Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Masjidus Sunni (12 August 2022)
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The history and character of Islam have been discussed, including false accusations, legal system use of deadly drugs, and the importance of good deeds. Thecentury's name was lost and its impact on modern times is also discussed. The importance of forgiveness and forgiveness in modern times is emphasized. The segment also touches on the loss ofcenters and the importance of staying in one's current town when they go back to their current town.
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I mean
what was solidly what was solid it was solid and what to slim and
nearly a county be more commie I mean you will be you are in middle
more saline
I shall do well in law who will you Salehi?
what I shall do Anessa udana whenever you know we're all demon
our heavy burner Muhammadan rasul Allah ha term will be even more
slowly Lahoma wa sallim wa barik ala has to be healed I mean what
Lee he was haha Betty Hill her resume I mean my bad do you have
to assume in a Silicon Valley kumara to La he wabarakatuh
called Allah to Baraka which either if he told me he loves us
but there always will be learn him you know show you Tanya regime
in Allah how you feel and the lady in Manu in hola hola yo Bukola
hawan in cahoots.
So the colada the
beholder, Euro Taraji Allah Tabata, Kota, Isla Anhu.
color, color rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call
Allah Who to Isla
min Li Wei Li Yan for them to bill
do you matter Muslimeen
Surah Al Hajj verse number 38.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says
and he says it emphatically in Allah, indeed Allah, you deserve
here. I need leadin
Allah protects the true believers that Allah make us of them.
In Allah Indeed, Allah, La Bakula, hawan Inca for
Allah subhanaw taala loves not
the treacherous Ingrid
and the Hadith that are quoted, Narrated by Abu Hurayrah it's
inside al Bukhari
that the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam said that Allah
subhanho wa Taala said, Hadith could see,
man, legally young, whoever makes an enemy of a friend of mine,
than to hope will help.
Then I declare not a war.
But I declare the war meaning a war from Allah.
And who can handle
even a declaration of war from Allah subhanho wa Taala
when I dolly Walia and forgot to forgot the other two, Bill have
whoever makes an enemy of a friend of mine, then I declare
the wall meaning a wall from Allah, I declare on that person
now tomato Muslimeen
for those of you who are not aware,
and because
it is something that as they say has gone viral.
And as you can see written above that member, what is it say?
Well, I tell this will hackable party,
while I talk to will hack.
Don't cover the truth with falsehood,
no conceal the truth.
Whilst you know what you are doing.
So this like every member
has to be a member or
it has to be a member of truth when the truth is spoken.
And when something happens in the community
that affects us
as Muslimeen
of Allah sooner well
as the Prophet said, Myrna Isla, he was having young that which I
and My Companions are on today
then it's not permissible to delay
the clarification
of how to understand and how to react
towards such an event
or towards such a happening.
Leia Zhu Zhu fear ruled by Ernie and the work till Hajah
especially when there's a need for clarification.
It's not permissible to delay clarification at the time when
there's a need for something to be clarified.
And as you know, when I do speak about these things,
I don't mention names
for the specific reason that especially when it is something
that is abhorrent, that name is not even worth
of being mentioned.
A member
of the Provincial Parliament
that stands up
at a center
and insults
the whole of Arashi deal, well, at least three of them, or four of
them, as he said, the four that came before us even
calling them a surface
and calling them on African
and making takfeer of your Z
remember the Hubby, Rahimullah Tada he says
Learn HIPAA who will answer when it comes to us eat. If
we don't love him, no do we insult him?
He was a Muslim.
Joe had a FISA villa.
And whatever mistakes he made, I'm gonna who Illallah his meta is in
Allah subhanaw taala his hands.
But to make takfeer of him mouth Allah
to feed a Muslim cutely to call another Muslim or caffeine is like
killing him.
