Omar Suleiman – Virtues of Dhul-Hijjah – Episode 09 – The Wonders of ‘Arafah

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the upcoming alpha and Mother Earth celebrations, which will bring together thousands of people to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The speakers emphasize the importance of praying for oneself and finding forgiveness for one's actions. They also mention the significance of the Mother Earth celebrations for people of all ages and cultures.
AI: Transcript ©
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everyone welcome back to the virtues of the hedgehog. This is the day of alpha it is the most blessed day of the year. It is the day in which a lot boasts to the angels of his servants gathered together, all covered in dust all covered in dirt, disabled, but calling upon him invoking Him for His mercy. And people all over the world doing the same. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said head you out of out of his or Hajj is out of and what he meant by that sallallahu wasallam is at the core of Hajj is out of the core of Hajj is really contained in those moments, those blessed moments of same way the prophets lie Some said

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that supplication is worship or he said another matoba that regret is repentance. It's not that it is only regret that is repentance, but the core of true repentance is sincere regret and then everything that stems from that will be beneficial. Likewise out of his Hajj it is the core of Hajj, and it has significance to all of us around the world. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is no date in which Allah sets free more souls from the fire than on the day of alpha. And on that day, a lot draws near to the earth. And by way of exhibiting his pride remarks to the angels now. What is it that the servants of mine are asking me for? so that I may grant it to them? What is

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it that the servants of mine are asking you for? Imagine the scene of alpha of all of these people, 4 million people all making dinner at the same time, all supplicating to a lot in the same Valley at the same time, in their different languages, with their sincere requests, and Allah honoring each and every single one of them at that moment, answering their supplications each and every single one of them, as they call out to Allah, with their hearts and with their souls and in their own languages. And Allah subhana wa tada not depriving a single one of them. Imagine how blessed that is when the people all over the world on that day also tried to be a part of that blessing and call

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upon a loss of hundreds out of wherever they are, on this best day of the year, begging Allah for forgiveness, seeking a less pleasure seeking a lost bounty for everything in their lives and a lot answering each and every single one of them in the different languages and offer and in the different places all around the world. Your brothers and sisters the benefits of Hajj an alpha reach the entire oma they reach the entire nation. So pray for yourself, pray for your own pray for the people around the world, your own around the world. And let the benefit Flo inshallah Tada, because this is the most blessed day of the year. Fasting this day is important. Praying this day is

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important. Making this day is important, not doing anything that remove the blessings of this day in terms of sin is important, and the profits of the licen. And finally, he said to us, that there is no day in the year in which the shavon is more humiliated, and in more despair than he is on this day, the day of autophagy why because he sees these people he sees you and he's been working his entire you know, for your entire life to take you away from your Creator. And then on this day, in these few hours, you call upon Allah and Allah forgives you for all of your sins, Allah puts you back in good ranking in good standing. And all of his efforts to delude you and to take you astray

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are in vain. And he sees all of these people calling upon the loss of hundreds out of being forgiven, leaving his grasp into the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he feels completely humiliated. He sees the descent of the angels coming upon these people. And Allah subhanho wa Taala hearing the reports of the angels and forgiving these people and the prophets lie Some said the only day that he was more humiliated was the day of bed when he saw debris lighting his alarm and his army the sense so it was when he saw Djibouti ratties salaam and the angels descend shaytaan plot that the end of Islam was going to be the Battle of that that but when he saw Djibouti and it Salaam

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descent, the angel Gabriel descent, he knew that he was going to lose this battle. Likewise on the day of alpha when he sees all of these angels descending and he sees these people being forgiven, he knows that he's lost the battle with you as an individual make this the day in which you completely stamp the shape on out of your life. And you are completely freed from any type of punishment and you are amongst those that will love boasts about an urn His pleasure May Allah subhanaw taala accept from us all this momentous occasion please keep us in your as well and Charlottetown as you have been in sha Allah tala on your the entire European family and all of your brothers and sisters

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in the oma around the world. May Allah accept it from us all zachman law hydroset Imani come what happens

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