Sadullah Khan – Reminder

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The history and character of Islam, including the implementation of Islam's free expression of choice and the importance of freedom, are highlighted. The negative consequences of police brutality and the lack of human rights in South Africa are also discussed. The transcript provides records of deeds and records of deeds, and the importance of freedom in actions and values is emphasized. The journey to freedom is discussed, including pursuing justice, achieving it in a way that is not just a straight line, and pursuing justice and achieving it in a way that is not just a straight line. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to be a voice of their faith and achieve their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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So they want to come up with a low tide all that

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kind of just ask the brothers to stand up and frolic and to fill

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the gaps now already it is raining outside the all people can descend

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outside they're working on the siphon which is awesome brothers

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to fill up from the front and now ready to suck Moloch Hilah

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always bear in mind that the baleka and the mercy of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala analyzing the fronts of the Sahaba used to

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compete with one another to sit in the front to receive and receive

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the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala so let us make it a habit in

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sha Allah to fool the Majid from the front already so there is no

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need for the people to climb over the shoulders of the others

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Just as I'm told to switch on the main lights of the magician for

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the dual

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Let the main lights of the budget in the front

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all the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim

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call Allahu Taala for your Quran Allah God will for carnal Hamid

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in Allah marucho Amana de la Riva where they come from bein in C and

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Taco mobile in Allah Hanyang ma Combi in Allah kindness me on

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basura so the Allahu Allah, Allah you allow them in the name of

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Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful. All praise is due to our

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Creator, our cherisher our nourishing our Sustainer we bear

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witness, there's none worthy of worship but Allah. We bear witness

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we believe in all the prophets, and we bear witness the Prophet

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Muhammad Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa early he was

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happy he was Salam is the final of all the emissaries of Allah.

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Listed elders, brothers and sisters respected youth. I greet

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you with a Islamic universal greeting of peace at this

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auspicious time of Juma Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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The concept of freedom is the distinguishing quality of human

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And each and every human being has the right to be free.

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Freedom therefore, refers to a state of being in which any

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individual is able to get choice in forth a choice in behavior, or

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a choice in speech or association. And also the ability to avoid

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doing so. But without violating similar freedoms on the part of

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other people.

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From this statement,

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and this understanding, we did use three points. One, Freedom has

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both the dimension of doing something or not doing something,

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in other words, the choice to do something, or the choice not to do

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something. Secondly, there are limits and restraints to the

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choice that a person has in that freedom. Because that freedom to

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do or not to do, should not impinge upon the rights and the

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freedoms of other people. And thirdly, because freedom implies

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the notion of choice, the individual is accountable for the

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choice of action or thought or deed that they engage in, and

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therefore, must be the consequence of that choice and of that

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Today, is a holiday celebrating Freedom Day in our country.

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And annual commemoration on the occasion with

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almost 20 million of our citizens and our compatriots queued

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historical cues we saw to take part in the country's first free,

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non racial and free democratic election in the year 1994 24 years

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today, has passed since that particular historic occasion,

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peace, unity, dignity, the preservation and the restoration

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of human rights were the hallmarks of that freedom they on the 27th

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of April 1994. And each year, like today, marks in some ways, the

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liberation of our country, and our people from a long period of

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colonialism and of white minority *.

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The question we ask, after 24 years of commemorating Freedom

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Day, 24 years after the first free democratic election, the question

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we need to ask, is our country truly free?

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They might not even have the facts, though. We have come a long

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way. In many instances.

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So many of our citizens have not yet tasted the fruits of the

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promises. That was NTP anticipated after the election in 1994. And

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unfortunately, we are held captive by reality in South Africa suffers

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from a crime epidemic where people feel unsafe, where we have an

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incredibly weak and corrupt inefficient government with a

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intimidates attitude towards combating crime. And many of our

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political leaders have betrayed the solemn commitment to build a

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free and fair and just society in a post apartheid South Africa to

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meet the needs of the poorest of the poor, and to alleviate the

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suffering of the needy and the disadvantaged.

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We are held captive by effective law in order and underpaid and

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understaffed and efficient police force were criminals when free.

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And the notion of accountability seems absent. And the wheels of

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justice seems to turn extremely slowly, if at all,

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the vast majority of our people are still living in abject poverty

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with a pitiful service delivery and a crippling unemployment rate.

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We are in a society where some are still continued victims of

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unaddressed injustice of the past, that they are not afforded the

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opportunity to survive and live with dignity, where some are so

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preoccupied at looking only at the past, that they are able to look

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ahead and plan the path for a better future. And on the other

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hand, they are some was so engrossed in enjoying the

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privileges that they do have to destroy, forget to address the

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rights of those who are in need, and those who are denied.

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So when self centered economic enrichment, exploitation of

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political authority and office and position and selfish political

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power, combined, then we have what we call a recipe for them, which

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of course means darkness, as well as oppression, injustice and the

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gloom of darkness and pessimism, then Foster's and festers and all

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elements, these are all elements, contrary to the very notion of

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freedom for which people have fought.

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In Islam, we find the Quranic concept of freedom is described

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with many words in many expressions,

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her freedom, the protection or even salvation, follows the

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reaching of a target achieving a goal for law, total well being or

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success, the flowing and the flowering of potential fulfillment

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of Layton qualities, all of these

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terms and terminology used in the Quran or in the Hadith.

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And not particularly these words in the Quran, regarding freedom.

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three aspects to human freedom that we have referred to let us

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view it from an Islamic perspective.

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When the issue of human freedom and Islam

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it begins with the notion that we are born free the majority of our

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Christian brothers and sisters, they have to believe that we are

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born in sin and therefore somebody has to redeem for our sins and pay

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with their blood or their lives. In Islam. We don't have that

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notion that anybody dies for the sins of anyone else, nor that

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anyone is accountable for anyone else. Well, as he was, you know,

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to wizard okra was raised in San Illamasqua. law you can live alone

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Epson in LA was la Marchesa, but while they are numerous in the

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Quran, that clearly indicate individual freedom, accountability

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rather for what we do. So we have gone free, we're not born in

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original sin without bearing the brunt of anyone else, guilt and

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wrongdoing. Second,

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given the fact that human beings are free to choose,

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and therefore we were somewhat less than angels in the sense that

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they don't deviate from the commands of Allah, La Yasunaga,

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maroon that angels were Allah compatible in all that they do,

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but they don't have the free choice,

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to disobey.

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So in one way, they are purer than us. On the other hand, we have the

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capacity to rise above that, in Allah Allah kala kala Mala Iike

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Baraka few local, local local Baja worker Buffy Musa wahala ebony

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Adam Wanaka, Buffy Malacca Warszawa Allah created angels and

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they act upon pure reasoning compatible with the divine, never

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deviating. Then he created animals and bees they act upon instinct

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and desire and passion that Allah created human beings that has both

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the angelic capacity, capacity of doing good in a purity but also in

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the animalistic dimension of desire and lust in short, and once

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ingredients on and so forth.

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Base appetites and Bee's Knees like the animal for men, who are

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the shower for who

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to that person that human being, whereas both the angelic as well

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as the animalistic propensity, who rises above, can rise above the

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angel, if they choose to do by choice to do what is best and

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then the rise above the angels, we have no choice to do that. But we

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can also go lower than the animal

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despite having reason and logic, to act upon our basic instinct and

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desire as the primary motive of our behavior. So

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we need to realize that we have free choice, but

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we have the innate ability within ourselves to distinguish right

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from wrong. When left sin were Massawa. Not necessarily Muslim,

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wala loves movement, not the knifes of a believer or a Muslim.

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When they've seen the soul itself. The individual self in this case,

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has the inmate capacity when they've seen what Mercer for Allah

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Maha voodoo Raha Taqwa it has innate capacity, the natural

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disposition to be able to distinguish wrong from right. But

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after the Hammonds occur, elevated, successful indeed are

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those who purify themselves occur the government and debate are

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those who choose to become involved in that which is

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nefarious and negative and evil.