And that's why this topic will also not be about the person who
uttered these statements whether they have made Cofer or not the
statement in itself could be deemed as Cofer
could be deemed as Cofer, but we have a relevant judicial authority
that should summons that individual to establish as to
whether that statement he made was a statement of Cofer and whether
he has taken himself out of the fold of Islam, I'll leave it to
Because tuck fear and read the Lahoma Borbet was wrote
when it comes to fear, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, about
an individual claiming that a certain Act which is abominable,
in Islam, totally haram to say that it is halal can take him out
of the fold of Islam but after what after he committed Fajr first
there must be summons and the evidence must be presented.
And if they insist,
then the judgment must be passed and given if they conceal it
and they give another face
then that is between them and Allah subhana Cortana
so who was he speaking about when he said a surplus and wonderful
wala on debt I can say to him to his face. Well I am to convert
wala he Billa he told me he You're a liar
and saying that you've retracted it unconditionally. By the way
this is not parliament.
You say something in Parliament then the speaker tells you to
retract it and all his good all his well this is not parliament
and to wait did you retract it
back into your heart
Allahu Allah
but the bottom line is we want today to speak about the enormity
of what was said
least anybody should ever say it again.
Whoever did to think it to hold it in their hearts
so is he speaking about
the four that came before us it
obviously he's excluding say Dali you're not allowed to Baraka
but he's talking about who? Abu Bakr
Oh on
Earth man.
And, and what are we?
Of course he wouldn't include central Hudson. Are they allowed
to borrow Katahdin?
So he's speaking about those four. And I know if those three were
alive now
that if I had to ask him who am I talking about? Ahmed? Radi Allahu
Anwar da
Oh, Allah be pleased with him.
And Earthman
zoo new rain to possess of the two lights,
was married to two of the daughters of our beloved Prophet
SAW Salem at different times.
A man of the Prophet said salat wa salam que phala Asahi,
memento, de he mean Houma la Iike How can I not have shame for the
one that angels have shamed for
in the Prophet set up and covered his thigh? When said North man
came in, of a bucket came in armor came in he didn't cover the site,
but we know if man came in, he covered his thigh How can I not
have shame for the one that the angels have shameful?
So if they were alive on
Earth man
and even said Nalli
although he's not the topic of discussion today, Radi Allahu
Allahu Allah. But if he was present, I know what his answer
would be.
And certainly
said the why we even have a severe
a Sahabi Muslim, the oppressed Sahabi
who has been oppressed by so many.
I know what he would also say, if I had to ask the permission to
only speak about Abu Bakr
Radi Allahu
Abu Bakr Hua Abdullah
ibn newsman
if you don't
even know hammer
Ibnu crap.
Ibu time
the lineage of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salah meets with
the lineage of Abu Bakr nice to do karate Allah to Baraka what are
the Prophet's lineage goes via Killa even in Morocco
and Abu Bakr that's why he is a tiny from Benny Taemin
he's the niche goes back
to tain a booty mudra and tame was the uncle of Crusade. Crusade was
the first of Quraysh to build houses around the cabin. And he
actually was the one who made the roof of the cabin.
And he brought with him his uncle time
and money time and not as prominent
amongst the kurush as bunny abdomen Earth, or Bernie Mac zoom,
or Bernie Abdi shrimps
but this is the clan of Abu Bakr Abdullah. He is Abdullah ibn Abu
The cornea of his father Osman was Abu Hanifa Kochava is like a
dishing ladle like a scoop that you would dish to read that it was
meal it was made of wheat and meat and like a porridge
type of meal that they made or half a means the scoop that is
used to dish that meal.
So he is Abdullah Ibni even though the half and we know he missed a
goober curse
that is his Konya.
Rod the hola to Baraka, what's Allah I know he was born 50 years
before the Hegira
two years after our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu
so when our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when
he received
the Naboo WA, the prophet hood
said Abu Bakr was 37 and a few months old.
Said no Buck bakr Ma Cherie Bahama uncut he never ever drink alcohol
in his life.
