Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Masjidus Sunni (13 January 2022)
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The speakers discuss the importance of being aware of one's thoughts and actions in preparation for the next stage of existence, including the shaping of one's perception of death and the importance of remembering Allah's words and actions to avoid confusion and fear. They also emphasize the need for everyone to stay focused and mindful of Allah's words and actions to avoid confusion and fear. The importance of avoiding being heedless and reckless in any facet of one's life is also emphasized. The segment concludes with a discussion of the Holy Spirit's importance and the need for everyone to be aware of the day and be aware of the day.]]
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towards Swiss will be enough so
we're not acabo la him in hobbling worried
is the Talaq Kalamata lactea Ania Anil Yemeni whoa honey shrimali
my Elfie zooming Colin il la de Hiraki benighted YJ sacral
Multiball hochkar Valley coma Quinta men who
are novikoff is sued the leaker yo mooloolah ed Kulu Neff Seema. Ser
con was Shaheed la caja Quinta De La Fleur Tim IN HER MOTHER
FUCKA Schaffner Anka Vito aka balsa Ruka Leo Maha deed. So the
colada Ravi
Surah to cough
syrup, cough
from verse number
to verse number 22 Please go home and ponder, please go home, read
these verses and ponder Surah Kahf 16 to 22
Allah subhanaw taala opens verse number 16 with the words indeed we
have created mankind and we know that which he speaks to himself.
You know, today, everybody's worried about who's listening. Has
my phone been hacked as my phone been tapped?
His uncle Sam watching which spy agencies are recording, don't
worry about that.
At the end of the day, even the plots is part of Allah's plan.
Allah cada mackerel karuma crown wind Allah Hema Quran
and indeed they plotted the plots and Allah has a plan.
In other words, will Allah Hill mcru Jamia
all of the plots are part of Allah's plan.
So we must not be so much concerned
with these listening devices or hacking or spy agencies worry
about the true surveillance, the one who even surveillance what we
speak to ourselves.
Now the spy agencies they can maybe go into your Google account
and your Facebook and whatever,
whatever else you might have, in terms of what you do all day,
on the internet,
Allah subhanaw taala is the one that surveillance even our hearts,
He knows our most inner thoughts, what a serial killer come with
your heart will be in who and even be that is to do
with you say something in secret. Or you say it loudly in the open,
honest wanted to Allah says Allah knows that which is hiding in the
hearts of mankind.
So indeed, we've created mankind and we know that which he speaks
to himself.
When we lay him in Hublin, worried and we are closer to him than his
jugular vein.
When we speak about Allah subhanaw taala we never speak about Allah
in terms of proximity.
Because Allah cannot be confined by spatial by time they can, when
I'm akana will who can cover the hulking McCarney la mia, America,
because Allah was without place, and he is as he was before place
was created, and he has not changed from that which he was.
They sacramentally che nothing can be likened that to him. Well, who
was Samuel bossier and he has all hearing and all seems
so wrong in terms of proximity, but in terms of his knowledge,
and in terms of his control,
Allah is closer to us they know jugular vein.
jugular vein represents what represents life. Allah gave us
life Allah can take our lives, when and how he wants gender fear
and Allah knows almost intervals
if you're Tanaka mattala Kiani Amelia meenie miney Shimelle is
with it's our thoughts are with it's our words.
I'm not preparing us for the next verse
is the Tala Tala key and when the two receivers are receiving
so Allah knows that which hides in our hearts and everything that we
are saying on our tongues is being recorded.
When the two receivers, one on the right one of the lift
my Elfie do mean totally not a single utterance is made Illallah
de Hiraki
except that there is
a rocky rocky
there is an
Angel surveilling, recording, surveilling and recording
by Elfie Dohmen, Colin Illallah de Hiraki, when it was at Sacra tool
multiple Huck.
So we need to be conscious of this. We need to be aware of this.
Why? Because this is coming.
Lamb of horror, couldn't have seen it or to note, every soul tasted a
lot of pizza three times in the Quran. None of us can escape them.
This is
we don't know.
I'm gonna tell
y'all. What are the five things that Allah is hidden
from every soul from his entire creation. In fact,
one of the five things were motivated enough to be a yard
intermode but a single soul knows when, or for that matter when it
is going to die.
So we need to be conscious of our thoughts.
And we certainly need to be conscious of our words
and conscious of our actions.
Why because everything we are thinking saying or doing
is in preparation for the day when we're going to be removed from
this world and returned to Allah subhanho wa Taala to be judged in
the way that we lived our lives in
the shortest
of the five stages of existence
caverta it up.
And working for here come from what you need to come to me your
Imagine that.
This higher to dunya is the shorter stage of the five stages
of existence. First stage non existence, the only brings us into
this world.
Then he causes us to die. Then he raises up again and to Him is our
final return the shorter stage higher to dunya and that's what
the Prophet said selasa Lim couldn't fit dunya cookery or
Audrey Sabine be in this world as if you're a stranger or a
traveler. What method or method dunya Kathie Lee Rohan is stavola
Dr. Jonathan for months off the likeness of me. And the likeness
of this world is the likeness of a man on a journey. He sought shade
under a tree. And then he moved on
higher to Calum Hill Basa life is like the blink of an eyelid.
Yet we putting all our energy into this life.
We are making all our sacrifices for this life. We wake up every
morning and all we can think about is this life and the bling bling
adornment and material possessions of this life.
That's ultimate poverty.
With us Maha Maha Maha dunya John Allah will fucka Robina the person
that wakes up in the morning says the prophets Allah Salam, o ne
thinking about the dunya
coming from the word agenda, which means the lowest, this is the
ever wakes up in the morning, only thinking the only concern is the
dunya falu spacer
then Allah puts poverty in front of the eyes, no matter how much
they attainted the dunya they will still feel poor, because they will
always want more luck make us something
solid photolysis which will motivate
that certainty of death is coming and when it comes the throes of
death will come with truth.
What Sakura tool mode, what is sacral sacral mode? The Prophet
said Salah Salem
in nearly Mattila Sakharov indeed for death they are throws the or
throws Allahumma Hawi Nyla Sokrati note Oh Allah make easy for me the
throws of death
your Allah make easy for all of us throws of this Oh Allah give us
the death of a true believer. Because the death of a true
believer the soul will be removed from the true believer like water
comes out of the sport of a kettle
but the death of a disbeliever
these souls will be removed like a skewer, you know a skewer that is
entered into with carded wool and then pull out.
You take a skewer, you put it into carded wool with carded wool and
you pull it out you will see that it will stick to the skewer and it
will just be tone. The wool will be tone from its origin
maravilla We seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala from such a depth I
mean, what sacral multiball Huck in the throes of death DiRocco
let's say in Africa and the Roho
Okay, now that's not my home language. It's not my mother
tongue. So many, many years ago, I was having conversation in the
presence of my mother in law, and I said, de horo to CC for me
Neeman PC hookbait for anyone, the Roho that is sacral mode that
I think some of you might have even heard it
being present at the death of a loved one.
That is when the soul has been pulled from the extremities, from
the toes and from the fingers. That's where it starts.
And then it comes up
and it reaches the point of no return fanola either Bulaga till
that place in the throat between buying a turkey over time between
the two collarbones between the two collarbones calla either
biotic turkey, turkey Taraki is the plural of Turku, Turku, Turku,
attune, Turku attorney Taraki
when it reaches that pot in the throat between the collarbones
that is the point of no return.
That's why the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he said
in nulla Yakubu Tolbert allottee my lamb you've heard him
you heard
Allah except the repentance of a sin of a soul. Allah will accept
the repentance of a person as long as they do not reach the throes of
death. You
hear that sound?
You heard you Tucker Warren.
So as long as we are alive as long as the soul hasn't reached that
Allah will accept October Allama. Tuba Elena. Aloma tuba Elena
Allama. Tuba Elena will fill in as Illumina will say your dinner but
tell us
how much time do we have left?
My inspiration for today's goodbye
was that
yesterday afternoon I was driving out of town with my wife
and I was a little bit tired.
And she asked me to pick up something in Sherwood Park
like an observant I don't wanna say obedient
and observant husband.
I obliged. And but I was I was in a roughly I was in a ruffler was a
bit heatless I was a bit heedless I was a bit careless.
And as we came to Sharia estate, sorry state
as we came to Saudi estate,
I can't remember the name of the road. But at the end of it the
back of Saudi estate. I came to the road that runs past the engine
garage. And I looked left and I saw nothing.
And I turned and as I turned literally centimeters, a car came
whizzing past
and from the until I got home I just said Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah.
But I realized because nothing happens without a reason.
Everything happens for a reason. I was in a Hoffler I was heedless,
although it might have been something a physical state of
heedlessness, but it made me introspect about my own life.
And how conscious am I of Allah subhanho wa Taala because as soon
as I become heedless of Allah
then who or what is going to take that vacuum that's the gap, the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
in a hadith Salvator Abu Salam or
anybody Ibis in kala kala Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam a
che of Tano jazzy Munna Allah
has shaytani Jesseman Allah Colombini Adam shaytaan is
crouching is perched. Che Athan is perched on the heart of men.
Each and every single one of us. There's a shaitan it's been
assigned, and he's touched 24/7 He's purchased
every moment he gets.
But when is that moment? When is that moment? Call us OLALIA Salam
a Shelton who Geraghty when Allah Colombini Adam.
And just to give you an indication, In another Hadith The
Prophet said someone was salam, a che Athan, who Mallinson commanded
them Phil
shaitan is with mankind like the
blood flowing in his veins. Nothing. shaytaan is flowing in
the veins, but he's with mankind
like Majora Demna.
In other words, as long as this blood flowing in our veins shaytan
is there whispering, literally perched, crouching at the heart of
mankind waiting for what?
For either the Quran Allah kanessa
So when the heart of that person remembers Allah, the shaytaan
And when the heart of that person becomes heedless and careless and
not considering Allah,
not keeping Allah in order to be concerned as to how Allah is
looking at me.
That's why the essence this is the essence of Taqwa. This is the
essence of Taqwa.
From the word require, which means a shield, to shield ourselves from
the displeasure of Allah before I think something, say something or
do something I should ask myself is Allah going to be pleased? That
is the chroma to Allah. It's remembering Allah.
That's the essence of remembering Allah.
Not just making a beautiful vicar of a nice tune,
or reciting the Quran with a nice logo.
But you think about Allah to be aware and conscious of Allah. So
as long as we all like, the shaytaan withdraws, there's no gap
for him. There's no way for him.
What either Lafonda was was
what either Kafala
was, but when that heart becomes neglectful of Allah, don't
consider whether Allah is going to be pleased to Just please don't
consider whether what I'm going to do or say is halal or haram.
Don't be concerned whether I'm going to be following Quran and
Sunnah or following lesson desires, whims and fancies,
my ear for Pilates and copper analogies.
That's where he gets his gap for either laferla was Mercer.
So that little physical incident made me do some spiritual
introspection, because Hamdulillah you know, subhanAllah it will, I'm
telling you, if I got out of the tape measure, I don't know,
centimeters, or millimeters, or praise and things due solely to
Allah. And that's why I remind, firstly, myself, and all of you
don't leave home in the morning, without saying Bismillah
three times in the morning, three times in the evening.
Bismillah in the Name of Allah, with which no harm can come in the
heavens or on earth. And he is all hearing and all see
who was singing, he is all hearing and all knowing gender. And
doesn't matter who you are.
You know, don't think that
Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, reserves protection or blessings
only for a certain category, or a certain rank. Anybody who makes
use any believer that makes use of these tools, that our beloved
prophet Sallallahu Sallam has taught us tools for protection,
tools for sustenance, tools for blessings, tools for guidance.
100% guaranteed, they will be protected, they will be helped,
they will be guided, they will be sustained. By Allah subhanaw taala
they will actually go by him and by Him alone, but he still he'd by
him, and by Him alone, Gela fee, Allah.
So it got me thinking that and although this is not our new year,
although we are governed by the terms of our schooling and our
work, etc, etc.
If there's something that I want to, for myself, I start with
myself, if there's something that I want to strive as much as I can,
going forward,
whether it be in this Gregorian year, or from the beginning of our
Hijiri year from now, no no, no words with continuity and with
is to stay conscious and focused and mindful of Allah subhanho wa
Taala and to stay away from being heedless, and being careless and
being reckless in any facet of my life.
Let's go back to Surah Kahf
Well, no fish off his soul
Socrata multiball Hawk Valley coma continue to heat and the throes of
death will come with truth.
That is something that you've been avoiding all the time.
I don't want to imagine it. What a terrible accident that could have
been yesterday. You know, this How far is dead from us? Allahu Akbar,
Allah subhanaw taala protect and guide all of us and bless us and
grant us long life in His obedience army. That would you've
been avoiding. That's why when we get to the junction, we look right
and we look left
in order to avoid an accident so that we stay alive and we don't
die. But eventually we are going to die. And then what's going to
happen when a few cough is sued? The horn will be sounded
off he sued for Cyber Command for somewhat
well known face officer OfficeSuite.
Allah subhanaw taala then says, and the horn will be sounded.
Valley kaomoji worried. That's the day that has been forewarned.
That is the day that has been forewarned. Allah has warned us
about the day of Kiama. In actual fact, we won't ourselves from the
warning of Allah, we won't ourselves
17 times a day.
And to get that right 10 plus 717 times a day. We remind ourselves
that's why there's no excuse.
17 times a day, we are reading Murni Kiyomi. Dean, Maliki young
me, Dean. Both
Eros both readings are 100% authentic. And both meanings are
100%. Correct. Malik is the owner. Malik is the sovereign. And Allah
is both the sovereign and the Owner of the Day of Judgment.
That's why when he says limonene mole Corleone
To whom does this day belong?
And nobody will be able to answer.
Illuminati more.
On this day, everybody's mouse will be sealed. What it actually
means they will not be able to say what they want to say.
In fact, our tongues will be with this against us, but they may not
get ahead. That's coming now that's coming No.
One of you have is sued.
The alaka Yeoman worried
you horn will be surrounded by Salafi.
That is the day that's been promised. That's the day that's
been warned about
that we've been warning ourselves 17 times a day Malik Kiyomi de
Lima and Yvonne Coolio to this day belong Allah will ask him that day
nobody will be able to answer for you jiegu That to be that so
you'll answer himself he will say Lilla Hill Hayden God is the
belongs to Allah the one to compel agenda
on this day, everybody's gonna get what they deserve.
Nobody will be wrong on this day in Allah Surya will be did Allah
is more swifting taking account
when you have your coffee soon, the liquor human wide wager at
Kulu nevsun Ma, sir.
We're Shaheed and every soul will be brought forward.
Or you just close your eyes just for a moment and imagine
being driven
to the courtroom of Allah. I ask you Billahi Alikum Are you ready?
Are you ready?
I'm not ready.
Allama to Ballina. Oh Allah
except our repentance. And it doesn't leave this world except as
Muslim in as many as those servants of Yours, who you take
from this world and return to you like the day when our mothers gave
birth to us free of sin. I mean,
I mean, yes.
Sir, it was Shaheed and every soul will be brought forward and Angel
driving it.
And now there's differences of opinion amongst the facility. Some
of them are facility and they say that an angel driving and an angel
bearing witness, but if you look at the other is pertaining to the
witnesses on the day of Yom Okayama we carry all the witnesses
to Allah him and sing to him. Or a Diem or Jeremy Mark, can you
actually born on this on this
De they tongues they hands and they own feet will be witness
against themselves
in other words almost all the time it says that they will say I'm
talkin Allah, Allah has caused us to speak Allah the untuck Aquila,
che, the one who was caused everything to speak.
