Sadullah Khan –

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a culture in Africa that uses racist and racist language, including a mix of black and white people, as well as nationalist and racist culture. The transcript also touches on the importance of the holy month and its significance in shaping Islam, including its holy role as a mother and mothers' houses, the importance of men and women in spiritual roles, and the importance of shaping the calendar with the holy month. The return of the holy month is also discussed, with a focus on acknowledging and embracing the message of Islam, removing racial bias, and promoting human integrity.
AI: Transcript ©
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All the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Al

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a hungry lion wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah he was put up in a poor

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While I was happy while Jimmy I'm here, you will mousseline call

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Allahu taala. Fill Quran Majeed De Waal for condylar Hamidi, bada all

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the membership on your G yeah, you want to call Rob Bakula? The

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halacha come in FC Wahida wahala come in has

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for both I mean, humare Jilin cathedral when he will call Allahu

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Taala in the law will do another I really mean come in the cleaning.

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Power document bow. So Nicola, who do you owe them?

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In the Name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

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All praise is due to our Creator, our tradition, our narration, our

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Sustainer we bear witness, there's none worthy of worship but Allah,

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we bear witness who believe in all of us and we bear witness the

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Prophet Muhammad. Abdullah Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa, he was

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happy he was sending them is the final of all the emissaries of

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The study of elders, brothers and sisters at this auspicious time of

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Juma in this beautiful house of Allah Assalamu alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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South Africa Comix women's month in August,

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and list is a tribute to 1000s of women who marched onto the Union

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Buildings in Pretoria on the ninth of August 1956, in protest against

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the extension of the passed laws to women.

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And for those of us who are beyond our teens would know, the pass

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laws require South Africans were defined as black,

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by the population Registration Act of that time to carry a document

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called the past, almost a kind of internal passport, which severely

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restricted the movements of people of color, more particularly the

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indigenous people.

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designate that as they can only be in a particular area at a

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particular time,

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where they were authorized to work, to live and to travel. And

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they were required to carry this pass all the time. And if they

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failed to carry that pass,

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or were in areas of restricted for them, and to them, they could have

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been arrested and imprisoned.

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So that March, which took place 62 years ago yesterday,

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was led by four women and of course, they gave a petition to

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the president or the Prime Minister straight over time, at

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the Union Buildings, and 100,000 people signed,

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supporting this March, indicating the anger and frustration at

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having the freedom of movement curtailed and restricted by these

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hated racist laws

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among the women, for women, one of them was Rahima Moosa.

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This act was indeed a brave act. And act serves as one of the

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iconic moments in the history of our country struggle for

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And to free us from the grips of the evils of racism, and the

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apartheid system.

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A system that was imposed upon us

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this act of courage was done by women. And when I say women,

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and Women's Day, which they had yesterday in the country is a

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nation national holiday,

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in commemoration of that event. They are those who are in our

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community, who have the biological capacity to bear children, which

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we don't have, at the bottom level here, the top floor has to bring

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human life to the world. And those of those who have the potential to

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be in that honored position, the most honored position of potential

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for motherhood.

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As Muslims, we know that all of humankind emanate from one source

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as documented in certain Nisa The women. Chapter Four was his. Yeah,

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you have nurse it the Quran, Allah the Holika Amin FC wide wahala

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A birth Amin humare, Jalan cathedra oh goodness

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oh humankind

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reverence your guardian Lord created you from a single source.

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And from that source

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and from then from these two scattered countless human beings,

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men and women.

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And regarding these men and women, the Quran does not set value for

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particular deeds between men and women. In fact, it states in the

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law or the formula minimum income means

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never will Allah allow

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the work and the effort of anyone to suffer loss or to be ignored,

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or to be undermined by Allah, whether it be the work of a male

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or the female, because you are members, one or the other.

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In Allah clearly tells us

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that we are members of one in the same human race, and therefore as

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human beings, we are equal.

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Furthermore, Allah subhanaw taala nearly famous verses

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Yeah, you're in nursery now. halacha come in Zachary wounds our

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Jalna come shuba Wakaba Isla Lita ruffle in a chroma commando Lloyd

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Kocoum Oh humankind. We created you from a pair of male and female

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and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know each

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other. Verily, the most honorable of all of you, male and female, of

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any nation or any tribe, to most honorable of you, in the

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estimation of Allah are those who are most righteous, those who are

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most God conscious.

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So we realize that the Quran does not privilege men over women in

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the biological roles or biological capacity as means of females. Nor

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does the Quran treat man as the normative and the woman as the

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And though the Quran does acknowledge patriarchy or are the

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male responsibility, it does not imply that Islam or the Quran

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promotes male superiority.

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We are a community of

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our message began with the commandment of the Quran.

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We are a

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community that emanated from that injunction which Rasul received

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a community of literacy of knowledge. And many of our

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knowledgeable ones among us have gained Islamic knowledge at

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institutions of learning that have female roots.

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And I want to reflect on that for a while because very often when we

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mentioned some people say you make a general statement, and but you

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don't follow it up with specifics. Women this and then you mentioned

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something in general, but give us some specifics. So today, I

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thought I would do exactly that.

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I'll begin with Lisa.

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Greg go to the publisher Allahu Allah wa salam, who has such a

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level of scholarship that Imam Shafi did not study by her after

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being a fucky

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after being recognized as a jurist, in his old age,

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went and studied undecided in a visa in Egypt. Not only that, he

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led the Ramadan tea and prayer at a masjid and even before they

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became they brought his Jana to the masjid and she prayed over it

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before they buried him. So famous and so noteworthy is Nafisa, Ben

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Carson, the great granddaughter of the Prophet, the Imam Al Ghazali,

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who wrote the most famous Casita, casita. Buddha also wrote the

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casita in praise of her and her knowledge says and a FISA or as

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referred to her in Egypt, in the face of Nafisa, the knowledgeable

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Some of us have drank a bit from the institution of Al Azhar

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located in Egypt, one of the world's

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oldest institutions of learning,

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the second oldest degree granting institution in the world, founded

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in 970, of the Christian era,

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and it was named after 40, Medusa, the daughter of the Prophet,

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but the owners University is not Azur is the University of

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Halloween in phase in Morocco, and dates to 859 and is recognized by

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the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest degree granting

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university in the world.

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And UNESCO considers Alka Wien to have been a university since the

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And not only that, great

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in the history of those who put contributed to the very science of

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Islam came from the BeagleBone was considered the father of sociology

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by both the east and was a student there. Pope Sylvester the second,

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the pope studied there. May Menendez the most famous Jewish

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scholar and faqeer

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Did you refurbish AFI of the Jews?

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Graduated from there, and this university was founded and began

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by a woman called Fatima Alfieri.

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In our city in Cape Town.

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A remarkable woman made land available for the building of the

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first mosque in South Africa. The old Masjid was built in 1794 in

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Gulf Street. And it stands today oh well Masjid in the country, and

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that was donated by Starkey funding.

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Beyond the institutions of learning, if you got the

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illustrious life of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam, we note the significant and cherished roles that women

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played at various stages of his life.

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Will Amina Binti Wahab, his mother gave birth to him

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to her only child Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it

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was Baraka, who was the as the midwife to receive him in her

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hands. She was there when he was born. She was when Fatima was

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born. She was there when Hassel Olson was born. And she was there

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when the Prophet passed away. She of all the Companions was with the

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Prophet, literally from birth to death, no other companion increase

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in alleys in Abu Bakr all of them, may Allah be pleased all of them.

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None of them even say the Fatima has a distinction. She was there

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when he was born. She was there when he was died. She died she was

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there for the birth of each and every one of his children and for

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Hassan and Hussein his grandchildren.

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Baraka who maman the first person to be the Prophet besides his

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mother, his mother the hour the Como there was full labor.

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He was nursed, nurtured and nursed in his young age in the desert

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among the tribe of the Boussard and the lady was Halima bint Abu

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ape or Halima to Saudia or die Halima, as she's known. And she

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nurtured him for five years. It turned into his mother Amina, and

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the year after that she passed away. But while she was nurturing

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him, the prophets foster sister, and he's playing it in childhood,

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for Shamima, the daughter of Halima

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one day when there was a battle, and she was captured. And she

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said, I want to see my brother. He said, Who's my brother? Who's your

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brother said, Muhammad. And when he saw he got up, he said Chima,

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he said, Yes, my sister. He said, I still got a bite mark we had on

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me when you made a mark on me when you were angry. One day, the

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Prophet said, Yes, I remember Shamima she became a poet

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afterwards great poet, but she was the playmate and the foster sister

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of Rasulullah. Look at the stage of the level Fula he comes back,

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his mother goes and visits him, visits his father's grave. At

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Ebola, I mean, near Medina, and on the way back, they pass away the

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place called Ebola.

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The person who's with Rasulullah when the mother is passed, and the

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mother is buried, one person only Amon Baraka, and she carries in to

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his father, who dies a few months after that, and he's left in the

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charge of the mother of Satan Ali Fatima Binti Asad, another woman,

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when you receive revelation, the first person to believe in Him,

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the first person to console him, the first person to support him,

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who remained loyal and compassionate, and who was the

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financier of the Islamic movement for the job in toilet. When the

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Prophet preached on the member in the masjid, he stood on the member

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and gave him the message of, of Islam and of the Quran of the

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words of Allah. He stood on a member was arranged for him by

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fucky Island sorry.

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When the province was attacked at the Battle of war, and people fled

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season fighters among the province, they were numbered.

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among the companions fled because of the eminent dras one woman

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stood by him, she took 13 rules, one of them a gaping wound on a

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neck, life threatening wound. She was a lady who swore an oath at

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the Kaaba among the 73 people also Allah will defend you with our

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life. And when the battle came, she went on the battlefield,

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physically defending the Prophet without a shield, only a sword and

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a shield said about multi effect to your mod. You mean and voila,

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she Marlin Illawarra taught in Dooney on the day of a you know,

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turn right or turn left, except I saw her defending me.

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As a matter of fact, the first person to die for the cause of

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Islam. The first month in our history is Somalia.

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In the lifetime of

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the Prophet passed away with his head on the lap of his beloved

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wife, say the Aisha the Allah Tala Anna, and his line is continues

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his lineage continues rather not via any male children, but rather

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to the progeny of his most beloved daughter, Fatima bint Mohammed.

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Besides women's month we also know in the period of hygiene how

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Agile is a significant thing Central.

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But let me just for a moment reflect on this hedge there is

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that we are now in. We are now

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moving towards the 12 months of the Islamic lunar calendar with

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the more awesome the season of hunch and more particularly

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approaching the first 10 days of which many of the automatic feel

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are referred to in the Quran in the verses will fugitive Allah,

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masha Free Will what some people say and many scholars believe

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these verses of total Fajr make reference to the first 10 days of

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the hijab by the break of day and by the 10 nights

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in Sahih al Bukhari Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam intimated that

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these are the most sacred days of the year.

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Like they will call the reason the last 10 nights of Ramadan is

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sacred among the lights of the days of the year, the most sacred

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of the days as far as Davidson

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is these 10 days and then associate the Hadith documented.

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Imam Al Bukhari, Muhammad a yami Armando Salia for him

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there's no day in which righteous deeds are beloved to Allah than

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these 10 days of the ledger. Because as if the Heartless Kalani

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reasons he says why are these days the most important is in the

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summer for him trc actually ledger the makan is Dima whom heartlight

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by the fee. Well here Salah was CR Masada cover while I tea the

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coffee Lady He said in fertile barley he writes in a sharps.

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Sahil Buhari writes, The reason for the excellence of these 10

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days is that the Muslim can perform all the main kinds of

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worship which are salah, and you can fast and you can give charity

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and you can perform Hajj, none of these can be combined at any other

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time of the year. In other words, you can do fasting and pray. But

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all of these can never be combined at any time of the year except in

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these days of Asia.

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So when we reflect on this hutch,

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we are in the season of Hutch the most some of HUD's and in the

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Hydra central figures I Ibrahim and Archer and it's mine and some

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of the essential rituals of the Hajj our memory of this Nubian

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harder like Ibrahim she's a symbol of Allah consciousness. And when

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we run this, are you between Safa and Marwa? We are reenacting the

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running of that black slave woman.

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For those of us as I always say those who are chauvinistic she was

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a woman. Those of us who are racist she was black. And for

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those of us who are class conscious, she was a slave. So

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each one it can be no arrogance on any * And shame on any *.

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They come with any arrogance could Allah made you run the running of

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black slave woman in two pieces of cloth, two pieces of cloth and you

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come back with any semblance of elegance there's something

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seriously wrong with the hands that you performed

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certainly not for ourselves but for someone else for the child as

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the water was um some that life that liquid of life

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and we still drink from the Jomsom as we still drink from the door

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eat that she has been in sun brought to us. And of course Rasul

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Allah is their progeny. So we are the owner of Muhammad Allah, Allah

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was alum. And we are the middle of Rahim and harder and smile.

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It was sadness is our CO judge I know in the Holy Land. May Allah

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grant them * MK bulan Babu. May Allah bring them safely Inshallah,

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we'll let them all they do as they have made. It is so sad that in

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the past two days there were attacks on the sacred sites. One

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is in Giroux in Jerusalem. People have been killed by mortar attacks

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over 100 more attacks on innocent Palestinian people.

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And this morning, we wake up to the news that Saudi Arabia has

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bombed a

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in the town of Sudan, a bus was stuck at a market where children

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in the school bus will have field trip. 29 children have died

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altogether. 50 people were killed 79 seriously injured. 50 of them

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were children under the age of 15.

