Sajid Ahmed Umar – surah yusuf for the 21st Century #06 – Lessons from Yusuf (as) abduction
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The speakers discuss the importance of treating Islam as a whole rather than just its elements, emphasizing the need for effort and regret in pursuing Islam. They stress the importance of sharia, which is a way to nurture individuals and become nurturing within the community. The speakers also discuss the negative impact of sharia on mental health and the importance of avoiding dangerous behavior. Finally, they emphasize the need to be mindful of one's actions and not let anyone out of it.
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen are behind the Sterling when you suddenly want to suddenly Mahatma be in the Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Ultramarine and my bad we begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Kabbalah minimum income Salah man may Allah subhanho wa Taala accept our deeds to my dearest Brothers and Sisters in Islam salam ala Hiya, Alikum warahmatu Hua baraka to me Allah's peace, may he safety may His mercy be upon you all mean and I introduce you all to a another episode in our Ramadan series Surah use of for the 21st century.
Just one point of observation before the sun and perhaps this can be carried to those who are absent. And it's a message from the heart of your fellow brother, to a community that your brother loves for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. The month of Ramadan is just one month in the entire year. And it's a month of efforts. It's a month of efforts. It is difficult, but it's a difficulty that Allah knows we can manage. And it is a month that we should. We should strive there in
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever
observes the Seiler with the email until the Imam completes the prayer, Allah subhanho wa Taala will bless that person with the rewards of having prayed the entire night
to find Allah Subhana Allah just to stay for 12 Extra units of sun I noticed a mass exodus after eight units of Salah and this is not only something specific to to hear,
and inshallah it's not a norm I can only comment on what I've seen since yesterday.
It happens in other places as well. And my message to the OMA is surely Allah subhanho wa Taala is worth it. Surely the month of Ramadan is worth it. Surely the Quran is worth it. And surely later to Qatar is worth it. A night that is better than 1000 months.
For us to gain the trophy of being chosen to witness later to other surely, surely, we should be putting our hand up in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala during the night before it, Islam should never be a tick box exercise. It shouldn't. Success will only be achieved by us. The collective carriers of the legacy of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam if we stop treating Islam as one thing, out of 60,000 other things, unfortunately,
this is what seems to be manifest from our communities, then we treat Islam as one thing out of 60,000 other things that we have to do, we have to pay the bills, we have to have meals, we have to clothe ourselves, we have to pay our taxes, we have to take care of the daily grind and and we have to pray. No, this
we cannot be successful as Muslims if this is our attitudes,
we will only be successful if Islam is everything for us. When we treat Islam as our our everything, and everything else is one of 60,000 other things.
Doesn't make sense My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam. This is the attitude we have to develop the Sharia. it nurtures us to be tough to give. Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala wake us up for Fudger every day. He commands us to pray Fudger every day, whether your fighter is early, whether it's later whether the night is cold, whether the night is warm, he wakes us up what is the Sheree and nurturing us to bid to become a nurturing within us by waking us up for Fudger every day to become a people that are ready to serve and are willing to serve and are trained to serve. This is the nature of our Sharia. It needs a bit of effort My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam. It needs
the push cannot be a tick box exercise that okay, Ramadan, I have to pray at night. Someone said eight units. So I will take eight units and I will walk away shouldn't be like that. And you have this narration that if you just stayed for 12 More occurred. Allah will reward you for offering the entire night now in a hurry. So I shared this from a heart to heart. There is no messenger to come after Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I shared this message with you on this member last Ramadan. Subhan Allah
When I spoke about the best of all nations, and that there's no prophet to come after Muhammad, and that the legacy of Prophethood rests on the collective shoulders of his ummah, the home of Muhammad, how can we be diligent in carrying his legacy? If we treat his legacy as a tick box exercise is something that we have to do with difficulty and regret and Allahu understand as if you know, when your parents tell you to do something that you don't want to but you have to do it.
