Shadee Elmasry – An Exciting New Term!

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the offerings of Safina society, including onsite training, online classes, and classes for children with certain backgrounds. They also mention a men's book club and scholarship classes for children taking classes in different areas. The schedule is busy with many classes throughout the spring semester.
AI: Transcript ©
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I want to give you a little tour of what Safina society does and

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what we have to offer this semester. So as you see on this

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gorgeous website, what we offer is four things. Essentially we have

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our onsite classes, and we have our online classes. We have hips

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Academy, and we have the data center. So let's take a look at

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what we're offering this spring. Firstly, sciences of Quran and

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Hadith, and that's what I'll be teaching Sundays two to five. I'll

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also be teaching tafsir readings in Tafseer, from Toby from Razi

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from al Badawi, then that's Tuesday 8:30pm to 9:15pm. And then

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we have Arabic for kids with monsoon caps. We have the history

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of the Besitz, which is very popular class with Hamza Rosa. We

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have Islamic history for tweens. With Ryan Guillen hammer we have

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fifth essentials preteens to young adults with head ominous is a very

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popular class for people learning their film got mad at you, Philip

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Avinash in part two from salah, downwards Hanafi fiqh of worship

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where you need to get Shafi and somebody in there too, but we will

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eventually fortress for faith is a teens class that Murad Osman will

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be teaching for Alida he'll be teaching are basically up to

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either for youth and then we have intro to Arabic grammar in 40

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lessons and we have interactive Tajweed Sierra for kids by mine

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say it interactive tweet is by Nora Saunders. And then we have a

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men's book club as well this is what our schedule looks like take

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a good look take a screenshot

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All right, what our schedule that mashallah it's a very busy, it's

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going to be very, very busy spring it's always a busy spring right up

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till the month of Ramadan. Now if it's in blue, that's part of our

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GI plus these are the scholarship classes so we have four hours of

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scholarship classes a week that you will be taking

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