Omar Suleiman – The Value of Time – Late Night Reflections #3

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the value of prioritizing time and knowing the value of it, as it is important for deeds and the negative impact of SubhanGeneration's actions. They also touch on the negative impact of SubhanGeneration's actions and the social pressure on men to match quantity and quality. The speakers stress the importance of productivity, staying true to one's values, avoiding getting into trouble, and prioritizing one's time. They mention a new campus and a column for people to leave their own time.
AI: Transcript ©
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I was the last seminary administrators he was phenomenal human hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen whatever you want a lot of blood I mean well out of people to the supreme law Masada was said I'm about to karate go to Sadiq Khan, Mohammed bin sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala it was so interesting and cathedra Welcome to Late Night reflections. I'm your host Tom we're sitting around is my guest chef now chef. Yeah. So because

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I always wanted to do that he never let me host I took over the host.

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Sorry, yeah, there's someone that's going to be sitting next to me in jail at some point here. I hope and so then we'll kind of balance out the there's so much greatness on this side. We need we need two of us to be able to match the greatness on that side. But we'll be back on the floor when as to when it's just the two of us will sit on the floor. When we have a guest in Charlottesville will sit on the on the couches, and Charlottesville should have the Nasir Jiang. They'll be joining us shortly in Charlottesville, but we're gonna get started without him just to stay on time and shout out to Anna. And speaking of time, we are in the chapter on the value of time. Spent out

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Hamdan al Assad summer Sula. He says Rahim Allah to Allah yumbo he did in Sunni and Yardi for sheriff as a nanny he or kodra bhakti fellow Yo yo yo Amin, hula Alton fi radio or button where you cut the will of Allah for Allah Allah Mina al Khalili will Amman. He says that it's important for every person to know the value and the nobility of their time. And so in that case, they do not lose out on a single moment in which they could be coming closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and prioritizing what should be prioritized in regards to both word and deed what they shouldn't be saying and doing and prioritizing as such, recognizing the value of time so meeting that time with

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the deeds that require priority, while the telco near to who Phil Heidi pa EMA mean lady for Turin beam Allah yards one whole Birgeneau min Alana cambogia, if it Hadith Nia to many pyromania family he, he says, So let the knee of the believer let the intention of a person always be to do good, even when they do not have the ability when something gets in the way, let the knee always be there for a person to do good, even if they don't actually have the capability to eventually meet that intention and to perform what it is that they intend to perform. And he says as the Hadith says and I believe the hadith is weak in terms of sonnet but again, it's it's a hadith of it's a narration

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that that relates to the virtues and establishes a meaning that we know Nia to many Hiram and Amity he that sometimes the intention of the believer is even more precious than his deep work, but what can I Gemma termina Salah for you, buddy Runa la Havas. He says in some of the pious predecessors were known with regards to their time just how guarded they were with their time for Nokia and Amity. Miyagi facing Rahim Allah. How many of you have that face is one of the tambourine? It's been narrated, and Roger and Carla who can eliminate that someone came up to him one day, and said, Let's talk let's have a conversation for Carla who am sick of chumps. He told him hold the sun, which

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means what? He says if you can stop the sun from moving, then I'll stop and have a conversation. But I really need to finish what I'm doing right now. We'll go into detail with that because once I'm sure he has, I think he told me that too, right?

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Maybe, maybe one time, but the but he told him that I need to finish what I'm doing. So he said if you can stop the sun, then we can engage in sort of this this open conversation. We'll call it Musavat booni Rahim Allah also one of the tambourine saboteur Guney. Very famous Tabori, his son said it was so they love their students. So sabots al Bonanni or the Allahu Tada and Rahim Allah a student of antecedent medical, the law and one of the rhythm of the tambourine color the hep two, so his son is speaking now, God of the hep two hula Kenobi. He said, I went to my father when he was on his deathbed to do tell teen that's when someone is passing away and you go to remind them to say,

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what, La ilaha illallah right. So he said that my father responded to me on his deathbed, Allah Yabu Nia destiny, that if he would have this sadness, he said, Oh, my son, leave me because I'm in the sixth portion of my wizard. The word of course, is the daily regimen of zakat. So he's basically telling him I'm already proceeding through my word of zikr. So don't bother me an interrupt right now. I'm already in the midst of my remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala. We're definitely worried about the seller and devotee, he will he will suddenly appear Allah Who for Carl Anna took one so Hey, 30, he says, and one of the pious predecessors when he was passing away, the people entered

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upon him, and they found him exerting himself in prayer. So they told him about that, right that, you know, don't push yourself so hard in these last moments of your life. Why are you pushing yourself so hard? And he said, I'll earn a tooth one Sahiba t that right now, my book of deeds is about to be closed. These are the last moments that I have to write into my book of deeds, that either animal in Santa Ana were in bed

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A lot of differ in elementary actor who aren't Elana. So if a person knows that even if they are amongst those who push themselves in general when it comes to righteousness, that death is going to come and cut off their lifespan in which they can put forth good deeds. I mean a fee hayati, he may do moolah who Andrew who better than melty he then he does in his lifetime. What will continue to benefit him after he passes away he prioritizes the deeds in his lifetime that will outlive him after he passes away for in Canada who shaped him in a dunya Walker for work fun. Well, that was a version where I draw neuron wire Saffy Tassili Lulea team Jessica Rolla Hubbard, the who, for your

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Kunal Andrew Leto, he said, so if that person has some property, then they endow some of that property, some of that wealth towards a walk towards something that will continue to benefit them, or they plant a seed or syrups. And they plant a plant because of the profit slice. And I'm said if the day of judgment comes, and you have in your hand something to plant and plant it, before the Day of Judgment is established, or he he established his a well, or a river or some sort of water charity? Well, yes, if he Tassili Luria tyntec Corolla Havana who fair Kunal Vega Coonan Abdullah, who, and he exerts himself to make sure that if he has children to produce amongst his children,

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people that will remember Allah after his death, or her death, because that will be edited for them after they pass away. Subhanallah very powerful. So what they try to instill in their children is that they will be a people that remember Allah, not necessarily remember them remember Allah because if they remember ALLAH, then that will be their edge after they pass away. Oh, and you'll suddenly for keytab and Minella, for in class needful anime. What are the WHO Elmo Khaled? I love that so much Subhan. Allah, He said, So let him author a book chef. So you need to offer a book, when waiting on you to author a book chef. I know you want to offer

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that this actually fits the Day of Judgment series when he talks about Subhanallah this idea, he says, so let him author a book if he can, if he's a scholar, let him author a book. Because that book will be his immortal child. That book will be His child who does not die? Well in your corner that we have in our hands as an example. Allah subhanaw taala we're reading a book 1000 years later Subhan Allah so this is his immortal child that he talks about. And you read about a scholar that authored this many books over 1000 books, he produced over 1000 Children of how that opens a window and a door to his life. We know so much about them just from his writings from Panama, so definitely

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he never died read Subhanallah and that's what the rest of the says he says what in your corner Amit and Bill Hader Lehman fee. So, let him be the one who works in good who is knowledgeable of good and this is how he ends this off he says for your fellow men 30 He may actually lie it will be he he says And so, what he used to do will be imitated by other than Him for the liter Ludy naamyaa mode and that is the person who never dies. That is the person who never diced pile of cod Mata Tolman Wilhelm fineness yeah here and there are people that have died and they are still walking alive amongst the people meaning they have done nothing to benefit themselves after they pass away. So

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there are people that live physically amongst the people but they are dead and there are people that have passed away long ago but they're still alive as Pamela here's the example so she asked her Bismillah to reflect on so I don't know where to start amazing amazing really good from the Joseph medulla

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and I believe that the this chapter for us is that comes in a timely matter really because mark in this nights and Hala next week will be the last night that will attend in the month of Ramadan.

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So you literally have seven more nights several more nights to redeem yourself and to see what benefit you're going to be coming out of this month of Ramadan inshallah god are you going to take a lasting effect that will help you shall not move until next year until next Ramadan? Or are you going to use the seven days just to keep anticipating the moment when he is going to start to shout out to Allah? Well maybe just waiting for that bazaar to start to start next week inshallah so what is it that you'd be anticipating in these seven days? I believe this is a very very crucial moment to all of us right now to think about it. Next week this time, we will be just spending the last

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night of the month of Ramadan and then itself I know that Pamela just three weeks ago just like Ramadan started oh my god, I don't know how I'm gonna go through the month of Ramadan. And now we will go again we look back Subhanallah Ramadan is about the end. I didn't do enough yet. So the preserve time as it said, You need to realize the the meaning and the nobility of the time

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and sometimes you have to see the value of it.

