Sadullah Khan – Positive presence
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The speaker discusses the importance of finding one's emotional signature in social interactions and how it affects one's attitude and perception. They stress the need to ask oneself what they say and what their personal brand is by which they are recognized. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of finding one's true self in order to achieve their spiritual goals.
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As we imbibe
lessons from the life of our beloved Prophet
we realized that his personality,
his character,
and his engagement with people was positive
and always pragmatic.
We claim to be followers of his, but
we need to ask ourselves.
When we look at ourselves
and our relationship with the world around us,
as individuals,
as a community, as a global community,
What is the dominant attitude
that we display?
When we are passionate about something,
whether it be political or religious, whatever it
may be,
what emotion comes to the fore?
Is it love?
Is it hate?
Is it anger?
Is it revenge?
Is it compassion?
Is it confrontation?
Is it something beautiful and attractive?
Or is it something negative and obnoxious?
What is the dominant characteristic
in our social interactions?
Deen is about social
In other words,
the question is, what is our effective presence?
When we come,
what do we inspire in other people's minds?
What do they perceive? What do they feel?
What do they sense?
We should realize that
the way we are
has an emotional signature.
It affects the people around us.
Our emotions
and our attitudes
create an aura,
create an atmosphere.
And that atmosphere, that order has an impact
on those who are present and those who
are around us.
Character wise and in attitude,
what we have is what we give,
And what we receive,
what we portray.
We get what we give.
we receive what we portray.
Sometimes people are negative towards us because of
the negative
energy that we exude. Not always, but it
could be that.
And since our attitudes are reflections of ourselves
in the matter
of life, we need to ask ourselves,
what do we reflect?
And what lasting impression do we leave on
What is our personal brand
by which we are recognized?
When you say to people, Islam, what's the
first thing that comes to people's mind? When
they say Muslim, what's the first thing that
comes to your mind? If I say, 'olama,
what's the first thing you think of? Don't
say it loudly.
Do realize that some people consider what you
others reflect on what you say,
many judge you by what you do. But
believe me,
most people relate to you according to how
you make them feel.
Most people relate to you according to how
you make them feel.
He was easy going.
He was a people's person.
Basamun Bahaqah,
Let us go to the left of Rasulullah
A snapshot
documented in the muslimat of Imam Ahmad ibn
Anjabi bin Abdullah, radiAllahu
alaihi wa sallam, muhari bil kasafa.
A tribe of Muhari Bil Khasafa were fighting
the Muslims.
And the Rasulullah
was present when that attack took place.
So one of the people from the opposition
who were attacking the Muslims came.
You you call
Khawrath bin al Harith. His name was Khawrath
bin al Harith.
And he came in such a way that
eventually he came and stood over the Prophet
with a sword.
And there he was, he had the sword
over the Prophet and he said,
minyah Muhammad.
Who will save you from me, O Muhammad?
Who will save you from me?
Now, the fellow shuls said, Allah,
The man was so shocked.
Maybe he didn't explain the Prophet to say
what he said in such a calm manner,
or maybe the Prophet said it in a
stern way. But nonetheless, you have a sword
over a person, and he is still so
confident to say, Allah will save me.
And then, fasakadah saved me nyedi.
The sword fell from his hand.
Fa akhadah Rasul salallahu alaihi wa sallam. Fa
akhadah. And the Prophet picked up the sword
and he picked it up. And he said
to the man, Mayyam na'ukminmi?
Who will save you from me?
The man said,
be better than the one who attacked you.
He said, be better than the one who
attacked you. In other words, be better than
me. I came to attack you. Don't you
be like me. So then a sword said
to him, with sword in hand,
Do you bear testimony that none worthy of
worship but Allah, and that I am the
messenger of Allah?
So Ghauras Bilhari said, no. I will not
do that. I'm I'm not gonna do that.
On the battlefield, attacking the prophet with a
sword, sword fell. Prophet has it in his
head. He asked the man, read the shahada.
The man said, no. I'm not gonna read
the shahada.
But I guarantee you one thing,
I promise you I will not fight you.
And I also promise you, I'll never join
people who fight against you.
The Rasul then,
He went back to his people after this
incident and he said,
I've just come back to you to the
best of human beings.
was the beautiful example of the prophet
and considerate.
His effective presence
was a reflection of divine compassion.
His effective presence
was a reflection of divine compassion.
Indeed, he is the personification
of the Quran, as we say.
The Quran is certification of the proof of
his prophethood,
and he was the Quran in action. He,
the personification of the Quran, and the Quran,
of the proof of his prophethood.
His effective presence was a reflection of divine
A personification
of the Quran,
and indeed,
an embodiment of mercy.
And with that,
we conclude our series for this Ramadan.
Duroos aamikah bin nasiratinabaawiyah.
Profound lessons
from the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad