Sajid Ahmed Umar – Surah Yusuf for 21st Century #18 – Famine encompasses Palestine

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The history and significance of Islam is highlighted, including the historical significance of the Prophet sallal Ali Dr. Alayhi-ralilal and the use of "has" to describe culture. The importance of giving people a gift, including a puppy as a gift, and the use of slippers and "bygones" to indicate a owner of everything are emphasized. The speakers emphasize the need for caution and trust in publicizing promises, setting up people to succeed in difficult environments, and letting people know when they need help. The speakers also emphasize the importance of learning to use the means and avoiding trouble, and setting up people to succeed in difficult environments.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Karim or other Le he was such a big man in my bad.

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We begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we praise Allah subhana who Allah Allah, Allah Who Millikan him to heaven than cathedral antiban Mubarak and V. Can you hear Bob guna Yoruba? Allahu Malacca heavens, can I embody the Gela logic while the missile panic luckily I haven't had the TurtleBot Well, I can Hamdi there are leads welcomed by the Rebbe. We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala with the best of phrases and indeed he is the owner of all praise and is the most deserving of all praise and especially since he's brought us to this point in Ramadan, and has brought us to yet another special

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night from the nights of Ramadan, and in particular a special night from the from the last 10 nights of Ramadan. The combat Allah Minami cosa Allah Allah Allah may Allah subhanho wa Taala accept from us our deeds. I mean, you are behind me. We continue with Surah use of extracting from it pearls extracting from it benefits wisdoms SubhanAllah.

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Enlai enlightenment,

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for us to take guidance from in the 21st century as we live our lives,

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irrespective of where we are irrespective of place irrespective of space, such as the phenomenal nature of the life of use of Idaho, Salem, and such is the diligence of his life. Subhan Allah indeed, the best of all stories, indeed, a story that is an entire school, it is the school of life, it is the University of life. If

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one is asked to describe through the use of in a sentence, then surely, we can only say that it is the University of life because there's so many facets that it showered upon us. guidance with Subhanallah you literally feel the guidance falling upon our hearts and souls as we ponder over the ayat, just as we experienced the pitter patter of raindrops falling from the heavens Subhanallah, and we've had a rainy day in Melbourne. So I think we can relate to this.

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This example, this parallel, yesterday, we stopped at the point of use of Allahi salaam being established in the land. And we we went into the details of what this really means Subhan Allah, and thereafter, Allah subhanho wa taala, after telling us that he himself established the use of in the land, ALLAH SubhanA and we spoke about this right, that is all the clutter of Allah. And whatever Allah does, he does good. And our reality is, or should be one of submission to Allah, recognizing that Subhanallah whatever we're going through whatever difficulties we're facing, at the end of the day, if Allah opened the candle to us, and showed us all the options in front of us, ultimately, we

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would have chosen for ourselves what Allah has chosen for us, because we will see the whole picture that Allah sees and we don't see.

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And thus it is upon us to be patient and Subhanallah we heard verses in tonight's throw in the throat that we just completed. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that

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for the one who is patient, than indeed this is from the Assam. This is from

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mean as will or more this is from

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the most complete of matters

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Subhan Allah, because ultimately, we need character, and his patients that keeps our character shining bright. We know a lot of things Subhanallah we learn a lot of things Subhanallah and sometimes we actually absorb a lot of things and it's manifest in our character but then we go through periods in our life where we act upon an agenda. We act in haste, the opposite of patience and Subhanallah our character isn't felted during those moments, our character isn't felt during those moments. So use of it he Salem is teaching us to hunt allah

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how beautiful patients really is. And the more difficult things get, then the more beautiful your patients should get. And the more beautiful your patients then the more beautiful your character, right trusting the plan of Allah subhanho wa Taala trusting Allah subhanahu wa Tadas plan

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No, just one second.

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Now, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Well, I'm on sobre la for up in Nevada, let me know Subhanallah Allah subhanho wa Taala he says that who ever endures patiently? And we're talking about helping

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Asians maintains your character. What does Allah subhanahu wa Tada say? He says maintains his or her character through being patient and forgives. Subhanallah what stops us from forgiving those who have wronged us?

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Ultimately, what is it?

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Our refusal to be patient

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to go the extra mile?

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Allah subhana wa Tada says And whoever endures patiently and forgives, surely this is a resolve to aspire to. This is the as we said, the most complete form of character, that character that you should aspire to achieve that character that you should desire to have in your life. Subhanallah Subhanallah and it is this character that allows you to put ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada first of all the time, think about Subhanallah the story of the Iske you know the story of the FK Have you heard of the story? The if this was the test that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada for Aisha Radi Allahu Allah through when the hypocrites of Medina they started a rumor that she that she was unfaithful, that she was

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promiscuous. And Allah subhanho wa Taala put her through this trial.

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A long time went before Allah revealed verses from the heaven, purifying her and this trial Subhan Allah was so severe, no doubt it affected the home of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam for he stopped going to her until this clarity came from the heavens. It affected some of the Sahaba in the sense that Subhan Allah from the closest to the family of Asia, were those was a person who slipped with regards to this rumor and accepted

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the status quo that which was being spread like wildfire in Medina, Mississauga, the relative of Abu Bakar, a person from the earliest of Muslims who was from the mohajir route, a person who was impoverished and Abu Bakr used to worship Allah through spending, meaning giving him money. He used to give him money regularly.

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Abu Bakr used to intend Allah's pleasure through spending on this stuff because Allah loves when you charitable and especially if you charitable to a family member. When Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed he has innocence Abu Bakr became very angry with Mr. He became upset with Mr. Now isn't this from human nature, from human nature, human being can feel angry, a human being can feel sad, a human being can exhibit signs of sadness, tears, stress, and we see this in Surah Yusuf when we get to that we'll get to it insha Allah Jacoba Allah in Salem and he's stressed and him losing his eyesight and so on and so forth. This is part of human nature. And Allah subhanho wa Taala

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throughout the story reminds us that this story is a story of human beings, people like you, they had hearts, their hearts used to beat, they had blood, they had veins, they had arteries, they had, they had they had hearts with four chambers, they had bicuspid valves. And he, they were human beings.

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They were human beings. They felt what people feel, they felt stress, they felt happiness, they felt sadness, they felt tearful, they felt these human emotions.

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Abu Bakr felt what he felt and he made a promise I will never spend understand again.

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I will go bakr Subhanallah his character is phenomenal, right? So you will be so human being says I will not spend on Mr. haggin.

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Allah subhana, who to Allah reveals verses from the heavens about this.

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Allah reveals verses from the heavens about this and take heed of this because we will get to the point where Yusuf already tells his brothers that he forgave them. Subhanallah and this would tie him because we're talking about character. We're talking about patients and we're talking about this other verse that we have today the Torah we

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the person who is patient, and forgives, What is Allah subhanaw taala teaching us here, that for you to forgive, you need to be patient. You need to be able to hold yourself and put Allah first that he everything about you wants to break away but you keep yourself together Abu Bakr the best from amongst us what happened?

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He went off his normal character, Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed versus calling him to patients.

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Allah subhana wa Tala diligence remove Subhanallah who am yeah utterly old folk the Li Ming Como was

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able to do to Olli Aruba. Well, Merced Akina Well, Morehead Ji Na V. Sebelius lair Subhan Allah. Allah says, When I tell you all fugly Minko Messiah, about Abubakar, testimony from the heavens that Abu Bakr is an oral father. He's blessed that he is virtuous. He's from the people of virtue. Allah says it wasn't for the people of virtue, a person from the family of virtue to take care

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oath to swear by Allah to refrain from spending for the sake of Allah on Subhan Allah on a relative on someone who's poor, and someone who's from the MaHA Giro. These three descriptions describe who Mr. He is relative who wronged him who wronged his family. And the beginning of the verse describes who Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah. And by the way, as a footnote, this is evidence against those who say Abu Bakr left Islam after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they curse him and insult him. When did you have to build

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this Quran is read to the day of karma. And Allah subhanho wa Taala

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causes testimony of Abu Bakr to descend from the heavens that he is from the people of virtue. That's a footnote. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, well, Leah formerly us Furfrou Allah commands Abu Bakar

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to forgive to pardon him. And yes, for who?

