Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 1 April 2022

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The video discusses the history and potential of Islam, including its obligation to solve problems and the use of the Qibla in repairs to the heart. The speakers emphasize the importance of fasting as a powerful and spiritual rebirth, and discuss various examples of hiding from someone and reciting scripture to impress people. The concept of protecting oneself is emphasized, and the speakers stress the need for a strong foundation to stay strong. The segment also touches on the potential danger of showing off during events and the importance of staying healthy.
AI: Transcript ©
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get to these

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30120 All the below so Milani Minnesota on the regime Bismillah

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R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam

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o Salat and water Sleeman yearly economy MACOM Ameerul MBE were

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Immerman more saline washer the welder Illa Allah Who will you

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solve the pain? I shall do Anessa Janna whenever you know all the

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men are happy Ben and Mohammed and Rasulullah her term will be even

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more saline. Salah Hama, wa Sallim wa Barik Allah has to be yelled I

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mean, why, early he also Huberty he laboral may Amin Amma bad or

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Bashar Holly Saudi will your silly Emery Well, hello Okada, Tamil

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Disseny of Cali tomato similar cinema de como rahmatullahi wa

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called Allah to Baraka ILF he Kitabi Hilah Aziz back there with

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the villa him in a show you Tanya regime. Here you hold Adina aman

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quotevalet como CM will come cootie the island lady Nam in Cabo

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de comme la la contact taco. Am I do that Femen condeming comm read

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on our suffering determine a Yamanaka

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Well, Isla de neotame, hakuna, Edina ut Hakuna who feed your tune

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to Alma Miskin, Furman Tato wa Hiram for whoever you want to sue

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how you lock them In Kuntum Tala Moon Shahara Madonna lady goon

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Zilla V Hill Quran Huda Linda see what the United mean alHuda well

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for con feminine Shahid Amin commercia, Hara folia, some among

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Karna Meridian Allah Allah suffering that to mean

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you read Allah who become a user of Allah you read to become an

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author. Well, he took me to light that led to Kabiru Allah Allah

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Maha Dokkum well I love Come test Kuru Sadhak Allah Allah the

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verses now number 183

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through to 185 of Soto baccarat

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when 83 to 185 of Surah Al Baqarah.

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Allah subhanaw taala in these verses,

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he speaks to us about the prescription

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about the obligation

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about the compulsory act of fasting

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and its purpose.

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Allah subhanaw taala begins addressing the believers

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here are you held the denominator of those of you who believe could

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be behind a chromosome fasting has been prescribed for you. It's been

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made compulsory on you.

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Now the office sitting they

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have some difference of opinion regarding what fast was prescribed

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to the Muslims before Ramadan

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or the amorphous

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Sitting, they are having differences of opinion about what

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this fast is referring to.

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Is it referring to the fasting or the type of fasting it was done in

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Ramadan that was in abrogated? Or is it referring to a type of

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fasting that was done before Allah subhanaw taala revealed the

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obligation of fasting the month of Ramadan.

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The opinion about it being a another kind of fast is a strong

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that before

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around Ramadan was made obligatory, which happened a month

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and a few days before the Battle of British

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butter took place on the 17th of Ramadan.

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And Ramadan was made obligatory, one month and a few days before

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the Battle of butter.

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So a few weeks and when I read this hon Allah I thought of myself

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because of Hamdulillah I embraced Islam two weeks before Ramadan.

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But that's another story for another time inshallah.

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And what they used to fast before Ramadan, before Ramadan became

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obligatory for them to fast.

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They used to fast three days of every month, and they used to fast

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Yo Ma Shuara. And he used to fast the day off of Ashura. That was a

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fart upon them. In the prophets of them came to Medina and he found

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the Jews fasting Ashura, he asked him about it and they said, that

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is the day that Allah saved Musa and Bani Israel from Quran where

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God and his army

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for sama who shook really Allah He to Allah, and so they fostered it

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out of things to Allah subhanaw taala so what did the Prophet say

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Salah Samson, he said an older b mu some income I have more right

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over most of the new because they had been already straight from the

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killing of Allah's prophets, transgressing his boundaries,

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disobeying His commands, belying His signs. And so Mohamed Salah

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who says that all the Gambia are brothers for Dino home wha hate

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and the religion is one

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claims and states the fact that indeed, he has more right over

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Musa alayhis salam than what they do. And so he fasted Ashura wa

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Amara BCM II and he commanded the Sahaba to fastener was it was a

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Florida it was compulsory.

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Only when

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Ramadan was made obligatory.

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Then, in fact, two things were abrogated. When the prophets also

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arrived in Medina 16 months after he arrived in Medina,

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Qibla was changed. So the old Qibla facing Masjid lochsa was

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abrogated, and the new Qibla was established. Al Qaeda and Masha

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Rafa and Ashura and the three days of every month was abrogated from

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a variable to a sunnah. It was abrogated to a compulsory act to a

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optional supererogatory act. And Ramadan became the new compulsory

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fast. So that is what is meant in this verse, according to the

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Scroop of Mafia city. When I was one of dialysis here you had a

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dinner I'm gonna cootie Valley Kumasi come cootie by 11am in

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public fasting has been prescribed for you just like it was

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prescribed and those who came before you. Just like Musa Nabi

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Musa alayhis salam and Bani Israel faster. So you also fast and

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what's the purpose of fasting in general look into the code in

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order that you might develop Taqwa. Now,

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the previous two weeks, we spoke about preparing our hearts for the

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month of Ramadan because Ramadan what's the purpose of it? To

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repair the shield of Taqwa?

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To repair the shield of Allah consciousness

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to repair the shield of discipline

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of patience and perseverance in the obedience of ALLAH SubhanA wa

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Tada it's the purpose of fasting.

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The famous Hadith codici

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kala Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam call Allah to Allah

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Kulu Amman living in Adam Allah Illa sohm for in the holy GCB.

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All of the actions of mankind they have a portion they in except for

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fasting. It's only for me and I reward the fasting person

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Why can fasting be only for Allah? Because you can't show off. There

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is the potential for for showing off in every action in Salah in

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pings occur

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in going on Hajj there is potential for you

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said no Sidama Abdullah and he came into the masjid and he found

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a man making salah. And with his head lowered, physically lowered

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like this, looking very pious and humble in his Salah. So said Ahmed

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said Yeah, Heather Lacell, who for recall, in the man who will elope?

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So he said, oh you man, meaning you silly man. Who is your

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submission and surrender to Allah doesn't lie in the neck. It lies

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in the heart.

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So this potential for showing off now let's monitor Allah save us

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Allahumma dahil Cubana, Menindee FOC while sinner tena Amin al

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Why are you international piano in Nikita Allah Maha in Atilla you

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need to do

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beautiful to our beloved Prophet salallahu Salam, O Allah purify

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our hearts of hypocrisy, and our tongues from lies

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and our actions from show

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and our eyes from deception and treachery, for indeed, you know,

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the treachery of the eye and that we charge in the hearts of

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mankind. So,

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showing off extremely dangerous in fact, it is the thing that the

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Prophet feared, mostly for us.

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He didn't fear that

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idols were going to be again worship features zero feature zero

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to Arab in the Arabian Peninsula,

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or that stones or wood would be worshipped.

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But the thing that he feared for us most

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and he says it in a hadith he says in the aquifer ma Aleikum, a

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shield could occur

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in aquifer Morocco for Aleikum in the aquifer, ma ha for ally COMM A

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Shere Khan, Oscar, the thing that I fear most for you. He said Allah

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Salam is the minus Schilke. The minor association of partners in

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the worship of Allah Sahaba were petrified because they knew the

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danger of Sheikh

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so they asked, Well, Michelle Carlos Correa rasool Allah, for

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Carlos en la Santa Maria says, What is the minor shield? What is

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the minor association of partners in the worship of Allah? So the

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Prophet answered, Salam Salam, he said, showing off the words, doing

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an action not purely for the sake of Allah,

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perhaps doing it partly for Allah, but also partly to show others to

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impress others.

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And this is so dangerous because in the day of Yamaka, Yama, that

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person will have to go and ask the reward from the one that they were

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showing off for.

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Not from Allah subhanaw taala, who is the only one who can reward on

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the day of Yom Okayama. So fasting is so special, that there is no

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potential for showing off. Its potential for showing off and

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Salah potential for showing off when giving Zakka potential for

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showing off. When going on Hajj.

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Like there was a man who went for hajj, he had a shop.

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And when he returned from Hajj, let's say his name was full and

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full. I mean, so and so for Lance shop, so he put, he wrote a new

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sign had for lunch shop.

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He went again, a few years later, he came back change the sign

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again, had had for lunch shop,

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wanted the people to not be in for lunch twice. And so he went three

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times. He put another hajiman four times, there was no space to write

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another hedge whose he was he trying to impress.

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But there's no potential for show

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when one fasts I mean, you can't go up to somebody thinking like a

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boss egg for that. Nobody knows we are fasting except Allah subhanaw

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taala and that's why I've never made sense of the,

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of the mindset of

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the person that goes around the corner,

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you know, to eat a sandwich in Ramadan.

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in fact, I know somebody

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in non Muslim.

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He used to work in the Muslim areas.

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Of Okay, I won't say where.

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But there was majority Muslim people were living and working in

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that area. And he actually came to me. He told me one day he said

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that during the month of Ramadan, this man climbed into his truck

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and he said, just make sure that nobody's watching because you know

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Oh it's Ramadan I'm supposed to fast but I'm so hungry. So he got

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very upset. He told him please just go get out of my van and go.

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So he told me Listen, and I contemplated over this. Who is he

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hiding from?

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Your cell phone? I'm in a nurse, when are you stuffing them and

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Well, who am I? Who am

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Allah says they seek to hide from people, but they don't seek to

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hide from Allah. They don't try in other words, they don't try to

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hide from Allah. They try to hide from people, but they don't try to

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hide why don't they try to hide from Allah? Because he can't.

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He will bury when he knows that which is in the landfill in the

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He even knows

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the leaf that falls from a tree

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not a single leaf falls from a tree except that he knows about

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Well a habit in Fetullah metal out though is the recede, buried in

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the darkest depths of the earth without dipping what I have is no

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Is there any living organism or any dead matter for that matter?

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In Luffy Kitab imobie Except that it's in a book recorded by Allah

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subhanaw taala

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so no hiding from Allah.

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See rucola Ruby in Hua Halima b that is to do with you say

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something in secret. You say it loudly out in the open Allah knows

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it which hides in the hearts of mankind. You think Allah doesn't

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know a man hiding in somebody's truck eating a sandwich in the

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month of Ramadan?

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My other law

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Alima Merkin well Ali mama your * well Ali mama say your Khun

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Whalley muy muy Allah Kouwenhoven O'Connor que for Kenny a call, he

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knows that which was and he knows that which is and he knows that

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which will be and he even knows that which will not be and if it

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had to be how it would be.

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So fasting is very special effect the Prophet said he said I lay can

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be so calm for in alarm if Lala

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said fast because there's nothing like fasting

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it's, it's an incredibly powerful and spiritual rebirth. Because

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number one, it can only be done for the sake of Allah can show off

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can only be done with glass with sincerity.

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And its spiritual and even physical and psychological

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benefits are innumerable.

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Said Hamdulillah.

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That special month is knocking on our on our doors again.

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completing this point about

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about this hadith of the sea

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Kurama living in Adam Allah Illa song for endo li GCB

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the Alhaji. So courtesy begins all of the actions of mankind they

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have a portion they in except for fasting. It's only for me and I'm

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the one who rewards a fasting person.

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Then the words of the prophets Allah Salam Carmen

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was so Madonna and fasting is a shield.

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Fasting is a shield. Now this a number of rewired

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that one can find about this concept of was so much Juna for

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fasting is a shield. And this is how it automatically builds up the

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shield of Taqwa. Because, in fasting, one has to shield oneself

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from one Schauerte

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from one's lusts from one's desires, shall go to the bottom

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will show what will forage the desire of the stomach to eat and

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drink and the desire of the private parts, to be intimate with

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one spouse.

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So one literally has to constantly be shielding oneself

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from these desires, and this is the perfect training.

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This is the perfect exercise. In order to repair that shield, of

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Taqwa that shield of Allah consciousness, that shield that we

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place between ourselves between our hearts and every type of

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behavior that would bring upon us the displeasure of ALLAH SubhanA

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wa taala.

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in fact, one of the rewired

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of this hadith call Antabuse Salah Salem, was cm who Juna

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Kaduna to fill Kitaen

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that fasting is a shield like a shield that one of you would use

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in battle.

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Because remember, we are in

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constant battle.

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shaitan never takes a break.

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Yeah Musa la Tada Mahabharata shaytaan ma dama through hookah

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fee but Denecke for Inula Yaga. Omaha Roberta Kappa

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and Arthur CUDA, C. O Musa. Never leave your battle with the shaitan

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as long as your soul is in your body, for he will never ever leave

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his battle with you.

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He never goes shaytaan doesn't go on holiday.

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Satan doesn't take a lunch break, human, whoever you knew who who

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will copy Lou, he and his his followers, they never take a

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very very important that we should make the shield ever strong.

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The like a shield that we would use in battle to defend ourselves

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from the evil temptations and invitations of Satan. In fact, we

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have four enemies the poet's is in nibbly to be in your Mooney be

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nobly and CO Singla toe Tiru he believes who will never see what

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dunya well how are Europe in philosophy philosopher the Euro

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indeed I have four enemies

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like four arrows shot from the strongest bow IBLEES shaitan Allah

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says in the Shelton and I do indeed shaitan is for you an enemy

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for Turkey do I do take him as your enemy? When knifes the lower

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self in enough Salah Amara Tom Bisou on the tongue of Nabi Yusuf

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Ali Salam, Allah subhanaw taala narrates to us in the Holy Quran,

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that indeed the lower self is inclined towards evil. What dunya

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dunya Don't be deceived for the life of this world. The blink

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blink of the dunya it's also one of the enemies Well, our the whims

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and fancies McAnally Momineen when a minute in either cut Allahu wa

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Sulu, or your Quran.

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Si la hora Sula, who, for cada Bala Bala Medina, it's not for the

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believing men or the believing woman, that if Allah and His

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Messenger have decreed a matter, that they should have a say in the

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day after that they should come with a Hawa

00:22:17 --> 00:22:18

who say Allah, for Allah,

00:22:20 --> 00:22:25

with their own ideas with their own however their own whims and

00:22:25 --> 00:22:25


00:22:27 --> 00:22:31

Alhamdulillah we have the Quran and the Sunnah. What more do we

00:22:31 --> 00:22:35

want for our own? Where are you going in who are in the Quran?

00:22:35 --> 00:22:38

Allah al Amin, Lehmann Shah, I mean, come, are you stalking?

00:22:38 --> 00:22:41

Well, this is where you going? I mean, we Muslims in the last 100

00:22:41 --> 00:22:45

years, we've tried everything, from Communism to capitalism to

00:22:45 --> 00:22:49

all sorts of isms, the Muslim in in the Muslim world. Why do you

00:22:49 --> 00:22:53

think we are where we are today? Because we've tried everything

00:22:53 --> 00:22:56

except the Quran and the Sunnah. Allah says for in terms of where

00:22:56 --> 00:23:00

you going, it is nothing but a reminder for all the world's

00:23:00 --> 00:23:04

Lehmann Shah for the one who wants to what dementia I mean, come a

00:23:04 --> 00:23:08

yester Kim for the one who wants to walk steadfast on the straight

00:23:08 --> 00:23:10

path of Allah subhanaw taala for fear

00:23:11 --> 00:23:12


00:23:13 --> 00:23:19

run to Allah. Allah tells us run to Allah, fulfill ru il Allah

00:23:19 --> 00:23:24

escaped to Allah that you only escape at his her only escape for

00:23:24 --> 00:23:29

Pharaoh Illa Allah in Nila calm, been 100 Zero Mubin I am nothing

00:23:29 --> 00:23:35

to you from him except a clear warner Prophet sallallahu Sallam

00:23:35 --> 00:23:38

the last messenger and Prophet of Allah, the last one to come with

00:23:38 --> 00:23:41

this clear warning, no more prophets to come.

