Shadee Elmasry – Career or Family
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The speaker discusses the negative impact of having family and how it affects everyone. They suggest that women have a bigger role than men in raising children and that marriage is a source of conflict. The speaker also mentions the negative impact of missing family members and the need for a community to be created.
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career is the enemy of family, the way I look at it, both men and
women have to take that but women have taken even more, because they
are the physical bearers of children, and they have a bigger
obstacle. So they have to have a greater belief that having a
family is more important than having a career. Guys have to have
that. Because when they don't raise their kids or kids turn out,
right, he mostly will say, well I got in my career is so important.
I helped so many people in my career, very few people say no, I
don't want to have kids because they want to indulge, most people
will justify it to themselves. And they keep postponing marriage, all
of us can say the same thing. What would I have done if I didn't have
to have a family and I could work 12 hours a day, seven days a week?
What kind of career would we all have? You? Yeah, but you'd also be
very miserable to and what kind of old age would you have? What kind
of middle of life would you have? On top of that? That's all about
ourselves. Imagine then the whole community. If we all did that,
what kind of community would we have? We'd have no community left.
So everyone's got to realize that