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To forgive him for forgiveness that is so perfect.

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As if Subhanallah this wrong didn't happen in the first place. You know, we talk about forgiveness, and we talk about forgiving and forgetting.

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Now, open a new page.

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Start a new page with him.

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Forgive and forget, Allah is saying forgive him a perfect forgiveness command from the heavens from Allah to Abu Bakar don't only forgive but forget meaning don't forgive him and remind remind him tomorrow remind him a week later remind him five years later you know sometimes it happens you forgive someone and then you friends that one day maybe you just on the golf course somewhere or you in a restaurant somewhere and then something comes up and say but remember

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you remember that time if I'm Allah you did that. I was really angry. But then hamdulillah Allah guided us and guided me and we forgave each Alhamdulillah but you reminding him Now

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Allah is taking us to a higher level of character.

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Our commands Abu Bakr forgiven pardon him, then Allah says Allah to ship buena al Vera wa who will come and Allah

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Allah is saying that directing Mr. Wu Baca do you not love for Allah to forgive you?

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Do you not love for Allah to forgive you? Are you perfect with Allah?

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Do you have love for Allah to forgive you?

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Hola Hola. Hola Rahim, Allah is the most forgiving the Most Merciful. Abu Bakr receives these verses, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam announces these verses, Abu Bakr says, but I was

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indeed, I love for Allah to forgive me. Immediately he forgives Musa and he resumed spending on him and the scholars of FCT say he increased his spending on Mr.

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And only the resume he increased as proof that it's a new page. It's forgotten as if it didn't happen.

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This is the level of patient care GEMA idea. CONGREGATION My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam use have had this everywhere he went he didn't hold anyone accountable. Even though the minister's wife what she did to him, even the women of the city we can seem things moved on. Once the King spoke to them when everything was finished. Did you say no I demand my justice. They put me into prison. They put me into prison whilst I was innocent. This was a crime in and of itself. It went against the constitution of the law of the land. So now I want my I want my rights. They need to be jailed for what they did, they will see this. Move on. Forgive Be the bigger person. Look at the bigger

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Forgive people for the ignorance look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well. When they came to met or heard and they struck him saying Allahu alayhi wa sallam, even in this moment he says to ALLAH forgive my people, because they don't know.

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Forgive my people they don't know they're doing this because they don't know they haven't understood what I've understood yet ALLAH forgive them. Don't destroy them. Leave them preserve them give me a chance to work with them.

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When the people after if disgraced him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not only did they stole him, they got the children to Estonia. Those who are Arabs, you notice

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this is like not to chase you out to disgracefully Chase will bring the kids to stone you as well, to reject you as well. certain cultures have different ways of showing disgrace. Some cultures they throw slippers at you shoes.

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You remember this one who remembers the shoes throwing incident?

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Somebody might say what is the shoe going to do? This is a statement in some cultures. somebody throws you the shoe Subhanallah they've really debased you.

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They've really debased you. You might have boxing skills to dodge but it doesn't change the fact that the shoe was thrown

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and sometimes not one to

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one, they will reach down. And then they went to the next one.

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Yes, every culture has its way they did this to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you play the game with the angels of the mountains, and he's being informed that these angels are under instruction by the Lord of the mountains, give them the word and they will crush the people in between. And what does he say? Subhan Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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This is when you sent us a message. But when you send us a mercy to the world, and you're a human being what level of patience do you need? My dear brother and sustained Islam.

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When sabara were HOFA, Allah is telling us to forgive you need to be patient. And then Allah says in the Valley Community Bismillah omole. This is the adab the man has the morals, the etiquettes the character that you should aspire to reach.

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And this is what this is a continuation for what we discussed yesterday, making your life a walk, no one owns it, but Allah subhanho wa Taala as long as Allah is pleased with you, it doesn't matter who is not happy with you. And if Allah is unhappy with you, it doesn't matter how many people are pleased with you.

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If Allah was pleased with you, and no one is pleased with you will Allah he will be Allah He were to Allah He you have everything because the one who is pleased with you is the owner of everything.

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And if everyone is happy with you, and Allah is unhappy with you, what Allah He won't be Lehi, what Allah He and fie Hassan Mubin you are in a great loss. You are in a major US because the one who controls everything is unhappy with you, everybody else happiness doesn't matter.

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This is the way of the MBR and Mo Salatu was Salam. And these are the stories of the Quran. Not just to read fairy tales, to read and become uplifted, to become enlightened. These are the days to transform ourselves these days are a launching pad to launch ourselves into transformation into excellence.

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That is people we are in talking to before eat makeup, make a move. There's people who are trying to make amends with us but we refusing to make amends with them. We want to close the door.

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Yes, we right in the wrong but they're coming to us saying forgive me. Let bygones be bygones. And we are saying no.

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I'm saying to you, oh servant of Allah, no child of Adam, if he is your Muslim brothers and your Muslim sister.

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Don't let another day go by where he or she goes to sleep at night thinking Subhanallah this person is going to be a problem for me on the day of care.

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Because some of us we also have this. We say we'll see you in front of Allah and that you have karma.

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You want people to feel hurt.

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What is the table's turned and tomorrow we do something with somebody and they tell us the same thing.

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There's a wonderful story Subhanallah that I read about Imam an nawawi Imam an nawawi. His fake view was in terms of idea in terms of gifting when you give someone a gift. His field of view was that if you intend to give someone a gift, it's only counted as a gift if they receive it from you. If they don't receive it from you the gift the transaction is not complete. If you pass away before giving it to them, they didn't receive it from you. It goes into the inheritance meaning there's consequences.

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It is said that once he managed to save up enough to get himself some use slippers

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and he wore his slippers and he went to the masjid and he went to the masjid and he prayed him left of Salah. He came out him and his students. He found his students the students found their slippers but he couldn't find his slippers Subhanallah you might not know this in Australia Allah Allah but there's some countries I can tell you we know this.

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Now we know the Subhanallah you go and there's no full shoe if you don't have your slippers with you constantly you thinking about the slippers

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the shoes

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you Reeboks what are they what's the what's the latest shoes now what do you guys like to elitist trainers and is it was it

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when we were growing up? It's been like make it easier if you had an I guess hola and the Bob Marley if your parents bought us a set of Nikes when we were growing up in the 90s I guess I'm giving away my agent along Stan but if you had an ache as it's like you had everything

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you know you could see the bubble you could press and then there was sometimes their shoes or the lights now it's old school that he

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used to work at these lights used to come on

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demand whenever we didn't find his slippers. So he looked around he saw someone walking off with the slippers. Say Mama never we didn't say anything to anybody. He started walking behind this person that I might catch up with him and we can resolve this. But as he's walking Subhanallah this

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person thinks the person behind the must be

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the owner of the slippers so I have a near the owner of the slippers so he starts walking faster so remember know he starts walking faster now he knows it's definitely the owner of the slippers Why is this person pursuing the why is he maintaining distance so this person started running now the students are watching the mob going after this person barefooted doesn't have shoes and as this person starts running around whenever we start running any moment now we start calling out him yeah oh hi yeah oh hi okay meaning the rear

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my younger brother Yeah Oh hey.

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Call Kabil cabinet

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call cabinet say you accept say you actually make me hear you say you accept knocking when you when you steal somebody something else you stop hearing isn't it the heart starts beating the stress is climbing and the the sensor stopped working. You just want to get out of there.

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One of those Tommy God movements you know when God sees Tom, everybody knows Tom and Jerry let's be honest. Subhanallah everywhere I go irrespective of language. Everyone knows Tom in jail. We know when we're growing up Tom and Jerry's the Harlem cartoon isn't it? Oh nothing wrong in there. No, no.

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No money.

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When God sees Thomas you see the human running and you see this these lines behind him like a show sprinting.

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This man started sprinting Imam and now we couldn't keep up with him. He came back. When he came back to the masjid and he met his students he was visibly upset. How the who has shared this is the point. He was visibly upset, visibly upset.

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And it's the students obviously they feel for the teacher. They feel for the teacher they said the Imam will get you some slippers. And he says I'm not upset about the slippers.

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I'm not upset about the slippers. I'm upset because he didn't accept the gift from me. I was gifting him this purpose. I went after him to tell him this is an idea for me to use a puppy let's say I accept so that on the day of am with Allah it's a gift between me and him. Now I'm really sad because Allah will question him on the off camera about this. I don't want to be a means of my brother's difficulty on that you have

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the level of character

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in the Latina yet Luna Kitab Allah Oh Allah Subhana Allah to Allah tells us in the Quran.

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Au surah the Jama

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was our forefathers sort of out there in the linea Tula keytab Allah he will accom was solid our own Takumi Marisa Bunnell cero Allah Nia, your junior teacher or 10 Len taboo.

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You will fear who Jura homeboy Yazzie the human factor in now who halfmoon shackle Subhan Allah, Allah you can sit with the Quran day and night Allah.

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Allah says indeed those who read the Quran they read the Quran and become guided because of the Quran. Because of the reading of the Quran accommo salah they established the Sunnah will unfold me Marisa canal whom they spent from that which we gave them Cyrano Allah Nia in secret and in open your Juna they desire from the actions from their salah, and there's a chi and all the manifestations they're sober, their forgiveness, your unity Jah Ratan they a sale a deal a transaction with Allah lenta Bucha that brings no loss.

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They want to invest with Allah and investment that has no risk.

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And Allah subhana Hua Terrenas Han Allah from his father, this is from the Allah's father from his blessings upon us, he says, Do you or fear whom who do wrong? Or is he doing that through this Allah subhanho wa Taala that or Allah even gives them the Salah and gives them Desica and gives them the sadaqa all these ideas they read about in the Quran, all this character Allah teaches them in the Quran so they can aspire to do it. Allah connects them to it so Allah can reward them and increase for them his virtues, his father his benevolence, Allah says in no halfmoon shackle

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these Hortonville ayat, Allahu Akbar, they make the meaning of the verses pop

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Subhan Allah, Allah is look look at the name is Allah Joseph is in no Huff alone indeed Allah is a full, the one whose occupation is to forgive and have food and I was in Fairfield. We spoke about this in the Juma chutzpah,

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the one whose occupation is to forgive shackled, shackled meaning the one who rewards he receives your good deeds

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in a manner that is hopeful for you

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you don't have to do your good deeds and doubt it of my except my brother didn't accept my bad no Alicia who

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worship Allah and have good hope he's accepted your you better.

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Because see Allah you told me Are you sure you are shackled? So yeah, Allah, I bet Tucker I worship you. What's the answer? If and I'm now going to my next task believing that I will see the syllabi, they will see you on the Day of care. Allahu Akbar. This is how

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We need to be, we need to be with our Lord, we need to be with Allah subhanho wa Taala

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This is the level of interaction we must have with our OB Subhanallah this owns this closeness to Allah

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and you get it from reading the Quran. Allah is God for meaning shuck, covering charcoal. Why does Allah say, because we know we cannot worship Allah Kiribati, and we cannot give him his his rights in our worship. We cannot thank Him the way He deserves to be thanked, we cannot worship Him the way He deserves to be worshipped. Allah says he's awful.

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He still will reward you. He will forgive you for your mistakes in your event. No doubt when you interact with now and the recitation was happening your mind maybe when some way maybe for two minutes three minutes it disappeared from the slider happens Hola Hola, Mr. And we live in difficult times.

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But we don't lose hope in our life and of the Son

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say hola.

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In Nica and tell her Photoshop

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in the Indeed you are the one who forgives our mistakes and shellcode accepts our our deeds or movement.

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In any case, Brothers and Sisters in Islam Yeah. And the brothers said focus on the on the reflection share. We have so much to go through. But I really want to drive this point home because Allah what do we have Ramadan comes once a year, then what happens to us during 11 months of the year.

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And I said to you at the beginning, that our sessions are to connect to the Quran, connect to it, I want you to connect to it. You know what the connection is. When the connection is live, it can be separated.

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Build your character, do not let the day of lead come except that you've made way with somebody build yourself up for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala say Here Allah, I want to forgive him. Because I love for you to forgive me.

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I want to forgive her because I love for you to forgive me. Now this doesn't mean you need to have a full blown open relationship that you had with him before. No, but at least let the situation is your honey. Handle work if you identify as clean and let the circumstance between you to breathe a little bit.

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Well, that person can worship with peace, not with worry, because of your step or two forward. Remember grant has the understanding. I mean Subhanallah we spent so much time on this point. But it's here. It's here the character ALLAH SubhanA wa I wanted to connect you to the verse in the Torah way because when I heard it in the Torah has Subhanallah we reading about the person of this verse use of Allah He said so berawa Farah sabara Sabha every time patient forgiving patient forgiving his brother's patient forgiving minister's wife patient forgiving women of the city patient forgiving. The man in the prison who didn't release his name to the king patient forgiving

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every time Sabah Raja Sabha our Hoffa, sobre la Farah, Allah says inorganic Amina as we know more, this is the be highest level of character and you should aspire to reach it. And then Allah revealed Surah Yusuf to give us the details.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says when theoretically ruling Medina Amman what can we attack on after Allah subhanahu atatiana teaches us that it is Allah who established us in the land and made him a minister gave him financial standing material well being gave him power, gave him money gave him executive authority. The person was a slave yesterday, fast track, he is now a person of power.

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He was owned yesterday, fast track, he owns things. But Allah reminds us this shouldn't be your ambition. Servant of Allah, this is not your ambition, establishment in the land. No.

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Your ambition is the establishment in the era, but you use the land as a means for the agora.

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You want to become established in the land with the land in your hand

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and make RAM every time

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not to that level but we try. We try. You want to have the land in your hand who do you want in your heart?

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Allah The problem is when you establish yourself in the land for the land to be in your heart. That is where the problem is. You live for the dunya everything you do is an end in and of itself not a means to an end. You're not doing it for the sake of the ACA. So Allah reminds us that we did this for use of but you Oh believer reading Surah use of being guided by Surah use of don't make your heartfelt desire establishment in the land. Why will I do will accurate the Hyrulean Lavina Avenue what can we attack when the reward of the akhira is better for the person who believes and has Taqwa

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as part and parcel of their life, Allah reminds us see this Quran is from Allah subhanho wa Taala you can't see any contradiction,

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but always ties it together. Law says well it connects us to the rule of law. And this was useful finally he Salam he's established when he said each other

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because it will make me in charge of the storage houses. He didn't say make me in charge of the storage houses because I need, I need dunya

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he's doing it for the sake of Allah that if I don't do it, who's going to do it, and people will die for the sake of Allah, I'm going to do it. Yeah, and he or she will be missed only here to nonslip. He feels the responsibility of the position. And remember we said he didn't say make me in charge of the storage lands because I'm a prophet, the son of the Prophet Matthew had yet to rehab. No one knows he's a prophet, son of a prophet. Nobody knows his lineage. They just know he was Abdon a prisoner. He was a slave and a prisoner. He he put his credentials down in Mojave Luna and I'm knowledgeable and responsible. And he's doing all this for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. We

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should ask ourselves whenever we write things on our CV, why? What are we trying to do? Are we trying to get that don't fit dunya? Are we trying to jump

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the ladder in terms of the dunya? Or do we have our eye on the Acura and we see the opportunity at hand in front of us as a means towards that. So we write our CV Allah is watching you write your CV, who are you writing your CV for? You have to write it before Allah before you write your CV for Allah before you before the employer.

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was easier to La Evoca ad SubhanAllah. When they do the br with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they shake the prophets hand the Pledge of Allegiance Allah says Allah has hand is above them, that their pledge of allegiance you're doing it for who for the NABI of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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the details of the pledge is the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala it's not just to get the dunya it's not that now you're the prophet has support and then there's going to be a Muslim city and there's going to be the Muslims defending themselves and Dyneema and money and Zakah and all these things that we will no no, no, no, no, no, no. It's not about establishing the dunya for the sake of the dunya it's establishing the dunya for the sake of deskera You think the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted Maccha to be a Muslim land for the sake of the dunya

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Why do you go to Mecca for the sake of the dunya how many people go to Mecca for the sake of the dunya

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you go to Morocco for the sake of the earth. You go to Medina for the sake of the Astra, our desire to live in Medina and die in Medina and live in mankind. So where does it come from? For the sake of financial standing of material well being know for the sake of the agora? Because it's been inscribed in time like this because the intent of the nubby who did what he did for these lands to become Muslims. It was for these lands to be boosting for the African or not for the dunya.

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Do people tell you we're going for a holiday were to

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say we've been for Amara

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we're going for it. We're going to Medina for holiday. We're going to AXA for holiday. There's a believer say that we're going for a bad we're going for a bad

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keep your eye on the asker Allah subhanho Atta Allah Now fast forward to the story. We're going to use Hoover for DACA Are they here for out of home home the home on Quran? Allah says, the brothers of use of came and they entered the palace. And he recognized them, but they didn't recognize him. Now you have to imagine this is fast forwarded. Because remember, you have seven years of rainfall. And then you have now seven years of drought. So now Allah fast forwards the story seven years forward. And what does this teach you? Subhanallah remember we said Jacoba he Salam Yusuf alayhi salam, his brothers were in the lands of Shem, the lands of Palestine, and some historians say

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Cannan uses from the lens of Shem what we call the Levant, modern day, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, and Lebanon.

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This is the shadow the Levant.

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Allah is telling us just through the statement, that the use of Subhanallah was blessed by Allah has to be so effective in how he managed the farms, how he managed the farmers, how he managed the harvest, how he managed the storages, how he managed the coaches that were dished out during the years of rain for people to eat there in. He was so phenomenal in this that not only did he have food for Egypt, he had food for beyond Egypt.

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that people experiencing famine in other countries, they too could come and get a quota because they were surplus. And we're not talking about surplus at the end, like okay, holla This is the seventh year and now it's finished and we got all this to what are we going to do with it? Let's start selling it. Now.

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We're talking about from the beginning. The way he's worked it out. This is how many people we have this is what we need to give them we have surplus so people would come from other lands and they would pay something to the treasury of Egypt and they would get a quota for them to hit

00:34:45 --> 00:34:46

him no barrier.

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They would get a quota that was enough for a Campbell to carry but pa per head.

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Allah fosse was the story to this time and the drought is has struck and famine is spread

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and crops are few and homes are hungry and from them the home of Jacoba his salah, so the brothers have come to Egypt Subhanallah now I have a question for you all, especially those who are feeding the whole issue of our gathering mashallah demotic Allah, if you think of a different issue, I always like it every time we get together anywhere Shala you get people to sit in the middle, then you get people who feel Subhanallah the walls are going to fall so we need to support the walls.

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We need to give support so we need to lean on the walls. Let's say that what might have been McCann this is good because the fall just to give and they had to MLG Cavalli guitarra forskolin the wolves can breathe and want to lean on the wall to stop it from falling. Then what happens after you do this good deed of helping the wall you start feeling sleepy

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you're alive I want you I want to ask you a question. How did you sort of recognize them and they didn't recognize him

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00:36:02 --> 00:36:03

Binyomin wasn't the

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use of knew all of them. But they didn't know him

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No, no, no, no couldn't Martin you're going you're going right and left my brother. Allah says right now. Did I mention bow? Did I mention anything? Media we know Allah says the brothers of use of came they entered the palace use of knew them they didn't know us. I'm asking how did you sort of them and they didn't know him.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:39

He changed his looks but they didn't he aged This is mashallah Delhi the ATHLEAN Yeah.

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Rational evidence anybody else

00:36:52 --> 00:37:01

he's saying that when they threw him in the wild, they were all so they looks for the same. And he was a young boy and his looks will change when they grow. This is next level of thinking. Next level thinking

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your answers are not wrong Allah Allah Allah didn't tell us. Allah didn't tell us Allahu Allah Allah. However, if we tap back into the story,

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can we not say that Yousuf was living every day looking out for them? Knowing that one day I will see them because when I was in the well Allah inspired him and said that to not be unknown be a Marine had our home. Lay assured remember when you suppose in the world, Allah says Oh, hi Elaine. He inspired us have you guys forgot it was too long ago. We've been like this the first week of Ramadan. We discussed this was it last year this Ramadan? You forgot it already. Remember? Or you missed that lesson.

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Don't be shy of the camera. When I teach I teach the people in front of me not the camera. Some people say we don't know voices in the camera because then we feel shy when it's published and we can hear ourselves speak speak.

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Others usage of the cameras

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and we don't we want you to participate. I need to know that you following the story.

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Allah told us when he was thrown into the well that Allah inspired him to not be in the home that indeed without doubt you will inform them of what they did to you or whom LaShawn was they don't recognize you they don't know you.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:22

So wouldn't this imply that everyday use of had this hope and he was constantly looking for the signs looking for?

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This Promise of Allah subhanahu atatiana coming through, it was something that he was always doing.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says further further he far from home Loehmann Quran Well, I'm not sure hasn't Bucha has been called to be in the community become again, this is a fast forward when he gave them the Kota of food he told them bring the brother from your father. Now the question is how did he know that the brother that's missing is the step brother? He said the brother from your father, not your father and mother winning your stepbrother.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:05

Yanni Allah says that he said precisely BLK Lego mini Abiko bring your brother your brother that you share the same father with

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a How did he do this?

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Clearly practice this answer is very easy. Allah just fast forward to the study for us. You can imagine the conversation took place between them. Because how does he know in the first place? There's a missing brother because they asking him for food for one more brother that they didn't bring.

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And use of Allah he salami saying no, the law of the land, the Constitution states, we give the Kota to the person who presents himself and herself. Anybody can come and say I've got three brothers at home. I've got four brothers at home. I got 10 brothers at home. I don't see this today.

00:39:42 --> 00:39:55

You see this today? Everyone's an opportunist. Not everyone, but we see opportunists around let's just try and see what we have to lose. Tell him we have three people at home. He's not going to check. He's not going to come all the way now to

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do to Palestine. We might get extra food so

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So says no. Bring me that brother. Which means the conversation took place. Maybe they said we need this quarter for our brother. Then you said wait easy. No he's at home. Why didn't you bring him? Our father is over protective over him why obey him or not over you while he's our stepbrother.

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Okay, so bring your stepbrother and I will give you this food. Use of says them a letter only and you will fill Kayla and Zirin had the rib every time in Surah Yusuf, we talk about Subhanallah with hikma to say the right thing at the right time in the right way. How Yaqoob we spoke about the prophetic School of parenting how Jacobi spoke to us of when he told him about the dream and how he will be speaking to the eldest sons. Remember, we said this, you don't call the eldest children. He said, first of all, Jimmy, what do you want to do? These are you out there? What are you going to do? These are elders. You don't speak to elders, how you speak to children said for something on

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Jimmy. You've done what you've done. And you know what you've done. And you know the severity of what you've done. What are you going to say? And we give examples to this if I remember correctly, when we spoke about the son of Mohalla, he set up he's an older son and the stone the floods are everywhere. And use of his sword he knew how to he Salem is speaking to his adult son like an adult.

