Sajid Ahmed Umar – SURAH YUSUF FOR THE 21ST CENTURY #04 Prophetic School of Parenting
![Sajid Ahmed Umar](
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The use of dialogue in stories can benefit individual's lives and teach new words and phrases. The importance of the Quran in providing guidance and information is emphasized, as it is often difficult to read information without the knowledge of it. The use of Subhanab Luca's dream of achieving a dream and his importance in shaping children is also discussed. The importance of guidance for children is emphasized, and the use of language and language learning in modern day Egypt is discussed. The responsibility of young leaders is emphasized, and forgiveness and forgiveness language are discussed.
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began to study men who suddenly want to sell him and hurt him in the in the Vietnam hammered early. He was such a big Marine. A Mobarak rubbish every Saturday were Sidley Emery. Hello look that's me Lisa. Annie. Holy.
We begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a cup but Allah min now women consult Allah Emad, may Allah subhanho wa Taala accept from us our deeds. I mean, welcome my dear brothers and sisters in Islam to a another episode in our series for use of in the 21st century. In previous episodes, we discussed lessons that apply to us today. Well, some lessons there's many lessons we are just
capturing a few lessons that apply to us today from the makan Medina and categorization of sorrows in the Quran. And then we discuss lessons that we can benefit from the best mela Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. And thereafter we discussed
lessons from
the third verse In surah. Yusuf nanoco Sarika external causes Bhima ohangwena Ilica the Quran were in Quinta mean, probably he let me know how Finney
along with these lessons, we discussed some theory, but necessary theory only because the focus of our lessons are indeed practical benefits that we can take from the surah. From our interaction with the surah that insha Allah can help bring about necessary calibration and transformation to our lives today. My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I want to progress the discussion with you all into the opening of the story of Surah use of a dialogue between a son and his father. And it's not just any dialogue. It's a dialogue filled with lessons a dialogue that is a school in and of itself, in fact, a dialogue that we can dub, prophetic parenting, prophetic parenting, and in this verse, or
these verses, Allah subhanho wa Taala opens the story of use of Alayhis Salam by saying if Allah used to fully be when Yusuf said to his father, yeah Betty Oh my dear father, in Neeraj e two indeed, I continuously see oh, I have I have seen in a clearer way in Neeraj A to the actual record kabbah. I see 11 stars were shumsa will hammer and I see the sun and the moon are at home, Lisa Jean, I have seen them bowing down to me.
So you can see how clear he is about what he saw. And this clarity is provided for us in the exact sentence structure that he used in relaying this information to his father, and also the confirmation of values that he places in the sentencing. You can see Subhanallah that this boy isn't just any boy, you can see that there's a level of maturity that is noteworthy, that is praiseworthy, he says, I've seen in a clearer way. 11 stars, the sun in the moon, and then he says, I have seen them bowing down to me. Right?
He's released this information to his father in a way that doesn't leave room for anyone to say, Are you sure you saw that?
Were you sure it was stars?
Perhaps you're just daydreaming? He says it very clearly and with much confirmation. Now, thereafter, his father naturally responds to him. His father says to him, yeah, Boonie Oh, my dear son SubhanAllah. It's beautiful dialogue because he says yeah, a birdie. Oh, my dear father, and we will come back Inshallah, to this. His father responds back and says, Yeah, boo naomh idsn SubhanAllah letterboxers wrote a check. This is the response from his father.
You can see from the perspective of the Father, immediate acceptance of what his son said he saw
and there's lessons in this letter, do not reveal this dream. Allah acquatic to your brothers, for your key doula Qaeda for indeed they will plot against you in the shape on the live in Sandy I do Mubin when you read this at first glance, at first value, you might say this is a bit strange. He's saying do not relate this dream to your brothers because they shall plot against you but then he takes the discussion
towards shape on
to the untrained ear. This may seem as a distraction.
But it isn't a distraction. It is prophetic parenting in practice. He says indeed Shavon to
You too insane is a clear enemy.
