Sajid Ahmed Umar – Be A Positive Influence for the World
![Sajid Ahmed Umar](
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The legacy of Muhammad sallal is now protected collectively through the use of theOma, and individuals and nations should play their part in carrying it. The importance of positive influence in Islam is emphasized, along with the need for action and excellence in one's actions to achieve happiness and success in life. The importance of adaptability and learning to adapt and change is also emphasized. The need for individuals to adapt and change in order to build a positive culture is emphasized, along with a program called "Art of peace" designed to train individuals and build a lifetime of peace.
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smilla rahmanir rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa began a stallion also live on recently Malhotra manga bien Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira elomi Dean my bad llama and Milena Illa alum Tina in the cantle animal Hakeem Allahumma eliminare Mayan foreigner when finally Mr. Lim tena, was it an MLM Dr. Karim
Frobisher Elisa de Wessely Emory, Luca, that's me Listen, if Coca Cola or praise belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone we praise Him and we seek his assistance and guidance and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our deeds and we testify that only serve Allah guides them can misguided him serve Him as guides and then can guide and we request praises and blessings upon the final messenger Muhammad Ali Abdullah, Saleh Allahu Allah He was seldom I be witnessed that there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His messenger to my brothers and sisters in Islam cinema here alikum
warahmatu who are Baraka to made the Peace and blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala be with you all.
It's a pleasure as always to be participating with the messengers of peace Academy, a dedicated Academy, training, the Ummah to be propagators of what is ultimate peace,
propagate propagators off to heat propagators of the worship of one Allah subhanho wa Taala and coming upon the way of the final messenger Muhammad Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
my brothers and sisters in Islam. The topic for today is about being a positive influence. And this is the reality of any member from the home of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for this oma is an honor that collectively carries the greatest legacy the world has ever seen, the world has ever experienced. And that is the legacy of justice, the legacy of mercy, the legacy of transformation, the legacy of the heat, the worship of one Allah subhanho wa Taala La ilaha illa Allah, Allah Abu Dhabi hoppin Illa Allah that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah subhanho wa Taala add. This legacy began in earnest with the advent of new alayhis salam, as he went to his people,
and he called him to worship one Allah subhanho wa Taala and informed them that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah that Allah subhanaw taala called me he fertile? Yeah, whoa, Marabou la ha Melaka La Valle. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that no Allah He sallam, he was sent to his people and he said these people worship one Allah worship one Allah, there is no one worthy of worship besides this one Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala transferred this legacy from his shoulders to the Prophet that came after him. And like this, Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed this legacy to continue from the shoulders of one person to the shoulders of another
person until the arrival of Muhammad Ali Abdullah Saleh Allahu alayhi wa sallam. When our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived he arrived with the
status of being the final messenger of being the seal of all prophets. This is the reality of our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then went on to raise an oma to share the necessary tools, the manners, the morals, the etiquettes, that this oma would need to give life to this legacy, generation after generation, after him salallahu alayhi wasallam albeit that the concept of how this legacy will be protected will be different. How so? Well, after the advent of Muhammad, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, this legacy would now be preserved, collectively, via the amount of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as opposed to how it was being
preserved before, when it was being carried on the shoulders of one man, and then transferred to the shoulders of another man. And when we understand this brothers and sisters in Islam, we realize that Subhanallah if we collectively carry the legacy of our beloved Prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then indeed, We are a nation that was sent to give. And we were a nation that was sent as a solution for humanity. This is the reality of who we are brothers and sisters in Islam. We were sent as a solution. We were sent as givers and takers, we were sent as solution providers and not problem makers. Because this is the reality of the legacy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam,
and his brethren from the MBR. And he was Salatu was Salam. And this is why they the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his brothers from the messengers and prophets, they were the best of all people, because they diligently carried this legacy. And as a result of this, we the owner of Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, we are the best of all people. We are the best of all people. Why are we the best of all people, because we carry the legacy that the best of all individuals carried. They carried it individually. Thus they were the best of all people, the best of all people, the prophets and the messengers. And the best of all nations then became the oma Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because we collectively carry it. And I noticed this word brothers and sisters in Islam, collectively. I said, Why do I highlight collectively? Well, this teaches us brothers and sisters in Islam, that if we do not, if we do not play our part, if we do not play our part, in
looking after this legacy, then we are only making the weight of this legacy heavier upon those who are
playing their part, right, because the legacy has to be carried. And the way we
carry it with greater diligence is if we collectively play our part and take you off the responsibility upon us with regards to this legacy. This is how it works brothers and sisters in Islam, but the more people that opt out, the heavier it becomes upon those who remain in and the consequence of this is the world will lack the positive influence it requires.
When I say positive influence, I mean
positive in character not in personality, right, because there are many systems that pitch themselves as positive influences, right, but they pitching themselves as positive influences. They are moving into the space with the personality. But the reality of them is that they are not coming with positivity, they are coming with that which will only bring a more burdensome consequence upon the Ummah, upon the globe upon humanity. Right. We live in the age, the day and age whereby you are who you make people perceive you to be doesn't matter who you really are. Right? And today, the other global systems have
put out a
front through which people perceive them to be the solution providers. But nonetheless,
they aren't and they can't be right because any system that takes you away from the sun will not bring a sustainable situation. Well if this system will never be a solution for humanity, as Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah Allah subhanho wa Taala says while mo and a fecal
while mo and a few come Rasulullah lo you
To comfy cozy remain an AMA.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says, know that you have with you the Messenger of Allah and if the Messenger of Allah was to follow you, in many of your desires in many things that you think should be the way if he was to follow you, in that which you thought should be right there I need to you collectively would become exhausted, you collectively would burn out, you collectively would create a situation that will never ever be sustainable. Why? Because sustainability is in the way of a lion is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a system that is built upon the divine knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is perfect from ever, and he's perfect forever. And he's not confined to the
tenses of time the past tense, the present tense in the future tense
is what Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us. So yes, whilst there are systems in play today, that give people the perception that there are solutions for humanity by a law that can never be a solution for humanity, and those who follow that way can never be a solution for humanity. The Omar Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the best of all nations, the nation that was sent as believers sent as propagators of good sent as advocated against evil. This is the amount that can only be a solution for humanity and thus being a positive system for humanity. And to do that, brothers and sisters in Islam, we have to come upon the sun. And that is why when this question is asked, How can we be a
positive influence for the globe?
The answer to that question is we are a positive stream for the globe or this you know, the long and short of it brothers and sisters in Islam. In terms of answering this question, how can we be a positive influence for the for humanity? We are a positive influence for humanity. If we stick closely to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That's what's required. Right? I know people say give us the top three and give us the top five tips. How can we be a positive influence? For the globe? The answer is simple. Stick as closely as you can to the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as such, you will be the change you seek to create. You
will become the means of change you will become the change you wish to see. And the change the globe wishes to see why because the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brothers and sisters in Islam is the ark of new Allah He sallam, in our time today.
And as Allah said, if we are upon the sinner, if we are upon the sinner, then what will happen? If we are upon the sooner brothers and sisters in Islam, then we will never become exhausted, we will never create a system that will de capacitate us that will force us to feel overwhelmed. The solution is in the sun. Sustainability is in the sooner transformation is in the sooner. A solution for humanity is in the sooner. Positivity is in the sooner and let's not forget canon Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you're a believer and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to love positivity, he was a positive being and he always
spread that positiveness irrespective of circumstance and irrespective of situation. So brothers and sisters in Islam, positivity, being positive, being a positive solution for humanity is in the Sunnah. But if you were to press me and say,
What from the sooner
can we adopt
in terms of us being first responders to humanity?
Right, what quickly can we take from the Sunnah and then build upon
I would say three things, brothers and sisters in Islam. Number one, take from the Sunnah that related to La ilaha illallah wa, which is the first portion of the article of faith.
