Sajid Ahmed Umar – In The Company Of Allah #3A Etiquettes Towards Allah’s Names

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The use of his name during worship is a result of actions and is not beautiful. The importance of knowing the "monster" titles and their significance is discussed, as it is difficult to name certain characteristics. The speaker also discusses Jesus being the engineer for everything and his name is the same as the name of God Almighty, and the relationship between Jesus and the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while alihi wa sahbihi Juma in my bed, a Salam aleikum, wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. All praises belong to Allah subhanho wa taala. We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala we seek Allah subhanho wa Taala as assistance, and we seek His guidance subhanho wa Taala

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and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evils of our souls, and the adverse consequences of our deeds, whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon the nun can misguide him, and whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees misguidance upon them then can guide him, and peace and Salutations be upon the final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I have a witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his slave and final messenger. My dear brothers and sisters, I welcome you to our episode in the company of Allah. And in our previous sittings together, we began

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discussing an introduction aimed at preparing us to learn better, the Beautiful Names of Allah subhanho wa taala. And I recall vividly that in our last session together, we were discussing the idea in sort of RF, Wali lair Hill Esma or Hosana, further Oahu B. And as a recap, we discussed the whole concept of deviating when it comes to God Almighty is beautiful names and we discussed five lessons from biblical Abraham Allah, teaching us what it means to actually deviate when it comes to God Almighty His names and we also discuss this whole concept of using Allah's names during do I. And we explained that there are refers to supplication as well as and this is the comprehensive

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meaning of Torah, everything that is worship, it means everything that is worshipped, right So when Allah Almighty commands us, towards using his names in da he means using his names when we call unto him as well as using his names during our forms of worship. And as we just discussed together in earlier episodes, our

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quality of worship is proportional to our knowledge of Allah subhanho wa taala. So the more we know of His Names during our worship, the better the quality of the bed, and Allah subhanahu wata, Allah knows best in the eye of brothers and sisters Allah subhanho wa Taala says El husana

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Allah describes his names as beautiful

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and Olusola in the Arabic language is the plural form of the word assassin, Assassin and actually refers to that which is better, right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the word and Hoshina which is the plural form of the name or term ASAM which teaches us that Allah subhanho wa Taala names are indeed beautiful and nothing comes near to these names. And this is where a why or either Allah subhanho wa Taala says wala who will method will allow for somehow it will act subhanho wa Taala that when Allah sweat when we talk about Allah's names, and the attributes of these names, nothing comes close to these names. Nothing comes close, not in name, not in attribute and meaning

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Lahu Akbar Allahu Akbar indeed Allah is the Greatest indeed Allah is the Greatest and that is why brothers and sisters, this whole concept of an methylone Allah is used whenever we discuss the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the meanings of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the reason why I say Allah methylone Allah is because I want to share with you all as well, a few etiquettes when it comes to the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala and from these etiquettes is a methyl Allah. But before we discuss that, there is a formal etiquette and etiquette that must be understood

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and etiquette that must be understood by one and all and that is the fact

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That is the fact that the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala are Toki fee.

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And this term topi fee is an Arabic term, which means that no one has a right to use personal reasoning in naming Allah subhanho wa Taala nobody can. We only name Allah subhanahu wata with names that God Almighty himself has named himself. And we know of these names, either in the Quran, in his revelation, or through the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, through the teachings of His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, right. So there is no room for anyone to make up a name. Even if it has a good meaning. We cannot name Allah subhanho wa Taala with a name. And it cannot be a beautiful name, as Allah describes his names as beautiful names in the four

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places in the Quran, unless he Allah subhanho wa Taala named himself with that name, named himself with that name. And that is why sometimes we find some names are disputed, some names are disputed, and this is because there's a difference of opinion or dispute regarding the evidence for that name, or the authenticity of the evidence regarding that name. So this is something we should fathom. And understand at this juncture, as we talk about the etickets with the names of Allah subhanho wa taala, I call it etickets. Just use a softer word in terms of our episode together. But really, these are principles, right? These are principles when it comes to God, Almighty His name so the

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first concept is totally free. We only name Allah with a name that he Allah subhanho wa Taala named himself with, we do not give him a name, even if it's a beautiful, even if it has a beautiful meaning. So for example, we shouldn't, or we cannot say that from the names of God Almighty is the engineer for example, right? We can't do that. Even though yes, Allah is the Creator of everything in creation. And everything that mankind creates, they only do so and manufacture it because Allah Almighty inspires them to do so. And Allah Almighty creates the means for them to do so. But even though we do not say Allah is the engineer, right? We cannot even though we might say but this is a

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beautiful name, but it will not.