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And based on the subject matter,

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outside of the month of Ramadan, the hours and the moments and the seconds are not as valuable. Unfortunately, too many of you will not have that. So therefore, they keep telling themselves, I still have time, I still have time, I still have time, so they keep procrastinating. But in Ramadan, the hours and the moments and the breath even in the seconds of value

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and color reflection of the value of things are irrelevant. They say look, whatever the something is so valuable. People measured with what would the tiniest little portion of it. So whenever you want to measure something such as for example, steel, what kind of measurement do we use for that? We said tongue, if you want to measure something's less than that, like when you're going by, for example, vegetables, will you use pounds, right? If you're going to go and buy cheese, for instance, you buy with answers.

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But then when you want to buy when you're gonna go and buy gold, you go with grams. I mean, you're gonna go and buy diamond, you go with what?

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Carrots, right? But then when it comes to good deeds, what is the measurement that Allah using the Quran for

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a weight of an atom

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and also the weight of a mustard seed.

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Like the tiniest portion, the M, which is currently been C, it could have been actually have a way to agreement. Why because every portion of the good deed is valuable, and nothing is going to be wasted. So every second of Ramadan is valuable, because the subject matter here is that the envelope of that time is the month of Ramadan, but it's perfect precious time. So we're talking about preserving the value of time. Generally speaking, though, when you think about this month of hours, I'm noticing in the month of panela, the last night of the month of Ramadan, not even the days you got to talk about the nights, because in Ramadan, the last 10 nights are more valuable than the day.

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So the hours of the day, I don't want to say less valuable but this is not as valuable as the night so right now every second of the night has its own unique value. So when we talk about understanding the value of time and the nobility of time, look at when is this happening is it happening in Ramadan outside of the month of Ramadan is it all fall or sometime somewhere else or another time of the year? It is very precious just like sometimes doing good deeds is also be dependent on the value of the space. So when you go to Medina, for example, praying in the messenger Musa Salah much more valuable than anyone else. Makeup also the same thing too. When you go to Makkah the highest value

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in mesin, massive haram and Mecca is what

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it's not Prater away from Princeton, it's totowa because that's a unique event that you do over there. So something you need to really focus on as, as it says fellow, the Yemen hula to be ready to go. So if you realize the nobility of time, and the precious value of the time that you have at hand right now, you will not learn one single second Zillah just like another big goodbye to go away without being the new closer to Allah subhanho wa taala.

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If we talk about near to not many Hiram anomaly, again, the narration not being a strong narration, but the idea of it that, you know, something that the seller used to say is that if the need is there, the intention is there, sometimes something gets in the way. So let's say for example, when Ramadan started, you had the NIA to finish a certain amount of Hutton's or a certain amount of recitation of the Quran and sometimes something happens in them an AMA little vignette, the the actions are by the intention of loss penance, I would have already recorded. The full recitation for you so long as it was something that got in the way and sometimes Subhanallah even when a person

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passes away.

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You know, think about some of the people that passed away this year, and hearing from them that they you know, if they had one more Ramadan, what they would have done, and Allah Subhana Allah knows the sincerity of that person, you know, what happened and often some of the scholars give the example of what I've come to know for it will be a lot of time on hold. With the Prophet size. Saddam said that I saw his two levels in paradise what I thought, we know the famous story of what I could do no foot when the Prophet slice I went to him, he said that I wish I could be with you.

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When your poem turns you away when your people turn you away. And some of the scholars say subhanallah the entire sila them that passed after if he was Sadhak. And truly that is the case. You know, clearly if he was truthful when he said you had a sort of law, I wish I could be with you. When you're called run you out. It may be that for what aka was written, the Hijra for what I call was written by data for what was written for whatever was written the font and all of those things because he had a sincere moment and so the knee of the movement is a serious thing. And Allah knows when you have the seer

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Use intention for something versus something that you're just saying Inshallah, you know, but you really have the serious intention for something. So I'm curious if you want to share this also comes as hydrogen Nabi SallAllahu wasallam, when he spoke about

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the value, the intention versus the deed, I would like to suggest it. So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam spoke about someone who has, doesn't have the wealth and the money in comparison to someone else who has the wealth and the money, and that person has no wealth, no money, he would think about it. And he says, If I had the money, if I had the money, I would have done such and such of all these good deeds, the sort of Allah Azza wa sallam says, This person and that person are equal in reward

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Subhanallah, the one who has the money and he's exerting the effort and collecting it and spreading the candle on Iran. He gets the reward for giving the money away for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, the one who has no money but has the intention. If I had an Allah believed they were sincere. Allah says if they were sincere, they will get seven.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala mercy, this is unbelievable. Even though this individual, even though this individual has no money, he didn't even do it. He didn't even give that money actually in charge. Instead, he says, If I had, I would have done such and such like with the intention and Allah's power dialogues into the heart, if Allah subhanaw taala sees sincerity from this individual, that individual get the reward for their good deeds and hamdulillah even though they have enough, just the fact that you intend to do it, just like also has in the visitor center, that it is a person, servant of Allah subhanaw taala, they make the intention to do something good.

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And then Subhanallah somebody comes in the way they were unable to fulfill that

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accident, they get sick, this that Allah subhanaw taala has mercy on Rockman will write the award for what they intended to do, even though they haven't done it.

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And also come to the 100th anniversary of ourselves and about someone who has started a specific Eva and always work on the Rivera the kundala throughout the day, they wake up at night, they fast during the day, make thicker, and so on, so on. And so no matter if a person travels, if a person falls ill and unable to do the regular activity by that. Allah subhanaw taala as as Rahman has mercy. Were right for them the reward for all these deeds that they've been doing before, they had the condition that prevented from doing it. Why? Because their intention, if they were not prevented from doing it, they were still gonna do it. And Allah for the reward for them and Hamdulillah.

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That's one way, one way of using your time wisely, which means that he says over here, you should always should always make the intention to do good, even though your body might not be in a position to do it. But just the intention to do good is enough for handler to be counted as using your time wisely. Check Now I want to introduce my friend from the NASA Jenga Jenga Jenga

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from Fort Worth right. Arlington, Arlington. Sorry, I'm from Arlington, Arlington.

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hamdulillah we're very honored to have chuck on the nozzle join us and a lot of blimey from the wonderful folks of course column because parents are bless him. I think he's on his fourth Cleon program tonight. Some

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we're not reading Quran right now.

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So we're happy to have you shift. We were talking about the value of time so we just read the foster the chapter on the value of time.

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put it on the jacket here. Okay, like this. Okay, so we've reached look at Canada, America, Minnesota, Cuba, the rule of law a lot. So the idea of the sort of competing over their time, and this idea of people being guarded with their time to an extent, right, and the setup being known. And I think it's important to mention here that most of the time when you're going to have these quotes about some of these people, they're going to be from the tambourine. No, because the tambourine being the second generation felt a great sense of deficiency after the companions of the Prophet sighs. So they felt like they had to keep up. And so typically the narrations about people

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that used to pray a lot, they used to fast a lot that that really used to have these extraordinary feats in regards to good deeds, you find them from the time period and that's why Anicet nomadic will be a lot of time and who he was speaking to them and thought that was a student of Anna's right? And he said that, you know, you that no matter what you do, basically paraphrasing, right, you're not going to reach the righteousness of the Sahaba of the Prophet salallahu Salam, he said, Because you do things that are so small to you. And we used to consider them at the time of the Prophet civili set them to be from the Kabbalah from the mobile caught from the major since the

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destructive sins right. So the idea that the fear and reverence of Allah that the companions had was greater

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than anyone that came after them, but the tambourine, I mean, naturally, like if we're sitting around and we're the children of a bucket and Omar is not in it, right? We're thinking, how do we catch up? Right? What what 1000s of records and Huttons do we have to do to keep up? So do you want to speak to this, this concept or Bucha?

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One of the things that is quite fascinating is the, in spirituality, there's this constant competition between quantity and quality.