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And il commander he upon a command of join us, don't be from the disbelievers. But adult son, you more than the father says I will go to the high mountain and survive this flood. And he says My dear son, no one's going to survive these floods in Lima Rahim except those who receive Allah's mercy and no people who receive Allah's Mercy, the on the ark, get on to the ark about Halloween or Humala March between them. A wave came and swallowed him up.

00:41:42 --> 00:41:46

But do you see no shouting at him? What is wrong with you? You stubborn boy?

00:41:48 --> 00:41:48

He's an adult.

00:41:51 --> 00:42:06

With you see this, even here in this conversation use of it he Salam Yes, that's the most lube a turtle rip at the rate meaning he's enticing them. He's enticing them. He's telling them Can you not see that I have are giving people decotis.

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And I am receiving people in a hospitable way. Did I not receive you in a hospitable way? Did you not? Well, you're not allowed to enter my palace. Now Brothers and Sisters in Islam tell me about the character of use of their history. And we have a situation now whereby he has the power. He is in charge. He has security. He has the money. He has the food. He has everything. And these are the perpetrators those who stole him from his father.

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And look, he doesn't even discuss it with them. We spoke about a somberly robbery with a theory when you can when you forced to be patient and when you choose to be patient, US of he's not even saying I'm gonna withhold your food. He's giving them the food. He's saying Bring your brother I'll give him the food.

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This is when you live your life to a level of excellence where you don't let the moment define you but you define the moment and you define that moment in a way that's pleasing to Allah because like we keep on saying your life is a walk for only Allah owns it. Before you speak you ask yourself is this beloved to Allah? If it is, I will speak if it's not I won't speak before you act, you ask yourself is this action beloved to Allah? If it is I will do it? If not, I will refrain from it. This is used to finance Islam in practice. It's a theory here I told you about the theory but time and time we see it in practice.

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He's giving them and he's now he's enticing them. When you speak to someone, you speak to them in a way that gives them confidence in you that look go and bring him Can you not see I welcome you to my palace. You will be welcomed again like you're welcome now. And can you even see I have enough food. We gave each and every one of you a camels loads worth of food, bring him you will get it. But what does you say after and this is from completeness of the mannerisms of speech. He says for them to truly be for that kala Qumran do not to crumble. If you don't bring him to me, you will not get the measure and you will not even be allowed to enter here.

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Is this harshness?

00:44:05 --> 00:44:10

What did we call this? Stern in this there's a difference between harshness and stubbornness and I remind you to the papercut

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discussion I had with you the other day.

00:44:14 --> 00:44:27

That look we don't belittle people stress. We don't belittle people having mental health and so on and so forth. But we also need to stand up and speak about people who run to the emergency room with paper cuts.

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Filling up the emergency room but you have a paper cut just put up last year, this is nothing. Suck it up as they say

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no pain, no

00:44:42 --> 00:44:43

gain or gain.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:51

Reina no pain, no gain in the Arabic language. There's another one they say. They say

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sharing is caring, sharing is caring. But if you if you want to be

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

If you want to Muslim me I mean it's, it's it works in Islam Sharing is caring. But you can also say Sharing is caring.

00:45:08 --> 00:45:09

Sharing is caring is good, isn't it

00:45:12 --> 00:45:46

this is not being harsh, this is being stirred yummy. They call this slow butter heap in the kazoo butter rib. And OSU butter Heap was stupid to rib is when you speak to people in a manner that entices them to act gives them the confidence and the inspiration to do something. You've encouraged them you know they call it the carrot and the stick or still butter he is to sort of place across your instruction and your body a frame

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that so that the person listening to you doesn't take your encouragement and abuse it

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doesn't take your encouragement and abuse it. They encouraged to do it but they know there's a limit. They know there is a limit that look we don't have time to waste here. There's many people there's a long line of people who need food, if you don't bring him Don't waste our time.

00:46:10 --> 00:46:32

Subhanallah or lose an aura with one whoever who were in La La Ilaha illa Allah Subhan Allah Sonora we do and who are there who they talk about their father, in the third person, any meaning they say they say, We will send what are we do you know Moraga is Nora we do is we will use

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we will come up with the right words, the right sentences, we will choose the right moment to convince his father, his father, so that we can we can do what you ask.

00:46:49 --> 00:46:51

How is this respectful?

00:46:53 --> 00:47:12

You can see like a sort of pattern here. You maybe it's not disrespectful. But is it ultimately the way we should speak about our fathers, our mothers? And we will we will, what do they call it, we will butter them we will butter them to cause them to do it.

00:47:14 --> 00:47:15

To do what we want

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as if you saying we will trick them into accepting our

00:47:22 --> 00:47:26

our request. But they also say his father they don't say Our Father.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:30

They don't say Our Father and I remember you suffered a slump is listening to this

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use of it he said and then tells his workers now remember he was a fighter. He was somebody's boy before now he has VTn he has people working for him. Allah says we're gonna leave it Yeah. And he usually said to his people, his workers, Id your ad will be the item theory had him secretly place the merchandise that they came with to buy this food back in their back in their in their food in the * of food, put it back for them, let alone

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the food in the house when they go back home, they can recognize that this is our merchandise and they can remember that Subhanallah the minister in Egypt told us to go back with with Binyamin because remember it's a long trip maybe they will forget along the way. Maybe there'll be discouraged along the way. It's a long trip

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right now you saying we will do everything to get our father to give us to give him to us and we will come with him. You saying that now you encouraged you feeling enlightened, you feeling inspired. But now when you underway and you think about it again and you think about it again and you think you know, forget about it. We're not going to do it. We know what happened to us before our father is not going to give us Binyamin. So in case that happens, Yusuf alayhi salam leaves with them the encouragement and when they get back home and they open this axe and they see the wealth that they paid for this food. It's a means of of helping you to become convinced it's a means of

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renewing the inspiration to go back to that use of it he can finally be reunited with his blood brother Binyamin.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:15

So he says the unknown we are of your own perhaps they'll come back for Lemna Roger will be him when they reach their father. Finally they reached Palestine call here abana They said to the Father money I mean, they'll kill Subhanallah look at the speech this is

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this is the the TQ when a person articulates emotional blackmail, even the Sonora we do I know who about who this is about emotional blackmail, where you emotionally blackmail someone into giving in to they did that remember what they father before they took us off? Then after they took us if they did it again. They said we they said that we You Won't Believe us even if we're telling you the truth.

00:49:42 --> 00:50:00

You Won't Believe us even if we're telling you the truth then it's as if they telling us of any Salaam and they don't know that is use of we will emotionally blackmail our father into giving us Binyamin now the rich the father they say money I mean they'll kill those who understand the Arabic language will understand the the L

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Oh Quint articulation here. It says if

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I come to you, and I say, you know Subhanallah

00:50:09 --> 00:50:12

Alhamdulillah we got 10 bags, but we couldn't get one

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And then I come to you, and after this long journey, and you hoping to see 10 sacks of of food, and I come with nothing through the door, and I say we will give anything money and we will. We will we will we want and given a measure, and then you can't see any bags and now you're thinking okay, a measure. What about the other measures? Can you see can you see what they're doing here? They're creating a seed. They're creating a seed money. I mean, they'll kale, we weren't given a measure. So then they say to their father, for other sigma and Ohana send with us Binyamin send what has been yummy nectar we're in Allah who will have we don't have any doctor meaning we it will be a trip of

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recreation, a relaxed trip and we will get the the measure and and Hamdulillah we it's a difficult time.

00:51:06 --> 00:51:07

So drought is fine.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:10


00:51:11 --> 00:51:21

what happens all the * am I Manu Kumar li il comma Amin Tacoma Allah him in Kabul Yaqoob is voice finally is heard again.

00:51:22 --> 00:51:40

We didn't hear Jacoba either he said a voice since the time he said for sovereign Jamil Allah who was the annual LM Attersee phone when the calamity struck him. And he says I will exercise a beautiful patience and Allah is enough for me. We don't hear from Jakob. Finally his voice appears he's part of the story. He's alive. He's there.

00:51:42 --> 00:52:02

He's wise. He hasn't forgotten. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says I'm Muslim doesn't go through the same visit all the time. Twice. You don't fall down the same hole twice. You don't make the same mistake twice. Father hasn't forgotten. Don't think he's old. He senile you know he's he doesn't understand how he used to understand the know.

00:52:03 --> 00:52:11

His words are simple. Carla, he said should I trust you? With bieniemy Like I trusted you before with use of

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should I? For Subhanallah Look how he has his attachment. Allah subhanho wa Taala immediately says for Allah who would have the will who are humble Rahimi, Allah is the best of protectors and he is the Entirely Merciful and the Best of those who show mercy.

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And this loop, this way of speaking,

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teaches us that Iacobelli Salam, he knew that these people were at fault, but he knew ultimately it's the plan of Allah. And Allah is the most forgiving, Allah is the Most Merciful. And at the same time, he's telling his children, I am not saying this, to complain, I'm not saying this to blame.

00:52:54 --> 00:53:06

My heart is with Allah, my trust is upon Allah. My hope is in Allah but we have no conversation here. And part of taking the means I'm saying to you, do you want me to trust him with you?

00:53:07 --> 00:53:08

Like I did with use of

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and by the way, when I trusted them with you, I did so knowing Allah is the one I ultimately place my trust in you were just the means. You are not ultimately the protectors.

00:53:20 --> 00:53:55

Look at the total BS panela. Even in their daily conversations, there's so much tarbiyah there's so much development. And this is a lesson for us how to speak to our children, how to speak to our employees, how to speak to our students how to speak to those within our sphere of influence. That in our speech, indirectly we attach them to Allah, you see this elusive Valley coming from the Allahu Allah in our alumnus. He's always connecting it to Allah when he told him about his lineage and about his knowledge and he goes That's what Allah is virtue upon us. And upon the people. You see this with use of it, he said, I'm constantly Where did he get it from? We seem to the Occupy The

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SLM as well. We see clearly with the arco battery setup. So use of is a chip off the old block, as they say, he learned from his father, that my father always attached everything to Allah, so use it was doing it. And even he has Yaqoob in his old age, remember, we 40 to 50 years later, he's doing the same.

00:54:13 --> 00:54:24

So what happens, okay, you feel conversation is done. We told our father, he said, No, that's the end of it. But then what happens? They offload the

00:54:25 --> 00:54:29

baggage, they bring it into the home, they open their sacks and they find their money there.

00:54:30 --> 00:54:48

And that money is a means for them to engage their father again. They see Subhanallah their money there when I'm at their home at their home to be there. I don't want to delay him. They saw the money returned to them. So they turned to their father and said, Yeah, abandon our dear father, minor bogey. We don't want any problems. We're not here to create problems.

00:54:50 --> 00:54:51

This is what happens. You know.

00:54:53 --> 00:54:58

You lie once. Subhanallah don't and this is a lesson though. This is a lesson. People may forgive you.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:37

Okay, people may still trust you, but only expect the trust to be the same like before, not because they don't trust you or the week, but it's the tax you pay when you lie one time is the tax you pay when you break trust one time, it's just what happens. It needs time to build trust again. Don't expect people to just be naive and say, Okay, you said sorry, it's enough. When Jacobi spoke to his children, he's not saying you guys are not worthy, and I don't trust you. And I'm ashamed of you. And, and and, and he just says, follow Him and have with Allah as the best protectors. But he's teaching us the OMA at large through the story of Allah is revealing to us to teach us as well, that

00:55:37 --> 00:55:39

it's human nature when trust is broken,

00:55:41 --> 00:55:45

then don't expect that trust to be restored immediately. It needs time.

00:55:46 --> 00:56:18

Don't expect people to just trust you, with their families entrust you with their wealth and trust you with their most precious belongings and the most secret secret with their secrets most secretive of information, though you broke trust. So you must sit and few people have an agenda against you. You must sit and feel that was the brothers problem. What's the sisters problem? What's wrong with them? Don't they fear Allah, it was long time ago, we forgave each other, we moved on No, read the Quran, and give people a break. Because you're reading about human beings. And now you're dealing with human beings. If you wronged them, there's a tax you have to pay.

00:56:19 --> 00:56:54

That's human nature. And by the way, if you think about this, rationally, you would do the same thing with someone else. If somebody else wronged you, you wouldn't just trust them immediately. You too will be cautious, Jacobi has been cautious. That's what he's doing. He's not saying you are untrustworthy and wealthy. He's saying I'm just being cautious. Now, what's the proof of this? He lets them go with Binyamin will see this, they engage him in discussion and say, My dear father, we don't want any problems. This Minister we're telling you about? Look, we did a lie. We told you. He's generous. He has money he gives. He's told us if you come, I will give you look, he's even

00:56:54 --> 00:57:00

given back our money. Now I have a question for you guys. Why did you give them back the money?

00:57:02 --> 00:57:04

I shared one reason that perhaps it could instigate

00:57:06 --> 00:57:08

it and it's helped does it not help?

00:57:09 --> 00:57:41

The ask the Father fathers had no effectiveness, then they open the sack, they see this, it gave the chance for round two of discussions and for Jakub to reconsider his options, not so. But also, some of the scholars have to say that the use of new that is foundation rich, that the family isn't rich, and you have to come with something to buy the food, it's not free distribution, you have to come leave some wealth in the treasury, and we give you a quarter. So by use of returning the money, then they would come back because they have the money to get another quarter.

00:57:43 --> 00:58:07

Now, somebody might say But is this breaking trust of the public service? Because now you're using your authority? And not necessarily because it would only mean that whatever money use of gave back he would have put from his own self into the, into the bathroom, and he would have put it himself why isn't this plausible? We know who use of us from the beginning of the story. Do you see this boy as a boy who's going to break up, you know, break public trust?

00:58:08 --> 00:58:38

very plausible. It's quite we have confidence that he would have put his own money inside the public fund. So what happens? Yakuza he Salem? And they tell the father Yeah, and he went to Atlanta for the HANA. We will, we will, we will be responsible over the family and leave the face of the family and we will protect to be a guardian of our brother when it's dead to Kayla buried and we will come back with one camels load of food. That Okay, do you see that? My dear father is easy. Why we've seen what this minister has.

00:58:39 --> 00:58:44

He has so much today. Don't worry, we won't go and come back empty handed.

00:58:45 --> 00:59:04

He's going to give us something. Now we are cool. Okay. He sees the money being returned. He can see that there's something here. There's an opportunity here. He's a father, he's responsible for the family. There's a drought, there's a famine. He's gonna let Binyamin go because that is the route Okay, fine. That's the route okay, but not like before,

00:59:05 --> 00:59:24

some pro extra protocols in play now. What is Jacoba? He said I'm saying Len or sila Huma Ocho. Okay, we can do this. I want to answer your request but I'm not going to send Binyamin with you until Hector to remote Amin Allah until you take a customer and oath you swear by Allah let's turn any be here you will come back with him.

00:59:25 --> 00:59:28

It Allah you have probably come except if something impossible happens to you.

00:59:30 --> 00:59:50

You surrounded and something impossible happens but you will not come here without him due to your own actions. What is Jakob doing here? Yeah, goob is letting them know that my boys when you came the first time 4050 years ago to tell us that I will have eight use of em our Father You Won't Believe us. Even if we're telling you the truth. I'm telling you that I know you are like

00:59:52 --> 00:59:59

I know you are lying. Because I'm going to make you take an oath by Allah that you will bring him back. The only time you won't bring him back if

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

Due to somebody else's actions, not yours.

01:00:03 --> 01:00:21

When when a father tells us to a Sunday, what is the something that's one a law or law? He would that Yeah. And he knows, he knows Yanni. He knows that the last time it wasn't the wolf it was us. He knows that the last time it wasn't the wolf it was us. So he's done this idea he set up. A Salem has done this.

01:00:22 --> 01:00:26

He's indirectly let them know that you know what I know.

01:00:29 --> 01:00:57

Now, I know but Subhanallah look at Ramadan valid, the way that they look at the mercy of a father to his son. In this we learn how to even make our children take an oath by Allah. Because when you take an oath by Allah, this is, this is great. When you swear by Allah, this is great. You can't break it. So he puts an exception, you know, we call it in the contract a caveat. He puts a caveat in the oath, that swear by Allah that you will bring him back, except if something beyond your control happens.

01:00:59 --> 01:01:01

This is from the mercy of a father to his children.

01:01:03 --> 01:01:39

That he doesn't want to set his children up for failure. He's setting up his children up for what for success. And this is a lesson for the Ummah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not set people up for failure, set them up for success. If you're promoting someone, carry out the necessary diligence, check their personality type, check, if they're suitable for the role, promote them, maybe promote the minister in stages, put them under the current leader for three to four months run assessments see that they suitable to carry the position after the current lead goes, you set them up for success, isn't it understand their difficulties, maybe they need training in this department,

01:01:39 --> 01:02:00

maybe they're a different type of leader, they will need two people around them. So set up the budget to cater for two people being with them. This is setting up people to succeed. You don't take people and throw them in the deep end, you set them up to fail. When you give someone charity, set them up to succeed, don't set them up to fail. Sometimes we help people in such a way where we chop them in the legs off at the knees.

01:02:01 --> 01:02:09

For example, somebody wants to buy a car, they have $5,000 they need $5,000. And then you go and give them $10,000.

01:02:11 --> 01:02:16

And then they need something else. You get it for them. You need something else you get it for them and all what do they do with their money?

01:02:17 --> 01:02:26

harass This is free money. So they have no responsibility with money. And then what happens tomorrow, you're not there, or you can't give them what's happened now.

01:02:28 --> 01:02:38

Over months over years, you've chopped them at the knees, they don't know how to work. It's too hard for them. Everything was too easy. But if you keep people honest, how much do you have brother 5000? Okay, I'll chop it up for you. 5000

01:02:39 --> 01:02:54

Somebody wants to buy something else? How much do you have? I have $250 How much is it? $1,000. Okay, go work and get another 250 Then I'll give you 500 Because you can see that they want to work. This is this is from Sadaqah. But this is smart. So the smart Sadhak.

01:02:55 --> 01:03:31

Smartphones, everything smart, you sabotage will be smart as well set people up to succeed. And we see this if this advice in Surah to calf when the people of the cave woke up and they were hungry and they wanted food. And they said look, we can only get food by sending someone back to the place where we run away from. But what did they say? Well yeah Tala puff. Coke conspicuously. What did they say? They said only by Helen, by pure food that people did they worship idols. These people we know the isolators they have haram food, by pure affiliate a lot of be conspicuous, or they're not setting up their brother for success, but in the advice that they're giving their brother.

01:03:32 --> 01:03:46

This is what we should be Jacoba he was teaching us also whenever we deal with people, whenever we have contracts with people, be merciful in your contract, creating of caveats that don't break the the sanctity of the contract, but also sets up people to succeed.

01:03:47 --> 01:04:09

And this is Islamic. If you look at the rules of faith, and the words of the fuqaha of the scholars of Islamic jurisprudence, you see this in the word Subhan Allah, that they always set exceptions and everything they tried to do is make the contract equitable to try and set a contract that helps both people succeed and not one person succeed at the expense of the other or vice versa. That we don't set up people for failure.

01:04:11 --> 01:04:34

Allah subhanho wa Taala says for them I told him I said they agreed they took the oath but Allah Tala Allahu Allah and who are killed, there's no witnesses besides me and you but guess what, we have the ultimate witness with us Who is Allah subhanho wa Taala Jacoba Allah He said, um says, I make Allah a witness to this contract between me and you. You took an oath by him. Allah is the witness and Allah subhanho wa Taala is what killed on who we dispose our affairs with.

01:04:36 --> 01:04:43

We don't need a lawyer we Allah is the witness. Allah will protect our affairs. This discussion with us is recorded in the heavens.

01:04:45 --> 01:04:59

Then Jakob Alayhis Salam Subhanallah, continuing this theme of setting people up to succeed and not to fail, he gives his son's no see, because he, you can imagine he walks out of his home. He sees his turn, he sees his 10 Boys

01:05:00 --> 01:05:29

He sees Binyamin they live in the boy and the grown boys and they underwriting animals and they have money they're going back to Egypt for a second time. And the Arabs they always value families that have large number of boys in it. It was a norm that you have so many sons mashallah Tabata Kala, this was an old even at the time of the courage, the courage to value this family's was many boys. So you have all these boys now if used to for so handsome, you can imagine that these boys also handsome

01:05:30 --> 01:05:48

Yusuf was the ultimate ultimate handsomeness. But these boys were also handsome. And they just went to Egypt. And now people will see them coming back again. But this is not the same for everybody else. Everybody goes once and that's it, they get the content they go back and then a short space of time these people are coming back and they coming back with an extra boy.

01:05:50 --> 01:05:51

What can happen?

01:05:53 --> 01:05:53

The evil eye

01:05:54 --> 01:05:55


01:05:56 --> 01:05:57

align evil eye.

01:05:58 --> 01:06:08

Evil Eye Subhanallah is what is the truth? Unfortunately we have extremes we have people who everything is evil, right? Every failure is the evil if anything happens evil eye

01:06:11 --> 01:06:23

and because of this extreme, we have another extreme people say no, there's nothing like the evil eye. It's nothing like it. It's you didn't do what you're supposed to do. You didn't study hard enough. You didn't lock your door well enough. The other extreme, the Muslims are in the middle of

01:06:24 --> 01:06:26

that everything is the evil eye but we believe that evil is

01:06:29 --> 01:06:40

that sometimes Allah gives you a blessing, and somebody else is inspired by your blessing. And they forget to remember Allah so that blessing is left unprotected and the shayateen use that blessing to affect you.

01:06:43 --> 01:06:45

The Prophet said it's Harkless a system of Allah

01:06:47 --> 01:06:49

so yeah, cool buddy Salem

01:06:50 --> 01:07:00

to set his children for success not for failure. He says to them, my dear boys would let it Hello Ben Babb in Washington when you get back they don't enter through one door. Well I can meaning

01:07:01 --> 01:07:13

rather than the attorney enter through a boardroom with a fire record and what the whole room is above him with a fire record enter two different doors. You have the city the city has many gates, enter through different gates and then meet up inside

01:07:15 --> 01:07:35

why because if you enter through many gates it will look like you're a big caravan of people who look the same and one family they will brothers mashallah Wow say mashallah, this is good. But you know, we say wow, look at this, you were amazing. We tell people like this we speak to them, sometimes parents without even realizing they give their own children evilly it's possible.

01:07:36 --> 01:07:54

You're proud of your child you forget to remember Allah subhanaw taala upon you, Allah's blessings upon you. And the Shouting, shouting use that pride you have for your for your child as a means of traveling your child. But there's a solution the solution is the car of the morning and the evening. And that's how you should teach your children the car of the morning and the evening like you teach them Quran

01:07:56 --> 01:08:00

teach them the account of the morning and the evening like you teach them Quran it's very important Brothers and Sisters in Islam

01:08:02 --> 01:08:05

because in this car or the other gates and the protections

01:08:07 --> 01:08:34

it's not enough to say Masha Allah so you know sometimes somebody prays you say mashallah Prophet say mashallah, we had this up because of Surah Toka, Falola, interkultur, genetica, Kuta, masha Allah, Allah Who at a level right? The person who had the amazing garden and he was being pumped and arrogant because of it, his friend said to him, he's the person who was in dialogue with him said to him, If only you entered your agenda and you said Masha Allah, this is what Allah will call with a level that will power and mites from Allah.

01:08:35 --> 01:08:47

So sometimes we see this tell someone you pray some of the CC mashallah mashallah It's good you might say don't set up people for failure say Masha Allah but also tell them but Brother I'll say Masha Allah, but you also do your morning car and evening.

01:08:49 --> 01:08:54

Because if you do your morning and evening car even if I forget to say mashallah, you will be protected because they have car protection.

01:08:57 --> 01:09:02

So Yaqoob says to them, enter through the different doors, save yourself from the evil eye, as the scholars have to see to say,

01:09:03 --> 01:09:04

and then Subhanallah

01:09:05 --> 01:09:31

we get this verse warmer over near angleman, Allah Himanshi. Again, he ties everything back to Allah, He says to his sons, but listen, this is advice that I'm teaching you but I want you to know that I cannot save you from Allah subhanahu etalon that's planning anyway. Allah's plan is Allah's plan. I can save you in in como la la la la. All the decrees are only for Allah alone. This is part of the heat. Allah creates, so it's only for him to legislate and decree.

01:09:32 --> 01:09:45

I learned a hula Hanako Well, Emery Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, it is only for Allah to create. So if it is only for Allah to create, it is only for Allah to legislate, who has the right to legislate the Creator.

01:09:47 --> 01:09:52

So he's teaching his sons this. My advice to you is advice. I can't save you from Allah's decree.

01:09:54 --> 01:09:59

He says Anahita kulturellen He failure to kill him with workload I put my trust in Allah and

01:10:00 --> 01:10:18

Those who placed their trust should place their trust in Allah. If you place your trust, only place your trust in Allah, meaning his teaching his sons and teaching us all our code. And that our cool entails two things. Number one, taking the means and number two, not relying on the means relying on Allah.

01:10:20 --> 01:10:25

That you lock your door but you don't rely on your door being locked for your property to be safe.

01:10:26 --> 01:11:01

You rely on Allah to make the locking of the door the means for your property to be safe. You take the medicine, but you don't rely on the medicine. You have a headache and you take a paracetamol for example. You don't rely on the paracetamol you rely on Allah to make the paracetamol work for you. This is from EMA. This is from Rohit. This is from the computers of Tawakkol and Allah subhanahu Attallah tells us that the sons took their father's advice while I'm Medaka Roman Hato amerihome Babu whom they entered Egypt again, following their father's instructions through different doors and then they met in Egypt after entering through the different gates. Allah says Makana Eugenia and

01:11:01 --> 01:11:05

hoomin Allah Himanshi Yaakov his advice to them could not save them from the Command of Allah in any capacity.

01:11:07 --> 01:11:21

It was advice, Jakob said what he said. Any Allah says he said what he said. But he said what he said Illa hydrate and Phoenix Jacoba Kava. And he said what he said just took you know, sometimes you have Subhanallah you have to get it out of your system.

01:11:23 --> 01:11:51

Yaqoob knows that at the end of the day, what Allah wants to happen will happen. And he knows that I've taught my children, but he still taught his children. It was something in his heart to tell his parents it sorry to tell his children. And that's so My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam. When our parents get older, sometimes they tell us things Subhanallah and may Allah forgive me first and forgive us or our parents. They tell us things when they get older, they know we know it. They know that we know it. They know that we know that we know it.

01:11:52 --> 01:11:55

But they say to us to get it out of their system.

01:11:59 --> 01:12:07

Every time you travel wherever you get the you phone them, but when you tell them they say just make sure you call me. Don't forget to call me. Then you pass in the password. Make sure you call her.

01:12:08 --> 01:12:13

Don't get upset to see. Okay. You told me don't worry about it. I'll call you okay.

01:12:14 --> 01:12:15

Don't do that.

01:12:16 --> 01:12:27

It's your parents getting you any handwritten fee enough car. Kuba kava, it's from this realm. It's it's some it's already in the heart and they need to get it out.

01:12:29 --> 01:12:49

And there's certain things like this advice you can get out to keep up but there's certain things that complaints when things are difficult, you don't get it out to people you complain to Allah this is called birth. This is called birth in them ash Kuba he was in he will come to it. Jacobi says that I complain of my best only to Allah Beth is, you know, sometimes you have a water you need to talk to someone, this is

01:12:51 --> 01:12:52

the last him we only

01:12:54 --> 01:12:55

have to speak to someone.

01:12:57 --> 01:12:58

I have to get it out to someone.

01:13:00 --> 01:13:17

That's when you have a worry that you need to get out of here. This is birth and Hosen is the sadness that you feel within you. That should also be with Allah subhanahu Ettan. But advice to people also like your your parents give it being instructive with you. Sometimes it just something they need to get out of the system to tell you

01:13:18 --> 01:13:21

drive slowly. When you're going out of the house.

01:13:23 --> 01:13:31

Make sure you drive slowly. Okay. They told you that when you were 18 They told when you were 19. Maybe they told you that when you got your license 100 times?

01:13:32 --> 01:14:00

No problem. See, actually, Mama? Definitely. When Allah forgive me, and forgive us for what I'm thinking of the time Subhanallah sometimes my own parents have told me something and I can't remember a particular point. But perhaps you think about it, you say subhanallah Why did they keep telling me? No, you should feel proud. Let them tell me let them tell me and let them tell me because Allah he one day will come when you leave the house and nobody will tell you drive slowly. That voice will be gone.

01:14:02 --> 01:14:04

So to ha by then kind of have

01:14:06 --> 01:14:08

a voice that has disappeared after it was present.

01:14:10 --> 01:14:14

Because our parents will pass away, and you will see them in front of you before you bury them

01:14:16 --> 01:14:25

that they can't speak. You can see they have eyes, but they can't see. You can see they have lips and the tongue but they can't speak to you. You can see they have ears, but they can't hear you.

01:14:28 --> 01:14:31

You'll be wishing that they say Drive slowly. It's not going to happen.

01:14:33 --> 01:14:34


01:14:35 --> 01:15:00

Allah is teaching us that as parents get old, they have these things that they need to get out of the system. And Jacoba Allah is saying Jakub said this to his son to get it out of his system. He didn't say to his son, as if to tell his sons sorry, his sons plural, as if to tell you if you do this, you won't be harmed? No, no, he said it to them to get it out of his system knowing that ultimately it's Allah who decides the means you take and whether it's going to work for you or whether it's not gonna work for you.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:05

Sometimes you lock your door it doesn't work for you. Sometimes you take the medication the headache doesn't go well you have to play May Allah protect us

01:15:06 --> 01:15:42

or movement we stopped at this particular juncture really later Allah Inshallah, when we come tomorrow we will begin with the brothers again in the presence of use of Allahi Salam but just before we end ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says we're in the hullo dwelling in Lima and lemna who lack index or an SLA and then when that of course Jakob would say all this, and this is the reason why he would say it because leather element Lima and lambda he was a possessor of knowledge knowledge that we taught him. When I came there carnesi, Allah, your element, but most people they don't know. They don't know. It's Allah subhanho wa taala, who teaches all knowledge and above every knowledgeable

01:15:42 --> 01:15:51

person is ALLAH SubhanA wa Yusaku la heron, the Kabbalah La Mina will consult with a man or SallAllahu wasallam Obara cannot have been humbled or early he was a big man

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