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It does not pass the litmus test to be from what God Almighty himself declares as beautiful names. So this is the first point. But this ancestor The second point is a methanol Allah. And Allah Allah, Allah is something I introduced you earlier, especially when we discussed that.

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Allah Almighty His names are perfect in every dimension in terms of name and attribute which means which means that we never ever compare Allah Almighty His name or attribute to an attribute of one of the creation of Allah subhanho wa taala. So this must be

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understood, this is important that we understand this particular point when Allah subhanho wa Taala describes himself or names himself a name, that has an attribute that a creation of his might have. It's not the same. It's not the same we understand that attribute with regards to God Almighty, in the most elevated of ways, and never by comparing it to that attribute that's present with any of the creation of God Almighty. So yes, God Almighty sees a human being sees but with regards to God Almighty, this method will Allah, Allah Almighty is seeing is nothing like what you and I understand a sink, he has the most elevated of examples and elevated of meanings in terms of that particular

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name of Allah subhanho wa taala. And that attribute of seeing, so this is

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a very important point, right? And to bring

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things closer to us, this is the same as when we discuss paradise, right? We say this trees in paradise, we say the streams in paradise, we say this palaces in paradise, right? And this name is shared with some of the creations of God Almighty in this world. So trees are from the creation of God Almighty and they call trees in this world. But we do not ever say that the tree of Paradise is like the tree of this world. Yes, we know the meaning of it. But the actuality of it. We don't know why we've never seen it and our minds do not have the power to not have the ability to fathom and imagine and describe

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What God Almighty has left for us as a prize in the hereafter. So Paradise has streams, and we've seen streams in this world. But there's no comparison between the two streams, they might share the name, but the actuality and quality of the creation of Paradise is far greater and elevated than the creation

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that we find with us that God Almighty has created for this world such as the trees and the streams, and so on and so forth, to bring the matter even closer to you, or just before that the Prophet peace be upon him when he spoke about paradise. He said, that paradise is a place Marilla in

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a place that no eye has ever seen. So yes, there's a tree there. And there's a tree here. But the tree of paradise no eye has ever seen even if you see the best tree in the world, Paradise have something better and something totally different. Where other than semiotic no ear has ever heard of it. So you might have heard of a stream and Paradise has a stream. And even if somebody described the stream to you in the most amazing way, Paradise has a better stream than that. Amazing, they share the same name, but totally different. Right? The stream of paradise far grander in nature.

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Wa Mahapatra, Allah Colby, Basha,

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and nothing you can dream of and describe in this world, except that you will find in paradise something better, amazing, right? Even if they share the same name. And to bring it even closer for us then take the example of two people. One person's name is Ali, and another person's name is Ali. They share the same name, but they probably can have two different lineages. Two different ethnic backgrounds speak two different languages have two different sets and schemes of education to different nationalities. Well, hello Majora, as we say, in the Arabic language, and so on and so forth. So this is just bringing matters closer to us that it doesn't mean that a name can be shared

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between two entities that it necessitates the sharing of the attributes of or the meanings of these names. And it doesn't also necessitate that the actuality of these meanings are the same across the board. So with God Almighty, Allah subhanho, wa taala. While the whole method Allah Allah, Allah has the most elevated of examples, we understand His names, we talk about his names in the most elevated of ways, and the meanings of His Names in the most elevated of ways and we understand the implications and dimension dimensions of these names in the most elevated of ways. Allah subhanho wa Taala is indeed the greatest

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and he says SubhanaHu wa to add in Surah to Shura in IE 11. Laser cometh Lishi there is nothing like Allah subhanho wa taala. So this closes the door to anyone even trying to describe an imagine and so on and so forth. And Allah says well, who was Samuel Basu? And indeed Allah is the old hearing and the old see

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from the principles brothers and sisters, before we go on and take names from God Almighty, His names is that those names found in supplications actual names of God Almighty, and inshallah when we come back after the break, we will talk about this particular point in greater detail. Until then, Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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