Sajid Ahmed Umar – Amazing Revert Stories

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a new Muslim Academy and their struggles with Islam. They share a story about someone leaving a card with Surah Fatiha and feeling fascinated by their feeble. The speaker also talks about Subhan conversions and the importance of knowing one's job to achieve success in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the new Muslim Academy, which I'm a part of online haven't

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weekly was new Muslims weekly Allah You know what I'm so fascinated about how did you come to Islam? What was your tipping point?

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Well line the some of the most amazing stories. You cannot help but believe Allah Allah, Allah Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, Allah He, some people it was just this, somebody left a card with Surah Fatiha and they read, praise be.

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All praises belong to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds who's the Most Forgiving, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Just that introduction. For some reason they felt this feeling. I have been introduced to the Lord of the Worlds I need to study this more. Allahu Akbar. I'm sitting here thinking Subhan Allah Allah Hema, yeah at the level of Allah. When Allah guides, no one can misguide Your job is to convey not to convert

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