Riyadh Walls – Taraweeh Talk only (13th March 2024)

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The National Security Council holds a series of talks and events organized by the Security Council in an upcoming event. The speakers discuss the loss of faith in Muslims and the potential for war, as well as the importance of the event for the region's people and the return of God. They also touch on the loss of faith in Muslims and the greatest
the greatest
calamity to have beenfall in the presence of the enemy.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah He wabarakatuh

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called Allah Tabata Kubota Allah fie kita visualises Bidar we'll be

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learning him in a show it on your project team.

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Okay You mean the billion cartella ma who will be you Nicosia

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for my world only Lima Asaba hyung visa vie de la

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da who Mr. Khurana

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will law who you have to solve EB

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Well, my Kona cola hum Illa on call or a benefit learners in

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Woburn Serafina Rafi Marina was a bit awkward.

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One sooner Alan Coleman carefree for a Tahoe Allah whosoever dunya

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are hustlers

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wala who you see any sort of Cologne.

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We have heard so many ideas tonight that we can reflect on

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that we can learn from that can bring us closer to Allah subhana

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who were taller

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as this Quran is who dealt in Turkey. So as we make our CM

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in the daytime and stand for our PM, in the nighttime, we are

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developing Taqwa. So when we listen to this Quran, we open and

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read this Quran. The later Allah Allah subhanaw taala is going to

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guide us Isla Sirata Hill Mr. Kim, il agenda Tendai say I mean

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so tonight insha Allah to Allah have chosen this are these three

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verses number 146 147 on 48 146 147 148 of surah. Earlier

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Imran, we I believe Allah subhanaw taala is describing a special

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group of people,

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a group of people that have been seen many times in the history of

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the Gambia

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in the history of the prophets of Allah subhanaw taala and those

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that follow them on that same path.

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And I believe if you really read these three verses carefully, it

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says if Allah subhanaw taala is describing our brothers and our

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sisters fill out the market, in the holy land

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filled by telemarketers in Jerusalem.

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Fit difficult Kirby

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in the West Bank and perhaps even more so.

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In because Elijah,

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in the noble strip of Gaza,

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the dignified versus

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the unshakable faith,

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which we see as the people of Gaza, always wanted to Allah

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begins verse number 146 By saying worker in a billion cartella Ma,

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who bu Nicosia and how many prophets

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they fought alongside those prophets rheb you repeal a rub

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Bernie, you righteous people.

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Learn if people who say learned Don't people with degrees, but

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people who had the knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala and the

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unshakable faith in Him, as well as the law and the way that they

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got from the Prophet. In our case, from the last and final messenger,

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Muhammad, Abdullah salat wa salam ala

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and because of this knowledge,

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and then practicing this knowledge making them righteous people from

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Lima Asaba visa vie Lila, they didn't lose heart.

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They did not lose heart, pertaining that which befell them

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in the path of Allah of affliction, of affliction, of

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pain, of suffering, of loss of trauma.

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They didn't lose heart.

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And we listened to that

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word were her know from one what is one we know the Hadith The

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Prophet said Salah you Shikou

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What is up, come in a Danna koruba

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seconds. It's about to happen. It's about to happen remember the

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Prophet since I was a little worried?

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And I was

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I was saying and the hour was sent me in the last hour, like these

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two fingers. In other words, the time span between me the Prophet

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is saying Salah Salah, the last and final messenger of Allah

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And the last hour is like the distance between these these two

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fingers. That's how near piano was or is

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when our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam received his

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prophethood and that was over 1400 years ago. How close his piano

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How close is the last hour today?

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And don't ask when is it going to be? Because that we cannot know.

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FEMA and Timothy craw even Allah says to the Prophet not for you to

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know Muhammad

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and Muhammad had to admit that so Allah Salah Did you believe

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maleness Zulu Anna,

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Minister is the one who is being asked about it is not more

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knowledgeable in the one who is asked but instead like the Prophet

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said to the Sahaba you asked that question, Mother I detail what

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have you prepared for that hour? That we all need to be asking

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ourselves now? So going back to the Hadith, you should go like

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it's about to happen since the prophets Allah

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a time when Tada

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the nations of this world will prey on you. They will feast off

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you like to eat is 111 plate of food feast or fat plate of food

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is in your Rasulullah the companions in us is it because of

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our small numbers on that day? callable. Antonio, my eating?

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He said no. They What did they ask? Is it because of our small

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numbers on that day that they'll be able to

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just feed off us? Like like like like the eat just add one plate of

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food feast off their plate of food? The Prophet said No, you'll

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be many on that date. But you'll be you'll be like the film of the

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floodwater, but like in

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When the water comes through the words

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through the valley in the desert, it picks up all the debris

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or in the one rewire hotel like the form of the waves in the sea.

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When the Southeaster blows in Table baby, you see the tablecloth

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is fluttering in the wind of Table Mountain. And you know the

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southeast is blowing and sometimes it's an Easter blow so strong and

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it picks up all the foam and throws it on the other side of the

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beach road. See point.

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It's a lot but you just touch it and it disintegrates. It's weak.

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It's got no strength. It just goes wherever the water pushes it.

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Well ANZ and Allah

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mean Colombia, el Mohabbat I mean come on, well, a yet a philosophy.

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And indeed Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of

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your enemy.

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You see the enemy today? Is he scared of the Muslims?

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He's just scared of Egyptian army.

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The Simian Army, Jordanian army

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11 not scared of any of the Muslims.

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Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies

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and you will put into your hearts when

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they asked wamalwa Rasulullah what is working on messenger of ALLAH.

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So he answered Hotbird dunya ACARA here to note the love of the dunya

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the love of Pisa for loose mirin

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and the hatred of death

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now we can see that this is the greatest calamity to have befall

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in the Bahamas Salah Salem

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the love of the dunya and the hatred of death except in Gaza

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we they have no attachment to the dunya and they have no fear of

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death for my soul from feasibility.

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So now we can literally understand that they were not afflicted with

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why because of what they lost in the path of Allah because of the

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property because of the loved ones because of the fear because of the

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right now starvation. They did not lose faith

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well my dolphin in nor did they become weakened.

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Do you see the Mahoma coming out? Raising afterwards okay, so as we

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give up or give up, give up just give us food.

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stop bombing us. Mama Darfur. Well, Mr. Colonel noted this tense

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Do you still see the Macao woman with everything that they have?

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With everything that they have with the light weapons with a

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handmade rockets still fighting the fourth strongest army in the

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world? Like Alisa describing you remember the Quran is a timeless

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If you really think about it, a book from the future because Allah

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In the future as if it's already happened.

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Well, my Adolfo and Mr. Khan who annoy him was sobbing.

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And Allah loves those who are patient and persevering. You know,

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you know what this sub A sub rang the submitting

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real solid, real patience and perseverance is when the calamity

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happens now not yesterday follow my Eman in a fluke

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and then after a few hours I come down and say, you know actually

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it's not so bad of handling

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in the sun

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and that is what we've been seeing coming out of ourselves as it is

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happening and they are saying Alhamdulillah La Ilaha illa Allah

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husband Allah and

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Allah we can learn so much for the people.

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And then Allah Allah Allah says, Well Mr. Khanna Colome and they

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say nothing but

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and Kaltura Bella Finland as Oh Allah forgive us our sins.

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What you saw often if he or Medina and any of our transgressions

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with a bit of Kodama and make a steadfast when sunnah al Pullman

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carefree and grant us victory over the disbelievers for a tow Allah

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with a weapon dunya

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Allah gave them

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the reward of this world, what is the reward of this world?

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What's the word of this world nice house,

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nice wife, children or for the lady's husband. Whatever the case

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might be.

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So what dunya is, is a nostril what

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I believe is victory. Let me tell you something they really want,

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will only come to understand much later, but they have already won.

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Allah has given them for a term Allahu Allah, but didn't you.

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And whatever they are doing

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is conquering the whole world. Because real conquering is not the

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conquering of walls and walls not this conquering of walls, brick

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walls or concrete walls or

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the conquest of land. That is part of it. But the main factor

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is the conquering of the hearts of men.

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Either Nasr Allah he will fight if the victory of Allah comes in the

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or conquest, or at nursery here the Kowloon if he didn't

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have word, and you see people coming into Islam in droves.

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I don't know if you saw Shaun King the.

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other day I saw him taking his shahada and how many

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people just by witnessing the resilience in the steadfastness of

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the people of us, Ally then coming to Islam, by the things by the

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hundreds of 1000s and you're gonna see even more,

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you're gonna see even more. So they've won already. This is a

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victory, a permanent victory,

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conquest and the victory over the hearts of men.

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And then also wanted to address his

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Fattah Humala with whoever dunya was the syllable Allah.

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Allah He built

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a lot let you do your job.

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Allah will never, ever let the good deeds of the good news.

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Do not think that Allah subhanaw taala is going to look past the

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resilience and the patience and the perseverance and the Eman and

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the Yaqeen.

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Have the servants of Allah Subhan Allah is going to give them

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those who is really taken as much as may Allah except the martyrdom,

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they already have the best of Jana and those who are staying behind

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sha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is going to give him the best of this

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life and to hear after and in as far as those What did he mean

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those brutal criminal savages that are committing this genocide.

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Allah is only giving them respite until Allah subhanaw taala takes

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them and then there'll be no getting away. And it ends with

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for a

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while low your martini and Allah La loves those. Allah loves those

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who strive for excellence what excellence to worship Allah to

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worship Allah

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and tap into like a cappella to worship Allah, as if you see him

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in love. If you don't see him in New Europe, then verily know

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what's our theme this year? What's up

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The theme this year is watching you really know that he sees you

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taller because of them with Ducane because that will be the people

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that will have the final victory by the help and grace of Rajpal

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Alameen wa salam ala Muhammad Ali earlier Safi Wilbert Salim

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hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen anatomy, welcome salata.

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