May Allah subhanho wa Taala correct our affairs. This is not a scolding that's taking place. This is Nasi. Do not say religion is sincere counsel. And if I love you for the sake of Allah, then I can keep this in my heart. My heart did hurt when I see the mass movement on these nights that Subhanallah will leave us and who knows where we will be before next to my van arrives. No one wants to be in the grave thinking. If only I had another Amma van. I would have prayed with the Imam until the Imam finished. We know how many people we've buried hours before Ramadan. Subhanallah forget about days and weeks, hours before Ramadan. This is the reality of life set out on visa. Allah
didn't ask us to pray the nights or set these rewards meaning Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't make Ramadan 12 months of the year, just one month of the right this is the month whereby everything else should take a backseat. All our other schedules should take a backseat and Ramadan should be the schedule. Allah subhanho wa Taala grant is the understanding. I mean, coming back to our sessions, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam. Yesterday I ran through a quick summary Subhanallah of the lessons that I've been sharing with the communities in Australia since Ramadan began. One lesson that I forgot to mention, I think I forgot to mention is the disjointed letters that Allah subhanho
wa Taala uses when they open Surah Yusuf Ali flam ora and I also shared a benefit from
or some theory first in relation to the disjointed lessons in the Quran, and a benefit that we can deduce as Muslims in the 21st century from it. I'm not going to summarize that lesson for you all. I'm going to send you to the YouTube channel Insha Allah, the National Soccer foundation YouTube channel and my own personal YouTube channel as well. If you just Google Sajid, aroma, YouTube, simple words inshallah it will come up and you can access that lesson there insha Allah. Yesterday, we stopped at the point of the cameras shifting from the house of Yaakov, Allahi Salaam. And moving to another area, we can imagine that this area is outside somewhere
more secretive, somewhere more private. And the sons of Yaqoob, the brothers of use of or if you call them step brothers, they are not step brothers in that sense, because they share the same father, they shared the same father, the only difference that some of the scholars have to see the highlight is that they have different mothers. And here, they are engaged in a serious discussion, a discussion that has mighty consequences, consequences in terms of life as we know it, and consequences in terms of the Hereafter, as well. But this conversation is happening clearly.
Upon a platform of heedlessness, and that's why it's amazing and I mentioned this to you yesterday, how use of Allah he Salah made an excuse for his brothers, he said when you used to be ignorant, what did you do to us when used to be ignorant because nobody in their right mind, as a group would discuss taking their own blood and killing their own blood and this was the nature of the discussion. Allah subhanahu Atana takes us into the core of the discussion Subhanallah it says if we are a fly on the wall and we witnessing it, Allah takes us into it. Allah subhanho wa Taala says look at the Kenya for use of wealth or equality I at least in that indeed in Yusuf and his brothers
I yet i lessons for those who just ask Subhanallah because we're used to is a story. You don't have to think too deeply. It's enough for you to just ask. And so reason for throw out to you the lessons of life and how you should behave and how you shouldn't behave. And yesterday I said the school is a madrasa so madrasa and remember no time, Rahim Allah He mentioned that that he mentioned that there are more than 1000 points of benefit from Surah Yusuf Allah Subhanallah he didn't leave us the book. He didn't leave us 1000 points. He left us with the notion. And then for us to journey through the surah ourselves and extrapolate those points and we've been trying to do that, or hamdulillah over
the last few nights. Allah says in use of and his brothers are signs just for those who ask just for those
To ask Subhanallah that you don't need to have, you know, an in depth episode in terms of pondering and deliberation, because it's a practical reality. This is a family. It has a father. It has children, it has brothers.
It has
the realities that can exist between people in terms of jealousy.
It has everything, things that any human being who lives within the family structure can relate to, especially those families that are under the radar. Well, should we say above the radar meaning, Chopin has his hand on the pulse of these families, and these are no doubt families that intend Allah subhanho wa Taala and His Rasul first and foremost. So you just have to ask, and solutions will guide you will tell you how to be as a brother, how to be as a son, how to be as a parent, how not to be as a parent, how not to be as a sibling, how to deal with sibling rivalry, how to be the bigger person, how to keep your eye on the bigger picture,
how to raise your children, how children should interact with the lessons of their parents. So practical matters, how to be when you in a position of power, how not to be when you in a position of power, what to look out for when you are hiring somebody or to choosing someone to place them in a position of authority Subhanallah and I was mentioning to our to our community in Melbourne, that this is why today we have postgraduate research, PhD research masters research in Muslim countries on the use of psychology from Surah Yusuf how to build a strong GDP from Surah Yusuf, the Islamic economy, from Surah, Yusuf Subhan, Allah, all this is found sociology, from Surah use of this
research on this marrying between modern isms and modern day theory and Subhanallah deliberations that the scholars of Islam have presented throughout the ages of Islam from their journey was a useful phenomenon unbelievable. I mean, if you if you if you when we get through, towards the end, you see use of either you said I'm not just interpreting the dream of the king, but he's actually telling the king what to do to manage the harvest during the years of rainfall, so that they have food during the years of drought, where to keep the crop and how to preserve the seed and so on and so forth. He goes into details, all this is from Surah Yusuf Allah subhanho wa Taala that takes us
in the core of the discussion is called hula Yusuf, who are who have or who who have Bula Ebina, Amina.
with the Arabs back then, and even today, there's the sense of pride when you have many boys. Even today, when you have many boys, there's a sense of pride. And what they're saying is, in terms of our father and our mother, the net result of our family is that we are asked over and over refers to a large group of sons and they are just two.
Okay, and what is the issue here, they say Yousuf and his brother, they are more beloved to our father than us when we are a larger group of voice and odor. This is from the whispers of shaper, and this is from heedlessness. And yesterday we spoke about interacting with the Quran, which means we need to look at our own life circumstances and understand events when people are at this level and discussing a matter with this intensity, you have to through life. Appreciate that clearly, these thoughts have been floating around for a long time. Because we know and the science on this today, there's this strong theory on this today that a habit comes from a repetitive action. And a
repetitive action comes from
an action. And that action came from where a plan and that plan came from where consolidated thought and consolidated thought came from where a fleeting from an idea. And that idea came from where a fleeting thought there's a pattern Subhanallah how things begin. And where they end up. There's a connection, you have a fleeting thought, you keep pondering over that fleeting thought it becomes an idea. It becomes an idea you keep thinking about that idea becomes a consolidated foot, consolidated thought turns into what a plan, you keep looking at the plan is going to turn into a form of action. Right? And then if you execute that action, and then you execute it again and again, what happens it
becomes a habit, right, but sometimes it doesn't need to be a habit to be harmful. That matter is harmful when the plan is executed at the point of execution.
Given the veracity and the amplified nature of the severity of the act, it's a problem in and of itself at the execution level SubhanAllah. So, you have to understand when they are discussing this at this level, this is not from this hasn't just happened overnight. This is shaytans work over a period of time. And we need to go back to Jacobi advice to his son use of initiate on a live incentive or dual Mubin that indeed Shavon to mankind is a clear enemy. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the Quran, let teboho to RT shaytaan do not follow the footsteps of shaytaan The footsteps these whispers, He plants a whisper.
He plants a whisper. And if you don't give it attention, he's gonna plant another until you give it the attention it needs and move it to the stage of an idea. You see what happens? He has a plan. We spoke about him having a PhD in logistics. He has a plan that is suitable to to him. Call yourself a client, call yourself a victim, call yourself a consumer call yourself a customer. It all depends how you interact with the police. It all depends how you interact with the police.
You have Jakob is teaching use of the shaytan is a clear enemy. And Allah tells us in the Quran in the shaytaan Allah Kumar, I do one foot definitely whoo hoo I do that indeed shape on to you is an enemy. So take him as an enemy. Take him as an enemy. If we were told, suddenly, we had an announcement from the security of Brisbane, around this masjid, that there's an enemy within the vicinity. What would we do? Or let's say you are in your homes, and you are told in your neighborhood, there's an enemy and he's dangerous. What would you do? Would you leave your doors open? Leave your windows open, put the welcome mat outside, you know, create the savories mashallah
have the date ready? The water ready? The tea ready? Is that? Is that what you will do? No, you would lock your doors, you shut your windows, you close your curtains, you'd open a WhatsApp group with the rest of the community. Right? So this real time data being transferred, we talk about real time data turns on the lights, as they say in the corporate world. real time data we want to know Has anyone seen him? What does he look like? What kind of what dry clothes is he wearing? Which Street is you on next to whose house we want? Oh, we want those details? Because we take someone as an enemy. But do we do this with the police?
Do we take the police as an ally things take him as an enemy? When you put your child in front of the television, without question, have you taken the police as an enemy? When you have exposed your children to certain curriculums without revision?
