Shadee Elmasry – Connection Between Truth and Tranquillity
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The speaker discusses how people feel liability in their worship and how they use math equations to test their writing. They encourage people to stay committed to their worship and not give up, as they believe it is important to stay true.
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Every religious person will tell you and will swear up and down
that they feel such a tranquility with their worship. So how do we
make sense of this? Well, one of the reasons is internal
consistency. Imagine I teach you some math equations, and I test
you, you go to the exam, and you answer them exactly as I taught
you, you come back and the exam, you get an F, but when you left
the exam, and you answer them exactly the way I taught you, how
do you feel you feel great, lo and behold, you get a rude awakening
that I taught you all wrong, but between me and you, you are
consistent. You feel that you did the right thing. So the feeling of
doing the right thing according to what you believe is a source of
tranquility. Sometimes you hear something from somebody who is not
on the truth, yet they say, the sense of tranquility, I feel it.
And you notice that