00:23:42 --> 00:23:43

Why are we looking elsewhere?

00:23:45 --> 00:23:51

So tomato Muslim in Ramadan is that opportunity to repair that

00:23:51 --> 00:23:55

shield of taqwa, that shield of Allah consciousness that we might

00:23:55 --> 00:23:58

defend ourselves in this battle with our enemies that are aiming

00:23:58 --> 00:24:03

not far heads, it's not a crash helmet, or like shoulder pads or

00:24:03 --> 00:24:06

knee pads that when you go skateboarding, no, it is a shield

00:24:06 --> 00:24:09

that you wear on our hearts because the Prophet said a taco

00:24:09 --> 00:24:14

who was a Shara Illa, Southern he selasa Murat. He say Taqwa is here

00:24:14 --> 00:24:19

and he pointed to his heart three times. So it is, it is his heart

00:24:19 --> 00:24:22

that Hamdulillah we have not cleansed this heart of the love of

00:24:22 --> 00:24:25

the dunya we've cleansed this heart of hassad we've cleaned of

00:24:25 --> 00:24:29

envy we've cleansed this heart of immunity of chakra like we did on

00:24:29 --> 00:24:33

the 15th Night of Shabbat and now we need to make this hot history

00:24:33 --> 00:24:38

on how seen we need to make it a fortified fortress that cannot be

00:24:38 --> 00:24:43

penetrated by the evil was springs and invitations of Shelton This is

00:24:43 --> 00:24:49

the purpose of Ramadan lagoon tycoon, the Allah con con la la

00:24:49 --> 00:24:51

calm, taco

00:24:52 --> 00:24:56

said I live in Abu Talib Kurama llotja Rhodiola and he says taco

00:24:56 --> 00:24:59

has four ingredients. I'll hopefully mineral jelly to fill

00:24:59 --> 00:24:59


00:25:00 --> 00:25:03

punishment of Allah when I'm a little bit 10 zeal to implement

00:25:03 --> 00:25:07

the revelation of Allah worried Kali is to be satisfied with a

00:25:07 --> 00:25:11

little bit. Well let's step down to the human rial and to prepare

00:25:11 --> 00:25:14

for the final day of departure that day when we die and we are

00:25:14 --> 00:25:17

returned to Allah subhana wa Taala

00:25:18 --> 00:25:23

so you want to assuming this is our first part of our introduction

00:25:23 --> 00:25:27

to Ramadan, now we're just waiting for Ramadan Insha Allah, we will

00:25:27 --> 00:25:34

be citing or attempting to cite the moon tonight and moon is not

00:25:34 --> 00:25:39

old enough they say but inshallah Allah we'll see what happens. And

00:25:39 --> 00:25:43

if we don't start our fast tomorrow we'll be starting at on

00:25:44 --> 00:25:49

on Sunday. Be Elijah Allah may Allah subhanaw taala grant us this

00:25:49 --> 00:25:54

Ramadan to be the most beneficial Ramadan. It can't just be

00:25:54 --> 00:25:59

something that we go in and out of every year. Like Danny, like a

00:25:59 --> 00:26:04

tacos, like a ritual that we just do because everybody's doing it

00:26:04 --> 00:26:09

No, there has to be purpose. Make your intention now before you

00:26:09 --> 00:26:12

leave this masjid and I start with myself. Let that pilot wave that

00:26:12 --> 00:26:16

they talk about in quantum mechanics. Let the pilot wave

00:26:16 --> 00:26:20

leave our hearts as we make that intention your Allah Allahumma

00:26:20 --> 00:26:25

Burdekin earth he shall burn well Boliviana Ramadan and grant us a

00:26:25 --> 00:26:30

Ramadan Yeah, Allah filled with CRM and Kia. That is going to

00:26:30 --> 00:26:34

prepare the shield of Taqwa and Iman

00:26:35 --> 00:26:36

uremia Rahman

00:26:38 --> 00:26:42

Al Hamdulillah bIllahi min Ramadan Mubarak kulambu and Tim beside the

00:26:42 --> 00:26:46

Sati was Salama will have it he will Kurama was Salam alaykum

00:26:46 --> 00:26:47

Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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