Have you exposed your child to the attack of a police? Have you taken the police as an enemy? When you hand your child a smart phone even though all you need to do is call them and they need to call you a simple back in the day Nokia Masha Allah can do the job, you know those ones that have batches that last two weeks.
And I'm not talking about the big ones that were like bricks back in the day. I don't know if you if you remember those in Africa, we used to have those. They were they were security devices as well. You could throw it on someone and cause a concussion. You know, we're not saying you know, break your child's hand. No, no, you have the smaller back in the day Nokia phones mashallah the batteries could last two weeks, no problem, you lose the charger. Forget about losing phones, you lose charges, because you hardly need to charge them. And then Hamdulillah this is I mean, it's more safer for you, because there's a guarantee when you call the phone will ring. But now you want to
give them a smartphone. Why? Because his friend has a smartphone or the neighbor's gave the child a smartphone on read and so on and so forth. So you gave them a smartphone, and then you didn't monitor their activity with these devices? Have you not take Have you taught them that embraces an enemy in this manner? Or have you taught them that he blesses a friend in this manner? We need to rethink things, isn't it? When Allah says take him as an enemy? A lot of the times we do things we don't know what we don't, we don't realize what we're doing. And this is heedlessness Brothers and Sisters in Islam This is referred to as Afula is heedlessness what is hafler. ruffler is when you
know something, but you carry on as if you don't know when someone sees you. They think you know what this person doesn't know the harms of this. This person is ignorant about something but if you speak to them about it, they go Yeah, I know. I know. It's similar to you know, a person knows that the speed limit is 60 or 80. But then always driving over the speed limit as if they don't know. And you know, that's why the council puts multiple signs right reminds you 60 8060 8080 100 They keep on reminding you you say the speed limit hasn't changed, but you just see one every few meters. There's a sign why the drivers have hafla they know it's 80 but they act like they don't know this is a form
of law. So this is
is what consumes us today. And Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't praise roughly in the Quran, everywhere in the Quran when you come across the term after it's never mentioned in a praiseworthy manner. In fact, Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the people of hafla as worse than cattle, worse than cattle not the same, because Allah has given mankind the intellectual ability, the IQ, the ability to discern the ability to articulate the ability to know right from wrong. So if you know right from wrong, but you behave like you don't know, then you can't be the same as cattle, you can only be worse than cattle. The Quran is very apt and precise and clinical, in his description of the
people of Africa. These boys are from the family of prophethood, from the home of prophethood. They have a father who is a prophet, again interacting with the Quran. If Jakob has taught us of so much at a young age, you can only imagine what he's taught his other sons. But Subhan Allah, as we said yesterday, who he saved from the protege upon and guidance is in the hands of Allah subhanho wa taala, you will see these are the best of children from the best home. But Allah is teaching us Subhanallah what they got involved in now, as they're having this discussion, it moves on, right, what should we do? The idea is optimal use of
kill him, let's kill him. That's what we should do. Or we should
get rid of him.
Get him away from the face of our father.
That's what we should do.
We should kill him or get him away from the face of our of our brother, and then you know what Subhanallah pay attention and then you know what, what a Kulu mean by the Coleman saw the him after we do this bad thing will become good people.
Look, look, look at this, right this is this is from Shavon. This is from Chopin. Now this is taking the fleeting thought to an idea to a consolidated thought to a plan is taken to a different level. Because now what's happening here is the idea of cognitive dissonance is being coupled with this whole
this whole plan. What is cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance, the scholars of psychology discuss this is a person's
nature to make excuses to justify their failure.
Right, this is cognitive dissonance
where you make enough excuses to justify your failure. And sometimes they share the story of the hungry fox, who saw a juicy apple on a tree was very high, was really hungry, and he wanted the apple. So he tried and he jumped for the Apple and jump for the Apple was a red shiny apple and this this owl watching this miskeen poor Fox, our is thinking he's not gonna get the apple but he keeps trying, you know, a plus for effort. He's trying, he keeps running, he keeps jumping, he keeps running, he keeps jumping. After a long time when he recognizes himself as a failure. And he just wasted an hour of his life. He walks away shrugging your shoulders saying that was a rotten apple
anyway. And this is cognitive dissonance. You make yourself feel good for for your failure. What are they saying to that? No, don't understand, don't worry, afterwards we will, we will sort things out. We will redeem ourselves, you know, it will be business as usual. Imagine Subhanallah you planning a crime and you comfortably saying we'll execute it and everything will be okay thereafter. And what level of alpha is this? What level of offer is this? Now this is not for us to put anybody down these boys were forgiven by use of and Allah subhanho wa taala. And some of the scholars of the CDC they became the head of the tribes of Israel
because Israel in reverse Jacoba alayhi salam and remember he shifted to Egypt at the end of the story. And his children are the heads of the tribes of Bilu. Israel and baru is right refer to the children of Israel and Israel is Jacoba he said I'm so according to one tafsir these were also Prophets when as birth, some of the scholars of Tafseer describe Alice Bob, as the sons of of Yaakov and his Salaam. So here you we, we will not putting anyone down, but we discussing what happened when they didn't know when they didn't know. And we tried to draw parallels, what happens to us how do we engage discussions today, when we try to, especially when it comes to matters closer to home?
Inheritance matters. Trust matters, maybe there's a trust, how can we breach the trust? Because we can't trust our parents without how they're going about things? Clearly. There's a form of favoritism going here. And we're going to be judging Judy, of that. We're going to say this favoritism so we're going to accept that this favoritism and this is going to justify us getting some lawyer here and swindling something here and issuing a left hand here, and we're going to justify this happens in real life. Unfortunately, unfortunately, sibling rivalry hola hola Mustang. Hola. Hola, Mustang. They say
Blood is thicker than water, but Subhanallah money is thicker than blood. That's what happens when, when Allah subhanho wa Taala is out of the picture. And a person who believes in Allah behaves as if he doesn't believe in Allah. A person who believes in the hereafter behaves as if he doesn't believe in the hereafter. This is hafla this is what they say. They're saying we'll be good after. But Subhan Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to teach us that firstly, there's no crime that you can cover up. Secondly, this guarantee of being good
is a fairy tale. Because whenever you do a crime, there's many other crimes you have to do thereafter, because of that crime. You cannot do a crime and become good thereafter. And we'll come to it. Now. Allah subhanho wa taala. He showers His favor upon Yusuf alayhi salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala he inspires one of the people, one of the brothers here to say,
let's talk total use of don't kill yourself, but rather just throw him into the bottom of a well, and someone will pick him up and take him away.
Now, to the untrained eye to the untrained ear, you'd say this is not a good solution. This is nothing special. But this is a mercy from Allah subhanahu attack. Right? Because what was the what was the alternative? The alternative was execution. The alternative was death. But he Allah inspired someone to say, Hold on, don't do this. Just throw him down a Well isn't this merciful, for use of either he said, This is merciful for us to find his salah. And we learn from his brothers and sisters in Islam Subhanallah how Allah subhanahu Attalus help is always near. Sometimes we're going through some difficulty. And we're making dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. And we raise our hands and
we ask Allah, and we feel like Allah's help isn't coming. And sometimes shaytan pushes us towards complaining about Allah. And that's the ultimate distraction pushes us into His guidance from a guided act. But little do we know Subhanallah that within our difficulties, Allah's mercy, and had this mercy not been here, our situation would be far worse. Subhanallah sometimes it's like this, at the office, the executives are discussing firing somebody, and someone steps up and says, Look, don't fire him, just shift him to another department. Now you go in and you get the message that you've been removed from this department to that department. And it means you're going to have a pay
cut, and you're going to come home and you're going to be upset and you're going to be complaining, but Subhanallah you don't recognize that outside of your knowledge is Allah's mercy upon you that if Allah's Mercy didn't descend upon you forget about having a pay cut, you'd be without a salary, you'd be jobless. Right. So this is life, my brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah's Mercy Subhan Allah is always close in Rahmatullahi Corrib indeed the Mercy of Allah is close to those who do good, our prerogative is to do good, irrespective of the circumstance, do good. And you will find Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy there, you might not identify his mercy, you might not be able to
appreciate his mercy. But it's for you to believe that you are living within the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala that my situation could be far worse. I'm doing good. And Allah's Mercy is near I read the Quran, I believe in the Quran. So I believe Allah's Mercy is near. And this is what keeps people saying, This is what keeps us patients through our test of life. And that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala you help us Saberi, he loves the patient ones. So this is Allah's mercy that falls down upon us of here. Now, what's interesting is Allah subhanho wa Taala This is called a QA in a minimum, someone from them said, don't kill yourself. And when we fast forward the story, what
happens? Now we're talking decades later, around 50 years later when this drought and they go to Egypt and they enter upon use of and use of laws who they are and they don't know who use of is and use of doesn't expose himself. They tell us that we need our quota of food. And we have a brother back home can we take his quota use of it he said I'm refuses to give them the quota for bieniemy use of wants them to bring Binyamin he misses his brother, it's been a long time. He wants to see his blood brother meaning his brother who they share in a father and mother. So when they go home to Yaqoob and they say we need to take Billy I mean with us. Yeah, I mean he CERAM obviously he is
still living in that hope, even though it's 50 something years later that Yousuf is alive and inshallah that he will be found. So he's living with all those emotions, all those memories and he is very apprehensive to send Binyamin even though Binyamin is a grown man that was not a boy to send Binyamin with them because you don't want to make the same mistake twice.
But eventually, they come to a middle ground and that middle ground is he makes them taken a castle by Allah swear an oath by Allah that you will come back with him
exceptive Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees something impossible among Inshallah, when we get to the story you'll see the mercy of Allah indiacabs words as well, that when you take a custom by Allah, I wouldn't be here. So let me share with you a little bit when you take a custom by Allah subhanahu atatiana. Don't set yourself up for failure. Don't swear by Allah to do something
to an extent that is that is close to being impossible for most human beings. So Jacobo Allah He said, He makes them take an oath that they'll bring Binyamin back but with an exception, only if something extraordinary
something beyond anyone's control takes place. But don't connive don't do that which I know you did to use a father his Salah. So Jacoba Islam qualified the person qualified the oath for his sons because yes, they did what they did but they're still he sends the he doesn't want to set them up for failure in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala use of eventually he puts a plan into place and through the plan. He keeps Binyamin and now the brothers are outside of the palace without Binyamin and they want to head back. But one of them says no, I'm not going back. Do you not know we took we took an oath. I'm staying behind. I'm not going back until I get Binyamin. I'm not going back
Subhanallah at the beginning of the story Allah says Carla illuminate them, when we talk about this dialogue that they having to get rid of use of either his Salam Allah doesn't expose who the one who spoke is he doesn't tell us who he is the one who said don't kill him, but throw him down. Well, Allah doesn't expose him. The scholars often say he's the older brother.
But Allah say someone from them said, at the end of the story, when they are having this discussion again, look, we're going back. And then Allah tells us that one of the brothers said, I'm not going back.
Allah doesn't say Kanaka Illumina home here, Allah says Carla Kabiru, Allah says, The eldest brother said, Allah exposes him here. Why does Allah hide him at the beginning of the story, and expose him at the end of the story.
Because at the beginning of the story, he didn't do what the older brothers should do. The older brother should take the place of the Father, in the absence of the Father. And when he's hearing this discussion amongst his brothers, about a crime that they want to commit to one of their own, the older brother should have stood up and stopped that plan in its tracks. But he didn't do that. His contribution was negligent, was negligible, negligent and negligible. You can say no, but he said, Don't kill him, throw him down. This is negligible. And this is from negligence. He should have stopped it in his tracks, because he did something not worthy of praise. And Allah forgave him.
Allah hit him in the store. He didn't expose him. But at the end of the story, when he told the brothers that Listen, I'm not going back, we took an oath that we won't go back. So I'm staying until I can take him back. Is this something praiseworthy, this is praiseworthy. So Allah exposes him he akana kaboom, the eldest brother said, and this is from the therapy of the Quran, how we should hide the sins of other people, how we should hide the mistakes of other people keep the identity hidden, unless you have to expose the identity. This is from a lot of Al Quran, from the normative customs of the Quran. When you read the Quran and interact with the Quran, you see
developing you that Allah who is the reveal of the Quran, who is the Lord of everything in creation, who created this older brother, the eldest brother in the family of Iacob, Allah keeps him hidden Subhan Allah, because Allah forgave him. So his sin is not worth him being exposed. This is a lesson that we get from within these, these verses for those who ponder and interact. So Allah subhanho wa Taala keeps him hidden. And he
push, no doubt you can see this is a voice of authority. Because there's no argument after this, nobody says no, no, we're not turning him down. Oh, well, we're going to kill him. There is no
push back here. Which, which which get which gives precedence to what the scholars of tafsir have deduced that this was the elder brother who spoke that once he said this, they listen to him and they settled on this plan, that we will take him and throw him down as well. Now,
obviously, you need to put the plan into action, right? And what's the first thing you need to do to Zach Aloka. The first thing you need to do is you need to get use of away from his father.
