Sadullah Khan – Life Lessons of The Stories Prophets 05 June 2018
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The Qurser's careful speech emphasizes the importance of being heard, while also touching on the art of effective communication, expressing one's opinion, and the influence of society on one's actions. The segment also touches on a man named Hamza who died in a Battle of Shama Eman and a man named Lulu who killed a man named Lulu. The man claims to be influenced by social forces and a methodical Mahoverah, and describes a woman who was a baraka and a grantee. The transcript also references a federal law that was supposedly rewarded.
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem
Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah wala Jimmy cambia you
will mousseline Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh it in
your theme for this Ramadan gurus will hire when Casilla Ambia
vikita Billa life lessons from the stories of the prophets in the
around the 30 of the mission of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam at a time when preaching the message was extremely
With opposition to Islam in Makkah was increasing.
And Qureshi wanted to send someone to engage the Prophet till Allah
Allah was.
They formed a council to decide who would be the best protest and
among them able to recognize whether this prophet Muhammad or
this person from the community was either a poet too shy or he was a
Saheba magician or a sorcerer, or was insane but no now the biller
so they identified one of the people Ottawa, Bill Robbie.
He was a leader among the Quraysh father of Hinden, the Autobahn
father in law of Abu Sufyan, a very wealthy man, politically
influential, well traveled, had stood in the course of many rulers
of that time. In fact, in front of the Roman emperor, as well as the
Abyss Ian King.
So Oba was chosen.
And he made to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and
detailed the concerns that the Quraysh had about this new message
of the nephew of some of them, and that his message was impacting on
the political, religious, the economic, and the social spheres
of the people in Makkah.
But he was also warned that the Quraysh may take up the sword
against him if he continued and persisted with his preaching,
because they offered him everything wealth, position,
whatever, but he needed to give this up.
Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam listened very carefully and
repulses them your call to Mohammed Autobild McGrattan wa
waka Turco Hatha katabami Hadith Rasulullah listen to him, did not
interrupt him once, until he completed what he had to say. Then
after he finished it us will ask him about them in terms of Hadith
he called a cat Ferrata. Yeah, believe it, or you know, finish
what you wanted to say. He said, Yes. Then you those who said for
smartmoney. Now you listen to me. And it also said Allahu alayhi wa
sallam, read something. Before we go to the read the first lesson.
Listen carefully to what is being said, before you respond.
Listen very carefully to what is being said before you respond.
Otherwise, you may not know exactly what you are responding to
very common in religious circles. They hear your offer, they already
know what's gonna say, listen carefully to what someone you say,
before you respond. Otherwise, you may not know exactly what you are
responding to. At the same time, respect begets respect. If you do
not have the decency to listen to other people, why do you demand
the right to be heard? This is the art of effective communication.
Lesson number one.
This was Allah Azza wa sallam said you listen to me very carefully
now I've heard you But Muhammad and fill Hadith for them mythical
the phenomena to kill them because
in an article Rama because Allah, Allah responded, but he did not
say anything his own words. He read something from the words of
Allah which was recited Surah facilite Bismillahi Rahmani
Raheem, ha me. Tenzin Lumina Rahmani Raheem Kitab and facilite
IR to Quran and RB and they call me Allah Moon Bashira when the the
era for Agha, the extra room for Himalayas mount, and so on Haami
This is the revelation from the Most Compassionate, the eternally
merciful. A book whose verses are well expounded pure Arabic
recitation for those who know conveying good news, as well as
admonishment. Yet most of these people have turned away from it
without even listening to it. Second, listen, for Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa salam did not go into some other argument. He
did not he says the man you're a mushrik. He did not undermine the
question Who are you to question me? He heard the question, heard
him completely responded, but he responded with the proof itself.
They wanted to hear from Rasulullah exactly what he was
preaching. So his defense was the Quran itself. He read what was
revealed to him so they could see what was
Being what's being preached so Rasul Allah, Allah wa sallam, in
response, gave them an indication of what he's preaching about. It
was a quote from the Scripture itself.
On the hour so overcome by hearing these verses of the Quran, from
salah, hammy message that, flowing from the ever truthful, live lips
of Rasulullah sallallahu he was, he was so stunned. He was
Remember, this is the man who made kings. He knows people even all
over the show. He traveled all over the world at that time. He
returned to his people astounded. And he said to them, the report is
for karma Atiba Ilyas hobby for color for wala he myFICO me Rajan
Charmin even say, I swear that Allah none of you are more
knowledgeable than me regarding poetry regarding qasida, praising
people and all forms of poetry. Wala Hema used to be che and minha
I swear to god I've never heard the like of what I heard from this
man right now. Well, no, he only Hillary a cool way now.
We're in the hula Aluma you I said, I swear there is a sweetness
in what he has said is a charm in the words that he conveyed to me.
It is words. I'm sure that no exhibition can supersede it. But
it can supersede all other words in the
war he must admit to me. I swear by Allah. I have heard something
from Muhammad that I never the likes of which I never ever heard
before. Wah wah he ma Hua be Shah wala DISA Hill to Allah because I
swear, it is definitely a pervert. He's not a sorcerer. Noisia
The Qureshi Of course, upset this is a big man of the corporation,
knowledgeable, wealthy, powerful political figure.
He was upset. They were upset with him, and his admiration for the
words of Rasulullah
they then fit in him to ostracize him if he did not denounce the
prophet in the Quran. And due to societal pressure Autobot never
ever embraced Islam.
In fact, he fought for the Quraysh against the Muslims and died at
the Battle of brother in combat with say the Hamza. It was to
avenge the death of Hamza, that odd bus daughter hint had Hamza
killed in the hood and tschudi rollover. It was this odd but, of
course, hint when I became Muslim after that, some years after third
lesson, do not underestimate the influence of societal forces, who
can pressurize you into a particular direction.
And do not forget the social forces such as the medium, family
and friends can influence you in ways that may be positive, but it
can also be negative, and that's why they're also sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam had he documented the Muslim of Imam number and by
Timothy But Allah Buddha was and the Shama Eman of number by up he
said, I will not who Allah de Nikoli for young, New Holland, he
said a person is influenced by the lifestyle of the Associates, a
person influenced by the lifestyle of is also associates. So be very
cautious whom you associate yourself with. So a concluding
remark regarding the Quran, which the Autobild heard, and which
Rasool recited on this first night of the nights of
the Noble Quran of Allah is divine revelation, but it's closed,
closed in human language. It is conveyed in the most beautiful
expression as the ultimate ethical code, and the primary source of
Divine Law. Ramadan is Shahara Quran, the month of commemorating
the reception of this final divine communication, the month that
contains the Night of Power, and tonight is one of those nights and
one of the companions said to Rasulullah when the associate set
a cooler fitting, there'll be fitna in the world. And he said
familia Mukherjee mean Hi yah rasool Allah. When the fitna
comes, how will we get out of the fitna documented by material
materialism Rasul Allah said to get out of the fitna of difficult
times. Go to Kitab Allah Fijian about liberate Amma Kubla Khan
will cover a methodical Mahatma, for who had Lulu Hill Mateen wa
who are thicker again. Well, who will say author Mr. Payne will who
will love him and call him his woman? How can I be adult woman
I'm gonna be here with you, woman da la de vous de la Siracusa in
the US who said when trials and tribulations come the time out of
the darkness. The way out of the darkness at that time will be by
the book of Allah. It contains news about the past, information
about the future future and rulings for the present. It is a
central bond of Allah which if you hold fast to you will never become
It is the wisely mind that it is the straight path. Whoever speaks
with the Quran speaks the truth. Wherever judges by the Quran,
judges with justice, wherever excellent the Quran will be
rewarded, duly rewarded, and whoever invites to the Quran
himself or she herself is rightly guided and they're guiding others
to the straight path. May Allah subhanho wa Taala on this, one of
the nice little client as the baraka and the grantee and
empowerment that comes with a devolution Akula. Cody Harada was
the federal law was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah