Omar Suleiman – Shaded Glory Part 1

Omar Suleiman

A beautiful series on 7 categories who will have Allah’s shade on day of judgment.

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The Day of Judgment is a loss of power and loss of pleasure that is subjective and cannot be measured. The loss of work and anxiety and fear affect people's health and wealth. The loss of monetization and work affects people's behavior and personal lives. The segment discusses the importance of forgiveness and the need for a strong stance on deeds. The segment ends with a discussion of the importance of love for writers and avoiding offense towards the Prophet's name.

AI: Summary ©

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			Salam Alaikum Welcome to labor cattle.
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			I will ask me not even say Farsi Mr. Narayan akima hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen whatever Guan Illa
Allah I mean when I prefer to live with 13 Allahumma salli wa sallam Mutharika, avocado silica
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while he was likely to sell him to * concealer, so we
apologize for the, the mishap, obviously with the technical difficulties called the log file. So
inshallah Tyler will post the recording at a later time from this camera. The topic as as I
mentioned, is
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			the topic, as I mentioned, is the topic of the shade of Allah subhanaw taala stone. So typically
when you think about the shade of a last monetize throne, you think of the Hadith of the seven
categories, where the Prophet slicin and mentioned seven different people that will be shaded by the
throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala on a day when there is no shade except for the shade of Allah
subhanaw taala However, what we don't do is we don't talk about the scene of the Day of Judgment, at
what points of the Day of Judgment, do you need the shade? Where will the shade be? What are some of
the other categories of the prophets Lysander mentioned, where is the shade of a loss of monetized
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			stone anyway, so this isn't solid, solid effort to really you know, before we even talk about the
different categories in Charlotte's Island, but really to set the scene on the day of judgment that
would leave for the people that would leave the people to their different groups into their
different places of standing on the Day of Judgment, first and foremost. Remember, Allah He said,
every day resembles the day of judgment in a way. And what that means is that during the day you go
out and you work, and you do what you have to do. And the goal of your work is that whenever you go
home at night, you can rest in peace, you know, you can enjoy a hard day of work, you can enjoy the
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			fruits of that labor at night when you get home, and you rest. And so Likewise, when it comes to the
Day of Judgment, we see that there is a part of it, that we are standing in the sun and there is a
part of it, that is complete darkness. And so we find from the Hadith of the prophets lie someone
will study them in great detail. What we find is that the first part of the Day of Judgment, which
is the the truth, which is the standing and beyond understanding for 50,000 years that the prophets
lie Selim mentioned to us, is the part where we will all be standing under the sun. And we all know
the prophets lie. Some said people will be sweating in accordance with their deeds in accordance
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			with their faith. Then at some point in the day of judgment, after a loss of hundreds, Allah calls
the believers and the disbelievers and each and every single person and he judges each individual,
the lights completely go up. And so we find that there's a different category at that point where
you have people that are running around and trying to find new as Allah subhanaw taala talks about
it and sort of Hadid young una una una casa de la Vina una Nakata, Noriko, the day that the
hypocrite starts a call out to the believers and say, you know, wait for us stay back and give us
some of your life. And so in essence, and a lot of the saying is that just as in this world, you go
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			through a moment of light, you spend the day under the sun, so that you can rest at night, there are
people on the day of judgment that will or everyone rather will be under the sun. And then at night,
there will be those that will benefit from the light that's provided to them by a law, some kind of
what to Allah. And he said, this is the the orbit if you will, where are the cycle, where you have
lights in dunya. So you have the light of the day before the evening of the night or the night of
the evening, if you will, the darkness of the night, every single day. And then you have the light
of the junior and then you have the darkness of the grave. And then after the darkness of the grave
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			you have the light of Fiamma where you're standing up once again under the sun where everything is
clear in front of you. And then you have the darkness of his of the darkness of the moments of
accountability. So we go through the cycle. And when we talk about the throne of the loss of time,
the shade of the throne of the last panel to Allah first and foremost, they're in and out. They
tried to help us understand what is being spoken about here. So first and foremost, the phone have a
loss of Hannah to Allah, we know that when it comes to the matters of our feed and the matters of
the unseen the matters of theology and the unseen. We can assign human dimensions to a loss of kind
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			of what to Allah or to matters of the unseen. And what that means is that, you know, we don't
actually know how the phone of Allah subhanaw taala looks No matter how much we describe it. It
still remains and not too shabby. That still remains something that is ambiguous in its nature,
because we can't compare it to the thrones of the kings that we see today. But what we do know is
what the prophets lie so I mentioned first and foremost and Hadith and nomada. From what I've
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			said agenda to me
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			that hasn't prepared us rather agenda is 100 degrees.
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			We have a scenario
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			that the prophets I send them said the distance between each of each one of those levels of Paradise
is as big as the heavens in the earth. So each one of those 100 levels is as big as the heavens in
the earth. Then the prophets lie Selim said, What in our law and sort of dose and the highest of
those levels is and for those what I was taught, okay, so it is the highest and the best of them,
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			then the prophets lie Selim said, show
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			me how to find zero and how to engender for either myself or on will laugh a lot for a dose. The
prophets lie Some said at the very top of Alfa dos is the house the throne of a loss of Hannah
hotel, and he said, AlLahi salatu salam, if you ask of a loss of power to Allah, then ask him for
alpha dose ask him for the highest level of Paradise, which is as I showed you, a long time has said
that the people that are for the DOS scenarios that the people that are in that level of genda will
be able to look up and see the form of a loss upon or whatever. And so with the loss of hundreds,
Allah is the absolute highest of all the loss of Coronavirus creation and the prophets I send them
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			they also said and this is something very beautiful because it gives us some of the characteristics
are of the phone and also the attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. As soon as my son says an
authentic hadith, which is narrated in the party, that number
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			ketubah kita V
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			that after a loss upon which Allah completed the creation of everything, Allah subhana wa tada rose
above the Throne, that my mercy overcomes my anger. So the inscription on the throne of a loss of
Anahata Allah, the inscription is that my mercy overcomes my anger. And that's something very
beautiful to think about. Because usually with a third, oppression, usually absolute power
absolutely corrupts, but Allah subhana wa tada despite being medical move, the King of all kings
still makes it a point to inscribe that my mercy overcomes my anger, and even describes us in
certain lockdown was a kind of what Allah describes to us hello to
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			the angels which carry the throne of a loss of Hannah mozzarella, and of course we mentioned them in
our eyes every single morning and every single evening, right we say a llama in
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			America, our sick one Allah eater, watch me
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			until the end of the day, that every day you call a loss of Hannah has Allah to bear witness. And
then you call homiletics without the angels which carry the throne of the loss of Hannah to Allah
and then you call Magna Carta, then you call the angels. And as
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			he says in that is a sign that the greatest angels are the ones that carry the form of a loss of
Hannah Hosanna because they have a separate category that have been mentioned before the rest of the
angels. So you have this group of angels that surrounds the form of a loss of Hannah hotel Allah and
Allah subhanaw taala describes them and he says Levine if
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			you suddenly become the oddity him
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			levina Alan
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			foster Mila Vina tabula rasa de la rocklahoma double Jane. So what are these angels saying the
prophets Allah subhanaw taala says that those who carry the throne and those around it, those around
it and as we'll see what that means in saltire, later on in this class, they declare the praise of
the Lord, and they believe in Him, and what are they doing? They're asking forgiveness for the
believers. They're asking forgiveness for those who are believed. And they say, Our Lord for men of
lesser goodness, a rough matter where
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			you have encompassed all things in mercy, and the knowledge for Filipina taboo. So forgive those who
have repented, and find your way and protect them from the punishment of the hellfire. So the
description is that allows mercy overcomes his anger and the angels which have been entrusted with
that great task of carrying the throne of Allah subhanho to Allah. They also seek forgiveness for
those who believe my son lost my salon said commenting on you said the owner behind the wrong behind
that they declare the perfection and the praises of a loss of kind of attire that also was nice and
I'm sad. One group of them says Suhana kolomela be hemmed ik. So how perfect Are you a lot and with
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			your praises let al hamdu Allah Hey Rita back again. So you have all thanks and gratitude and praise
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			For your forbearance after your knowledge, Henriquez, meaning despite everything that happens and
despite your knowledge of absolutely everything, you still are the most well then you still are the
forbearance of hanoch. Right? So they're
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			declaring his perfection and thinking a loss of words Allah, that Allah still remains forbearing
despite his knowledge, and the amount of work the prophets why Selim says so carnac Allah Hello, the
Hambrick, let her handle Allah as we get dagga quadratic, but another who they say Subhana, Colombia
hamitic, which means how perfect Are you Oh, a lot with your with your praise, and thanks and
gratitude and Hemsworth and that was sugar, then they say, let him handle you are to be praised for
your pardon, despite your power, because usually it's easy to forgive and support him when you don't
have power when you don't have authority. But Allah subhanaw taala, despite having absolute
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			authority over his creation, still decides to pardon so one group of melodica are declaring the last
perfection praising him for this, another group are declaring the last perfection and praising him
for that. One little boy says something very beautiful here as well. He says that why is it that
they will be doing tests?
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			Why is it that they will be declaring a loss perfection that those who are entrusted with carrying
the front of the Las panatela are declaring his perfection? He says, because that is a sign the
anila an ounce Warhammer data. That is a sign that Allah subhanaw taala is independent of his phone
and those that carry meaning what we don't have a perverted belief that these angels are supporting
the loss of Hannah hautala are supporting before the phone supports a loss of 100 Tyler anything of
that sort. Allah is perfect. And because he's perfect is independent of the house. He's independent
of the throne, and he's independent of the angels that are carrying the throne. And so they declare
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			a loss perfection a Lost Planet. Allah says well, you know, I'm so on bigger FOCA home, Yona events
and Anya, that on the day of judgment that there will be eight angels that will be carrying the
throne of a wall some kind of hotel.
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			You know, on that day now, the word eight simonia a lot did not specify angels. So some of the LMR
they said it's angels, or they said it's eight.
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			Yet they said it's eight lines. They said it's 1000 service and so forth. Maybe it means lines maybe
means 1000s. The point is is that it was apparent to us that Semenya
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			mystics of those angels that will be carrying the throne, will see my son in law he was Allah. He
says an authentic hadith and a Buddha would. He said Allah subhanho wa Taala has given me permission
to see just one of the angels that are entrusted with carrying the film. And a lot he was someone he
said in the Medina chef Mati was only
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			between his hero and his shoulder, His mercy urato Sabrina Miata, Sam. Okay. Got that the distance
between his earlobe and his shoulder alone, just the angel is the distance of a journey of 700
years. So you can imagine how large these creations are, how mighty these creations of a loss of
habitat are, and obviously the throne of Allah subhana wa tada is a mighty creation, which is
greater in size greater and dimensions greater than the entire heavens and the earth and all of the
degrees of gender put together. And it is the highest of the last panel which is creation. Now, what
is the shape of a loss of Hannah what's out of there's also debate amongst
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			you guys all hear me right? Do you hear me upstairs sisters? So let's just turn this mic off
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			Actually, it's clear that way.
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			so the shade of a loss of high notes out of the difference amongst the rhythm of the discussion is
whether shade actually refers to shade, or whether it's metaphorical in its nature, and you might
even have trouble him Allah. He said that some of the scholars they said that the attributing the
shade to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah was a lava to tissue leaf. It means a sense of nobility. He
says that, he said, what
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			do we really
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			karate he? He cannot You can't fool and
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			he said that just like you would say that someone is in the protection the word the word literal.
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			would mean that he is in the protection of that King. Okay, so some of the early math they said that
the word shade is not literal. It just means that on the Day of Judgment, there are certain people
that are in the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He said what Tila Marathi said that some
people said what is intended is the, the shade of his throne will have an object that it is an
actual shade. And that is the correct opinion. So there is an actual shade on the day of judgment
from the heat of the sun. Here's a question I'm going to ask you guys now. Do you think anyone has
ever experienced the shade of the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala before the day of judgment?
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			Has anyone ever seen thrown about loss of handling to Allah will anyone see the throne of Allah or
experienced that shade before the day of judgment?
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			There is a very beautiful Hadith, which is narrated by the love not bustle, the Aloha Thailand home
and soon a Buddha would that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that whenever your
brothers were killed at the Battle of
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			the prophets lie, some is describing the Shahada of it. He said that Allah subhanho wa Taala put
their spirits in the bodies of green birds. And those green birds they go around the rivers of
genda. They eat from its fruits, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, they also
hang what we eat on the head, that they also hang from these golden lamps while I look at him,
feeling the love that are hung to the throne of a loss of hundreds are the shade of a loss of
habitat of stone. So there are the Shahada of the martyrs of Earth in particular, they enjoy the
shade of a loss of Hannah horchata stone and they hang they fly around and they hang from the lamps
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			from the lamps that are under the throne of Allah Subhana horchata. And also last by Salim said that
a conversation takes place between them. They say to Allah subhanho wa Taala main value is one and
I'm not here on Hilton, who is going to tell our brothers that are still living that we are still
living in gender, that we are living in gender, and we are enjoying the sustenance of Allah subhanaw
taala and we're enjoying the fruit and drink, you know, the food and drink of genma who's going to
go and tell our brothers and then Allah subhanho wa Taala says that I will do so. And then the amsel
Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala says no believer whom I will I will tell them about you bonus of a law
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			and he was set up to ends on a long run our tests are done in Medina karate roofie Sabina La Jolla
Mata so the actual revelation of the ayah do not say of those that have been killed in the way of a
loss of Hannah what's added that they are dead, then, yeah, rather they are alive when I can let us
alone, and you just don't realize it. So that was actually a response to the request of the Shahadat
of the martyrs which already have the opportunity to fly under the throne of Allah subhanaw taala
and enjoy the shade of the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now as far as the assembling on the
Day of Judgment, so let's just talk about the the the assembly of the assembly on the day of
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			judgment and when people will actually get to experience the shade of a loss of Hannah Montana
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said an authentic hadith, which is narrated in a typically in
the commercial ordinary darlin waddle cabana, which which is
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			I'm sorry, I can see
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			that rarely on the day of judgments, you will be raised up some of you will be walking, some of you
will be writing and some of you will be dragged on your faces. Meaning what whenever we wake up on
the day of judgment as we rise to that, that terrifying scene, where we see everything coming apart
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that everyone proceeds to an out of that emotion to
the place of assembly. Some people will go walking, some people will be writing on something that's
been provided to them by Allah subhanaw taala and some people are dragged on their faces. So people
proceed to Allah subhanaw taala in different situations on the Day of Judgment, and also loss and
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			Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said, particularly that the disbelievers would be walking on their face
young Shona Allah widow him, they would actually be made to walk on their faces. So as I said the
monocle the Allahu taala and who says that some of the companions said jasola own messenger of
Allah, how can a person walk on his face? a celestial Allahu it was seldom said, isn't the one who
made them to walk on their feet in this dunya capable of making them walk on their faces in the
Hereafter, who defines these laws of nature in the first place. So just as a loss of patents Allah
cause some people to walk on their feet in this world.
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			allies Odell Wilcock will cause a group of people with the law to walk on his face on the day of
judgments. And so this shows us that the way we proceed to Allah subhanaw taala is very different.
Some people riding with a sense of pride and anxiety, you know, anxious to see a loss of hundreds on
anticipation. Some people pulled hesitantly on their faces. And a lot as it just says, well, it's
cool enough sigma,
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			Russia heat, and as you proceed to a loss of Hana hotel on the day of judgment to the place of
assembly, each and every single person has a static inertia, heat. It literally means a driver, an
angel that is guiding you, and an angel that was a witness upon you. Okay, so a scribe and a witness
and a driver. Okay, someone who's taking you to the, to the place of assembly, and then the angel
that records your deeds. And so what we find from that from the different narrations, the various
narrations is that there will be some that will be cursed by the angels, you know, because they're
going to their punishments. And there are some who the angels will come them as they are walking to
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			the place of assembly, as they are walking to meet Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will continue to
keep them calm and say Don't worry, Allah has no right Do not worry and do not grieve Allah subhana
wa tada will take care of you have nothing to worry about and we remind them of some of their good
deeds. bacillus why Salam he also said to Sharona who fatten rotten
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			hood law that the prophet SAW Selim he said that you will be raised on the Day of Judgment, barefoot
naked and uncircumcised. So everyone is raised the way that he was born. And I shall be allowed
Tatiana she said to the prophets lie some this hadith is narrated by Ayesha Buhari, she said Yasuda
Allah O Messenger of Allah everydollar when he sat down through Baba Amitabha, once a man in the
women be looking at each other, if everyone is raised without even close, and what did the prophets
lie Selim say? an emerald ash, abdomen, garlic,
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			that Oh, Ayesha, the situation is so severe on the Day of Judgment, people would not even notice.
Can you imagine Subhanallah that people are in such trauma. And people are in such you know, grief
and anxiety, people would not even notice that there are others around them without quotes. And
tapanuli reminded the brothers and sisters when we go to hedge and hedge, you know, we're dressed in
a way that's a little bit awkward, right? You know, you have husbands and wives and things of that
sort and the men in particular, they're not dressed entirely, you know, sometimes their tops are
exposed, whatever it may be, but no one cares. Because there's something that's more serious at hand
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			and that is the affair of hatch. So can you imagine on the Day of Judgment, how serious the affair
of a loss of Hannah Montana is on that day, that people would not even notice that they are not
wearing coats, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, You shall know so young with
creality Allah,
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			that barely the people would be raised on the day of judgment on their white lens or thought it
there's absolutely nothing on it and the prophets lie Salah, he described it like a loaf of bread.
Okay, so out of that mashup is a place the place that we're being resurrected to is a place that has
absolutely nothing on its surface laserfiche Not only that, there is no landmark there is no tree
for anyone to benefit from. So this is a completely flat land, with absolutely nothing on top of it,
no trees, no plants, no poles, nothing to hang on to. And the people are gathered into a place until
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that every single person goes to his place of standing.
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			And every single creation of Allah subhanaw taala goes to its place of standing as well. The
animals, the insects, everything that Allah azza wa jal has created, stands in its place as a loss
of habitat decreed for it. And the prophets lie Selim said, and no one would have any space other
than that which they're standing in.
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			So imagine how many billions of people have existed how many how much of the creation of Eliza gel
has existed and everyone is standing in their spot, and there's no other place to move. You can't
wiggle even one centimeter to your right or to your left or in front of you, or behind you. And then
we see that solane ignore amor de la tada and we know it's from Necdet or the Allahu anhu that the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that on the day of on the day of judgments on Yom Okayama
The sun will come so close Hector takuna key the kneeling with name, okay, that very early on the
Day of Judgment, the sun will come so close to the people until it comes about a mile
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			or two away. So the sun, you know, I don't even know how far away the sun is from us right now. But
somehow to let you know if you come anywhere near the sun, right, within 1000s and millions of light
years of it, you die, right you would be burned you would completely evaporate. So imagine also last
night, someone was saying that it would draw near, and it would be only a mile or two away, then the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says
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			that rarely the sun would, would caught would would melt them to subtle meanings to melt them. And
the Prophet slice of them says vehicle Luna for the out of the country and our nanny him coming
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			the sun would would burn each and every single one of them and would cause them to sweat in
accordance with their deeds. I can barely see my computer screen for some reason. And the prophets I
send them said, so some people will have sweat and according up to their ankles and the prophets
lysozyme says, there will be some people that would have sweat up to the up to their lookup, some
people that would have sweat up to their waist, some people that would have sweat up to their necks,
some people that would have sweat, up to their ears and up to their mouths and also la sal Allahu wa
sallam. He even did this alayhi salaatu wa Salaam to show that there will be some people that would
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			even be drowning in their sweat. So everyone sweats on that day in accordance with his deeds, and
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now you might be thinking to yourself 50,000 years of
standing in the sun when it's a mile or two away, you know? And let's say that you sweat according
to your deeds. How much would you sweat the profits by sunset another had Ethan and Bahati from
boyhood idol all the time. I know. You're awkward, NASA, Jamelia Mati had to
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			fill out of the Submariner near the law, at the profit slice of them said that on the day of
judgment that people will sweat so much that their sweat will actually sink into the ground, sink
them into the ground, the distance of 70 yards, so they would actually start to sink into the
ground. As a result of that sweat. And the prophets lie Selim said that it would reach up to their
mouths and to their ears in this narration as well. Now, where does everyone go? Where is everyone
standing? Some people are sweating and drowning in their sweat as the prophets lie. Some said some
people have some sweat to their ankles, some to their knees. Here's where a lot so that gives us the
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			key a loss of Hannah Montana says Welcome to as large and
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			that on the Day of Judgment essentially, there are three groups of people. First us have will may
manatee metals have been
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			the people on the right hand, who are the people on the right side of how will maimane and last
pantiles praising these people on the right side. These are the majority of added agenda. As the man
has to do him Allah says this is the majority of the people of paradise. So they would go and they
would stand on the right side of Allah subhanho to Allah stone there place on the day of judgments
on the right side. They would also be given the books and in the right hands, we asked the last
contact to make us from us. Hi, William in alumna I mean, the people have the right that would
receive their books in the right hands. And these people, they're not going to be drowning in their
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			sweat. But these are the people that will have some sweat up to their ankles, to their to their
shins to their knees, perhaps even to their waist. But these believers because they are the people
of gender, they're not going to be drowning in their sweat. Now here's a question. Well, every
single woman, on the Day of Judgment have some kind of shade. Does anybody know? Let's forget about
the seven categories and other categories. Will every believer have some form of shade on the day of
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			And what would it be?
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			Which deeds?
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			Not necessarily his good deeds specifically which of the good deeds
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			specifically which of
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			his sadhaka is charity? This is an authentic hadith from above and I'm only allowed tada I know
that's narrated by Eben headband. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, couldn't be more
in fee literally saw the party he had to use Albinus. The prophets lie Selim said that every single
person on the Day of Judgment is standing in the shade of his Saba in the shade of his charity until
it is judged between people. Okay, so this is not the shade This is separate from the shade of the
throne of a loss of Hannah winter Allah. This is what every believer would have. Okay, the sadaqa
not the amount that he gave, not the amount that he gave, rather the percentage of what he had that
00:29:44 --> 00:29:45
			he gave in South Africa.
00:29:46 --> 00:29:59
			Okay, there is a difference between the two. And this qualification was made by the mountain course
to be the percentage of your wealth that you gave in South Africa. That will be your shade on the
day of judgment as you stand there, and you wait, this is for us hobbling.
00:30:00 --> 00:30:38
			Munna This is for the people on the right side, the average believers, the majority of the people of
Paradise, then Allah subhana wa tada says, Well, I will miss MIT mouse hobbled Miss Emma. And as for
the people of the left side, and who are the people of the left, this is the category of those that
are going to be placed on the left of Allah subhanaw taala stone. And these are the people who
receive their books in their left hands. And these are at enough. These are the people of hellfire.
And these are the people who will be who will be drowning in their sweat that the Prophet slicin
have mentioned to us that will have sweat all the way up to their mouth all the way up to their
00:30:38 --> 00:31:19
			their noses, the people who are on the left side, and we asked the last contact to protect us from
that alone, I mean, and we even know from the profit slice of them that there will be some people
that will completely sink into the grounds that are standing on the left side. But Sula, sly Selim
said in particular, and this is narrated by Abdullah Amato, the Allahu taala No, man I mean a lot of
the say and be very happy that whoever took anything of land whoever took something from his
brother, particularly an adult so up, you know, through oppression took a part of his lend the lady
happy without any right who sefa bl Mel piano de la Saba are the
00:31:21 --> 00:31:35
			very scary Hadith. The prophets lie Selim said he would sink or he would be buried under seven
layers of surface on the Day of Judgment. So this person would be completely swallowed by a lot of
00:31:36 --> 00:32:13
			Okay, the place of assembly. Why because he unjustly took something from his brother. We asked a
loss of habitat to protect us and that's why the prophets I send them said that that transgression
is literal Matt is darkness upon darkness upon darkness on the Day of Judgment, you know that you
would face that this is even before he said, Allah subhanaw taala causes this person to sink into
the earth and somehow Allah we found that a salata will be the shade of the believer. There is
another Hadith from Abu Dawood. Now we're talking about the exact opposite of that. The prophet SAW
Selim said that if anyone who owns any form and this is from obovata, that if anyone owns any form
00:32:13 --> 00:33:01
			of gold, or silver, and he does not pay what is due on it. So this is a person not only who didn't
give sadaqa but he didn't pay zakat, Allah subhanho wa Taala will, will take some will take some
iron that would be burned with the fire of denim. And Allah as Oded would place it on his forehead,
on his side, and on his back, and also lost on a lot harder to sell him said that this would be his
situation, until an out so this is even before the presentation of the deeds to Allah subhanaw
taala. So imagine even as the sun is that close to that person, he also has burning pieces of iron
from Hellfire without the villa. So very scary situation on one side, you have the people burning
00:33:01 --> 00:33:10
			already, and they have pieces of iron. On the other side you have the people that are shaded, then
the profits by selling he also said an authentic hadith and Buddha was from
00:33:12 --> 00:33:18
			Montana who was hanifa dunya can Allahu Yeoman piano at the Santa Ana now
00:33:19 --> 00:33:57
			that whoever had two faces in this world and the hottest Ah, whoever had two faces in this world
will have two tongues of fire on the Day of Judgment. So being ruled by chain also lost by Salam he
said that the worst of people to Allah subhanho wa Taala is Dubois chain is a person of two faces
and that the Yeti hat would it be legible? What would it be when it comes to one group of people
with a face when it comes to another group of people with a face so his actual tongue would be made
a fire and obviously that's the worst situation that a person can be in on that day, assembled on
the left side of a loss of monetise dawn when he had the villa. Now we get to our topic. A loss of
00:33:57 --> 00:34:38
			Hannah Tata says, a savvy foreigner savvy con una ecal mukalla. Born. A savvy con acerbic means the
one who won the race, the four runners, the four runners Ola equal mocha Robin, those are the ones
who will be brought close to a loss of Hannah Montana. This is a small group of the people of Jenga,
and they are the people that we'll get to out of the mash up that we'll get to a loss of habitat on
the day of assembly faster than anyone else, and they will be brought closest to Allah subhanho wa
Taala. And this status, they are greater than the people on the amine. They're greater than the
people that are on the right side. They're right next to the throne of a loss of Hannah what to
00:34:38 --> 00:35:00
			Allah, and Allah Subhana Allah to Allah He described this candidate you know, these three categories
now which we have the people that do good deeds, the average believer who will go to Jenna than the
people of Hellfire on the left, and then a savvy corner Sadiq Khan, Allah describes them in this
world. Eliza Jem says and students fall in verse 32, some rational Kitab alladhina
00:35:00 --> 00:35:43
			Athena Athena from in home volume oddly enough see woman who mocked us it woman home Sadiq Khan will
hire rtbf nila Radhika who will? Will Kabir that last comment I said we cause to inherit the book
those who he chose from our servants. Amongst them are those is the one who wrongs himself. So this
is obviously the category of who those on the left side were men who walk tassels and there are
those who are moderate. There are those who made it who did enough. Well, I mean, one savvy person
will find out and they are there. There's the category of those who is foremost in regards to good
deeds by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And notice here Subhan Allah, that Allah azza wa
00:35:43 --> 00:36:21
			jal and this is what's very important as we embark on this study for the next four weeks in sha
Allah to Allah, notice that Allah subhana wa tada and he describes the people who are shaded by
Allah, so just thrown a lot does not describe a good deed. Allah subhanaw taala describes an
attitude, adjust ruler, someone whose heart is attached to the medicine, right? It's an attitude
that yields many good deeds. It's a behavior that Allah subhanaw taala praises, because aside
because we are not people that just do one good deed here, there and they ended up doing well with
it. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala gives them that status. This is a person who has an attitude
00:36:21 --> 00:37:01
			that is driven by the praise and by the love and the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So some of
them, they say a Sabbath on the Sabbath. And the reason why last month I set aside people in twice
Sadiq Khan for dunya, wasabi confit after he was for most in this world, meaning what he refers to
the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala first in this dunya, therefore in the Hereafter, he will
rush to Allah first. So just as he rushed through a lot in this dunya, he rushed us to Allah, in the
hereafter as well, these people, all of a savvy phone, are so close to the phone of a loss of data,
that they are included as their intimate say, amongst those that are shaded by Allah subhanho to
00:37:01 --> 00:37:12
			Allah, because those people are an NBA, or silicone or Shahada, the prophets, the martyrs, and those
that were truthful with a loss of Hannah Montana,
00:37:13 --> 00:37:52
			the whole these categories, all are under the shade of a loss of antis throne, they're standing so
close to a loss throne, that they're shaded by. And somehow this is without even having to go into
all the individual categories that will go into a sub before we're truthful to Allah subhanho wa
Taala in regards to their promise, right. And so each one of these categories essentially alludes to
that a person who had a chance to be doing something else. But instead, he pleased the last panel
without it with what was given to him. So they were truthful to their Shahada. They were truthful to
their testimony with Allah Subhana, WA Tada. And so all of the prophets, all of the martyrs, all of
00:37:52 --> 00:38:16
			the silicone in some way, shape or form fall into even one of the seven categories that we're going
to study in depth. So all of these categories will be under the shade of the throne of a loss upon
of what to add. On that day, there'll be standing so close to a loss of anodized throne, that they
won't feel the heat of the sun at all. The first thing we take from this number one, Alma, oh, man,
00:38:17 --> 00:38:56
			you are with the one that you love. How important is it to make sure that the people that you love
are people that you think will be standing in the right place on the Day of Judgment. And this is a
hadith from Abu Salah Sharia law, the Allahu taala and him so he had Buhari, that someone said to
the prophets lie Selim. Allegedly you have been calm, that a man might love a group of people. Well,
I'm the Jacobi him, but he but at the same time, he can't he's not he's not able to do the same good
deeds that they're doing. Meaning what I love someone who's righteous or humble Sally, I love
someone who's righteous. I love a group of righteous people. But at the same time, you know, I find
00:38:56 --> 00:39:35
			my deeds not as much as their deeds and the prophets lie Selim says, and macho man and that everyone
on the day of judgment will be with the one that they love. And another Hadith from Abu Saeed, the
prophets by some specified that aband a man will be raised. So the prophets I send them particularly
mentioned, and assure that a man would be raised on the Day of Judgment with those that he loves. So
how important is it for you to love the writers so that on that day, even if your deeds are lacking,
perhaps you are just from us? How will you mean you were just from the people on the right side, but
you love someone who is from a savvy one, and a loss of handling data gathered you with that person,
00:39:36 --> 00:39:59
			and because of that, you ended up under the shade of a loss of how to what to add, even though your
deeds were not equivalent. So those of you know the people who are also in that, you know, under
that shade of a loss of Hannah Montana stone, who is the first to get to the phone of Allah subhana
wa tada on the Day of Judgment, and to bask in the shade. Obviously, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, the prophets lie Selim, he said and Hadith from Allah, the alarm
00:40:00 --> 00:40:45
			I know that I am the first one for whom the earth will be will be split. Meaning what on the Day of
Judgment, the first one to be resurrected and the prophets why Selim said, and I am the first one
that would be dressed with the garments of agenda. And then the prophets lie Selim said from a coma
Anya minashi Lisa Hayden Milan Cala T. yaku. Vatican macom Okay, the prophets lie Selim said, then I
will go and I will take a position to the right of a loss of Hannah hotel has grown and there is no
one else that will occupy the position that I am in. So the prophets lie Selim is the first one. To
get there. On the day of judgment, he occupies a special place out of his salatu salam, to the right
00:40:45 --> 00:40:56
			of Allah subhanho wa Taala stone. However, with that being said, there's a very interesting Hadith
in Bukhari and Muslim also from our data with the law. I know that one time a Muslim and a Jew
started to get in the fight.
00:40:57 --> 00:41:09
			So the Muslim he swore by the Lord of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, whereas the Jew swore by
the Lord of musante, his Salah,
00:41:10 --> 00:41:53
			so they're fighting basically over who's the better Prophet, my profit or your Prophet Mohammed
Salah Larissa or Masada, his Salah. So this Muslim, he eventually what the Hadith says is that he
physically actually slapped them in. So this man came to the prophets license to complain. And also
the LA Sol allow it he was alone. He said lad to hyrulean Allah Moosa, the Prophet slicin um, said,
do not prefer me to Musa he's telling the Muslims do not prefer me to Moosa, he said, because on the
Day of Judgment, whenever the cycle takes place, whenever people will be raised again by the blow of
the horn, but still colossal allies, and I'm sad that I would be the first one to recover from it.
00:41:54 --> 00:42:03
			And I would be the first one to proceed to a loss of Hannah which is grown. And he would say that I
would already see Musashi his Salaam, grabbing on to one of its posts.
00:42:04 --> 00:42:46
			So the prophets lie Selim. You know why he says that Messiah, Islam has the honor of already being
there and hanging on to one of the pillars of the film, because Musa alayhis salaam already suffered
from the slypod from the shock on the mountain of tool, so Allah spared him from it on the Day of
Judgment. So Musashi Salaam is spared from that from that blow, and so Musashi salon would already
be there as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam proceeds to the throne of Allah subhana wa Tada.
So these are the first people to get to the throne of Allah subhana wa Tada, the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and and Musa alayhis salam. And obviously after that all of the great profits, the
00:42:46 --> 00:43:22
			messengers, the Shahadat the akun the murders, those that were truthful with Allah subhana wa tada
and all of these blessitt categories, and what we can see and this is where we come to the Hadith of
the Southern muscle loss Allah and he was telling me he said, and this is what we're going to be
describing, at least for the next two weeks in sha Allah to Allah said that when you live with him,
Allah have to Allah you wouldn't be he Yama now, wouldn't that allow Linda? Okay, that there are
people seven groups of people that will be shaded by the shade of Allah subhanho its Allah on the
day of judgment when there is no shade except for his and the prophets lie some of them mentioned
00:43:22 --> 00:44:04
			them in categories. Mmm when I didn't adjust ruler, a young man who has been brought up in the
worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala and obviously applies to women as well. A man whose heart is
attached to the messages to persons who love each other only for a loss of Hannah Montana sake, and
they meet and they depart from one another, only for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala only for a
lost cause. And then someone who was called by a person of beauty that hasn't been wedgemount so a
person of beauty and status to Xena to commit fornication or adultery for conda in the a half a law,
but instead he said I fear Allah subhanho wa Taala a person who gives charity in such a way that his
00:44:04 --> 00:44:41
			left hand doesn't even know what his right hand has given. And then the last one is a person who
remembers Allah subhana wa tada what other than that Corolla Hylian for father Dinah, a person who
remembers Allah subhana wa tada in seclusion and his eyes are filled with tears. And Allah tala as
we studied these categories, what we can see which is common with all seven of these categories,
first and foremost, and then we'll study the rest of the categories as well in the last lecture,
inshallah tada of the series. We're a little pressed for time today, so I can't start with him. I'm
going to add that as I wanted to, with the just ruler, what we find is that all of them showed mercy
00:44:41 --> 00:44:59
			to a last creation. Okay, so that's one of them. And so that became a cause for a lot showing mercy
to them. Right, so you show mercy to Allah's creation. Whoever doesn't show mercy will not have
mercy shown to him as the prophets license. So Allah subhana wa tada showed mercy to them.
