Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 2 November 20181440
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The transcript covers the importance of Islam, including references to the holy grail, trial of wealth, covenant, and the "hasib" meaning in marriage. The importance of protecting one's identity and reputation during a trial is emphasized, along with the need for strong strong schedules for day youth. The importance of setting a strong schedule for day youth is emphasized, along with the need for strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong.
AI: Summary ©
All the builder him in a shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR
Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen What will suddenly what
will suddenly more solid and what to Sleeman earlier Connie Bhima
kami Ameerul MBA you were in Mill mursaleen
well I shall do Allah Allah in law who will you Solly Hain shadow
Anessa udana whenever Yena wa all demon our heavy burner Muhammadan
rasul Allah. Ha Tom will be evil mursaleen Salah Houma wa Sallim wa
Barik Isla has been a bee yield mean while Lee he was haha Bertie
Hill already may mean a bad
tomato was Slovenia Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
hola terracotta Allah fie Kitabi Hilah Aziz Barbaros bIllahi min
ash shaytani R Rajim
a U haul Lizzy in Manu Lata who la hora Rasulullah verta who knew to
come? And Tom to Isla moon? What Alamo Annamma LUCAM Whoa, do come
Pfitzner we're anomala heindel Who eduroam nauseam
we'll call it Allah.
Yeah, a eulogy in Manu in a Min Zhu Jie como la de como I do
welcome for her the room we're in full vertoz furrow whatever Viru
for in Lahore fool Rahim in
LUCAM Whoa, do calm Pfitzner while law who are under who a judo
nauseam. So the Kola who love him
tomahto Muslimeen.
To emphatic statements in the Holy Quran.
And this is a statement that Allah subhanaw taala is repeating, and
never ever does Allah subhanaw taala repeat something except for
the purpose of emphasizing its importance.
And this particular statement that Allah subhanaw taala is
is the statement of the reality of the trial of our wealth and our
These two go together,
the trial of our wealth, and the trial of our children.
In the first verse, Allah subhanaw taala and here we are going to see
a little unfurl.
I just wanted to add, it begins with verse number 27.
Where he says, Oh, those of you who believe,
do not betray Allah and His messenger
and do not betray the trusts that you have taken on.
Do not betray Allah and His messenger.
Why because when we say, a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa shadow
under Muhammadan rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what
are we doing? We are taking on a covenant with Allah and His
messenger that we will obey Allah and His messenger.
And one of the great
of the trial and tribulation
that Allah subhanaw taala afflicts the believers with
is to make manifest who are those who have fulfilled the covenant?
And who are those who have betrayed the covenant?
Or husband nurse who are you terracotta you're cool, Amanda
humbler you afternoon. Well Nakada for 10:11am in Tallinn Falaya
element Hola. Hola, Vina Sadako Walia elemental Caribbean
I just want to tell the season sort of blanket boot Alif la meme.
On your sauna Tara knows the true meaning of a todo for Lakota, two
broken letters, a Hasib a nurse, who does mankind think.
And you Turku that they're going to be left alone, or your call no
mana that they're gonna say we believe formula you stand alone
and that they're not going to be tested. And indeed We have tested
those who came before them in order that Allah might make
manifest, who are those who have been true to the covenant. In
other words, who have fulfilled the covenant and to make manifests
who are those who have belied the covenant. In other words, those
who have betrayed the covenant with Allah and His messenger.
So Allah Spano Tata reminds us do not betray Allah and His
Messenger, live your lives. And I start with myself in accordance
with the commands of Allah and the commands of our beloved Prophet
Muhammad Salah to rub your salamati when the UTI Rasul, fucka
dato Allah and as I was one of dialysis, whoever obeys the
messenger, it is as if they have obeyed Allah. Why because it's the
Messenger of Allah.
When they anticline in our he does not speak out of vain desire in
Who are you, you ha,
it is nothing but
Revelation inspired either the revelation via Jabril Ali Salam of
the uncreated speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Holy Quran,
or whatever he speaks is inspired to him by Allah, but he does not
speak out to vain desire. So that's the first command, do not
betray Allah and His messenger.