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And one could basically ask the question that Why could they not coexist? Right, but at the same time, being human beings having limited abilities, limited capacities. A lot of times people are going to end up sacrificing one for the other. And what you were just mentioning about the companions of the Prophet salatu salam, they are the people of quality.

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They are the people of

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ration in which

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Abdullah bin or Amara, the Allahu Taala anima and Sahih Muslim there's a narration in which he says Ghana you add them fina man Cara Al Baqarah Allah Imran

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you know, this Ramadan, there's like 8 million her father everywhere, right? We see young young boys like leading Leon prayers and this and that. He's saying that in the community of the companions, if somebody just knew Bukhara and Ali Imran they were a big deal.

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So because of their circumstance and their situation, the Quran was still being revealed. Right? Many of them never got to see Medina. Many of them were Shahid throughout the you know, the battles of Medina democracy, the has a word.

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You know, they were literally no figure of speech, no exaggeration, they were literally trying to remain alive. They were trying to find a scrap to eat once every three days so they wouldn't die.

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So they didn't a lot of times have the quantity per se right. There's that narration as well. I'm delivering the Allahu Talana I think it's a samba goof, and I've delivered Masuda the Allahu Taala and who he talks about how Kathy's one

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colleague on perahu comm cathedra and fuqaha.

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There's very few people that can recite a lot to you today. I'm delivering Masuda saying in our community. There's very few people that can quote a ton of things to you. But there's a lot of people who understand what is right and what is wrong. And then he said that you're in your generation. Right. So it's a little bit of a Get off my lawn moment. Right. He says your generation. Right, he says, you know, he says there's cathedral kurau con Caledon.

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He says that there's so many people amongst your, you know, whippersnappers, young people. There's so many people amongst y'all that can quote, books, a hadith versus sutras, day and night, left and right.

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But so few of you actually get it. So the Sahaba word, the generation of quality. Now, again, I don't want to create a dichotomy between the two. But there definitely is a prioritization. And so she, what she was talking about what he's asking, what he's mentioning here is so profound, that, you know, this younger generation comes along. And they're an admirable generation, the process of vouch for them. So we're not being critical here. But just talking about kind of the human process, right, there's a process to Ria, to coming to the conclusion. So they look at this quality, and they look at how God vouch for them. And they look at all the accolades that this generation had. Right?

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And they're looking at it.

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And they're trying to, like he said, catch up, match it, but they're trying to match it with quantity.

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And it's the quality that is a missing ingredient in my palette, I want to add to the previous state that he says that they will apply for outdoor totally when he says that people should prioritize what they need to present in terms of their good deeds in terms of speech and actions as well. So why so because our time is limited, we have 24 hours for the day, honestly, and we have few hours during the night, especially in the month of Ramadan. What can I do? There's so much we can do over here, but I need to know what is my strength? What is my strength of it? So how are they they had their strengths as well to one example, if I ask people to name name of the Sahaba are they about an

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animal? How many people can name 100? Probably you have few people raise their hands. How many would say that they can

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Because maybe out of his name 50 of them, maybe a little more, but when I say 1510 most of the tourists are hand right. So as is we see and most people are familiar with the most popular Sahaba they love to run a marathon because their deeds their good deeds were directed to us and their stories, the menstrual cycle we thought that all the generation of the Sahaba mashallah was the same.

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But what I realized that that the Sahaba also they had their own strength and different areas. Some of them were very talented in the Quran, like Abdullah was rude or they loved and also over unica, some they will tell them to with knowledge like my they've been given for the

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summer talented with a geography Sybil like Calgary Rhodiola Rhodiola Juan Carlos Saifullah him a slew of the same so that Allah subhanaw taala put against, you know the people against the Prophet back then, when one day he led the Sahaba he lost his arm, here's his command. Before he left his command is on salah.

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He made a few mistakes on the dissertation.

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And then when he when he finished, he looked at his people of course, it's an embarrassing moment for a commander of the Muslim armies, that we will be able to decide the one properly. So we looked at the Vagos Dhaka shell jihadi pizza Villa and Kathira mykita.

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Being too busy, being too busy on the back of my horse party for the sake of Allah took too much of my time, I didn't have time to really get into the Quran that much. He knew his strength.

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His strength wasn't really maybe being being half of being you know, a man or this or that. But Allah subhana wa chose his best day to be something different. So part of using our time wisely tonight is getting to know what your strength is, is the strength and the recitation of the Quran standing up into print or we had to had to then add more to rebar is addressing kind of an extra you know what, I don't do any of these things, but my strength is to serve those people who are here. So they can enjoy that rebar, that shallow dialogue while I garden outside, serve them being an asset to them bring in warrants and so I remember chef Medina when it used to be in Medina. During the

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Dunaway time Subhanallah the front side of missinaibi Salah Salem was the heart the hardest to find a spot and if you want to find a spot in tarawih Coronavirus, spot and tarawih in the front lines have been in the business of Allah Salah you have to come before us.

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You have to come before us. And the best time is to serve the federal recipient.

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So I remember, you know, how much I try to answer I never got to the first line and thorough except for a few times. I always get the 100 the second second line but those people in the first line,

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especially the uncles, they have nothing else to do the retirement.

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So there's they're there all day long.

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But seriously, the thing that I was amazed at is how in the first few lines because people stay there, they don't want to move from their spa. And other people will be walking around with a bottle of water and cups and serving everybody.

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And Allah subhana this man has taken their word for all these people.

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Because these guys are the frontlines, they're getting thirsty, they don't tend to walk out because they're afraid that they will lose their spot. And this individual helping them out just to drain the water Subhanallah so his service using his time or everybody's going into Quran, making dua and dhikr, because that's his strength, help and serve other people. Subhan Allah could be much more rewarding than what anything else you could do. And that's why it's so hard to wait for. Those two blessings are combined in a person like you are the richest person in the world health and free time you have health and free time, you better use that health and free time because those two, those two

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things are combined and many people and they don't use them to work for the right things. They wasted them away. And then they end up with a lot of regrets because once this is gone, once the health is gone, then they have fought off then they have free time. But they can't do in the free time what they used to be able to do with their health and so to recognize the blessings as the first thing, and there's something very interesting here that I want to pose to both of you, which is the next statement here. Nokia Anamudi BRB place and Roger and Karla who can eliminate Mikado MCQ chips

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it's by far like one of the most like you know in your face narrations that you have savage yeah it's savage get off your lawn apparently been Miss rude spoke Texan he said

00:29:32 --> 00:29:36

people that are watching this internationally are so confused he said y'all are looking up your

00:29:37 --> 00:29:43

where's your yummy where are these masala coming from? But

00:29:44 --> 00:29:46

this part here this sounds like your hola

00:29:51 --> 00:29:52

okay, I'm not gonna go down there.

00:29:54 --> 00:29:59

Let me stop here. Nope, not. So this idea. A man tells him Can we talk and he says stop this

00:30:00 --> 00:30:25

On. Now, there are two things that get in the way with busy people. Okay, you want to be productive, you want to have dreams, you want to have goals. Two things that get in the way, number one, the fear of being deficient. Right? So you're being pulled in multiple directions. So do I get my time to this? Or do I get my time to that number to the fear of being rude? You know, if I want to,

00:30:27 --> 00:30:28

you know,

00:30:29 --> 00:30:52

give every conversation that's right, then I won't have any time to read. I won't have any time to reflect, I won't have any time to do. And so how do you stop yourself? Or how do you find the balance without you know, giving everyone their right upon you, your family, your community, your friends, whatever it is, and yourself? And then at the same time? How do you guard your time without being rude?

00:30:56 --> 00:30:59

This goes back to the same thing that

00:31:00 --> 00:31:27

I feel at least my understanding of it, let me put it that way. And I'm open to being corrected. My understanding of it is is that you know, you have to understand it from a principled point of view. That's why our religion is a religion of principles, a religion of soul. Why'd, right, so understanding, you know, media to movement, Haytham anomaly, that whole that we read earlier, that narration

00:31:28 --> 00:32:14

it's so fascinating, that the intent of the believer is better is more powerful than the action of the believer. And what there's many ways, many directions you can take that in, but one of the directions you can take that is that you can that's how you can make the mundane, meaningful. That's how you can make the ritual spiritual. Right, you can take something very mundane, like what Jeff just mentioned, you know, And subhanAllah I, you know, again, everybody deals with these kinds of things. And so I'm not, you know, out of the ordinary in this regard, but one of the things one thing I kind of experienced about that not too long ago, recently during Ramadan was I had some time

00:32:14 --> 00:32:29

set aside, to recite Quran to read Quran. And it was something i The time set aside in my head from before busy day doing all these different things that I have that time set aside, and I'm really kind of looking forward to it at the end of a very, very hectic day.

00:32:31 --> 00:32:34

And my daughter needed math homework, help with her math homework.

00:32:36 --> 00:32:47

And it's literally that situation. So what I do, right, so in one sense, based off of that conversation, we just your daughter stuff stopped.

00:32:48 --> 00:32:51

Right? You know, figure it out on your own time.

00:32:53 --> 00:32:54

Right? This is my time.

00:32:55 --> 00:33:39

Right? This is me time, not your time. Right, etc, etc. But at that, at that moment, I had to kind of have a little process in my own head, I had to do my own spiritual math in my head, where I had to realize that my intent here, right, so that's where the intention is very powerful. That's what I would say. And, you know, it just made me laugh because we kind of, you know, not criticized but qualified, a lot of these kinds of statements that we read a lot of these kinds of references that we find that we hear that there's a particular context to it, and you have to take it with the context and that's why I'll try to do as soon we ultimately have the life of the process and to

00:33:39 --> 00:34:25

measure everything against and the end kind of preparation for the conversation tonight. I read this statement of Mr. McAfee and it made me laugh. It's it's nerdy. It's a nerdy thing. So it might not make you laugh, but it made me laugh. I think I'll make you know the shoe clef as well. Bella Shafi Radi Allahu Allah Shafi Rahim Allahu taala. So he saw him to Sofia for them as the Fitmin home see wa Fein. I had to Marco loom I'll work to say phone. phylum Targu Cuttack with the weather can carry metal okra when Africa in general to have been happy where Illa shall collectible button. But, you know, if I'm a chef Abraham Allahu taala, saying that I won't translate the first far but Imam Shafi

00:34:26 --> 00:34:50

Rahim Allah to Allah, a remarkable, knowledgeable wise, you know, amazing person. But he's kind of noting this. He said, I sat with some people who sometimes kind of operate like in very harsh terms. And he said that while he said, I found it to be insightful, but he said, I read their state. I heard their statement that they said, Time is a sword.

00:34:51 --> 00:34:53

Either you cut it or it's going to cut you.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:59

So you have to kind of put things into context where you understand who's talking where

00:35:00 --> 00:35:04

They coming from what context? Are they speaking in, etc, etc.

00:35:05 --> 00:35:09

You know, while we need this motivation to utilize our time better,

00:35:10 --> 00:35:45

but obviously one extreme breeds the other. Well, luckily, that's just what I think it's beautiful what you said Subhanallah I'm interested in regards to how to use your time wisely obviously depends on the circumstances. There's no doubt about it. Everything has its own standard and circumstances. So some of the interesting stories I remember reading about in regards to how the Allama they would benefit from their time is multitasking. Everybody's good at multitasking, right? You can't do two things at the same time, three things at the same time, but some Alhama they did that. So one of the quotations from about speak of the bathroom moments basically, measured most the elements given to

00:35:45 --> 00:36:04

me Rahmatullah try the grandfather of the very famous shareholders never been to me, Rahim, Allah, Allah, it was mentioned about his, his value of time to the extent whenever he goes to the bathroom, he brings one of his students, or actually one of his kids or grandkids probably even to read for him while he's inside the bathroom.

00:36:07 --> 00:36:07

I don't know, man.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:14

I'm just trying to visualize in my head, you walk by the bathroom, there's somebody outside

00:36:19 --> 00:36:20

No, thank you.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:30

But, you know, honestly, looking at it, it's still better than today's culture of taking your phone with you and start reading while you're doing your business in the bathroom.

00:36:31 --> 00:37:07

So he used to say like, I don't have time to wait, so therefore I'm going to the bathroom. Read for me, please. It's really I mean, he's, he's doing whatever, you know, the answer the call of nature, his mind he was still busy and seeking element knowledge is your man who has the appetite for this. In that moment, really. The other example I forgot who he was one of the LMR from the seller for him, Allah Allah, He says either Jehol battalion, when the time wasters basically comes to him, some of your friends, sometimes they want to just have a cup of tea or tea, or coffee or this and that they're gonna kill your time, basically, because when they come, he's so poor, I wouldn't say the

00:37:07 --> 00:37:43

turn them away. Instead, he said, I use my time while they're speaking to me to start working on my folders and my papers and cut them and start, you know, fixing my pens and everything and so on. Just like this doesn't require any mental effort for me. So just let me just do this. I want to chitchat with them until they leave and then I go to my serious business. The point is that somehow you can find always a way to multitask in many meaningful way. People have different circumstances, obviously. But that shows how much they value time, Milan, absolutely. You know, two things that came to my mind number one, we know obviously in our dean,

00:37:44 --> 00:38:23

your family, your service to your family is part of your about one of the ways that healthy asceticism remember it now Josie takes serious issue. I mean, he takes serious issue multiple times. He just takes shots at people that set an an uncomfortable and honest Slavic standard and threshold of spirituality, right, like talking about living in this other realm. No, no, no, he really hates that false spirituality. And so that's one of the beauties of our deen and the prophets. Why some brought it in, right is that you have a Baba in that family time, like that moment you are teaching your daughter math, or playing with your children or, you know, spending time with your spouse. And

00:38:23 --> 00:38:54

of course ahead of all of that serving your parents. Like that's pretty bad. Sometimes it's even more valuable than any other you're gonna get at your time of reading, however, you need the time. First of all, you need the time for prayer. You know, one of my Messiah, he said that some people need to read the hadith of Buddha or the law of the famous Hadith, where it's a matter of the law of timeline who went up with all the law and when He admonished him because he was neglectful was family spending too much time in prayer and fasting and not spending any time in his family and the prophets like some confirmed statement that Allah has a right upon you, your family has a right upon

00:38:54 --> 00:39:05

you, yourself has a right upon you. He said that not everyone is going to have the same imbalance. You can't use the Hadith in the same way for every person. Some people are too imbalanced with their family.

00:39:06 --> 00:39:39

I mean, I'm not we're not Valley rent Islamic so there's not going to tell you spend less time with your family. It's going to tell you to spend more time with Allah subhanaw taala as well like look, this is a big part of the Sunnah of the Prophet sighs I'm and some people have a natural tendency to want to spend time with their family and to enjoy that Hamdulillah this is beautiful. It's most endearing elements of the Prophet size on his life is the time he spent with his family. But guess what, you still need your time for salon. Yeah, but what if you haven't seen the inside of a masjid in weeks? There's a problem right? So that some people need the balance on the other side right and

00:39:39 --> 00:40:00

so the idea of dividing division of time and then multitasking Subhan Allah one of my favorite stories, Josie is the one who mentioned in Managua. Of course being a humbly he wanted to champion the life we want with Rahim Allah so He mentioned that famous incident where Imam Rahim Allah went to, you know, a town and he was thrown out of a messenger

00:40:00 --> 00:40:33

because he tried to sleep there at night and the man didn't recognize him and he went to a baker's shop on the Baker was doing to speak and to feed and thicket the entire night while he was baking and you might have been talking a lot asked him why do you do this like or how long have you been doing this? And he says, You know, I've been doing this my whole life and he said that the fruit of it is that any do I make your time I tell us a little bit I'm gonna slaughter just an eraser right to use your good deeds. You said the fruit of it is that I asked Allah for something and it happens. So he said there's one more though I've been making

00:40:34 --> 00:40:36

I've been asking Allah to let me meet email Bahamut

00:40:39 --> 00:41:09

has been baking all these years Allah in his shop. And that's the thing is I couldn't sit in the masjid and I couldn't be one of those are two Baba and I had to earn with my hands. I had to be the baker. But while he was baking bread, he was planting trees in Jannah simultaneously Subhanallah so he's just doing wicked all the time. And he said well Lima down to live in LA Altana yeah. He said every time I made your Allah gave it to me, except this one thing I want to meet you might not be they might not have it looks at him like Subhan Allah, here is Allah dragging Ahmed by his feet to your bakery

00:41:11 --> 00:41:12

to answer your DUA.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:23

Again, it's sometimes bringing a bada into those times as well as being intentional about it. But Chetty acid, I have a question for you. I don't want to belabor the point.

00:41:24 --> 00:41:28

But I'm being very serious. And I think you do a very good, good job of guarding your time.

00:41:30 --> 00:41:47

Sometimes, I don't have the same ability to say, I'm sick of chumps that you do. Mashallah, honestly, it's something I admire about you the compartmentalizing and the telling people look right now, we're gonna go and we're gonna have 30 minutes to do this, it's our time. How do you not be rude with that? And how do you?

00:41:48 --> 00:42:04

How do we also be more understanding of other people's time, you know, and like, okay, not take it that this person is, doesn't have time for me, as opposed to this person needs time for themselves right now our time but there, it's almost, it's so hard to do it. So you're gonna have to, you're gonna have to do it with a smile.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:12

That's the secret to it. So when you tell somebody I don't have time, I said, Honestly, I don't have time for you.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:19

That smile, helps you whatever this

00:42:21 --> 00:42:22

in addition to that smile as soon as.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:49

But with all honesty, I believe also, in addition to that, really, I think, if you're conscious of your time, really, you know the way on how to guard it very well. I'm not saying that I'm guarding every moment of my time, obviously. But I know exactly when I need to deal with people Subhanallah because I think maybe the age factor has to do with it, when I was much much much younger, Mashallah.

00:42:50 --> 00:43:29

I honestly, I didn't really pay attention to my time wisely. I was so much into the service of the community and the people and helping out in this cause and this cause and so on. And as a result, my personal life and my personal Eman maybe suffered a little bit in a way that I thought it would bring my Eman up. But I think there was that imbalance that you were talking about hamdulillah and was recalibrated. So therefore I know, for example, there's a specific time it's my family time. This time is for my my, my, my work my message my my community, my this and that and so on. So I try my best to handle or I mean, to give each example Ramadan here, I had a lot of requests from people

00:43:29 --> 00:43:31

to travel to go to visit their communities.

00:43:32 --> 00:43:54

Even locally, the DFW area over here, I haven't visited any other method really, except for Capelle why because they're my neighbors and we need to support them as much as support so hamdulillah Bananaman but because of Hamdulillah I know the other massage mashallah self sufficient for their own and because of hamdulillah so if I can help you online, I dedicate my time in Ramadan from my community.

00:43:55 --> 00:43:58

Save I want to go to the next statement here.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:32

The Epital Guney will be a longtime Rahim Allah the hub to his son says the hub to let you know Abby, I went to tell my father to say like hola hola. And he was dying. And he said yeah, when I doubt anything if he would decide this I'm already on my son leave me I'm in the sixth portion of my wind tunnel. Ah, this is I think it speaks to the importance of the wind the regularity See, one of the problems we have with our Likud with our remembrance and with our EBA is that when we find ourselves busy with something the first thing to sufferers are a bother the first thing we'll cut out you know, I don't have time to go to the masjid I don't have to. You still got time to go to the

00:44:32 --> 00:45:00

Mavs game, you still got time to do your leisure stuff and play what you're playing. But somehow the first thing that suffered was your EBA The first thing you threw out the window was your wizard and the wizard which literally is like the camel drinking from the water out on the right to drink from that's your spiritual well that is God that you're going to do every single day no matter what and how bless it when Allah Subhana Allah grants you death at that time, someone that shake up the Nasir I know knows as well chef a beautiful person from New Orleans.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:16

As we used to call my uncle AJ I'm called the Jabba or Hema hola to Ana he passed away from COVID May Allah grant him shahada and he was the most regular person in my message. I mean Masha Allah Tabata Allah the most, I mean does not miss a salon the masjid at all. And I knew his word

00:45:18 --> 00:45:46

as much I think I knew his word like I knew exactly what if God he like he was going to recite after every Salah because I used to see him after every single reciting. And Subhan Allah, Allah took his life in his wit, you know, so like, there are this idea of you're going to likely leave this life and what you used to do regularly in life. And don't let the first thing you throw out of your routine, be your religion, be the religious routine is I think a very powerful concept. So I'd love to hear from both of you on this concept.

00:45:49 --> 00:46:21

Yeah, when looking at this, you know, to kind of switch gears and talk about now the actual valuing of one's time and particularly in one's relationship with Allah. I've delivered Mr. Doe the Allahu Taala and who he said murdered him to Allah che in Madami Allah Yeoman hurry robber chumps who Wanaka Sufi, actually Willem Yazid fee Ahmadi. He said, The greatest regret that I have an any day is when the sunsets that my time on this earth has decreased, but my deeds for the hereafter have not increased.

00:46:23 --> 00:47:11

And, you know, it talked about how he came to, you know, meet his father and, you know, do to clean kind of emphasize the man to his father shahada to his father, in the last moments and he said, I'm already into this imam of the hobby into a skeleton, her father, he mentions about her Medina Salema was one of the great scholars of Iraq and bustling. And his student, I've done mine and Maddie, he actually, you know, says about him that he used to always remain busy got him was Hulan in my in your data oyakata are you sir? Are you solving that he was either teaching Hadith or he was reading Quran or he was doing to spear or he was praying. And then he says that Eunice

00:47:12 --> 00:47:17

you know, one of his students, he actually says about him Mata Hamid, Salma Hua Hua Salah

00:47:18 --> 00:47:59

that when Hamad bin Salema died, he was praying because he had that regimen. He had that consistency, he had that regularity. He had that schedule, that even when his death came to him, his death came to him, if he Halla to Salah while He was praying, to want to answer Paulo talk about the paradox of time. We talk about the value of time, the precious moments of the time and so on. One of the things that we live in our society today is the paradox of time really, as much of the time is so valuable to us, but it goes away, running errands, really, in the past why there was so much Baraka in the effort of these people like you talk about your mom, even Josie Rahimullah writing 16

00:47:59 --> 00:48:14

pages on parchments every single day. Imam Rahim Allah data when he passed away, he was still in his 40s and he lived in a massive legacy of Elma knowledge, where do you cut the time to write all these things and not even in typing it up as you're writing it down with their own hands, hon Allah where they got that because they didn't have cars.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:24

They did not have cars, didn't have internet, didn't have phones. All these are become a distraction to us. Although they're supposed to do what? Help us save time.

00:48:25 --> 00:48:29

Like you wait until the last five minutes before the karma to come to the masjid, right?

00:48:30 --> 00:48:39

If you didn't have a car, you probably walk half an hour before Salah time to come to the masjid on the way What do you do, you make the clear, you may just be the

00:48:40 --> 00:48:57

guy that comes out with and not just that, you're gonna go visit somebody. And you know, there's gonna be a 15 minute drive or 20 minute drive or half an hour drive, you now wasting your time preparing to leave and also as you leave and when you come back again. So about two hours are wasted just to get ready to leave.

00:48:59 --> 00:49:26

So there's politics of time, we think the car supposed to reduce distance for us, right? save us time. We think the phone also the same thing is supposed to save us time by making things done on the phone Al Hamdulillah bhamra than me going to the office to do things and so on. So, which is absolutely true if you use it wisely. But the same time it also comes with a price. That price is you lose a lot of time I give one of the example that happened personally with me when I was student in Medina.

00:49:27 --> 00:49:48

At the time when we were students in Medina a long long time ago OSHA okay, what was it? It's in Medina, back then, by that was in the 1990s obviously, early 19. It did not allow the students of Medina they didn't allow us to live outside of the campus. So you have to live on campus. That's number one. Number two, they would not allow us to get driver license.

00:49:50 --> 00:49:51

You guys are privileged Mashallah.

00:49:52 --> 00:49:54

I found that you have in the 1990s

00:49:55 --> 00:49:57

Gen Z question. Now how

00:50:00 --> 00:50:36

We didn't even have the dial up phone man and there's no phones in the room, you have to go all the way to the phone office, just to make phone calls. And it was an interesting culture back then. And at the time, I was so bitter at the fact that did not allow us to get a driver license, although I had actually a foreign driver license, but they will not allow you to transfer to local one until one day because we had to go if want to go to the mesentery, Salah salah, you have to get to take the school bus, which are the university buses basically. And they leave after also. And they come back after Asia. So if you go you're not coming back until after Asia and you have to leave early so

00:50:36 --> 00:50:57

you can catch the bus. And if you want to go early, you have to go and maybe find someone on the way out there we'll take a domestic abuse Salado so you go there to Prosser, and you can't come back until after Isha. That's how our program would be during the evening. SubhanAllah. So one of the brothers was he was local. And he said, Look, I'm going to be traveling for a month Why don't you use my car?