Right, the first portion of to hit La ilaha illa Allah that is no one with your worship besides one Allah
take from the Sunnah, that related to this part of our article of faith
in our endeavor to become a solution, a positive solution for humanity, and particularly the part that
highlights you that you and I should be
servants of Allah subhanho wa Taala and live our life in a way through which the purpose behind everything which that we do is Allah subhanho attack. We make Allah subhanho wa Taala the purpose for everything which we do, if we speak, it's for the purpose of a lion seeking
His pleasure. If we remain silent, it's for the purpose of Allah and seeking His pleasure. If we act or don't act, all this is for the sake of attaining the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right, we have to adopt this and build this reality within ourself whereby our self worth ourselves worth is not decided, and is not based on the perception of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Rather our self worth is based upon how Allah subhanho wa Taala. He perceives us.
He understands us he knows us to be this is what La ilaha illAllah means. La Ilaha Illa LA is about living your life upon the paradigm of one's character, not the paradigm of one's personality,
that you don't live your life in Denver with the endeavor of attaining the happiness of the people based on the front that you show them, whilst they don't know the real person who you are.
If we want to be a positive influence, it's about taking from the sooner that related to La ilaha illa Allah and from those things is this matter here making a law, the purpose for everything which you do, it's as if you've taken your life and made it a trust and endowment that no one has ownership of, except Allah subhanho wa Taala everything you do, or that which you don't do is for his sake Allah. So this is an important lesson. It's from the Sunnah, and a particular set of values from the Sunnah. And that which needs training brothers and sisters in Islam doesn't come overnight. It needs patience, it needs persistence, it needs self discipline, it needs willpower, but with time
you will get there. And this is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala the process required for you to get there, you will be rewarded by Allah subhanho wa Taala because the principal in Islam is Elijah rumina, carabiner and halali with the hollow Seminole Hara, the rewards are gained by doing that which brings you closer to Allah. So this process that takes you closer to Allah, which is the mcsa which is the objective, you will be rewarded for. And as the scholars say, Allah wasa Lu tamiu Carmen Maha said that the means
through which you get to something, they carry the ruling of that which you intend to get to. So if that which you intend to get to is Helen, then this will be helpful as well. And if it's helpful, you will be rewarded as well because as you may know Taco Bell hella rewards are Bay rewards come or rewards are gained based on doing halal and the processes that allow you to do that header. So this is the first advice brothers and sisters in Islam. The second advice brothers and sisters in Islam is to take from the Sunnah that related to Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is related to the second part of our testimony of faith. So hon Allah Do you see how everything
indeed goes back to La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah everything goes back to La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, many of us, we really don't ponder on the depth and the breadth and the length of the reality of La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah when we think about it, we think about it as this is the article of faith. We know it's translation. But brothers and sisters in Islam, do we know its meaning?
The proof is in the pudding as they say in the English language. Do we know its meaning and understanding its meaning takes a lifetime.
It takes a lifetime.
So the second thing to take in order to be a positive influence for the world, is that from the student of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam related to Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what does Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mean? Muhammad Rasulullah means brothers and sisters in Islam, that if you are true to what you said first, that Allah is the purpose for everything which I do.
I only intend this happiness from my action and lack of action.
If you are sincere in that statement, and in that mandate, then basically you are saying, I will live on life, I will live in this world I will live in this life upon that which pleases Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I only know that which pleases Him via
what he taught the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because the only access I have to knowing what pleases Allah is in the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is in the way of the messenger
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is in the morals The man is the etickets of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so I have to use his way. And that's what Allah subhanho wa Taala says put in kuntum to hibben Allah for to be early. You become a la la cama de novo come that say to them, oh Muhammad if they are true and sincere, in that which they have said that they love Allah subhanho wa Taala only tell them to follow you. Tell them to follow you or Mohammed, then Allah will love them and Allah will forgive them why because they will do that which Allah loves. Because Allah has taught His Messenger and in following his messenger will the opportunity to do that which Allah subhanho wa
Taala loves be found. Fun Allah. Right. So this is the reality brothers and sisters in a snap. If we want to be that positive influence, we said follow the sun. But if you asked me for three things, then specifically I said number one is laughs Be true to La ilaha illAllah. And number two, he said, this is being true to Muhammad Rasulullah sn is excellence in that which you do excellence in your action and excellence in your inaction.
And that excellence is found in the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is the second part of the testament testimony of faith. The first part is La ilaha illa Allah. The second part is Muhammad Rasul Allah.
Now again, this is not going to come at the click at the flick of a
click of a finger brothers and sisters in Islam with the flick of a switch, it's going to need time, it's going to need effort, it's going to need self discipline, it's going to need willpower, it's going to need belief.
And the pain required for you to spend this time to achieve this noble station. Allah subhanho wa Taala will reward it will reward you for it as well. And that's part of life brothers and sisters in Islam. Right? We want to get to the top of the mountain. But life teaches us never ever to forget that there's a mountain to climb before you get.
Getting to the top of the mountain without climbing the mountain that only happens in gender.
It only happens in gender. It doesn't happen in this world.
This world we have to work and whoever works.
They will pay the price for the expensive price. As the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in integration in the sooner
he said Ben hoffa at the ledge, woman at the ledger Bella Val Menzel,
Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah tala heljan the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever fears fears, loss, fears, losing fears, destruction,
at leche
acts immediately
puts into process what requires execution, irrespective of how difficult it is etc. They understand that this is part and parcel of life, they act and get moving woman at Nadia Bella and Manziel. Whoever acts quick they will reach the safety. They will reach the serenity, the peace they will reach the place that will save them from that which they fear. And then he said Allah in Silla de la Haile that indeed the merchandise of Allah is expensive. It's expensive brothers and sisters in Islam. You got to work for it. Allah in the seal Allah Huijin indeed the merchandise of Allah subhanho wa Taala is his agenda.
Okay, then we have number three, what's the third aspect through which we can be a positive solution for humanity? Well, that aspect would be closely Well, they all related to execution.
But the third aspect has a more dynamic application. And there were many things that I thought of that I could choose from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for number three, but I chose this particularly given the year of COVID that we've just been through and another abnormal year that we have entered into.
And this third aspect constitutes a tech a youth. We spoke about last we spoke about sn x we spoke about sincerity, we spoke about excellence number three Attica youth, a decay of refers to adaptability
the importance of being adaptable.
The believer is adaptable.
Eman constitutes the importance of us being adaptable.
Why? Because
Eman mandates believe in the Quran and the Sunnah and the Quran and the Sunnah.
I have taught us that the life of this world is dynamic, it's not static. You don't have static moments of happiness. You don't have static moments of sadness. You don't have static moments of things going the way you want them to go. Life is dynamic, it will give you days that are for you, it will give you days that are against you. That's the reality of life brothers and sisters in Islam.
That is the reality, life happens to us.
And when life happens to us,
we have two choices.
either be positive, because of the legacy we collectively carry,
or be negative, and go against number two, which is the student of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.
Being positive, which is following the student of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam means we have to adapt, right? Because through adapting, can we weather the turbulence and get to the other side. And we want to get to the other side, because we know the opportunity to build gender, irrespective of the life that happens to us is the same for a believer. And that's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that the believer is in a win win situation.
They always in a win win situation.
If If life is good, they thankful and that is good for them. And if life is difficult, they're patient, and that is good for them as well. So the believer always has his or her heart on the prize, the grand prize, Jenna and Boudin Jenna. And when you do this, you adapt. Why? Because you know that if the massages are closed because of Corona and Ramadan has come. That doesn't mean the gates of gender, yet
the price is still the same. The gates of gender open, I need to adapt and conduct myself this Ramadan in a way that allows me to benefit from the fact that the gates of Jen now
Yes, a situation has come upon us. And we expect we experienced this last year. First time in history, no mustard to goat in the month of Ramadan. Right.
Unprecedented as everyone said.
But guess what? Despite that the doors of gender open, the opportunity to build gender was still the same.
It only required us to adapt and go about the process of building gender in a different way
is how we remain positive brothers and sisters. By focusing very quickly on macro realities and micro realities. The macro reality is the opportunity still the same for a believer
as long as my ability to build gentleness to exceed it still exists
and have the lamb Okay.
The next thing I got to do is go into the micro realities and that is how can I adapt to ensure that I build that gender efficiently despite the situation that I'm in. And this is what attack a youth is brothers and sisters in Islam and it's from a man, the concept of adaptability. We see this in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he was constantly adapting. He lived at a time when his people he lived at a time when he had a mother then at a time when he didn't have a mother but a grandfather then at a time when he didn't have a grandfather or an uncle, then at a time when these people loved him and then at a time when they didn't love him. And then at a time
where they removed him from his his his home. From the place of his memories. He was made homeless, landless citizens SubhanAllah. And from a place of safety, he's running in the deserts looking over his shoulder, because there was a ransom placed on his head. Then he had to take a new city as his home and adopted as his home. And then he had to face the enemy coming to him and so on and so forth, but to panela throughout brothers and sisters in Islam, we see a positive
natured messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
a messenger telling his people that if you see the day of tm, you see it happening. You see the mountains flying like cotton wool, and you have a sapling in your hand planted.
Don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah don't say what's the point they are Miss come, the seed won't grow planted, and you will see it with Allah subhanho wa Taala and be positive see what Allah will give you because you did that.
Despite all this, this is what he teaches us Allah Allah He will send
so brothers and sisters in Islam
This is the message.
are the solution for humanity because we collectively
Carry the greatest legacy the world has ever seen the legacy of prophethood
a legacy that was carried Finally, by only one man with the advent of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam
and was no prophet to come after him, he diligently transferred it to all our shoulders collectively, because he knew that the battle between good and evil will exist until the day of judgment.
And the globe will need a solution, humanity will need a solution. And that solution has to be his followers. From the best of all men, to the best of all nations,
the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And for us to remain a solution for humanity, we have to stick to the Sunnah. And particularly from the Sunnah,
being true to La ilaha illAllah. And then being true to Muhammad Rasulullah. And then being ever ready to adapt, never forgetting that Allah created us for a paradise that has a width which is greater than the heavens and the earth. I leave you with this message, my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam. And I encourage you all to
sit down and think about life, in light of
the lessons that were shared here today. And if you need to recalibrate anything, please do so and recalibrate because life is too short to
meaning Life is too short. And we cannot afford to make it shorter through wasting time.
How do we waste time by being negative? Life is too short. We can't afford to make it shorter through negativity. That which goes against the sooner of Muhammad Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and know that brothers and sisters in Islam. Remember we said earlier that this legacy of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And being a Muslim, Muslim is one of justice one of mercy, one of transformation that starts with introducing Islam, to the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
To our neighbors, who aren't upon
this legacy of justice and mercy and transformation,
our neighbors, and then those within our city, and then those within the globe, which the Internet has given us access to.
And to do that diligently. We have to have knowledge.
Remember, we want to worship Allah, not how we want how he wants and we only know how to do so via the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam so we want to worship Allah through inviting people to Allah, but not how we want, but how Allah once and he took the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam that so we have to learn how the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did this. And this is where the messengers of peace Academy comes in brothers and sisters in Islam. Because this portal, this program has been designed as a dedicated program to train you and I, the members of the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the collective carriers of the greatest legacy of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam this program has been dedicated to assist us in being diligent propagators of the message of peace. Okay, so whilst you are listening to this lecture, please take note of
MLP or messengers of peace academy please Google it. And please visit the website and Please take note of its offering and do register to register and have a sincere intention to drink from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in order to be a positive solution for humanity, I love you all for the sake of Allah. Everything said here is a reminder to myself first and foremost. And if it was correct, it is from Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, and if there's any mistakes in it, then it is from Chopin and myself and I seek a loss of Hannah who attalus forgiveness once again I reiterate that I love you all for the sake of Allah, and I wish you all the
best being a solution for humanity. Until next time, salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato are Sol Allahumma barik ala island to be about a kalenna Vina Mohamad are the envy of Sufi