Shadee Elmasry – NBF 6 Blessed Death…Amazinf Stories

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The importance of belief in life after death and the natural and synthetic nature of everything comes after death is emphasized. The afterlife is seen as a source of income and is a sad and rewarding experience for those who die. The Jteen era is a digital IQ era and is a reward for the afterlife. It is essential to be mindful of one's DUA and prayed for a year to get a chance to receive reward for it. The afterlife is seen as a source of income and is a sad and rewarding experience for those who die.
AI: Transcript ©
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She saw her daughter in a dream, being punished, being tortured in

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a pit of darkness. And finally, she was so upset. She wanted

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to medically non medical

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and make dropper he would do

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in milady.

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There we go. What I want to talk to you today about is this book.

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Everyone's got this, you got to get this book, it says one of the

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best books you're ever going to get, I'm telling you, because it's

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all about life after the know, the most important thing after belief.

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And Alana is messengers, it's you got to believe in life after

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death, right? Because that's essentially what most people,

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the reason we do things or not do things is because of belief in

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life after death. And that's so important, it's so important to

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have this Amen, that we're going to meet a lot afterwards, after

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you believe in that a lot of tensions they go away a lot of

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concerns, a lot of nervousness, it all goes away. Once a person stops

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believing in life, or starts believing and remembering. And

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it's a thicker, this is not natural, it's not a natural thing

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to think about. So it has to be done on purpose. It's got to be

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sort of manufactured within you. There are a lot of things about

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life that are not natural, I mean, love of Allah and His messenger. I

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think that love of Allah subhanaw taala, there's something natural

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about it, you know that this universe has a maker, you look at

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everything in the world, divided into two categories. natural and

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synthetic, of course, everything is the creation of Allah. But when

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we look at things, everything in the world is either natural, or

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it's synthetic. So this iPad, for example, is synthetic. It's it's

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made by a person by human beings. And then you have look at the

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trees behind me it's natural, natural things are always more

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superior than synthetic things. Number one, okay, they reproduce,

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they reproduce themselves, synthetic things don't reproduce

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themselves, you buy an iPad, then Apple is going to, you know, start

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put out another iPad, you got to get that the whole technology goes

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is out, you're going to be getting something completely different in

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10 years, right? The cars, you get a car, it starts devaluating.

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Right away, you get a horse, though, well, you need two horses,

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they're gonna reproduce, right? So not the natural things they

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produce themselves, they reproduce, okay? natural things

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are free.

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Allah doesn't charge you for the sun, because he has no need

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synthetic things, manmade, things always come at a price because

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human beings are weak. That's why natural man made things, they have

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a price because we need money, right? We need wealth, etc.

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The things of nature, Allah doesn't need anything from us, he

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just given it to us for free. Alright, Allah is more loving. And

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the idea of Allah, the being a slave to Allah, we receive His

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benefits, we profit from him, he doesn't profit from us. But human

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beings, we profit from each other. Right? If you can't buy it,

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they're not making it for you. And if you can't pay for it, they're

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not selling it to you. All right, natural things are all

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interconnected. Whereas synthetic things are not. And that's how we

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know the maker of this world is one, because the atmosphere

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connects with the hydrosphere. Right? It evaporates water from

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the ocean, that water goes up gets purified in the atmosphere, it

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goes up saltwater, it comes down natural pure water that you could

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drink if not for acid rain, right? But it's something that is all

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connected, it comes down into the soil, and in that soil. Right? It

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it benefits the soil, right? He could have gotten the soil could

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be something that doesn't benefit from water, right? Like, a lot of

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materials don't benefit from water, but Allah made the earth

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covered it with soil that benefits from water. Number one, it

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purifies water, and number two things can grow. And it can be a

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home for things. And that's the Geosphere the rocks and the soil.

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And then who benefits from that the biosphere, the deers, the

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chickens, the human beings we eat from these things, right? So

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everything is connected. And that's how we know the maker of

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this world. Number one, because nature is superior to manmade

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things, and synthetically made things we know that the maker of

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this world must be superior in all of his attributes, then the maker

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of synthetic things in the same way that you would never believe

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that a chicken can make an iPad, or that a rock, right could make a

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dam, a beavers dam or that a tree can make a nest because they don't

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have the ability. Likewise, we don't have the ability to make

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nature to create nature. So the creator of nature must be greater,

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right? In all of his attributes than the creator of synthetic

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things. Furthermore, the creator of nature must be only one because

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everything's interconnected. Even far out the sun and the moon and

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everything else is all interconnected. So belief in Allah

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to Allah

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You can sort of say just by fitrah, we can accept, we know

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that we have a maker, and there's compassion in the creation, right?

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Just by thinking about it, you will know that there's compassion,

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everything's free. Everything comes back to life, everything

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heals. That's the sign of love of creation of the creator for His

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creation, okay, things heal, things come back to life, things

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are beautiful, things are free, things are warm. Alright, so we

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have all that love of the prophets, a little a Salam is

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something that is not a natural thing that you would just think

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of, it has to be something that is transmitted to you, then you

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believe it. And then you do something to earn it, that Allah

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creates it inside of your heart. In the same vein, thought of life

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after death, which is what this book is about, I highly recommend

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that everyone gets this, okay? That it's all about life in the

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grave, not the afterlife, just life in the grave. Okay, he's got

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to go to the great first before we go to the afterlife, that the idea

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that we think about the afterlife, is something that it's not natural

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to us, we have to actually imbibe it within us. And physically, we

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have to try to do it. In the same way that growing muscles is not

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something natural, right. And growing, a stomach is natural,

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because you love to eat, you're gonna get fat, right? But growing

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muscles and being physically fit is unnatural. growing hair is

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natural cleaning your hair is on that means it's something that has

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to be taught. Right. And we have to be taught this. And the author

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of this book, he is impetus of writing it His name is

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he actually doesn't put his name on it. He translated his name is

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Matthew Locke, his name is not on the cover out of his humility. But

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his name is Matthew Locke, he puts his the his name in the inside

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cover, not on the outside cover. But

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what happened was that he lost his mother in law. And as a result,

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the whole family was really just thinking about death. And he came

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upon this book. And this happens to all of us, all of us. Right, at

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some point or another, you're going to lose a loved one. In the

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last podcast, I talked about how I lost, I've only lost one person

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close to me in my whole life. Like, of course, I lost my wife's

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grandparents who I knew and loved. But you know, they're great. And

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they're actually great grandparents, right? Or

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grandparents sorry, but someone who I lived with intimately, I

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only lost one. And many of you probably have lost love Have I

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lost one, which is my best friend. And that happened when I was 19.

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He was 20. Okay, and he drowns in Italy doing a semester abroad.

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And when you think about death, when you experience the death of a

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movement will lie, this is the best reminder, it is the most

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amazing experience. And honestly, it's an amazing experience. To me,

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I never viewed it as a dark negative thing. Right? I probably

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would have viewed it such if there was a Trail of Tears such as

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dependents, right? When, when admit when a mom or dad dies, it's

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really because you think of the kids, and they gotta go through

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life and they're not going to have their, their mom there at the

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wedding. They're not gonna have their dad, they're at their

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wedding, etc. But Allah takes care of them and the community takes

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care of them, or Allah uses the community take care of them. But

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when you think about when, when there are no dependents, let's say

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an elderly person dies. That experience of witnessing those

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deaths, it's to me, it's one of the most Imen boosting students

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because we read about the afterlife all the time. And when

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you think that someone that you know, that you lived with, just

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went there,

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their soul came out of their body, we don't know what that means. And

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it's a scary thing. If I was to pin you down right now and say,

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Listen, I'm gonna about to I'm going to take a tooth out of your

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body, a tooth. What does he mean? Because Edie and the alchemy of

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happiness say about pain. He says that pain, it only occurs where

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the body is connected to the soul. So that's why you can cut your

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hair and your nails and you don't feel pain because it's not

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connected to the soul. So you only feel pain insofar as the body is

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connected to the soul. Okay? When we talk about this, imagine now

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the soul itself coming out. And then because it says nobody talks

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about that pain, because they're in so much pain that they can't

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talk, they can't even open their mouth. And yet for the movement

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for the believer, it's like just plucking a flower or plucking a

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grape. Right? It's scary. Because someone's about to take your whole

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soul out not something out of your body, your entire soul out. So

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it's a scary idea. And everyone who's about to die and sees the

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American motes coming is scared the prophesy centum said in an

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emoji soccer rot. Even the prophets I send him is saying that

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he experienced this nervousness at the soul being taken out suck

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rotten, moats is the scary part of death. But for the moment, the

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soul comes out very lightly. Right. And in fact, they may see

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images that are so beautiful

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that they it's almost like it's almost like an anesthesia.

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And they start looking forward to the world they're going to and go

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ask your grandparents and see what they say. And all of you, okay.

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About people who died, the righteous people who died, they

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always tell you that they're seeing things. Okay? They always

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say, in England, I was there, there was a Bengali woman. And she

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was very old. She was dying. Her grandson was there at the deathbed

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of buy her house, a hospital bed.

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And he was reciting to her yes scene. And then after they

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finished the scene, she started saying that, you know, Allah,

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Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. She sat up,

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and she was saying, Leila Illallah with such strength, although she

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was on her deathbed that mean she was really weak. But at that

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moment, she got up and she was saying, learning to handle Allah,

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Allah, Allah, Allah and she was staring around the hospital bed.

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And some of these people have said that we saw that the roof of the

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building that they were in, comes off. And they were just looking

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up, right, we see a roof. They were seeing something told they

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were seeing the vibe, what is relayed to us, they were seeing

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it, okay. And she started fervently saying, over and over,

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and over and over, alright, with such strength. And then she said,

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Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and she laid

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down. And he was like, subhanAllah, she just had this

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burst of energy. And then he was distracted. He was like, telling

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his family that she had this burst of energy. And then suddenly, he

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looked and she had passed away.

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So Allah Insha Allah, He never shocks in movement. And in as far

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as we treat Allah subhanaw taala. With with sincerity in this world,

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we're going to see that reward when we die at the moment of

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death. And it becomes, as the prophets I said, have said, the

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greatest moment of our existence. That's why that podcast is called

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the ultimate experience. It's the becomes the greatest moment of

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your existence, is the moment when all of the loss that you put in

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this world,

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the you get a feedback, you get paid back for that, you get the

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reward of that. And Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, how did God send

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the lesson? Someone who's sincere, isn't his reward. Going to be

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someone who gives goodness? Isn't his reward goodness, and how do we

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treat Allah, we treat Allah by our opinion of him. Number one, our

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constant prayer to Him. Many people they they look for, you

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know, sheets and stuff to do a lot of vicar for their Eman to go up.

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I'll tell you what's going to take your Eman up is

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there is nothing like da and the generosity of dua that you say

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that there. We all know that there are three possible responses to

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the DUA. Either Allah gives us what we asked for, or he takes

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that DUA and you forgive some sins,

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or he gives us something in the ACA as a compensation for it,

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right? Now, guess what, here's the beauty of it. Anytime that your

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mind tells you, Oh, I might get this might not get this. Go back

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to your mind and tell yourself Allah is generous. Listen to this.

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If you have sins, then the first portion of your DUA

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if you're doing it gets answered and you make dua 100 times

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you get your DUA answered, that just counts as one dua answered,

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the other 99 Do is okay that you made half of them, they will all

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go to purify your sins. And if your sins are all cleaned, then

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they become reward for you on the afterlife. So what do you get all

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three? So don't ever think that when they say that da,

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you're gonna get one of three things? No, you can get all three

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or two. Okay? Or just one? Right? But you could possibly get all

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three. If Allah answers that da, and you prayed for a year, he

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didn't answer a year of Da he entered the one da all the rest of

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those da go to cleansing your sins, and to elevating your rank

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and to extra compensation in the afterlife. I'm telling you our way

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in this the Jelic era. We're in a digital IQ era. And what is the

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Jelic? ruffler heedlessness of Allah and of the afterlife? And

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what is Allah we say God and the Last Day all the time.

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That's anything that distracts you from Allah and from the ACA.

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It's the darkness. Right? And it's so important to realize that the

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judge shaitan and not worried about the one who shouts loudest

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for Islam or against down with the dijet he doesn't. That's not what

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he worries about what he worries about is the one who prays and he

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makes dua.

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Alright, and he observes the shear, even if he's silent or even

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if he's muted or even if he has no ability, no capacity and 99.9% of

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them have no capacity to say anything about this digit.

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Like world, they're not in the position to do that. They wouldn't

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even know how to what the job. What is his kryptonite? And what

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is IBLEES his kryptonite is the man that's in your heart. Right?

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Which is not to say that we shouldn't always be forbidding

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wrong and commanding right? We should always be doing that. But

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the real crux of of the light of iman it comes when you make dua,

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when you pray, there's an amazing story about Medicube and dinar.

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Way back in bustled a long time ago, a third generation Muslim,

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that means his teacher studied under this hobby, who was his

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teacher has an animosity. Who was raised in the house of Ole Miss

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element, wait for the prophets I send them has an investment his

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mom was a servant. She used to work do chores for OMA Selma,

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okay, when she had a baby, and she needed to work, she was a poor

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woman. So the wife of the Prophet on the Selma said, Give me the

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baby, I'll take the baby. All I'll raise the baby at night you pick

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them up so she basically offered herself for babysitting

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essentially for for this baby. And that baby became fascinated about

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so you No wonder he became Hudson University. when the wife of the

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Prophet OMA sedima basically is his his caretaker right to

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kindergarten and pre K, in the household of OMA settlement. When

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he grew up, she sent him off to be around saying that he even ever

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thought him and Hassan and Hussein and Mohammed bin Hanafi and those

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Sahaba that were in Kufa, he never met the Prophet. Well, his

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was Malik Ibn dinar. Now Malik Ibn dinars, something special about

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for all of his youth, was a complete sinner. He was he was he

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was a cop for the for the Omega dynasty. And he was a drinker. He

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used to drink. No woman would marry him. No family, the fathers

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when he would go propose for marriage, they all rejected him.

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He when it came time for him to marry, he, the only person he

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could marry was a prostitute. And he married her, and she stopped

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being a prostitute and they got married, okay. His daughter died,

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he had a famous story. He made his he turned his life around and he

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became a disciple of hustling and bustling.

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When this happened, what he ended up doing is that he had a

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neighbor. He became the Imam. After hustle and bustle he died.

00:17:25 --> 00:17:29

The neighbor came to complain to him, and said to him, My daughter

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has died. Now this daughter was very unique. This the neighbor of

00:17:34 --> 00:17:38

Hudson Buffy her daughter, was set to be the prettiest woman in all

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of busta, the prettiest woman and all of us. Alright,

00:17:44 --> 00:17:50

she died. She was not a good person. She used to misuse the

00:17:50 --> 00:17:54

gifts of beauty that Allah gave her. So when her mother buried

00:17:54 --> 00:17:59

her, or after the burial, she saw her daughter in a dream and this

00:17:59 --> 00:18:02

is very common. It's very common, you're gonna see people in dreams.

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Okay, I hope the battery doesn't die because I love this topic. My

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phone battery's about to die, unfortunately.

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But we'll go until it does.

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She saw her daughter in a dream being punished. Right? being

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punished being tortured in a pit of darkness and fire. She was so

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upset. She went to Hudson and bustani automatically been denied

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Medicaid and did not said go and pray to hedge it every night and

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make the offer. So the mother did that.

00:18:31 --> 00:18:34

A few nights later, manic Eamon de nada sees the dream because

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sometimes you can see dreams for other people. He saw a castle in

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paradise. That was his. He knew in his heart that it is

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she goes in and he looks inside. And he finds that girl wearing a

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crown of gold and sitting on a throne. And he said what happened?

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We saw you in a pit of fire. She said a man came to the graveyard.

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And he recited 1000 Subtle warts on the messenger peace be upon

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him. And he said, Oh Allah distribute this reward of this to

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anyone who needs it in the graveyard. And he left

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and she said that it fell onto my grave. So in other words, the the

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cause her forgiveness. It caused this man to come in and bring this

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light and put out

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the punishment that she was facing, because that's what God

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does. And when the prophesy centum said nothing will benefit you

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except a good child. Because the word well it's in Arabic could be

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the boy or the girl. A good child that prays for him. It's it's he

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said, a good child that prays for him. That's what benefits you in

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the afterlife. Because mostly in most cases, that's who prays for

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for people, their children, but it means anybody who prays for them.

00:19:52 --> 00:19:55

This man he had basically made a deal out for them and sent this

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reward of satellites on the prophets. I said them and he said

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that it removed all

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I have the punishment. And Allah to Allah has elevated me because I

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died as a Muslim

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into Paradise, he went and he told the mother, right? Just goes to

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show you that when someone dies, oftentimes, there's still a

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connection and we could still get news from them. Every time someone

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dies, I guarantee you usually one or two nights, the loved ones get

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to see their state.

00:20:23 --> 00:20:28

Right? Usually, especially if it's a good state. All right. So

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because this battery is going to die, let's see if we can open this

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iPad and see if they're, I don't know if I can actually access from

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the Instagram from the iPad, to see what's going on here and to

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see if I can answer some of your comments or questions.

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I can't wait one the day that I have an actual tech person to do

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all this stuff. Right? It would be wonderful.

00:20:57 --> 00:21:00

Anyway, let me just look here and see if you guys have anything that

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you want to say or talk about

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