Sajid Ahmed Umar – Ramadan 2024 #11 You have THIS Responsibility

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The speakers discuss the importance of not retiring from Islam, as there is no retirement or pension age. They also emphasize the legacy of Ebola and the potential loss of retirement for the group. The speakers emphasize the need to think positively about the future of Islam and not take retirement or retirement plans too long. The conversation ends with a message of warahmatu and a reminder of the need for individuals to present themselves as figures.
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When you give Allah one pound or one ringgit or $1 and you give Allah one second of your time invested for you, and He multiplies it for you and gives it back to you. That's not a sacrifice that's an investment that you are a soldier from the soldiers of Allah. And you are wearing the stripes because of that Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasool Allah, you are in uniform, and your Lord has deployed here station to let you tell Islam in Quebec Islam shouldn't be harmed from your station Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was so happy woman Hala to my brothers and sisters in Islam salam ala alaykum Warahmatullahi
Wabarakatuh watercop But Allah Mina Amin come side Hala Maria Allah accept our deeds, I mean, they are behind me.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam.
Allah says in surah Tober in Pharaoh pff and with your Subhanallah and so Allah told us from the final score was revealed. And Allah subhana wa Tada revealed this command to the believers to go out in the path of Allah. But he mentioned skiff and with the Subhan Allah, and some of the scholars have seen, have explained this to be or to mean the younger from you and the old from you to go out and reading this verse, and thinking of the teachings of my teachers and to add Subhanallah you can't help but notice that Allah subhanho wa Taala is in a subtle way, sharing with us a message.
In fact, a few messages.
Allah subhanho wa Taala is teaching us number one, number one, that we have been deployed by Allah Subhan Allah, Allah has deployed us, Allah has placed us on a station
and Allah is saying to us don't let Islam be harmed from your station, that you are a soldier from the soldiers of Allah. And you are wearing the stripes because of Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, you are in uniform, and your Lord has deployed he has stationed
there you tell Islam in Quebec, Islam shouldn't be harmed from your station. That's number one. Number two, my dear brother and sister.
You learn from this, that there's no retirement in Islam. There's no retirement from this deployment. Subhanallah there's no retirement, Allah says go the young from you and the old from you. There's no pension age here. Subhanallah as long as you can go forth. And it makes sense. You know why? Because I thought about this for a long time. I thought about this for a long time that you know, can we justify the statement, there's no retirement or Allah here, we can justify it. Because there's no profit to come after Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah sent the greatest legacy the world ever experienced. And that's the legacy of Prophethood the legacy of
justice, of mercy, of wisdom, of transformative benefit. He sent this upon the shoulders of new Haida he Salam and then shifted it from his shoulders to the shoulders of another prophet all the way to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Oh, Hanaa la cama au Hanaa Ilana wouldn't be it wouldn't have been I mean, by the beginning of the six years, Allah says, Oh messenger, we have revealed this legacy to you. The legacy of Ebola, just as we rebuild it, to know how the salah within the prophets between you both, but then Allah He revealed that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be the seal of old prophets, the final messenger, no prophet to come after him. So what
will happen to this legacy? Who's going to look after this legacy? There's no messenger to come who's left Subhan Allah. Allah is teaching us that after Muhammad the legacy will not be carried by one man, but rather it will be carried by the by a collective, by a group of people, by the shoulders of not one man but the shoulders of an entire Ummah that amaze you and me, the honor of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. If we are carriers of this legacy of a servant of Allah, then there can be no retirement. Indeed, the messengers of Allah had no retirement, Jacobo Allah, He said I'm on his deathbed he's doing now I'm going to shahada I've helped him out the end of the first
juice. Allah says will you present as witnesses when death came to Yaqoob? He's dying it's currently Benny he said to his son my terrible dude, I mean, but what I what what will you worship after me? His children who are prophets as well? What will you worship after me? He wanted them to tell him or Luna Abu to either heck, we will worship your Lord. He's doing that on his deathbed or Meridian hubbub. He's dying. He was stabbed. He was bleeding to death. So how about we're coming to see him because it was known that he's on his deathbed. And a young boy comes to see him and he's still
Our garment is below his ankles. Rumor does the hour to him once he's dying, there's no retirement, even when you die and there's no retirement overseas to the young boy. He oh son of my brother Ethelbert lift yourself for in the whole article Arabic it's more beloved to Allah that your Toby's above your ankles. What up Accardi though because if you do so your job will last a longer time because it won't drag on the ground it won't be damaged, perfect our even bleeding to death. This is our reality, my brother and sustain Islam. There is no retirement and we need to think like this Wallah he might be a brother and sister Islam. If we want to do justice to the legacy of Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. These thoughts have to be at the front of our mind and the back of our mind. If we sit here and think that we're going to help Islam whilst having our job and on the side Insha Allah, we will do that our on the side inshallah we will benefit the ummah. It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. Looking after the legacy, the greatest legacy of the Gambia Allahi wa salatu wa salam, it needs time. It needs effort, it is application, I don't like to use the word sacrifice, some say sacrifice, I don't like to use it because you're not sacrificing when you give Allah one pound or one ringgit to $1.
And you give Allah one second of your time, invested for you, and He multiplies it for you and gives it back to you. That's not a sacrifice. That's an investment. It needs investment. That's what it needs. It needs application. It needs you to be a bit uncomfortable. If you want to be comfortable, my life, my kids, my job, my promotion, my savings. And then yeah, when I'm comfortable, I will spend here I won't go beyond what I'm comfortable my holiday as long as it doesn't affect my holiday. You will not do justice to your deployment, my dear brother and sustain Islam, for Islam, to feel you that you are there for it for the legacy of the Gambia. wasallam, to feel that you are
there for it. You have to feel pain because of it. When I say pain, I mean be uncomfortable. A positive stress or stress, a stress that gives birth to something great. Just like the stress beneath the earth gives birth to a diamond that we consider so valuable. So my message to the UN Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Pharaoh heaven with your climate go out for the sake of Allah in service of his deep being from you and the old frog. I love you all for the sake of Allah. This is the message for today's reminder. And until next time, salam ala Alikum warahmatu houbara cat