Salim Morsy – 1192018 Partial

Salim Morsy
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the situation of the Bible and the importance of understanding the predestination of Allah and the evil and poverty causes that occur. They explain the importance of asking oneself why Allah sends his employees to meet with the Al Khadul alaihi wa sallam and the importance of learning from the story of Al Khadul alaihi wa sallam. They also mention the importance of learning from the story of Al Khadul alaihi wa sallam and the importance of learning from the story of the king's actions.

AI: Summary ©

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			Dear brothers and sisters,
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			I will be talking about
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			a situation
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			that all of us
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			All of us
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			have the same situation
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			that I will discuss today.
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			The situation
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			how to understand the predestination of Allah or
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			how to understand
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			Some of us might say
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			why Allah
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			created wickedness
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			or evil
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			or poverty
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			or illness?
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			a lot of children, innocent children get killed
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			Why some children
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			out of poverty
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			and afraid? Is it
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			okay to see all these hassles
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			around us?
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			And why Allah
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			did not save us,
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			why Allah did not save believers, at least,
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			pious and righteous people,
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			why Allah put them in the
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			trials and difficulties
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			in their life.
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			Why? We need to understand
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			And the story that I have,
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			mentioned in the Quran
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			and the Quran
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			and the Quran, this is
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			the words of
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			Allah has no doubt
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			it might happen to some of us to
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			this is not true story,
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			false story.
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			But when the story was mentioned in the
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			Quran means
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			this is
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			a 100%
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			And when we ask ourselves
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			why Allah
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			sent prophet Moses
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			to meet with the Al Khadr alayhi salam,
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			peace be upon them. It was easy for
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			Allah, a sujal, to reveal
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			it to prophet Musa directly
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			to to train him like he trained him
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			trained him with the stick.
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			How? The stick will change to be snake.
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			At how? It will come back again to
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			its condition.
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			How Allah prepared him to meet with the
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			But this is
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			the other situation
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			all of
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			us have
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			in our life.
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			And we will have 2 presenters.
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			One of them which is Al Khadr, Alaihi
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			Salam, will present the decree of Allah.
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			And the other one which
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			is Musa, Alaihi Salam, will present
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			in the chapter of the cave,
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			but I will
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			very highlights
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			for all of us as a guidelines
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			to feel satisfied
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			have the first
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			state of the story,
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			when they arrived about
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			the small ship.
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			And Al Khabr alaihis salam, he broke it.
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			first condition that Al Khabr asked Musa, alaihis
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			salam, you will not be able to be
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			and this is for all of us.
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			When we have any calamities or any difficulties
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			in our life,
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			most of us, us, we might feel
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			we have no patience.
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			We do not understand
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			what is the wisdom of a god to
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			make this issue in a certain way.
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			But we will take a step back and
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			look at the big circle.
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			We might understand.
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			When we read the the story in the
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			Quran, we recite the story in the Quran,
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			we might understand now it makes sense,
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			make a lot of sense.
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			And we need to ask ourselves every time,
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			are we are we able really to have
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			with the decree of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
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			Because Allah will never ever rob anyone of
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			his servants
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			and his slaves.
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			It will benefit us
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			sooner or later.
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			But some of us might learn the lesson,
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			and some of us
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			learn the lesson
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			and some of us
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			In the first state of the story,
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			when he broke
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			the small ship
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			and they did not take
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			money for their ride.
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			And he broke it. And Musa, alayhis salaam,
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			was surprised.
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			How come that those people treated us in
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			very nice way and you broke their boat?
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			And he reminded him,
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			be careful.
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			You have to stick with your promise.
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			Didn't I tell you,
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			you will not have patience
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			you will not be patient
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			with me?
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			And he remind me. He said, I'm so
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			sorry for what I have done. Just give
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			me an excuse.
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			And they continue
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			in the the second state of the story,
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			the second part of the story. When they
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			to enter the other side
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			of the sea
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			and he found a child
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			and he killed him.
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			He killed innocent, a child.
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			And Musa,
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			like most of us, we are human.
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			He once rejected what happened,
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			and he raised his
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			voice in this time. The first time he
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			and Imran.
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			At this time, he said,
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			He raised his voice
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			because it's it was something
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			And he returned back in the same
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			Didn't I tell you
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			you will not have patience
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			with me?
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			And he remembered, again,
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			did apologize
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			to him.
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			And he said, this is the last chance
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			for me. Give me one more chance.
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			If I ask you again or if I
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			reject whatever you you have
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			we will not continue in the same
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			trip together.
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			And the prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
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			he said, may Allah
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			has mercy with my brother Moses If he
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			just gave
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			some chance,
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			we will learn from Al Khadul alaihi salaam.
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			it will benefit us when we
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			about the wisdom behind these 3 occasions
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			that Al Khadul did.
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			We will feel satisfied
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			what he has done
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			this is unseen for us.
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			And we cannot
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			judge any situation without
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			knowing the situation very well.
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			The first state,
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			what he has done,
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			he broke
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			the small ship.
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			And when he explained for Moses, peace be
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			upon them, he said,
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			It was
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			a bad king,
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			and he took all the ships
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			without agreement
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			from its owners.
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			But when he found
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			the ship is
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			not qualified
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			his army,
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			he left
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			for them.
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			it was for poor people,
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			This is was only a source for their
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			If al Khadr
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			keep it in good condition,
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			and after a few hours, the king will
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