Be true to your covenant. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the
Holy Quran, that we have taken on by saying, this is the covenant I
shall do Allah Allah illallah wa shadow under Mohammedan Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam
your your Lavina Amanullah to hula how Arrazola what a whole new
Amana t come
and when we do betray Allah subhanho wa Taala and His
in not fulfilling our covenant in not living within the bounds that
Allah subhanaw taala sets for us. What do we end up doing? End up
betraying the trust that you have taken on?
What a whole new AMA and Tico antem Tala Moon whilst you know
what you are doing, Allah subhanaw taala tells us
and then it was one or two Allah says what Allah mu and nama Oh, do
come. And we're looking what Dooku fitna. And verily notice
that your wealth and your children are a child for you.
What Anila and the who are Giuliana Aldine and by Allah is
the greatest reward.
One of the greatest trusts
that Allah subhanaw taala has placed in our hands is the trust
of our wealth.
The trust of of our wealth doesn't belong to us. We're unfaithful
mimma Jana come mustafina fee and spend out of that which He has
made you trustees of
what's to come and your children, Allah?
What a great trust.
When Allah Subhana Allah grants us the beautiful gift of children and
places them as a trust in our care.
Likewise with our wives, or spouses,
when we took their hands in marriage, we took on a trust not
just with the father of the bride, or the caregiver of the bride,
because now we taking over that responsibility as men, speaking
specifically about, about the men, about the husbands when we said
Kaabil Tunica, haha, Linda fcbd Alec, I accept her marriage for
myself for the agreed amount. dowry.
What are we doing? We were taking on a trust with Allah and Amana,
a great Amana as our beloved Prophet Muhammad, Salah Salem,
states emphatically in the Farewell Sermon, he says for
Tacoma finisher for intercom occurs to Munna be amanatullah. Be
mindful of Allah with regards to your wives, for indeed you have
taken them as trust from Allah.
So the wife is given as a trust. And then and then the children the
offspring from that marriage have been placed primarily primarily
under the care of the Father, firstly, as a trust and then the
Kulu camera and Roku lucuma Sulan Andhra Yeti for Raja Raja and fie
Wahoo. Almost rollin and liberty Oka Mercado SallAllahu Sallam
while Mara to Missoula John.
I'm a Halle Beatty's OG her Okama kala Salah Allah Allah was Sallam
meaning of the Hadith, that all of you are shepherds and all of you
will be questioned about your flock. So the man, he is
responsible, he is going to be questioned about his duty over the
family, his responsibility, his trust that he's taken on with
Allah subhanaw taala by getting married and having children, and
likewise, his wife, she is also going to be questioned about her
duty and responsibility and the trust that Allah has placed in her
care Allah subhanaw taala makes it clear in the Holy Quran, in terms
of those roles and responsibilities, when he says
original Yukawa Mona Lisa,
men are the maintainers of women are the words the men they are the
duty bound breadwinners of the household,
female football Allahabad Omala bout
with by vet which Allah has favorite, some of them over over
others won't be uncommon for him. And because of that which they
spend out of their money, duty bound by Allah, duty bound by
Allah, for Solly how to call Anita to have you thought too little
raybaby Muhammad Allah. And so the pious woman, they are calling
Anita amorphous hereunder say Moochie at
the pious woman, they are those that obey their husbands in that
leadership position that always place them in, doesn't make them
superior to the wives, it just makes the responsibility or the
load that they are bearing a little bit heavier.
For Sally had to Connie tattooin. And so the pious woman, they are
obedient to their husbands in the obedience of Allah. In the
obedience of Allah, Lata attorney mahalo can female co2, colic,
there is no obedience shown to the creation, if it's in the
disobedience of the Creator, for Salah had to Karnataka don't have
Ivatan and they protect, what do they protect, they protect their
chastity in the absence of their husbands, and they protect his
ways his property, for Salah had to call it that will have evolved
to derive legal rights right me meaning when he is absent Bhima
Hafeez Allah by that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has enjoined
upon her to protect. So let's move on to Allah has given the
different roles and responsibilities. And these roles
and responsibilities are a trust by Allah that began to be
questioned about on the day of Yom Okayama.