And even before the Prophet hasn't received his new boy, he's
profited. They will companions
of the Allah to botica what's Allah?
when our beloved prophet Sallallahu Sallam received that
It is said that
of all the adult men that embraced Islam, Abu Bakr was the first
this difference of opinion as to who was the first but
a group of ordermark came up with a
Very sensible answer, to say that the first person to embrace Islam
was Khadija Alana and the first child to embrace Islam was said
Daddy Vitaly
and the first adult male to embrace Islam was Ababa karate
Lang and the first slave to embrace Islam was Zaid Ibrahim.
Radi Allahu Anhu Jemima
and our beloved prophet muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were they?
When he speaks about how
Abu Bakr radula and embraced Islam
he says murder is a hidden ill Islamic
Kanika who and hook up with water do you do when
you said I never ever called anybody to Islam?
I never called anybody to Islam, except that they stumbled.
They hesitated and they first had a look.
He says
except for Abu Bakr.
He never delayed.
Ma Tama heinous occurred to hula who
did he?
He did not
delay. When I mentioned Islam to him. No, did he hesitate?
Immediately. Immediately he said I showed you a la ilaha illallah wa
Chateau and Acharya Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
So Jamal Muslimeen.
The MACOM the station of Abu Bakr radula Anna,
this is what we need to look at today.
And juxtapose it
to this statement that was made
and then we will realize how
and how a stray is the individual that made the statement.
May Allah subhanaw taala guide him to come back to the heart.
We make that to offer him
so Abu Bakr of yellow Tabata, Kota, Iran. He embraces Islam,
and how excellent
he implemented his Islam
to the degree one day when our beloved Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu Sallam
your host of Sahaba is encouraging them to do good deeds and he asks
Minko man Minko milliohm us Bahasa Eman Whom have you today woke up
and they are fasting
Min Min
Min Min
Min Min cumin Yom unfocussed Allah Miskin.
She'd Who of you today is fasting?
Who of you today follow the janazah?
Who have you today?
went to go visit a sick person
who have you today spent money on a poor person of a rock and put
his hand and said the Prophet said Salah Salem mage The man
said never will these four things come together in a person except
that they are guaranteed entry into gender.
And of course
I shouldn't be machinable gender I should have come over. Who are
The Prophet said Salah Salem in an authentic hadith Abu Bakr Phil
Jana will Omer filled Jana.
What was the man Phil Jana Wiley, Phil Jana.
We're updraft man even Oh Phil Jana
was sat
across from Jana.
Wa told her even obeyed enough in Jana
was there even was it Phil Jana?
These were the 10 that are guaranteed gender
these are the words that are
called Allah tomato mozzarella if you Kitabi he loves his brother
who bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim wat Serbia Kunal aluminet
mahadji Renewal Ansari, Alina, Mohammed bin Salman rotti Allah
who and whom
do I
I'm Jana ting TGD tactical and her colleague Dina V her Appa Valley
confusion of him
a Serbia Coonan Oh Wiluna those who came first, those who embraced
Islam first, from the more hygienic and those that came to
market to Medina will answer those from the ocean, the husband's in
and those who follow them with excellence.
Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allah
subhanho wa Taala the Morpho serum they say, never ever
does Allah subhanaw taala say He is pleased with the person that
you will ever be angry with that person they after
they were no more there was a different Who are these people?
Are they?
Are they who I'll keep Latane those who prayed
to be to mark this and then to the Kaaba
or are they the people of Bay are to read one.
They are to read one because I was one of the Palisades naka de Radi
Allahu Anil mumineen is you burn your own aka Dr. Shudra. Indeed,
Allah is pleased with those who took the pledge with you under the
Allah is pleased and then you have people expressing hate my of
Allah. Ma Allah.
Tomato Muslimeen
our beloved Prophet Muhammad,
Salah terapi was salam O Allah.
He says in the Hadith,
Allah Allah He was Harvey
O Allah O Allah, Allah companions.
Allah He was Hobie
Allah with regards to the protection of his companions
to Turkey to us hobby hobbies other than don't take my
companions as a target. Don't take my companions as a target.
Man, I have the home Furby hobby
woman of God the home Furby book The
See to it, whoever loves my companions.
It is because of the love for me that they love my companions.
And whoever hates my companions, it is because of their hatred for
that they hate my companions.