And then he goes on to say to his son furthering the dialogue what Cavalli kh stubby Cara Buka where you are limo come into will a hadith where you Timonium metaphor or lake or other earlier I could come at a Maha Boyka. In Kabul Ibrahim always Huck in Rebecca Alleman Hakim
SubhanAllah. At first glance, again, you might feel that this is a form of distraction. We're talking about brothers plotting against you, how have we now gone into Shavonne and gone into Allah perfecting his favor unto you, because thereafter he says, that like this, Allah subhanho wa Taala will perfect His favor upon you, and he will choose you and He will teach you
the interpretation of events, the interpretation of dreams, and he says just as Allah subhanho wa Taala did it on the family of or meaning upon your forefathers Allah awakening a couple your forefathers before you. And in particular we have Ibrahim mentioned and is Huck right. And then he tells his son in Arabic or indeed your Lord is Eileen his the omniscient is the All Knowing Hakeem and his wives
Subhan Allah, the Quran no doubt is a book that was revealed for us to interact with it is not a book that is read in isolation and then placed on the shelf. Every time you read the Quran, you learn something new Allah subhanho wa Taala opens upon you new meanings. Allah subhanahu Attallah opens upon your new guidance as it's the reality of the Quran and we touched upon this in previous sittings, especially yesterday sitting that the Quran is the gift that keeps gifting and dependent on your circumstance. Subhanallah you find a verse speaking to you based on that circumstance that you may read a verse when when you upon a particular demeanor, and you understand it in a particular
way. And then Subhanallah some life event happens to you and it shifts your demeanor and you read that same verse And subhanAllah you extract from it guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala that you haven't extracted before, when you are experiencing different circumstances this is the Quran.
The points of benefit are many, but in terms of Surah Yusuf in the 21st century,
tying back the beginning of how Allah discusses this event and the story to the previous verse that we spoke about yesterday when Allah subhanho wa Taala said national narcos salikus analysis, remember we said the Quran has the best of stories, all the stories of the Quran are the best. And in particular, Surah Yusuf is the best of stories because we find this verse in this particular surah and we said there's many reasons why the Quranic stories are the best of all stories and from them at a practical level is this here, that the Quran does not reveal and Release to us information that is extra to require.
We don't see that Allah subhanaw taala beginning the story telling us about the weather telling us about the situation outside of the home, whether the sun was warm, whether the sun was high, whether the sun was low, how fine the day was, how dealt the day was, doesn't tell us about how use of got out of bed? Did he rubbed his eyes, did he brush his teeth? This is information that is extra two requirements in terms of the guidance that Allah subhanahu Attallah is revealing. So Allah subhanho wa Taala gets into if Allah usefully Abby, when you sort of said to his father, where will you find a book or study just begin like this, you open the book and at the beginning, you just go straight
into it, when you said to his father, no introduction to use of his new introduction to who we are, who is but Subhan Allah, the reality of the Quran in completion provides the introduction,
right that this understanding that the believer has read Surah Yusuf along with the rest of the Quran is present in how the Quranic narrative and discourse and the Quranic is revealed. And this shows you Subhanallah, that indeed, this Quran is from any al-harbi, the all knowledgeable one, the one who knows everything, the scene in the unseen Subhana because He created us, and He knows our lives and what we will do and how we will interact with information before we lived experience that ourselves, He created us and He revealed the book, the book will be revealed in a way that matters in the most productive way to the creation that Allah subhanho wa Taala will create.
When we write books today, we think of the target audience, we always trying to mitigate anything that will prevent the book being a best seller. So to say, we think of the target audience, but even then, nobody has the finger on the pulse exactly of how the target audience will respond to the information shed. Because even amidst target audiences, the ideals and values that we assigned to these audiences are relative, it differs from person to person.
But Subhanallah Allah is the Ultimate Creator. And Allah knows the common denominator with the majority of the people
will interact with the Quran. And as such, Allah subhanahu Attallah begins if called the use of Allah practical lesson today is how we too, should be clinical, in how we speak in how we interact, especially in a day and age where people have low attention spans, we suffer in today's day and age from a low attention deficit, you could call it a disorder. Right. And there's enough information out there about dopamine and about applications and smartphones that are making people dumb phones along the stack, you have smartphones that are making people interact with information, in a way far inferior than previous generations, people's attention spans have become inferior people's ability
to be patient in lectures, and so on and so forth, has become inferior, you almost have to make an Islamic lecture stand up comedy for anyone to be interested in it. And then at the end of it, the only takeaway really that they have and this is from my personal interaction with people who've attended these kinds of Stand Up Comedy kind of lectures and applications Masha Allah and they have the place, you find that Subhanallah they really resemble or remember Subhanallah, the core tenants of the lecture, but they do remember the jokes.
