Shadee Elmasry – Halas Fiqh for kids

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a student's success in scholarship classes and emphasizes the use of Google quizzes and a recommendation for parents to review materials. They recommend the beginner class for children who haven't taken it before and provide notes for those who do so. The speaker advises parents to review certain topics for their children and suggests starting with the topic and filling gaps in their child's knowledge.
AI: Transcript ©
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Presentation for Thank you for waiting so long. All right is how

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the amateur so sisterhood Ahmed has been. She's actually one of

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the best students in the scholarship track classes. I think

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that basically, of all of her exams are like 99%. And then if

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it's 99%, I'm gonna get an email of how did that 1% happen. So I

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realize mashallah, this student is so strong, and so the students

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should be teaching. And now 100, after a couple of years of taking

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classes at the scholarship level, now she's teaching fifth for kids,

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and she does a very good job at it, and very thorough job at it.

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And when, when your kids take class with

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take the fifth class with her, you'll see that they do a very

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good job. She's thorough, and like FNN f&m learned, basically,

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because we're all trying to learn how to get to the student, we're

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competing, we're competing against video games, we're competing

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against a lot of things here, right? So we have to tweak our

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game all the time, so to speak, and see how we can get to students

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now has done this as well. And she's going to talk about how she

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does this class. But her review session is all through Kahoot

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quizzes, which I think the kids really get riled up on and get

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excited by so F net, how to take it away, all right.

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My God, all right, everybody see me?

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Alright, Bismillah R Rahman R. So I'm basically, you know, welcome

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to pick for kids and insha, Allah, what we're going to be doing is

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we're going to divide the classes into two groups. Some kids have

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taken part one with me before, so it will be an intro class. And

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basically, we're going to be covering, it's very heavily

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focused on salah and the Auto, and the advanced class is going to be

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some of the other subjects that we're going to go over in a

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second. Each class is going to be divided into a live session, which

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is going to be about 30 minutes, we're going to have a Kahoot

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interactive game, which the kids have responded really well to, I

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think it keeps them competitive. And they review the material just

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so that you know, they can be in the top five. And then of course,

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the Google Classroom. Occasionally I like to do quizzes. I do like to

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do kind of like an open book exam. One of the things that we do in

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the class is we usually go based on Shelley's book, and I don't

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know if it's going to be available in time for the class, but if not,

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I'll be providing the kids with notes each week so that they can

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review and go over it with their parents as well inshallah.

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Alright, so for the beginner class, what we do is we go over

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what is FIP, just kind of give them an example of an a little bit

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of an understanding of what that means. And I think it's important

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to kind of just define it a little bit for them, because it sounds

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like a fancy word. You don't always know what exactly is this?

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Foundations of faith. So we do go over heads to brain. And we do

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Eman, Islam and xn. And go to give a little bit of an overview with

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that. Then we go over the six pillars of Amen And what exactly

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it is that we believe as Muslims, and what we're required to

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believe. We have the five pillars of Islam, of course, the

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conditions of fig leaf, or accountability, the philosophical

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hudec. And the fifth pillar, which is actually a big bulk of the

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class, and it's probably the most important topic that we go over.

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There's a lot of detail and filth of Scylla because we do go over

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things like jamaa Janaza prayer, the conditions for each, and

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there's a heavy emphasis on things that are obligations, things that

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are Nullifiers, things that are sewn in how to correct ourselves

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in certain situations.

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The advanced class is going to review all of that, and we'll

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probably do that primarily through Google. It's one of the things I

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like to do is I kind of included in the games, they review these

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topics, and it kind of keeps them sharp. And if there's something

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one of the things I also do is when you if you've ever seen that

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when you play the game,

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you when you when you get an answer wrong, you see like okay,

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all the different options, and I try to explain why this is the

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wrong answer why this is the correct answer. So while I'm I'm

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actually going through the game, I provide commentary. So we go

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through and then we move on to the next question. And then we're

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going to be doing new topics as well. So we're going to be doing

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in the next section that's going to be filled with fasting, aka tip

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of hash filter food and manners of Amazon. Now if your children have

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never taken

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formally before, I would recommend starting off with the part one

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because one of the things I didn't notice in my last class is even

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A lot of children have gone to Islamic schools, they there were

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gaps in some of you know their understandings. And it was good to

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have an opportunity to elaborate a little bit more on it.