And whoever harms my companions, has harmed me, and whoever harms
me has,
is as if they have harmed Allah and if somebody harms Allah, He
will destroy them.
He will destroy them.
Tomato Muslim in has never ever enough time on the day of Joomla
to do justice to any topic,
but just a few points. So Abu Bakr radi Allah Tabata, Kota Allah
guaranteed Jana guaranteed the pleasure of Allah subhana Huhtala
never ever doubted the profit and loss and that is why he's acidic.
When the Prophet Samsung came back from Alice, Allison, our Mirage
and even some of the Muslims were saying, you know, what is this
And the kuffaar Qureshi when they went to Abu Bakr, he said, If the
Prophet said,
he has spoken the truth, in under the wire, and if he said that he
ascended to the heavens, he has also spoken the truth, and he
hadn't yet learned of the, of the Mirage
Sadiq Sadiq
Sedna, who because
he's so so longed to make the Hegira with our beloved Prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.
So that when the Prophet saw some came to him and said to him, that
he had been given the command to make the hijab
sit with focus if a survey or a suit Allah,
companionship or messenger of Allah. The Prophet said not
say the Aisha said Wallahi.
I had never in my life seen somebody crying from joy. Like I
saw a boubakeur Crying out of joy on that day, when he could be the
companion of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and he
when they went out
with the servant of Abu Bakr, Amity, beautiful Hira
and Abdullah ibn alright get the guide who got
Add them to Jebel Thor.
And they went into the cave and first Abu Bakr Raja Lang he went
into the cave to make sure that everything was safe for the
prophets of Allah salah.
And then he allowed the Prophet Salah Salem to go in when you do
over safely, and he stayed alone in that cave with Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam for three days and three nights.
On those three days and three nights, Abu Bakr radula and did
not see anybody else's face nor speak to anyone else except
Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and vice versa. Then he has named the
second of the two is whom I feel hard when they were in the cave.
If you're Coronis or hippie he doesn't in Allah hermana
when they were in the cave, when he said to his companion who is he
Muhammad salah, Salah, who is his companion, Abu Bakr
Allah says
if you're currently so happy he loved us and don't be afraid in
Allah man, Allah subhanaw taala is, is with us.
And the whole time
after they left the cave, in fact, in the cave
he was bitten by a scorpion, but he didn't want to make a sound
because he didn't want to disturb Rasulullah sallallahu himself
and the whole journey to Madina Munawwara Abu Bakr, radula Antara
tena Allah, Yemeni, but Tarlton Allah yesterday were targeted
amama who are Tarlton Khalifa who, sometimes going on his right
sometimes going on his left sometimes going in the front,
sometimes going in the back, just to make sure that the Prophet
samosa Lim is safe.
And who aside that is the true companion
in the surgical Hockman canadamark.
WOMAN Yeah, absolutely and fac woman ever rebels the man is a
dark shirt, the traffic and
the poverty is indeed the the true friend is the one that's always
with you.
If of Hoboken was
he was with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam
and he is the one that will even harm himself
to benefit you is the true friend, the true companion and he is the
one that if there are dark and difficult times that afflict you
He will and you are broken as a result, he will break himself into
little pieces to be the glue to stick you back together.
It's more tasty and beautiful in the Arabic language.
And then when they got to Medina, many of the people didn't know who
was Mohammed saw someone who was Abu Bakr Sahaba can immediately
took off his show, and held it above the head of Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam to shade him and then they knew who Mohammed Salah
Salem was and who was Abu Bakr
can you imagine
the story of someone
who was innocent
and as a result of what took place, say the Aisha was accused.
The monasticon partook in some others pot to quit them.
And no revelation came at first.
And as a result, the Prophet saw somebody didn't say anything. You
would think the father would you say, Oh, Mr. Joe, let's my
daughter. How can they say anything? No Allah Second. Second.
Because Allah had not revealed and the prophet had not spoken
Abubaker wasn't going to speak. And he never spoke until the
verses came down, declaring the innocence of Sita Aisha Omen
Momineen a Sadiq to Pinta Sadiq Radi Allahu Tabata was to Allah
tomato slimmin
what are the yellow tomato Tada and who are the
that mochi
when our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam passed away,
when Allah took him from this world, something the Sahaba had
not prepared themselves for.
And when it happened, there was utter confusion. Say the Ahmed
came out and said Whoever says Mohammed is dead or cut off his
And who stands up
you know, Allah subhanaw taala
who will lead the US cineraria Bush from being a day.
Bush run
Boehner your day.
Almost wanted to Allah. He first says the wind he first seems
The wind as a bearer of glad tidings that his mercy is coming,
the rain.
His mercy is coming the rain.
All of these things that I was talking about a gifted Sydney Abu
Bakr radula from the moment he embraced Islam
to his companionship with the Prophet saw some in the cave and
his journey on the Hegira to Madina Munawwara
this was as a mocha Dima as an introduction and an E Shara and
the direction who was going to be that person worthy of being the
Khalifa of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
no one said no I'm gonna send that to ever since Mohammed is dead
SallAllahu wasallam I'll cut off his head said no Omar
said no Abu Bakr Abdullah and he looked ominous It
was quiet. And he stood up and he said men Cornejo, Abu Muhammad and
for India Mohammed and Padma woman, Kenny Abdullah for in Allah
who were ever worshipped Mohammed salah, so let them know that
Mohammed is dead sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but whoever worships
Allah know that Allah is alive and cannot die.
Allah prepared him for that moment.
Ma Muhammad Allah Rasool then you recited the verses Muhammad is
nothing's ever messenger because the harlequin cobbly Russell, they
have come missing just before him after imirt Aquila and CalOptima
when the young collibra Allah Akbar you follow your door Allah
she was a huge was a huge is Allahu Sheikh Mohammed is
nothing's ever messenger Salallahu Salam, Allah who I know he was
selling them, they have come missing just before him if he had
to die or be killed when you turn your backs on Allah and whoever
turns their backs and Allah will not harm Allah in the slightest.
And Allah and Allah subhanaw taala will indeed reward those who show
He saved the day by the grace and mercy of Allah subhana wa Tada.
And then when they gathered at Saki for two bunnies
at the garden, belonging to one of the unsolved
and the unsolved said, let's choose an Amir from us and Amir
from you, meaning one from Mahajan and one from the unsought and say
Dharma said you cannot put two swords into one sheath.
And the you know what happened?
Abu Bakr radula he said, You're
a woman Give me your hand so I can pledge allegiance to you. Give me
your hand so I can pledge allegiance to you or Omer Ibaka.
Speaking to to Amara Ilan.
Omar radula and he says a you said that to the loony. You need to
kill Dooney
an akuna Amir Iran. Feed coalmine Fill him up.
He said what heaven is going to
shadow me or shade me and what Earth is going to hide me if I had
to be a leader for the people in which there is
is that hadith comes some scientists Malkoff. Some say it is
more for that if you are to take the man of Abu Bakr and put it
into the one hand of the scale, and the man of all the people of
the earth into the other hand, the man of Abu Bakr would have
outweighed the man of the entire people of the earth
and so Abu Bakr was chosen as the Khalifa and they said why? Why is
it Abu Bakr? Well, when the Prophet saw some became sick
he told Aisha that you have
to appoint Abu Bakr to lead Muslim in in Salah and then he heard
OMINOUS VOICE and he was upset he said no Abu Bakr and say the Aisha
she said Baba could use a CIF and
he's got such a soft heart and if he recites the Quran, he cries,
the prophet insisted, even the day when the Prophet was feeling a
little bit better, and he came into the masjid
and Abu Bakr radula and wanted to step back and the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam pointed that he should stay where he is. In fact,
it really started making the Salah and then Abu Bakr Abdullah and
when he saw that he lifted up his hands in the salon, he said
the fact that the Prophet SAW Selim was gonna allow him to lead
him in Salah.
he insisted to go back, and the Prophet went forward and he and he
led the salah.
