Shadee Elmasry – ‘s 5 Steps to Be Healthier

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The speaker describes a wellness program that encourages individuals to avoid disaster by taking long walks, walking on a treadmill, and not drinking water. The program is based on experience and has no negative impact on one's health or mental health. The speaker gives advice on how to wrap things up, eat try as best as possible, and avoid getting into trouble. The importance of avoiding excess water and trying to eat healthy is emphasized.
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I came up with a, in treating myself essentially, who never had
to sleep at any time never had to like all youth. I mean, you're
probably you guys are probably like that right now. Never had to
eat, watch my food or eat anything at any time of day. This was a
great time that I never knew was a blessing. We live in at night have
a cheeseburger, nothing happens is stay up till two in the morning,
wake up next day as if nothing happened. never drank water. And
at a period of time, once I got into knowledge, entered the PhD
program and was studying and doing dhikr 20. All this all I did for a
period of years. It was in England too. So I didn't even have a lot
of friends. Right did not have a TV, there was no Internet, dead,
no Nokia cell phone. And I realized shoot, this is a problem
sitting all day is a problem. Right? But that didn't harm me.
But then you hit a wall and it harms you, you start realizing
what in the world happened. And you can't handle 510 years of bad
habits. And they amass you can't fix that overnight. It takes a
while to fix that. In the process of learning how to fix that. I put
together the avoid disaster wellness program is not going to
make you an Adonis. But you will guaranteed to avoid disaster if
you follow this wellness program that I invented, right? All of its
common sense, but it's based upon.
It's all based upon experience. All of it's based on terrible
experiences that probably most guys go through and I don't know
how they struggled through it, but I put my head to it, I'm going to
find a solution. These things are tried and tested solutions, right?
It involves the first thing it involves is taking long walks, if
you can just walk right like walking is the first step. I'm not
even gonna say running, just walking. If you have a treadmill
next time you're watching TV, or it's not great to watch too much
TV, right. But if it's the only thing that will keep you on the
stupid machine, then do it, put something on and put it up, get
yourself a cheapo any old treadmill. 200 bucks, 195 bucks,
300 bucks, right? A decent treadmill and just walk on it. And
the beginning is just walk and try to walk a lot, right? At Saturday
morning. For example, you wake up pretty quiet day, get yourself a
cup of coffee, put it on the ledge there, have a cup of water, and
the remote, and walk and walk and walk you'll just it'll transform
you. And then if you every day after dinner, you suddenly just go
get the milk, go to the end of the block come back right quick rat
lap around the block just some simple thing just walking,
walking, walking. Number two water. I'm telling you it's secure
for your skin. For your hair for your your even your mind. Like
when some something happens when you're hydrating yourself. Even
your mind clears up water tons of water and replace sodas. So sugar
is an enemy, right? But with sugar. We're not going to cancel
all sugars at once like some crazy people do no bread, no pasta. No.
It's too much. You're already in a disaster mode. And this is the
avoid disaster wellness program. In order to avoid disaster, you
got to take it one step at a time. Don't swap out sodas and you get
one exception. You get one exception basically when you're
having pizza. I think it's psychotic to have pizza and water.
Right? You ever see people have pizza and not have a soda next to
it. Right? You worry about such people. Okay, so that's the one
exception. So water is the second thing and how much water Japanese
water therapy it absurd amounts of water. Four cups in the morning,
four in the afternoon. Four in the evening. I took it out to one of
those big Yeah, one of those big ones. I don't know if I don't even
know what the how many ounces, but one of those big ones three times
a day. You're gonna find yourself really good. Number three, eat try
as best as possible to be wrapping things up around eight, make your
way up by nine and be snoring by 10. Amazing thing happened when
you do that. Just regulating your I'm telling you you're just
changing a little bit at every level, right? Number four is a bit
disgusting, but it is it's important. I have to say it for
your own benefit. A lot of people they walk around lazy, tired and
miserable. And one of the reasons for that is that the Western
civilization they don't know a lot of things they don't know how to
go to the bathroom. Okay, they go to the bathroom in such a manner
all right, that nothing It doesn't squeeze out what's in your in your
bowels. Okay, what's in your intestines or your bowels or
whatever the biology is going on down there.
It doesn't do anything. And then they try to sell you a stool to
sit on no pun intended, I guess to sit on. And that's terrible too.
It doesn't do anything for you. It's a you sit on it. I mean
and you put your feet on it, it elevates your feet, it slightly
squeezes your stomach useless. It's useless. The only way is the
old fashioned way, how human beings have been doing this
behavior since the dawn of time, okay, is to squat and to squeeze
that junk out. Okay? Every time I opened you to one of these days, I
see this bizarre advertisement. And these people selling you a
potion, a gut doctor, basically, coming on non TV with an actor or
an actress and saying about stuck poop, and how it bloats you, it
makes you miserable. And that stuff could actually believe it or
not start, if you have any weakness in your lining of your
body inside. If that stuff starts to ooze out bad chemicals, that's
where you get your pimples. That's where you get your skin reactions.
And that's what you get all your problems from. So once a day, once
a day, you got to do this once a day, and how do you do it? I don't
know. And don't ask me about that kid be like, Hey, if you figure it
out, right? How to do it, because we don't have the toilets for this
stuff. But you can find your way to do it right. Now, if you're
under the age of 35. None of this really matters to you. But it's
gonna. Okay, so you better off get ahead of the curve. The next one
is that it sort of saddens me to see people with very skinny arms
and sort of know, unlike their concave, almost right, the trust
of the concave. It saddens me because the solution is so easy.
Right? If a person was to simply do just 10 Push Ups a day, you
know what that is? is essentially not much right. But it at least
will give you something right? It'll give you something right? At
the least 10 Push Ups a day. Right? And this is remember the
avoid disaster diet. We're not You're not going to be an Adonis
after this. But in every realm of your health and wellness, you
won't have a disaster, and that adds up to a healthy person. So
I'm not even going to say push ups, sit ups and flutter kicks
because that covers your whole body. You do that to cover your
whole body. Market. I even say that because that's too much at
one time, just push ups. Alright, just if a person does what did I
list four or five things? Just these five things on your
fingertips. Walking, drinking, sleeping, right?
waste disposal, waste management wishes to give it a sophisticated
name and push ups. This doesn't even take time. It hardly takes
effort. Alright, so that is the avoid disaster wellness program.
Do it in a year. Firstly, your right away in two weeks, you're
gonna feel amazing. Even less than that with the sleep less than
that. But you will feel amazing. Within a year you will be a
different person.
You'll be a different person.