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So I definitely recommend if you haven't taken it if their children

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haven't taken it before to do that, if you have older children

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who would be interested in sitting in and just kind of listening,

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this is a great review. I mean, honestly, I recommend for

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everyone, every couple of years, everyone should review, because

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it's one of those things where there's always little things that

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slipped through the cracks, and you kind of forget about them.

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But I definitely think the only downside for older kids listening

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in is that this is a PG version of. So there are topics of puberty

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and loss and things like that, that I don't go over. But if you

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let me know, if there are older kids who, you know, are just

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following along with us, I might be able to provide maybe a little

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bit of notes or anything for some of the topics that we brought with

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that we, you know, glance over.

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But I do think it's important that you know, kids, you know, I know,

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it's like a dry topic. It's not necessarily the most fun for kids.

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But it's really, really important. And again, it's one of those

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things where we build,

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we start off one year, we're, you know, doing these subjects they

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might forget and remember 50% of it. And then the next time they

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take it, they remember a little bit more, and the next time a

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little bit more. So I mean, that's the kind of the methodology that

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we're implementing. And in the meantime, we want to have them

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have a positive

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interaction with the topic in the class. All right, so if you have

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any questions, please, please feel free to email me. If you have

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specific questions. During the class. If your parents and you

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want more information, and you feel like you don't understand

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something, or you want to review something with your children, and

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you're struggling, you know, just please reach out like this is a

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joint effort, I highly recommend that the parents, you know, keep

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on top of what their kids are learning. Sometimes it's good

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review for the parents even so

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if you have any questions again, please reach out to me. And I

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think that is it for my end.

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Thank you very much. And this class, mashallah, I've seen

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students and heard back from parents who benefit a lot from the

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thorough review that occurs every week. That's the most important

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part. And I think like the most important other important part

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that you mentioned is gapps. Many people have come to me, Oh, I

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don't want to take we'll do it again. And I have some students

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who are famous for this. I can't believe we have to study we'll do

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it again. And I'm ready. Okay, well, name me everything that

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breaks will do. And they can't do it. Right, or, namely, the

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obligations versus the Sunnah. And they can't do it. So very much

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like to tweet, people think that they're only learning to tweet

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when they're reciting. Yeah, realizing it's when they're

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listening. Same thing with fic, there are gaps in everyone's gaps.

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And I definitely noticed that like, there are even, you know,

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adults who, who don't know anything about such as the

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distaff, or, like, that's important, or, you know, they'll

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think you can make a deal with pool water or, you know, something

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like that, you know, there'll be something simple, but it's one of

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those things where like, these are such, especially the hot out and

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solid, like, so, so, so important, because it's like our daily lives,

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like five times a day, this is like, your Salah counting. So I

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think it's really important that like we review, especially for

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football, like every so often. And again, if the parents have any

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questions about something that I'm teaching, or they want, like

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further elaboration on something, I'm happy to, you know, to provide

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it. And again, I know, like, there have been a number of parents who

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have reached out about older kids, and my oldest son is 14. And he

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sits in sometimes and he listens in and I know that there are

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things that are missing, and I fill in those gaps myself, but

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it's still the majority of the information is something that any

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age can benefit from, and I look at the first students that took

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his class last semester, they would be able to basically will

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take the advanced class. So if you've taken either with myself or

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or brother Ali, or I believe Sister, you are also taught it

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last semester. So taking classes with any of us in sha Allah, I

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would recommend taking the advanced class. If you haven't,

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then I would really recommend starting off with from the very

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beginning again, it's going to be reviewed, but there will be gaps.

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I almost get like all the almost all the kids in my last class had

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gone to Islamic school, and I still noticed that there were gaps

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in in what they knew. So definitely recommend that

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inshallah. All right, thank you very much.

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I can say Allah and that basically

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