Shadee Elmasry – Shadee’s Hikam Ibn Atta Part II
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The speaker is teaching the concept of the Heckum of Ivanova, a movement that is important to the Book Club. They discuss the difficulty in choosing which book to buy based on the Heckum of F prep levels country, and mention that the Heckum of Ivanova is a short and easy concept to learn.
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In this, I'm teaching the heckum of Ivanova. In part two, we
already did part one. And now I'll be doing part two of the heckum of
event I thought the heck of a movement I thought is one of the
most important books I would say. And it's all of Islamic
scholarship, particularly the subject matter of two. So if you
have to if you had to choose to works for to sell with you pretty
much, I would believe that the vast majority of scholars would
choose to hear Aloma Dean
and Hickam, even author, I love this country. Those are the two
books that I if you had to pick two books, you'd pick those two
books. And really, it's one and one a right. It's really very hard
to choose which one you would rather have because the Hickam
although it's shorter, you can extrapolate so much from the
Hickam of Fibonacci levels country. So those are my two
classes. And let's now