Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Talk

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The coronavirus crisis and lack of privacy in Saudi Arabia have caused confusion surrounding Islam's use of the term " Islam" for those who believe in Islam. The speakers discuss the history and meaning behind the term " Islam" and the importance of faith in the creation of the world. They stress the need for individuals to not be associated with any religion and to focus on their own actions. The speakers also touch on the use of religion to hold people to powerful figures and avoid confusion, and emphasize the importance of not delaying until death of a soul.
AI: Transcript ©
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House Villa some Iranian ministry on the project will be Smilla

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Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salim also Li Mo

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Salah Singh with the Seema nearly icon even more kami I mean it will

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end the imam in Surrey Why should you learn more who will you saw

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Why should you unless you don't know where to begin or what are

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the men or what have you been a Mohammedan are also law terminal

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and be evil in Saudi Saudi Lahoma was sending mother ricotta had in

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every year. I mean, what the you also have at the hill Hooray I

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mean, I'm about to see Mr. Marty kumara heart Allah he will but

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if you're wondering why we are back to doing pretty good, but it

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is only that we don't want our brothers that unfortunately

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because of the rules and regulations provided by the

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government. The COVID-19 protocols for gatherings that we

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unfortunately can only have 50 people inside the Masjid. So those

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that are outside the masjid and there isn't any

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there isn't much shade for them. So we decided to refer back to the

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pre Hooda which is something I didn't want to do why because it

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is preferable. Even in the middle of Imam Shafi Rahim Allah Allah

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that in a non Arabic speaking country, besides the Quran, Ian

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besides the verses from the Holy Quran, which should be recited in

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Arabic, the hood should be given in the language that is understood

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by the people but inshallah to Allah when we

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when we do inshallah Allah have these restrictions lifted off the

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last caller to Allah has removed Isabella after Allah subhanaw

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taala has removed this trial and tribulation tribulation Europe,

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then inshallah we will go back to doing everything on the member

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with Nila entire

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correlo Tabata, Kota Tada if he could tell me he lives his brother

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in law he means shaytani R rajim.

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In nama yah Maru, but I will be learning in a short time the

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regime McAllen machinery Kena yamu masajid Allah He Shahidi in either

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fusi him Bill costs hola Erica, have you thought?

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Were fin nerd you incur the doom in guru massage you don't lie

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human am Anna biller he will yo me

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what are called masala to artists kurta. Willem Yaksha in LA more

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thought Eisah hula Iike yaku Minal G. So the Kola housing

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tomato Muslimeen. We are in Surah to Toba,

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the ninth chapter of the Holy Quran

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verses number 17 and 18. Where Allah subhanaw taala says it is

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not for the Mushrikeen who are the mushy K, anybody who associates

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partners in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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will come from a Latin Wahida.

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In fact, the prophets Allah Salam said that those who are in Kufa

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are like one nation like one mill like one religion.

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But we know in terms of the ideologies,

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there is stuff out there is variation there is difference, but

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at the end of the day, it is all considered to be disbelief in the

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eyes of Allah subhanaw taala why because the only D. The D that has

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been around since I was gonna to Allah created the heavens and the

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earth, the dean, by which Dermalogica worship Allah subhanho

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wa Taala and I'm speaking about immutable faith, worshiping Allah

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and associating no partners in that worship Tawheed that has been

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the deen that has been around since Allah subhanaw taala brought

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this creation into being from nothing.

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The team that even the gene when I was one of the creative them were

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also commanded to believe in but unlike the Malaika, the gene like

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us have choice. So therefore, you have gene that believes and gene

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that disbelieve,

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but the unchangeable and immutable faith of Islam, we're not speaking

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about the law and the way why, because the law and the way has

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evolved. So in the time of interview, how they said, there

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was La Ilaha illa Allah, there is none worthy worship besides Allah

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and Nora is the messenger of Allah. And so the law and the way

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should I tell women Hatcher that he brought anybody who believed in

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Tawheed and follow the way and the law broke by

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Maybe No, they wouldn't be the Muslims of daytime. Likewise in

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the time of Nabi Ibrahim, likewise in the time of the Musa likewise

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in the time of neighboring Salish name was salatu salam. And in

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order to be a Muslim today, what do we have to say La ilaha

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illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So

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with Mohamed Salah Salem comes the completion, the combination and

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the perfection of this de

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but in terms of the faith, the faith has never changed since the

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beginning of creation until Allah subhanho wa Taala brings this

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creation to an end and we stand up on the day of Yom Okayama there is

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only one faith that is acceptable but Allah subhanaw taala in Edina

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and Allah Islam,

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Allah Allah Allah says in surah Ali Imran indeed the only Dean

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and Dean meaning religion, including faith, and the law and

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the way the only way of life the only religion acceptable to Allah

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subhanaw taala is the dean of total submission and surrender to

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Him. Al Islam

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so we the last one a China speaks in this verse about the machete

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keen I want you to think of any non Muslim in the time that we are

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living in

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Madcon any wish any key

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we can apply to any non Muslim, it's not for the non Muslims. It's

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not for those who do not believe in the deen of Islam

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as a faith and as a law and as a way

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it's not for them to do what

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we're McKenna's mushy kina Yamamoto massage it Allah

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it's not for them to make a remark of the massage

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effect. I mentioned this at the end of last year's talk. Because

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we were handing out leaflets with him with a magic bank details on

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and I think I mentioned something like you know, the Hindus, the

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Jews, the Christians, then I can look after I'm a surgeon. They're

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not going to maintain maintain our massages, they're going to go on

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new massages, either.

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They're not going to pay for the electricity, or the water or the

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In actual fact, honestly Medina prohibits him from doing so.

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Because it's not for them. Because Allah has made it compulsory on

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the believers.

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And if you like go and look up in the books of the Pharisees

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this morning, I was just looking at

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behind and Lucy and I was looking at aka chef but alarmism actually

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and they actually give a host of meanings for this word Remora.

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So what does Allah subhanaw taala mean? When he says a yamu masajid

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Allah Yamamoto What does he mean? When he gets older say, the

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building of massages,

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the cleaning of the massage,

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the using use the words tend to be the lighting, which today will be

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electricity of the masjid

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everything pertaining to its building or its maintenance.

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And then included in that worshiping in the masjid,

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remembering Allah in the masjid, establishing Halaqaat of Elam

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circles of learning in the masjid. This is all part of another tool

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Also dialysis, it's not for them, we should be keen to do any of

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It's not a duty, that's not danger. But actually, Allah pray.

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Allah doesn't want those who don't worship

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and those who associate partners in his worship, Allah doesn't want

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them to have anything to do with these houses.

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Shahidi now I'm pushing Bill Cooper, those who have openly

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borne witness against themselves that they are disbelievers,

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or like a happy top

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affinity whom clearly do all of the actions are in vain.

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And they will be in the fire for eternity. actual fact the context

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of this ayah

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was when

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Al Abbas who fought against the prophets Allah Philomena battle of

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butter was captured

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and said that he was rebuking him

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and the Prophet saw some then rebuke said Ali Walcott Yatra

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is it oh you break of the ties of the womb? Oh, you break of the

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ties of the womb why? Because he's the out

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Goa Abbas is both the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem and said

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daddy monometallic Rhodiola Tabata, Kota Liang, Abbas is the

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uncle. So the Prophet SAW Selim rebuked him for rebuking his

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And so Allah subhanaw taala sent down this verse in actual fact.

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And Abbas, he said, You're busy pointing out our bad deeds. Why

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don't you talk about our good deeds?

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Maha sunnah. So the Prophet said, Hello, come Mahasi Do you have

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good deeds? He said, of course, we look after Masjidul haram. We've

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put the Kiswa on the kava, or the hijab, as it was called. In those

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days on the Kaaba.

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We give water to the Hajaj. Now Ibis who is still a machine, but

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he's saying all these good things that they do for this house.

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And then Allah sent down this verse, it's not for the machine

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keen, it's not for the disbelievers. It's not for the non

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to build or maintain,

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or even perform any worship

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in the houses of Allah subhanaw taala those who have openly

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declared the disbelief

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the actions are in vain and they will be in the fire for eternity.

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The inverse number 18 in Moodle masajid Allah min Armineh villa.

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And I hear the word in nama. This is a double hustle Wakasa anything

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that comes off to Inomata means without any exception.

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And this is also where the whoop comes into the compulsion on the

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believers. That without any exception, those that build and

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maintain and worship in and remember Allah in and establish

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circles of learning in

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the houses of Allah subhanaw taala

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in nama Yamamoto masajid Allah men, Elena Villa are those who

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believe in Allah

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and it's almost like if you

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if you turn it around, as if Allah subhanaw taala is saying that only

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those who truly believe in Allah will build and maintain the houses

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of Allah.

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And all look at the end of the day almost wanted to Allah says, lie

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you can only for Allah who Nuff said it

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was volatile. It does not place a burden on a soul except in terms

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of what he's given that soul. So the one is good enough money to

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build a masjid don't build a masjid

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when you open the masjid Allah Yep, and Allahu Allahu customfield

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Jana, whoever builds the masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will

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build for the McCasland agenda. So if you can afford to build a

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machine to build the machine, if you can't afford to build a

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machine, but you can afford to pay the electricity, electricity.

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If you can't afford to pay the electricity, then maybe 10 people

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can pay the electricity.

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If you could only afford to give 50 When you have to learn if you

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can only afford to give

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end of the day give what you can. Allah does not place a burden on a

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soul except in terms of what He has given that song.

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In nama Yamato masajid Allah him and Amma nebula he will Yeoman

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karma salatu wa, kurta, Willem, Yaksha Illallah

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those are the attributes of those

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who are looking after the houses of Allah subhanaw taala they

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believe in Allah, they believe in the last day they established

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I mean, imagine we are making use of Allah's house, but then we are

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neglecting its maintenance.

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I will use or I will live every single one to apply the logic for

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Mokulua hidden under Robin FC, everybody knows themselves better

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than anybody else. Nobody's standing in judgment of anybody.

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And when I speak I speak to myself first. We have to look after

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almost houses

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and especially in the corona COVID-19 trial and tribulation

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that Allah is putting us through.

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There are a lot of massages out there in poorer communities.

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much poorer than our communities or our community

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that are really struggling.

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Even if you pay the Imam a

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little and pay the electricity and the water and the Wrightson

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Well, I'm Yaksha Allah and they see a nun but Allah

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Ohana Huhtala for us.

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For Eisah hola Iike yaku luminal Mata Deen

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it might be it almost wanted to either will make them of the

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rightly guided ones Allah make us give me

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tomato muslimin it's time for us to get on to the members.

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This is an appeal for the sake of Allah. The Masjid is not begging

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the Masjid. On behalf of the committee. I am only reminding and

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I start with myself. We have a duty to the house of Allah

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subhanaw taala

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I did mention last week that we're going to be debit order forms but

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that's not possible right now. But they are

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forms with the bank details. I think nowadays with the

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technology, but does it take between three and five minutes to

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add a new beneficiary and whenever you can give Bismillah

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don't wait. I mean the biggest sign for the fact that you must

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not dilly dally that you must not delay is the fact that so many

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people are dying around us.

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And what does that have to say about spinning and this one people

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me merasa canal coming up here yet? Yeah, had to come out for

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your cooler Biloela certainly imagining creeping.

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When are you Akira Allahu nevsun either Juha wala who will be my

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terminal and spinning in the path of Allah out the vet which Allah

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has blessed you with out of his favor before death comes to one of

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them. And then they say, Oh Allah, give me some respite, chemo booty

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droughts. Give me some more time so that I can spend my wealth and

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not be stingy and hold on to it, that I can spend up my wealth and

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I can be of the pious and then Allah makes the emphatic statement

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and Allah will never ever delay the appointed time of death of a

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soul and Allah is all aware of what you do.

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That was Chanukah Allah make us as a true believers. Allah subhanaw

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taala make us of those who look after and maintain his houses. MLS

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Allah Tala remove this villa, this trial and tribulation from us that

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we might fill the massage of Allah subhanaw taala once again.

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Bharat Allah He Ubercart

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