Shadee Elmasry – Mentioning Allah’s Name in Front of Those Who Would Disrespect It

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the issue of curse idols and how they should not be mentioned in response to negative reactions. They suggest giving examples of people being angry and advising them not to directly mention them in response to the negative reaction. They also mention a ruling on reciting aloud in the presence of someone who is extremely angry, which could lead to dangerous behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah ordered him to live off reciting aloud. To close off the

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means said to Vidya is closing off a means to something. Okay, so

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Allah commanded him to leave off reciting aloud the said then live

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video so that he could close off this means what means the means of

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them, hearing it and then cursing the kemenah and subblocks Naomi,

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the Velyka just as Allah subhanaw taala forbade the cursing of

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idols. Now, do we not curse idols out of respect? Do we not curse

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idols out of tolerance? Nope. Right they're cursed by

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themselves. Rather, we don't curse their idols. Okay. Not out of any

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respect for idols, right? But rather well let so Bula denatured

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on them in doing Allah fair sabula at Wembley Aveda, don't curse

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their idols so that they don't curse Allah because you're cursing

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of the idols is one thing, but they curse they're cursing Allah

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is real. Okay, it has real consequences, and sort of that

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anime. So just for the same reason that you wouldn't curse their god,

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it just so that they they don't hear, hear that and then curse

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Allah subhanho wa Taala and get that punishment. So likewise, you

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should not curse. You should not recite Quran aloud in the presence

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of someone who's going to have this kind of negative reaction, so

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that he doesn't have his reaction because the consequences are real.

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So likewise, given to give an example, we have a ruling, that if

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you ask someone to say something, or you bring up a subject related

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to the dean in front of someone who is extremely angry, like

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abnormally angry, that this is actually bad, because that type of

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person when he's extremely, it's actually hot off. Okay, from the

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head of Melissa. And this is one of them that he is so angry that

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he might actually end up cursing the Dean back.

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So for that reason, a person shouldn't make mention of Dean in

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front of someone who, you know, there's a very high likelihood or

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that he's done it in the past that he would say something in response

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back, that would be extremely bad. Okay, now let's continue

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