Salim Morsy – AtTawheed Islamic Center Jumuah Prayer 9132019
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The sickness of the heart is prohibited for believers, and the envy is a result of bad behavior. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having good deeds and avoiding bad behavior to avoid becoming annoying. The speaker also advises people to educate themselves and not share their names and condition to avoid envy. The jail in Shamba is open for everyone, and information will be taken from them.
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Or the sickness
of the heart. I'm proud of you,
and we will start with the first
sickness today,
the envy
and hazed,
or jealous
or envy, Allah prohibited
for us
as a believers.
And Allah
warned us
not to deal with the envy
almighty. Alhazad,
the envy
that you wish
to have what the people have in their
as who eliminate
it from their hands.
This is the envy.
To wish only witness for yourself,
not for any anybody else.
This is prohibited.
But I'm loved to
to wish
to have the same
righteous wife, you wish to have a righteous
wife like her. When you see a a
has a healthy children, you wish to have
healthy children like him, but not to eliminate
the bounty of Allah
that Allah gave them.
This is the difference between
and God.
whatever we were talking about, which is Hasid,
the prohibited
it's a it's a major set.
Do not deal with this
because it's very bad condition.
And we will know why it's a bad
because Allah
mentioned in the Quran, and the prophet Muhammad
mentioned in his prophet Muhammad
mentioned in his ahadith.
There is a lot of verses in the
prohibited us to deal with the envy.
For example, we will not be able to
cover all of them. But just as an
Surat Al Baqarah,
what the
you back again to
their religion.
They wish for you not to be a
Muslim, not to be a a a
not to be a good
Hasatan in any of usin, it's out of
their envy.
It's not true,
or it's not something solid, but this is
because of the sickness that they have in
their hearts.
They feel
has have more superior in front of Allah
and they wish to return you back.
Front of Allah,
and they wish to return you back in
their religion.
Also, Allah
in Surat Ibn Said,
the chapter of 1,
verse number
Are they willing
to deal with the envy
against evil because Allah
gave them
from his bounties?
It's not right
at all. Because when you when you have
envy against other people, why? What is the
purpose for that?
I will disagree with somebody that Allah gave
him and did not me.
is wrong
at all.
Because now I'm complaining against Allah,
not against the person who has the wrongities
of Allah.
Just to understand the point. And also Allah
encouraged all of us to understand
And also Allah
encouraged all of us to seek refuge in
Him. From what?
the the weakness
the environment
when he dealing with the envy.
You see refuge in Allah all the time.
And also,
when Allah
told us about the story of
sons of Adam, it was out of envy.
When one of them killed the other one,
because of envy, he was jealous with his
And also
the brothers of
Sayyid Yusuf alaihis salam. You know, he had
he had a plan to kill her people
out of jalice
because they were jealous with his with their
own brother,
alaihis salam, Joseph,
peace be upon him.
And Allah warned
Do not wish
to take the bounties of Allah out of
the the people's
it's not your business.
You have to be happy with what Allah
for you. That's it.
And you have you can have wishes
to have what the people have in their
hands, but not to eliminate
the bounties of Allah
from their sides.
It's not our business.
And also, Allah
warned us,
And this is up to Allah Azzawajal.
If you see one brother has a very
nice life,
a very
good situation,
you know,
wish for him to have more. Alhamdulillah.
You know why? Because Allah
would send the engine for you to say
you will have the same thing that you
wished for your brothers or sisters.
The same idea when you do supplication
for somebody
not in front of you,
Allah would send down the angels to say
you will have the same supplication that you
asked for your brothers
and sisters.
And just to clean your heart out,
to eliminate any hatred
or any envy or any jealous in your
This is the very important
for all of us to understand
And Allah Subhanahu Wa'ala explained,
When you feel bad in your heart, when
you see anyone of your brothers and sisters
in the community
has good position,
If you feel bad in your heart, this
is the envy that Allah
warned us not to deal with.
But if you feel happy for them, this
is the good sign for that heart.
heart for
the brother or the sisters. Also, prophet Muhammad
warned us
a lot of a hadith,
but I will I will take some of
them just to
the danger
of envy for all of us. And Nabi
I warned you, do not deal with the
bad thinking
about other people.
Do not think badly
thinking badly about others,
this is the most
strong life.
To ask about the good news about your
brothers and sisters.
You're doing.
And the justsasu,
you're asking about bad news
about evil. But why
prophet Muhammad combined between the hassasu and the
justsasu in this this hadith?
Because sometime,
the hassasu will come in that way.
When the person
found something bad
from other people and he followed it up
to do research after that. When you see
somebody in trouble
and just
you have to pass by him and say
But to ask,
to figure out what's going on, why did
having this for him, what what did he
do, what suhhamun. This is at the Hasus,
in the bad way.
Unless if you are willing to help out,
you ask, what's going on, brother? What can
I do to help you out? But just
to to be happy and to see what
he has,
in bad condition, this is the hassus that
Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam prohibited us to
do it.
Do it. Do not do research
to find the mistakes of others.
make yourself busy by yourself
and do
something good
to make yourself busy with
Allah. Do not
it will be impossible
to have the faith
and the envy in the same heart.
And the
The envy will eat your good deeds
as the fire will eat the world.