00:45:00 --> 00:45:37
			Or they were people that were in a situation where their heart was being called to something other
than Allah subhanho to Allah, but they still chose Allah subhana wa tada instead. So all of these
categories fall into one of these two situations, inshallah to Allah will start to go into all of
the different categories from next week and shot Latina for now we'll go ahead and we'll take a
break for event and then we'll do questions inshallah tada and then we will do the sala de zachman.
Lafayette and I apologize to all of you for starting late and for the technical difficulties and
also for being a little bit rushed, having to skip a little bit of the material, a lot of coffee
00:45:37 --> 00:45:39
			cups, so we'll pause for that and then we'll do questions inshallah.
00:47:34 --> 00:47:35
00:48:38 --> 00:48:43
			so inshallah, I will take a few questions, inshallah. Does anyone have any questions? Yeah.
00:48:58 --> 00:49:32
			Okay, so the question is, does a person with the seven categories does a person have to achieve each
and every single category, just one, just one, just one, if a person achieves any of the categories
again, it's not just the seven categories. If a person finds himself amongst the sub recon on the
Day of Judgment, he's automatically shaded by the throne of Allah subhanaw taala. And then we'll
there are about five other categories that we derive from that howdy for the prophets license as
well as the seven so inshallah tada if a person excels, if he stabbed, he excels in one of those
categories, as well as obviously not doing anything that would expel him from the shade of a loss of
00:49:32 --> 00:49:35
			Hannah Montana, then he will enjoy it on the Day of Judgment, Jonathan.
00:49:37 --> 00:49:37
00:49:41 --> 00:49:44
			What defines youth wait till next week, inshallah.
00:49:45 --> 00:49:46
			That's a long topic. Yeah.
00:50:00 --> 00:50:10
			But also be covered in two people that love each other for a loss of data and meet and depart from
one another for the love of Allah. Is there any way for the sisters to ask questions?
00:50:11 --> 00:50:34
			Not really. Okay, so otherwise, next week inshallah so is the first week in this method. So again,
we asked everyone to ask forgiveness, I also wasn't as comfortable with the material because of the
time crunch all the time next week, we'll find it it'll be smoother inshallah Tyler will be set up
quicker, and we'll be able to start and we'll have some will be better prepared, inshallah. Any
other questions from the brothers? Yeah.
00:50:48 --> 00:51:05
			Okay, so the question is, I talked about some of the categories of the people on the left side, if
someone has the characteristics, some of the characteristics that are mentioned, is he going to the
left side forever? Can he come to the people with the right side, as we know there are people on the
day of judgment that will go through,
00:51:06 --> 00:51:18
			you know, some punishment, and then they will be from the they will enter into paradise. So there
are some people that go to Hellfire for some time and then go to Paradise? The answer to that
question is what overcomes the other.
00:51:19 --> 00:52:01
			So if the majority of it was good, and there was some bad than the last panel to add, as mercy
supersedes his anger and his wrath, so what overcomes the other we know the story of the people off
like the people who will have equal deeds. Can you imagine how accurate the Nissan is the scale is
so accurate, the province license that if you were to put the entire heavens and the earth inside of
them, no SCI tone, and there was an atom, which means it would fit them and it would weigh them
accurately. And so you'll still have some people with exact equal deeds and those people will be
delayed into entering paradise, they will be standing in you know, on a barrier, and they will be
00:52:01 --> 00:52:41
			waiting to see what their their fate is. And the last cantata would show His mercy to them and they
would enter into paradise, but they would enter after the other people so there would be a delay. So
Allah subhanaw taala overlooks since he overlooks mistakes and these types of things. However, what
we see is that as far as transgression is concerned towards Allah servants, when it comes to
transgression towards Allah subhanaw taala slaves and his servants then you have a much bigger issue
to deal with because you have to be forgiven by Allah and forgiven by the one that you wronged. So
you if you took something unjustly, your Salah will not protect you from that learn from that
00:52:41 --> 00:53:02
			transgression You understand? That's what the prophets lie Selim, was told about enough Wynonna
Tacoma lane, what a Samana ha, what's up and what's the deal on that there's a woman that prayed pm
a little faster during the days gave extra charity, but she has an abusive tongue towards her
neighbors and the prophets lie Some said late last night I see her here for not there is no good
inside of her she's in hellfire.
00:53:03 --> 00:53:34
			So somehow a lot that unfortunately, it does away with your good deeds. That is who the prophets
like some called Alma Phyllis, the bankrupt one on the Day of Judgment, all of his prayer his Salah,
his sadhaka is gone because somehow that a lot of the how that was shut him off that he cursed this
person he backed by to that person, you heard that person so a person should be careful of
transgression more than anything else alongside them. Does that mean law heighten so we'll see you
all next week and shot loss panicle I'm having to catch up with a lot of stuff. It'll go well until
what equals Salaam Alaikum

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