This is something for us to be concerned about. But it's a discussion for another day. But in terms of taking guidance on pseudo use of this, this idea of being clinical in how we start an event in how we end an event in how we release information to a person in how we pitch a paragraph in a book, we see this lesson from the Quran, how we manage our meeting SubhanAllah. Sometimes I see that there's this
norm, amongst the meetings that we have, that there's a lot of time wastage, the beginning of the meeting has a lot of niceties that don't need to be there, people already seen each other or just interacted with each other. And there's a time and place for it. But Subhanallah is there and minister moving on the clock. And then even how people put the information across, there's a lot of, you know,
words said that don't really give you an ability to understand it from the get go. There's a lot of contemplation that's needed to make heads and tails of what exactly the person is trying to say. And as such, the meetings go on and on and on, at the expense of other forms of productivity.
This is of course, a point of benefit from Surah, Yusuf Eid extended level, right that the idea itself is not telling us how to conduct our zoom meetings or physical meetings or Skype meetings and so on and so forth. But we see this as a value overall when we read the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And when we read the stories of the Quran, that the Quran and the Sierra and the Sunnah, the very clinical Subhanallah in how information is presented.
This is the first point. The second point of benefit, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam is how Yusuf alayhi salam Subhanallah, he has a dilemma. And he chooses as his reference as his mode of clarity as his means of approach his father, immediately. And for those who have children, you will understand that children interact with information Firstly, in different capacities. Secondly, they interact with other people and release to them their dilemmas at different capacities as well. Something that is a means of confusion for the child, they will go to the most trusted person to them to the person who they feel closest to, to the person they feel more comfortable with
SubhanAllah. And for the fathers in the room, you probably would have experienced this with your own children and sometimes Subhanallah you will find your child go to your wife to release certain information and that child will not be comfortable coming with that same information to you. And even if your wife tells the child well why don't you tell you about that? Why don't you tell your father Why don't you tell your daddy you find the changling red in the cheeks, the child feeling shy and the child will say you tell him so Han Allah right there's, there's there's a there's levels Subhanallah that children even the innocence through fitrah through design, they have a demeanor
that makes them comfortable in terms of what they release when they release it, how they release it. And here Subhanallah young use of sees this dream, and he knows my hero is my father. And this doesn't come from a vacuum. The Quran hasn't said it to us. But the way Allah has released the opening of Surah Yusuf to us, teaches us Subhanallah of the months and years before this dream, the relationship between son and father how vibrant it was, how productive it was, how interactive it was that use of saw his father as his friend, he saw his father as the most knowledgeable person that he didn't feel that this is information that I should release maybe to my neighbor or the
guidance counselor at school, or somebody else outside the home or a distant cousin or a close cousin. He didn't even go to his brothers normally you find between siblings, a relationship that is more palatable. And information is vastly shared without restriction and its siblings but Subhanallah he goes to his father, and again the Quran is a book that we need to interact with. We need to think well how did Allah start this like this? And it's amazing. We live Life
For we've seen this, no doubt if you are married, if you didn't have children, you wouldn't appreciate this lesson. But for the fathers in the room appreciate the Quran. And for those who will be fathers appreciate the Quran you will see this by Allah you will see the SubhanAllah. And this teaches us prophetic parenting Jacoba alayhi salam without verses and pages and
chapters related to parenting, we can extract the book of parenting from Yakov adhesin. That this is the relationship he had. And thus his son chose him as his first reference now Jacoba he salah, you can see also what bolsters my discourse to you here is how he acaba he said in response to you, so he doesn't doubt his information. He doesn't question is information, right? He doesn't belittle his information. He doesn't laugh at his information. He doesn't say to you some ideas and I told you about the heat, and this goes against Tawheed. So you must have seen a nightmare. And again, this allows you to appreciate that for use of to make this dream that he saw problematic. Yeah. And yes,
stash kill her the hero Yeah, he makes this dream problematic. It doesn't come from nothing. He makes it problematic because again, the Quran doesn't spell it out for us. But through interaction, we can deduce that Yaqoob was teaching his son about the worship of one Allah,
teaching his son about everything in existence being the creation of Allah, and being subservient to one Allah subhanho wa taala. Otherwise kids we know that have Subhanallah any imaginations that levels beyond the ability of adults to comprehend. And we could only comprehend it if we were a kid in order when you grow up, you forget how used to imagine when you were young, you have a growing mind, you have these neurons that are flying all over the place, and the child is trying to make sense of it, this whole phase of your life where you can't differentiate between fiction and reality. And we discuss this with parents as well, parents, especially who claim that the young
children of two or three are lying, for example.
And they want to pull out the discipline book, but their child at that age maybe doesn't even know how to lie. And today we see writings on this, that children at certain ages, they don't know how to like whenever they say something that goes against reality. They're speaking from their own imagination. They've imagined it, but they do not have the neurons the mental capacity and ability to actually formulate a lie deliberately.
They have all this in their imagination, but Jacoba alayhi salam, he understands his son because he spent great time with his son. He understands his strong points. He understands his weak points. He understood he knows the curriculum, he has taught us of the curriculum of life, the curriculum of Arcada of Islamic belief, the curriculum of right and wrong, this is not just his son, this is his student. So immediately, he says to his son, my dear son, do not release this dream to your brothers. Now, if we reverse back a little bit and go back to how Yusuf addresses his father, he calls out to his father in the most beautiful of ways in the Arabic language, this 10 ways to call
out to your dad, and 10 ways to call out to your mom, by consensus of the scholars of Arabic grammar, the most softest, most beautiful, most benevolent, most noble way to call out to your father or mother is to add a tag at the end of the of the word of the term. It doesn't say that this is a birdie Subhanallah the most beautiful way to call out to your father.
And, again, this comes from a superior level of upbringing, which generates within this boy knowledge of who his father is. And then that knowledge generates love for his father. And we spoke about this at the sisters program at the weekend. That love is a substantial emotion, anything substantial is connected to knowledge, and use of loves his father to the extent that he calls him in the most beloved way, the most loving way, because of how much he loves his father. And that love stems from how much he knows of his father, and about his father. And that knowledge that he has about and of his father stems from this interaction that has happened over years Subhanallah I use
if he's a young boy at this stage, and we don't have anything definitive in our home, how old he is. But conservative metrics put him at the age of around six to eight years of age SubhanAllah. And he's having this dilemma. And he's going to his father, and he's addressing the dilemma. Look at the self confidence of the boy, look at the confidence of the boy, look at the
demeanor of the boy Subhanallah to the extent that you feel that there's a vision already formulated in his life, he sees himself as a student of knowledge. He wants to know the answer to it. Another boy would probably just flesh it out that I saw a dream that let me get on and play. But Subhanallah Yusuf wants to learn, he immediately engages the epicenter of his education, and that is his parents, his father, his father in responses here Boonie Oh my dear beloved son, again, this is from the most beautiful of ways they
Father can call out to his son.
And a mother can call out to her son. Yeah Boonie. But he instructs his son letter susu yakka. Allah aquatic, do not reveal this dream to your brothers, less they brought against you, for they will plot against you. Indeed che upon to mankind is a clear enemy. Now SubhanAllah. Let's zoom out here, because here is a madrasa. It's an entire school, in terms of communication, the art of communication. And again, this art of communication stems from a vibrant relationship between father and son, a vibrant relationship between teacher and students. Yahoo Alayhis Salam doesn't address the details of the dream, no doubt Jacoba Hassan has given being given the knowledge of dreams, he
has been given the knowledge of how to interpret events, he was from the interpreters of dreams, and he tells his son that Allah is going to give you what Allah has favored us with the ability to interpret events and understand dreams. But he doesn't interpret the dream word for word. Rather, he deals with what he knows is a consequence of the dream that we're seeing.
And he might think, La ilaha illAllah? How Sun Moon 711 stars bowing down? I mean, even if you in some capacity, translated this as mother, father and brothers bowing down to use of how does that translate to you telling you a son? Hide this dream from your brothers? How does that translate it? Because they will plot against you hold on, how does that relate to it? And then shaytaan is a clear enemy Hold on What's going on here, where we going with this? I just seen a dream where we going focus on the dream. Did you hear that I told you that I had a dream use of understands my father did here. He knows him as a father, he knows him as a teacher uses his absorbing the advice. Now, what's
amazing here and when you read modern day literature on the art of communication they have is they mentioned this, that whenever a command, there's different speech patterns, but the pattern of a command whenever a command is released, it should have two core functions and a third if needed. Number one, the command obviously, number two, explanation of the command.
And number three, further explanation. If confusion still exists from the explanation, that ilaha illa you read this in modern literature, and then I read this dialogue between father and son. And I see Subhanallah these three elements present, Jakob says letak susu IAQ do not convey this dream Illa aquatic to your brothers. Is this a command? What do you guys think? This is a command. It's not just the harbor? It's not just giving statements. Yeah, this is a command do not release this dream to your brother. But then he says for your key do like a Qaeda. Let me tell you why my son if you do it, they will protect against you. He explains the command. How many of us today stop at the
command. When we raise our children do this. Don't do that. Don't ask me why? If they do ask why it's because I said so. Just do it. You're a disobedient child for asking why? Why are you asking why? I don't have time for this. This is what happens especially in the busy lives that we live in the multiple shifts that we might have in 21st century where mothers and fathers are both working. You come home you tired you have to get the dinner. Nobody has time you only for your wife just do it. Right? Yeah. Who says no. You have to tell your child why Subhan Allah, He says they will protect you.
If he just said don't have this dream to your brother's a normal child, what would he or she do?
What will happen? If I take this dream to my brother's let me go and experiment and and tell them and let me see what happens when we see this. We see this happen with children when the parents are not there. They start experimenting.
Right? But yeah, Coke doesn't leave him room. He doesn't leave any room for SharePoint to use against his child he tells me my therapeutic Institute. But Subhanallah if you interact with the Quran, you will deduce from the fact that Dr. Koop then shifts the discussion to che upon to understand that no doubt Yaqoob has been previously teaching his son about the importance of his brother and his brothers, and how brothers are united and how they should be united and how they protect each other and how they look after the interests of each other naturally. So why would the coop Allahi salaam shift the discussion to shape on why there's no need. But there's a need when
you've already taught your child how families are with each other, and how they should be with each other. And the lessons that my father has already taught my brothers. So Jacoba he Salam it is as if he's saying to his son, my dear son, they will plot against you if you tell them the dream. And if they plot against you then don't forget che Aparna has a hand in mankind going astray.
Where is use of learning this from from his father. Don't forget that Shavon has a hand in
unkind when they go astray. He is a clear enemy to mankind. He's an enemy. His father is teaching him about Trayvon when he's
he's young, he has an age within this young bracket. Young. This is his age, and he's teaching them virtually upon. He's not saying no, no, we can't tell them for children at this age, because they'll have nightmares. No, he's teaching him about life, rather than me before anybody else. Rather me before anybody else, my dear mother and father, who do you want to guide your child, you don't know how much life you have left, how much fuel you have in your heart and soul.
Who loves your child more than you?
Who loves your child more than you who will be there to guide your child like you.
And that is why you have to take every opportunity to guide your child, keeping your child ignorance is not raising your child is not from a from nurturing your child. It's not from developing your child. It's not from the prophetic way of being with children. In Islam. We don't raise children, we raise leaders.
And when you raise leaders, they need the best teachers.
And nobody can teach your child like a mother and father, not the Imam at the masjid. Not the principal at Islamic school, not the head of the local madrasa. Yes, they all mean well and yes, they have knowledge and yes, they can. But Allah has placed a secret in a lesson that comes from a parent to his or her child. And call it Baraka, if you wish. But Subhanallah when a parent teachers his or her child, a lesson, it is filled with help from Allah subhanho wa Taala that doesn't exist elsewhere. And we see this here, because use of Allah he Salam is going to be abducted from the prophetic home. And he's going to be flung into all forms of trials, and all different environments,
environments that are unprotected environments that go against the Sharia. He's going to live the most formative years of his life with with with idolatry Subhanallah around him with immorality around him. This was going to happen. He's going to go through his teens and he's going to see your morality. He's going to be seeing idolatry. We talk about the teens being the most formative years of one's life, the years that make you or break you. right use of won't have the voice of guidance with him then, but he will be sharing with him the voice of guidance. Once he has him within his sphere of influence. He's taking the opportunity. And then he goes to tell his son because he can
forecast this test that Allah is going to put his son through. He says, why can I then he can be counted on Bukola you i LIMU come in. We had the WEIUTV Mooney matter who Arlie go on Erna Annie, Abu Bakr
a weaker Ybor Hema is happy in Boca hurricane hanky Munna Annie. He says, My dear son, now that we've gone through the instruction, understand that Allah will choose you like this, what's going to happen to you, things are going to happen to you, life is going to happen to you. But I want you to understand when you go through this life, understand that this is how Allah is going to choose you. This is how Allah is going to choose you. This is how Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to teach you. This is how Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to bestow upon you your ability to interpret dreams and events. This is how Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to complete his favor upon you. And remember my
son, I told you identity when you were younger, by now you know who you are, you know where you came from, you know you're the son of a prophet who is the son of a prophet who is the son of a prophet who was the son of the Prophet you know you our use of the son of Yaqoob, the son of his heck, the son of Ibrahim, Allah completed His favours upon them. Remember my son I told you about the Weber's Allah gave me Ibrahim and his heart, Allah is going to do the same for you as it did to them. And remember my son, indeed Allah, He is your Lord, meaning he is your Creator, your maker, your Sustainer, the giver of life to give off death, the one who protects you and the one who nurtures
you to perfection. And he also is I mean, he's omniscient. He knows everything that people don't know. And he's Hakeem, he's wise as to why things happen when they happen. La ilaha illa Allah, what a mighty massive lesson from the prophetic school prophetic home of Yaqoob Alehissalaam to his son, because thereafter use of is abducted Subhanallah by the closest to him
with the intention to kill him, but then he's thrown into a well that was the net result that they settled upon. And that is a testament of itself, his shirtless, his fatherless, his homeless, his brother lists his well being list. He's in the bottom of our wealth and thereafter Subhanallah
He's going to be abducted. So he's going to become kidnapped, and then he's going to be transported to another land. So he's going to become citizen less. And then when he's stolen, they're going to sell him in the slave market of Egypt. So he's going to become freelance, he's going to become a slave. And don't forget about the nature of the slave markets of Egypt. And historically, you can read about this, you can read about history, about the slave markets in Egypt, how rough the slave markets were, how they would treat the slaves as animals, pulling them out open, looking at their teeth, pulling their ears, to flipping their head to the right and flipping it to the left this kind
of behavior and attitude that exists there, he is going to go through all of this. And then after that, he is going to be put into a home of idolatry of power of morality, of immorality, subhanAllah, home with morality issues, because he will be then tested with the wife of that home, the wife of the Minister of that home, and then by the women of the city, through the greatest, most formative years of his life without ever hearing about Allah without ever hearing about Rob, without ever hearing about any without ever hearing about Hakeem, without ever hearing any lessons from the prophetic school. But Subhanallah he passes every stage with flying colors. It's as if when he's
thrown down the world, and he's scared, and he's worried, and he's tearful, and he thinks my father doesn't know where I am. And nobody knows where I am. He remembers my father taught me in the Rebecca honeymoon, Hakeem, my dear son, your Lord, he's your protector, and he knows where you are, and he knows why you're there. And then when they kidnap him, and he's worried about his circumstances situation, because he doesn't know where he's going. And his father will know where he is, and who's taken him and whose home is going to be brought up in he remember Subhanallah Let me become my father taught me that Allah is my protector, and he's knowledgeable as to where I am. And
he's wise as to why I'm in the situation where he's flung around in the slave markets of Egypt, resident lists, citizen lists, with no protector with no one to come in and lay claim to him from his bloodline. He doesn't forget and he keeps himself calm, remembering my father taught me that my Allah, he's my lord, he's my protector, and he knows where I am. And he's wise as to why I'm going through this. And then when he's taken into the palatial home, and he's locked in this home, where people of the city don't even know about him. And we know this, because when the when the minister's wife fell for him, and the women of the city spoke about her, it's clear that they didn't know about
him because she invited them to the palace to see him.
They didn't know about the slave boy that she's fallen in love with. No one knew anything about him when he's locked within the confinements of this place as a slave. And the normal person will think nobody knows where I am. And think about big becoming depressed and thinking of becoming de capacitated and becoming overwhelmed. He remembers the lesson from his teacher from his father from the prophetic home indeed you Allah, he's your protector, you can indeed you Allah, He knows where you are, indeed your Allah he is wise as to why you there. Where did he learn this from?
From the blessed teachings of the
School of his home, when he was a young boy with his father, the only place that he would ever hear these lessons for the rest of his life. And subhanAllah as you go through Surah Yusuf, especially at the beginning verses, you see that he's totally silent. You don't hear His voice. Aside of this dialogue with his father, you don't hear his voice thereafter, when he is taken by his brothers, there is no use of voice, there is no mention of use of and what he said when he's thrown into the well we don't hear anything about use of when he's taken out of the well and abducted, kidnapped we don't hear use of saying anything when he is transported and made resident Listen, citizens we don't
hear use of his voice when he's thrown in his place into the palace. We don't hear use his voice. But now when he's 40.
And he's of age as the scholars of Tafseer to say when should they when he reaches the age of 40. And he's locked into the room with the woman when he is a man and he has every desire as human beings have. And he's with a powerful woman and a beautiful woman and she's locked everything Holika till a blob is not just closed, it's shut. The blinds are down, the doors are double locked, the window shutters are down, there's no access in there's no access out and she gives herself to him and says Come to me. This is the only time finally you hear use of his voice coil Allah
at 40 and he was seven or eight the last time you heard about Allah properly. The last time you heard about his Lord being the protector and the knowledgeable one and the wise one. Immediately you hear us to find that his his morale Allah I seek. I seek refuge in Allah in the horror of the Aqsa number three according to one version of the scholars of deceit. He the explanation of these verses. He's saying Indeed, he's my lord, my protector as an empath. Why he's been good to me. It could have been worse.
Where did he learn this? At that stage when you have all your desires with you and opportunity
on the plate, oven baked oven ready, as they say,
there Ilaha illa Allah if this doesn't make you understand the baraka of a father or mother's lesson to a child, my dear mother and sister and father and brother in Islam, I don't know what
if this doesn't make you understand what we spoke about previously missing our prioritizations giving the job more importance than raising your child. There's no problem having the job, but it shouldn't be at the expense of what you have to do with your child, then I don't know what will make you understand the baraka that exists in a lesson of a father or mother to his or her child.
Until when are we going to say well, Allah, He I'm too is too busy. Allah had the job kept me too busy. When the children are astray and you engage the parents, they blame the job, it's too late. And Until when are we going to keep on blaming the job?
Because parenting as you can see from the home of your home is one responsibility of life that can never be outsourced. You can never outsource it. You can outsource marketing, you can outsource human resources, you can outsource catering, you can outsource your gardening, you can outsource anything, but you cannot outsource parenting. And by the way, in case the memo didn't reach you, the schools and the mattresses are not the places where you outsource parenting to the schools and the addresses just complement your home effort. They don't assume your home effort, you ultimately have to be in charge.
And historically, this was understood from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, because we see this with the Sahaba Raja Ravi Allahu Anhu. Much many, even when they assumed the caliphate when they became the leader of the Muslims, and then then those that came thereafter amarapura bin Abdulaziz, their stories about him Harun Rashid, how they would hire the best moralities of the time to make sure that they they're with their kids day in and day out, because no doubt you're looking after the affairs of the unmanned domain has expanded. And you have all these governors that you need to manage and make sure there's no uprisings at one end of the of the Muslim Peninsula. And
these cables are coming in from different sections of the Muslim empire, but you busy, but you cannot outsource parenting. And there's there's a famous story that goes back to Omar bin Abdulaziz and somebody Harun Rashid, about his instruction to the moral base of his children, for he would tell the moral base of his children, he would inform them and he would tell them that whatever happens, make sure I get the report the daily report of my children.
And the royal court knew that when this instructions come when this report comes in from the Mora be, it shouldn't be at the bottom of the list.
Put it at the top of the list.