If you have a lot of good deeds
and you would like to waste your good
deeds, just deal with the envy and the
toward other people. May Allah
protect all of us from envy and from
jealous Allahu Muhammad.
or will make ban for
our society.
when we live together in one society,
especially the
the close of the relationship
the brothers or the family members or the
And it will be much, much easier for
to get jealous with you or to deal
with the envy against you.
Request. When we do something
with our families,
with our
keep it as a secret.
A lot of sisters or a lot of
when they had a good moment in their
life, they took a picture
and they posted
into Facebook
or Twitter or whatever.
Don't you know that a lot of people,
they have nothing to eat
while you have a lot of different
on your cake?
And the people will be jealous will be
will dealing with the envy against you.
When you have a good moment in your
life, just enjoy your life. Enjoy your moment
with your family, with your wife, with your
children, but do not share
it. Because
you cannot
shut the doors of envy on front of
other people. You open the door for everybody
to deal with the envy against you.
And you will be the big
purpose for people to
be jealous with you. And this
is what happened for
prophet Joseph,
peace be upon him,
when he saw the dream and his dad
recommended him, do not tell your brothers about
your dream
because they might be jealous with you. And
the same idea, when you have a good
condition in your mind, you have to be
thankful to Allah and do not share.
with some really few people that you trust
not with anyone.
Because you do not need a lot of
hate. You do not need to to open
the door for people to attack you and
to attack your family.
And we have to be more more
smarter and keep your secret
for yourself.
Keep your information for yourself
and your closest
member of the family.
That's it.
to cure your heart
from envy.
There is 2 ways.
The first way
which is with the
to educate yourself
and to remind yourself all the time
whatever Allah Muhammad Ali gave to others,
it's not use.
And remind yourself all the time. And whatever
Allah gave you,
it's out of his boundaries.
It's not because
It's not because you are smarter
than others.
And this is the first way
to educate ourselves
whatever happened in
And the second way
to cure our hearts from envy,
which is the actions,
we need to do something
to cure our hearts.
This is the most important one, to rely
on Allah
to ask him to protect you.
Whatever happened
from him against you,
you will be protected
because Allah encouraged all of us.
To eliminate
the the the darkness of the night.
And Allah
told us to seek refuge in him from
And to seek refuge in Allah
and to fear Allah
That Taqidah
And this is the second way
to cure your part from envy.
And the third way
to have patience
with the person who's dealing with the envy
against you,
Have the Quran
told prophet Muhammad
to deal with the people, even his enemies,
the good way.
Deal with the people with the very
nice way,
nicer way than
what they
against you.
You know, suddenly,
your enemy
will become as a a good friend or
the best friend of you.
If you
if you have some illness in your heart
of envy
and you wish
to have some
status or some position or some things from
and they try to act in opposite way.
How to do that?
If you
if you wish to disrespect other
people, disrespect other people
because it's out of jobs,
and try to respect them more
to train yourself.
And also,
if you wish
for some people to have a bad condition,
you need to treat yourself
to have
a good wishes for them
until you become
an easy way to wish goodness for others.
This is how the scholars
told us
to eliminate
to take them away of our our our
And also
to put your trust in Allah
Nothing will happen
unless if Allah
gave permission for that.
the good
thing to do,
to donate,
to make surety, or almost giving,
will reduce
the level of envy.
When somebody
is jealous with you because you are rich,
when you give him some,
subhanallah, you will you will reduce the level
of envy that he has.
When that when when you have a good
health and you try to donate,
you know,
to help people out,
and you reduce the level of their envy
against you. And the same idea,
when you have knowledge and you will spread
the knowledge to help people out, the same
And this is to donate
and to be good
to others around you, like Allah
jealousy. And it's not an easy task
to figure out if you are sick
or with envy or not.
nothing wrong.
Nothing wrong
To have to to wish
to have whatever people have in their lands,
but do not wish to eliminate it from
their lands.
And Al Hasid, the
it might stay
within ourselves.
And nothing wrong with that too.
But the wrong is
when we
try to act
and to empower
the envy and to affect others.
Because Allah mentioned,
has hidden by itself, it's okay.
To feel jealous in yourself, it's okay.
To feel to have envy in yourself, it's
But when you act
to transfer
your envy toward others, this is the prohibited.
Because Allah mentioned,
if he did not act
to deal with the envy,
there is not nothing wrong with that.
And we need to understand.
We might
really do hasat even against ourselves,
or against our children, or against our properties.
When you have a good car, and when
you are ready to carry you, you feel,
more superior than everybody else, you might deal
with the envy or with the jealous against
your own staff.
And we have to remember always to say
Allah told us in Suri
Al Kahf.
When you enter into your fancy house,
when you enter into your garden, when you
enter into your fancy car, when you enter
when you see something, you will be amazed
with it. Say,
When you see your child, your only child,
might harm them. Say,
This is how Qur'an told us to protect
ourselves, to protect our children, to clean up
our hearts, and to cure our hearts from
illness of envy. May Allah
help all of us out
to remove all the illness and the sickness
of our hearts away.
And after that, in the same day tomorrow,
we will have the jail in Shamba. It's
from the state of Michigan.
Yeah. For the security,
it's open for everybody. If you have time
tomorrow, the information will be taken