He, of course, doesn't release this boy. It's always close to him. And he always keeps him close. We need to get him away. Now, earlier we spoke about you can't do a sin and expect to be good thereafter. There's most things that you have to do. But guess what, when you plan to do a sin, their sins you have to do before as well.
Their sins before the sin and the sins after the sin and we see the sins before the sin in how they use emotional blackmail on the father. This is harder. This is haram for a child to use emotional blackmail.
Not only a father, on the mother, that sometimes shouldn't do this, right, they become a to have shape and they know my mother software, my mother loves me. So I need to use these words, I need to threaten the situation in this particular way, this will instigate, you know a reaction and my father, at the end, he will listen to what my mother says, this kind of conniving and plotting, this is not from Angelica behavior, this, and that's why it's called plotting. It's not really called planning this kind of plotting is from the way of shape on emotional blackmail. They use this on
their father, they say, My dear father, our Father, and He abandoned our Father, Father, Malika, that Mandela use of why don't you trust us was useful? Why don't you trust us with him? Are we not? As if we're not his brothers? Did you not teach us that we protect each other? We are brothers, we look after each other? How come you always keep him at arm's length? You never leave him with us. You never let him play with us? Why are you doing this? Do you not trust us? You can imagine this, right? I mean, are we not worthy, you can imagine this, this is what's happening. They're saying send him with us. We're going out to play to raise send him with us and he can raise with us and he
can play with us. And we will be his protectors. Look, we're in law, who will have with him indeed we are over him protect us, have you heard is some fan meanings, we will continuously protected
is provided is the duty of the verb and it denotes an action that is happening that we will be proactively looking after him. Not we will look after him, we will proactively look after him. So Jacoba he said, in his wisdom, he says, you know, my dear sons layer has been that it makes me sad. And Ted hub will be here if you take him. You don't why? Because I'm afraid of woof might consume him, you know, he's looking at his his his stature. You know, he's petite, he's small. He's young. You guys are big and grown when you guys play, you know, you guys play differently. Like when we talk about the grown ups playing football, it's a bit rough, you know, you don't understand your
infant to play with the adults right, separate rough, you know, so he is being diplomatic. And he says this, And subhanAllah guess what, after the plan is executed, they come home. And they tell their father that a wolf eight
use of a color.
And the scholars have deduced from this, that if you're in a position of authority, never engage in a discussion that gives those within your sphere of influence and excuse to use against you never expose them to a plausible plan to an idea that they feel is plausible in your mind. Because, you know, they had the plan was rammed down the well. But what What will we say to our father, they didn't have that solution. They didn't have that conclusion. How will we come back to what will we say happened to us? But now they're hearing Subhanallah our father really fears that a wolf? Will it use of so this is an excuse that we can use that you know what you feel Subhanallah the worst thing
you've had happens that doesn't that happen today? Right? We say you know that thing up at Hola Hola, Stan, it actually happened. La hawla wala Quwata illa villa. You see You mustn't wish for these things you shouldn't have said that people become superstitious, isn't it? Right? Because anything to justify your stance and to solidify your your place and to ensure that you save from blame. So this is what they do.