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You corrupt yourself in that process.

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Because we have the notion of choice in our action, that

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comprise accountability and its consequences for action, whether

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it be the political level or the individual level, social level,

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whatever level it may be,

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we have a consequence and therefore, Allah says in the Quran

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Wakulla insulin, as of now who taught you Rafi? When did you know

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who Dr. Murthy kita Yokohama matura Tarbuck Kapha BNF sickle yo

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Malika Shiva money in the Maya Dylan FC mandala fine NAMA, your

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weather that as he was, you know, to withdraw crops to each person,

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the accountability, the Quran is

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tied to the next, if you can free yourself from the accountability

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and the consequence of your deeds were cooler inside for each human

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being with tied to his neck, so to say, he is bound or she is bound

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by the deeds.

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And those deeds are documented and will be brought forth, documented

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in whichever Allah knows, whichever way and will be

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presented to us on the Day of Tiama. These are the records of

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your deeds

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is Kuraki Tarbuck, read the content of what you've done.

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Sufficient are your deeds as a testimony against yourself.

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Whoever chooses to be guided to choose chose to be guided, have

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chosen to be guided for his own good. And whoever chose to go

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astray or deviate or denigrate or lower themselves have chosen to do

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so at their own peril, but the pay the consequence of that.

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So it's important to remember in Islam, that freedom means freedom

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to do good, not freedom just to do anything. And therefore in the

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Arabic language, the word

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that implies a freedom, it also has the connotation of Kurama of

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nobility and, of nobleness.

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Freedom never exists, like anything else, never exists in a

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A type of freedom that respects the other is what you're talking

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about. But freedom from moral obligation, freedom to do what is

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good, that freedom from doing what is right, freedom, for truth, for

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justice, for virtue, and for righteousness.

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I have traveled hamdulillah to many, many countries.

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And many of my friends I see here some of them will just come back

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from overseas and for their testimony to the fact as much as

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you appreciate other places. South Africa is among the best countries

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in the world.

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diversity of people

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rich in mineral resources, sufficient food beautiful

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landscape, wonderful weather, waiting for more rain inshallah.

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Freedom of religion and expression will not fall in most countries,

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especially Muslim countries. A proud legacy of struggle, a proud

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legacy of struggle may have indeed come a long way in a short time.

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And don't undermine or underestimate that.

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Because we're not trying to be pessimistic, but being realistic

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because motivates us

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To know what we need to do.

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So we have diversity of people rich in mineral resources,

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sufficient food, beautiful landscaping land, wonderful

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weather, freedom of religion and expression very re in the world

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today, proud legacy of strong, proud legacy of struggle.

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We have indeed come a long way in a short time. But even the people

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fought and died for is much more than that.

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24 years after the first democratic election, it feels as

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if we have made indeed some great strides in the face of

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considerable adversity, coming out of an era of apartheid, and

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colonialism. But for those who are in authority, we still have a

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break a string of broken fundamental promises

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from those who are entrusted the baton of freedom by those who

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literally paid with the lives for that freedom.

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And nothing is more emblematic, more exact, an example or a

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deflection of the 1994 democratic transition than the Laurel

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undertaking by those who came to power

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to right the wrongs of a party to undo the rungs of a party, but the

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promise to level the playing field through rolling back the poison of

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the party, its crimes among which was, of course number one,

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inequality, injustice, poverty, and unemployment, all of which was

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promised, as an integral part of the undertaking of 1994 the

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and undertaking which recognize the fact that freedom should mean

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emancipation, from poverty, from unemployment, racism, from bigotry

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in all its forms, and discrimination, and all levels of

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inequity and injustice. Freedom should mean a better life for all

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of us, irrespective of the color of your skin.

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And by that standard, the journey to freedom is still a long way to

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So we have indeed traveled a long way on the journey to freedom. I

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struggle with so many people were involved with so many paid with

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their lives, a struggle in which many Muslims too played an

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essential role from Mobic Acharya to Ahmed Timo from Abu Bakr to go

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right Ibrahim from Rahima Moosa, who led the march to de la Omar in

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our community from buying decide to fatty mummy, in fact, from the

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time of Tron guru, from the time of Tron guru to Ahmed Kathrada,

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and of course never forgetting the martyr Imam Abdullah Haroon, after

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whom the very road on which this man stands is named.

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After whom the very the mosque which we are in, is named the road

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is named after him and

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they are all in some way or the other.

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perpetuated the commander of which we are reminded every Joomla in

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Nevada yet will be largely over the axon you will eat it and

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you will MOOC and you will.

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Certainly, Allah commands justice and goodness and magnanimity to

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your near ones and dear ones, Allah for both all forms of evil

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of corruption in all forms of injustice. Allah admonishes you,

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so that you may perchance reflect,

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reflecting about what is right,

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doing what is best, pursuing what is just is always the hallmark of

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a true believer, reflecting upon what is right.

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Doing what is best, and pursuing. What is just is always the

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hallmark of a true believer, in fact, so significantly this notion

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of the pursuit of justice, that in the Quran Allah says ARD who who

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were Acropolis Taqwa be just for that is a closest expression to

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justice, and the manifestation thereof is the closest expression

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to piety according to the Quran. So I'll be the Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam manifested this notion of doing

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what is right.

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reflecting upon what is good, and pursuing what is just in one of

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the traditions documented by a bank. That also said Allahu Allahu

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alayhi wa sallam said,

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also here are BBT sign. Well, we'll see cumbia, Allah advise me

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regarding nine things, and I advise you regarding that. Oh,

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Sahibi philosophy Sydney what Alania Well, I prefer

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Well, customer Phil.

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He said,

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Allah has advised me sincerely in private and in public justice in

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all circumstances, whether I'm angry or happy,

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In my expenditure in my dealings, in times of scarcity or in times

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of abundance, while Mangala money was ill catani wealthier Man Hello

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to forgive those may have wronged me to be generous to those who may

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deny me to maintain relationship with those relations who break

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relation with me. What are some typical among the key the craw one

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other eyebrow, he said, and that my silence should be

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contemplative. My speech should always be mindful, and my looking

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should be insightful, that what I see I learned from it. And then he

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concluded, while mobile ma roof 100 most of those were implemented

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his right and prevent what is wrong.

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So as long as the journey on the path to full freedom continues, we

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as Muslims, who have been an integral part of that noble

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struggle to ensure that there is a genuine focus on freedom, a

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genuine focus on freedom for all the people of our land, a

00:41:04 --> 00:41:09

continued pursuit for peace, for equity, and for justice.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:16

Remember, that we as people of faith should always be a voice of

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people of faith should always be a voice of conscience, activist for

00:41:23 --> 00:41:28

freedom and justice, because that reflects the mission the prophets,

00:41:28 --> 00:41:32

of which Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us in Surah Al Hadid

00:41:34 --> 00:41:38

Arsal now Rasul Nabila unit one zero in my humble Kitab I will

00:41:38 --> 00:41:44

miss Zan, Lea Kuma Nasser locust. Allah says in surah, Hadith,

00:41:44 --> 00:41:48

chapter 47 of the Holy Quran, verse 25, he says,

00:41:49 --> 00:41:53

surely Allah has sent prophets throughout history, not the last

00:41:53 --> 00:41:56

prophet or the first one, or the biblical ones that we know have

00:41:56 --> 00:42:00

mentioned in the Quran. Otherwise, the correct answer will not be.

00:42:01 --> 00:42:05

We've seen prophets throughout history with clear guidance and

00:42:05 --> 00:42:08

clear guidelines. And we have revealed within the standard of

00:42:08 --> 00:42:08

the book

00:42:11 --> 00:42:17

The scripture as a whole will Misa in the balance. Why? Rhea Kuhlman,

00:42:17 --> 00:42:22

NASA Bill kissed, so that people may live with the justice. Apollo

00:42:22 --> 00:42:26

kolyada was the thriller was Salam aleykum

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