 years you have no competition. You failed.
So how are you the solution when you had 200 years, and you failed?
I mean, sadoun Rosa,
has another question here. Got more questions. We'll take
a couple more questions.
What is Hulu, Hulu, with a w at the end of Hulu, extremism, we're
a religion that's very cautious of extremism. extremism is the trick
of the devil. If he can't stop you, he pushes you off the cliff.
Right? When you can't stop somebody from going. The only
other way to destroy them is to push them harder.
Our religion is extremely cautious about extremism. And Imam Malik
was very cautious about extremism. He lived with the early generation
of Muslims. And he saw that they didn't like the extremes.
He didn't like huge beards. This is extremism. More than you don't
need more than than this much. If you can grab it cut from under
Why do I say the beard? Because it's the most apparent thing.
Right? And it's also a hallmark of extremes.
It's a hallmark of something this is extreme anymore, Long Beard all
the way down to your knees, all the way down to your belly button.
Why? What is the point of all this? What do you think you're
attaining by this?
If no matter was a companion, no one followed the prophets example
more than him and he's the one who used to grab his beard and cut
from under there. No more than that.
Good. That's just an example. But there's extremism and everything
in manners. There's extremism. Right? There's access in
everything. You're being polite, being vendor of a vendor
veneration has extremism, right. So should be no extremes. And how
do you know the extremes by living with moderate scholars?
Meeting monitors God's asking, looking at the moderation looking
at the pious people and their behavior.
What do you recommend Hanafy for the Hanafi school books a fifth I
don't know how to have knowledge of the Hanafi school to be honest
with you, but we can ask from the other people that we know here in
Safina society, the books and the best books that are
that are out there and the Hanafi school
does everything in life happened for a reason? Everything in life
happens for a reason. Okay.
And sometimes though, the reason is not known till later, so you
just have to wait. Sometimes. Sometimes the reason is not known.
Okay. Emerald said my friend brought me up as a gift. And after
I started wearing it last year, she hasn't given it to me yet. So
we live far away. What should I say to her?
Take it you never know you might go to Yemen someday and you have
to wear it just to be respectful of their Fick. In Yemen. They wear
the niqab.
Their chef as the chef is believing nicop I'd say say
Believe in the club, but we say rule that niqab is obligatory and
we also believe in something called
Murata if being courteous regarding difference of opinion.
So we don't hold niqab to be funded in the Maliki school. But
if we're going to place like Teddy Yemen, where every woman is
wearing niqab, we would wear it to respect their ways and not disrupt
their culture.
Same thing you go to a masjid in Pakistan, we don't have to wear a
coffee but you may confuse their people like that. So just wear it
to be like to respect their ways of doing things it does not mean
Now that
you're not you don't believe what you believe, but you're being
Emerald says, Can a woman do a student exchange program and study
abroad without a Muharram? The answer is no. She should have.
What is the status of Ibn Abdul Jabbar? Not everything he says in
the Maliki school is the final say in the Maliki school.
Of course, he's one of the early scholars, but the early scholars
the note one thing to note about the schools of thought the early
scholars were still discussing many things, and it hadn't settled
upon what is the final correct answer that is most consistent
across the board. That comes later. What is it about Taha I've
been assured his tafsir is considered one of the best ever
but there are some things in it that are rejected
someone put it another way, said Islam is suppressed because
Muslims are bad for business because they don't take part in
dooba and hedonistic prep practices yet but that part of
it's true
aren't Egypt and Syria mostly Muslim? Yeah, but they suppress
Islam there in those countries you can't have we couldn't do this.
In the Emirates we couldn't do this in Saudi we couldn't do this.
They shut you down. can do this stuff. Can't have a Holika can't
open an organization can't do stuff like that.
Can I combine prayer before traveling?
Where should I look when praying according to the Maliki method,
either straight or down but straight is more
mature how well Moscow straight
is it not harsh to say it's a lulu 100 he's ever position. positive
opinion of niqab? Well, soda chef is no we're saying in the
Medicube. An imam Malik's understanding he calls it a lulu.
Well, they also say things are haram.
crab and lobster. Right?
What's the Maliki opinion on dance and music? Music The drum in
weddings is Hello.
Can't remember reading exactly what they said. Ladies and
gentlemen, we got to go. Does that come along later on.
Subhanak Allahu molby Hubdoc Nisha.
Illa illa Anta nest of Fira quality with a colossal Denon in
Santa Fe Occulus
Illa de Nam Ramona saga toward Ottawa sobelle headquarters soba
suburb quick question Khadija Omar says
when good news come with a prophet who would fall down to do Sajida
what's the edge of of doing this?
We don't have in the Maliki Smith hub to Judas Shaka but it's to
rockers to pray to rockers but but we don't have to do the sugar so I
don't know about what the other methods say but you do have to
have will do when you do that. So keep that in mind if you do that.
All right, ladies and gentlemen just come Lokeren was set up
Monday come Warahmatullah Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.