Omar Suleiman – Sahih Al-Bukhari 2-09-2016

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning in Islam is emphasized, with missed daily prayers and enrolling in a mandatory auction for debts being a key factor. voluntary fasting and praying for success is also emphasized, as well as the use of "has" in relation to the Prophet. The world is dynamic and has great potential, and the speakers encourage visiting their website and remind listeners to prioritize their deeds. The discussion also includes forward-looking statements, which may involve risks and uncertainties, and to refer to risk factors and other documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
AI: Transcript ©
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To make a lot of connections and show us how so this is the advantage of note taking, you'll start to connect a lot of concepts in these Hadith remember the purpose of Sahil Behati is to study these these Hadith not in isolation but rather to study them together to deliver a series of points. And so when we're talking about eatable, Eman, we're talking about faith which is obviously the most important aspect of Islam then we have to be able to connect these Hadith inshallah Thomas so the name of the chapter today is bad as a character in Islam. The chapter that to Pisa cat is a part of Islam, we'll call the who will not only rule 11 Er with Allah on the scene and with Dean who Anessa

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well up masala Toyota kata with early Kadena will claim. He mentioned the Ayah from certain Bay in our last panel, Tara says and they were not commanded except to worship Allah subhanaw taala. Sincerely, not associating any partners with him upholding the prayer and also these account also the obligatory charity without Iike Dino IEMA. And that is indeed the straight the correct path. Now why would it be haughty Rahim Allah use this ayah to prove his point. He's trying to show that Zika has the same Manziel has the same station as salah. Zakah is a pillar of Islam. Just like prayer is a pillar of Islam. Why? Because, you know, obviously a group arose in the time of Obamacare called

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the lawn. And they claim that they can't no longer had to be paid since the prophets like Selim passed away. Okay, so zakaah was only an institution that was limited to the time of the Prophet sallallahu. It was salam, once the Prophet slicin passes away, that's no longer there. That was the claim of this group. And obviously, I will recommend the law. I know he fought up. And he said that I will fight anyone who makes a distinction between Salah and Zika, between prayer and Zika. So the point of this is being here, a little hottie Rahim, Allah often uses these subheadings is to show that the car has the same station as salah, in the sense that it is also a pillar of Islam. And it's

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also extremely important and to omit it, or to deny its obligation is actually a form of disbelief now that these we're going to talk about has very little to do with Zika. But again, a hadith will be quoted by an Behati multiple times, okay to make the point that he's trying to make so it might the Hadith that we study is not necessarily you know, connected to Zika. But it's actually a much bigger issue in sha Allah to Allah. So the Hadith says basically that, and this is narrated that Paul had nor Obaidullah about the hola Juan. He says, John Roger, you know, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Argentina, just that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from

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the people of Nigeria. Now noticed, you know, there's a modern day area that's around the olive, which is named nudged as a city of modern day locations, but now just actually historically referred to 12 or 13 different locations. So now this can mean many things. But what it always means is somewhere to the east, so maps can be from the direction of Iraq, all the way to Medina, somewhere to the that a man came to the Prophet slice, I'm from that area. And the idea of this hadith is to convey first and foremost that this man was a foreigner. He was an out of Towner, he was a Bedouin from far away, he would have a different accent. He wasn't accustomed to the ways of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam, and the Companions quite yet, so he came to the Prophet sallallahu It was sudden thought erupts, your smell that we use only he, when you've come home, to have dinner for either who yes or no and in Islam. So the Hadith says that this man when he came, it's very particular language. The companion said we could hear his loud voice, but we couldn't understand what he was saying. Meaning he was speaking extremely loud, but we couldn't understand what he was saying. Until he came very, very close. Then we came to know that he was asking about Islam. Now what happens when someone speaks in a language or they're trying to convey something to you? And

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you're not understanding them? What do they tend to do?

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out of frustration, they tend to speak louder, right? So the companions are saying this guy came in his accent or the way that he was speaking his dialect was so different to them, that they didn't understand what he was saying. So he kept on raising his voice, as if that makes it better, right? We do that all the time you raise your voice, and we couldn't understand what he was saying until he came near. And then

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We made out from his language that he was asking about Islam. Okay, this is just to convey to you the full story the incident so the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam for Carnival symbolizes on the wall it was salam hum, so follow it follow me when Leila that they are five prayers in the day and the night for Carla hull Alia via Doha. The man said Do I have to do anything other than those five prayers for Carla I just thought was salam la Illa interpreter what the prophets like some said no unless you want to do extra unless you want to do do more almost to the lottery someone love it he was Salam wa Salam o mobile and then the prophets like some said and the fasting of Ramadan so the

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man said hallelujah Why do I have to do more than the fasting of Ramadan the prophets like some said no, not illa Anta top Anwar unless you decide to do extra Carlos echo Hola. Hola rasool Allah he's from Allahu Allahu wa salam as a cap. The prophets lie to them then mentioned to him zakaah He taught him about the Zakat. Barlet hallelujah Vitamina The man said Do I have to do anything other than this account? Or that illa Anta photo the prophets like some said No, unless you want to do extra color for Adubato Raju well who are your cool Wallahi La La as he do other haha what are Uncas so the man turned away from the Prophet sallallahu it was sentiments as he turned away from the

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Prophet SAW Selim, he was saying out loud. I swear by Allah that is either either hard or unfocused. I will not do anything more anything less than this follow suit Allah He is on the Lord. He was salam.

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in Sabah, the prophets lie some said he will succeed if he is truthful, he will gain his salvation, if he is truthful, in what he was saying. Very interesting Hadith now let's dissect it in sha Allah. So he said the man was from the east he's from a strange town or he's from a town that's not you know, very close to Medina.

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A very different dialect he's a Bedouin, it's very clear that he's not the most educated man. Right he's a very simple man coming to the Prophet slice on to ask the prophets lie Selim some questions. I have probably already know what Allah He said, you know, taking into consideration that the meaning of the narrations and so on so forth. He said that the man had a loud voice. And when the people you know, clearly couldn't understand them, he raised his voice louder. Okay. And, you know, he was calling from far away which was making it even more difficult. So finally, when he sat down, when he lowered his voice when he was clear and trying to you know, trying or when he was expressing

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himself in a clear fashion then it was understood by the companions that he's asking about Islam. Now for those of you that take notes alright a lot of them but but the research seems to indicate that this man his name is jasm had been built pod jasm in the pot. The reason why this is important is because this narration is conflated often with another narration which is very simple, which is very similar and the name of the companion and that narration is Limon even thought about and I'm gonna go over that narration. So he's often this narration is very similar to another incident that happened with the Prophets lie Selim. That man's name was Limon, Ibn Salah and some of the

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commentators of Hadith they say that this incident is talking about the mount but it doesn't make sense for a few reasons, which I mentioned in sha Allah Tada. So the man's name is Joseph in Menlo Park called the walltime Yes, everyone in Islam he came to the Prophet slice and I'm asking him about Islam. So he's asking the Prophet saw some some of the basics about Islam some of the proofs about Islam some of the judge about Islam the evidences and so on so forth and the Prophet slice and I've had a conversation a conversation with him the man accepted the man said, Okay, fine, you know, this makes sense. I'll become Muslim. So he's it's a very quick conversation it's not you know, the

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man is not really you know, he doesn't need much to be convinced of Islam he's a very simple man. Till he it makes sense to him monotheism makes sense to him. And other narrations this narration by the way isn't Muslim it's more probably my Malik and others you know, say this man had unkempt hair he's you know, he had he had rough clothes but this was a very simple man. So immediately he accepted so he said to the prophets lie so I'm okay what do I have to do now? What do I have to do? Alright fine. Make sense. Now what do I have to do in the profit slice? I'm said five prayers in the day and in the night. Now, here's the thing.

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Are there only five obligatory prayers in Islam?

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yes. It's okay guys answer. You know, you're like, Wait, that's a trick question.

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I know there's a sixth one. I heard a sec say it. No, there's five daily prayers in Islam.

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right five obligatory prayers. But then there's debate over some of the other prayers about whether or not they're emphasized to a point of obligation. Who can give me an example of that? Which is, so are, you know, as witted, emphasized to a point of obligation, are the two records before February emphasize to a point of obligation? If so, is the obligation the same as the obligation of the five prayers. Now, obviously, different schools have to deal with this in different ways. So in the Hanafi, school, there are different levels of worship, there are things that are more obligatory than others, but there's still a blue

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there are things that are more crude that are disliked to a point of being prohibited.

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And you know, the other schools don't necessarily have that system. But still, some of the scholars would say that to insist upon missing with it, like to insist upon it to never pray with it, or to never pray the tooth archives before budget, the sun in the federal which the prophets lie, some would pray even when he traveled would make a person sinful.

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A law item but I mean, this this hadith is used as proof by those who say that in fact that there is nothing that is sinful other two myths other than the five daily prayers to insist upon missing some of the other prayers could make you sinful, but that's a 50 discussion. But generally speaking, there is nothing that is mandatory, obligatory that a person would be punished for missing other than the five daily prayers. All right, and this is a proof for that, that the prophets lie Selim did not mention anything but these five prayers, then the prophets like some mentioned to him the fasting of Ramadan. Ramadan was legislated. We'll see I'm of Ramadan was legislated in the second

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year after his law, fasting was made mandatory before that. Quincy Banneker mausoleum will come I put you by the Latino men company Kamala and the contractor Cohen, the iron sword and buckler were fasting was made mandatory was a Yama Naidu that was a few days, okay? So the day of Ashura was made mandatory. The Day of Arafah some of the scholars say was made mandatory, and possibly some other days, they were made mandatory to fast, all right. And basically, you had a choice with those days, and that was that you could either fast them or you could give charity, you could feed a poor person. So whether you were sick or healthy, whatever it may be, you could take the day of Ashura

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off even when a hotshot was mandatory. And you could give Saba constant you could you could feed you could feed a poor person instead. And that would count in lieu of that fasting. when Ramadan came, those days became voluntary. And obviously with the days of Ramadan, you have the faster days of Ramadan unless you have an excuse. So the mandatory fasting of Ramadan came in the second year after his little then came Zika. Okay, now Zika is really interesting because Hardy puts this hadith here to prove the legislation of the cats approved as a QA is a part of faith because a part of Islam. Now when was the cat legislated as an institution, and I want to be very clear here that I'm saying

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that cat as an institution, because there is a concept of Zika before there was an institution of Zika Okay, and I'll explain what that means. Zika as we know it, you know, 2.5%, the category, the categories of Zika, the percentages of Zika, what's considered the countable of your wealth, who you can give it to who's exempt and so on so forth, this entire system collecting Zika and giving it out and distributing it. This did not come obviously until Medina. All right, and it's either the first or the second year after Hyjal. Some of the scars say the first year after his Oh, some say the second year after Hitsville, the profit slice of them started to collect Zika Allah subhanaw taala

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revealed all of the laws and regulations about Zika. Some scholars like Imam, even Jose Mohinga, they actually say Succot was already legislated as an institution in Mecca, but that's a very minor opinion. Now, there is one thing that makes it very interesting though. The word Zika the words occur and the concept of Zika is referenced even in McKee Koran. Not only is the concept of Zika referenced in murky Quran and Quran that was revealed before Medina, but it's even referenced as an obligation okay. Now, the words that count means what

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it means to purify like Tuscania to purify and to grow you purify something and you let it grow. So is the account means to purify your wealth right. So, naturally there are some things that have come into your wealth that could have been haram and so on so forth. Some things have should have doubtfulness you gives the cat you purify your wealth, you put bottle Kenya wealth, you put a blessing in your wealth and so on so forth. So the meaning of the cat is that so when a loss of how to what to add

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I spoke about Zika in Maccha, Allah subhanaw taala spoke about it in the general sense of charity. Okay, so when Zika is referenced in Maccha, it's referred to in the general sense of charity. But Allah subhanaw taala went so far to even obligate the believers to give charity in Makkah, without percentages, without who to give charity to, but just this concept of prayer NZQA became mandatory in Mecca. So for example, in certain facilite Allah subhanaw taala says, In the seventh verse a Levine Allah your tune as a carto a humble accurate at home capital. A lot actually threatens the people who don't give charity who don't give zakat. And the words that count here means charity.

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Okay, and they are disbelievers. So Allah subhanaw taala is reprimanding people recommending people who turn away from this idea of charity who turn away from giving charity. So the concept of charity was made mandatory upon the believers in late Mk. So you guys are gonna follow me here earning retcons that is referenced in the Quran. As a general advice to give charity, late market Zakat is referenced in the Quran, as a mandatory as a command as something that is mandatory to give, but still with no definitions, no parameters, you just have to give charity at that point. All right, early Medina, Allah subhanaw taala reveals all of the laws in regards to Zika as an institution, and

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam establishes it as an institution. So everything pertaining to zakat as far as percentages and parameters and so on so forth. That came in early Medina and the mominul Pain Rahim Allah says, and this is to, you know, how much is

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okay, good. You sure it's not 2.7% Positive. All right, good. 2.5% Okay. I have no claim on him. Allah says and you might remember when we when we talked about this hadith humble humble Dini and ALLAH

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SubhanA, Allah Hanifa to somehow or lost parents or the profit slice I mentioned, the most beloved parts of the religion, or the most beloved of religions are those that are in accordance with the way of Ibrahim ani Salaam and they're lenient, they're very easy, and they'll pay him or him Allah said, Every Prophet came with an institution of zakat, some form of charity, some form mandatory charity, for those that followed him, but that which was legislated through the prophet Sallallahu it was Saddam was the easiest. It is the absolute easiest. All right. Now if you guys remember when we talked about that hadith that I just mentioned in brief, we said that the reason why Allah

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subhanaw taala made this religion so easiest What

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if Allah would have made the cat 10% Do you think the Companions would have said the other Salah 10 percents a little too much can you make it five?

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Why did Allah make it so easy?

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I mean, you have a generation of people that give all of their wealth for the sake of Allah some give half of their wealth why?

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Because greedy people like us who come after you're coming close actually give the answer Yeah.

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Radhika Lafi come the legislation of Islam because the prophets lie some as the last prophet and as a universal prophet. And his legislation will last until the end of time, the legislation of Islam was sent in such a way that it could accommodate even the most wicked generations that come later, it was made easy enough that anyone coming 1000 years later would still be able to apply it because how Allah revealed 50 prayers, and 10 persons account and so on so forth upon the generation of the Prophet slice, you know, very few people would have actually objected to that. So 2.5% is actually a very, very easy number, you know, and not only that, but you have to have new slop, you have to

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have, you have to have a certain threshold of money that you yourself possess other otherwise, you yourself are eligible for charity, right? It's actually a very beautiful system. It's a very simple system. And it's distributed amongst the poor of the society. So it's circulated amongst the poor, but society doesn't disappear, you know, amongst the priests, you know, and so on, so forth. This concept of a religious elite class, where you never see the money again, you see the effectives occur in your society. So it's, it's pretty good. Okay, it's pretty easy. And you don't find many companions, complaining about Zika it's so easy, in fact that a lot of Muslims forget to pay it.

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Right. It's like, Well, did I beat me solve this here? Oh, my God, I think I did. I think I think I hit that threshold, right? And it's not that much money. So you say, well, I give charity anyway, but it doesn't work that way. You have to have a hold. You have to have a date of the year you have to have a percentage, and so on so forth. It's a part of your faith. It's a part of your religion. And so

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on so forth Okay, so the Prophet saw some gave these three things. The man said, you know I'm not going to increase I'm not going to do any more. I'm not going to do less. And that's it and the prophets lie some says if he does that, then he has done is something missing from this hadith.

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Hajj, what else is missing from his Hadith?

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shahada good. So the first and the last pillar of Islam or missing shahada is assumed, okay, in the Hadith that the men obviously took shahada the obviously became Muslim. Why is Hajj missing?

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Hajj hydro was not legislated until what year?

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The ninth year after his hydro was not legislated until the ninth year after after Hyjal. Okay, so how does the last of the five pillars that was legislated? So this is clearly frozen in time this this incident takes place clearly, before the legislation of hatch. Now, here's the thing the prophets lie Selim, when when he would ask, he said, Look, do I have to do more than five prayers? The prophets lie Selim told him only if you want to do to toe war, if you want to do more, you want to do extra? Okay. So this brings up a really interesting discussion. Right? And we already kind of touched on it this idea of Is it enough to just do the follow up and move on? Is it enough to just

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do the mandatory things? Are there other things in Islam that are also mandatory, and to do a mandatory action do you have to complete that mandatory auction all of this is actually discussed in great length by their by the scholars, what we find is that, you know, number one, when it comes to an asset, when it comes to a voluntary deed, just because it's legislated. In fact, even if it's emphasized, a person is not sinful, for not doing them, you will not be punished for not doing them. And that's why the prophets lie. Some for example, he used to intend fasting on a certain date. So there's a date you know, let's say it's a Monday or Thursday, it's the habit of the Prophet slice

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them too fast, or the middle three days of the month, or a day that the prophets lie some just wants to fast. There are times that the prophets lie some intended to fast and then the prophets lie some broke his fast midway through the day. And there is no penalty, there's no ism, because it was a voluntary, fast. Also a joy deal of the low tide.

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You know, the prophets lie some actually told her to break her fast one day, it was a Friday, and she had to pay no penalty. There was nothing to be made up for because it was a voluntary action. So the proof of that has been handled Rahim Allah Tala points out is that just because an act is legislated, even if it's emphasized, doesn't mean that it's sinful to omit or to break, okay, even halfway. Whereas a false fast, for example, you have to make it up. There are severe penalties and expectations in terms of making up and so on so forth, depending on what you did to break that fast hatch as well. Okay, there are certain things you know, once you're in Hajj and you're in the middle

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of it, then there are penalties to be observed. If you intentionally miss something or omitted something, because it's something that's false. All right. So when it comes to these things, it's important to note that the prophets lie Selim is making it very clear that it starts with the fallout, it starts with the mandatory things. We also see that the prophets lie some did not mention to this man, the details of Zika or the details of Salah. So he didn't tell, you know, it's not like Okay, five prayers a day now be on your wait. zakaah Just use the cards just be on your way. But this man obviously would have to have someone teach him. Now something very beautiful as and we can

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learn this when we deal with converts. Alright, in particular, when someone comes and takes shahada, you don't just celebrate and let them go. Okay? When someone would come to the prophets, like someone accepts Islam, the Prophet slicin would assign someone to teach him or assign a group of people to teach him. Alright, so there was a follow up procedure there. So this is just the initial conversation between the profit slice them and this man that this is what you have to do. Do you agree to this concept? All right, if yes, then here's how you're going to do it. So then the profit slice on what sent he would dispatch, usually one of the companions. If it was someone that came

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from a land where there weren't many Muslims, he would send a companion to spend some time with that man before he sent him back. If the man belonged to a certain group of people that were already Muslim, then the prophets like Selim would instruct those people in the area where that man resides or that woman resides, to teach them the religion to stay with them, and to teach them the religion so we actually have a follow up, you know, the follow up to the convert, or to the river is actually already implied. Okay, let's go into some of the intricacies of this narration. In one NARRATION The man sets of the prophets lie Selim welder the economic he swore by Allah subhanaw taala, the one who

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made you noble the one who, who bestowed His gentle

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porosity has benevolence upon you. So the man was not being disrespectful to the Prophet slice on him, he wasn't turning away from the Prophet slice them and saying, I'm not going to do more, I'm not going to do any less like, now you have to give me gender.

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He's saying it as in okay, this religion, you know, this isn't too hard. This is something I can handle. So I can I can do this, I can master this, I can stick to this. Okay, so he was not being rude to the Prophet sly someone he says that because if you read this narration in a certain way, it almost comes off comes off as rude. I'm not going to do anything more than that. And I'm not going to do any less. But he's saying well, the the acromag by the one who bestowed His generosity, his benevolence upon you. Now in Sahih Muslim, this hadith has a very this is you know, another intricacy this hadith has a very interesting wording. Or in some of the other narrations where the

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prophets lie. Some says f lucha de he InfoBox of law. What are we he in Sadhak? He has succeeded by his father if he is truthful. Here's the problem. All right. Is it permissible to swear by anything or anyone other than Allah? subhanaw? taala?

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No, you can't. The prophets lysozyme says no technique will be an icon. You know, don't swear by your father's the prophets lie. Some even called it a form of sick and Khufu. He called it a form of disbelief and polytheism people used to swear by their fathers leads to swear by their tribes, and so on, so forth. So how do we explain them? The prophets lie some swearing by the man's father?

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How do we explain it? What do you guys think?

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Think about some of the things we already covered.

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Okay, the easiest explanation and the one that makes the most sense is that the prohibition was not there yet. The terrain was still not there, the prohibition was not there. And this is why studying Hadith, you know, sciences and understanding, you know, the chronological order and which Hadith came before the other and so on, so forth is so important. This hadith cannot be used as evidence that it's okay to swear by someone or something other than Allah subhanaw taala. Because this is a very early Hadith in Islam, it's already implied in the way that the narration is taking place. So so the easiest explanation and the most, the strongest explanation is that the prophets like Selim,

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you know, did this before the prohibition came. And when the prophets like some said it, he wasn't implying shidduch the prophets lie, some was doing what the people did to show them the seriousness the gravity of the affair, because when the Arabs used to get serious about something, they would swear by their fathers, they would take oaths by their fathers. Okay, so the prophets lie, some was actually showing them, you know, like, look, this man, if he does this, then he will certainly succeed, he will attain salvation on the Day of Judgment. So the discussion is enough to just do follow that, is it enough to just be an average Muslim? Is it enough to just pray five prayers to

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say, You know what, I'm never going to do total we're never going to pray with it. I'm never going to pay the Sunnah of budget and so on so forth. Is that enough for me to get to Gemma? All right. What do you guys think?

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Yes. So no more sunnah. No more fundraisers. Just pay as a car. No more fasting, the six days of shawanna? No more Mondays and Thursdays? No more, you know, none of that. Hello. So let's go home.

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Color coding.

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Is that it? Is the religion done?

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How do we contextualize this hadith? Yeah.

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Because it all it does depend indeed, on the quality of the actions as well. The prophets lie some says you will have from your prayer that what you were attentive in. Okay. So it depends on the quality of your deeds as well. Now, here's what we're asked to do. Here's what how we answer this question. At the end of the day, the demands from Allah subhanaw taala upon us is to do that which he obligated us to do. Okay, to follow the fraud and to stay away from the things that He prohibited.

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That's that's the bare minimum right to be a Muslim or to be a practicing Muslim. If that word even applies here. You have to do that which Allah subhanaw taala obligated you to do and you have to stay away from especially the Kabbalah the major sense Alpha lash, okay, the major sins that Allah subhanaw taala told you to stay away from, but here's a very important concept in the religion, okay. Pay attention very, very, very close attention. The primary purpose of the know often, the primary purpose of voluntary actions is to do what

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is to cover up for our deficiencies within our obligatory actions. The primary purpose of the voluntary deeds is to cover up for it

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inevitable the inevitable deficiencies within our obligatory actions. So when the when the man says that as he do when I am cost that I want to do more, I want to do less that implies that he's going to do the flight perfectly. He will do the mandatory things perfectly. So yes, when the prophets lie Selim says in Subak, Aflac, Aflac and sabak, that if he's telling the truth, then he will indeed succeed and he will enter into Jannah. But we will inevitably fall short in our prayers in our fasting in our Sokar so on so forth, so loss of habitat it gives us these voluntary deeds first and foremost to fill it in. What's the proof of that? It's a hadith in Abu Dawood, and Timothy, are the

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prophets like some said, the first thing you'll be asked about on the Day of Judgment is your Salah. When Allah subhanaw taala sees deficiencies in your Salah, Allah will ask, are there any voluntary prayers that this person did? And Allah subhanaw taala will take those voluntary prayers and Allah will patch up your prayers until he's completely patched up your prayers and there remains no more deficiency that Allah subhanaw taala will move on to your fasting I want to last these deficiencies in your fasting okay, that you shouldn't have been saying certain things that you looked at certain things that you shouldn't have looked up that you fell spiritually you failed spiritually, and some

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of those fasting or in some of those faster you even failed, you know, and meaning the obligation in some ways Allah's parents out asks, Are there any voluntary fasts and Allah subhanaw taala will patch up your fasting with those voluntary fasts and the profit slice and I'm says that Allah will do that with our man with all of your deeds. So the the the primary reason for the existence of voluntary good deeds defined voluntary good deeds by the way, think about that from you know, if you've studied religion, this is a very foreign concept, okay? Not only do you have very defined five very defined obligatory actions, but even the voluntary deeds are very much so defined and we

00:32:02 --> 00:32:41

talked about this concept of how Islam is so defined last week, even your voluntary deeds are defined. You want to make up for your Salah you want to make up for your father, do you want to fill in the deficiencies pray these two doctors fill them in Okay. And what we find is that you know, these records inshallah Tada will take care of the fall archives as well, because we will inevitably fall. All right, so the voluntary deeds are there to first and foremost cover up the deficiencies and then of course, to bring us closer to Allah subhanaw taala. The primary purpose of avoiding all sin is that it distances us from Allah subhanaw taala. And all sins can become major sins if you

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insist on them. So what makes a sin at the end of the day Kabira a major sin, any sin, a major sin, is your insistence on that sin. So this is what we're being asked to do more than anything else. And then there's some other things that we see from the Illuma. Some of the scholars said, when the prophets lie, some says in Salah Africa and solid, but he will succeed if he's telling the truth. They said that there is no way that a person succeeds in his forearms in his mandatory deeds, except that he will also succeed in his no offense, he will succeed in his voluntary prayers. So you got some people that will do the voluntary deeds to patch up for the the mandatory ones, right, which we

00:33:19 --> 00:34:01

should all be doing. But then there are some people that do the voluntary deeds, why? Because they've tasted the sweetness of the mandatory deeds. So even if there was no deficiency in the fall, I would still pray more. Even if there was no deficiency in my fasting, even if I think I fasted all about perfectly, I still love to fast because of how it brings me closer to Allah subhanaw taala. And this is in the very famous Hadith puts the woman to call Robert mdbc I have what am in my power to worry that my service does not come close to me with anything more beloved to me, than the things I've made mandatory on him. And then he continues to get close to me, but no often he continues to

00:34:01 --> 00:34:39

draw closer to me with the voluntary deeds. So some of the scars that if you're given tofield if you're if you're able to master the facades, and you taste the sweetness and the mandatory things you'll keep on going so you automatically have implied success in no effort. Some of the scars they tried to escape obviously, the very, you know, the awkward thought here that you know, that a Muslim could just pray five prayers and so on so forth and not be punished. So a plea for him Allah to Allah the Monmouth Levy, he said it could be that when the man said law as either were unopposed that I want increase and I won't decrease he meant that I want increase on the guidance of the

00:34:39 --> 00:34:59

profit slice or decrease from the guidance of the profit slice of it you only I can I'm gonna be some Allah Arnie hustler on the words of the Prophet slice on so meaning this religion that you're giving, I'm not going to innovate and add anything, nor will I take anything away from it. But even harder lying Allah says that's escape is just trying to escape from the meaning of the Hadith because the prophets lie Selim clearly use the word

00:35:00 --> 00:35:36

Unless you do to toward unless you increase extra from yourself so clearly what's being talked about here are the deeds, okay are the different acts and remember no we don't aim Allah to Allah He also says that we can't say from this for example, that everything that the profits by some mentioned here is enough because some people would actually argue them that hajj is not necessary because the prophets lie some said if he did what he was commanded to do, or if he did what he said he would do he would have Jannah then can we say that that we don't need to do Hajj

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00:35:40 --> 00:36:19

Because it wasn't legislative at the time. You guys see the connection with some of the previous ahaadeeth We've covered religion being completes. Okay, and the OMA committed to that come Dina come we talked about this concept of how the religion was complete. So when are these all the alarm had passed away and there still was no, hedge knows a car normal Bong? No, nothing no Janaza. Right. Her religion was complete. She had perfect Eman because she lived up to the standard of the time. So now we would have hemo law says his success His salvation is in doing what he was commanded to do. Our salvation isn't doing what we are commanded to do at the time that it's been given to us. I just

00:36:19 --> 00:36:30

want to give you guys another narration shall Lazzara which is the story of Limon had been founded. I said some scholars completed this man's story. This man's narration with the narration of Limon had been

00:36:31 --> 00:36:37

remanded with the law and was a very, very beautiful companion. This is a very interesting story, okay.

00:36:39 --> 00:36:54

He's a man from metal sides, okay. And metal sides. If no Buckler was actually a tribe, coastal five, they lived around the area of five. So this is a man from the area, close to five. Some of the scholars say he's from shadow,

00:36:55 --> 00:37:37

which is the same tribe that the Prophet saw some said, resembled Musa alayhis salam or Musa resembled the people of that tribe. So he's a Bedouin. He's from the bad idea of genocide. He lives close to five. He came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sometime after the fifth year after his little. So the earliest the earliest narrations indicate that it was the fifth year. The latest narration is that it was Ahmed referred to which is the year of the delegations the ninth year after hijra, where the prophet slicin received the various delegations. So sometime between the fifth and the ninth year, after heads up, this man came and this is narrated widely by various

00:37:37 --> 00:38:11

companions. He basically made a scene at the masjid he came to the masjid. He tied his camel at the door of the masjid and he walked into the masjid and with the live voice, he says Aina Imam did not call it where is the son of underneath polyp and he had his hair parted in different ways, unkempt hair, the same description of the Bedouin, right, someone that's just from the desert, not really going to have all the courtesies and things of that sort. He walks into the masjid Titus camp out the door comes in, where's the son of optimal palate? Okay, why did we call him the son of

00:38:13 --> 00:38:14

you guys think?

00:38:16 --> 00:38:53

Understand the culture of the Arabs, okay, I'm going to move forward was the Sheriff of grace like he's the leader of grace. So anyone who's a son of optimal pilot, anyone who was a descendant of optimal pilot would be called the son of Abdulmutallab. Okay, the father of the prophets like Selim Abdullah actually didn't live very long. He didn't have much, much of a name within Qureshi didn't live a very long life anyway, he died very young. So I'm gonna look for those who the profit slice I'm famous for, for from a lineage perspective. So when he calls out he says, I am not the Muppet. Where is the son of optimal part of the profit slice? I'm responded and says, No, I'm Dimopoulos. I

00:38:53 --> 00:39:30

am the son of optimal quality. Okay, so the man walked up to him. And he says, uh, Muhammad, are you Mohammed? prophesy, some says, Yes. And the prophets lie, some cannon would tucky and he was leaning down, and sometimes the prophets lie, some would lay down like this with the Companions, he'd rest on his elbow. And he was kind of just, he was surrounded by the companions in the middle of the masjid. And the Prophet slicin was leaned and he came up to me said, Mohammed, are you Muhammad? The Prophet sly, some says yes. So he said to him, he says governor of Dimopoulos in the south Luca, he says, oh, sort of under mortality, I'm going to ask you some questions. Were more than the one

00:39:30 --> 00:40:00

Arnica filmless Allah he says, Listen, I'm gonna be pretty rough. When they ask questions. There's not gonna be much flowery language here. I'm not gonna give you any courtesies. I'm not gonna make it a speech. I'm gonna ask you some very direct questions, but I'll tell you them if enough sick don't get offended. Don't. I'm not trying to be rude here. This is just the way I talk. Alright, I'm gonna be very direct to the point. No flowery language here. I'm going to ask you these questions. And this is just how I talk. The prophets lie. Some says La ag do fina FC for Salama but the Prophet sighs

00:40:00 --> 00:40:29

Psalm says, Listen, nothing's gonna offend me. Just ask what's on your mind, tell me what's on your mind. Go ahead, say it. You don't have to give me the whole, the whole list of you know, did not come in for that not you don't have to say we came from this area and so on so forth to such an honorable son just go start. So he said to the prophets lie Selim, yada yada Demopolis by summer, he said, Oh sort of Abdulmutallab who raised the skies. Prophets lie some is still leaning down the prophets lie some says Allah.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:56

He says lemon basil Paul out. Okay, who made the earth livable bustle por la audible would mean made it livable so that a person could traverse on and so on so forth. The prophets lie some says Allah. He said when the loss of MGR said who paved the mountains placed the mountains as pets, the prophets lie some says a lot. So he says, I look at the manual for Asana. We're not stability by the apostle Paul all

00:40:58 --> 00:40:58

day not.

00:41:00 --> 00:41:47

So I'm asking you were the one who raised the skies and made the earth livable, flatten the earth and that Sun Sun and peg the mountains, did Allah send you as a messenger to us? So he's asking him straight up the Los Angeles a messenger. So the prophets lie Selim, he sat up and he says to him, Allah humma. Now by Allah, yes, by Elias, and he goes through the same wording. I asked you by the one who raised the skies, and the one who leveled the earth, and the one who placed the mountains as pegs. Did Allah subhanaw taala I love a lot Okay, on top what on Allah? Did Allah command you to command us to pray? To the prophets? Why some says Allah Who? Manam by Allah, yes. And then he said

00:41:47 --> 00:42:28

to the Prophet sly Salam, the same thing Did Allah command you to command us to fast the province by some said yes. And he said and did Allah commanded you to command us to give zakat and the prophets like some said, Yes. And then he says, I shall do a la ilaha illallah wa Anika rasool Allah, will Lai la as he do either Mr. Samara to what are of course, an elderly man, even without an apple bunny side rocker, he said to the Prophet SAW Salem, for he took shahada. And he said, I swear I will not increase upon anything that you told me. I won't say anything more than what I heard. And I want decrease. Then he introduced himself he didn't even introduce himself up to this point. He said,

00:42:28 --> 00:42:41

Then he said, my name is Leon with arriba. And I am the brother of side the middle bucket, meaning I come from the tribe of or the area of side of new bucket. And I saw the ally who says that he went he left in such

00:42:42 --> 00:43:25

that he didn't even bother to untie his camel properly. So when he wrote it off, he kind of took something with him. Right? So how long was in such a rush? After that conversation with the prophets like some of them, that he just left he just took off the prophets I send them he said to the Companions, who are obviously watching this incident, you know, and and just off way that this conversation just unfolded before their eyes, the prophets Lysander says f la how Allah He in Subak man Salah who anyanwu la isla Raju demon, Jana fell younger Isla haga prophets lie some said I swear by Allah he will succeed if he's telling the truth. But then the prophets lie some says min Salah

00:43:25 --> 00:43:58

who and younger Isla Rajim and Jana whoever really wants to see a man from the people of Jana, a younger ILA, haha, look at this man. How the prophets lie Selim shining the light who will Jana he testified that this man would enter into Jannah before the man prayed before the men did anything, but the prophets lie some saw the truthfulness in what women said. So the man went riding back to his people really really really quick. Then he called all of his people to the to him and he started to curse a lot with Erza

00:43:59 --> 00:44:42

so he started off by saying that a lot too there is a lot and then there is a worthless right and so he's going off on their idols so they said way back it took a loss a token Julian said well to you, you know, fear Allah or they said or be careful you know, you're gonna get struck by leprosy you're gonna get struck by lightning, you're gonna go crazy. All this terrible stuffs gonna happen to you? Because you're talking about a lot when Erza we mom says fair enough, Huma will lie he lay on farm when available. One he said I swear by a lot. They do not benefit a person, nor do they harm a person in the law cutbacks or are sued and ones in a man who Kitab that Allah has indeed sent a

00:44:42 --> 00:44:59

messenger and sons with him a book to wake you up out of your ignorance Subhanallah I mean, he's talking to them quite direct. And he says, we're in need a shadow Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola, Serena, and I swear that there is only one God that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and

00:45:00 --> 00:45:38

He has no partners. Well asked, How do I know Mohammed Abu rasool and I swear that Mohammed is his, his slave and His messenger. Welcome to command nd Bhima, Amara Combi he won a higher command. And I have come to you from him with the commands that he has given and the prohibitions that he has given. And you know how a lot by the time the sun sets, this is what anisopliae law says, By the time the sun sets, there was not a single person in that entire valley, except that Limon argued with them and convinced them and they took shahada.

00:45:39 --> 00:46:17

So in the same nights, the simple man Subhan Allah just argued with these people showed them the worthlessness of their idols, and convinced them that Allah sent the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that he was a messenger of the Prophet slice Allah, even Ambassador the law on who used to say from US American that'd be well if he didn't Kadima can offer them in Lima. We have we did not hear of a single delegates we don't know of a single delegate, because remember, delegations were since people were sent on behalf of their tribes. We do not know anyone that came to the Prophet slice. That was better than we know how this man is a great companion, even though he's a

00:46:17 --> 00:46:25

very simple man, but he got it. So some of the scholars they mix up this narration with the narration of the man from alleged which we mentioned,

00:46:26 --> 00:46:55

which we talked about today. When did this happen with Lima? Most of the most of the books will say it's an abominable foot, the ninth year after heads off. Okay, the problem is this from a historical perspective, and I'm gonna give you my opinion, Allah knows best. Okay, and I tend to the scholars who say that this was before that sometime before the actual ninth year, and maybe right before Fattah hamaca. The problem is, is that a lot and Luiza were destroyed in the eighth year after his little

00:46:56 --> 00:47:34

so it wouldn't make sense that this took place in Ireland will food in the ninth year after Hyjal considering the conversation, the nature of the conversation that Lima is having with his people. So we take all these narrations into together this conversation with the mom happens later on in Medina, but not quite the time of Amador food not quite at the year of the delegation, Allah Tada alum obviously the lessons we take from this hadith more than anything else, you know, it starts off with the fault you perfect you start off with the following start off with the mandatory things to come close to Allah subhanaw taala don't miss out on your obligations and then increase in your

00:47:34 --> 00:47:46

nonprofit increasing your voluntary prayers and fasting and so on so forth and that will cover you in sha Allah Tada for your inevitable deficiencies allow time to ILM questions yeah

00:47:54 --> 00:47:55

all this stuff

00:47:59 --> 00:48:01

the categories of occurrence with a Toba?

00:48:04 --> 00:48:05

The various kind of the seven categories of

00:48:09 --> 00:48:10

any sisters yeah

00:48:17 --> 00:48:20

understood that, for example, what?

00:48:24 --> 00:48:25

Like, I don't know like

00:48:28 --> 00:48:29

the patch of your salon

00:48:32 --> 00:48:34

for prayer fasting for fasting.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:45

I went off for Hajj, right. So all these things and it's the font patches up everything, right. So it's the font on the general sense. It's the fob by dilemma.

00:48:46 --> 00:49:24

Okay, so seeking forgiveness from Allah after your prayer after your fasting after your head so on so forth, that's also a patch up that's also a means of making up for the deficiencies within those things. But there isn't intended Allah subhanaw taala in 10, something from you, with each one of those eight dots uniquely, right. There's a unique intention objective to be realized. So if I did not realize it in my fuddled prayer, then hopefully I'll realize it in my enough in prayer and so on so forth, which is a con sadaqa and Ramadan and other deeds as well. And hopefully if I realized that in my nap in prayer, then I'll fix my fault as well. So it's the connection to Allah subhana

00:49:24 --> 00:49:27

wa, it's out of the unique connection to Allah that each one of those deeds presents

00:49:29 --> 00:49:31

that we're supposed to try to take advantage of a child

00:49:34 --> 00:49:34


00:49:41 --> 00:49:42

The question of Salah.

00:49:44 --> 00:49:59

In your grave, the question you'll be asked first is monbulk Who is your Lord? But if you did not pray, then you won't know how to answer that question. So that's where we find the issue. That's where the prophets license mentions a person would say would say haha

00:50:00 --> 00:50:00


00:50:01 --> 00:50:30

ha ha, laughing hysterically. You know when you don't when you're when you're in fear and you laugh hysterically so a person wouldn't know how to answer my mom book Who is your Lord if they did not pray properly if they did not hold on to their prayers. So you're not asked about your needs and attachment you're not asked about your deeds in the grave. Yes, the hisab comes on the day of judgment where we actually asked and scrutinized for deeds that comes on the day of judgment. And the first deeds to be scrutinized are the first of the deeds to be scrutinized as your prayer

00:50:32 --> 00:50:33


00:50:45 --> 00:51:10

Okay, so how do we reconcile the Hadith of the first thing you'll be asked about, on the Day of Judgment being prayer, and another Hadith where the prophets lie, some says the first thing you'll be asked about as the blood that you spilled? The Day of Judgment, the hisab of the Day of Judgment is divided into the rights of Allah and the rights of the people. So the first of the rights of Allah you'll be asked about are the prayer and the first of the rights of the people are murder and spilling blood violation of of

00:51:15 --> 00:51:18

a lot and Louisa were two idols, two main idols.

00:51:19 --> 00:51:30

So there were three there was or there was a lot. Hoban is the is the greatest of the idols when you have a lot. There is. And you have minutes. These were the four.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:39

These were the four main idols that we know of. There were other idols as well. But there's Hoban, and then there's a lot there is.

00:51:40 --> 00:51:41

And there is minute.

00:51:43 --> 00:51:43


00:51:58 --> 00:52:05

Sure, sure, should we push the kids too much towards the no offense, I think you obviously should show a lot more leniency with the no offense,

00:52:06 --> 00:52:13

you have to push them towards the fault right towards the obligatory things, especially at the age of 10 years old.

00:52:15 --> 00:52:42

And when they hit puberty, you know, and things of that sort, you have to really try to push them but you don't you know, it's hard enough sometimes to train them with that. So you have to find the balance and every kid is different. So it's, it's not like okay, only make them pray the physician but prioritize the know often that you do push them to do. And also be lenient with it. Don't make them hate the Salah, don't make them hate, you know, but it's good to teach your kids to praise them and stuff like that. That's certainly good. But you just need to know,

00:52:43 --> 00:53:15

know, the priorities and know what's what's becoming too burdensome. And then just as you push yourself gradually push them gradually as well. Don't try to do it all at one time. But don't you know, have an overnight you know, awesome dream and then tell your kids okay, from now on, we're putting all this in this for every slot, right? But you can push them you know, especially for this allows, so given me based on convenience, like the holder, if they just came back from school, and so on so forth. It's easier to play this in there. But it is good to get them accustomed to this idea as well.

00:53:22 --> 00:53:23

get something done.

00:53:27 --> 00:53:29

You promise no offense to get something done?

00:53:34 --> 00:53:35

Did you do that for the Superbowl?

00:53:39 --> 00:53:40

I'll do 20 in the office.

00:53:42 --> 00:53:46

If my team wins, somebody did some great new offer for the Broncos, right.

00:53:48 --> 00:54:08

So actually, the idea of promising good deeds in advance for something of this Denise actually not a good thing to do at all some of their intimate consider prohibited completely prohibited. Because you're connecting, that's actually just the attitude is very much so the attitude of the machine, right that will do this many throw offs, if you give this will go to this idle will do this.

00:54:10 --> 00:54:28

Don't don't put a number and don't put a specific quantity to it. Because if you do that you're kind of what you're implying is that oh Allah if you don't give my team this victory. So what if you were a Panthers fan? And you offer 20? No, alpha, right? Or you said if you let the Panthers win, I'll do 20 No offense, that's

00:54:29 --> 00:54:57

but the point is that, you know, you're implying you're making your EBA conditional upon something of this world. Okay, so it's actually not good to promise a by dots you can internally so the extra Ibadah can come as a result of gratitude that you feel after something that happened, like can Hamdulillah you know, this happens so you increase your EBA as a form of gratitude, but to put like, pre, you know, to have those people adopt in advance, it's not. It's not it's not a very good thing.

00:54:59 --> 00:54:59

All right, I'll take

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01

Last question Shall

00:55:09 --> 00:55:10

we follow the

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00:55:18 --> 00:55:19

on follow up

00:55:25 --> 00:55:26

okay the word sunnah

00:55:27 --> 00:56:07

has many different implications. Okay? sunnah can mean up either it can mean your creed it can mean Iman. So actually some of the early books in Assam that were written a sunnah would actually mean it's a book on account on ima sunnah can mean in Hadith it means the actions of the prophets lie Selim the words of the prophets like some so on so forth in sunnah means, Mr. hab and man do something that's recommended that if you do it, you're you're you're rewarded if you don't do it, you're not punished. So So sunnah has a different context. The word son has a different context. The I will not attack on what was sold for Hello Amanda Hawkman, who Fanta who this means that the

00:56:07 --> 00:56:10

standard is such that the prophets lie Selim

00:56:11 --> 00:56:17

that what the prophets Isom says is his hair comb it's now okay.

00:56:18 --> 00:56:42

Never sorry, send me a pool Allah, Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, can I help them Allah? Allah, the prophets why some says that he makes that he says What's halal and haram just as Allah says was Han how long? The point is, is that the religion is taken from the Quran and from the Sunnah of the Prophet slice. But you know, so there's a difference between denying the two doctors before budget and not praying the two doctors before.

00:56:43 --> 00:56:48

You wouldn't be sinful to deny that there are two kinds of sunnah marketed for the budget.

00:56:49 --> 00:56:49


00:56:51 --> 00:56:52

who does one?

00:56:55 --> 00:56:56

From the profit slice on them.

00:57:01 --> 00:57:17

Yeah, so that's the standard. But if you have so there's a difference between rejecting something out of stubbornness rejecting something out of Kessel, not doing laziness, not doing something and so on, so forth. So you can't say that a person who does not pray sunnah is sinful.

00:57:18 --> 00:57:19

That's the point of this hadith.

00:57:20 --> 00:57:35

You can't say that a person who denies the Sunnah is sinful. But you can't say that a person that's falling short due to their own personal shortcomings is sinful. So that's, that's why it's it's it's that's why that's the point of these Hadith being taken together, and so on so forth.

00:57:42 --> 00:57:56

Yeah, so on the Hanafi madhhab, there are things that are emphasized to a point of having some degree of an obligatory nature, but they're not, they're still not to the point of fault. Like even Hanafi school for example, the two doctrines before federal are not like the fault of the Fajr.

00:57:57 --> 00:58:17

But they are to a point of being were perpetual neglect is something that's in fifth we start to find that perpetual neglect is very much so looked down upon, not just by the Hanafi school and in fact, but all of the schools look down upon a person neglecting insisting on neglect of some of the center of the Prophets

00:58:20 --> 00:58:33

the eyes in order to follow the profit slice of them to follow the commands of the profit slice right? But the prophets lie some of them there's there's another from the profit slice on them and there are things that the profit slice of them made Mr. hub,

00:58:34 --> 00:59:10

the prophesy some himself made some things recommended. So you're still taking from them, you're still following the prophets by some when you take what he made recommended. But the point is, is again, your personal application is different from your understanding and your belief. There is a belief and there's action, and acting upon your belief and so on so forth. So when the profit slice I'm codified when he said, those of you who would wish to do this can do this. In the profit slice. I was making something optional. A long time. Alright, it's getting it's gotten very late because I can well, heinous performer Hamlet, gosh, I do a lot of stuff to break a Solomonic Mark.

00:59:13 --> 00:59:13

Thank you.

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