00:50:59 --> 00:51:01

So Allah forgive us no driverless and I took the car out of the car.

00:51:03 --> 00:51:10

And I said this, I can love it. So I use the car for a month. It was the worst summer I spent in Medina.

00:51:12 --> 00:51:22

Literally, because the deception of time really, instead of me going from answer to be there until after Russia. I'm like, oh gosh, Macedonian Shalonda.

00:51:23 --> 00:51:27

So I'm also time doing what chilling in my room

00:51:28 --> 00:52:03

thinking that I'm doing something useful, maybe just reading here and they are not intended to serious to prepare because I know my time to be raised serious and knowledge not yet there is when I go to the masjid. So I wasted some time doing that, unfortunately. And when you go to Medina visa to pray Maghrib I used to spend between America and Russia attended the Halaqaat of dilemma there. But then I have a car waiting for me outside. I was like, Ah, let me run this errand real quick and come back before Asia Adana, shallow tan, and I go out, I don't come back until Asia. So I lost the HELOC as well, too. So the moment this brother came back from his trip, Xalapa, I said, Here's your car,

00:52:03 --> 00:52:04

never ever do this again.

00:52:07 --> 00:52:20

And will lie I appreciate the fact that did not allow us to have cars, you know, back then because otherwise, we would never use that time. So efficiently like this. I'm not saying of course, to go back to this era in our time here, not asking you to quit the

00:52:21 --> 00:52:32

cans and rip up your driver license and use Uber and Lyft and all that. Not saying that, but what I'm saying is that there's a paradox of time, it can be an epidemic.

00:52:33 --> 00:52:42

Each and every one of us here dealing with their own problem with the paradox of time. You think you're trying to save time on this, but if you look deep in what you're doing, you're really wasting your time.

00:52:43 --> 00:52:56

And sometimes you're fooling yourself, Oh, let me do this inshallah that is virtuous, this is righteous than reality, you just really spending your time not in what is priority to you. So that's very important to know how use your time wisely inshallah Donna,

00:52:57 --> 00:53:19

I think Subhanallah the idea of a horror or deception, delusion, all of these, you know, AIDS Jokes aside, I remember, like, you know, we're probably the last generation that would remember a time before cell phones and before internet and you know, AOL, 1.0, and Earth Lincoln dial up internet coming out in the mid 90s. And trying to just figure out like connectivity and

00:53:20 --> 00:53:57

Subhanallah, we've been sold this idea over the last couple of decades, that this is a time saving mechanism, this tool, this app, this device, this is going to make you more efficient, more efficient, more efficient, and all it's made us is more distracted, less efficient, and busy dependence, like not able to think for ourselves in a good moment alone. And you think about what or this concept of delusion and deception, and Subhanallah what do people crave to go out into the mountains, and not have any devices on them? It's like the greatest thing in the world to them, like what people did that, by necessity. And people still do that, you know, just to have that peace of

00:53:57 --> 00:54:10

mind to not hear all of the noise and to be away from it. And honestly, I think it's one of the greatest advices that's been given to me that I would impart towards everyone as well and Charlotte's on, I'm sure everyone would, would appreciate this for a moment.

00:54:11 --> 00:54:49

If you don't take breaks regularly, from your technology regularly, then you're never going to get any clarity. Forget about productivity, clarity. Productivity comes from a sense of clarity, because you know where the mountaintop is, and all of this is deeply connected every one of that to the other. Right? You know, where the mountain top is, if you don't take regular breaks and yes, you know, take a two day break from your phone. You're going to turn your phone on after two days and zooms you know, beep beep beep and you're gonna have some people that have decided that your friendship is no longer worth it after two hours of you not answering a text message like I can't

00:54:49 --> 00:54:59

believe you and I and I was there for you and your hard times in answer me and don't ever call me. I was like, how this happened over two days. You know, like, apparently I'm a horrible person, but you know, you just respond to them and say I'm sick of chumps.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01

Y'all, you know,

00:55:03 --> 00:55:38

and audibly, right? Stop, hold the sign. And they'll they'll say what and then you can reestablish your friendship, right. But you know, this idea that somehow take breaks regular breaks from your technology from the hustle bustle and, and recalibrate, clarify and get productivity, I want to just get to the last part of the shift, and we can reflect in show, then we can take some questions from the audience, because I think it's really beautiful and powerful. And I have some thoughts on it. Okay, this last statement of his for that he could let the lamium moot, but Marta Coleman won for NASA here, that there are people that don't die.

00:55:40 --> 00:55:50

And that is because as he said they have and what are the Mohalla, they have the immortal child being the book that they wrote, or the well that they planted, or the wealth that they built, or the plants, whatever it may be, right.

00:55:51 --> 00:56:30

But I think that, you know, connecting to something you spoke about yesterday, this idea of how amazing everyone everyone else's life looks. It's not just that everyone seems to be better off in terms of having nicer houses, and happier lives and stuff like that. But people also seem to be a lot more accomplished, maybe than we are, right? And you can also get that type of jealousy and that type of like, oh, well, you know, this person's legacy is here, and what's my legacy. And I think we often conflate legacy with being remembered. And the idea here, which is very clear, is that there are some people whose names will not be mentioned.

00:56:31 --> 00:57:05

But they are still alive, because they're alive with Allah, because that Sahifa that the scroll that they're talking about here is still running, the pens might be invisible to everybody else, but the deeds are still running. Because they did something meaningful. They left behind someone who remembered a law that taught someone that remembered a law or they taught someone who remembered a law or they contributed to something or they volunteered somewhere, just because you weren't getting the credit amongst the people doesn't mean you weren't productive. And I know a lot of people can be very demoralized by the thought like, you know, am I going to be remembered? Am I going to be

00:57:05 --> 00:57:18

forgotten? Who cares? How are you going to be resurrected? Who's what's what are the pens of deeds that are going to keep writing for you after you leave this world? So I'd love to hear from both of you in show and then we can take some questions maybe from the audience. And so in this regard,

00:57:20 --> 00:57:58

remind me actually with a story I mentioned one time in one of the hundreds. When I remember Katara they loved the annual da he was always anticipating, you know, the news from from Persia, when the Muslim armies were were in the expansion phase over there. And sadly, Lucas was the commander there. So I remember Qatar was so concerned in the Khalifa and Medina, you wanted to know the news, what's going on there. And there was a time in that very decisive battle over candidacy that led to the conquest of Persia, that he needed to have the news to come so so quickly to him. So he had a human chain from Medina, all the way all the way to Persia, because he wanted to make sure the news comes

00:57:58 --> 00:58:27

to him in one day. And then after three days of keep telling him nothing happened in the battle still going on the bus is going on. So he was always be outside waiting for the rider to come to tell him what happens. And one of those times the rider came so fast. And as he was coming so fast, oh my notice him here. He started running after this to this man. And he's gotten him. Wait for me, please. Well, what happened? What happened? Because I saw it. I cannot wait. I have to tell me many. And I have to tell me one more minute. And I'm no more minutes after him.

00:58:29 --> 00:58:55

And Omar, you could have told him well, that's me just wait, man. But his humbleness humility would not actually make him recognize that he said, Who cares about the titles? But just please tell me what happened. There he goes, I can't I'm sorry. I can't wait. I have to tell him in a minute. By the time they get into Medina, and now Ahmad is catching his breath behind this guy. And then the people start saying that I'm talking about Santa Monica Medina, Santa Maria came in, and the guy's looking behind him just you want to make more money.

00:58:56 --> 00:59:14

But I have McCullough if you'd have told me please, you could have told me I could wait for you because I let you get to Rachel. I just tell you what happened. So eventually took him home. And one of the moral of the story he started telling him hamdulillah Allah gave us victory. This animal was very excited, was very happy. But what Rama was asking me he goes, whom did we lose?

00:59:16 --> 00:59:58

Whom did you lose on the battlefield? Tell me the names. So he started telling him we lost fallen and fallen and fallen, given names that Rama recognized from Sahaba are they allowed to run home on Tsar margerine and other people that he knew about as well? And then he gave him the name that he could remember. Then this man has so many he goes workout one work one afternoon I don't want a minute and we lost a lot of other people. I'm your mommy doesn't know them. I'm gonna cry. He says highnesses Ramadan, Allah, Allah Amirul Momineen Umbra Bananaman what matters if Allah if what matters to them if he doesn't know about them, when the Lord have a minimum of minion already knows

00:59:58 --> 00:59:59

who they are. So

01:00:00 --> 01:00:09

Yeah, I mean, these people that we don't even know who they are by name, if it wasn't for them after the Grace of Allah subhana, WA Tada, we wouldn't be where we are here today.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:14

That's the legacy that they carry the reward for it no matter what, Allah.

01:00:15 --> 01:00:16

Nasir, any last words,

01:00:17 --> 01:00:18

one of the things

01:00:19 --> 01:00:42

that I see sometimes, you know that you were talking before about the paradox of time. And we use this word a couple of times in the session productivity. There's also the dilemma or the trap of productivity. So somebody is spending so much time reading blogs about productivity.

01:00:45 --> 01:01:28

Like, I'm sorry, brother you've written you've, you know, you're, you're following like 3737 like Twitter accounts and watching, you know, keeping up with all these guys on Instagram and watching all these YouTube videos and reading all these blogs on productivity, I'm pretty sure if you haven't figured it out yet, you're probably not going to write so now you're spending all your time reading or listening or just with the buzzword productivity time management, that that's actually become your poison. Now, that's become the thing that's draining your time. And that's when we get back to something small. You know, just baby steps just do something good. something of value something of

01:01:28 --> 01:02:02

significance. Don't under an athlete on the middle modifiche area. That's why the process for Takanawa we shapely Tamra have a date, you can save your soul from the fire of *. Right? He has so much value. Right? duckula jana Amasa de la he said that's a hobby you became Muslim and turned around and that's the process of them. Can I just go into battle Haber, the process and say sure. And then they found him Shaheed became Muslim after the sun had risen, died in the battlefield before the Lord came in my center really lucky.

01:02:03 --> 01:02:09

So a lot of times I think that there's the trap of this kind of productivity and time management

01:02:10 --> 01:02:18

where sometimes we're lacking just that. And that's why the Quran put so much emphasis right the ultimate mention of time in the Quran is will ask

01:02:20 --> 01:02:21

in a linear channel if you

01:02:23 --> 01:02:29

are people are losing. So how do you stop losing Illallah Deena Amma, no whammy lasagna,

01:02:30 --> 01:02:54

just do something good. Break the Cycle, you got to stop that freefall that I was talking about before and you just got to catch yourself somewhere, just do something good. I'm just gonna get up off my couch. I'm gonna stop reading this blog about productivity. And I'm just gonna cross the street and just go pray in the masjid. I'm just gonna do that. Now, what that means and how that factors into some master plan.

01:02:55 --> 01:03:04

We'll figure it out later. But who said there's got to be a master plan. Right? Sometimes you just got to do good. And that's what I was reading

01:03:06 --> 01:03:25

a poll of one of the Salaf where he said something of that sort where he said, you know, day and night are from the signs of Allah. Yeah, I'm gonna bin Abdul Aziz Rahim. Allah He said in the Leila Wanda. Howdy, yah, Milani. fika, Farmall. Fatima.

01:03:26 --> 01:03:34

They're chipping away at you day and night are chipping away at you. So you chip away at them. Just do something. Because something's always better than nothing or lucky.

01:03:38 --> 01:03:43

So on that note of, you can watch the habits to win series and read the notepad that we have.

01:03:45 --> 01:03:47

Since Jeff hates blogs, but no, seriously.

01:03:48 --> 01:04:03

Exactly. Look at a couple of NASA for joining us on the large volume last month. I bless you in the workout column. I think we'll take a few a few questions and Chava then we'll we'll call Mike and Sharla. So Schiff brothers first sisters, first, you run the q&a. Come on putting on the spot now, as you can tell people

01:04:05 --> 01:04:09

it's not what I thought it was. The mic is on your right.

01:04:13 --> 01:04:14

So the question is,

01:04:15 --> 01:04:56

as you mentioned, sometimes that intentions are greater than actions. So what sometimes what happens is, we get so busy at work or personal work. And you notice a slight 145 In the month, but you get pulled into meetings, and you ended up missing the horseshoe of brain 27 times. Right. That's when that's one of the things that happened. And there are so many other things in our life, that you plan to go Dongara for some of you this year, and some things happen and then you don't end up going tomorrow. Or you plan so many things but you have good intentions but it won't have so here does it qualify intention is greater than actions and how do we look into this scenario?

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

If I'm reminded what we mentioned last night, actually

01:05:00 --> 01:05:05

He said about, sometimes it's, the journey is much more valuable than a destination really

01:05:06 --> 01:05:42

not going to camera and keep aspiring to go to camera, and not achieving what you wanted to achieve and always put the effort to try and to do that, that'll get you much more reward, the richer your destination. There were some times let me put basically my personal situation some have I haven't gone for camera for a very long time. In Bosnia, for example, I lived there for four years. And for the next one, two years, I was unable to visit Bosnia. And I was really looking forward, I always wanted to go there, because I haven't seen it for a very long time. SubhanAllah. But then last summer, I got the propaganda and hamdulillah to go there after 20 years.

01:05:43 --> 01:05:58

And after one there, I spent there for a week and I met many of my old students and mashallah, who became doctors and teachers and this and it was a very, very beautiful, let me put away as I would say, emotional, emotional closure.

01:05:59 --> 01:06:28

So there was an emotional closure moment for me. Now if you asked me Do I need to go back there again, I don't have the same urgency to go as always to be before. So for me that's like Subhanallah Why didn't have to go there. If I didn't go last year, I was still be having the same feeling about doing it. So for longer the same thing to as long as the intention is there and shallow data and you really make the right effort to get there. But then things come in the way you weren't able to do it. Your water still preserved the shallow terracotta Allah, Allah bless your brandless your time now

01:06:29 --> 01:06:31

since this question as well.

01:06:37 --> 01:06:38

So I go.

01:06:40 --> 01:06:42

So I had a question about

01:06:43 --> 01:07:12

how right now is like the last 10 days of Ramadan. And I'm so I'm in college and like I'm scared to miss out on late in the weather. Because I've been I've been finals week, there's so much going on. But I'm trying my best. How would I deal with that? Because I feel like I should do so much better when it comes to the online. And it's a little bit hard to manage with school having finals and so much stuff going on.

01:07:16 --> 01:07:47

So I think first of all, my last points are awards you for intention. That's actually the first part of this chapter, right is that the knee of the believer should always be in play, not broken at all, the intention should always be to do as much good as possible and that if I had the time I would do this. If I had this I would do that and Allah knows your sincere intentions. And the prophets like some said that when a person is stopped from doing something due to an illness or travel, and they would have done it had they not been in those circumstances then Allah writes down the reward for them full in many of their alumni wrote on that hadith that this includes all of the temporary

01:07:47 --> 01:08:21

circumstances that stop a person from doing what they typically would have done. So first and foremost, that has not been an Allah, good expectation of Allah have the intention. The second thing is to be intentional, then about the time that you're dividing. That means prioritizing the odd nights over the even, you know, so we will have multiple narrations, the prophets lie some, of course, took all of these 10 Nights very seriously. But then you find numerous narrations where if the prophet slicin was speaking to someone who could not give all the 10 nights then he said prioritize the odd and then you have the one where the prophet sighs some you know, said it could be

01:08:21 --> 01:08:57

Serbia prioritize the 27th to the old man, which many of those who held the opinion of the 27th Night took that narration but the idea is that the prophesy son was helping someone prioritize when they couldn't do all of them right, the most likely nights are the most likely nights are the odd nights. And then some of the most likely nights being the last three, and then maybe the 27th, whatever it may be, but all the nights are precious, right? If you can observe them, but if you can't, then you start prioritizing and a flood full of love. The priorities are there. Now after that you go to the breaking up of the night, if you can spend the entire night hamdulillah wicked

01:08:57 --> 01:09:34

good. If you can't then catch a shot and Fajr and catch tarraleah. And if you can catch a Holika if you can allocate 30 minutes for 30 minutes for a ticket and have that be intentional. I'm going to sleep for three hours to get my my rejuvenation right now I'm going to put my alarm, I'm going to do everything I can to have a good sleep habit. I'm not going to waste any time between the Riba and the sleep that I need to have. So I can still be functional enough tomorrow. And Allah subhanaw taala knows what is in your heart and what is your intention Eliza data rewards in ways that we can not reward alone. So that's all I can share sheiks thank you as always, and chick Nasir, thank you

01:09:34 --> 01:09:35

for joining us today.

01:09:36 --> 01:09:50

You know, one of the goals I think of woman's or dreams would be to get gentle for those. And today we talked about the sahabi the InSAR modulating these Greatest Generation who have done so many great deeds.

01:09:51 --> 01:09:59

Sheikh as we talked a little bit about strengths, is there an Islamic strength finder, or is there perhaps certain deeds that are at such high

01:10:00 --> 01:10:11

quality or quantity that can bring us closer to that goal or dream of reaching Jericho for those when we know about the great stories of this greatest generation. Thank you, Sheldon also

01:10:16 --> 01:11:06

an imperfect animals don't StrengthsFinder visit. Yeah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It's a hadith Guzzi where Allah the Prophet SAW, Selim says that Allah has said that my servant does not come closer to me by means of anything more than what I obligated upon my servant. So we do have and then many of the narrations of the prophets a lot he said, I'm talking about Islam is founded upon five pillars, right? So a lot of it is through the process of that through the process of practice, right, kind of exploring what the strength of the person is, by once again doing rather than procrastinating. Right, this paralysis by analysis is a huge issue. Right? So part of it is, is

01:11:06 --> 01:11:48

to just kind of jump in, start doing so first of all, you do your football aid, why? Because you have to, whether it's a strength or a weakness, regardless, we got to do what we got to do. It's an obligation, it is what it is. So you commit to doing your obligations. And from there, now you start to explore, you know, other things. And through that practice, through that exploration, you ultimately will start to now find where you feel, you know, is a place of strength for you where your competence is, right? Where your aptitude is, where your acumen is, you'll start to kind of identify that. But the beauty of doing it this way is that along the way, you will have picked up so

01:11:48 --> 01:12:32

much benefit. Right? Even if that didn't end up becoming, quote unquote, the thing that became, you know, your focus, you still picked up a lot of benefit along the way. Right. And so that would just that's how I would approach it. Should have a question come in, right in, no one asked me to Rama to answer this, if you don't mind. So for those of us who are paid hourly, I feel it's a sin to waste time, which is paid time to check WhatsApp and reply and etc. So I come home feeling low that I cheated. However, it's not easy, almost like an addiction. Even I tried to use the work time me time option. But this could do that so quickly. How can we deal with this? What is what's your take on

01:12:32 --> 01:12:33

that lattice?

01:12:36 --> 01:12:38

I mean, at some point, like not making things harder on yourself?

01:12:40 --> 01:12:55

No. So there is there is a technical answer to this question. But the Quran teaches us some wisdom, Let us allow Russia into the Lakota Sukkot. Don't ask about things that if you are given the answer, then it will put you in a in a pickle.

01:12:58 --> 01:13:19

Be careful, be very careful. Now that's not to say we don't hide knowledge. But at the same time, I you know, I'll ask you, sorry for interrupting. But I'll ask him to elaborate but like I myself, am just even afraid to kind of answer that kind of a question. Because by the book, the technicality of that question is is it's tough luck.

01:13:24 --> 01:13:25


01:13:26 --> 01:13:27

on that note,

01:13:29 --> 01:14:06

it tequila homicidal thoughts, I think is the only thing that I can add to this right. Fear Allah as much as you can. You know, get as much as you can. And I think it's a good reminder, like shakes up, so we try our best to live up to it. But COVID I think good check of the master set is enough, but you'd like to add to it. I want to say the time is really the Amana that's number one. However, it's all about productivity. And doing what you've been asked to do in terms of you know, accomplishment, let's say if you want to keep people an hour, just to answer one phone call, what am I gonna do with the rest of my time? So if your job is to answer calls, then answer calls when they come when the

01:14:06 --> 01:14:08

calls don't come and join your WhatsApp.

01:14:11 --> 01:14:13

Nobody's ever injured WhatsApp share

01:14:15 --> 01:14:20

WhatsApp is a headache. I know. I know where the question is about WhatsApp.

01:14:21 --> 01:14:54

But I would say seriously, use your time wisely. Still, though, again, it's an amount of the time so if you've been asked and tasked to do certain job that requires five hours for example, you finish it in two hours. I'm not gonna tell you hey, I'm done in two hours what about the three hours they're gonna pay me for three hours? Now use the three hours to enjoy your time mashallah because you accomplish this is handleable Allah mean in a shorter time, unless you're gonna maybe get paid for those extra time someone else then you do the job somewhere else. The idea is that your time is yours here. And you're going to be paid for it to do certain jobs do that job. And if in between

01:14:54 --> 01:14:58

there is that free time that will go time for you? Use it wisely in shallow time.

01:14:59 --> 01:14:59


01:15:00 --> 01:15:01

like one more question on the Cisco such.

01:15:03 --> 01:15:45

So they thank you so much for your efforts and your time and helping us this Ramadan. I guess my question is, practically, you know, every moment that we're given, every single time we have, we have a choice to make as to how we use that time. For example, the same action of like going to the masjid or spending time with our family, it could be beneficial to us, it could bring us closer to a law, or it could be the opposite, as we have explored. So I guess, in the practical sense, how do we judge or make the decision as to how we utilize the time that we're given? Because we have to make that choice? So what would I Tyria can be used? I'm sure it's very individualistic, but I think

01:15:45 --> 01:15:46

that'd be really helpful.

01:15:47 --> 01:16:30

I'd actually I really appreciate this question. Because it's something that I think we have to first and foremost, categorize the choices there is good and bad, where it's clear, good or bad, right? You're gonna be in this place of cloud versus this place of Mopsy, this place of obedience, this place of disobedience, then you have bad a neutral, where neutral is better than bad. Okay, so this is not really a sinful time, whereas this is sinful. So let me choose what's not sinful. And then you can even make the intention for that which is not sinful. And that becomes an act of worship in and of itself, right. So taking that that passage of time and turning it into worship time by

01:16:30 --> 01:16:47

inserting and infusing in it, these these different types of things. Then you have good and good, okay, and this is where the Sahaba were very different people and Chef Yasser just spoke about which is very important. I love mystery with all the law. I'm one of my favorite examples in this regard.

01:16:48 --> 01:17:25

Who is just synonymous with the Quran? The first person to read the Quran publicly, love the Quran and Allah Subhana Allah I loved him for his love of the Quran and the prophets. I said I'm sad if you want to hear the Quran fresh, but in Pali and Kemet wounds it you want to hear it fresh, like it was just revealed, listened to have been miserable with the law and read the Quran. And some people went up to him and they blamed him they said, You don't fast not normal Bong he fasted on Milan. But like amongst these companions and tambourine, where you have people that are trying to achieve Babel Eireann the gate of fasting of a Jana was a little below and who doesn't seem to be a person who

01:17:25 --> 01:18:02

fasts much of the voluntary fast and he said in no sleep, so I'm not even close to the Quran. He said, Look, I'm a person who is dedicated to the Quran and the nature of fasting very bad to have it. It gets in the way of the type of service to the Quran that I'm doing. And reading the Quran is more beloved to me than fasting. That's not blasphemous, like God's Will Quran abuela monosodium. I prefer this act to that act and so situate the good the times with the quantities and with the balance and the differences that you feel like can grow your spirituality and make you a more wholesome person not necessarily where you feel the best but where you're becoming better where

01:18:02 --> 01:18:08

you're, you're getting a more comprehensive connection to Allah subhanaw taala and growing in your journey towards Allah alone

01:18:09 --> 01:18:41

does not come off as once again should have the Nosov zakat left that we enjoyed having you thank you for and please make dua for our brothers and sisters that column. Of course, they just opened their new campus and 100 inaudible I mean, very excited about it. And it's it's something that we're all proud of as Dallas community and 100 inaudible I mean to have such a beautiful institution that's been started here. So may Allah put Baraka in their new facility. And Zach l'affaire said he Asad always, always always a pleasure to be with you about a couple of feet from everyone Charlottetown will start RPM at 3am and for now, shake Yes, it would be the one to tell you with a

01:18:41 --> 01:18:47

smile on his face to leave everybody alone until three o'clock someone shift Yes. Or do you want to say at this time leave me alone.

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