So there'll be Angel driving, and we will be witnessing against
ourselves. No place for a lawyer. Quarterback read your own book.
Confirm enough suckle yo Malaika Has Eva you are sufficient as a as
a reckoner against yourself on this day.
Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Holy Quran
what you couldn't have seen.
Shaheed Lakota contested flirtin. Manhattan this
is awful. What is the when you get home?
Sweetheart, what was the football about today? It was about Hoffler
you say that?
heedlessness, heedlessness there is heedlessness do we equate it
with ignorance?
Being heedless of something? Is it equal to being ignorant of
something now Allah? We know we saying it 17 times a day.
Oh no of the Day of Judgment, suffering of the Day of Judgment.
Yet we are living in this world as if it's not even going to happen.
We are living in this world as if we're going to live forever
heatless careless and reckless.
We need to start putting that in front of us tomato Muslimeen.
They asked the prophets Allah Salah matassa when is the hour
going to be?
He couldn't tell them because he didn't know. So instead he said to
them murder.
What have you prepared for?
Yeah, you live in toquilla We'll have some market.
But duckula
Oh, those of you who believe it every soul see what it has sent
forward for the day, for the day for TIAMO and shield yourself from
the displeasure of Allah be conscious and aware and mindful of
Allah, the perching shaitan that crouching shaytaan won't get
to whisper to deceive us to lead us astray.
Nakata off let him in.
It'll be saved to that person.
The sooner you were heedless of this. You knew about it. But you
didn't think about it. He didn't worry about it. He didn't
prioritize it.
It wasn't your concern.
You were too worried about chasing off to the dunya
local the country feels off let him in HER MOTHER FUCKA Schaffner
fucka Schaffner?
fucka Schaffner
and so we have no unveilings.
We have unveiled you from your veiling for Kashif. Now, he
thought he thought he thought covering a covering.
This is what this is what being heatless is,
is to walk around as if we have a covering over our eyes, not seeing
the world for what it really is.
A dingy maluna maroon mafia in Loma Linda. The Prophet says of
Allah Salam, he said to dunya is cursed. Everything in the dunya is
cursed except that which is for the sake of Allah.
Located dunya Allah He Jana haba, Olga, Morocco, COVID Amina Sherpa
Tama if the dunya and everything in it to the Prophet sallallahu
sallam was worth more to Allah than the wing of a mosquito. Allah
wouldn't have given the disbelievers a drop of water.
Look at the counterfeit golf let him in. You were heedless of this.
So today we're going to now lift the veil from your eyes
for Kashif. Now I'm Kathy Todd, for basato Kaleo mahadi Hadid and
on this day, your eyes will be ever sharp you will see what the
world was really all about, but then it's too late.
We have to remove the veil. Now. We have to see the dunya for what
it is now.
Is Dunya is a trial this dunya is a test
and unless we hold on
to the Quran and the Sunnah of our beloved prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are going to go into that state of
heedlessness and carelessness and we are going to fail the test.
May Allah subhanaw taala take us out of the draft law
you know
Being in a golfer doesn't mean being totally heedless.
Even if a person might say, okay, you know, I'm conscious of Allah
when I make salah, but I'm conscious of the dunya when I'm at
work, I'm conscious of, you know, my entertainment when I'm on
holiday do we have to be conscious of Allah all the time.
And then Allah will bless us in every aspect of our lives. May
Allah subhanaw taala cause us to always mindful and conscious of
him, Allah subhanaw taala makers of those who prepare and sin
forward and prepare for the day of Yom Okayama, Allah subhanaw taala
makers of those that when we are taken from this world, all of our
sins have been forgiven, and that we meet him like the day when our
mothers gave birth to us. And that will be gathered under the flag of
our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam to be entered
in the eternal bliss of Jannah to name a few 100 Laura Bill Alameen
wa salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
So don't worry