Because raising my children is as it is an important responsibility as all the other responsibilities if not more, if not more, so don't excuse to say I'm the leader of the Muslim, so I didn't have time to raise my kids. No. And in one incident, a letter comes from one of the more obese to the Khalifa, to say oh leader of the Muslims, this is the report of your children today. And as for your one son,
everything was fine. Except one Salah he started it seconds after the Imam began the prayer. That's all and the reason why he started it only seconds. It's not like he was in the second line or he missed the Fatiha just seconds the tech beat happened. And he didn't start with the Imam why he was a bit busy today combing his hair.
Look, even the report has these details. He was busy combing his hair.
So the Khalifa writes back to the mirror and says your cable your correspondence has been reached. And it has reached and it's been read. And in response, I send you this correspondence. As soon as you get it shave my son's head off, shave his hair off. Because if his hair delayed him from starting the Salah with the Imam he doesn't need his hair.
Of course, I'm not highlighting here that you need to shave your children's hair off the fathers and mothers here. But understand that nobody ever thought you could outsource parenting. And historically, the best of this ummah, understood that we don't raise children, but rather we raise leaders. Now there's so much to say here and our lesson has gone longer today. But I want to tie other points back very quickly to this discussion and dialogue that young yous have had with his father. Fast forward. Now we're talking, you know, use of is more than 50 years old. And finally, Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees that his brothers come into His presence and the situation is
totally different. Now Yusuf is the Minister of Egypt and in case you don't know how inshallah we'll get to it as we progress through the nights as to how he got there. He's in charge. He's the minister of Egypt. He sees his brothers come in, he recognizes his brothers. They don't recognize him. They never thought that this man sitting here, the minister in charge of the store houses of the land during the years of drought, would be our brother that we flunked out
In the world so many decades ago, they don't recognize him. He recognizes them.
And eventually things transpire. But when suddenly he asked them that, tell us what you did with, you know your younger brother a long time ago. What did you do with us? When you used to be ignorant people? Allahu Akbar. Look at this. Look at this. He's very careful how he speaks to them. Tell me what you did to a young brother use of when you used to be ignorant.
He's making an excuse for his brothers is you're not making an excuse for them. He's not saying you're telling me what did you do to use of? He says when you used to be ignorant by the way it's who does that? After years of suffering after years of separation when you have the upper hand you're talking about him who is in charge he has the army the security everything at his disposal. But here he tells his brothers when you used to beat Linnet the brothers obviously you know that this is the man can only be the man no one knows what happened besides us and use of if this man is asking us about use of that he is use of color in the color and the use of they said are you use of
he FM's I'm use of
then immediately he sees from them regret and when he sees this regret use of immediately system letter three ballet company there's no blame upon us today. Yeah for hola hola como, Allah will forgive you.
When do you tell someone Allah will forgive you? When someone who's harmed you? Who Allah won't forgive unless you forgive? When do you tell them Allah will forgive you?
Only if
you've already forgiven them. Where did he learn about forgiving his brothers from the get go? Where did this lesson come from? His father.
When when he was a young boy in his father's home, what his father taught him about Shavon his father didn't tell him that shaytani is to blame not your brothers know what your brothers did was wrong. But my dear son Don't forget don't forget shape ons hand. This made it palatable to use have to understand the event and forgive his brother that everybody come on. Yo, there's no blame upon you. I don't blame you. Don't you get it? I just said to you. What did you do to us of when you used to be ignorant? You never used to know. Don't worry. I don't blame you. Those were days of Jamelia. You guys never knew what you were doing. It was a mistake. I know it was a mistake. My brothers I
understand it was a mistake. I understand you didn't mean it.
And then he says young Pharaoh Allahu Allahu Allah will forgive you, meaning I have already forgiven you. Where did he learn this? Oh servant of Allah, no child of Adam. I present to you the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and I present to you today's interaction from Surah Yusuf and the lessons we deduced for us to benefit from in the 21st century her the Allahu Allah and Allah subhanahu Allah to Allah knows best everything correct said is from Allah alone and he's perfect in any mistakes or from myself and che upon and I seek Allah subhanho wa Taala has forgiven us. She has our kimono O'Hara nobody would you all are sal Allahu wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa
sahbihi igmi