And then afterwards, the Prophet saw some reprimanding him. Why did
you move back when I told you to stay put?
Abu Bakr Nadella and he said, how can the son of Abby kaha
stand in front of Rasulullah. He's Salah Salem,
the son of a buco half. In other words, look at the humility. So
they said on the day when they chose you Mr. Khalifa, why are we
choosing him? The answer was if the Messenger of Allah chose him
to lead us in our dean, how can we not choose him to lead us in our
It's about mostly mean I leave you with these words.
One day there was
there was a little bit of an argument between Sydney
and Sydney honorable Hapa radula and Houma
Sydney can have
like they say in some of the Arab countries have with hot blooded in
I was very quick to react quick on the draw, but not the hola Tabata
Kota and they were humans, but they were all righteous people.
And especially those who have been mentioned those who were promised
Jenner and which Allah subhanaw taala, who Allah subhanaw taala
was pleased with Allahu Akbar.
But they were still human beings. So immediately when he said, what
he said to set the hammer and he realized he shouldn't have said
it. He asked said the hammer for forgiveness, but said no one was
so upset. He just walked to his home and he closed the door.
Basically, in the face of said novabackup was said the hammer was
so upset. For what said Now what can I say to him? So since he
feels bad now so he goes to rasool Allah, Allah salah,
and he tells the Prophet saw somebody, what had happened
between him and normal, and that, you know, he was the one that was
in the wrong and he regrets it. But he asked for forgiveness from
Ramona and Omar didn't forgive him. The Prophet said, Allahu
young Pharaoh laka your Abubaker Allahu
Allahu young Pharaoh Lakia Abubaker. So he said three times,
Allah forgive you, oh Abu Bakr, ALLAH forgive you. Oh Abu Bakr,
ALLAH forgive you.
Then after a while, said Muhammad, he felt regret that he had not
accepted the Apology of,
of, of Satan Abu Bakr
because we know
Allah to Boone, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah to hit buena yoke
fear Allah Allah calm. What four was firewall, pardoning, forgive
one another, don't you want Allah to forgive you?
So I feel bad. So he went looking for setting up a bucket and he
couldn't find him.
So he went to the house of the prophets, Allah Salam, and he
entered the house for karma rasool Allah is Allah Allah Allah was a
lump move Baba and
the Prophet stood up he was angry, and immediately said,
he got up on his knees and he said,
ultimum your rasool Allah I'm the one who's in the wrong I'm the one
who's in the wrong with the Prophet saw Sam was not interested
in what
he was angry for what said Omar had done.
And then he said Mother Jamar, what is wrong with you? Look at
our center.
For character, we'll call her Abu Bakr saw Doctor. He said, Allah
sent me Allah sent me to you to the people are Omer and you people
said you've lied. And Abu Bakr said, You spoken the truth, Sani
be enough see family and he supported me with himself and with
his money for her untung Tyree Cooley Sahibi file and Tom tardy
Cooley Sahibi then won't you leave my companion alone, then won't you
leave my companion alone?
I say to that individual
and to all the individuals like him, leave the companions of Rasul
Allah is Allah Allah Allah wa sallam alone.
Because we are not going to stand for it. We will not allow it.
And, you know, living in this country
with all the problems that we have in the government, you would think
that the government would employ somebody that is now going to
insult okay. He made his forgiveness. He he made his
apology, he retracted his statement, but do you matter
Muslimeen that is not enough.
In nulla, how you derive your onion, Medina Armineh, Allah
those who believe the true believers and whoever makes an
enemy of a friend of Allah.
Allah will declare the war on that person so beware, be careful. May
Allah subhanaw taala
sustain our hearts water our hearts with a
love for him and and his companions. Radi Allahu Anhu Radi
Allahu Germain. That was one of our causes to raise our children
with the love for the companions of Rasulullah he sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, Allah subhanaw taala keep us steadfast, Allah sera to
Mr. Kim Illa. Jeannette, in working with Darwin and you've
handed a lot of anatomy was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh