Saad Tasleem – I Never Said He Stole Your Money – Assumptions

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses various topics related to Islam, including the importance of not rushing to outcomes and setting small decisions. They stress the need for people to have good intentions and not set small decisions to avoid overwhelming others. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of confirming what is being said and making assumptions, as well as avoiding giving one or two reasons to anyone. They stress the need to be aware of one's intentions and not rush to outcomes.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm going to say a statement and you think to yourself, ask yourself what it means. The statement is the following seven words. I never said he stole your money. Okay? That's the statement in the hamdulillah in Alhamdulillah, he Nakamoto who want to stay over the Stouffville when he mentioned already and fusina will say to me now, may I the level Philomel de la mejor de Lin Fela Hi Deanna wash, Allah, Allahu La Cherie cada wash Hadwen Mohamed and I will do who will also do some of what are the new center, my brothers and sisters, I want to present a scenario for you.

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I want you to imagine that on a particular night, you can think of tonight or any night, you find yourself out late in the night.

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Maybe you have something to buy me to run to the grocery store, whatever reason you find yourself out very late in the night.

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And during that time, you see a person who you respect very much. And you can think of someone for yourself, maybe someone from the community or maybe someone from your personal life or someone who you view to be a respectable person, someone who is a trustworthy person.

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However, you see that with this person, there is a woman

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a woman that you don't recognize.

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It doesn't seem like it's his wife doesn't seem like it's his sister or anything like that. It seems like a a woman that he is not related to. So you see him in the middle of the night by himself with this woman.

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Now I want you to ask yourself right now, what is happening in your mind

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what is happening in your heart as you think about this person and what you're just witnessing.

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And I mentioned this because a very similar situation happened with the prophet Mohamed Salah Allah and he was sent them

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narrated inside Behati anti Muslim hate the wife of the prophets, I send them Sophia the Allah right now she tells us that on one particular day she went to go visit the prophets of Allah and he was sending them while he was doing to calculate the masjid while he was spending time in the masjid to worship Allah.

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And she said she spent time with him. She talked to him. And then late in the night, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam decided to walk her home.

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Now you can imagine they're walking in the streets of Medina. It's the middle of the night. It's hard to see. It's hard to recognize people. And she says we came across to men. They saw us and as they saw us, they started to walk away quicker.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he called out

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and he said, Don't rush. Don't rush away. How did he Sophie Sofia. He says This is Sophia Hagia Sophia wintery. He says, This is Sophia, the daughter of

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meaning he is identifying who this woman is. And the two men who were companions of the Prophet, some of them they start to say, Subhan, Allah Subhana Allah rasool Allah, this is head Allah, O Messenger of Allah, we will never assume something bad about you. And then the prophets of civilized seven replies. And this this this heavy, this narration is very interesting.

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Because there's a couple of different assumptions that seemed to be happening.

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Number one, the assumption from the Companions, right? That perhaps you're assuming that the prophets I send up

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the best of human mean, is out in the middle of the night with a woman that is not related to someone who is not my home to

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then the prophets I send out seems to be assuming that they would assume the worst.

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But in actuality, the prophets that I send them did not assume the worst. Because when they said Subhan, Allah He also Allah.

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We would never assume this of you. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam He reminded them, he said, initially upon Yejide Minar in southern Madeira.

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He said, certainly the chiffon flows through us, like the flowing of blood. Well, in the Hashi, he said, I feared that the Shere Khan will put a bad thought into your hearts.

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So in essence, what the proxies send them is saying here is not that I assumed that you would think something bad of me. But if you're not careful, this chiffon can put a bad thought into your hearts if you're not vigilant

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over your heart, if you're not careful over your heart, if you're not careful with the thoughts entering your mind

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You may assume something bad. This is not a normal person. This is the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sending them. If a person can assume something bad about the Prophet of Allah, then what about us?

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That is one of the lessons the prophets and prophets I send them is teaching us. And the other lesson here is that the two men were not ordinary men. These are companions of the Prophet said, Why send them the best generation, but the person is reminding them that even you you have to be careful before you make assumptions before you allow the chiffon to cloud your mind with bad thoughts. And this is why Allah who's Paulo Adana addresses the believers and so the hedgehog and Allah says, Yeah, you had an idea I'm you know, eg attorney who Kathina me no one, all believers, meaning us avoid, stay away from making a lot of assumptions, meaning bad assumptions in in a backbone Bunmi

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ism. Certainly, without a doubt, some of those suspicions will be sinful.

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That when we start assuming things about other people, when we don't know the facts, we're not 100% Sure, it seems a certain way.

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And also, we learned in this hadith that I quoted, that this she upon will convince us, it may or may not be that we want to assume that about someone. So the person that I had you think about in the beginning of the hook, but this is someone who you respect, I asked you to think about someone who you respect. But even someone who we respect, we may begin to think, you know, what is he doing in the middle of the night? Who is this woman? What's going on here? And these questions, a lot of times, they are whispers from this year thought. And the problem isn't that those whispers occur. That's normal. She AThon whispers. But the problem is what we do when we hear those whispers when we

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have those thoughts, those negative thoughts? Do we put a stop to it?

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Do we say that would be nice for me to share by leveraging I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed here? Or do we allow those negative thoughts, those bad thoughts to continue? That indeed is what we are responsible for. Because without a doubt, at some point, thoughts will lead to action, what is within our heart will lead to action, not always, not immediately, but eventually can lead to action. And that is why love is power data in the same verse, Allah continues, and Allah says what I just said, Sue, so don't assume a lot of losses, some of that assumption is sin. And then don't go and spy on people. Because when we make assumptions, the next step usually is to start wanting to

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know more. What's happening here, we may begin to spy on people. And then Allah who's paranoid, the other says, What are you gonna do combat about? And do not backbite? One another?

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Because once again, what is the outcome of those assumptions? What is the outcome of that suspicion? Well, we may begin to talk. Did you hear this person did this? Let me tell you what I saw that night, I went to some of the Levin and you know, I was there I saw this brother, you know, the brother.

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You know, the sister from the community saw this and I saw that

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and that may lead us to backbiting Allah has panel data protected? And this is why the prophets I send them he said, y'all Kumar, he said, I warn you,

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of assumptions, of suspicions of just going on things that you're not sure about. But in number one, a double headed for certainly suspicion or doubt is the worst of false speech.

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Because it is it is what gives birth to some of the worst things that can come from us. And a lot of times the way that she upon tricks us is not that we are trying to do something bad. Our intention a lot of times is good.

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We saw something we got to say something.

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This person doing something I got so it's a good intention.

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But the she upon allows us to justify that intention. And this is why my brothers and sisters it is very interesting. That if we think about ourselves if we personalize this issue,

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there is no single person amongst us. Who would it like that people give them the benefit of the doubt. Every single one of us. We don't want that person doesn't make assumptions about us.

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They don't jump to conclusions. They don't rush to make judgment. They will want that someone gives us the benefit of the doubt. You know our early scholars they would say that when you see something or when you

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when you when you come across something, make 70 excuses for your brother 70 excuses. A lot of us down we live in a time now. We'd be hard pressed to come up with seven excuses.

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because what happens? Sometimes we know this, right? We're supposed to make excuses for our brothers and sisters. And we may make one or two excuses. But we quickly brushed it aside. Yeah, but that doesn't make sense.

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You know what our early scholars they would say, they would say, if you cannot come up with 70 excuses, then remind yourself that perhaps there's something that you don't see. Perhaps you don't know why.

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If you don't, can't pick up something good, then don't think of something bad. Just say perhaps there's a reason that I don't know.

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So this brother that I mentioned, in the beginning of the show, this is a hypothetical situation, by the way, I don't want people to start assuming and talking about any individual. But this brother in that I mentioned, in the beginning of the hot potatoes, we have dinner with him early.

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It could have been that that was his wife, we just didn't recognize it. It could have been that this was his sister. And you may say, Well, I know his sister, this is not a sister, could have been his sister deliver

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by feeding by breastfeeding. And you've never seen her, but they are having to one another. It could have been that she was in a difficult situation, or she was in distress. And she called her mother.

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And we come across it and we start making all these assumptions. It could have been something that we just don't know the explanation for.

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And so our default were our brothers and sisters, is good.

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The sheer fun will convince us that the default of people is bad. Our faith doesn't teach us that. Our faith teaches us that the default state of people is good. If you don't know you assume the best.

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That is the Huseynov one that we give to on this is the right that you have upon me and I have upon you and we have upon one another as brothers and sisters, that we assume the best that we assume if we haven't seen something, we're not sure

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of something bad. Then the also the default is good.

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And this is what was kind of a data reminds us either Giacomo Fassett will be never infected by yellow.

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If a sinful person comes to you with some news,

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then clarify it

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clarified before we act upon it before we go start spreading it to other people before we start doing other things.

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And another recitation of the Quran for deathbed to

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meaning what? Meaning confirm it? So clarify it and confirm it. What does that mean? That means someone comes and says, you know, this brother he double parked and blocked everybody

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have a urine is this is the thing. Hora, what exactly are you saying? Before I rush to judgment, before I get up and start calling this brother out whatever make let's let's do to make you let's clarify what exactly are you saying.

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But the second condition

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means the means that we confirm now what this person is saying is actually true.

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Before we rushed to judgment before we start blaming this person, is that actually what happened? Because that could have been this person's impression of what happened. And we live in a day and age and our brothers and sisters, where we assume so much from so little. Especially because of these devices we all have.

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And the written word, social media. And forget social media. Somebody may say I'm not on social media. I only use messaging.

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I'm working on WhatsApp, or you know, just text messages or whatever. Even in messaging. There's so much that can go wrong. I want to give you an example.

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What does that mean? Let's say I typed it to you. I sent you a message. And I say I never said he stole your mind.

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Well, the reality is that depending on which word we emphasize, it can have seven distinct different meanings. If we say emphasize I, I never said he stole your money, meaning what mean? I didn't say it. Maybe somebody else said. I never said he stole your money, meaning it is an outright denial that the statement ever came from us. I never said

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he stole your money. Meaning I didn't say it. I may have implied it. I may have gestured towards it. But I didn't say I never said he stole your money.

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What does that mean? That means I never said he stole it. Maybe somebody else told it. I never said he's stole your money. What does that mean? Well, I never said he stole it. Maybe he borrowed it.

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Maybe something else happened? I never said he stole it. I never said he stole your

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meaning what? Well, he didn't steal your money. Maybe he stole some something else.

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And that's just seven of the many interpretations. Now imagine how does she have fun if he wants to play with us

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that we can make assumptions and be sure of that. Someone can look at that same statement. And you can have seven different interpretations 20 different interpretation and the shift bottle convinces this is right. There's no other explanation.

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And so we remind this your partner, we remind ourselves, just because I can't think of a good interpretation, it doesn't mean that a good interpretation does not exist a footnote you have that stuff for a while, you will still throw in now for for

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Shivan. And via loosening Nadine, I will say the Muhammad Ali will find me.

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My brothers and sisters, so many of our problems and issues can be avoided. If we start giving each other we started giving each other the benefit of the doubt, we started making good assumptions. And I mean this with every relationship, all relationships, whether it be with our parents, or whether it be with our children, whether it be with our spouses, whether it be with our colleagues, in our friends, in our community,

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with our leaders, with our mountains, with the managers, and so on and so forth. If we were willing to do not not saying do extra, just what we would want from herself, just as we would want that people give us the benefit of the doubt.

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That's what we offer to others. That unless we're 100% Sure, we don't rush to we don't rush to a conclusion. That's all we're saying that the same, the same thing that we want for ourselves. And for ourselves, we actually want more than that. We want people to judge us based not based off of what we do, but based off of our intentions.

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Right? Well, I know I did this, but that wasn't my intention.

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Right? So we want people to give us the benefit of the doubt and more. Like look at my intention was good. Even though what I did was bad, then can we not give each other the bare minimum of assuming the best in each other. And the path to that my brothers and sisters is the heart. Because this battle,

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it happens and occurs in the heart. Because sometimes the person may not know another person, people can be around us and have no idea that we're thinking about it. Because it's something that happens internally. No one has access to our hearts. Only Allah knows what we're thinking.

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And so that that also means that the battle needs to be won in the heart.

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That when those negative thoughts happen, when we start assuming bad and all these, all the negative feelings and assumptions when they occur, we immediately put a stop to it. We shouldn't wait for someone to say, Hey, aren't you assuming things here? Aren't you? Aren't you like going too far here? Isn't this bad? Before any of that because that may not happen. It may happen after things are too late after we've acted upon those bad assumptions. We want to be the first one who checks ourselves. The first one who says you know what, I'm not 100% sure about this. And if there's doubt, then I give them the benefit of the doubt. And that means that we are vigilant with our hearts and

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one of the most powerful tools against that

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is as the prophet symbol I send them taught us to be aware of the sheer thought

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and if you know nothing else, and if there's just one thing you take away from this whole take all data. Remember to cut off those negative thoughts remember to set that to be nothing to share.

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I seek refuge in Allah from the shield. I seek refuge in Allah from these bad thoughts that are occurring, these bad feelings Allah protecting me because you know what, we're not doing it for the sake of this person. As a believer, we're doing it for the sake of Allah. If it turns out that we were wrong about our good assumptions, our reward with Allah is secure. That is the beauty of doing things for the sake of Allah who's penalty I ask Allah to purify our hearts. I ask Allah to bind our hearts together and give us mercy and gentleness and dealing with each other. I asked the lunch counter Allah to bless us, bless our homes and bless our communities.

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