Now let's come back to the topic at hand here.
And that is the trial of wealth connected to the trial of raising
Tomato Muslimeen, the divorce rate is through the roof.
I read an article recently where it said that in America, out of
every 100 marriages, they all study for divorces in America. And
it says South Africa is not trailing to very far behind I
think 2015 You can correct me for 1000 or 10,000 or so. But plus
minus. They were in 2015 Just over 100,000 210,000 marriages in South
Africa. And there was about 55,000 divorces.
Plus minus you can correct me
for a few 1000 here or there. And that's without speaking about
especially in our community where majority of Muslims are not
married in the court
on America home affairs
and yet our divorce rate is also sky high.
And why Allah subhanho wa Taala
speaks about the trial of wealth before he speaks about the trial
of children. Have you ever thought about that, in both these verses?
That I have made mention of in this photo but today, I just
wanted to Anna in the first verse he says while mo Annamma
do come looking what will lead to conflict now.
The first one he says and know that your wealth and your children
or a trial for you. And in other words in NEMA innama very powerful
article this is
in the merge called a DA
To the hacer la casa.
It is useful for absolute emphasis in other words without any
your wealth and your children are a great trial for you.
And I have pondered over this.
And I thought to myself, Well, it certainly doesn't have anything to
do with our attachment or our love.
Because nobody loves money more than they love their children.
Well, at least, we would give the benefit of the doubt to most human
beings, decent human beings. Otherwise, I think you'll see more
children for sale on Gumtree
especially with the problems that they're giving their parents. So
nobody loves wealth more than they love the children.
I thought about it, well, Allahu Allah. And Allah subhanaw taala
knows best. But it is as if Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us
that unless you pass the trial of Wes, you will not pass the trial
of your children. Why? Because it'd be too busy chasing after the
And this is what happened, what's happening. And
in a lot of cases, divorce is happening because of finances
because of money.
And then who pays the price the children because now it's a broken
And remember that the family is the water is the axis of the
society. It's the axis around which the entire society revolves.
A good strong family equals a good strong society. A good strong
Muslim family equals a good strong Muslim society.
So we need to understand where are we going wrong
in failing the trial of wealth, and therefore failing the trial,
and the trust of the children that Allah subhanaw taala has placed in
okay, and that he's going to question us especially as as
husbands and fathers, Allah is going to question us about on the
day of Yom Okayama
Yeah, you will, Adina Amanu, who I'm full circle, Polycom, Nara are
those of you who believe, save yourselves.
Or Polycom Aliko
can mean wives. And it can mean wives and if you have children.
So save yourselves and your wives. And if you have your children from
the fire,
the atoms have a saying a share or two off will be Didya. Things are
known by the opposites. So if you're saving your family from the
fire, where are you taking them? Taking them to Jana?
Are those of you who believe Save yourselves and your wives? And if
you have your children from the fire, it's fuel is men and stones?
What is almost one of Allah say to them and save yourselves
speaking directly to us?
Does it mean that you must first worry that if there's a Boeing 747
fueled on the runway, probably not South African Airways but anyway,
that's another topic for another time. A Boeing 747 fueled on the
runway ready to take off for Jana, that we must first make sure that
we've got seats.
The men and then if there's any seats left over then you worry
about, about the wives and the children. Is that what it means?
No, of course not. What it means is Save yourselves, you men, you
fear Allah first.
You men, you make sure you're being mindful of Allah first
human, you make sure that you're implementing the laws and
commandments of Allah subhanaw taala into your lives first.
Why? So that you can be a practical example for your wives
and your children to follow?
Or wife, depending you know,
because the man is like the sun
and the woman is like the moon
and this is not my similitude This is Allah similitude This is
Allah's messenger Allah is example when he lie he'll methyl Allah and
for Allah is the best of examples.