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is the land of harm

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the people who are in charge of the harm and charge of the other

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harm. And of all the Harlem where they'd be in Jerusalem or in

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Makkah and Medina

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are not people who stand up

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for the principles and values, which hard journey Brahim and his

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And these red ones stood for let me remind you of these 10 days of

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the hygenic conclude with this. The most sacred day of the year is

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the Day of Arafah. The ninth day of Zul Hijjah, one of the 10 days,

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which Allah refers to

00:19:57 --> 00:19:59

the use of Allah essentially or hydrographer

00:20:00 --> 00:20:03

Here's our refer, if you must, the height of a you must the arch.

00:20:04 --> 00:20:09

It was 14 129 years ago this year, that our beloved prophet muhammad

00:20:09 --> 00:20:13

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam summarize the essential message of

00:20:13 --> 00:20:17

his mission in his historic goodwill with, or the final

00:20:17 --> 00:20:19

sermon, which delivered AdMob

00:20:20 --> 00:20:25

in the Khurana valley of Makkah, on the ninth of the 10th year of

00:20:25 --> 00:20:25


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And he said 12 key points, which I want us to reflect upon, as we

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think about gender roles, as we think about human equality, as we

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think about justice, as we think about her job, as we think about

00:20:41 --> 00:20:45

Ibrahim and Rasul Allah, and as we think of ourselves as the Ummah of

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Muhammad 12 points, sort of

00:20:49 --> 00:20:53

draw points that captures the essence of his message, and that

00:20:53 --> 00:20:54

summarized his mission

00:20:55 --> 00:20:58

that will narrate it and relate it to us. And He said to those who

00:20:58 --> 00:21:02

are there, pass it on to those who are not there, and we are

00:21:02 --> 00:21:07

receiving a passing it on to other generations, one, subject to none

00:21:07 --> 00:21:07

but Allah

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to do your best to uphold the pillars of the deal. Three,

00:21:14 --> 00:21:17

recognize Allah and His revelation is the primary source of your

00:21:17 --> 00:21:22

guidance for acknowledge that prophets have come to guide

00:21:22 --> 00:21:25

humanity and the admission of Prophets. These finality and

00:21:25 --> 00:21:28

conclusion in the mission of Muhammad said Allah Allah was

00:21:29 --> 00:21:32

then the need to avoid all forms of evil to the best of your

00:21:32 --> 00:21:37

capacity, the importance of fulfilling your trust and to be

00:21:37 --> 00:21:41

acknowledged to be aware of the fact or to acknowledge your

00:21:41 --> 00:21:44

individual accountability on the Day of Judgment. Give your trust,

00:21:44 --> 00:21:47

keep your word, you will be held individually accountable on the

00:21:47 --> 00:21:51

day of karma to avoid this honesty, particularly in financial

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00:21:53 --> 00:21:55

not to forget the rights of workers,

00:21:56 --> 00:21:59

promotion of good family relations,

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acknowledging and working towards the unity of the Ummah

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the importance of valuing human life, of human integrity and of

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human property. And finally, the need to remove racial prejudice,

00:22:16 --> 00:22:20

the need to remove racial prejudice and the promotion of the

00:22:20 --> 00:22:21

equality of humanity.

00:22:22 --> 00:22:27

All of this in the final sermon of the Rasul sal Allahu Allah wa

00:22:27 --> 00:22:31

seldom maybe walk in the foot of the prophets and the bath of those

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who perpetuate the mission and legacy of these great ones. Akula

00:22:36 --> 00:22:37

Califa was

00:22:38 --> 00:22:39

asked to

00:22:40 --> 00:22:41

make dua.

00:22:44 --> 00:22:45

Salam Alaikum

00:22:46 --> 00:22:51

brothers Salim Khan fell in France in his need of a triple bypass

00:22:51 --> 00:22:56

surgery. We may do Allah may bring him back home safely. So far he

00:22:56 --> 00:22:58

says he's coming back for his surgeries for me to either

00:22:58 --> 00:23:03

lovelies him and also is mean Mohammed, wife of the Prophet

00:23:03 --> 00:23:04

Muhammad the Pro Roof

00:23:05 --> 00:23:06

she's in

00:23:07 --> 00:23:11

ill health. So as Allah subhanho wa Taala to grantor inshallah

00:23:12 --> 00:23:16

recovery as well as make dua for all those who are sick, may Allah

00:23:16 --> 00:23:19

grant them what is best for them. And those weapons were passed on

00:23:19 --> 00:23:23

May Allah grant the mafia and Jana and those who are hudge McClendon

00:23:23 --> 00:23:28

hajima boo Imbabura insha Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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