At the end of it so Jacobina he Salam engages them in this particular way. But mashallah, these are these are grown up. So what is the counter response, the counter response to the archivist, our father lay in Africa who vape if a wolf actually consumes use of when Rosa and we are this large group of sons that Allah has blessed you with, that this is a blessing from Allah, you know, as remember us, the large group of voice we are in Asaba if a wolf can overcome all of us and get use of then indeed we will be from the losers. Subhanallah and then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, The Hub will be here tomorrow. I am sure it will feel right. Yeah, but your job, they went, they
executed the plan. And the scholars of the city say that they ripped his shirt before they threw him down the well meaning they took the shirt off him. They took the shirt off him before they threw him down the well. Allah subhanahu Attallah inspires use of Allah he Salam in the well. Whoa Hanaa la Hila tuna be unknown be unbeliever, Heather or Himalaya Sharon? Allah subhanahu Allah says He inspired us to further his salaam to have a feeling that one day you will expose what they did to you to them whilst they know not whilst they don't recognize you. And this happens. Now use of is a young boy here and a common question from the students of the tafsir is did you become a Prophet
when he was down the bottom of a well because Allah says oh hey Inna, and why here we know is connected to Revelation and Revelation comes to prophets. And the answer to the question as the scholars of Tafseer explain that. No, he wasn't a prophet. And as for why he being used
Hear, then it's also used in other places in the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala uses ye in connection to Maria Maria Salem. And we know that this, that Maria Maria Hassan was not a prophet by the consensus of the scholars of Islam. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, uses ye in connection to the beat Illa Natalie, Allah subhanho wa Taala uses this term of ye with regards to the bee, and we know that a bee is not a prophet, which means what he here refers to Revelation when Allah reveals his books, but it also refers to inspiration, this the sense of, of serenity, of
contentment, that your heart feels, this is a form of wine. So the scholars explained that this this way that Allah is referring to here is this contentment, the serenity, the use of Allah usrm was made to feel by Allah when he was thrown into this dark well as a young boy after being kidnapped by the closest to him and inshallah we will stop here for our journey and for those who are interested within it Allah, you can inshallah follow the national zakat foundation page, moving forward for the remaining sessions we will head to Allah to circle now Heron has Allah who I am, I don't know if I will see you all at the Fajr reminder. Tomorrow it will be my last session before traveling to
Melbourne. If I don't see you, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your your your hospitality. It was heartfelt mashallah Tabata Kala and for honoring me by sharing with me and attentive ear, and attentive heart for attending the lectures and the programs and by Allah, my only intention Through these efforts is to instigate transformation, that we become a better people from that which we hear from that which we learn.
It's not easy to leave your family and travel for long periods of time, but you do it because of a vision that you have and a hope that you have for the Ummah and a desire that you have for the Ummah and my desire for the Ummah is to see an ummah of ignited communities that benefit humanity. And I come and share with you these lessons in the manner that I do, to see transformation. We need to stop being an ummah, that moves but doesn't progress but and we need to become an ummah that progresses from what we learn from what we know there's a difference between movement and progress and if you follow my that our for a while I mentioned this, that our rocking horse moves, but he
doesn't progress. A lot of the time we move we busy we come to lectures, we watch lectures on online, we listen to podcasts and and we move from place to place, but we're not transforming. We're not internalizing the lessons that we take and becoming a better people because of it. We're not growing from our knowing if I can use
the language of the Shabaab I don't do the rapping, but you get the point you get the point. So my hope from you all is inshallah you become a better people from the message that will be shared and you have been entirely hospitable but the greatest hospitable
hospitality that you can afford me and show me is to become better human beings from the lessons that we have shed over the last couple of days better in your homes, become fathers upon the Sunnah become mothers upon the Sunnah become CHILDREN upon the Sunnah become businessmen upon the Sunnah become neighbors upon the Sunnah become community members upon the Sunnah, to answer the call of Allah subhanahu Atana wherever it be knowing that Allah chose you to be from the family of la ilaha illa Allah, He could have chosen someone else, but it shows you surely surely a timer has to come in your life when you ask the question that why me? Surely Allah has a plan for me. Indeed, Allah has a
plan for you. He made you from the family of la ilaha illa Allah, He made you a member from the members of the Ummah of Muhammad, the OMA that collectively carries his legacy. So this means that you have been deployed, Allah has deployed you to protect the hack to protect the truth. Your life cannot be about me, myself and I about me and my wife and my kids and my bills and the fancy schools we want to send them to and the big holidays that we want to travel to and so on and so forth. Your life cannot be lackluster, your life cannot be void of substance, oh, member of the Ummah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you have to have at the back of your mind and the front of your mind
that you have been deployed by Allah and whenever there is a cause that is beloved to Allah subhanho to Allah, you will be there. I leave you with these words here the Allahu Allah Zakum the hidden or SallAllahu wasallam or about a kind of being a Muhammad or either added heat or so heavy anyway