What's the example that was one of the Allah mix in the Quran? The
dream of the use of Ali salaam what is called the use of fully a
be here abt in Neeraj a to cover was shamsur will come around a to
whom? Lisa G Dean
and call to mind when Joseph peace be upon him abuse of La Santa when
he said to his father Oh my father
via Google is Surah Surah Al when he said to his father, Jacob,
oh my father, I am seeing in a dream 11 stars and the sun and the
moon prostrating themselves before me
who the 11 stars his brother's
Tribune is Shem Yun and I shouldn't Neftali and Levy and
Binyamin and use of use of he's the one telling the story, the 12
Sons of Nabil jacobellis Salaam. Now the use of says his 11
brothers in the dream as stars
was Shamsa, the cover and the sun and the moon, the sun is who the
Son is his father
and the moon is his mother.
Now why should the father be
the symbol
of the similitude for the Father, and the moon be the similitude or
the symbol for the mother? Quite simply, as the last one at Allah
says about the sun and the moon.
What Jah Kumar Rafi Hiner Nora,
for gyla shumsa. See Raja,
who Allah the Jalla Shams of the year,
while camara Laura, two different verses I was one of Allah says in
the first verse, and he has made the moon in the firmament in the
heavens, as a light
as a light. And he has made the sun as a lamp.
What's the difference?
The lamp is the emitting light, and the node, the Suraj. And the
node is the reflecting light, like the sun. And the moon
was speaking about the sun is the emitting light the Siraj and the
moon is the reflecting light. And this is how the father and the
mother should be. That light of guidance in the home has to start
with the Father. And it has to reflect off the mother.
When he Jalla Shamsul dia, the other word that he uses in the
second verse, He has made the son as of the year about a Ubu. Which
means light that is emitted, illuminating light, illuminating
light over lady Jalla Shams of the year will cover an aura and he's
made the moon as a reflecting light.
So begins with us.
We think no, no, no, I'm just My duty is that I must go and make
the pizza.
That's all my duties. I make the pizza. I leave everything else to
my wife.
This is a fallacy.
This is a fallacy. Yes, at the end of the day, like many people say,
if Dean comes into the life of a man that comes to his doorstep,
and if Dean comes in to the life of a woman it goes into the home
is in terms of practice, maybe why because the mother spends more
time with the children traditionally, nowadays, so many
of our sisters
and blame it on society. But at the end of the day, it's us that
are sending our daughters to university, don't get a career, go
and become a corporate woman, become an accountant become a
lawyer become you know, something that is looked up to in society
forgetting that this is not the primary role of a woman.
We've actually taken the primary role of a woman
and we've put it under our shoes
for a woman to be in a home for a woman to be the University of the
child and OMO madressa, tune in
to Siobhan to Yibin Araki that Ahmed showcases the mother is a
madrasa. She's a university.
If you prepare her well meaning our daughters, if we prepare our
daughters well to be mothers, then you have prepared a nation of
great pure stock.
But no we instead we are preparing our daughters to be career woman.
And I would say there's nothing wrong with a woman having a
career. But as long as she understands is that that's not her
primary role not by Riyadh was by Allah by Allah.
In actual fact, if you hear the first time that Allah subhanaw
taala speaks about the creation of the first woman. What does he say?
Who Allah the Halacha Coleman FC Wahida wahala caminha Xiao Jia Hua
li a schooner ILAHA.
It is He Allah was created
Did you from a single soul? And he has made from that soul a partner
for that soul? Why? Lee? Yes Qunar ilaya That he might find repose in
her. What's repose?
Peace, comfort, tranquility, tranquillity, contentment. Why?
Because he's out there
trying to bring in the lawful sustenance for the family, making
his effort in the path of Allah subhanaw taala. As a believer,
we're speaking about the believers.
That was one of the to Allah make us of the true believers. I mean,
he goes out every day in search of that law for sustenance, but he
has to toil This is the nature
that's also not Allah said to them and how I don't eat from the tree.
Why? Because what will happen, you will be taken out of the garden
for Tesh, CA. And then he turns only to Adam and says and you will
have to toil
he's speaking in the duel when he says La taka Raba. Don't go near
to the tree. And you reject Kuma that you will both be taken out of
the garden. But then he turns to Adam and says for test QA and then
you will be the one that left to toil. Why? Because it's not how
duty she is not the breadwinner. She is not duty bound to go out
and toil, you are the one that is designated to go and toil to go
and sweat to go and work hard to feed your dependents to put a roof
over their head to put clothing on their backs. So after going out
for the day, and toiling and sweating,
maybe having to heckle with this customer and being reprimanded by
one supervisor and being called into the office by one's boss.
He gets home in the evening and he knocks on the door
and the door is opened and yours. A Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullahi
wa barakatuh
welcome home my loving husband, how was your day to day and
immediately all of that worry and anxiety all of that hum and that
drum what happens to it? Second, it becomes still and he feels
peace. Man, Ellen Merle, by the taco live in Manhattan saleha in
another la ha Serato what is the Amara tattoo? What is the arc sama
Allah Abara to
our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Lawson says in the Hadith,
never ever has a man attained anything after being conscious of
Allah better than a pious wife. If he looks at her, he's pleased.
He's happy. I'm home, Honey, I'm home.
If he looks at his pleased, feels piece, feels contented, feels
happy, feels tranquil.
If he commands her to do something within the boundaries of Allah,
She obeys Him. And if he takes an oath against her, she frees him
from that oath. SubhanAllah. But then again, we might be thinking,
I wish my wife could be like that. But are we a pious husband? To our
pious wives? We want our wives to be pious, but we are scoundrels
whether they are the biller, we seek refuge in Allah from being
scoundrels. Most of the time it says, I will kabisa to little
hobby thing Well, hobby sooner little hobby that will pay you
badly to you been worth it to you. But
the scoundrel woman or for the scoundrel men, and the scoundrel
men are for the scoundrel woman and the good, pious woman or for
the good pious men and the good pious men or for the good pious
In fact, this is the tafseer the great Tabori, sir aw Musa EWB
his daughter, half of the two Quran
she's reciting the Quran one day, and she gets to Robina attina for
dunya, Hassan
of ill ash Irati Hassan, Allah grant us the goodness of this life
and the goodness of the hereafter.
So he asked her, you have been T mother for him Tim and Al Quran.
Oh, my daughter, what have you understood from the Quran? She
says, Yeah, but enough for him to Kula yet in kulesza in Illa, Iowa.
He says, I've understood the whole Quran except for one verse, and
she recites that verse, Oh Allah grant us the goodness of this life
and the goodness of the hereafter. Then she says, Amma has an
affinity for here. My rufa here, Jana, as for the goodness of the
Hereafter It is well known it is Jana paradise
familia hasn't had the dunya. So what is the goodness of this life?
Oh my father.
So he looks at doing he smiles and he says Binti, Hassan dunya Zo
jetten saw Liza Jean Solea. She's on my daughter. The goodness of
this life is a good pious woman, a good pious wife for a good pious
husband. That was one that Allah make us pious husbands for our
pious wives.
But it starts with us tomorrow Muslim.
We have to set the example.
And we have to be very mindful. Yes, times are tough. The petrol
is going up again. Inflation is through the roof.
There's a recession in the country.
A lot of our wives are forced out of necessity to go and work.
But that does not come without preconditions.
That does not come without
Because if we don't have the era for our wives, then as our beloved
Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem describes in the Hadith lie at the
Quran agenda today use the day youth will not enter paradise. The
day youth will not enter Paradise, the Sahaba has many they use your
Rasulullah who is the de youth.
So the Prophet answered men now here at Allah, the man has got no
Hera. He doesn't worry what's happening to his wife at work,
whether she is being hit on
who said an Africans say what COBOL
the men at work Kevin and logician venation Steven
are going to Tom flirting with his wife.
And he's not worried about it, my Allah, we seek refuge in Allah
subhanaw taala from that, so we have to make sure that the
environment in which our wives are working is a safe environment,
where they are respected, where they are honored, where they are
not sexually abused.
Because then the sun is going to fall on us Valaria to Billa.
So this is the situation that we find ourselves in that many women
are going out to work.
But it still does not absolve us of the responsibility that we have
over our children.
The trust that Allah Tala is placed in okay.
And very often what is happening, we get so focused on the money
that you forget about the children.
Okay, some people are just struggling to make ends meet. But
other people know we want to grow the business.
We want the second home, we want another car, want to go on a nice
So we must work harder and longer hours. And where did we leave the
children? Put them in daycare?
Leave them with a neighbor
or buy the food bouquet of DSTV and give them each remote.
And then we wonder why our children are growing up without a
solid foundation of la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah
sallallahu Temecula Simeon I'm going to stop there. And inshallah
we'll continue next week, which is very important topic.
A topic firstly for myself. And then for all of you, how are we
going to fulfill our responsibilities as husbands and
as wives in order that we can create that good strong Muslim
family in order that we can be a good strong Muslim community? Or
ask you to Dawa Anna and Al Hamdulillah Alameen wa salam
alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh?
Just an announcement here
Oh, it's just for Muhammad Ali Ben and his nephew Nazim Ben
and also for Rashad Cupido of Kensington are all celebrating
their birthdays.
Allah subhanaw taala grant us all long life in the obedience of
Allah subhanaw taala grant health and strength from the data heal
all of our sick and shower mercy on all our disease to accurate
Dhawan Alhamdulillah
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
shadow under Mohammed was
fine yada Sean
Hi Yato
Alhamdulillah Hiro belie let me know
you're a big turtle Are you still are you gonna Europe via the New
Zealand citizen Obinna Europe. BMO, for regional Kuru, before
rich Kuru bunna you're a bi Lamelo you will be Kenosha Roma Homina
Homina are gonna hug back or hug them on your checkbook or hug the
amillennial curry buena de la Hogback Yeah, Ali member Celtic
Jacobi rhombi Celtic y'all are doing some big Celtic also have
been Bhima Jarrah to be hidden makadi in Kerala coalition in
Cadiz, I shall do a La ilaha illa lor, Yamuna dunya who struggle was
a Rahul Emin l mo to a table with Turton. We'll call Bruce and
duchal Amman madressa to either the
Shaban to yubel Araki. What I should do Anessa you don't know
when to be you know what all the men or what have you been a
Mohammed and Rasulullah Bala rissalah. Amana also have our Casa
Loma which had the Fila haka jihadi had Julio Kane Bella de la
ola become de Kashia for deja vu Gemma de alguma Jimmy OH kosali He
solo Allah He were early Salah Allah. Allah Ahuja LML Houda Maha
button nessa woman had a kill hammer in a MOBA. I do fear
hometel. Islamia harassing Aqeedah Illa as era till Curam is Narooma
Ila malerkotla Humala, Anna Tabata, Cosmo thi kita B Hill
Azeez badger also bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim La La mu and nama
Alaikum hola do confit sinner, and Allah anda who ajira nauseam will
call the Tala in
LUCAM What do come Pfitzner will Allah Who under who a judo nauseam
so duck hola hola in the hotel affordable. We had the hill a year
nurtured anonymously Mina I will match them and I will Muslim
nurtured lacquered Kathira fit Talaq were in the last Surah Al
Muslimah is in fact cut Nigeria a name which Tamara Sophie unfuck
for your hotel affordable eyeliner kerajaan an akuna minal Lavina you
cut the moon, coldwater Allama Leah?
Come on. Amara am Allah subhanho wa Taala Yeah, you're Latina Amanu
qu fossa come early coonara We're in fina Delica la jedna is a
condemnor the code
While Hashanah, lava Jana and Muslim at a Salih heart setup. So
your Coonamble Mozart, these nila, Allah had the day in a row to
become in Hoonah que la Hona Wilma Adorama Hona Hoonah madrasa to
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam your colouful Habibollah
Mustafa lb Relyea blur with them Bula Yun sir with de Yan hula mod
ml machine to come to D new to Dan while your Kulu Kulu bunny de
Mahato on Walker hotter in a toga Moon
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Chateau La Ilaha illa Allah who
will use solid green eyeshadow Anessa you don't know when to
begin a while the men are Habiba. Now Muhammad and Rasulullah
Houghton will Ambia it will mursaleen a MOBA un Muslim Moon
will see C'mon FC al Madani beta one and beta Kalita Allah Watteau
RT forgot to call Allah NFE kita Vela Aziz brotherhood bIllahi min
ash shaytani R rajim. Yeah you and Adina Armand toquilla, haka,
Ducati wala to move to LA and two Muslim on record the call
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it tequila Hi Suma Conte.
Very Seattle has an atom Ha ha ha alakina. So before looking
Hassanein work through arriba Allah we know Salatu was Salam ala
Isla so you do well have you been Toby? Mohammed in tubal Kulu Viva
la Burnie where she will noodle about sorry will do in Hola Hola,
Mila Yuka to you. So Luna, Allah Nebby here are your Latina Amanu
Sallu Allah He was selling with a slimmer
Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohamed Kuma Salah Tada
Ibrahim while early Ibrahim barbaric Allah Muhammad Ali
Mohammed come about Abdullah Ibrahim while early Ibrahim
Filomena in the kehamilan Majeed, one of the Allahumma and holofoil
Rashid in Abu Bakr Omar was manually one it has anyone has
anyone who by the way will remain one Saturday early after you've
been auto healing will answer any Sahaba t OG marine biometric
Hermetica Yahama Amin alumna is Al Islam and Al Muslimeen or Ali
before he could tell him tell her to a dean almost one and a few
Philistine was because of her certain your ability. I mean,
almost sort of one unofficial Johanna perhaps from auditor
Norman Allah Masuda one of them started our fina Phil Yemen was
equally makan Alana Sonam was a bit academic era Bill Alameen
about Allah in Allah yet Moodle belatedly will exam where it will
Kuba warrior in her annual fracture you will Moon curry will
belly he already come la la come to the karoun como la salatu
Camilla Hama Kamala Joaquin sauna.
Two similar to
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was still diluted
also satirical halal. So sofa combs are in lettuce way to soften
into mammoth Salah heels in line shoulder touching shoulder close
all the gaps and please make sure that all cell phones are on silent
or switched off
along with
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah he robbed Bella let me
otter off Emanuel right writing MADI Kiyomi D. Hey, y'all can
Abdulla you're kind of staring Dino see it all on what's stopping
Serato Latina Namta RNA him lawyer will walk through behind him one
on all knee
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Juan Doha have one daily is Sergio ma
dhankar on Bukoba Kala, while FIRA to her Uralic Amina al o la Wala.
So for you to encounter Abu CalHFA Toro la la mia GDK a team
will gender count board
for hada over gender
For Amalia Jima fala taco how what I'm Miss Illa Furla tun how
Binya maturo big forehead this Allahu Akbar
somebody Allahu Neeman Hamidah
Allah all a quote
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
Allah all Kabul
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah Yura Bilad Amin off
Manuel Rashi Rafi Mima Nikhil me Dean, a young cannot boudoir,
yuckiness Stephanie Do you not see it autonomous stalking? See your
auto Latina and I'm to ID him while you're in Moscow behind him
one on clean
Bismillah Daniel Rockman you're rocking team could
you help for your own
Abu Dhabi who don't want
to be doona a Buddha will
be Doom I bet tomb
to Mojave dune
on Buddha Larcom de Nukem one year the rain
Samia la halimun Hamidah
along with
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar
Allah Allah
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. As Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah
has gone through a lot of stuff and a lot of the mistakes of a lot
of the material but Allah will Omona to read on a salute to
butter mobile Sirata in the home to Oberheim
manga Rahim Allah wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala
Sayyidina Muhammad was heavy but it was sent him a llama and to sit
him I mean consider him to Barack to do jewelry with the Quran. So
we know what alternative a frog or a banana were illegal mossy, when
a high level of quality level Olalekan all the
land I mean as Virginia was a real Tina Cora to what John Linwood
Tokina. Emma
zone al Horford Abby miles Subaru. When you look down a fee her
Dieter was Alana Khalid in a fear Hassan it was Takara uomo karma
Robina Valentina and fusina are illimitable free Luna water Hannah
Jana Coonan nominal ha serene masala ala Sayyidina Muhammad in
the below me while early was off, we were very puzzling. So behind
the Robocop Bellagio, seafood was salam ala ala l Mursaleen. Al
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen